Rob J Hyndman Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 2 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional PLS PCA components are designed to explain historical variation. They do not necessarily provide the best predictors. Partial least squares extracts uncorrelated latent components cores by maximizing the covariance between predictors and response. Response is st (x) and predictor is st−1 (x). We want to predict st (x) using Z ŝT +1|T (x) = µ̂(x) + [sT (x) − µ̂(x)] b(x, u) du This is a functional ARH(1). How to choose b(x, u)? Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 3 Functional weighted PLS Outer relationship ∗ f̂ (x) = ∞ X βk ψk (x), and k =1 ∗ ĝ (x) = ∞ X βk φk (x) k =1 W = diagonal(w1 , . . . , wT ), wt = κ(1 − κ)T −t f ∗ (x) = W [s∗1 (x), . . . , s∗T −1 (x)]0 and g∗ (x) = W [s∗2 (x), . . . , s∗T (x)]0 are weighted decentralized functional predictors and responses βk denotes common latent component scores ψk (x) and φk (x) are latent components of predictors and responses respectively Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 4 Functional weighted PLS Outer relationship ∗ f̂ (x) = ∞ X βk ψk (x), and k =1 ∗ ĝ (x) = ∞ X βk φk (x) k =1 W = diagonal(w1 , . . . , wT ), wt = κ(1 − κ)T −t f ∗ (x) = W [s∗1 (x), . . . , s∗T −1 (x)]0 and g∗ (x) = W [s∗2 (x), . . . , s∗T (x)]0 are weighted decentralized functional predictors and responses βk denotes common latent component scores ψk (x) and φk (x) are latent components of predictors and responses respectively Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 4 Functional weighted PLS Outer relationship ∗ f̂ (x) = ∞ X βk ψk (x), and k =1 ∗ ĝ (x) = ∞ X βk φk (x) k =1 W = diagonal(w1 , . . . , wT ), wt = κ(1 − κ)T −t f ∗ (x) = W [s∗1 (x), . . . , s∗T −1 (x)]0 and g∗ (x) = W [s∗2 (x), . . . , s∗T (x)]0 are weighted decentralized functional predictors and responses βk denotes common latent component scores ψk (x) and φk (x) are latent components of predictors and responses respectively Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 4 Functional weighted PLS Outer relationship ∗ f̂ (x) = ∞ X βk ψk (x), and k =1 ∗ ĝ (x) = ∞ X βk φk (x) k =1 W = diagonal(w1 , . . . , wT ), wt = κ(1 − κ)T −t f ∗ (x) = W [s∗1 (x), . . . , s∗T −1 (x)]0 and g∗ (x) = W [s∗2 (x), . . . , s∗T (x)]0 are weighted decentralized functional predictors and responses βk denotes common latent component scores ψk (x) and φk (x) are latent components of predictors and responses respectively Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 4 Functional weighted PLS Z βk = Z ∗ f (x)wk (x)dx = g∗ (x)mk (x) dx, Compute βk iteratively: 1 2 Let f ∗0 (x) = f ∗ (x) and g∗0 (x) = g∗ (x) (0) Obtain wZZ k (x) iteratively, starting with wk (x) = 1: ∗ ∗ (i) (i−1) ∗ ∗ wk (x) = wk (v)[f̂ k−1 (v)]0 ĝk−1 (u)[ĝk−1 (u)]0 f̂ k−1 (x) dv du Z f ∗ (x)wk (x)dx. 3 βk = 4 f̂ k (x) = (I − βk βk0 )f̂ k−1 (x) 5 ĝk (x) = (I − βk βk0 )ĝk−1 (x) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 5 Functional weighted PLS Z βk = Z ∗ f (x)wk (x)dx = g∗ (x)mk (x) dx, Compute βk iteratively: 1 2 Let f ∗0 (x) = f ∗ (x) and g∗0 (x) = g∗ (x) (0) Obtain wZZ k (x) iteratively, starting with wk (x) = 1: ∗ ∗ (i) (i−1) ∗ ∗ wk (x) = wk (v)[f̂ k−1 (v)]0 ĝk−1 (u)[ĝk−1 (u)]0 f̂ k−1 (x) dv du Z f ∗ (x)wk (x)dx. 3 βk = 4 f̂ k (x) = (I − βk βk0 )f̂ k−1 (x) 5 ĝk (x) = (I − βk βk0 )ĝk−1 (x) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 5 Functional weighted PLS Z βk = Z ∗ f (x)wk (x)dx = g∗ (x)mk (x) dx, Compute βk iteratively: 1 2 Let f ∗0 (x) = f ∗ (x) and g∗0 (x) = g∗ (x) (0) Obtain wZZ k (x) iteratively, starting with wk (x) = 1: ∗ ∗ (i) (i−1) ∗ ∗ wk (x) = wk (v)[f̂ k−1 (v)]0 ĝk−1 (u)[ĝk−1 (u)]0 f̂ k−1 (x) dv du Z f ∗ (x)wk (x)dx. 3 βk = 4 f̂ k (x) = (I − βk βk0 )f̂ k−1 (x) 5 ĝk (x) = (I − βk βk0 )ĝk−1 (x) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 5 Functional weighted PLS Z βk = Z ∗ f (x)wk (x)dx = g∗ (x)mk (x) dx, Compute βk iteratively: 1 2 Let f ∗0 (x) = f ∗ (x) and g∗0 (x) = g∗ (x) (0) Obtain wZZ k (x) iteratively, starting