MARS IN THE CLASSROOM EDUCATOR’S RESOURCE PACK David Heather, Sarah Dunkin, Matt Balme and Paula Martin. Pack Contents Section No. of Pages Teacher’s Introduction 1 page Introduction Lesson Plan Mars Data Sheet 1 page 2 pages Impact Cratering Teacher Notes Student Notes Activity Sheets 3 pages 5 pages 3 pages Playdoh Volcanoes Teacher Notes Student Notes Activity Sheets 4 pages 2 pages 15 pages Remote Sensing/Reflectance Spectrometer Teacher Notes Student Notes Activity Sheets Data Sheet 3 pages 2 pages 5 pages 2 pages Lego Rover Teacher Notes Student Notes Activity Sheets 4 pages 2 pages 5 pages Chocolate Rocks Teacher Notes Field Notes Student Notes and Activity Sheet 2 pages 1 page 3 pages Mission Planning Teacher Notes Student Notes (Introduction) Technical Notes (Goals and Landing Sites) Technical Notes (Technical Data) Activity Sheets Activity Sheet Examples 3 pages 2 pages 3 pages 7 pages 9 pages 10 pages Summary Lesson Plan / The Future and Contact Details 3 pages Teacher’s Introduction to Mars in the Classroom Mars in the Classroom provides an exciting program of hands-on and thought-provoking science activities for children aged 13 to 16. The project is themed around the students planning their own Manned mission to Mars, and comprises a series of modules to be carried out in small groups. When undertaking the full project, groups will be competing with each other to develop the best mission to fly the first humans to Mars. Each module consists of both practical and theoretical work, designed to illustrate the many physical processes that occur on the terrestrial (i.e. solid surface) planets and the complexity of planning a Manned space mission. These range from the construction and analysis of their own volcano or the use of a Mars Rover in a simulated experiment area, through to guided discussions investigating the details of mission design and the physiological / psychological effects of such a program on the astronauts. At the end of the project, students will have learnt not only about the science and technology involved in planetary missions but, more importantly, about the complexities of working in a team. The experiments within each module of Mars in the Classroom can be used either as stand-alone projects or in combination with any or all of the other modules provided. In this way, the teacher has complete control over the duration and level of the program undertaken. There are two lesson plans and six experiments in this pack, separated into teacher notes, student notes and activity sheets. If the project is to be completed in full, then an introductory lesson and summary lesson should also be given. Below, we provide a guide as to the optimum length of each experiment (including time for the students to ‘settle down’ at the beginning of each lesson), and a suggested order in which the modules should be undertaken if the project is being completed in full. These are of course only suggestions, and can be adapted to fit the needs of individual classes. LESSON/MODULE 1. Introduction / Mission Briefing 2. Impact Cratering 3. Playdoh Volcanoes 4. Remote Sensing/Reflectance Spectrometer 5. Lego Rover 6. Chocolate Rocks 7. Mission Planning 8. Summary Lesson / Presentations Total: OPTIMUM DURATION 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1hour 2 hours 1 hour 13 hours All of the information you require to undertake Mars in the Classroom is contained in this pack. However, for future updates and further information regarding these and other experiments under development, please also refer to our Mars in the Classroom web pages: These pages will be updated regularly to include online versions of these, and new, experiments. We hope you enjoy your time on Mars! We would very much appreciate any feedback from the completion of these experiments so as we can improve and continue to develop the project. Please send comments to us at the address provided in ‘The Future and Contact Details’ section at the end of this resource pack. Project Introduction Introductory Lesson Plan and Mars Facts INTRODUCTION LESSON PLAN The introductory lesson should be used to introduce the project you intend to carry out (this will of course depend upon which modules you choose to undertake), and provide the students with an overview of Mars and Mars exploration. Students should be encouraged to respond to questions posed during the talk and to think about specific points. The direction of the discussion will depend upon the modules you wish to undertake, but points they should perhaps think about for the full project range from what we can learn by studying the features on Mars, to how the astronauts could best cope with the long travel time in low or zero gravity and still be ready to do their job upon arrival at Mars. The key thing to stress here (for those wishing to undertake the full project) is that the students should think of all of the modules they complete in terms of their mission planning, and how the information they have learned can be used to improve their mission design. Slides and pictures should be used where possible to highlight points made during your introduction to the students. While we are unable to provide these in this resource pack, the Mars in the Classroom website has some useful images, and provides links to other Mars related sites with excellent pictures. To access the Mars in the Classroom pages, point your browser to On the next few pages is a reference sheet of Mars facts to help you plan out this lesson and the project as a whole. Further details of Mars and Mars exploration can also be found on our web pages. The students should be made aware of some of the basic properties of the planet that make it difficult to explore, such as its distance from Earth, low surface temperature, thin carbon dioxide atmosphere etc. In addition, it would be useful to outline some of the important science that can be done and the outstanding geological features present, such as Olympus Mons (the largest volcano in the Solar System; similar to some terrestrial volcanoes such as those in Hawai’i), Valles Marineris (a vast, 4000 km long canyon system, similar to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, but far larger) and the polar caps which, in some places, contain frozen water. Finally, in this introductory session it is useful to give a description of the Mars in the Classroom project itself and the individual modules the students will be completing. If you are undertaking the entire Mars in the Classroom project, then we would again encourage you to approach each subject using the same theme: what does it mean with respect to planning a Manned mission? Introduction Lesson Plan 1 MARS FACTS 8 Average distance from the Sun 1.524 AU (2.279 × 10 km) Maximum distance from the Sun (aphelion) 1.666 AU (2.491 × 10 km) Minimum distance from the Sun (perihelion) 1.382 AU (2.067 × 10 km) 8 8 Sidereal Period (length of year) 686.98 days = 1.88 years Rotation Period (length of day) 24h 37m 23s Equatorial Diameter Equatorial Diameter (Earth = 1) Mass Mass (Earth = 1) Mean Density Surface Gravity (Earth = 1) Escape Velocity Surface temperatures - - - - 6,794 km 0.532 23 6.42 × 10 kg 0.107 3940 kg/m 3 0.380 5.0 km/s maximum = 293 K (20° C or 70° F) minimum = 133 K (-140° C or -220° F) Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the third smallest, about half the diameter of the Earth. It has a surface area that is about the same as the land area on Earth, so there is plenty to explore! Mars has perhaps the most varied and fascinating landforms of any of the rocky planets apart from the Earth, including the largest known volcano in the Solar System (Olympus Mons) and a massive canyon system called Valles Marineris that would stretch across the entire North American continent! Unlike the Earth, Mars appears to lack active plate tectonics, and there is no evidence of mountain building similar to that which we see on our own planet. An explorer on Mars will have to be equipped to cope with a temperatures ranging from as cold as 133° K (-140° C, -220° F) to almost 293° K (20° C, 70° F), depending on where they are on the planet and what time of year it is. Mars also lacks a breathable atmosphere, so any explorer would have to be equipped with breathing apparatus that would last for the duration of the mission. The Martian atmosphere is composed mostly of carbon dioxide (95.3%) plus nitrogen (2.7%), argon (1.6%), oxygen (0.15%) and water (0.03%). Ice caps are present at both poles. On Mars they are composed mostly of `dry ice' (frozen carbon dioxide), although layers of water ice are also known to be present in the north (it is not known if similar layers exist to the south). Many scientists think that there may also be water ice below the surface at lower latitudes. Many of the surfaces on Mars show signs of water erosion, so it is fairly obvious that there was running water on the surface at some time in the past. Introduction Lesson – Mars Data Sheet 1 - - This raises the possibility of life having evolved on the planet during this time. The Viking landers performed experiments to determine the existence of life on Mars, but no conclusive evidence was found. The interior of Mars cannot be observed directly, and it is difficult to discover much information about this without carrying out extensive work on the ground (perhaps the student’s missions should reflect this?). Even so, scientists predict that the most likely scenario is a dense core surrounded by a molten rocky mantle (probably a little denser than the Earth's) on top of which is a thin crust. What do we hope to answer? Here are just a few ideas as to the kind of science that can be undertaken by sending humans to Mars. Ask the students to try to think of some more for themselves and to think of ways we may be able to answer these questions. - Is there still active volcanism on Mars? How much water is there and where is it? Is, or was, there any life on Mars? Are we able to send people as far afield as Mars? Do we have the technology to set up a semi-permanent base on another planet? Introduction Lesson – Mars Data Sheet 2 Impact Cratering IMPACT CRATERING – TEACHER NOTES AND HANDY HINTS The Impact Cratering module can take one of many forms, depending on time available, equipment, and the nature of the students. The lesson could be entirely non-practical, with the teacher leading a discussion using slides and pictures from books or the Internet, and encouraging participation from the students. If the teacher wished, this could be interspersed with demonstrations from the activity sheet. These could be used to demonstrate to the students a) the effect of larger projectiles on the final crater, b) ejecta patterns and rays, c) the effect of oblique impacts, d) the effect of velocity on the final crater form and e) the effect of target material on the crater. Alternatively, the teacher could opt to have the students carry out the full activity themselves. In this case, it is recommended to use two lessons (depending on the working speed of the students). The choice is yours. Activity sheet - aims and benefits This activity has been taken from the Hawai’i Space Grant College who should be acknowledged if your results are placed in public access areas (i.e. displays, web pages etc). They also have many more classroom activities that you can try (see for details). In its full form, this experiment requires many scientific skills from a student. Good experimental practices are needed, and to obtain accurate results the students must: a) b) c) d) work methodically take good notes record information accurately transfer written data into graphical form In addition, the students will find some of the measurements difficult to take, and will need to think carefully about how to get the most accurate readings. Hints for these problems are below. The students will also be encouraged to think about the experimental setup and consider where possible errors may occur. Hints 1. This practical really can be messy - ensure that precautions are taken to stop the flour ending up all over the floor and students. Certain coloured powders may stain clothes - if this type of material is chosen, aprons are strongly recommended. 2. When carrying out the experiment, the target (i.e. flour and paint) may have to be reprepared several times. There is no need to start out with fresh materials each time; as long as the top layer contrasts the lower layer strongly enough, the materials can be used again and again. 3. Measuring the diameter of the craters can be difficult, particularly if the bowl is smaller than the ruler. Use a compass instead to span the diameter and then measure the compass separation. The same method can be used to measure the diameter of the projectiles. If you have an able class, increase the complexity by Impact Craters (Teacher Notes) 1 using two or three different projectiles of different size/mass and get them to repeat the experiment and compare the results of each. 4. (Q2) The graph should show that the diameter of the crater and length of rays increases with increasing velocity (i.e. increasing projectile height). 5. (Q4) The compaction of the flour is very important. You will get very different results from flour that has been sieved into the bowl and flour that has simply been dumped into the bowl from the bag. Results will be better if the flour is sieved, or at least "fluffed up" with your fingers/hands. Discrepancies may result if a particularly thick layer of coloured powder is put on top. Also, it may sometimes be difficult to determine where the rays end, particularly if the rays of one crater overlap with another. You should encourage the students to discuss these points. 6. (Q5) The students may or may not have a raised rim at the edge of their crater. All fresh impact craters in reality have this feature. The student version will also lack a central peak or terraced walls. The main reasons for this is the lower velocity of the impactor in the experiment and the small size of the impactor. In real impacts, the velocity of the projectile will be of the order of 10km/s or more, and the projectile is vaporised on impact. The student's projectile of course will still be there. Extensions 1. Discuss the possibility of asteroids/projectiles impacting the Earth. There has been a lot of interest in this recently. Get the students to predict what would happen if an asteroid were to hit the Earth - what difference would an impact into water make compared to an impact onto solid ground? 2. Look at a succession of craters that have been weathered to different degrees on Mars/Moon/Earth. This can lead to discussions of weather patterns on the different planets, superposition of craters, and the effects of surface material on the degradation of craters. 3. Take the discussion of the effect of water on Martian craters a bit further. Get the students to experiment with different kinds of wet material - flour/sand/plaster of paris and see if they can reproduce any of the Martian features. Water is not the only liquid that can be used for this - perhaps a liquid like sunflower oil would also work (the difficulty in this experiment is to get the final shape to hold). UNTESTED BY US SO TRY THIS OUT BEFORE THE LESSON!! Please let us know if it works! 4. Try multiple layering. In a real impact event, the material from below the surface ends up on top in the ejecta blanket - this is shown nicely in the experiment here. Further to this try adding another colour on top of the current experimental setup and see if the reverse layering still holds. UNTESTED BY US – please let us know if it works! 5. Try oblique impacts. Get the students to predict what will happen to the ejecta before they carry out the experiment. The ejecta will be thrown preferentially downrange. We haven't worked out a way of measuring the angle yet, but 90° vs. non-90° is good enough to demonstrate the effect. If you can find a way of Impact Craters (Teacher Notes) 2 measuring the angle, you should be able to undertake a more scientific study by plotting graphs of angle vs. ray length. Answers to questions from the background information sheet and "What can impact craters tell us?" 1. The picture with the larger number of craters is older. The students should try to give a reason why the age of one part of Mars would be younger than another. The answer to look for is something covering over the older impact craters and "resetting" the crater count to zero. Lava flows can cause this on Mars, for example. 2. The main difference between the two craters is the appearance of the ejecta blanket. The reason for the difference is that the ejecta in a) was emplaced ballistically, i.e. it was thrown out, and it stayed where it landed, while that in b) flowed along the ground once it landed. The flow resulted from the presence of melted ice in the ground, which created a mud-like flow. Therefore, by studying this crater we can tell that water was once present beneath the surface in this area. 3. Again, there could be many answers to this question. The obvious answer is to go to a place that had water (and hence where life may once have existed). Make a list of the answers you get for future reference - they may be useful during mission planning! Impact Craters (Teacher Notes) 3 IMPACT CRATERING – STUDENT NOTES What is an impact crater and how do they form? An impact crater is basically a large hole in the ground caused by a meteorite smashing into the surface of a planet or moon. Every solid body in the Solar System suffers from the effects of impact cratering, and you can see this when you look at our own Moon through binoculars. The projectiles (i.e. meteorites) that cause impact craters travel at very high speed, faster than anything we see in our everyday lives. They travel so fast that they are vaporised upon impact, and very little is left of the projectile after the impact event has taken place. What do impact craters look like? Impact craters are normally circular features, and range in size from the microscopic to the very large (>2000km diameter). The size and shape of an impact crater depend on the size of the projectile, its velocity and the type of material that it hits. Small impact craters (like Meteor Crater, Arizona) have simple shapes like a bowl. Larger craters have a different shape (see Figure 1). They have mountains in the centre of the crater called a central peak and huge landslides occur on the inside of the crater to form what we call terraces. When an impact occurs, lots of material is thrown out around the crater, and this material is called ejecta. Ejecta is made up of rock and soil from the surface, and sometimes forms bright rays (you can see this around the bright crater Tycho on the Moon). Impact Craters (Student Notes) 1 Figure 1: Some features of an impact crater. What can impact craters tell us? 1. The age of a surface. The only way to be certain about the age of the surface of another planet is to get a sample of rock from that surface and date it in a laboratory on Earth. Unfortunately, this is not yet possible for most of the planets and moons in our Solar System. To date, it has only been achieved with rocks from the Earth, Moon and a bit of Mars, so we have to use other techniques to work out the age of most planetary surfaces. Impact craters can give us an idea of whether a surface is old or not simply by counting the number of craters in a certain area. The older a surface is, the more impact craters it will have. Question 1: Look at Figures 2a and 2b, which show two different regions on Mars. Which area is older and why? Why would two areas on Mars have different numbers of craters - what could have caused their difference in age? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 2. The geology of an area. The shapes of impact craters can vary due to the type of material they form in. A solid surface will have different looking impact craters to those in a softer, powdery surface. The presence of water can also affect the way a crater looks and by studying the shape and appearance of impact craters from photographs, scientists can get some idea of what the area is like. Question 2: Look at Figure 3, which shows pictures of two different Martian craters. Label the different features you see on each, using Figure 1 as a guide. Name some of the differences between two craters. Can you suggest what may be present under the surface of crater 3b that is not present under crater 3a? