ASCR Committee Meeting Tuesday 1 February, 12 noon MINUTES

ASCR Committee Meeting
Tuesday 1st February, 12 noon
Housman Room
Present: Bob Barber, Martin Butcher, Peter Cadley, Ruth Dar, Diana Manuel, Steve Miller (Convenor),
Frank Penter (Treasurer), Julie Rolls, Talvinder Sihra, Richard Simons (Hon. Sec.), Jane Spender
Apologies: John Brodholt, Edward de Chazal, Roger Flower
1. Welcome and apologies for absence. All were welcomed, and apologies for absence were as
noted above.
2. Minutes of the last meeting. The Minutes of the last meeting were approved with one correction:
replacing the word ‘academics’ in Item 4 with the more accurate, because inclusive, ‘members’.
3. Financial report
The summary accounts had been circulated in advance. Frank was content with the accounts as they
currently stood, but made a number of small points. The main batch of membership income, received
at the end of October, showed an increase on the previous year of about £2,500 rather than the lower
figure he had reported at the last meeting. Once the information had been received that would enable
an accurate division of recent subscription income between ‘Subscriptions’ and ‘Other’, Subscription
income would be greater by about £700 while ‘Other’ would show an increase of the same amount. He
was aware that he had yet to make the 3-year cash projection, but meanwhile the bottom line was
reasonably sound. Finally, the Accounts 2009-2010 had been audited.
4. 14th Haldane Event, spring term 2011
A Bloomsbury Theatre Event was not going to be possible, so a speaker and subject were needed. A
number of suggestions had been put forward at the November Committee meeting: a history of UCL
tunnels, UCL on Film; or talks by Alwyn Davies, or Bill Meed, or Negley Harte & John North on the
Common Rooms of UCL. A talk on the artworks in the Housman Room and/or Rex Whistler and his
connection with UCL was also proposed.
All agreed that ‘UCL in and on Film’ would make an interesting and amusing event but that it would
take some researching and organising, and it was agreed that this should take place during the summer
term as the 15th Haldane Event. Meanwhile, Jane would set up the most feasible of the other options.
5. Update on the ASCR paper to Andrew Grainger and the Estates Management
 There had been no feedback on how the ASCR paper to the Estates Management Committee had
been received, but its receipt had been acknowledged, as had an acceptance of the existence of the
ASCR and the Committee’s competence as its representative.
 Estates had proposed that nos. 25 and 26 Gordon Square (next to the Beach site) should become the
new home of the ASCR, and Steve, Richard, Frank, Martin and Jane had visited no. 48 with Angela
Clemo that morning to see what could be done to open up the spaces within a Gordon Square house.
It was clear that it would not be possible to create a single large space within the two houses, and that
inevitably the common room would be fragmented into a number of small spaces, rather than one
common space.
 Martin had just had a meeting with the Provost. The Provost had made no commitments, had
provided no confidential information and had not said that the Housman Room would definitely be
put to other uses. But although Martin sensed that the Provost had not at first been aware that the
Housman Room was to be redesignated under the Masterplan, he had implied that his preferred
option for the ASCR would be its occupation of 25/26 with links to the new Beach site building for
the provision of such facilities as catering. He had not given any impression of other possibilities and
Martin felt moving to Gordon Square was a very strong likelihood. He had said to the Provost that,
judging from his conversations with ASCR members, there would be a strong reaction to the redesignation of the Housman Room for many of the reasons set out in the Committee’s paper to the
6. Decisions
Following intense discussion, the following decisions were made:
 The Committee would make a quick and thorough appraisal of the options. It would list the
perceived core attributes of the ASCR – size of the space and its functionality, particularly in
fostering interdisciplinarity and collegiality, etc. – and balance this with what 25/26 Gordon Sq.
would offer the ASCR and the effect of that offer on the functionality of the ASCR.
 Richard, Martin, Frank and Ruth would undertake the appraisal as soon as possible.
 A circular would be sent to the membership reminding them of the date of the AGM and giving a
links to the paper to the EMC and the AGM documents.
At the AGM
 Martin would introduce the paper to the Estates Management Committee.
 Frank would give an update on the subsequent discussions and actions, including the offer of nos.
25/26 Gordon Square and report on the working group appraisal, presenting the paper arising from
the appraisal.
6. AGM arrangements. Unfortunately, Caroline Jaya-Ratnam, our usual pianist, was not free to
play at the social event, but she had suggested someone else who was now booked. All other
arrangements were made. Steve and Frank offered to help with moving the furniture.
7. Ongoing items. It was agreed that the ongoing items should be postponed, to allow the
Committee to concentrate on the current situation for as long as needed.
8. Date of next meeting. Arranging the next meeting would be postponed until after the AGM.
The meeting closed at 1.00pm.