with wk (x) = 1: ∗ ∗ (i) (i−1) ∗ ∗ wk (x) = wk (v)[f̂ k−1 (v)]0 ĝk−1 (u)[ĝk−1 (u)]0 f̂ k−1 (x) dv du Z f ∗ (x)wk (x)dx. 3 βk = 4 f̂ k (x) = (I − βk βk0 )f̂ k−1 (x) 5 ĝk (x) = (I − βk βk0 )ĝk−1 (x) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 5 Functional weighted PLS Z βk = Z ∗ f (x)wk (x)dx = g∗ (x)mk (x) dx, Compute βk iteratively: 1 2 Let f ∗0 (x) = f ∗ (x) and g∗0 (x) = g∗ (x) (0) Obtain wZZ k (x) iteratively, starting with wk (x) = 1: ∗ ∗ (i) (i−1) ∗ ∗ wk (x) = wk (v)[f̂ k−1 (v)]0 ĝk−1 (u)[ĝk−1 (u)]0 f̂ k−1 (x) dv du Z f ∗ (x)wk (x)dx. 3 βk = 4 f̂ k (x) = (I − βk βk0 )f̂ k−1 (x) 5 ĝk (x) = (I − βk βk0 )ĝk−1 (x) ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 5 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Computationally equivalent approach Discretize s∗t (x) on a dense grid of q equally spaced points. Denote discretized s∗t (x) as T × q matrix G∗ and let G = WG∗ . Define Gk−1 and Fk−1 analogously w1 (x) = largest eigenvector of G0 F mk (x) = largest eigenvector of G0k−1 Fk−1 wk (x) = largest eigenvector of F0k−1 Gk−1 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 6 Functional weighted PLS Functional autoregression coefficient: b(x, u) = ∞ X wk (u)φk (x) k =1 By orthogonality of βk : φk (x) = (βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ∗ (x). Therefore b̂(x, u) = K X ∗ wk (u)(βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ (x), k =1 for some finite K. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 7 Functional weighted PLS Functional autoregression coefficient: b(x, u) = ∞ X wk (u)φk (x) k =1 By orthogonality of βk : φk (x) = (βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ∗ (x). Therefore b̂(x, u) = K X ∗ wk (u)(βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ (x), k =1 for some finite K. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 7 Functional weighted PLS Functional autoregression coefficient: b(x, u) = ∞ X wk (u)φk (x) k =1 By orthogonality of βk : φk (x) = (βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ∗ (x). Therefore b̂(x, u) = K X ∗ wk (u)(βk0 βk )−1 βk0 ĝ (x), k =1 for some finite K. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 7 Functional weighted PLS Forecasted curves: Z f̂t+1|t (x) = µ̂(x) + [f̂t (u) − µ̂(u)] b̂(x, u) du. For f̂t+h|t (x) where h > 1, apply iteratively. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 8 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 9 French female mortality rates −6 −4 45 60 75 −8 Log mortality rates −2 0 15 30 1850 1900 1950 2000 Year Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 10 French female mortality rates −4 −6 −8 Log death rate −2 0 France: female death rates (1816−2012) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 10 0 20 40 60 80 0.2 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Age −1.0 −0.5 −0.5 βt,3 0.0 βt,2 20 10 βt,1 0 Age 0 1850 0.0 φ3(x) −0.2 −0.1 0 Age 30 Age 1950 Year Functional time series with applications in demography 1850 1950 Year −1.5 20 40 60 80 0.1 0.1 0.2 φ2(x) −0.3 −0.15 −0.20 −5 −6 0 −0.1 −0.10 φ1(x) −3 −4 ^ (x) µ −2 −0.05 −1 French mortality rate models 1850 1950 Year 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 11 w3(x) 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 −0.2 −0.2 −0.1 w2(x) −0.10 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 0 20 40 0 20 40 60 80 100 60 80 100 φ3(x) φ2(x) 0.0 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 −0.05 φ1(x) −0.10 −0.15 −0.20 0.2 0.3 −0.20 −0.15 w1(x) −0.05 0.2 French mortality rate models Age Functional time series with applications in demography Age Age 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 11 French mortality rate models Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 11 0 French mortality rate forecasts −4 −6 −8 Log death rates −2 Weighted PCA forecasts 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 12 0 French mortality rate forecasts −4 −6 −8 Log death rates −2 Weighted PLS forecasts 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 12 