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… What happens to a crater after it forms can also tell us something about the area it lies in. For example, if a crater has formed on very loose material, then the winds on Mars will erode the crater quite quickly. Other craters on Mars look as though they have been in the middle of a river of flowing water (they have a streamlined appearance, similar to that of small islands in rivers on Earth). Impact Craters (Student Notes) 2 3. Rocks below the surface When an impact crater forms, it throws out material in a particular way. The ground is ‘flipped upside down’ so that the layers from deep in the ground end up being on top (you will see this in your experiment). This means that by looking at the ejecta of craters, you are looking at the material that is present below the surface. This is interesting for scientists who want to know about the history of Mars. Digging down into the ground is a little like going back in time. Events that happened long ago may have been covered over by later events such as lava flows. Only by probing into the surface will we be able to see what the surface was like billions of years ago. Perhaps some rocks will be able to tell us what the atmosphere was like, or contain fossils of early life. But to find these things out we need rock and soil samples from that time, and sometimes that can only come from deep down. Impact craters give us a chance of finding out about the rocks deep below the surface without the need to land there. This is one of the reasons impact craters are so important to study. Question 3: Write a summary of how impact craters can help you understand more about an area. If you were selecting a site on Mars for a human landing, what kind of area would you like to go to and how could impact craters help you decide where to go? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… GLOSSARY CENTRAL PEAK - a mountain formed in the centre of large impact craters. These do not occur in small impact craters. EJECTA - a sheet of material (rocks, soil) surrounding the crater that was thrown out during the impact event. ERODE - the process by which something is worn away over time. FLOOR - the floor of an impact crater (usually either flat or bowl-shaped), lying below the surrounding ground level. IMPACT CRATER - a hole in the ground (usually circular) caused by the impact of a meteorite onto the surface of a solid body. METEORITE - a lump of rock or ice that hits the surface of a planetary body. PROJECTILE - an object that strikes a surface to produce an impact crater. These can include dust particles, pebbles, rocks, comets and asteroids. RAISED RIM - this is the edge of the impact crater and is composed of rocks and material piled up on top of one another. RAYS - bright lines of ejecta coming from an impact crater. These can extend for vast distances in the case of large impacts. TERRACED WALLS - these only occur in large impact craters. After the crater forms, the walls of the crater slip, creating huge landslides inside the crater. Impact Craters (Student Notes) 3 IMPACT CRATERING Figure 2a Impact Craters (Student Notes) Figure 2b 4 IMPACT CRATERING Figure 3a Impact Craters (Student Notes) Figure 3b 5 IMPACT CRATERING – ACTIVITY SHEETS This experiment is a slightly modified transcription of the web pages of the Hawai’i Space Grant College. You may find more information about the experiment from their pages ( Aims and objectives To investigate the way the diameter of a projectile affects the final form of an impact crater. To compare the results from this activity with real craters observed on the Moon and Mars. Apparatus (for each group) 1 large high-sided bowl (~30cm diameter) 2 bags of flour 1 pot of dry powder paint (not white!) 1 flour sifter 1 sieve (optional) projectile (i.e. large gobstopper or projectile) 1 ruler 1 compass 1 pair of tweezers 1 spoon data tables/paper/pens/graph paper Aprons and old newspaper/table covering Experiment, observations and measurement 1. Preparation - - Put on your apron and roll up your sleeves - this could get messy! Put down some old newspaper or a table covering to catch any overspill from the bowl. Put an even layer of flour in the high-sided bowl to a depth of approximately 6cm. Cover with a thin layer of dry coloured powder paint (any colour will do as long as it contrasts well with the flour underneath. A flour sifter often helps at this point to get an even layering). Measure the diameter of your projectile, and record this on your data chart. 2. The Experiment - - Take the projectile and drop it onto the prepared surface from a height of 30cm. Make a note of the diameter of the crater, the number of rays and their length. The rays will be visible as white streaks radiating from the crater. Measure the length each ray and take an average value. Record all information in your data table. Record any other observations you make about the crater. Repeat the above, this time dropping your projectile from 60cm, 90cm and 2 metres. Remember to record all information in your data tables. Data analysis 1. Plot graphs using the data you recorded in your tables. Plot Graph 1 as the crater diameter vs. projectile height and Graph 2 as average ray length vs. projectile height. Impact Craters (Activity Sheets) 1 2. Explain what each graph tells you about the relationship between the projectile and the crater. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 3. If the projectile was dropped from a height of 6m, estimate the size of the final crater from your experimental data. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 4. Describe and discuss where possible errors could occur in your experiment. In particular, how could your experimental set-up and procedure differ from those of another group carrying out the same experiment with the same instructions? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 5. From your experimental observations, describe the appearance of an impact crater. Give reasons why your craters differ from the real craters observed on the Moon and Mars. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Impact Craters (Activity Sheets) 2 IMPACT CRATERING DATA TABLE Sheet No. _____ of _____ Class: Name: Date: Other members of group: Projectile diameter (mm): Trial No: Height (cm) Diameter of crater (mm) Impact Craters (Activity Sheets) No. of rays Length of Ray 1 Length of Ray 2 Length of Ray 3 Length of Ray 4 Length of Ray 5 Length of Ray 6 Average length Notes 3 Playdoh Volcanoes PLAYDOH VOLCANOES – TEACHER NOTES AND HANDY HINTS The Playdoh Volcano module is composed of two ‘hands-on’ practicals, one to construct a volcano and a second to analyse a volcano. Both practicals require a full hour each to complete, but either can also be run on their own (although the analysis section will require the students to be given a pre-constructed volcano). Depending on the time available, equipment, and the nature of the students, the lesson could also be entirely non-practical, with the teacher leading a discussion and encouraging participation from the students. In the latter case, it is strongly recommended to use several images such as slides and internet pictures to illustrate the talk and place the topics into a context the students can understand more readily. Activity sheet - aims and benefits This activity has been adapted from the ‘Lava Layering’ experiment run by the Hawai’i Space Grant College who should be acknowledged if your results are placed in public access areas (i.e. displays, web pages etc). They also have many more classroom activities that you can try (see for details). This experiment has been designed for students working in small groups. In its full form, the experiment demands good analytical skills from a student. Pupils should be made to carefully consider and discuss the placement of their drill cores during analyses in order to draw out as much information as possible about the history of the volcano. They will soon find that five cores are not enough to fully analyse a volcano, and this will be highlighted further by their river valley and cross section. In order to get a good result from these analyses, students must be able to: a) work methodically b) record information accurately in sketch form c) demonstrate good analytical skills and develop an awareness of the third dimension when studying the model Throughout the practical, the teacher should stress that the problems facing the students are also limitations when studying real volcanoes, where we are of course unable to drill as deeply as they are on their models, and certainly can’t take cross sections etc. Make certain that the information they are gathering is placed in context with the real situation, particularly if you are running the whole Mars in the Classroom project. Hints 1. This practical can be extremely messy and smelly (with the vinegar) - ensure that precautions are taken! Some commercial playdoh can stain when mixed with vinegar, so aprons are strongly recommended during the construction of the volcanoes. It is possible to produce your own playdoh using simple cooking ingredients. See the recipes at the end of these teacher notes for details. 2. If students are constructing and analysing volcanoes themselves, make sure they don’t tell each other about their volcanoes! This is perhaps one of the most difficult Playdoh Volcanoes (Teachers Notes) 1 aspects of this practical from a teaching perspective!! However, it is important for the analysis that each group is faced with a volcano they know nothing about. 3. During construction, if a four sided dice is not available to randomly generate the number of flows, tell each group how many flows their volcano should have – a number between 4 and 7 is fine, and it is good to vary the amount between groups. You should give each group only enough different coloured playdoh to make sure that at lease two of the flows will be the same colour. For example, if a group has to produce a volcano with just 4 flows, you should give them a maximum of 3 different colours for playdoh, so that at least two of their flows will be the same colour. 4. Encourage the students to make their flows of a differing thickness and extent, but be aware of a typical preference for the larger scale flows! 5. Make certain that each group is producing careful sketches of their volcano after each flow, as these will be used to compare with the history inferred by another group during analyses. 6. After construction, label each volcano with group names before you pass them around so as you know which group is analysing which volcano. 7. During analyses, encourage the groups to discuss the location of each drill core carefully. Ask them what they hope to learn about the volcano by placing their drill core in a given place. Once the core is taken, ask if they have learned what they wanted. If not, did they learn anything unexpected? Make sure all of the cores are sketched, and located on their diagrams. 8. For the river valley and cross section, use these to illustrate the limitations of the drill cores they took. The cross section might show a completely different history to the one they inferred from the drill cores alone. 9. At the end of the experiment, compare the oldest, youngest and total number of flows measured by the group doing analyses with the corresponding numbers from the group that constructed the volcano. Discuss the differences with the class and ask where they think the problems lie and what they think they could do to improve the measurements. Take more drill cores? Be more careful about the placement of drill cores? Is it possible to be any more accurate with the limitations that are inherent to this experiment? How would these measurements equate with measuring a real volcano? Answers to questions from the background information sheet and the “Results and questions” sheet 1. Volcanoes can teach us about the thermal history of a planet. The lavas and magmas are of course produced from deep within the planet, so how they develop and move to the surface over time will tell us about how a planet’s thermal regime alters over time. Playdoh Volcanoes (Teachers Notes) 2 2. Heat is an important energy resource for potential life. Students may wish to use the search for life (ancient or otherwise) as a scientific goal for their mission, so these areas are important. 3. To see the older buried flows we will have to dig. This can be achieved to a small degree using robotics, but on the scale we are looking at here, it is better by far to send humans. Another point you may wish to discuss here is that not all of the ancient flows will be completely buried. Some may still be partially visible, similar to those in the volcanoes they will make, and these can be used to tell us a little about the feature without the need to land on the surface. If you are completing the Remote Sensing experiment as well, then this can lead on to a discussion of how we can see things such as this from orbiting spacecraft and will provide a useful link between the two experiments. Results and questions sheet notes 1. Compare these values to the correct ones from the group that constructed the volcano (see Hint number 9) 2. Flow direction should be influenced by the topography of previous flows and by the ‘speed’ of the flow being produced (i.e. how fast the vinegar is poured onto the soda). In reality, many things can affect flow direction, including older flows and natural channels (or manmade ones such as streets!). The speed and ‘effusivity’ of the flow (i.e. how quickly it erupts) is also important as it will govern the amount of energy a flow has to pass obstacles, so the speed with which vinegar is poured onto the soda is a good analogy to this. 3. Decreasing the number of colours of playdoh would mean more of the flows would be the same colour, making it more difficult to distinguish between successive flows. In reality, lava flows will appear very similar and it can be difficult to tell them apart without going there in person and analysing the rocks in-situ. 4. Also see point 9 in the ‘Hints’ above. It will be difficult to draw criteria to satisfy all of the volcanoes, but there are certain common scenarios where it is useful to take a core. For example: a) Every flow will be present at some point around the vent (candleholder) as they were all sourced from there. Taking cores from that area will give you a good idea as to the total number of flows, but you will need to take several cores from all around the vent to be certain you have sampled all the flows. In addition, this will not tell you about the extent of the flows. b) Taking cores in two separate sites where a buried flow of similar colour is visible may help to find out whether or not they are the same flow by looking at them in sequence with the other flows. c) Some drill cores should be taken to try and measure the extent of the flows. This is difficult to do reliably, but will often entail sampling near the edge of a volcano or visible flow (e.g. sites 2 and 5 on the example sheet). There may be others depending on the nature of the volcanoes and level of the students, but these are the main points to try and get across. Playdoh Volcanoes (Teachers Notes) 3 5. Students often find this question difficult to answer, so it should be approached as a discussion. From photographs and images, scientists are faced with a picture similar to the students before the drill cores, valley and section were taken. It is of course possible to learn a small amount about a volcano’s history from these studies, but their analyses should tell the students that it is far better to work in-situ if possible. More advanced groups may wish to briefly discuss Remote Sensing (especially if the Reflectance Spectrometer experiment is to be carried out) as a means for looking at different compositions remotely. These methods can help us unravel more of the volcanic history of an area without the need to land, but are still restricted to the upper layers. 6. Hopefully, students will by now realise the importance and advantages of having a Manned presence on a planet during analyses such as this! Drill cores and in-situ sampling of rocks for studies in a laboratory would be the ideal way to study volcanoes on Mars. RECIPES - from the Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium’s Lava Layering teacher web page. See for details of their experiment. Play Dough (stove-top recipe) - best texture and lasts for months when refrigerated in an air tight container. 2 cups flour 1/3 cup oil, scant 1 cup salt 2 cups cold water 4 teaspoons cream of tarter food colourings (20 drops more or less) Make this large batch one colour or divide ingredients in half to make 2 colours etc. Combine ingredients and cook mixture in a large saucepan, stirring constantly, until the dough forms a ball. Turn dough out onto a floured surface to cool. Then kneed until smooth and elastic. Cool completely; refrigerate in air tight containers. Play Dough (no-cooking recipe) 2 cups flour 2 Tablespoons oil 1 cup salt 1 cup cold water 6 teaspoons alum or cream of tartar food colourings (as above) Make this large batch one colour or divide ingredients in half to make 2 colours etc. Mix ingredients and kneed until smooth and elastic. Store in air tight containers. Playdoh Volcanoes (Teachers Notes) 4 PLAYDOH VOLCANOES – STUDENT NOTES In this activity, you will make your own volcano out of playdoh and find out what you can learn about the history of a volcano by looking at its stratigraphy or layering. What is a volcano? On Earth, volcanoes are caused by magma rising beneath the crust, forcing it to bulge up as a mountain and eventually break open and erupt lava. There are many types of volcano on the Earth, generally governed by the amount of water or volatiles that are present in a magma. Question 1: What do you think we can learn about by looking at volcanoes on other planets? Hint: think about where the magma and lava come from. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Why are volcanoes important? Volcanoes or evidence of volcanic activity are present on all of the rocky bodies in the inner Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, and Mars. Active and dormant volcanoes are a natural source of heat, so extinct volcanoes tell you that there was once a lot of heat in that area. Question 2: Why is a source of heat important, particularly on Mars? Hint: Think about what you could be looking for with your Manned mission. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Volcanoes have played a large role in shaping the surfaces of these planets. For example, about one third of the nearside of the Moon (the side permanently turned towards the Earth) is covered by the maria, dark lava flows that have flooded large basins. What about volcanoes on Mars? On Mars, the whole northern hemisphere is covered by lava rock from a series of very large shield volcanoes. One of these is the largest known volcano in the Solar System: Olympus Mons. This volcano is around 24 km (78,000 ft.) tall; that’s more than 2.5 times as tall as Mount Everest. Including the surrounding flooded plains, Olympus Mons is similar in size to Spain!! It is large enough in volume to contain about 100 of the biggest volcano on the Earth! Alongside Olympus Mons lies a huge bulge in the Playdoh Volcanoes (Student Notes) 1 surface known as Tharsis, on top of which lie three more massive volcanoes: Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons and Ascraeus Mons. On Mars, the volcanoes grew as lava flow after lava flow built up on top of one another. As the volcanoes are so large, this means that there was a source of heat under each volcano for an extremely long time. What we don’t know is how the composition of the lava changed over time and whether the volcanoes produced more or less lava in earlier flows than in later ones. Question 3: To answer these questions, we need to look at the old lavas and compare them to the recent flows. How can we do this if the old flows have all been buried by the more recent ones? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Missions to Mars have to date found no evidence of current volcanic activity, but it is difficult to be certain or to place accurate dates on the duration of Martian volcanic activity without directly sampling a number of volcanic rocks from the surface. GLOSSARY ACTIVE VOLCANO – a volcano that is currently erupting lava. COMPOSITION – what something is made (i.e. composed) of. CRUST – the outermost layer of rock of a solid planet. DORMANT VOLCANO – a volcano that is not currently erupting, but is not yet extinct. EXTINCT VOLCANO – a volcano that no longer erupts at all. LAVA – molten rock that has been released from a volcano across the surface of a planet. MAGMA – molten rock within a planet, building up beneath a volcano before it erupts SHIELD VOLCANO – a type of volcano common on Mars, with very broad and shallow slopes formed as flow after flow gradually build up on top of one another. STRATIGRAPHY – the layering of the rocks. VOLATILES – these materials cause the build up of pressure in a volcano causing violent or ‘volatile’ eruptions. Water is a common volatile on the Earth, but there are many others. VOLCANO – a mountain formed from the build up of magma beneath a planet’s crust. Playdoh Volcanoes (Student Notes) 2 PLAYDOH VOLCANOES – ACTIVITY SHEETS This experiment has been modified from the ‘Lava Layering’ experiment designed by the Hawai’i Space Grant College. More information about the original experiment can be found on their web pages: (see for a link to the different ‘Lava Layering’ pages). Aims and objectives In this experiment, you will be constructing a volcano out of playdoh, and trying to learn about the history of a volcano produced by another group. It is important that you don’t tell the other groups about how you construct your volcano and don’t ask other groups about theirs!! Activity 1 – Constructing your volcano Your volcano will consist of several flows of lava (represented by the playdoh). Each colour of playdoh represents a different texture or composition for the lava. The teacher will tell you how many colours of playdoh to use when you have found out the total number of flows your volcano will have (see steps 4 and 5 in the Procedure, below). Apparatus (for each group) candle holder, foil, paper cups, tray, teaspoon, baking soda (bicarbonate of soda), white vinegar, paper towels. playdoh or clay in up to 4 colours (see steps 4 and 5 in the Procedure), Experiment procedure 1. Cover your tray with foil, making sure there are no gaps for vinegar to leak through. 2. Secure a candle holder to the centre of the tray. (You may use a small loop of tape). This is your eruption source (or volcanic vent), and the tray is the surface of the planet. 3. Place one teaspoon of baking soda in the candle holder. 4. Roll a 4-sided dice provided (the number on the bottom of the pyramid is the value). Add 3 to this number. This is the number of flows your volcano will have. If no dice is available, your teacher will tell you how many flows your volcano should have. 5. Set aside small balls of playdoh, one of each colour provided by your teacher. 6. Fill some paper cups with white vinegar. 7. You are now ready for your first ‘eruption’ to produce a lava flow. Pour some vinegar onto the baking soda in the candle holder. The mixture will fizz and overflow onto the tray. This represents your flow of lava. Remember, the size of your eruption depends on the amount of vinegar used. Real eruptions vary greatly in size, so try changing it a little (but don’t use too much or you will run out of room on your tray!). 8. Mark out the edge of this flow using a pen and mop up the vinegar with paper towels. Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 1 9. As best you can, use a single colour of playdoh to cover the areas where the vinegar (lava) flowed. 10. On the sheets provided, carefully sketch the extent of the flow and the appearance of the volcano, taking note of the colour of each flow, as shown in the example sketches. The history of your volcano will be used later, so make sure you note this down carefully. Some example sketches for a volcano with 8 flows are provided to show you what is expected. 11. Repeat steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 until you reach the total number of flows for your volcano, using all the colours of playdoh provided by your teacher. You may add fresh baking soda to the source cup or spoon out excess vinegar from the source cup as needed. Once you have used all the colours of playdoh, begin the cycle again until your volcano has the same number of flows given in step 4. Before handing your volcano on to the next group: a) sketch the final appearance of the structure. b) Choose five areas that you think it would be best to locate drill cores if you had to find out about your volcano. Note these down on your sketch, and explain what you would learn from these in the space provided. Hint: Try to locate the areas that would show the most complete history of the volcano, like the total number of flows and the thickness or extent of different flows. Now your teacher will pass your volcano on to another group and will give you a volcano to try and study. Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 2 Sheets for noting the construction of your volcano Name …………………………. Sketch of volcano after first flow ________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of volcano after second flow Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 3 Name …………………………. Sketch of volcano after third flow ________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of volcano after fourth flow Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 4 Name …………………………. Sketch of volcano after fifth flow ________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of volcano after sixth flow Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 5 Name …………………………. Sketch of volcano after seventh flow ________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of final volcano and chosen sites for drill cores Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 6 Name …………………………. Explain why you have chosen each location for the five drill cores on your volcano (i.e. what you would learn about the flows in the volcano by taking a core there). Drill Core 1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Drill Core 2: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Drill Core 3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Drill Core 4: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Drill Core 5: ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 7 EXAMPLE SHEET (Remember, your pictures should be larger, and can use colour!) Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 8 Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 9 Activity 2 – Analysing your volcano After you have constructed your volcano, you will be given another example made by a different group and asked to analyse it as best you can. When doing this, you are not only looking to find out the number of flows in the volcano, but you should also try to look at their extent and thickness. Bear this in mind when taking your measurements. In order to help you with this, you will be allowed to take up to five ‘drill cores’ using the straws provided. You may then cut one ‘river valley’ and finally, one ‘cross section’ can be taken. When studying the volcano, try to remember what you did to construct your volcano and use that information to guide you in locating the best places to take your measurements. Apparatus (for each group) straws cut into ~ 4 cm lengths a craft knife toothpicks coloured pencils Experiment procedure Step 1 - Initial Impressions Take a careful look at the complete volcano. This is what geologists are first faced with when analysing volcanoes on Earth. For volcanoes on other planets such as Mars, we are currently restricted to photographs and images taken by spacecraft, so we must learn as much as possible from views similar to those that you now have. Sketch the volcano on the sheet provided and try to answer the following questions: Question: How many flows are visible? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question: What is the stratigraphy or layering telling you about the ages of the flows? Try to place the flows you can see in their correct age order: Colour Of Oldest Flow: ……………………….………………………………….……………… Colour of Youngest Flow: …………………………………………………………...….………. List of Flows (oldest to youngest): ………………………………………………….....………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Step 2 - Drill Cores Think very carefully about where you take each of your drill cores, using the information from Step 1 to guide you in choosing the best positions to “drill”, and noting the criteria you use to locate each drill site. In real life, drilling is a difficult and expensive procedure, and you would be restricted in the depth to which you can probe. However, to make things easier for you in this experiment, each of your cores will reach the base of the volcano (so you will see all of the flows at each drill site). You may use up to five Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 10 drill cores to analyse your volcano. For each core, the following procedure should be followed: 1. Take a cut straw and push it into your volcano at your chosen site. You won’t have to push hard before you reach the tray. 2. When it reaches the tray, twist the straw to make sure the bottom layer is free, and carefully pull the straw back up. 3. Poke a toothpick into the top of your core and pull the playdoh from the straw – the layers of the volcano at that site should be visible in your core. 4. Carefully note the location of each drill core taken on your original sketch of the volcano, and sketch the cores in the boxes provided. Take care to note the number of flows of each colour, and the stratigraphy (layering) seen at each site. Step 3 – ‘River Valley’ To help with your analysis, we will say that through the millennia after your volcano formed, water ran through part of the flank, forming a valley and revealing the layering of different flows. As creating a valley in your playdoh volcano with water would be rather messy, use a craft knife to cut a wedge from the flank (side of the volcano) of your choice instead. In reality, we would be very fortunate indeed if a valley cut through any more than the uppermost layers of a volcano, but to make your study easier, you can cut to the tray and reveal all of the layers. Once again, be very careful when locating your valley and note the criteria you use to choose its position. When the valley is cut, carefully note its location on your initial sketch, and draw it in the box provided, noting the different layers and age relations for each. Step 4 – Cross Section As a final aid to your analysis, you may take a cross section of your volcano. There is no natural process that is likely to produce such a feature in a real volcano; this is simply to help you in your study, and help you test the results you have gained from the valley and drill cores. As with the river valley, the cross section should be cut with a craft knife, its position sketched onto your original diagram of the volcano, and the results carefully noted in the space provided on the sheet. Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 11 Sheets for analysis of a volcano Name …………………………. Initial sketch of volcano and chosen sites for drill cores ________________________________________________________________________ Drill Core 1 Drill Core 2 Drill Core 4 Drill Core 3 Drill Core 5 Sketch of the layers in the drill cores Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 12 Name …………………………. Sketch of river valley section from volcano ________________________________________________________________________ Sketch of cross section from volcano Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 13 Results and questions Once all of the measurements are taken, try to answer the following questions using the information you have gained through both your analysis and your experience in constructing a volcano. During this, you will be shown the real history of the volcano you were analysing by the group that constructed it. Similarly, your group will be asked to show the history of the volcano you constructed to the group that analysed it 1. On the volcano you have analysed: a) How many flows are there in total? …………………………………………………… b) What colour is the oldest flow? …………….……..…………………………………… c) What colour is the youngest flow? ………….………..……………………………….. 2. What influenced the flow direction during the construction of your volcano? Did the previous flows have any effect? Is there anything else in real life that would affect the flow of real lava? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 3. You were told how many colours of playdoh to use in your volcano. What would have been the effect if you had increased or decreased the number of colours? Would it be easier or harder to determine the flow history? Explain your answer. Which is the most realistic scenario? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 4. Compare the drill core locations you chose on the volcano you constructed with those taken by the group that took the samples. Are they similar? What criteria did you use in selecting the sampling stations? Discuss with your classmates whether you can produce a set of rules that could be used to locate drill sites on all of the volcanoes constructed. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 14 5. From your initial analysis, do you think there is any way we can identify lava layers on Mars from images and photographs? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… 6. If part of your mission plan is to explore the volcanic history of the Mars, what would be your recommended method of analysis and why? Remember that you will be sending people to Mars, not just robots. This will be discussed in class and could form an important part of your final mission plan, so make your arguments clear. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Playdoh Volcanoes (Activity Sheets) 15 Remote Sensing/Reflectance Spectrometer REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER – TEACHER NOTES The remote sensing experiment is designed to take a full hour to complete, and can be undertaken using just the materials provided within this pack as a paper based experiment. If you wish to introduce a practical aspect, it is possible to purchase the ALTA Reflectance Spectrometer to allow the students to take their own reflectance measurements. All of the data in this module was taken using an ALTA. The ALTA is available from: Orders Department, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston TX 77058-1113, USA (Tel: 281-486-2172, Fax: 281-4862186, Email: At the time of writing (August 2000) the cost of each spectrometer (including activity sheets) is $129.95 + post & packing. If this cost is prohibitive to you, an ALTA is available for loan for the cost of post and packing from: Dr. Wendy Kirk. Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Please contact Dr. Kirk on 020 7679 7900 for more details. This experiment will also soon be available online. The Mars in the Classroom pages are housed at This will follow the same structure as the pack, but will allow students to take a more hands on approach to taking and using the reflectance measurements. Activity sheet - aims and benefits To obtain accurate results from this practical and answer the questions correctly, the students must be able to: a) work methodically b) transfer data into graphical form c) interpret graphs and tabular data There is a lot of graph work in this experiment, so it is important to provide a context for the data. Stress the importance of the graphs regarding the nature of the Martian surface and make certain they understand the usefulness of transferring the information to ‘image’ format for interpretation and location purposes. Hints and answers to the question in the ‘Student Notes’ pack. We have given only a short introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum and remote sensing. Depending on the ability and level of your group you may wish to spend more time on this to ensure that the students have a firm grasp of wavelengths. For the questions (see answers below) it would be better for you to lead a discussion to get the students to really think about their answers. Remote Sensing (Teacher Notes) 1 Question 1: Some advantages are that it is less costly/dangerous to send an orbiter. The remote sensing craft is able to safely spend a lot longer in orbit around the planet, and will be able to look at a lot more of the planet than a probe would by landing in just a single place. Disadvantages are that you get less surface detail from an orbiting craft, and you can’t obtain or study rock samples from remote sensing. There will be many other advantages and disadvantages that the students will think of for themselves. Question 2: We would expect the student to send a remote sensing craft first to search for the most interesting (and safe) landing sites. Question 3: Reflectance spectroscopy uses mainly ultra-violet, visible and infrared wavelengths. Again it would be useful for the teacher to take the students through the electromagnetic spectrum if they are unfamiliar with it. Notes on Activity Sheet 1 The students should be led through these activities and encouraged to think carefully about their answers with full justification. Some of the points we would expect for each question are: Question 1: Where there is water there may be life. Is there water there now? If not, where did all that water go, and will there still be any signs of life? Question 2: Red – as that is the colour of the surface of Mars. The students will actually find though, that the red things plotted are brightest at the infrared wavelengths. Question 3: Anything red (i.e. paper, blood, apples). Nothing other than rock, soil or dust is likely to be found on the surface of Mars. Question 4 (from point 3): Yes, they should find that Object 2 will have a similar shape, but will not be as bright. Object 6 will also be similar but has a slight difference in shape. For your information, the actual objects used for this experiment are: Earth Rock: Play sand Object 1: Red card Object 2: Martian soil simulant Object 3: Dark red flower petals Object 4: Red house bricks Object 5: Glossy red car Object 6: Grey cement powder The Martian soil simulant is actually volcanic rock from a volcano in Hawai’i and has similar spectral properties to Martian soil. Graph 1 is an adaptation of Mars Pathfinder data, and shows the shape and brightness of the Martian soil as measured by the rover on the surface of Mars. Question 5: At least one spectrum should be the same/similar to the “Earth rock”. From this, the students should conclude that water was present, as we have stated earlier that the Earth rock formed in the presence of water. In reality it is not this simple of course! Remote Sensing (Teacher Notes) 2 Notes on Activity Sheet 2 Question 1: In the higher orbit, the images will cover a larger area, but at a lower resolution (i.e. less detail). In the lower orbit, less area will be covered, but more surface details will be seen. Which is most useful depends on what they want to do – if they want to find out how the composition varies across the whole planet on a large scale, then the higher orbit is best. If they want to locate a specific landing site, as they do in this experiment, then the lower orbit (higher resolution) will be better in order to fully characterise that site. Question 2: The main difference will be that they will see more blue squares in the lower orbit ‘image’. Figure 3 is the more detailed – one pixel in Figure 2 is represented as 9 pixels (3×3) in Figure 3. This information should be given to the students as you lead the discussion. Question 3: This has been answered above (depends on what they want to do etc.). Try to draw out more specific examples from them using the information they gained from answering the previous questions. Question 4: Use the lower orbit data as this will give more detailed information for the small spacecraft that will land within a single pixel. Question 5: This will be up to the students. Some will go right in the middle of the blue squares to be sure of hitting an area containing the right rocks while others will want to land at the boundary between two colours to look at how the surface varies across the boundary (this will require confidence in their ability to achieve a pinpoint landing). There will be a number of responses to this question and there is of course more than one correct answer. Encourage discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of some of the suggestions. Question 6: The Mr data has only provided limited compositional information. If you are going to have a human landing, you need to make sure that the ground isn’t too rocky, and that there are no other “nasties” like crevasses, cliffs or dunes of dust that will make the surface unstable to land on. There are a number of other remote sensing instruments that can be used to characterise the landing site in some of these ways. While we do not expect the students to know the names of such instruments you should try to get them to think of the kind of information they would want from other remote sensing instruments (i.e. topographic data, climate information etc.). Remote Sensing (Teacher Notes) 3 REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER – STUDENT NOTES In this experiment you will be using reflectance spectroscopy to learn about the surface of Mars and try to find a good landing site for your Manned mission. Reflectance spectroscopy is a form of remote sensing often used to study planets. What is ‘remote sensing’? Some spacecraft (satellites) in orbit around the Earth and visiting other planets carry different kinds of cameras to look at features on the surface of the planet, or at its atmosphere. The information gathered by these satellites is used by scientists to discover many things about the planet, without having to land on the surface. Because these satellites find things out (i.e. sense things) about the planet without ever touching the ground (i.e. remotely), this method of exploration is called remote sensing. These cameras can collect information at many different wavelengths. Looking at an object at lots of wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum can tell us different things about that object. But what is the electromagnetic spectrum? Most of you will have seen light split into its various colours, such as in a rainbow. You will all have heard of things such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves. What you might not know, is that all of these are part of the same thing, called the electromagnetic spectrum (Table 1). The only difference between them is their wavelength: at one end of the spectrum are the long wavelength, low energy radio waves and at the other are the short wavelength, high energy gamma-rays, with many other wavelengths in-between. Remote sensing uses all of these wavelengths to get information about a planet. Question 1: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote sensing instead of landing on the surface? Give a reason for your answers. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question 2: With these in mind, which type of mission would you send to the planet Mars first, a landing mission or a remote sensing mission? Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Remote Sensing (Student Notes) 1 How does reflectance spectroscopy work? Reflectance spectroscopy is a type of remote sensing that looks at the way in which a surface reflects light at different wavelengths. The reflectance value or brightness at each wavelength can be plotted on a graph to produce a spectrum, and the shape of the spectrum can tell you things about the object you are looking at. Question 3: Look at Table 1. What parts of the electromagnetic spectrum does reflectance spectroscopy use? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Table 1. The Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio waves Micro waves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet Long wavelength Radar Mapping Thermal (heat) mapping Gammarays Short wavelength Low energy Use in remote sensing X-rays High energy Thermal Mapping Visible imaging Compositional mapping reflectance spectroscopy GLOSSARY: ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM – radiation of different wavelengths make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves and X-rays are examples of electromagnetic radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum. REFLECTANCE SPECTROSCOPY – a remote sensing technique that measures reflected sunlight to get information about a planet’s surface. SPECTRA – plural of spectrum. SPECTRUM – a plot of brightness at different wavelengths. WAVELENGTH – the distance between the peaks of two waves. Remote Sensing (Student Notes) 2 REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER – ACTIVITY SHEET 1 As a part of the ‘Mars Reconnaissance’ or ‘Mr.’ program, the Space Agency has decided to launch a remote sensing spacecraft carrying an instrument to undertake reflectance spectroscopy and search for possible landing sites for a future mission to land humans on the surface. You are in charge of the mission, and have been told to look for areas where water may have existed when Mars was much warmer. Question 1: Why do you think these are important areas to study? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Your mission is a success and the spacecraft is sending backs lots of data. Now you have to analyse it! Your team is provided with the results from a region of Mars that experts say once contained water. These scientists also have a spectrum of an Earth rock that they think is the same as the rocks in this part of Mars and which proves that water once existed there. They want you to find a place in your region that has a spectrum similar to the Earth rock, as this will confirm the presence of water in the past. It is up to you to locate these rocks (if they exist) and decide whether this really is a good candidate for a human landing site. Your task: Your data is contained in Tables 2 and 3 with brightness (reflectance) values versus wavelength for a number of objects. You will be using these values to plot a graph for each object. The graph you plot is known as a spectrum and provides information about the object (i.e. brightness etc.). Before you plot your spectra, take a look at Graph 1. This shows two spectra as an example and guide for your graphs. Look carefully at the example spectra in Graph 1. The measurements were taken at very similar wavelengths that the cameras on-board your spacecraft work at. Using the information provided on Graph 1 and the colour that relates to wavelength in Table 2, answer the following questions. Question 2: At what colour (i.e. wavelength region) would you expect the surface of Mars to be brightest? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Remote Sensing (Activity Sheets) 1 Question 3: What other objects can you think of that are this colour, and are these likely to be present on Mars? Try to think of at least four. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Now you have to determine whether the scientists were correct when they said that rocks similar to the sample from Earth are to be found in your region, and hence that water once existed there. Do the following: 1. Using the data table for the Earth rock in Table 2, plot out the spectrum using Graph 1 as a guide, with wavelength on the x-axis and brightness (reflectance) on the yaxis. 2. For each object in Table 3, plot a separate graph as you did for the Earth rock. You should have 6 more graphs. 3. Look carefully at all of the graphs you have drawn. Question 4: Do any of the spectra from the ‘Mr.’ mission look like the Earth rock? Which one is most similar? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question 5: From your answer to Question 4, do you conclude that water once existed in this particular region of Mars? Give a reason for your answer. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Remote Sensing (Activity Sheets) 2 REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER – ACTIVITY SHEET 2 The remote sensing instrument of ‘Mr.’ passed over the region of Mars you have been given twice during the mission, once from a very high orbit, far from the planet and once from a lower orbit closer to the planet’s surface. Question 1: How do you think the results from the two orbits will differ? Which will provide the most useful information to you and why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… You learned a lot from the spectra that you plotted in the first exercise. But now you want to find out exactly where those spectra are located on the surface. To do this, you decide to create a picture from your data. The ‘Mr.’ sensor uses an electronic camera to take measurements, consisting of a grid of 36 ‘picture elements’ or pixels. Each pixel has a number from 1 to 36, as shown below in Figure 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Figure 1. A grid of pixels, as used by the ‘Mr.’ mission. The number of pixels covered by a given area or spectrum depends on the camera’s resolution i.e. how much of the surface detail can be seen in the data. To make the data easier to visualise, we will assign a colour to each of the spectra plotted in the previous exercise. The colours assigned are: Earth Rock: Blue Object 3: Yellow Object 6: White Remote Sensing (Activity Sheets) Object 1: Object 4: Red Green Object 2: Object 5: Brown Black 3 Each pixel will contain a single spectrum that represents the strongest signal from the area the pixel covers. Tables 4 and 5 reveal which spectrum was recorded at each pixel. Colour in the pixels accordingly in the two blank camera displays provided. Table 4. Distant Measurement Table 5. Low Orbit Measurement Pixel No. Spectrum Pixel No. Spectrum Pixel No. Spectrum Pixel No. Spectrum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yellow Brown Brown Brown Brown Red Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Red Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Red 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Brown Brown Blue Red Red Red Brown Brown Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Blue Brown Brown Brown Red Red Brown Blue Brown Blue Brown Black Brown Brown Blue Blue Brown Red 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Red Brown Blue Blue Blue Brown Green Brown Red Blue Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Figure 2. Distant Measurement 15 16 17 18 Figure 3. Low Orbit Measurement Question 2: What differences can you see in the two images? Which is the more detailed? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Remote Sensing (Activity Sheets) 4 Question 3: Give reasons why both kinds of resolution are valuable in some instances, with examples. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question 4: Which of the two would you use to locate a landing site, given that the scientists want to send the astronauts to a site that once held water? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question 5: Where would you land and why? Use the pixel number from Figure 1 as a label. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Question 6: Are you certain that the site seen by ‘Mr.’ is suitable for a Manned landing? What other information do you think you need to be sure? Can remote sensing be used to obtain any of this information? If not, what else can you use? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Remote Sensing (Activity Sheets) 5 REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER DATA SHEET Table 1 : Reflectance values for the Earth rock material. Colour Blue Green Yellow Amber Orange Crimson Red IR-1 IR-2 Wavelength (nm) 470 555 585 605 635 660 695 880 940 Reflectance Value 0.11 0.24 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.33 0.30 Table 2 : Reflectance values obtained from the Mr. mission. Colour Blue Green Yellow Amber Orange Crimson Red IR-1 IR-2 Wavelength (nm) 470 555 585 605 635 660 695 880 940 Reflectance Values Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object 4 Object 5 Object 6 Remote Sensing (Data Sheet) 0.13 0.27 0.51 0.75 0.90 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.00 0.02 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.16 0.15 0.02 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.25 0.21 0.24 0.60 0.81 0.10 0.18 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.37 0.28 0.27 0.41 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.53 0.51 0.53 0.13 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.23 0.19 0.17 0.24 0.23 1 REMOTE SENSING / REFLECTANCE SPECTROMETER EXAMPLE SPECTRA Graph 1 has wavelength on the x-axis and reflectance value (brightness) on the y-axis. Two spectra are plotted on the graph – one bright soil and one dark soil. You can see that the bright soil has much higher reflectance values, because it reflects more light. Graph 1: Example spectra 0.3 Reflectance Value 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 400 500 Remote Sensing (Data Sheet) 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 800 900 1000 2 Lego Rover LEGO ROVER – TEACHER NOTES This project can be run as part of the Mars in the Classroom program but is just as suitable for an after school science club or other small (4-6) group of students. Larger classes with access to several sets of Lego Mindstorms could, of course, do the project ‘en masse’. This would enable different groups to compare results and share in a wider discussion after the project has been completed. A small group of students should be able to finish the practical part of the project in one 1 hour session although 2 hours is recommended to complete the questions and fill out the data sheet. To do this project you will require some materials that are not provided within this pack: - Lego Rover with Mindstorms RCX unit. * PC computer (P200+ recommended) with one serial port connection free. Lego Mindstorms software on CDROM. * Lego RCX remote control * Floppy disc with ROVER1 program. * 5 red and 1 black coloured card circles (20mm diameter) A large table or uncarpeted floor space 2m x 2m (must be lightly coloured!) All the items marked * can be obtained from UCL Geological Sciences for the cost of postage plus a deposit: Dr. Wendy Kirk, Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Please contact Dr. Kirk on 020 7679 7900 for more details. This experiment will also soon be available online. The Mars in the Classroom pages are housed at The online rover experiment will follow the same structure as in this pack, allowing students to complete the module without the need to obtain the rover directly. Activity sheet - aims and benefits To obtain accurate calibration values and run through this experiment smoothly, students must be able to work methodically and follow systematic instructions. The module aims: a) To highlight the differences between autonomous rovers and remotely controlled vehicles and to give the pupils an idea of some problems involved in sending robotic vehicles to other planets. b) To explore the concept of calibration – one of the fundamentals of experimental measurements. c) To introduce the ideas of computer programming and provide a stepping stone for further work if required. Lego Rover (Teacher Notes) 1 Handy hints and experiment overview The RCX is an intelligent Lego brick. Using a PC, a simple program can be built up and then downloaded into the RCX via the infrared transmitter tower. When the RCX is connected to sensors (touch, temperature, light etc) and motors, the program can run using the sensors inputs, activating the motors as outputs. All sorts of interesting scientific experiments can be carried out using this system, but this project uses only a simple 2 motor, 4-wheeled rover with one light sensor. It is strongly recommended that you read the ‘Lego RCX Handbook’ that comes with the project and that you play around with the rover and the program before running the experiment in class. Aside from being good fun, this will lead to a good understanding of the system and enable you to deal with the (almost inevitable) problems the students will have with the system. The pupils will calibrate the light sensor by placing the rover over three different coloured areas. They can read the output of the sensor from the RCX itself and then must input this reading into the program. This is the only time they need to access the program but there is no reason why, if time and interest allows, they cannot write their own simple programs or modify the existing one. Once the rover is calibrated they use the rover to find a black circle amongst several red ones as a simulation for a rover searching for a rock of a particular composition on Mars. They then have to repeat the experiment using the hand held controller to guide the rover. The problem here is that, to mimic the 8 minute time lag involved in EarthMars communication, they have to wait ten seconds between button-pressing and have to close their eyes while controlling the rover! This simulates how controllers on Earth do not know exactly how the rover will respond when they send out a command from Earth to a rover on Mars. Finally, the students hold the sensor in their hands as an astronaut would and measure the ‘rocks’ directly. This shows how flexible and powerful human beings are for exploration of the planets compared with remotely controlled rovers (slow, due to time lag) and autonomous robots (faster, but inherently ‘stupid’). Things to do before the project starts - Install the Mindstorms program and complete the 30 to 45 minute tutorial. Unfortunately, this is a prerequisite for using the Mindstorms program. - Once you have the Mindstorms package up and running, load the ROVER1 program from the floppy disc. The ROVER1 program guides the rover in a zigzag search pattern from the lower left to the lower right of a square. - You will need to adjust the wait time in the “turnleft”, “turnrigh” and “goforwd” commands (the yellow ones) to make the rover do accurate 180o turns and cover the required amount of space. The reason these have to be changed is that the rover turns faster or slower depending on the surface it is placed on. - To calibrate the “wait times”, open the commands (right click) and try out a few values (numbers between 8-12 are the norm for a flat, wooden surface). Lego Rover (Teacher Notes) 2 - You will need to download the program to the RCX and run program 5 each time. In “turnleft” and “turnrigh”, the first and third “Wait” commands tell the rover how long to reverse the motor directions to do a 90o turn. The second “Wait” time is how long the rover advances in between successive 90o turns and should be left as it is. In the “goforwd” command the wait time is set to 60. This means the rover advances about 1-2 metres before doubling back. If you want the rover to search a larger area, increase this number as appropriate. Remember to save the program once you have calibrated the movement of the rover! This process shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes once you are at least slightly familiar with the software. Now, when the students run the program the rover should execute accurate 180o turns linked by an appropriate distance. Points at which the students could need help! • • • • • Loading the Mindstorms program and opening the ROVER1 program. Learning about the RCX and understanding how to use it. Inputting the light reading measurements into the program. Downloading the program into slot 5 of the RCX. Making sure they don’t “cheat” when using the remote control. Other issues It is important that the students don’t think they are looking for coloured rocks. The colour of the card circles represents the chemistry of the rocks, not their colour and this should be emphasised throughout the experiment. Thus they should investigate every ‘rock’, not just pick out the black one. You should make sure the students put the black circle in a position where at least some of the red circles are driven over by the rover first. If the black circle is the first to be examined then very little difference between the methods will be discovered. The recommended placement for the circles is shown below Lego Rover (Teacher Notes) 3 If the students like this project and time permits, they can write their own code and even make their own rover. A good idea is to ask them how to get the rover to make a different noise for each different composition of rock (coloured card) it samples, maybe