Appendix E Engineering Memoranda Assessment of Dredge Area Containment on Pages E-2 to E-47 Slope Stability and Consolidation on Pages E-48 to E-84 Armor and Filter Design on Pages E-85 to E-104 Silt Trap Evaluation on Pages E-105 to E-111 Summary of In Situ Stabilization Case Studies on Pages E-112 to E-115 Draft Contractor Document: Subject to Continuing Agency Review Interoffice Correspondence Date: April 18, 2007 To: L. Bossi (WHI) Copy: S. Thompson (WHI), L. Warner (WHI), B. Fidler (NNJ) From: E. Garvey (NNJ) Re: Assessment of Dredge Area Containment Several generally perceived benefits exist related to the containment of areas being dredged. The most prominent generally-perceived-benefit is that sediment, which is disturbed and resuspended due to the movement of the dredge head, is isolated from the free flowing portion of the river by the containment structure, thereby reducing the potential for dispersion of contaminants. This reduction in dispersion potential could also facilitate the management of dredging residuals, which would be confined within the contained dredging area rather than spread over a larger area of the river bed. In addition, if a more contaminated surface were to be exposed by removal of overlying, cleaner material, the utilization of a containment structure might reduce the interaction between the contaminated surface and the organisms present in the free flowing portion of the river. This reduction in interaction could result in lower risk and environmental impact associated with implementation of dredging operations. Methods and equipment for containing dredge areas are relatively common. They range in cost from relatively low (e.g. silt curtains) to relatively high (e.g. sheetpile containment structures). As the total cost depends not only the equipment selected but also on the magnitude of the area to be contained, several analyses were conducted to attempt to define discrete areas where a contained dredge operation might be able to achieve the generally perceived benefits discussed above. These analyses, which use historical data from the project database, include: Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-2 June 2007 • Examination of the vertical distribution of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) concentrations using histograms and box-and-whisker plots, including estimation of the mean and median concentration at a given depth (Figure 1 through Figure 3). • Calculation of the length-weighted average (LWA) concentration for each coring location for Total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and 2,3,7,8-TCDD. • Examination of the spatial correlation of LWA and depth of contamination (DOC) for Total PCB and 2,3,7,8-TCDD using Thiessen Polygons (Figures 4 through Figures 7). • Examination of the relationships for Total PCB and 2,3,7,8-TCDD among the parameters mass per unit area (MPA), LWA, and DOC (Figures 8 and 9). • Examination of the relationships among the variables LWA, MPA, and DOC for 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentration profiles at select locations (Figure 10). These analyses were conducted to determine if areas or layers of sediment could be identified that could be treated separately from the surrounding areas/layer. For example, were the top two feet of sediment consistently low as compared to deeper sediments, so that they could be handled differently? Alternatively, could locations be identified that had consistently higher average values (i.e., LWA) such that areas of the river bottom could be identified for possible containment? The results of these analyses are presented below. RESULTS 2,3,7,8-TCDD Vertical Distribution (Figure 1 through Figure 3) • Logarithmically transformed concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD show non-normal distributions. Nevertheless, sufficient numbers of samples exist to statistically support estimates of the river-wide median/mean of concentrations for each depth interval. Note that Figure 1 includes all core segments; segment depth intervals that did not exactly match the intervals plotted were included in the interval containing their mid point (e.g., a core segment of 0.9-1.6 feet was included in 0.5-1.5 feet interval). Figure 3 includes only exact sediment intervals (i.e., segments matching the most commonly occurring interval such as 0-0.5 feet, 0.5-1.5 feet, 1.5-2.5 feet, etc.). Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-3 June 2007 • Figure 2 presents the box-and-whiskers diagrams for 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentrations at various depth intervals. Concentrations vary by several orders of magnitude at each depth interval. There are no major distinctions in median concentrations for segments with midpoints between 1 foot and 5.5 feet. Median concentrations increased for the segment intervals between 6 feet and 8.5 feet relative to the shallower intervals. Note that the data suggest that most contamination lies shallower than 12 feet; however, this observation may be an artifact of the lack of core segments greater than 8 feet. The mean 2,3,7,8-TCDD concentration increased from the surface to a depth to 5.5 feet by over two orders of magnitude. However, much variability exists in concentrations at each depth interval, evident from several perspectives. For example, the central 50 percent of the distribution, or “box” in each diagram, spans more than two orders of magnitude for each interval. The mean and median deviate by greater amounts as depth increases to about 6 feet. The mean for any interval frequently falls beyond the 95th percentile of the data, due to the occurrence of a few very high values at every depth. The maximum concentration in a given core can fall at any interval. Perhaps the most disconcerting observation is the occurrence of bimodal distributions at several depths, such as 2.6 to 3.5 feet or 4.6 to 5.5 feet, where the peaks of the two centers differ by three orders of magnitude. • On average, the top 2 to 3 feet of sediment have the lowest concentrations, but even this interval contains many segments above 1,000 picogram per gram (pg/g). [More than 25 percent of the segments with midpoints between 1 foot and 1.5 feet have values greater than 1,000 pg/g (refer to the fourth box-and-whisker diagram from the right in Figure 2).] LWA and DOC Maps (Figures 4 through 7) The previously calculated MPA values, determined as part of the Draft Geochemical Evaluation (Step 2) (Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006), were used to simplify the calculation of LWA. LWA and DOC were examined for Total PCB and for 2,3,7,8-TCDD based on the high fraction of complete cores for Total PCB and the overall importance of 2,3,7,8TCDD as a risk driver compared to other contaminants, respectively. Despite the Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-4 June 2007 differences in the number of complete cores, both contaminants suggest similar conclusions. • There is a high degree of heterogeneity in LWA and DOC patterns, although perhaps less than that observed for MPA. High LWA and consistent DOC levels of Total PCB and 2,3,7,8-TCDD occur in several general areas and for several miles in some cases including: near river mile (RM)1 to RM2, RM3 to RM4, and RM6 to RM7. These areas correspond to the hot regions identified in the Draft Geochemical Evaluation (Step 2) (Malcolm Pirnie Inc., 2006). • As also observed in the Draft Geochemical Evaluation (Step 2) (Malcolm Pirnie Inc., 2006), the DOC for Total PCB is consistently shallower than that for 2,3,7,8-TCDD and appears to be more spatially variable for Total PCB relative to 2,3,7,8-CTDD (compare Figures 5 and 7, particularly 5c and 7c). The lower degree of variation apparent in the 2,3,7,8-TCDD DOC is likely to be an artifact of the much higher frequency of incomplete cores for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. This scenario is because of the large number of cores between 5.5 and 7.5 feet in length and the effect of the extrapolation process that would tend to similarly increase the incomplete cores. MPA versus DOC (Figure 8a and Figure 9a) • The data suggest a consistent semi-logarithmic relationship between 0 foot and 6 feet (i.e., log MPA = a*DOC + b) as shown by the straight-line portion of Figure 8a and Figure 9a. • Beyond 6 feet, this relationship ends and the curve suggests little additional increase of MPA with DOC. • The initial (0-6 feet) relationship spans two orders of magnitude for Total PCB and nearly four orders of magnitude for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. However, even over this range, the degree of MPA variability is high, at least a factor of three variation at any given DOC value. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-5 June 2007 LWA versus DOC (Figure 8b and Figure 9b) • Like MPA, the data suggest a consistent semi logarithmic relationship between 0 foot and 6 feet (i.e., log LWA = a*DOC + b), as shown by the straight-line portion of Figure 8b and Figure 9b. • Again like MPA, beyond 6 feet, this relationship ends and the curve suggests little additional increase of LWA with DOC. The change in LWA beyond 6 feet appears to be less than that for MPA. • The initial (0-6 feet) relationship again spans two orders of magnitude for Total PCB and nearly four orders of magnitude for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. However, even over this range, the degree of LWA variability is high, at least a factor of three variation at any given DOC value. LWA versus MPA (Figure 8c and Figure 9c) These figures yielded an unexpected result, suggesting a fairly close relationship between MPA and LWA. This observation was unexpected since MPA is related to the product of LWA and depth and not simply LWA. While this observation is consistent with the observations shown in Figures 8a, 9a, 8b, and 9b, there is still much variability in the relationship (e.g., the scatter in MPA at any given LWA is still a factor of three or more). • Nearly linear relationship between logarithmically transformed data [linear regression coefficient (r2) greater than 0.7]. • No real change in the scatter between the complete and incomplete cores. • These results suggest the following scenario. In each core, the MPA is primarily driven by one or two highly contaminated segments, which are an order of magnitude “hotter” than the rest of the core. Thus, unless the core is very shallow, additional core segments do not affect the MPA and no relationship with depth is observed. The consistent core length combined with this condition also serves to yield LWA values that are tied to the “hottest” segments, yielding a strong relationship between LWA and MPA. This hypothesis should be further examined to see if it can explain all of the observed relationships. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-6 June 2007 LWA versus MPA (Figure 10) This figure examines some individual profiles to better understand the relationships observed in Figures 8 and 9. Notably: • For complete cores, the maximum concentration can occur at any depth. • Higher LWA and/or MPA correlate with the thickness of the interval(s) with the highest concentrations. • Individual cores span several orders of magnitude. Note Tierra Solutions, Inc. (TSI) core identification number 234 and TSI core 284 in Figure 10a. TSI core 234 has the maximum MPA while TSI core 284 has the maximum LWA. While the differences in MPA and LWA between the cores are large, they still fall within the factor of three variability noted in Figure 9c, thus upholding the relationship previously noted. DISCUSSION Given the variability in the concentrations of Total PCB and 2,3,7,8-TCDD along the river and with depth, it is difficult to distinguish discrete areas where containment might yield a significant positive impact. Similarly, the LWA/MPA maps suggest only large areas where LWA is similar but generally quite high. The adjacent less contaminated small areas are typically only supported by a few cores and thus should not be singled out for different treatment based on the available data. The scatter observed in any depth interval suggests that the maximum concentration in any core can occur at any interval and thus no simple “rule of thumb” can be developed to remove sediment by layers while changing the type or degree of containment. Because there is such a wide range in concentrations vertically, a single high concentration segment can significantly skew MPA/LWA values. The analyses above are not able to identify discrete areas where containment of dredging operations would be able to realize the generally perceived benefits. In addition, the use of dredge area containment over the entire Area of Focus is not considered feasible for the reasons described below. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-7 June 2007 The strong currents and bidirectional flow present in the Lower Passaic River would potentially require that dredge area containment be achieved by sheetpile containment structures. The construction of these structures would cause a significant amount of resuspension, as equipment used to drive sheetpile in marine settings typically uses impact or vibratory hammers, and the availability of specific equipment capable of driving sheetpile while minimizing resuspension is unknown. In addition, the movement and positioning of the equipment will cause resuspension, especially if tugs are used in shallow areas. The depth to which sheetpile would have to be driven would be controlled by dredging depth. In some areas, dredge depths may exceed 15 feet, and would require an associated sheetpile depth of at least 45 feet. This extensive depth requirement, as well as the high potential for both surface and subsurface debris, would likely pose a substantial challenge to the implementability of driving the sheetpile in contiguous sections. In addition, the stability of the sheetpile structure following removal of