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 13 250 Australian fertility rates 35 41 47 150 100 0 50 Fertility rates 200 17 23 29 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 14 150 100 0 50 Fertility rate 200 250 Australian fertility rates 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 14 35 45 0.3 φ3(x) 35 45 15 25 35 45 Age 150 0 βt,2 50 200 600 400 200 −100 0 βt,1 25 Age −200 1920 0.0 −0.2 15 Age βt,3 25 1960 2000 Year Functional time series with applications in demography 1920 −50 0 15 −150 45 300 35 Age 100 25 −0.2 −0.35 0 15 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 φ2(x) 0.0 −0.15 −0.25 φ1(x) 100 50 ^ (x) µ 150 −0.05 0.3 Australian fertility rate models 1960 Year 2000 1920 1960 2000 Year 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 15 30 35 40 45 50 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 w3(x) −0.1 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 φ3(x) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0.0 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 φ2(x) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 φ1(x) 0.1 15 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 25 0.3 20 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.00 15 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 w2(x) 0.0 0.20 0.10 w1(x) 0.30 0.3 Australian fertility rate models Age Functional time series with applications in demography Age Age 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 15 Australian fertility rate models Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 15 250 Australian fertility rate forecasts 150 100 0 50 Fertility rates 200 Weighted PCA forecasts 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 16 250 Australian fertility rate forecasts 150 100 0 50 Fertility rates 200 Weighted PLS forecasts 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 16 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 17 Forecast accuracy comparisons p 2 1 X yt (xi ) − ŷt|t−1 (xi ) . MSEt = p i=1 Averaged over last m years of observed data. For French female mortality, m = 30 For Australian fertility, m = 20 For comparison, compare random walk: yt+1|t (x) = yt (x). Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 18 Forecast accuracy comparisons p 2 1 X yt (xi ) − ŷt|t−1 (xi ) . MSEt = p i=1 Averaged over last m years of observed data. For French female mortality, m = 30 For Australian fertility, m = 20 For comparison, compare random walk: yt+1|t (x) = yt (x). Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 18 Forecast accuracy comparisons p 2 1 X yt (xi ) − ŷt|t−1 (xi ) . MSEt = p i=1 Averaged over last m years of observed data. For French female mortality, m = 30 For Australian fertility, m = 20 For comparison, compare random walk: yt+1|t (x) = yt (x). Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 18 Forecast accuracy comparisons p 2 1 X yt (xi ) − ŷt|t−1 (xi ) . MSEt = p i=1 Averaged over last m years of observed data. For French female mortality, m = 30 For Australian fertility, m = 20 For comparison, compare random walk: yt+1|t (x) = yt (x). Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 18 Forecast accuracy comparisons French female mortality rates 0.20 0.25 ● ● 0.15 ● ● 0.10 ● ● ● ● ● 0.00 0.05 MSE(x1000) ● FPCR FPCRw Functional time series with applications in demography FPLSR FPLSRw RW 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 19 Forecast accuracy comparisons MSE: French female mortality rates (x1000) K FPC FPCw FPLSR FPLSRw RW 1 0.5956 0.0293 0.5994 0.0607 2 0.0537 0.0310 0.0738 0.0288 3 0.0316 0.0310 0.0445 0.0288 4 0.0296 0.0311 0.0428 0.0288 5 0.0287 0.0311 0.0472 0.0297 6 0.0425 0.0311 0.0474 0.0291 0.0437 Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 20 Forecast accuracy comparisons ● 10 12 14 Australian fertility rates ● ● 8 ● ● ● 2 4 6 MSE ● FPCR FPCRw Functional time series with applications in demography FPLSR FPLSRw RW 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 21 Forecast accuracy comparisons MSE: Australian