using 4 or 5 coloured circles. Also, ask them how they could get the rover to avoid obstacles automatically (we can send you the touch sensors if required), and whether a random or planned search pattern is better. If you require help, further information or have any feedback about the project, please check out our website, which also has a summary of how to build the rover if you wish to do it yourself ( HAPPY ROVING!! Lego Rover (Teacher Notes) 4 LEGO ROVER – STUDENT NOTES In this project you will use a rover-vehicle to analyse different areas of Mars and find an area that is suitable for sampling. Well, actually you will use a Lego rover to search the floor of your classroom for a coloured circle. You must imagine that all the coloured circles are rocks that all appear the same to the naked eye, and that the black circle is a rock suitable for sampling. The colour of the circles doesn’t represent the colour of the rocks, but instead represents their chemical composition. You will have to pretend that only a special sensor can tell the difference between a black and a red circle! You are also going to have to calibrate the sensor that detects what colour the circles are. Calibration simply gauges a measured quantity against a standard reading. For example, if you were to measure the width of the playground in metres by counting how many paces it took for you to walk across it, you would first need to know how many metres long your pace was. By measuring your pace in metres (using a metre rule for example) you are calibrating your measurement of the playground. Getting started (ask your teacher for the RCX help guide if needed) In your group you must start your computer and load up the Lego Mindstorms program. You should open the program called ROVER1 from the program vault. Also, make sure that there are batteries in the RCX (the large yellow block on the back of the Rover), the remote control and in the Lego transmitting tower. Finally, you will need 4 or 5 red circles cut out of card and a single black one. Calibrating the light sensor The rover control program is already set up. It consists of a light sensor watcher which checks to see if the rover has moved into a suitable area, and a basic search program that enables the rover to thoroughly cover an area. All you have to do is input some numbers to make sure the rover stops when it is over a black circle (the ‘rock’ you want to sample). To calibrate the sensor: Place the rover on one of the red circles. Turn on the RCX. Press the “view” button on the RCX several times. You will see a little triangle move from one input/output to another from 1 to 6. The light sensor is attached to sensor input 2 so press the “view” button until the triangle is under sensor input 2. You can now read the value the sensor is measuring from the display on the front of the RCX. What value did the sensor return for the red circle? ………………………………………… Next, place the rover on the black circle and retake the measurement. What value did the sensor return for the black circle? ………………………………………. Now put the rover on the floor of the classroom where it will be used. What value did the sensor return this time? ……….…………………………………………. Lego Rover (Student Notes) 1 Typical results may be 45-55 for the red circle, 34-37 for the black and perhaps 60 for the classroom floor (don’t worry if your results are different unless the value for the black is higher than the red or the floor! If this is the case, then try again or go to see you teacher). Now go back to the computer and look at the ROVER1 program. Open the sensor watcher block (the blue one next to the main program) by clicking on the small button in the top corner. - In the top window of the “light” panel (the right hand side), type in a number that is 2-3 less than the value you measured for the red circle. In the bottom window of the “dark” panel (the left hand side), type in a number that is 2-3 higher than the number you got for the black circle. This should mean that when you set your rover off to explore ‘Mars’, it will continue on its way ignoring red circles, and will stop and beep at a black one! Testing the rover When you have done this, right click on the first block of the program (it should be green and say ROVER1 on it). Then, making sure that the transmitter tower is 10-15cm from the front of the RCX (the end with the darkened plastic ‘window’), press the “download” button. After 10-20 seconds the RCX will beep to tell you the program has been downloaded successfully. The ROVER1 program should always load into program slot 5. Press the program button a few times until the number 5 appears in the display. Put the rover on the floor with a couple of metres space both to the front and left of it, then press “run”. The rover should zigzag up and down the test area until you catch it and stop the program (by pressing “run again”). If it doesn’t turn good 90o corners or goes too far without turning, ask you teacher to check the calibration of the control program. Now, run the program again, but this time put several of the red circles in the path of the rover as it moves. Then, put a black one in the way. If the rover stops and beeps when it reaches the black circle then, “mission accomplished!”, you have tested and calibrated the rover successfully! Lego Rover (Student Notes) 2 LEGO ROVER – ACTIVITY SHEETS Rover/Astronaut comparison You will now use three different methods of getting the sensor to the ‘rocks’. Firstly you will use the ROVER1 program to control the rover automatically. Then you will use the remote control to control the rover manually. Finally you will carry the probe to the ‘rocks’ by hand as would an astronaut. Procedure Set up ‘Mars’ by putting several red circles and one black one on the floor of the classroom (see diagram). 1) ROVER1 controlled rover Run program 5, starting the rover as in the diagram above. Record how long it takes the rover to find the black ‘rock’. Also record if the rover failed to find the ‘rock’ or if other malfunctions occurred. Finally, you should record how many of the red ‘rocks’ were also visited by the rover. Place all your measurements in the datasheet provided. Repeat the experiment three times. When you have done this, put a couple of heavy books down to represent obstacles such as boulders. Repeat the experiments three more times, again writing down how long the rover took to find the correct ‘rock’ and how many red ‘rocks’ it visited. You must write down whether the rover was stopped from reaching the rock due to an obstacle. DO NOT MOVE THE CIRCLES IN BETWEEN EXPERIMENTS, AND MAKE CERTAIN YOU NOTE DOWN WHERE THE OBSTACLES WERE PLACED! Lego Rover (Activity Sheets) 1 2) Remote controlled rover Before you start, open the program LSWATCH and put the same values in the sensor watcher block as you did for ROVER1. Download the program to the RCX as you did before, overwriting the ROVER1 program in slot 5. You must now control the rover using the remote control. Pressing the buttons marked A, B or C controls motors A, B, or C. (note that only motors A and C are used in this rover!). If you run the motors in opposite directions, the rover will turn. Remember that the remote control unit works like a TV remote control, so you may have to move around to keep pointing the controller at the back of the rover as it turns! Practise controlling the rover for a few minutes before you perform the experiment. You should try to get a feel for how long you have to hold down the buttons to get the rover to turn 90o or to travel a certain distance. The big problem in remote controlling a rover on Mars is that it takes eight minutes for a message sent from Earth to reach Mars. Why do you think it takes so long to send or receive messages? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Obviously, for this experiment we can’t wait 8 minutes in between each command, so a delay of 10 seconds will be introduced instead. Also, to simulate the effects of not knowing the response to your commands the controller of the rover must keep their eyes shut while controlling the rover! The controller can look at the situation for 10 seconds, then he/she must close their eyes and perform ONE COMMAND ONLY! This command could be something like ‘run motor A and B for a few seconds’ or ‘run either motor A or B to turn the robot’. What the controller is not allowed to do is change the motors that are running without waiting 10 seconds in between. After each ‘command’ the controller can look at the situation for another 10 seconds before they close their eyes and perform another command, etc, etc. Try to visit each circle, starting with the nearest, until you ‘find’ the black one. Remember that the ‘colour’ of the ‘rock’ represents its composition, not what it looks like. You will have to imagine that each ‘rock’ looks the same and only the special sensor on the rover can distinguish between them. No driving straight towards the black circle without investigating the red ones! You will quickly find that the best way to control the rover is to be careful and not drive too far per command. You will also discover how frustrating and slow the process is! Lego Rover (Activity Sheets) 2 When you have had enough practise driving the rover under these difficult conditions, place the rover at the start position and run program 5. This is a simple program that monitors the sensor and beeps when it detects the black ‘rock’. Now, time how long it takes to find the black ‘rock’ INCLUDING all the time spent waiting between commands. Your teacher will check that you are closing your eyes fully and only performing one ‘command’ at a time! Count how many red ‘rocks’ you visit along the way and record the length of time taken to discover the black circle in the data sheet. If you have time, repeat the test three times. Now, as you did in the first part of the project, put some heavy books in the way as obstacles (put them in the same place as they were before, using the sketch you made in part 1). Time how long it takes to discover the black rock whilst avoiding the obstacles (you still have to visit all the nearer red circles remember!). Record the same observations you measured before. You will probably only have time to do each of the remote controlled experiments once. However, if you have more time, try to do them three times to compare with the programmed rover. 3) Astronaut Finally, take the RCX and the light sensor off the rover and run program 5 as you did for part 2). One member of your group should go from ‘rock’ to ‘rock’ and hold the sensor about half a centimetre from it. The RCX will beep when it detects the correct ‘rock’. Record how long it took to discover the black rock and how many of the red rocks you also tested. Repeat the experiment three times. Conclusions Look at the results you got from the first two experiments. Which was quicker at finding the black rock, the ROVER1 controlled rover or the remote controlled rover? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Which method (rover or remote controlled) sampled the greater number of rocks in total (red and black)? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Was the astronaut far worse, worse, better or much better than the rover? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… What are the disadvantages of remote controlling a rover? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Lego Rover (Activity Sheets) 3 What are the disadvantages of having a programmed rover? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of using human beings instead of rovers to explore Mars. ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Lego Rover (Activity Sheets) 4 LEGO ROVER – DATA SHEET DATE……………………… NAME……………………… CLASS………………….. GROUP NAME………………………………………… There are spaces to record all you measurements if you repeat each experiment three times. Measurement 1) ROVER1 program 2) Remote controlled 3) Astronaut Time taken to find black ‘rock’ (in seconds) Time taken to find black ‘rock’ with the obstacles present (in seconds) How many red ‘rocks’ were also tested? How many red ‘rocks’ were also tested with the obstacles present? Were there problems? any other Lego Rover (Activity Sheets) 5 Chocolate Rocks CHOCOLATE ROCKS – TEACHER NOTES AND HANDY HINTS The Chocolate Rocks experiment is an adaptation of the Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium’s ‘Edible Rocks’ experiment (see: The experiment will take approximately one hour to complete, but can be expanded or contracted, depending on the amount of time and resources available and the nature of the students. The lesson could be entirely based on pictures of rocks and edible samples if actual edible samples are impractical. The number of samples described and the length of any discussions may be extended or reduced by the teacher as appropriate. The discussion and/or the scope of the activity may be extended to include other rock types and their equivalent edible form. The choice is yours. Activity sheet – aims and benefits The aim of this activity is to introduce students to rocks and meteorites through the observation and description of the physical characteristics of edible samples chosen as models of real rocks or meteorites. It has been designed as a comfortable introduction to describing meteorites. It helps students to become better observers by making a connection between the familiar (chocolates) and the unfamiliar (meteorites). Edible rocks are used in scientific context, showing students the importance of observation, teamwork, and communication skills. Hints 1. This one is a real winner with the students, so some are likely to get over excited – make sure all your samples don’t get eaten at the start of the lesson! Save some of the edible samples to be handed out simply for the pleasure of eating them at the end of the lesson. 2. The edible samples are likely to melt in hot weather, especially when being handled. Store them in a cool, dry place until they are needed. 3. Make sure none of the students has an allergy to any of the ingredients of the edible samples before starting the experiment, particularly if any samples are substituted for others containing nuts! Extensions 1. Extend the discussion to include the concepts of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Get the students to suggest other everyday things that may be used as analogies for rocks. What other edible samples might they be able to look at, and what kind of rocks would they be similar to? 2. Discuss the formation history of the samples. Why do some have phenocrysts or vesicles when others do not? 3. Discuss ways in which the samples may have been modified (e.g. by weathering). Are the surfaces or the interiors of the samples more likely to be modified? What would the effect of running water over the samples? Would these weathering process have happened on Mars or on the Earth? How would they be different on the different planets? Chocolate Rocks (Teacher Notes) 1 4. Tie this module in with the Impact Cratering module if you are running it. Would these samples have formed impact craters when they landed (yes, but only very small ones)? What kinds of rocks form large impact craters? Why do some rocks survive travelling through the Earth’s atmosphere to land on the surface when others don’t? Field note answers 1. an iron meteorite 2. a chondritic meteorite 3. a meteorite with a fusion crust 4. an igneous rock from an explosive eruption 5 an igneous rock that cooled slowly as a magma 6. an igneous rock that cooled quickly as a magma = Dairy Milk = Rocky Road = Milky Way = Chocolate Aero = Chocolate Brownie = Cadbury’s Mint Crisp CHOCOLATE ROCKS – RECIPES Chocolate Brownies: 50g (2oz) cocoa powder 200g (7oz) self-raising flour 250g (8oz) soft margarine 300g (10oz) caster sugar 4 eggs 200g (7oz) glace cherries 100g (4oz) chocolate drops Pre-heat oven to Gas Mark 4/180C/350F. Sift cocoa powder and flour. Cream sugar and margarine together. Beat in eggs, adding a little of the flour mixture each time. Fold in remaining flour mixture, cherries and chocolate drops. Spread mixture into a tin and bake for 30-60 mins, checking constantly. Cool before slicing. Remove cubes as needed for samples, but keep rest intact. Rocky Road: 400g (14oz) chocolate pieces (melted) 100g (4oz) marshmallows. Line a small, but deep tin with aluminium foil and pour in about half the melted chocolate. Add marshmallows, and mix until coated. Pour remaining chocolate over the marshmallows and spread flat. Refrigerate until cold. Remove some cubes for samples, but keep rest intact. For other Rocky Road samples, add fewer marshmallows, cut in half. Chocolate Rocks (Teacher Notes) 2 CHOCOLATE ROCKS – FIELD NOTES 1. Sample is a solid, dark brown, dense mass, with no obvious fusion crust. 2. Sample consists mostly of coloured, soft, rounded to angular blebs, approximately 10mm in diameter, completely surrounded by a dark brown, uniform matrix. 3.Sample has homogeneous light brown interior with a few small vesicles. The exterior is a fairly regular, dark brown, fusion crust with some patterning. 4.Sample has a dark brown fusion crust with some patterning. Interior consists of a brown vesicular rock. There are no obvious inclusions. 5.Sample largely consists of a dark brown, vesicular matrix, with two phases present as phenocrysts. The first is red, rounded, approximately 15mm in diameter, and makes up ~10% of the sample. The second is orange, approximately 5mm in diameter, and makes up about ~5% of the sample. 6.Sample consists mostly of a solid, dark brown, dense matrix, with approximately 15% green, hard phenocrysts, and no obvious fusion crust. Chocolate Rocks (Field Notes) CHOCOLATE ROCKS – STUDENT NOTES If you landed on Mars, what would you see? If you landed on Mars you would see lots of rocks! You would be able to collect rock samples and study them to find out what kind of rock they are and what happened to them in the past, in the same way that geologists study rocks to find out more about the Earth. We can study Mars from the Earth too by using pieces of rocks from Mars that have fallen to Earth as meteorites. What are meteorites? Meteorites are mostly pieces of rock, but some can be made of different materials such as iron. All meteorites fall to Earth from space, and most come from broken asteroids which are themselves large lumps of rock and metal. How can we identify meteorites? Meteorites come in a variety of types and a wide range of sizes and shapes, but most meteorites have two things in common: 1) they have a dark brown or black glassy crusts on the outside. 2) they contain enough iron metal to attract a magnet. The outside crust of the meteorite is produced as the rock is heated by friction when it comes through the Earth’s atmosphere. This outer part of the meteorite melts and forms a fusion crust, which often has marks and indentations like thumb prints. The inside stays cool and is usually light grey to black in colour, but some may be light brown, or if they have been weathered and rusted, dark brown. How many meteorites come from Mars? Scientists have 13 meteorites that have come from Mars. They are thought to be from Mars because they are much younger than other meteorites, and because gases found inside them have the same composition as the Martian atmosphere. They are similar to rocks found on Earth called basalts, which form when molten rock is erupted from a volcano. This molten rock is called magma (before erupting onto the surface) and lava (when flowing on the surface after eruption). The magma can change when it is below the surface. As it cools, crystals can form (called phenocrysts) - the faster the magma cools, the smaller the crystals are. For larger crystals (up to 1cm) to form, the magma must cool very slowly. Also, as the magma rises to the surface, the pressure decreases, releasing bubbles of gas (very similar to the way a bottle or can of Coke bubbles when you first open it). If these gases are released very quickly, explosive eruptions can occur (equivalent to opening that Coke can after shaking it up). These bubbles can leave their imprint on a volcanic rock, leaving it like a frozen sponge with lots of holes in it. The number of these holes or vesicles, varies greatly between rocks. Question: Look at the surfaces of the samples. Are they similar to one another? If these were lava flows on Mars and you were looking down on the surface from above, would you be able to tell what the rock was made of or looked like inside? On your mission to Mars you will be landing on the surface. What will you be able to learn about the rocks when you get there? How will you study them? Chocolate Rocks (Student Notes and Activity Sheet) 1 CHOCOLATE ROCKS – ACTIVITY SHEET Aims and objectives The aim of this experiment is to describe in scientific terms, samples of edible rock supplied to you by the teacher. These descriptions will be used by others to identify the samples you observed, and attempt to describe the history of the sample. Procedure 1. Your group will be given three different rock samples by the teacher. Do not handle the samples or taste them! 2. Make a detailed sketch of each sample, showing the appearance of the surface and interior. You may use separate sketches for the surface and interior if you wish. Label the various features in your sketch, but do not use food terms (i.e. chocolate or cake). 