the targeted sediment contained within may require that backfill be placed up to the level of the surrounding grade prior to removal of the sheetpile. Perhaps more importantly, the obstruction of the river flow by the containment structures would cause increased current velocities in the remaining portion of the river cross section. These increased velocities would serve to resuspend sediments at a greater rate in these areas. Similarly, the reduction of cross-sectional area available for flow due to the sheetpile walls may cause flooding impacts. Given these considerations, the magnitude of resuspension resulting from the construction and use of containment structures would almost certainly be higher than the current load of suspended solids, and could potentially be higher than the magnitude of resuspension due to dredging using best management practices. Finally, the flow conditions present in the Lower Passaic River create daily potential for dispersion both upriver and downriver, and the implementation of dredging operations in Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-8 June 2007 this environment will cause resuspension and dispersion of highly contaminated sediment at a level greater than the existing load of suspended sediments. Longer project durations will result in a longer timeframe available for deposition of this highly contaminated sediment to occur on top of any cap or backfill material placed in areas where removal operations are complete. Therefore, completion of remedial operations in a shorter timeframe will result in a shorter period for the deposition of highly contaminated sediment on top of the cap or backfill material. The shorter period would also allow for the application of multiple cap or backfill layers to isolate any of the redeposited sediments. It is likely that construction of containment structures using sheetpile would control the critical path of implementation and substantially increase the total project duration, potentially resulting in a greater volume of highly contaminated sediment being deposited on top of cap or backfill material due simply to increased period of general dredging activities. Following completion of remedial operations, deposition on top of the cap or backfill material would be controlled by ongoing sources of suspended sediment load, which are substantially less contaminated. CONCLUSION Several generally perceived benefits exist related to the containment of areas being dredged. Analyses conducted to attempt to identify areas in the Lower Passaic River where these benefits could be realized during dredging operations were not able to distinguish discrete areas from their surroundings. However, the use of dredge area containment over the entire Area of Focus would likely result in negative impacts associated with the construction of dredge area containment structures. Nevertheless, best management practices could be used to reduce resuspension and dispersion of contaminated sediments during dredging operations. Additionally, sequencing of dredging operations could be conducted to minimize the contaminant concentrations in redeposited material that will not be subsequently addressed. Specifically, dredging of areas of higher inventory (i.e., deeper deposits and other areas with an associated potential for higher loss of contaminant mass) could be conducted (a) early in the project when resuspended sediments would have a greater likelihood of Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-9 June 2007 depositing in areas that will later be remediated, or (b) during seasonal lower flow conditions, when the potential for resuspension is reduced and silt curtains could potentially be used. REFERENCE Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., 2006. “Draft Geochemical Evaluation (Step 2).” Lower Passaic River Restoration Project. March 2006 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-10 June 2007 Figures Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-11 June 2007 Legend 2,3,7,8-TCDD Distribution Notes Data Source: JMP Version 6.0.0 “Statistical Discovery” from SAS Institute Inc. Units are in pg/g for the concentration. Units are in feet for the core segment mid point. Distribution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in All Core Segments: log basis Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 1a June 2007 Legend 2,3,7,8-TCDD Distribution Notes Data Source: JMP Version 6.0.0 “Statistical Discovery” from SAS Institute Inc. Units are in pg/g for the concentration. Units are in feet for the core segment mid point. Distribution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in All