Policy for the Release of Student Information FERPA

Policy for the Release of Student Information
The Office of the University Registrar
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a
Federal mandate that protects the privacy of student education records. The mandate applies to all schools
that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
Generally, schools may disclose, without consent, “directory information”. However, institutions must
identify those items it considers directory information and notify students as to the process needed to
withhold the release of this information. Immediately below is the list of items that Kent State University
considers directory information. Thus, under this provision, the Office of the University Registrar will
not release, within a student directory data or label request, any directory information that a student has
the student's name
local and permanent address
telephone listing
class standing
enrollment status
major field of study
participation in officially recognized activities and sports
weight and height of members of athletic teams
dates of attendance
degrees and awards received
high school from which student graduated
email addresses
most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
Generally, schools must have written permission from the student in order to release any information
from a student's education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without
consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
School officials with legitimate educational interest;
Other schools to which a student is transferring;
Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
Accrediting organizations;
To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
Policy for the Release of Student Information
The Office of the University Registrar
The Office of the University Registrar takes the request for the release of a student’s information, whether
student directory or non-student directory, very seriously. This office will ensure that all provisions of
University Policy #3342-5-16 are followed, as well as, require that requestors understand the implications
of non-compliance to securing all student information. This involves, but is not limited to, paper copies,
labels, diskettes or CD, email attachments and all forms of electronic data.
All printed lists or labels can be mailed to the requester, as well as be picked up at the Registrar’s Office
by the individual that requested the data, provided they show a photo ID. Email will only be allowed as
the method of transfer when the data is exclusively student directory. It is this office’s policy to only
transmit non-student directory information via the secure UIS file transfer (FTP) site when the requested
output is via electronic transfer.
Regardless of the means or format of student data transfer, once you receive this information, you alone
have the right to that data. This information was transmitted from the Office of the University Registrar
under the conditions of the original request and to the original requestor. The data must only be used for
that purpose. With the ease and increased use of electronic means of data transfer, the policies and
procedures that currently govern the transfer of student information are applicable to all electronic media.
Accordingly, you are not to share, email or FTP any data received in an electronic format to anyone not
on the original approved request, just as you would not mail a hardcopy list to that same unapproved
individual. To do so is in violation of FERPA and University Policy Register #3342-5-16.
Our policy:
1. The release of student information shall be consistent with Federal and University Policies pertaining
to the collection, dissemination and privacy regulations regarding student records, including, but not
limited to, F.E.R.P.A. Guidelines.
2. This student information shall be released only to University Officials/researchers with a legitimate
educational right to obtain the information. Student information shall not be released to individuals
or to organizations seeking to solicit for personal gain or advocate action which is contrary to law or
University Policy.
3. The Kent State University Online Phone Directory is the only source of student information available
to non-University individuals, agencies, or organizations.
By my signature, I have read and understand the University Policies regarding the Release
of Student Information and agree to abide by and comply with them.
Print Form and Sign - Handwritten Signature Required
Requesting Party’s name (print) Requesting Party’s Signature
Policy for the Release of Student Information
The Office of the University Registrar
Banner Focus Information & Mailing Label Request
Please read everything below very carefully and obtain all necessary approvals. Forms will be returned to the requestor for appropriate
approvals if they are submitted incomplete. This form and procedure is to be used to request any student demographic information. Policy #33425-16 provides for a turnaround time of ten working days from the time the request is submitted to the Office of the University Registrar and receipt
of output by the requesting party. Please note that every one of these requests requires that a program be written and tested to extract the target
population desired. Please plan for this turnaround time when submitting your request. Also, in accordance with this
policy, a sample of the material to be distributed should be attached.
Name: ___________________________________________
Department/Office/Organization: ___________________________________________________________
Account or Social Security Number: _______________________ Telephone Number: ________________
The requested information will be used for this purpose:
below, I indicate that I am aware of this request and certify that it will be used for no other purpose whatsoever than the stated reason for the
request. If this is for a mailing, I have reviewed the information to be mailed, and it has been attached to this request for appropriate approval. By
signing below, I also indicate that I, as well as my organization, am responsible for any misuse of the information obtained by this request. The
organization and I will be held accountable, both legally and by the University’s judicial process, for any misuse of this data.
Student Organization’s president/leader (print)
Signature if Required
Student Organization’s advisor (print)
Signature if Required
Section I – Indicate Parameters and Output Type
Use Address:
_____ Local
_____ Permanent
_____ Yes
_____ No
_____ Adhesive Student Address Labels
_____ Adhesive “To the Family of:” address labels
_____ Cheshire Student Address Labels
_____ Cheshire “To the Family of:” address labels
_____ File, in format: __________________________ and (circle one method): 1. email
_____ FTP download (to UIS FTP site only)
_____Mailroom File
2. CD 3. diskette
Specify: ______________________________________________________________________
_____ List which includes the following information (be specific): _______________________________________________________________
Output Receipt (Check One):
_____I will pick up output. Contact me at this telephone number: ______________________________
Note to Student Organizations: Only the requesting party or the advisor may pick up the output; photo identification is required.
_____Mail output to: (campus addresses only): ____________________________________________
_____Email output to: (only if student directory information): ________________________________________
_____FTP download to: (for files and/or downloads, UIS FTP site only): ________________________________
Policy for the Release of Student Information
The Office of the University Registrar
Section II – Requesting Party’s Information and Approval
I am a (Check One):
_____ Student Organization Member designated by the Organization to make this request. (Must be approved by the Organization’s
advisor and ‘sponsored’, that is, registered and approved by the Center for Student Involvement. Must also be approved by the
Dean of Students or the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.)
By signing below, I verify that this student organization, the organization president/leader, and the organization’s advisor are
officially registered with The Center for Student Involvement. I have approved the use of the data and/or the information to be
Handwritten Signature if Required
Designated Signatory, Center for Student Involvement
By signing below, I have approved the use of the data and/or the information to be mailed.
Handwritten Signature if Required
Dean of Students/Vice President, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
_____ Faculty Member/Department Chairperson/Regional Campus personnel requesting information with the approval of my
college/school/campus dean and must be signed by the Dean or Security Administrator.
College/School: ___________________________________ Campus: ____________________
Department Director or Chair (print)
Handwritten Signature if Required
Dean/Security Administrator (print)
Handwritten Signature if Required
____ Administrative Staff Member requesting information with the approval of my Director and the Vice President of my Division.
Director (print name)
Handwritten Signature if Required
Vice President of Division (print name)
Handwritten Signature if Required
_____ Individual requesting information for a research project. All research projects need Human Subjects Review Board approval
before the Office of the University Registrar will release any data. You will need to acquire the IRB Administrator’s signature on
this form at the same time as your request for research protocol is approved. To have your research protocol approved, please
download and complete the Application to use Human Research Participants form found at www.kent.edu/rags/Compliance. Please
note that if you are a student, you must first receive approval from the dean of your college or school.
Dean of College/School (if student) (print)
Handwritten Signature if Required
IRB Administrator or designee
Log Number