Faculty Notes

Fall 2015
A Newsletter for the College of Nursing Community, Colleagues and Friends
Faculty Notes
Mary Anthony has been invited to serve as a reviewer of research proposals for the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Development in Brazil. She has also been invited
to be a manuscript reviewer for the Japan Journal of Nursing Science and has been
re-appointed Co-chair of the Midwest Nursing Research Society Grants Committee.
Deb Cifani has assumed the role of College liaison to the University Library.
Diana Fleming passed her PhD candidacy exam in the KSU College of Public Health on
September 15, 2015.
Ratchneewan Ross is a member of the Editorial Board for Rev Rene (Journal of
Northeastern Nursing Network, Brazil) as of August 2015. She was appointed to the KSU
Institutional Review Board (IRB) in May 2015. Dr. Ross recently completed two
instrument translations - one from English to Thai and one from Thai to English—for
researchers from the Faculty of Nursing at ChiangMai University, Thailand.
Dr. Lynette Phillips will be available to College of Nursing faculty and graduate students to
offer statistical support on Wednesdays in 214 Henderson Hall during Fall semester.
New Grants Awarded
Stephenson, Pamela. (2015-2016). Uncertainty at the End of Life, funding from KSU
University Research Council.
Umberger, W., & Drew, B. (2015—2016). Preparing Advanced Practice Psychiatric Mental
Health Nurses for Providing Mental Health Services in High Need and Non-traditional
Settings, Medicaid Technical Assistance and Policy Program (MEDTAPP), Ohio
Department of Medicaid/The Ohio State University.
News You Can Use
NIH— Center for Scientific Review has made several applicant resources available via:
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, in collaboration with the Health Resources
and Services Administration (HRSA) has produced Multiple Chronic Conditions (MCC)
Education and Training for the healthcare workforce, available at http://www.hhs.gov/
What are the Chances of Getting Funded? A Look at the Latest Success, Award and Funding
Rates…and More is a blog posted by Sally Rockey, former NIH Deputy Director for
Extramural Research. Find it at https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2015/06/29/what-arethe-chances-of-getting-funded.
The American Nurses Association’s Professional Issues Panel on Incivility, Bullying, and
Workplace Violence has developed a position statement, available at http://
Student Notes
Dear Colleagues,
This new academic year brings
new colleagues and students
as well as new opportunities
for advancing research and
scholarship. We welcome
three new Assistant
Professors. Their bios are
featured on the Center for
Nursing Research bulletin
board in Henderson Hall. Dr. Jo Dowell, coming to us
from her post doctoral position at The Ohio State
University, is focusing her research on pediatric health
services and outcomes. Dr. Lory Lewis is a recent
graduate of the KSU-U Akron PhD program with a
research focus on neonates and their environment.
Dr. Yvonne Smith has been a member of the College
of Nursing faculty and in her new position will be
working on building the science in educational
approaches. Please take a moment to introduce
yourself and welcome them.
We are also happy to have Giovana Callegaro
Higashi, Visiting Scholar from Brazil, with us during
fall semester. Her dissertation research focuses on
nursing education issues.
With the renewed University commitment to
research, I look forward to working with you this
semester. Please feel free to contact me.
Mary K. Anthony, PhD, RN, CS
Associate Dean for Research
Upcoming Engagement Series: Brown Bag
discussions on these designated Mondays, 2—3 pm:
Oct 5
Report from NINR Big Data Workshop
Ratchneewan Ross, PhD
Patricia Vermeersch, PhD
Ann-Marie Brown, PhD
Nov 2
Laura Manns-James,(PhDc) received the 2015 March of Dimes Graduate Nursing Scholarship
to support her dissertation research.
Homood Alharbi completed his PhD and graduated from the College of Nursing in June,
Dec 7
Congratulations to these students who recently passed their PhD Candidacy exams:
Cheryl Bradas, Juan Del Valle, Wendy Sarver and Sureeporn Suwannaosod.
Pivot Searching for Nurse Researchers
Mark van’t Hooft, PhD
KSU Office of Sponsored Programs
Technology & Education Management,
Nursing & Health in Brazil
Giovana Callegaro Higashi, PhD Student,
Visiting Scholar
Kent State University College of Nursing, Henderson Hall, Room 214
Recent Publications by CON Faculty
Boongird, C., Suthatvoravut, U., Suksabai, P., Ramarong, K, Gaensan, T., & Ross, R. (2015). Raising communities’ positive attitude and
awareness toward fall prevention in elderly population: An embedded mixed methods study. Thai Journal of Public Health, 9(1), 1325.
Draucker, C. B., Jacobson, A., Umberger, W., Myerscough, R., & Sanata, J. (in press). Acceptability of a guided imagery intervention for
individuals undergoing a total knee replacement. Journal of Orthopedic Nursing.
Filer, H. M., Beringuel, B. L., Frato, K., Saenyakul, P., & Anthony, M. K. (in press). A pilot study of pediatric patient safety. Interruptions in
Preanesthesia Nursing Workflow. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing.
