Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 


Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives

addresses the processes that contribute to the achievement of your institution’s major objectives that complement student learning and fulfill other portions of your mission. Depending on your institution’s character, it examines your institution's processes and systems related to identification of other distinctive objectives, alignment of other distinctive objectives, faculty and staff roles, assessment and review of objectives, measures, analysis of results, and efforts to continuously improve these areas.

Here are the Key Critical Characteristics of Eastern Michigan University that were identified by the

Systems Appraisal Team as most relevant for its interpretation of its

Systems Portfolio

section covering

Category 2, Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives:



Critical Characteristic

Eastern Michigan University has embraced a commitment to contribute to the local community in its core principles and strategic directions, demonstrated by more than 25,000 hours of student volunteer community service annually

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 






Eastern Michigan University is currently engaged in a thoughtful, evidence-based approach to campus-wide planning

Eastern Michigan University is guided by a mission that emphasizes excellence in teaching, applied research, and artistic expression

Eastern Michigan University has adopted five core principles and four strategic directions that guide decision making, which emphasize learning, engagement with the community, and diversity and multiculturalism.

Eastern Michigan University collaborates through accreditation agencies, businesses, centers and institutions, targeted industry grants, research grants and agreements, nonprofits, advisory boards and steering committees, community colleges, and K-12 districts.

Eastern Michigan University's main campus is located southwest of the larger metropolitan area of Detroit. The current economic conditions in southeast Michigan are negatively affected by the downturn in the US auto industry and impact Eastern Michigan University and the state overall.

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 

Here are what the Systems Appraisal Team identified as Eastern Michigan University’s most important strengths and opportunities for improvement relating to processes encompassed by Category 2,

Accomplishing Other Distinctive Objectives








Eastern Michigan University regularly uses advisory boards, makes

Environmental Scans and Economic Impact Studies, all to help determine and refine their other distinctive objectives, as well as track progress toward specific goals. These processes provide Eastern Michigan University with a wealth of data and information useful in determining distinctive objectives. Senior leadership utilizes these various sources in its determination of the institution’s directions for the future.

O The University communicates its other objectives to a limited extent, beyond their overlap with the central institutional objectives. As its measures and subsequent results emerge, the University will be better positioned to more substantively

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 


2P4 communicate its other objectives. The methods and means, including both electronic and print, of communicating internal and external expectations of

University stakeholders requires further evaluation and elaboration.

O Eastern Michigan University identifies the processes of Strategic Planning,

Program Review and regular communication and planning processes as the means for determining faculty and staff needs relative to other distinctive objectives. Additionally, Eastern Michigan University should consider how other formal and informal processes might be articulated and effectively employed to determine faculty and staff needs.

O While Eastern Michigan University identifies the personnel who assess and review these objectives, the means or the “how” of the processes are not identified. Further, the “feedback” for assessment and review are not identified for readjusting the objectives or the processes that support them. Eastern

Michigan University should elaborate on the processes to assess and review other distinctive objectives.

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 



O The University is currently developing a balanced scorecard and identifying key measures related to their distinctive objectives but further attention should be given to identifying key metrics to be used in this issue. Eastern Michigan

University’s contributions to the region are assessed through the Economic

Impact Studies and external grants.

O The Undergraduate Research Symposium helps students present original research and creative work; this program is widely supported by area corporations and community partners. Many specific partnerships and service initiatives were identified which provide ample opportunity for Eastern Michigan

University students to participate in community service. The University gives a description of the broad activities and initiatives for meeting these objectives; however, this section of the portfolio should reflect


of the processes described above. There is a lack of data related to the University’s performance around the other distinctive objectives—economic well being, quality of life, cultural vitality, and effective student-faculty collaborations in research.

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008 




O While Eastern Michigan University provides data on peer institutions to compare its results at obtaining grants and contracts, these data are not adequately related to the initiatives and results described in item 2R1. The analysis of these data will assist Eastern Michigan University with the key opportunity related to fund-raising and key challenges related to strengthening academic programs.

This section would be greatly strengthened if the historical trends and patterns were identified to processes identified in 2P1.

S Eastern Michigan University has a clear commitment to integrating its other distinctive objectives of enhancing the community and student-faculty collaboration with its primary educational objectives. Although not stated in this section of the portfolio, the new General Education program will help to accomplish this goal in the future. More concrete examples would strengthen

Eastern Michigan University’s portfolio in this area.

OO The University should continue to give attention to the identification of opportunities for institutional improvement derived from their internal and external

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University. 

Eastern Michigan University 

Systems Appraisal Feedback Report 

October 10, 2008  assessment and evaluation processes. No improvement opportunities, targets, nor priorities have been identified.

© 2008 Academic Quality Improvement Program, The Higher Learning Commission. All rights reserved.

 This report may be  reproduced and distributed freely by Eastern Michigan University.