fertility rates K FPC FPCw FPLSR 1 99.0611 16.7304 94.0311 2 56.3095 3.3019 54.3410 3 24.9330 3.2580 26.0428 4 15.6845 3.1995 19.7227 5 4.4495 3.2132 5.9299 6 3.4310 3.2123 4.9205 Functional time series with applications in demography FPLSRw RW 53.8186 17.5883 10.2599 4.4818 4.0573 2.9046 4.9800 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 22 Computation time Weighted FPLSR more efficient than weighted FPC as FPC requires many univariate time series models. Time to fit 100 replications: Method Fertility data Mortality data FPC FPCw FPLSR FPLSRw RW 34.1072 33.1424 0.4287 0.4537 0.0000 62.2797 60.8426 2.9184 3.1602 0.0002 (Intel Xeon 2.33GHz processor) Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 23 Computation time Weighted FPLSR more efficient than weighted FPC as FPC requires many univariate time series models. Time to fit 100 replications: Method Fertility data Mortality data FPC FPCw FPLSR FPLSRw RW 34.1072 33.1424 0.4287 0.4537 0.0000 62.2797 60.8426 2.9184 3.1602 0.0002 (Intel Xeon 2.33GHz processor) Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 23 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 24 Sources of uncertainty Functional PCA 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in forecasting the scores βt,k 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Sources of uncertainty Functional PCA 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in forecasting the scores βt,k 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Sources of uncertainty Functional PCA 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in forecasting the scores βt,k 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Sources of uncertainty Functional PCA 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in forecasting the scores βt,k 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Sources of uncertainty Functional PCA 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in forecasting the scores βt,k 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Sources of uncertainty Functional PLS 1 smoothing error in estimating st (x) 2 error in estimating µ(x) 3 error in estimating b(x, u) 4 error in the model residuals et (x) 5 appropriateness of model Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 25 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPC Let ξˆt,k = β̂t,k − β̂t|t−1,k be 1-step errors of PC scores. (`) {ξ } sampled with replacement from {ξˆt,k }. k Simulate future sample paths of βT +h|T ,k using these (`) bootstrapped residuals: {βT +h|T ,k }. {e(`) (x)} sampled with replacement from residual functions {ê1 (x), . . . , êT (x)}. {ε(`) } sampled with replacement from {ε̂1,i , . . . , ε̂T ,i }. (`) yT +h|T (xi ) = µ̂(xi ) + K X (`) βT +h|T ,k φk (xi ) + e(`) (xi ) + σ̂T +h (xi )ε(`) k =1 Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 26 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Bootstrap curves for FPLS Resample residuals and construct bootstrap samples: ∗ f (`) (x) = µ̂(x) + f̂ (x) + e(`) (x), ∗ g(`) (x) = µ̂(x) + ĝ (x) + e(`) (x). Construct weighted FPLSR model for each bootstrap sample. Compute bootstrapped forecast variants: (`) yT +1|T (xi ) Z = µ̂(xi ) + (fT (u) − µ̂(u))b̂(`) (xi , u)du + σ̂T +1 (xi )ε̂(`) Prediction intervals are produced from the bootstrap variants using percentiles. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 27 Coverage probability Empirical coverage probability of 95% intervals 1 mph T X p h X X 1 (0.025) ŷt+j|t (xi ) < yt+j (xi ) < (0.975) ŷt+j|t (xi ) t =T −m+1 j=1 i=1 (α) ŷt+j|t (xi ) = α-quantile from bootstrap samples m = smallest number of observations used to fit a model Method FPC FPLS Fertility data Mortality data 98.00% 96.86% 97.19% 97.23% Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 28 Coverage probability Empirical coverage probability of 95% intervals 1 mph T X p h X X 1 (0.025) ŷt+j|t (xi ) < yt+j (xi ) < (0.975) ŷt+j|t (xi ) t =T −m+1 j=1 i=1 (α) ŷt+j|t (xi ) = α-quantile from bootstrap samples m = smallest number of observations