Core Segments: log basis Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 1b June 2007 Legend Median x Mean Notes 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration Grouped by Core Segment Midpoint All Data Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 2 June 2007 Legend 2,3,7,8-TCDD Distribution Notes Data Source: JMP Version 6.0.0 “Statistical Discovery” from SAS Institute Inc. Units are in pg/g for the concentration. Units are in feet for the core segment mid point. Distribution of 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Exact Core Intervals, Typically in Continuous Cores, log scale Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 3 June 2007 ) Legend * ) < ! ) ! k ! * Length Weighted Average ng/g ! ( ) ) ( # < 100 ) ! < ! 101 - 316 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE 1001 - 3162 < 3163 - 10000 (! ( > 10000 ) # Core Type ) I-95 WEST ALIGNMENT ) 317 - 1000 Continuous < 125 ng/g at core bottom , US 1 ) 2 / M ON D BL VD ( 1T RU ( ! # CK > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) US * RAY > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ) ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc k < < ) ( * k ) Depth (feet) ( ( 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 ) ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ! MU SA VE ) ) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. ) ) 1 RE DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd * Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb # ! 0-5 * ( ) ( k ! ( * ( ! # * ¯ Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average River Mile 1 to 2 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 4a June 2007 Legend Length Weighted Average ng/g EST A LIGN M EN T 80 I-2 I-95 W * 317 - 1000 > 10000 < 125 ng/g at core bottom / > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) ( ) ) * 3163 - 10000 * ) * ) ) * ) * ) V ' # ) ) ! ! < ! > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ! ( ) *< * ( < ) * * ! *k ! 101 - 316 Core Type Continuous ) < !k ( ( 3 1001 - 3162 , < ! k ! < 100 < 125 ng/g at core bottom > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc < ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( ) ( * * ( (! # 10 - 15 15 - 20 Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ) k Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) 2 US 1 500 250 0 500 Feet R FE RY ST US REM US AVE ( 1T RU CK ( ! # ) RAYMOND BLVD DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE ) Depth (ft) Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average ¯ Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 4b River Mile 2 to 3 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend 0 I-28 Length Weighted Average ng/g * k < ( * ( * ) ! ( ! 3163 - 10000 317 - 1000 > 10000 Core Type Continuous < 125 ng/g at core bottom / > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) V ' ) ( 101 - 316 * ) * 1001 - 3162 Interpolateda k ( < 100 , ) * ) ) * ( * ! *< * *k ) ( ( < !k ( ) ( 3 ) < k ( < 125 ng/g at core bottom > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) 4 Depth (ft) ( !k ( ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd ) (k ( k < ) * k ((k k < ET S 500 250 0 T ( 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 k * R FE TRE E * Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb RAYMOND BLVD US MAR K 0-5 * ( ) ( ( ( * ( ) k ( * RY US ST R 1T UC Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline K 1 ¯ 500 Feet Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 4c River Mile 3 to 4 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend ) Length Weighted Average ng/g I-280 k ) ( (( < 100 1001 - 3162 101 - 316 3163 - 10000 317 - 1000 > 10000 TE 5 0 8 k * ( ( ! ) ) ( k k k L 697 HUDSON COUNTY ( !! ND NJ 2 1 ( ) k ( ) * ( ) ! k (k * ( k < ) ( k ) 0 ( ((k > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc k < * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( ) ) ) * ( * 10 - 15 15 - 20 Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb k LA FA Feet 500 Y ET ST RE N ET S BU KS MAR K TRE ET VA N 0 JA C 500 250 ON S ST ST Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline AD AM S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd ) TE 5 1 < 125 ng/g at core bottom Depth (ft) ( k( < ) V ' ( !k k RO U > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) D 5 BLV ( ) MO > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc 4 ) RAY / Interpolateda k ) PA R KP * < 125 ng/g at core bottom * ) RO U Core Type Continuous , ) ( TE ST FERR Y ST Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average ¯ Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 4d River Mile 4 to 5 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 DA VE 699 MID LAN NTY CO U SON Length Weighted Average ng/g HUD ) Legend ) < 100 101 - 316 TBOUND 317 - 1000 k k ( ! 