3. Write two or three sentences describing the physical characteristics of the interior and exterior of the sample. Make your description as clear and complete as you possibly can, as others will be using your description to identify a sample later. 4. Nominate one person from your group. This person will tell the rest of the class one of your descriptions. The other groups will then have to identify that sample from the examples at the front of the class. Repeat this step for each group in the class. Try not to describe the same sample as the last group if possible. How descriptive were you? Was it easy to match each of the descriptions to the right sample? 5. Listen to the teacher read out the descriptions from the "Field notes" sheet provided. This is how a scientist may describe the same samples you have worked with. Were you able to identify the sample from these descriptions? How did they differ from your descriptions of the same sample? GLOSSARY Angular – having angles or sharp corners. Bleb – a small, rounded inclusion. Chondrite – a type of meteorite, characterised by chondrules. Chondrules – a small round body found as an inclusion in some meteorites. Homogeneous – all of the same kind. Inclusion – a material enclosed within another. Matrix – material surrounding inclusions or phenocrysts. Meteorite – a rock that has fallen to Earth from space. Phase – a homogeneous form of matter, separated from other forms by its surface. Phenocryst – a large crystal found in some types of rock. Vesicle – a small hole in a volcanic rock produced by gas bubbles. Chocolate Rocks (Student Notes and Activity Sheet) 2 CHOCOLATE ROCKS – OBSERVATIONS SHEET Name .………………… ………………….. Sketch the interior and exterior of your three samples in the boxes below (large box = interior, small box = exterior). Label each of your sketches carefully. Sample One Sample Two Sample Three Give a short, 2-3 sentence description of each sample, without using food terms: Sample One :…………………..……….………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Sample Two:……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Sample Three:….………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Chocolate Rocks (Student Notes and Activity Sheet) 3 Mission Planning MISSION PLANNING – TEACHERS NOTES The Mission Planning module can be used as the concluding part of the whole Mars in the Classroom project, or as a stand alone practical. It should be noted, however, that a certain amount of prior knowledge (such as some idea of what the globe of Mars looks like and a broad understanding of planetary subjects such as impact cratering, volcanoes and geological vocabulary) is assumed. The project will take about two hours and is entirely paper based. This is another reason why it is best run after a series of practicals, so that the students can apply what they have learned experimentally to an abstract, ‘pen and paper’ exercise. Activity sheet - aims and benefits The aim of the module is to design a viable mission to Mars. The equipment, funding levels and aims are all purely fictitious but the basic questions asked of students are exactly those that real mission designers have been struggling with for decades. The problems of cost, public (and political) support, risk analysis and scientific return are all dealt with, albeit in a simplified manner. Compromises and difficult decisions must be made in order to make the mission workable. The students will soon find that they can’t do everything and must learn to abandon certain goals. This kind of divergent thinking is important because there are no right or wrong answers. The same aims may be achieved in several ways using different strategies. It is suggested that the students work in small groups. This will result in a lot of ‘arguing’ about landing sites, goals and equipment, and teaches students to justify their decisions to their peers, and to distribute the workload and brainstorm for ideas. The project can be set for individuals, but weaker students may find some of the concepts difficult. Handy hints and procedure Only the two page Student Notes (Introduction) handout should be given to the students to begin with so that they are not distracted by the amount of technical data that comes later. The second sheet of this provides a list of important things they should use as a reference/checklist throughout mission planning. When they have read the introductory notes they can be given the two technical notes handouts and some working copies of the five different activity sheets. When the mission planning is complete, every group member should fill in the final report handout, so that each student can justify the choices made in the design process. In addition, one neat copy of each activity sheet should be made by each group to represent their finished proposal. A complete list of the eight handouts in this module is: Student Notes (Introduction) Technical Notes: (Technical Data) Activity Sheet (Timeline) Activity Sheet (Capacity Checklist) Mission Planning (Teacher Notes) Technical Notes (Goals and Landing Sites) Activity Sheet (Power Supply) Activity Sheet (Mission Costs) Activity Sheet (Final Report) 1 Assessing the final missions At the end of the Mission Planning, you can set up a ‘Selection Panel’ or just act as a selector yourself, and ask each group to make a short presentation to the class describing their mission and why they think it should fly (see the Summary section for more details). It is important to be able to roughly asses the quality of each mission for these presentations, or just from the sheets if you decide not to ask for group presentations. In order to achieve ‘high marks’ in this project, a certain amount of imagination must be combined with rigid attention to budgets. Certain criteria HAVE to be met… 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The financial budget must not be overspent. The weight capacity of spacecraft must not be overloaded. Astronauts must be fed! The mission must not overrun the time limit. The Mars base must have sufficient power. Sufficient scientists/pilots/power must be supplied for the labs in order to achieve any scientific returns. In addition, the choice of landing site should be compatible with the scientific aims the students have set and the science labs they have chosen for the mission. Imaginative thinking outside the scope of the handouts should also be encouraged. For example, just because the main expedition aim is too study volcanoes, credit should be given to students who realise that there are plenty of craters around as well and plan to send an extra field geologist to study them! The perfect mission should also aim to minimise the risk of failure. Although no ‘numeric value’ of risk is given, certain comments in the technical notes about ‘risk’ should not be ignored. A mission that uses a high risk landing site, nuclear energy and a minimum of crew (none of whom are trained as medics!) should be penalised for its lack of humanity! An example mission is included with fully completed activity sheets to help both you with assessment and the students with filling in the sheets during planning. Things to point out to the students 1. The funding limit is left to the teacher so this must be clearly stated. $50B will be enough for a ‘bare-bones’ mission, $70B enough for a more developed mission. Individual groups could be given different levels of funding to contrast missions. $55B is the recommended standard budget. 2. There is no right or wrong! As long as the various mission constraints (weight, cost etc.) are met then the mission is ok! 3. You do not need to take all the fuel you need to power the return vehicle. Much of the fuel can be made when you get to Mars. 4. Surface equipment that is denoted ‘deploys automatically’ can be sent to Mars early on an Unmanned probe. Mission Planning (Teacher Notes) 2 5. Nuclear power is much more efficient than solar power but can arouse public ill feeling (the Cassini mission to Saturn was constantly besieged by anti-nuclear demonstrations). Student opinion on this subject may be varied and could almost be made into a mini project of its own! 6. Think of the astronauts as people. They are going to be away a long time and could experience some extremely difficult conditions and emotions, so it is worth considering their comfort. Loneliness, boredom and aggression may all hamper the mission. Students should be encouraged to think of (and record) any other ways to improve astronauts lifestyles they can. It may help to make one member of each group a potential astronaut should their mission be chosen – this should get them to be more careful about how they treat the crew! 7. Public and political support funds missions. Safety, efficiency and astounding television pictures are all going to be essential for the funding of future missions! Mission Planning (Teacher Notes) 3 MISSION PLANNING – STUDENT NOTES (INTRODUCTION) NASA has finally agreed to fund a Manned mission to Mars. It is up to you and the other members of your group to plan the mission and decide upon the details of how it will run. You have been allocated a limited budget and given a list of goals the mission should accomplish. While planning your mission, ensure that you: a) spend less than the funding limit b) accomplish as many of the scientific goals as possible c) make the mission appeal to the general public d) keep the risks of mission failure low. READ THE HANDOUTS CAREFULLY!! This is a complicated and challenging project. You must work quickly and function as a team. The best mission will be safe, scientifically useful and encourage public interest. You will use the technical notes to decide on what spacecraft and experiments to include and, together with discussion in the group, to decide which landing site and scientific goals to aim for. Remember! Don’t just concentrate on the technical factors; safety and public opinion are both extremely important. A Manned Mars mission in which 3 astronauts died due to insufficient supplies would be perceived as a disaster no matter how valuable the scientific findings it returned! In fact, a disastrous mission such as that would most likely set back Mars exploration 10 years rather than promote it! Recording your mission strategy Your group will be given several copies of the activity sheet handouts. Use these to help plan out rough versions of the mission. When you have finalised all the details, record your final mission design on neat versions of the activity sheets and answer the questions in the final report handout. There will be a lot of rough notes and decisions to make, as well as some simple calculations. Be very careful not to write anything down on the final report until you are absolutely sure it is right! Designing the mission The basic idea of the mission is simple. An ‘Earth to Mars vehicle’ is used to get to Mars. The astronauts stay on the surface for a period of time and then fly back to Earth in a ‘Mars to Earth return vehicle’ which they brought with them. The Earth to Mars Vehicle must contain everything the astronauts need to live and work on Mars and must also contain the spacecraft the astronauts use to return to Earth. You are not limited to one launch (two or more may, in fact, be advantageous). The details of the type of spacecraft available are in the technical notes handout Mission Planning (Student Notes) 1 Mission design: Important things to remember 1. The mission should not take more than 30 months FROM START TO FINISH! In order to make things easier, it is assumed that the journey to or from Mars takes 6 months and the astronauts will stay on the surface either 6,12 or 18 months. 2. Your teacher will tell you how much funding you have. This has to cover EVERYTHING! The Technical Notes handout will tell you about the different spacecraft and equipment available. 3. You must provide enough food for the astronauts to live on. They will be away a minimum of 18 months. Food is heavy and must be taken to Mars onboard the transfer vehicle (you may use the greenhouse module to grow food for your return to Earth). 4. You must supply the astronauts with a habitat to live in whilst they are on their way to Mars and to use as a base on Mars. 5. You must provide a power supply for the base and additional equipment whilst it is on Mars. 6. You must provide the crew with a return vehicle. It is very bad publicity to leave people stranded on another planet!! 7. You can send more than one spacecraft. For example, you may wish to send two medium vehicles rather than a single large one. 8. You do not have to send all the spacecraft at the same time. In particular, the Unmanned Earth to Mars vehicle can be used to deploy equipment before the astronauts arrive. Mission design procedure 1. Read the scientific and public awareness goals. Decide which goals you would like to achieve (remember that you can’t achieve all of them!) 2. Read the landing site list. accomplish your goals. 3. Use the technical notes handouts to work out what items of equipment, spacecraft and astronauts are necessary to complete the goals you have set. 4. Using the activity sheets handouts, check you have not spent too much money, overloaded any of the spacecraft or failed to include any vital pieces of equipment. 5. If everything is under budget, look through the technical notes to add astronauts / equipment / aims to the mission to make it safer or better. 6. If you are over budget, you had better go back and make some cutbacks! 7. When you are satisfied with the mission, every group member should fill in one neat final report form, and a single neat version of each activity sheet should be produced for the group. Mission Planning (Student Notes) Decide which landing site you must visit to 2 MISSION PLANNING – TECHNICAL NOTES (Goals and Landing Sites) The science and public awareness goals are listed below. The goals you choose will decide which landing site you visit and what equipment you take on the mission. You should refer to the landing site list while choosing your goals to see if you can accomplish more than one goal at the same site! Scientific Goals There are several scientific goals that can be accomplished by landing humans on Mars. You will NOT be able to investigate all of them. If you have completed the full Mars in the Classroom project, use the knowledge you have gained from the previous experiments to help you decide which are the most important goals to complete. 1). Large volcano investigation There are many large volcanoes on Mars. Scientists on earth would like to make a full study of the geology and wish to return large samples of volcanic material for analyses. Study of cores taken from volcanic flows is also of prime importance in this study. 2). Large impact crater investigation Scientists wish to study the walls of large impact craters on Mars to look for geological features. They also want to study the ejecta patterns and floors of the craters. Laboratory investigation of samples from these areas is also required. 3). Water in Mars’ history investigation There is strong evidence to suggest water existed on the surface of Mars. By looking at the morphology of surface features and sampling the rocks, scientists hope to discover when and where the water disappeared to and to discover whether there were once lakes, rivers or oceans. 4). Ancient life investigation In order to investigate the possibility of ancient life on Mars, scientists wish to take samples from as large an area of Mars as possible and study them in a laboratory to search for evidence of ancient microfossils. Note that evidence for ancient life is more likely to be found in areas that may once have had large bodies of water. 5). Polar icecap investigation. The north and south poles of Mars both have variable icecaps. Scientists would like to sample these icecaps and to record how they develop throughout the year. They may also contain a lot of information about Mars’ climatic history. 6). Mars terraforming experiment. Scientists believe that by adding certain gases to the Martian atmosphere, the temperature could be warmed enough for human beings to eventually be able to walk on the surface. This experiment uses a machine to generate these gases from Martian rock to test how well it would work. Mission Planning (Technical Notes) 1 Public Awareness Goals Further funding for Mars exploration depends upon this mission being a success. To aid the public appreciation of this mission, certain ‘publicity stunts’ have been identified that, although secondary to the scientific goals, may be important (similar to the famous ‘golf-shot’ on the moon) to make the event memorable to the world public. 1). Monument A large but lightweight monument to be placed in a prominent position on the surface, immortalising human achievements. You’ll have to choose the monument design. 2). Ascent of Olympus Mons Several of the crew climb the largest volcano in the solar system. A landmark for human exploration (may be combined with a scientific goal). 3). Expedition to the edge of Valles Marineris Spectacular views of a canyon, four times deeper and six times wider than the Grand Canyon. Guaranteed to capture the public imagination (may be combined with a scientific goal). 4). Recovery of a past Martian probe Recovery of a part of a previous mission would be a first for Mars Exploration (note: this may also have some scientific worth for assessing lifetimes of probes to Mars). 5). Exploration of New areas Two probes have landed near the Ares Vallis region recently (Viking 1 and Pathfinder). The public may react favourably to a mission to an area that looks completely different. Mission Planning (Technical Notes) 2 Landing Sites You are given a choice of 3 landing sites. Each is given a rating of risk for landing a craft, availability of solar energy, details of interesting features nearby and a description of the geology of the local area. 1). Ares Vallis Location. Landing Risk. Solar Energy possible? Geology of local area. Features within 100km Features within 2000km 15oN, 35oW Low Yes, near equator so good supply of sunlight. Outflow channel, thought to have been caused by catastrophic flood of water. Some evidence for sedimentary rocks/sand/conglomerates. Mars pathfinder landing site. Some small impact craters. Large canyons. Valles Marineris (huge canyon 25 times bigger than the Grand Canyon) Some medium impact craters. 