used to fit a model Method FPC FPLS Fertility data Mortality data 98.00% 96.86% 97.19% 97.23% Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 28 Coverage probability Empirical coverage probability of 95% intervals 1 mph T X p h X X 1 (0.025) ŷt+j|t (xi ) < yt+j (xi ) < (0.975) ŷt+j|t (xi ) t =T −m+1 j=1 i=1 (α) ŷt+j|t (xi ) = α-quantile from bootstrap samples m = smallest number of observations used to fit a model Method FPC FPLS Fertility data Mortality data 98.00% 96.86% 97.19% 97.23% Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 28 Coverage probability Empirical coverage probability of 95% intervals 1 mph T X p h X X 1 (0.025) ŷt+j|t (xi ) < yt+j (xi ) < (0.975) ŷt+j|t (xi ) t =T −m+1 j=1 i=1 (α) ŷt+j|t (xi ) = α-quantile from bootstrap samples m = smallest number of observations used to fit a model Method FPC FPLS Fertility data Mortality data 98.00% 96.86% 97.19% 97.23% Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 28 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Compute d(x) = difference between (1 − α/2) and (α/2) quantiles of {f̂t+1 (x) − f̂t+1|t (x); t = m, . . . , T − 1} Let [`h (x), uh (x)] be 100(1 − α)% h-step-ahead prediction intervals obtained from bootstrap methods. Ideally, u1 (x) − `1 (x) = d(x). Adjusted prediction interval h 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} − {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x), i 0.5{`h (x) + uh (x)} + {uh (x) − `h (x)}p(x) where p(x) = 0.5d(x)/[u1 (x) − `1 (x)]. For h = 1, these have same coverage as in-sample intervals if distributions symmetric. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 29 Adjusted prediction intervals Fertility data 95% adj 95% FPC FPLS 98.00% 96.86% 95.86% 94.89% Functional time series with applications in demography Mortality data 95% adj 95% 97.19% 97.23% 95.91% 94.95% 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 30 0 Adjusted prediction intervals −4 −6 −8 Log mortality rates −2 Observation Prediction intervals Adjusted prediction intervals −10 FPC method 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 31 0 Adjusted prediction intervals −4 −6 −8 Log mortality rates −2 Observation Prediction intervals Adjusted prediction intervals −10 FPLS method 0 20 40 60 80 100 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 31 Observation Prediction intervals Adjusted prediction intervals FPC method 80 60 0 20 40 Fertility rates 100 120 140 Adjusted prediction intervals 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 31 Observation Prediction intervals Adjusted prediction intervals FPC method 80 60 0 20 40 Fertility rates 100 120 140 Adjusted prediction intervals 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Age Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 31 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 32 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Comparisons FPC advantages 1 allows more complex dynamics and higher order components; 2 eases interpretability of dynamic changes by separating out effects of a few orthogonal components; FPLS advantages 1 latent components more suitable for prediction rather than variance decomposition. 2 Faster as there is no need to fit univariate time series models Both methods implemented in ftsa package for R. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 33 Outline 1 Functional Partial Least Squares 2 Application: French mortality rates 3 Application: Australian fertility rates 4 Forecast accuracy comparisons 5 Bootstrap intervals 6 Comparisons 7 References Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 34 Selected references Hyndman, Shang (2009). “Forecasting functional time series (with discussion)”. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 38(3), 199–221. Hyndman (2014). demography: Forecasting mortality, fertility, migration and population data. Shang, Hyndman (2013). ftsa: Functional time series analysis. Functional time series with applications in demography 5. Forecasting functional time series via PLS 35