1001 - 3162 ROUTE 50 6 SPU R W ES ) ( 3163 - 10000 ) HUDS TR AL UNTY O N CO CEN 6 SPU R ROUTE 50 > 10000 AVE 697 k Core Type ) 6 ((< Continuous , ) / * I-280 T TON S HAMIL ) > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) BROA ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc E 508 RO UT EET D STR T T R EE GE S k k ! ) (( > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Interpolateda k ( (< BRID < 125 ng/g at core bottom ) Depth (feet) * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( k * ( ) ( (( 10 - 15 15 - 20 Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ) ( TE 5 0 k 8 ) RO U k k k ( !! * ) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. ND BLV ) MO D 5 TE 5 1 0 MAR K ET S ) PAR KP L RO U k < TRE E T ¯ * ( ) NJ 2 1 k ( ( ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd RAY Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average River Mile 5 to 6 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 4e June 2007 UN ) TY 6 67 Legend ) ESS EX CO Length Weighted Average ng/g < 100 101 - 316 ) 317 - 1000 1001 - 3162 3163 - 10000 ) > 10000 # Core Type ) * Continuous , 21 ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom NJ / ( (k k ) 7 * ! k EN ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc AV E kk (( MI D ) LA N DA VE ( Depth (feet) ) ! k k 69 7 699 UN TY NTY ( 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 ON SON CO CO U ) * DS HU HUD ) ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline k ) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. ) ) 6 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd k 0-5 Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ( ! CEN ((< ( * ( k k * * ( < (( ( > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ) ) BE RG > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc TR AL AVE ¯ Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Length Weighted Average River Mile 6 to 7 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 4f June 2007 ! g ) ! Legend * ) ) g ) k ! < Depth of Contamination g ! g ( ) ( * Feet (extrapolated) # ) ! 0.0 - 2.5 < 2.6 - 5.0 ! 5.1 - 7.5 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 g! 12.6 - 25.7 ( ( ) g # "Special" Cores Core Type ) I-95 WEST ALIGNMENT ) g < Continuous < 125 ng/g at core bottom , US 1 ) 2 / M ON D BL VD g! ( 1T RU ( # CK > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) US * RAY > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ) ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc g k < k < ) ( g * Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ) k g ! ) ( Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline g # ) ( g ) # ! g ! Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. ) SA VE MU ) ) 1 RE DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ) ! ¯ Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 1 to 2 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 5a June 2007 Legend Depth of Contamination 80 I-2 Feet (extrapolated) M EN T 0.0 - 2.5 LIGN 2.6 - 5.0 EST A 5.1 - 7.5 I-95 W 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ! g ! g * g ! g ( ) ( * ) # ) < ) ) ! / > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ) V ' g ) NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE < g ( ! ) ( < 125 ng/g at core bottom > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb # k ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) 2 US 1 500 250 0 500 Feet R FE RY ST REM US AVE ( US 1T RU CK g! ( # ) RAYMOND BLVD DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd < 125 ng/g at core bottom * ) ! ! "Special" Cores Core Type Continuous ) g , ) * ) * ) k ! < ) k *g (g 3 > 12.5 ) g * ! ( <g ! (g *g g * g *g * < < k Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) ¯ Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 5b River Mile 2 to 3 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend 0 I-28 Depth of Contamination Feet (extrapolated) ) ) ) g g * ! ) g g (g *k * ) ( ( ( < !k ( 0.0 - 2.5 k ) g g g *g * g * g * < ( 3 < g 2.6 - 5.0 < 5.1 - 7.5 ( * 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ! > 12.5 ) * ) g "Special" Cores Core Type Continuous k < 125 ng/g at core bottom / > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) , g g ! ( * (( * k ( ) Interpolateda ) V ' ) 4 g *g g ( ( <g k k ) k k g g (k ( k < RAYMOND BLVD ) ) ET S 500 250 0 T > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline g * R FE TRE E > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc k US MAR K < 125 ng/g at core bottom Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ) ( ( ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd ( k !( ( > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc RY US ST R 1T UC K 1 ¯ 500 Feet Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 5c River Mile 3 to 4 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend ) Depth of Contamination I-280 Feet (extrapolated) (g (g( 0.0 - 2.5 k ) 2.6 - 5.0 5.1 - 7.5 ( 7.6 - 10.0 ) 10.1 - 12.5 ) TE 5 0 8 g g ! ( k ) ) * (( L KP ) ND g g g ( k !( k ) NJ 2 1 ) ) ) / > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc k k * (g (g k k < > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc < 125 ng/g at core bottom > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb g * k LA FA YE 500 Feet ST RE N ET S BU KS MAR K TRE ET VA N 0 JA C 500 250 ON S ST ST Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline AD AM S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd g g ( ( <g k ) g ( ! * ( ( k k ( ) 0 < 125 ng/g at core bottom ) TE 5 1 ) RO U Core Type Continuous ) V ' ) ( k( < "Special" Cores Interpolateda ) D 5 BLV 4 MO ) RAY k ( ) PA R *g g * g ( 697 HUDSON COUNTY k k k! ! > 12.5 , RO U TT ES T FERR Y ST Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) ¯ Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. Figure 5d River Mile 4 to 5 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 DA VE 699 MID LAN NTY CO U SON Depth of Contamination HUD ) Legend Feet (extrapolated) ) 0.0 - 2.5 2.6 - 5.0 5.1 - 7.5 k TBOUND k (! 7.6 - 10.0 ROUTE 50 6 SPU R W ES ) ( 10.1 - 12.5 ) HUDS TR AL AVE g ) Continuous , ) / * I-280 T TON S HAMIL k ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolateda g ( (< ) BROA ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc E 508 RO UT EET D STR T BRID "Special" Cores Core Type 697 k (( < 6 g UNTY O N CO CEN 6 SPU R ROUTE 50 12.6 - 25.7 T R EE GE S k k ) ! (( Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ) k (g (g( ) k Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) ( TE 5 0 8 ) RO U k k k! ! g ( g ) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. MO ND BLV ) RAY D 5 g <g k TE 5 1 0 MAR K ET S ) PAR KP L RO U TRE E T ¯ g * ( ) NJ 2 1 ( k( ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd * Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 5 to 6 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 5e June 2007 ) TY 6 67 Legend CO UN Depth of Contamination ESS EX Feet (extrapolated) ) 0.0 - 2.5 2.6 - 5.0 ) 5.1 - 7.5 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ) 12.6 - 25.7 g # Core Type ) * * "Special" Cores Continuous , NJ 21 ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom / g ( k (k ) 7 * ! k EN ) < 125 ng/g at core bottom ng/g at core bottom, V > 125 Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ng/g at core bottom, ' > 125 Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc AV E MI D ) LA N DA VE kk (( ( Rejected Measurement(s) Present in Coreb ! k ) k g k Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) ) HU HUD DS ON SON CO CO U UN TY NTY 69 7 699 < ( ( ) > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolateda ) ) BE RG > 125 ng/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc k k (! ) Notes: a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. b Rejected measurement present in one or more segments for one or more analytes. Rejected values were replaced with an interpolated value based on adjoining segments in the core. ) CEN g k (( < ) 6 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_PCBSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ( TR AL AVE ¯ Sum of Aroclors 1248, 1254 and 1260 Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 6 to 7 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 5f June 2007 ! < ) ) Length Weighted Average (pg/g) ) < Legend V ) * ! ) < 0 - 10 ) < ! ! 10 - 32 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE 100 - 320 ! 320 - 1000 << < 1000 - 3200 ) 3200 - 10000 V 10000 - 32000 > 32000 ) I-95 WEST ALIGNMENT ) 32 - 100 Core Type US 1 Continuous ) 2 RAY M ON D BL VD 1T RU ( ! < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, # CK < 2 pg/g at core bottom Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) US < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ! ) Interpolatedb V < * V ) ! # ) ) ! ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( 10 - 15 * ( 15 - 20 ) * ) ! ) ! 