Farag, A., & Anthony, M. K. (in press). Medication error reporting in ambulatory surgical settings: Pilot study. Journal of PeriAnesthesia
Grotannelli, N. & Stephenson, P. S. (2015). Psychiatric/psychological symptoms and diagnoses. In Core Curriculum for Generalist
Hospice and Palliative Nurses (4th ed.).
Hansen, D., Sheehan, D., Stephenson, P., & Mayo, M. (in press). Parental relationships beyond the grave: Adolescents description of
continued bonds. Palliative and Supportive Care.
Sawatphanit, W., & Ross, R. (2015). Model for natural childbirth services by Jiprapatsorn. The Journal of Liberal Arts Majo University, 3
(1), 95-120.
Sheehan, D. K ., Mayo, M. M., Christ, G. H., Heim, K., Parish, S., Shahrour, G., & Draucker, C. B. (2015). Two worlds: Adolescents’
strategies for managing life with a parent in hospice. Palliative and Supportive Care. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/
Shelestak, D. S., Meyers, T. W., Jarzembak, J. M., & Bradley, E. (2015). A process to assess clinical decision-making during human
patient simulation: A pilot study. Nursing Education Perspectives, 36(3), 185-187. doi: 10.5480/13-1107.1
Stephenson, P. S., Sheehan, D., Hansen, D. & Mayo, M. M. (in press). Uncertainties experienced by family members when one parent is
dying. International Journal of Palliative Nursing.
Roller, C., Sedlak, C., & Draucker, C. (2015). Navigating the system: How transgender individuals engage in healthcare. Journal of
Nursing Scholarship, 7(5):417-24. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12160
Ross, R., Saenyakul, P., & Kleman, C. (2015). A path analysis of intimate partner violence, depression, and the quality of life among Thai
women. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, Neonatal Nursing: JOGNN, 44(s1), s57. (Proceedings of the 2015 AWHONN Convention).
Umberger, W., Risko, J., & Covington, E. (in press). The forgotten ones: Needs of children and adolescents living with parental chronic
non-cancer pain. Journal of Pediatric Nursing.
Wolf, L., Warner Stidham, A., & Ross, R. (2015). Predictors of stress and coping strategies of US accelerated vs. generic BSN students:
An embedded mixed methods study. Nursing Education Today, 35(1), 201-2-5. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
Recent Presentations by CON Faculty
Chen, Y. J., Radziewicz, R. M., & Sanata, J. (2015, April). Feasibility and patient outcomes following home Reiki therapy. Poster
presentation at the 11th Annual Cleveland Clinic Nursing Research Conference, Aurora, OH.
Roller, C. (2015, April). Transgender individuals access to health care. Paper presented at WONDOOR and Global Health Scholars Film
Series of University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH.
Smith, Y. (2015, March). Nursing faculty perceptions of teaching online. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National
Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, San Diego, CA.
Umberger, W., Risko, J., & Covington, E. (2015, April). The forgotten ones: Challenges and needs of children living with disabling
parental chronic non-cancer pain. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Nursing Research Conference, Cleveland Clinic, Aurora, OH.
Risko, J., & Umberger, W. (2015, April). “It didn’t kill me. It just made me stronger and wiser”: Resiliency and growth in children living
with a parent with chronic pain. Poster presented at the 11th Annual Nursing Research Conference of Cleveland Clinic, Aurora, OH.
Faculty members who presented at the 39th Annual Research Conference of the Midwest Nursing Research Society, Indianapolis, IN,
April 16-19, 2015:
Anthony, M. K., Novak, C., Aldalaykeh, M., Heemstra, L., & Kvak, S. (2015, April). Shift rotation and physical activity among acute
care nurses using accelerometry (paper).
Hansen, D., Sheehan, D., Stephenson, P., & Mayo, M. (2015, April). Continued bonds between parentally bereaved adolescents
and deceased parent (poster).
Jacobson, A., Umberger, W. A., & Palmieri, P., Draucker, C., & Myerscough, R. (2015, April). Mixed methods feasibility pilot of
guided imagery for total knee replacement (poster).
Roller, C., Sedlak, C., Suto, K., & Draucker, C. B. (2015, April). Navigating the system: How transgender individuals engage in
health care services (paper).
Stephenson, P., Sheehan, D., Hansen, D., & Mayo, M. (2015, April). Post death feasibility study with parentally bereaved
adolescents and surviving parent (poster).
Umberger, W., Jacobson, A. F., Alexander, T., Palmieri, P., Kirschbaum, C., & Steudte-Schmiedgen, S.
(2015, April). A longitudinal study of the effect of guided imagery on hair cortisol concentrations
for persons undergoing total knee replacement (paper).
Wang, Y., & Zauszniewski, J. A. Factors predicting weight status in Taiwanese preadolescents (poster
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Fall 2015