2). Vastitas Borealis Location. Landing Risk. Solar Energy possible? Geology of local area. Features within 100km Features within 2000km 70oN, 0oW High No, weak sunlight due to being near north pole Unknown, probably old volcanic bedrock with some dust/sand covering Some small impact craters Borders of northern icecaps One large impact crater Some medium impact craters Northern icecaps 3). Jovis Tholus Location. Landing Risk. Solar Energy possible? Geology of local area. Features within 100km Features within 2000km Mission Planning (Technical Notes) 10oN, 120oW Medium Yes, near equator so good supply of sunlight On Tharsis volcanic rise. Volcanic bedrock Small volcanoes and other volcanic flows Olympus Mons (biggest volcano in solar system) Three other huge volcanoes Volcanic channels Few small impact craters 3 MISSION PLANNING – TECHNICAL NOTES (TECHNICAL DATA) The following sheets provide you with a list of the items you can choose from in order to plan your mission. Go through each table/list carefully before selecting your mission requirements. You will have to select the types and numbers of spacecraft, equipment and astronauts to use. Make sure that: - your spacecraft can carry everything you take - you take all of the equipment needed to achieve your science and public awareness goals - you have enough power and properly trained astronauts to use the equipment you choose - you do not go over you budget! Use rough copies of the activity sheets to help you in this, and fill them in as you select your items to make certain you don’t miss anything out (there are some essential items for all missions no matter what goals you choose). You may find that you will go over your weight or money budget in your first few attempts. In this case, you will have to cut back on something and this could make it difficult to achieve all of your science or public awareness goals. Decide within your group exactly what it is that should be cut back and why. Once you have selected everything and satisfied all of the weight and money budgets, your group should fill out one version of each activity sheet to outline your mission, and every group member should fill in a neat version of the final report activity sheet. Mission Planning (Technical Data) 1 Transfer Vehicles All trips to Mars are assumed to take 6 months, no matter which vehicles you choose to use. Things to remember when choosing your vehicles: - - - You may decide to make several launches or just one. Remember that the launch vehicle you use will determine how much weight you can get to Mars and so be sure you choose sensibly. The Unmanned vehicle lands automatically without risk of failure. The total weight of equipment you send on the Earth to Mars Vehicle must not be greater than its carrying capacity. The return vehicles must be carried in the Earth to Mars vehicle and therefore take up some of the capacity. The Mars to Earth return vehicles are unfuelled. You can send extra fuel on a launcher for the return journey, or produce it on the surface of Mars (see technical data, Equipment) The Unmanned “Dunkin” craft can be used to transport equipment to the surface ahead of the Manned mission or can be launched at the same time as other vehicles. Earth to Mars Vehicles Name of vehicle Maximum Earth to Mars surface payload Cost to launch with full payload “Heather” heavy launcher 60 tons $20B “Martin” medium launch vehicle 30 tons $12B “Dunkin” Unmanned launch vehicle 8 tons $7B Mars to Earth Vehicles Vehicle type and name Fuel needed for return journey Weight of vehicle Carrying capacity Vehicle cost “Eagle” Mars surface to Earth return vehicle 70 tons 25 tons not including fuel or cargo 9 tons $8B “Hydra” Mars surface to Earth return vehicle 35 tons 15 tons not including fuel or cargo 5 tons $5B Mission Planning (Technical Data) 2 Transfer Vehicle Equipment The following items may all be fitted inside the Earth-Mars or Mars-Earth vehicle. Things to note when choosing the Transfer Vehicle Equipment: - One habitat module is essential for any Manned Earth to Mars Lander. Some of this equipment is generally to make the astronauts more comfortable and is therefore not essential. Description Weight Cost Notes Crew habitatsmall 3 tons $2B Provides sleeping/recreation quarters for up to 5 astronauts. Acts as base on Mars but requires 10kW of power on the surface. Crew habitatlarge 5 tons $3B Provides sleeping/recreation quarters for up to 10 astronauts. Acts as base on Mars but requires 15kW of power on the surface. Entertainment system 0 $1B Fuel supplies Variable 0 Exercise area 1 tons $2B Artificial gravity module 2 tons Mission Planning (Technical Data) $5B Music/Video/Computer/Email for the astronauts to prevent boredom Spare fuel can be taken for powering rovers or for supplying the return vehicle with fuel for its return to Earth. The fuel is very cheap and assumed to cost nothing but it will take up a large amount of carrying capacity . Ensures astronauts are fit and well when they reach Mars. Without this they may be unable to walk for the first few months until they have built up muscle By attaching a weight on a long cable to the spacecraft and spinning the whole system, some gravity can be generated in the transfer vehicle. This means there is no need for an exercise area and the crew will be much more effective when they arrive at Mars 3 Surface Equipment (Rovers) ALL SURFACE EQUIPMENT must all be stowed in the transfer vehicle if selected for the mission. Things to note when selecting the rovers: - One item marked with a * may be operated by one crewmember with the appropriate training (see Astronauts Technical Notes) Rovers are not essential, Some geology can be done in the local area if they are not used. Description “Terrance” Shortrange Rover* Weight 1 ton Cost $1B “Phillip” Longrange Rover* 3 tons $5B “Kenny” Robotic Rover 1 ton $5B Mission Planning (Technical Data) Notes Can travel up to 100km over 6months using solar power. Can carry one astronaut. Requires a geologist to collect samples but cannot be used for longer excursions, as it has no accommodation facility. Has basic coring/sample collection facilities and also carries cameras etc. Can return 2 tons of samples over 6 months. Can travel up to 2000 km. Accommodation for up to 2 astronauts, one of whom must be a geologist to collect samples. Has storage for food and drink for 2 astronauts for 6 months. Has basic coring/sample collection facilities and also carries cameras etc. Requires 1 ton of fuel for 6 months operation. Can return 3 tons of samples over 6 months. Solar powered, can travel up to 2000km in 6month period and perform limited science. Can be deployed automatically from Manned or Unmanned Lander. If sent ahead of Manned vehicle, it can scout for the best landing site in the area. This makes landing of the Manned vehicle safe in any area. Can collect and return small samples from the local area (100km). Less risky than human driven vehicles. 4 Surface Equipment All surface equipment MUST be stowed in the transfer vehicle if selected for the mission. Things to note when selecting surface equipment: - - Two items marked * may be operated by one Astronaut with appropriate training. Some of these items are used to help complete certain specific goals (e.g. the monument or terraforming experiment) while others are more general (such as the geology laboratory or the fuel production facility). You must choose which of the items are most useful to the mission and are best suited to perform the science you wish to do. Description Weight Cost Notes Fuel Production Facility 2 tons $2B Can deploy automatically from Unmanned or Manned lander. Can produce and store 25 tons of fuel in six months. Requires 5kW of power. Greenhouse/ Water Facility* 3 tons $2B Can produce and store 8 tons of food and water in six months Requires 10kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist. Geology Laboratory* 2 tons $3B Icecap Laboratory* 2 tons $3B Fossil Laboratory* 2 tons $3B Medical Station 1 ton $2B Monument 1 ton $1B A monument dedicated to human exploration of the solar system. Terraforming Experiment* 2 tons $1B Performs terraforming experiment. Can be set up anywhere on the surface but requires 10kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist. Mission Planning (Technical Data) Used to perform laboratory analysis of rocks brought back by rovers. Requires 5kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist. Used to make laboratory analysis of icecap samples brought back by rovers. Requires 5kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist. A laboratory used to search for life in samples returned by the rovers. Requires 5kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist. Provides emergency medical aid. Requires 5kW of power and a crewmember trained as a technical scientist or a medic. 5 Base Power Supply Things to note when choosing your base power supply: - When the Earth to Mars vehicle has touched down it will need power to run the Habitat modules and the scientific experiments. You may choose as many power supply units as you wish and they may be sent with the Manned mission or ahead, on an Unmanned vehicle. Solar power array 1 ton $1B Nuclear power 1 ton $3B Deploys automatically. Each array provides 25 kW of power. Deploys automatically. Provides 200kW of power. May prove unpopular with public. May be risky if sent in same vehicle as crew. Astronauts Astronauts are assumed to weigh nothing. However, they do require a large amount of food, water and clothes. - For each six months the astronauts are away they must be supplied with 1 ton of food/water/clothing PER ASTRONAUT. Each six months supply of astronaut food/water/clothing is assumed to cost $0.5B. This will cover up to 5 astronauts (so, if you send 10 astronauts you must pay $1B for their consumables). You must decide how many astronauts you are going to take and what training they will have. You may choose as many of each of the following as you wish as long as you stay in budget and the food/water they need does not exceed the weight limits of the spacecraft. 1). Pilot The pilot is an essential part of the mission. You must have at least one pilot. Two pilots would be better in case one becomes ill/injured. The pilot can drive rovers on the surface and repair machines, thus reducing the risk of the mission. 2). Field geologist scientist At least one geologist is essential if you want to collect samples when driving rovers to distant parts of Mars. They will be an essential part of the mission if you are intending to study geology of any kind. 3). Medical expert scientist The medical expert is non-essential but will decrease the risk associated with the mission. This will be vital if you have only a small crew. Mission Planning (Technical Data) 6 4). Technical scientist This scientist can operate laboratory equipment and other machines. As an expert in technical matters, he/she will dramatically reduce the risk of breakdowns of equipment. Things to note about astronaut selection: - If you wish, you may train the astronauts in skills they do not have (cross-training). This costs $0.5B per astronaut. For example you could train the pilot in geology so that he could analyse rock samples or train the geologist in medicine to improve safety. - You must decide if you will have a commander for the mission or if it will be run democratically. An overall commander makes the mission run more smoothly but a commander may NOT be cross-trained (he is too busy sorting things out to worry about more than his chosen field). Remember, odd numbers mean less arguments if the mission is run democratically! - Note that one astronaut may get very lonely if he/she is supposed to complete the mission alone. The same applies with two astronauts (they may get sick of the sight of each other!). It is best to opt for at least four astronauts. - The amount and type of astronauts you choose will affect what equipment you can take to Mars. For example, a technical scientist can only operate two pieces of research equipment on the surface. If you have more research equipment than that, but no-one trained to use it, you will have wasted vital resources. Mission Planning (Technical Data) 7 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (TIME LINE) In the table, indicate what will be happen at each stage in the mission. example sheet for help in how to fill the table in. See the Time (months) Mission Phase Stored Fuel 0 Mission start 0 to 6 Phase 1 (6 months) 6 End of Phase1 6-12 Phase 2 (6 months) 12 End of Phase 2 12-18 Phase 3 (6 months) 18 End of Phase 3 18-24 Phase 4 24 End of Phase 4 24-30 Phase 5 30 End of Phase 5 Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) Description of launches, research, samples collected, aims accomplished Stored Food 1 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (POWER SUPPLY) Make sure that the power supply for the Mars Base is sufficient for all the equipment you have on the surface. Use the example sheet to help fill this in if you need to. Power Supply 1. Type……………………. Power Output…………….………....kW Power Supply 2. Type……………………. Power Output…………….………....kW Power Supply 3. Type……………………. Power Output…………….………....kW Power Supply 4. Type……………………. Power Output…………….………....kW Total power available …………………….kW Habitat type…………………………………….. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 1………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 2………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 3………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 4………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 5………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 6………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 7………………………………. Power used……………………kW Total power used …………………….kW Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 2 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (MISSION COSTS) Use these sheets to calculate the total cost of your mission and make sure that you haven’t overspent! Use the example sheets to help you fill these in if needed. Earth to Mars Spacecraft Use this sheet to write down the type and cost of all the Transfer/Lander Spacecraft you plan to use in your mission. Spacecraft 1…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Spacecraft 2…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Spacecraft 3…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Spacecraft 4…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Total cost of Earth to Mars Spacecraft…………………………$B Mars to Earth Return Spacecraft Use this form to write down the type and cost of all the Mars Return Spacecraft you plan to use. Spacecraft 1…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Spacecraft 2…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Total cost of Earth to Mars Spacecraft…………………………$B Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 3 Earth to Mars Vehicle Equipment Use this sheet to write down the type and cost of all the equipment you plan to put on the Earth to Mars vehicle. This should include: - any rovers, laboratories and other equipment you plan to put on the Mars surface (extra fuel is free) any equipment such as the exercise area or the artificial gravity module for use on board the Earth to Mars Spacecraft. and this must include a habitat for each Manned Mars Lander spacecraft and must include a power supply for the Mars base. Use the example sheets to show you how to fill this in. Item 1…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 2…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 3…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 4…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 5…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 6…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 7…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 8…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 9…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 10…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 11…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 12…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 13…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 14…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Item 15…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B Total cost of equipment……………………………$B Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 4 Astronauts You should write down the type and cost of training of all the astronauts you plan to send. Also write down how long the astronauts will require food from Earth and the cost of this food. Astronaut 1 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 2 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 3 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 4 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 5 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 6 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 7 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 8 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 9 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 10 ……………………….. Cross trained in ?………………………….. Total cost of cross training…………$B Amount of time stored food supplies required?……………………………………. Cost of food supplies……………….. $B Total cost for astronauts………………………………….$B ______________________________________________________________________ TOTAL MISSION COSTS Now add up the total cost of the mission and make sure it is not greater than the initial funding amount! Cost of astronauts and stored supplies..………………………$B Cost of Earth to Mars vehicle………………….……………$B Cost of Mars to Earth return vehicle.……………………….$B Cost of equipment..………………………………………………$B TOTAL MISSION COST ……………………….$B ______________________________________________________________________ Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 5 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (CAPACITY CHECKLIST) Use this checklist to make sure you have not overloaded the vehicles (you can use two or more copies of this sheet if there is more than one Earth-Mars transfer). Refer to the example sheet if you need help filling this out. Earth to Mars Transfer Vehicle Name of spacecraft…………………………………………………………….. Launch time (e.g. start of phase 1)…………………………………………… Capacity…………………………tons How many astronauts on board?……………………………………………. Total amount of stored food required……………………… …………………tons Type of habitat (if present)………………………………….. ………..………..tons Mars to Earth Return vehicle……………………………….. (unfuelled and empty if present) …………………tons Power supply type (if present)………………………………. ..………………...tons Item 1………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 2………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 3………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 4………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 5………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 6………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 7………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 8………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 9………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 10 ……………………………………………………….. ………………....tons Stored fuel (if any)………………………… tons Total weight carried in spacecraft……………..tons Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 6 Mars to Earth Return Spacecraft Use this checklist to make sure you have not overloaded the return vehicle (you can use two or more copies of this sheet if there is more than one Mars-Earth transfer). Refer to the example sheet if you need help to fill this in. Name of spacecraft…………………………………………………………….. Launch time (e.g. start of phase 5)…………………………………………… Capacity…………………………tons How many astronauts on board?……………………………………………. Total amount of stored food required…………………tons Amount of samples being returned to Earth…………………tons Other equipment carried (e.g. entertainment system) ……………………tons Total weight carried in Spacecraft……………………..tons Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 7 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (FINAL REPORT) Fill in these sheets with the details of your final mission plan. Once you have finalised the mission, every member of the group should fill in one of these reports. Refer to the example sheet to show you how to fill this in if necessary. Group Name…………………………………………………………………………….………... Which landing site have you selected? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Which scientific goals do you think you can accomplish at this site? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… What made you choose this site and goals? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Are there any non-scientific aspects to your mission to capture public awareness? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 8 What equipment (laboratories, rovers etc) are you including in your mission to accomplish these goals and why these specifically? ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… ……………………………………………………………………………………………...……… Now make a neat copy of the mission timeline each, and one neat copy of the mission costs, spacecraft capacity and power checklists for the mission. Mission Planning (Activity Sheets) 9 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (TIME LINE) EXAMPLE In the table, indicate what will be happen at each stage in the mission. example sheet for help in how to fill the table in. See the Time (months) Mission Phase Stored Fuel 0 Mission start Description of launches, research, samples collected, aims accomplished LAUNCH DUNKIN VEHICLE WITH 3 SOLAR ARRAYS, KENNY ROVER AND SPARE FUEL (2TONS) AND FOOD(2TONS). Stored Food DUNKIN VEHICLE IN TRANSIT. 0 to 6 Phase 1 (6 months) 6 End of Phase1 6-12 Phase 2 (6 months) 12 End of Phase 2 12-18 Phase 3 (6 months) 18 End of Phase 3 MANNED VEHICLE LANDS. LABORATORY AND GREENHOUSE FACILITIES DEPLOYED. 18-24 Phase 4 GEOLOGICAL SAMPLING OF LOCAL AREA. FOOD PRODUCED. TERRAFORMING EXPERIMENT RUN. 24 End of Phase 4 24-30 Phase 5 CREW USE EXERCISE AREA TO KEEP FIT. FUEL PRODUCED AT BASE FOR NEXT MISSION TO USE. 30 End of Phase 5 EAGLE RETURN VEHICLE LANDS WITH CREW AND SAMPLES DUNKIN VEHICLES LANDS. DEPLOYS ARRAYS, FUEL FACILITY AND ROVER. 2 0 2 25 16 50 4 5 4 30 KENNY ROVER SURVEYS LANDING SITE TO ENSURE SAFETY. FUEL FACILITY PRODUCES FUEL. HEATHER LAUNCH VEHICLE WITH CREW AND REMAINING EQUIPEMENT IS LAUNCHED WHEN FUEL FACILITY IS SEEN TO BE OPERATING CORRECTLY. CREW IN TRANSIT. GEOLOGY OF LOCAL AREA SURVEYED BY KENNY ROVER. MORE FUEL PRODUCED RETURN VEHICLE READIED AND LAUNCHED WITH LIMITED SAMPLES AND ENOUGH FOOD FOR HOMEWARD JOURNEY Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 1 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (POWER SUPPLY) EXAMPLE Make sure that the power supply for the Mars Base is sufficient for all the equipment you have on the surface. Use the example sheet to help fill this in if you need to. Power Supply 1. Type..SOLAR ARRAY.. Power Output…………25……….....kW Power Supply 2. Type..SOLAR ARRAY.. Power Output…………25……….....kW Power Supply 3. Type..SOLAR ARRAY.. Power Output…………25……….....kW Power Supply 4. Type……………………. Power Output…………….………....kW Total power available ………75………….kW Habitat type…… LARGE ………………………… Power used………15…………kW Equipment item 1… MEDICAL STATION………. Power used………5…..………kW Equipment item 2 TERRAFORM EXPERIMENT.. Power used………10…………kW Equipment item 3… GEOLOGY LAB …………… Power used………5…..………kW Equipment item 4 FUEL PRODUCTION FACILITY Power used………5..…………kW Equipment item 5………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 6………………………………. Power used……………………kW Equipment item 7………………………………. Power used……………………kW Total power used …… 40 ….…….kW Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 2 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (MISSION COSTS) EXAMPLE Use these sheets to calculate the total cost of your mission and make sure that you haven’t overspent! Use the example sheets to help you fill these in if needed. Earth to Mars Spacecraft Use this sheet to write down the type and cost of all the Transfer/Lander Spacecraft you plan to use in your mission. Spacecraft 1..HEATHER HEAVY LAUNCH VEHICLE Cost …20….$B Spacecraft 2..DUNKIN UNMANNED VEHICLE…… Cost …7…...$B Spacecraft 3…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Spacecraft 4…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Total cost of Earth to Mars Spacecraft…………27……………$B Mars to Earth Return Spacecraft Use this form to write down the type and cost of all the Mars Return Spacecraft you plan to use. Spacecraft 1 EAGLE RETURN VEHICLE……..…… Cost …8…...$B Spacecraft 2…………………………………………… Cost ………..$B Total cost of Earth to Mars Spacecraft……………8…………$B Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 3 Earth to Mars Vehicle Equipment Use this sheet to write down the type and cost of all the equipment you plan to put on the Earth to Mars vehicle. This should include: - any rovers, laboratories and other equipment you plan to put on the Mars surface (extra fuel is free) any equipment such as the exercise area or the artificial gravity module for use on board the Earth to Mars Spacecraft. and this must include a habitat for each Manned Mars Lander spacecraft and must include a power supply for the Mars base. Use the example sheets to show you how to fill this in. Item 1……MEDICAL STATION…………………….. Cost ……..…2…$B Item 2……TERRAFORMING EXPERIMENT……….. Cost …..……1…$B Item 3……GREENHOUSE FACILITY……………….. Cost ….….…2…$B Item 4……ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY MODULE……….. Cost …….…5…$B Item 5……ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM……..…….. Cost ……..…1…$B Item 6……LARGE CREW HABITAT…….………….. Cost …..……3…$B Item 7……TERRANCE ROVER…………..………….. Cost ……..…1…$B Item 8……GEOLOGY LABORATORY……………….. Cost …..……3…$B Item 9……SOLAR POWER ARRAY……..….……….. Cost ..………1…$B Item 10..…SOLAR POWER ARRAY……..….……….. Cost ..………1…$B Item 11..…SOLAR POWER ARRAY……..….……….. Cost ..………1…$B Item 12..…SOLAR POWER ARRAY……..….……….. Cost ..………1…$B Item 13..…KENNY ROVER…………..………..….…. Cost ……..…5…$B Item 14…..RETURN VEHICLE EXERCISE AREA…. Cost ……..…2…$B Item 15…………………………………………………….. Cost ……………$B 29………………$B Total cost of equipment…………29 29 Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 4 Astronauts You should write down the type and cost of training of all the astronauts you plan to send. Also write down how long the astronauts will require food from Earth and the cost of this food. Astronaut 1 ……PILOT…….……… Cross trained in ?……LEADER…..……... Astronaut 2 ……PILOT…….……… Cross trained in ?……MEDIC……..……... Astronaut 3 ……MEDIC…….……… Cross trained in ?……PILOT……..……... Astronaut 4 ……GEOLOGIST…..… Cross trained in ?……MEDIC……..……... Astronaut 5 .TECHNICAL SCIENTIST Cross trained in ?……MEDIC……..……... Astronaut 6 .TECHNICAL SCIENTIST Cross trained in ?……GEOLOGIST……... Astronaut 7 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 8 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 9 ………………………… Cross trained in ?………………………….. Astronaut 10 …………….…………. Cross trained in ?………………………….. Total cost of cross training…2.5…$B Amount of time stored food supplies required?…………18 MONTHS………. Cost of food supplies………3…….. $B Total cost for astronauts…………………5.5…………….$B ______________________________________________________________________ TOTAL MISSION COSTS Now add up the total cost of the mission and make sure it is not greater than the initial funding amount! Cost of astronauts and stored supplies..…..…5.5…………$B Cost of Earth to Mars vehicle…………………27………$B Cost of Mars to Earth return vehicle.…………8………...$B Cost of equipment..…………………..………29……………$B TOTAL MISSION COST ………….………69.5…….$B ______________________________________________________________________ Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 5 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (CAPACITY CHECKLIST) EXAMPLE Use this checklist to make sure you have not overloaded the vehicles (you can use two or more copies of this sheet if there is more than one Earth-Mars transfer). Refer to the example sheet if you need help filling this out. Earth to Mars Transfer Vehicle Name of spacecraft… DUNKIN UNMANNED LANDER ………….. Launch time (e.g. start of phase 1)… START OF PHASE ONE……… Capacity…8……tons How many astronauts on board?………………………………………. Total amount of stored food required….…………………..…… ………………tons Type of habitat (if present)…….……………………………..….. ………….…...tons Mars to Earth Return vehicle…………………….………………. (unfuelled and empty if present) ………………tons Power supply type (if present)………………………………. ..………………...tons Item 1…………SOLAR POWER ARRAY…………..……... …………1…….tons Item 2…………SOLAR POWER ARRAY…………..……... …………1…….tons Item 3…………SOLAR POWER ARRAY…………..……... …………1…….tons Item 4…………FUEL PRODUCTION FACILITY……....…... …………2…….tons Item 5…………KENNY ROVER………………………...….. …………1…….tons Item 6…………SPARE FOOD…………..…..………………. …………2…….tons Item 7………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 8………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 9………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 10 ……………………………………………………….. ………………....tons Stored fuel (if any)………………………… tons Total weight carried in Spacecraft……8……..tons Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 6 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (CAPACITY CHECKLIST) EXAMPLE Use this checklist to make sure you have not overloaded the vehicles (you can use two or more copies of this sheet if there is more than one Earth-Mars transfer). Refer to the example sheet if you need help filling this out. Earth to Mars Transfer Vehicle Name of spacecraft… HEATHER HEAVY LAUNCH VEHICLE ………….. Launch time (e.g. start of phase 1)… START OF PHASE THREE……… Capacity…60……tons How many astronauts on board?………………… 6……………………. Total amount of stored food required…18 MONTHS………… ………18……tons Type of habitat (if present)……LARGE……………………..….. ………..5…...tons Mars to Earth Return vehicle…………EAGLE…………………. (unfuelled and empty if present) …..…25….…tons Power supply type (if present)………………………………. ..………………...tons Item 1…………MEDICAL STATION……………………….. …………1…….tons Item 2…………TERRAFORM EXPERIMENT……….…….. …………2…….tons Item 3…………EXTRA STORED FOOD………………..….. …………2…….tons Item 4…………ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY MODULE……..…... …………2…….tons Item 5…………ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM………….….. …………0…….tons Item 6…………TERRANCE ROVER…………..…..……….. …………1…….tons Item 7…………GEOLOGY LABORATORY………..……….. …………2…….tons Item 8………… RETURN VEHICLE EXERCISE AREA……. …………2…….tons Item 9………………………………………………………….. ………………….tons Item 10 ……………………………………………………….. ………………....tons Stored fuel (if any)………………………… tons Total weight carried in Spacecraft……60……..tons Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 7 Mars to Earth Return Spacecraft Use this checklist to make sure you have not overloaded the return vehicle (you can use two or more copies of this sheet if there is more than one Mars-Earth transfer). Refer to the example sheet if you need help to fill this in. Name of spacecraft…………… EAGLE …………………………………….. Launch time (e.g. start of phase 5)…………START OF PHASE 5………………… Capacity………9………………tons How many astronauts on board?…………………… 6……………………. Total amount of stored food required………6………tons Amount of samples being returned to Earth………1………tons Other equipment carried (e.g. entertainment system) ………2…………tons Total weight carried in Spacecraft………9…………..tons Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 8 MISSION PLANNING – ACTIVITY SHEET (FINAL REPORT) EXAMPLE Fill in these sheets with the details of your final mission plan. Once you have finalised the mission, every member of the group should fill in one of these reports. Refer to the example sheet to show you how to fill this in if necessary. Group Name………… EXAMPLE MISSION………………………………………………... Which landing site have you selected? ………… ARES VALLIS……………………………………………………………………… Which scientific goals do you think you can accomplish at this site? WE WILL BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH THE WATER IN MARS’ HISTORY GOAL..….… AND ACCOMPLISH THE TERRAFORMING EXPERIMENT. WE WILL ALSO ………… RECOVER A PAST MARTIAN PROBE (MARS PATHFINDER) ………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… What made you choose this site and goals? SAFETY IS THE PRIME CONCERN OF THIS MISSION. THIS IS THE SAFEST…….... LANDING SITE AND WE CAN USE SOLAR POWER BECAUSE IT IS NEAR THE…… EQUATOR (THIS IS ALSO SAFER THAN NUCLEAR POWER) ……………….……..… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Are there any non-scientific aspects to your mission to capture public awareness? THIS LANDING SITE IS CLOSE TO THE PATHFINDER SITE SO WE CAN RETURN A PAST MISSION. THIS IS ALSO A SCIENTIFIC GOAL. ………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 9 What equipment (laboratories, rovers etc) are you including in your mission to accomplish these goals and why these specifically? WE HAVE INCLUDED A GEOLOGY LABORATORY TO LOOK AT THE SAMPLES …….. COLLECTED TO HELP WITH THE WATER IN MARS’ HISTORY MISSION GOAL. WE.. HAVE ALSO INCLUDED THE TERRAFORMING EXPERIMENT. THE UNMANNED……. KENNY ROVER SURVEYS THE SITE TO MAKE SURE IT IS SAFE BEFORE LANDING ASTRONAUTS. THE FUEL FOR THE HOMEWARD JOURNEY IS ALL PRODUCED……. BEFORE THE ASTRONAUTS ARE LAUNCHED TO ENSURE SAFETY. A SPARE…….. SOLAR ARRAY IS INCLUDED IN CASE ONE BREAKS DOWN. EXERCISE AND ANTIGRAVITY MODULES ARE USED IN THE SPACECRAFT TO MAKE SURE THE…………. ASTRONAUTS ARE AS HEALTHY AS POSSIBLE. THIS IS NECESSARY BECAUSE.. THEY ARE ONLY STAYING ON THE SURFACE A SHORT TIME TO MAXIMISE………. SAFETY. THE ASTRONAUTS ARE ALL CROSS TRAINED TO MAKE SURE THEY….. CAN DO EACH OTHERS JOBS IF ONE BECOMES ILL. …………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………... Now make a neat copy of the mission timeline each, and one neat copy of the mission costs, spacecraft capacity and power checklists for the mission. Mission Planning (Activity Sheet Examples) 10 Summary Lesson Plan / The Future and Contact Details SUMMARY LESSON PLAN At the end of the Mars in the Classroom project, we recommend asking each group to make a short presentation to tell everyone else about their mission. If you wish to make it a little more interesting, perhaps set up a ‘Selection Committee’ of invited teachers who will judge the missions and decide which should fly. It is even possible to take this a step further and have class to class or school to school competitions! The choice is entirely yours. It is useful if a brief summary of the whole project is also given at this stage, to recap on what the students have learned from the modules completed. By now, they will have taken on board a considerable amount of information. Presentations are best left ‘unrestricted’ other than in their duration, and that they must include a clear statement as to the mission they would fly. A five minute presentation should be adequate for most groups, but this will depend upon the ability and confidence of your students. The time limit can of course be changed depending on the number of groups and their ability. By placing no restrictions on the nature of their presentation, students will use their imagination to try and capture the interest of the Selection Panel! For some groups, you may find it useful to ask them to develop their own Mission Badge or Logo, or perhaps even a poster to advertise their mission! Again, this is down to the nature of the group being taught and is left to the discretion of the teacher. OTHER POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES There are two additional modules that fit in well with the Mars in the Classroom project: ‘Build Olympus Mons’ and ‘The Face on Mars’, both of which are 1 to 2 hour practicals. Further details of these projects can be found on our web pages: ( Build Olympus Mons! This experiment was presented by Albin (a US planetary researcher) at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston) in 1998, and allows students to build a wax version of Olympus Mons (the largest volcano known in the Solar System). Dyed wax is melted, and a small ladle used to pour it into the centre of a large tray. Once this has cooled, another ladle of wax is poured and so on. Each ladleful represents a new lava flow, which in reality may be separated in time by anything from days to millions of years. As the volcano builds up with more and more flows, its shape will evolve from an irregular form to a circular one, showing the students why volcanoes are generally circular in plan. This technique also creates a caldera at the top of the volcano giving the whole thing a more realistic appearance. This module will take an hour, and of course you must trust your students with a stove and hot wax! The Face on Mars This simple experiment is designed to illustrate the common problem of overinterpreting data. The infamous “Face on Mars” is a perfect example of this: first seen by the Viking orbiters in the 1970’s, the ‘Face’ is in fact a cliff or butte, protruding from the surrounding plains. However, under the right lighting conditions and at low resolution, the structure resembles a human face. The “Face on Mars” experiment Summary Sheets 1 explains this to the student by showing them images of a model Face on Mars under different lighting conditions (see the Mars in the Classroom web pages for these images: To provide a practical aspect to the project, students can try to make a similar face using modelling materials. THE FUTURE AND CONTACT DETAILS New experiments will be developed and placed on the web pages as time progresses. These can be found at For those without internet access, please contact Mars in the Classroom for details of new and upcoming experiments: Dr. Wendy Kirk, Department of Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. Tel: 020 7679 7900 We hope you enjoyed your time on Mars! Please let us know by writing to the address above or e-mailing us from the web pages – any feedback would be greatly appreciated! ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The developers and authors of this project would like to acknowledge the support and funding provided by COPUS (Royal Society, UK). Special thanks to Douglas Heather for help in preparing some of the practical aspects of this project, and to those who have designed the projects upon which some of these workshops are based (the Hawai’i Space Grant Consortium in particular; for details of their experiments, see We must give a huge vote of thanks for the enthusiasm and support of the teachers and pupils of Nicholas Hawksmoor and Charles Edward Brooke Schools who helped us through the pilot projects. In particular, thanks to Mr. James Thomson & Mrs. Nikki Edwards (Nicholas Hawksmoor School, Borehamwood, Herts) and Mr. Dave Ashmore (Charles Edward Brooke School, Lambeth, London) who bravely handed over one of their classes to us, and to Ms. Annette Andrew (Lewisham Education) who put us in contact with Charles Edward Brooke School. David Heather Sarah Dunkin Matt Balme Paula Martin August 2000 Summary Sheets 2 **News Flash....28th August 2017....Humans land on Mars....** ...Today, for the first time in history, humans have set foot upon another planet. After a six month journey, Sarah Dunkin, David Heather, Paula Martin, and Matt Balme, expertly guided their ‘MITC-1’ landing module to touch down on the flanks of Olympus Mons early this morning. After stepping out onto the frosty surface of Mars, the intrepid four said "This is a tremendous achievement, of which all Mankind should be justly proud.”... *End News Flash* The Mars in the Classroom team, pre-launch! From left to right: Paula Martin, Sarah Dunkin, Matt Balme and David Heather. Photo taken during the mission design phase. Prepare yourself for the ultimate round of Mars in the Classroom!! Summary Sheets 3 MARS IN THE CLASSROOM - QUESTIONNAIRE We would be grateful if you could find the time to fill in this short appraisal form of the Mars in the Classroom project so as we can continue to improve and develop the scheme and resource pack in future. Please return the completed form to: Dr. Wendy Kirk (MITC Co-ordinator), Dept. Geological Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT. NAME (Optional): ……………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL/CLUB/INSTITUTION (Optional): …………………………………………………………………….. MITC MODULES USED (tick as appropriate) !" Full Project !" Introduction !" Impact Cratering !" Playdoh Volcanoes !" Rem. Sensing/Refl. Spect. !" Lego Rover !" Chocolate Rocks !" Mission Planning !" Presentations/Summary Was the project you ran: !" Very successful !" Successful !" Not very successful !" A failure Did you find the resources pack: !" useful (clear and instructive) !" average !" poor (difficult to follow instructions and understand experiments) Comments on individual modules: Please indicate whether or not you found the experiments useful by ticking the relevant box, and provide additional comments as you see fit. Introduction Lesson: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Impact Cratering: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Playdoh Volcanoes: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Remote Sensing / Reflectance Spectroscopy: !" !" Good (useful) Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Lego Rover: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Chocolate Rocks: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Mission Planning: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Summary Lesson / Presentations: !" Good (useful) !" Indifferent / Average !" Bad (not useful or productive) Additional Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. General Comments on Mars in the Classroom and suggestions for improvements: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..