0 500 Feet Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. RE MU SA VE ) 500 250 ) 1 ¯ ) DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline V < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Depth (feet) ! V < 2 pg/g at core bottom 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average River Mile 1 to 2 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 6a June 2007 Legend Length Weighted Average (pg/g) 80 I-2 I-95 W EST A LIGN MEN T 0 - 10 10 - 32 32 - 100 100 - 320 320 - 1000 1000 - 3200 3200 - 10000 10000 - 32000 > 32000 Core Type Continuous V * ( < ! < ) ) NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE ) ) CK 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average # # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) RY RU < 2 pg/g at core bottom * ( 2 R FE ST 1T ) 500 Feet REM 0 US AVE < * V * ( US 1 500 250 > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Depth (feet) V DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd << < US > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Interpolatedb ! RAYMOND BLVD < 2 pg/g at core bottom ! ) < ! ! ) ) # V ) ) V V V ! * ! < ) ) < ) ! V < ) V ! ) < ! < ) ! 3 ! ¯ Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 6b River Mile 2 to 3 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend 0 I-28 Length Weighted Average (pg/g) ) ) ) ) V V < ) < ! V < ) < ! V V V ! * ! ) < 3 ) ! # 0 - 10 10 - 32 32 - 100 100 - 320 320 - 1000 1000 - 3200 3200 - 10000 10000 - 32000 > 32000 V Core Type Continuous * < ( < << ) ! < 2 pg/g at core bottom > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ! < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc 4 ) Interpolatedb < 2 pg/g at core bottom # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) <<< * V Depth (feet) ) ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd ) < ! < < ) < < RAYMOND BLVD ) < < * 0 ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( RR FE 500 Feet MAR KET S * * ( * US 500 250 > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc US T YS R 1T UC T 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average 15 - 20 Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline K 1 ¯ TRE E 10 - 15 Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 6c River Mile 3 to 4 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend ) Length Weighted Average (pg/g) I-280 0 - 10 10 - 32 32 - 100 100 - 320 320 - 1000 1000 - 3200 3200 - 10000 10000 - 32000 > 32000 ) ) < << RO U TE 5 0 8 ) ) << * ! < ) ) ) ) < < ! < < < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc * V < 2 pg/g at core bottom # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Depth (feet) * * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( 500 Feet LA FA YE ST N MAR K RE ET S BU KS 10 - 15 15 - 20 Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline VA N 0 JA C 500 250 ON S ST ST * ( AD AM S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd < ! < * ) 0 ) TE 5 1 < ) NJ 2 1 < ) RO U <<< 5 D > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Interpolatedb 4 ) BLV ) ND < 2 pg/g at core bottom ! ) MO < ) RAY Continuous ( < ) PA R KP L 697 HUDSON COUNTY !V< Core Type TT ES T FERR Y ST 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average TRE ET ¯ Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 6d River Mile 4 to 5 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 DA VE 699 MID LAN NTY CO U SON Length Weighted Average (pg/g) HUD ) Legend ) 0 - 10 10 - 32 TBOUND 32 - 100 ! ROUTE 50 6 SPU R W ES ) 100 - 320 320 - 1000 ) HUDS TR AL 3200 - 10000 UNTY O N CO CEN AVE 10000 - 32000 > 32000 697 6 SPU R ROUTE 50 < ) 6 1000 - 3200 Core Type ) Continuous I-280 ( T TON S HAMIL < 2 pg/g at core bottom < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, ) Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc !! ) BROA Interpolatedb EET D STR * V T BRID T R EE GE S < ) << > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ! E 508 RO UT # ) ) > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( 10 - 15 * ( 15 - 20 Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) 8 ) TE 5 0 > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Depth (feet) < << RO U < 2 pg/g at core bottom Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. 500 250 BLV ) ND D NJ 2 1 < TE 5 1 < 0 MAR K ET S ) PAR KP L RO U 500 Feet TRE E T ¯ ) MO 0 ) RAY 5 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ) !V< 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average River Mile 5 to 6 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 6e June 2007 ) TY 6 67 Legend ESS EX CO UN Length Weighted Average (pg/g) ) 0 - 10 10 - 32 ) 32 - 100 100 - 320 320 - 1000 ) 1000 - 3200 3200 - 10000 * ) 10000 - 32000 > 32000 NJ 21 ) Core Type ( ) 7 < Continuous < < 2 pg/g at core bottom < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) BE RG EN > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ! AV E ) Interpolatedb * V MI D ) LA N DA VE <<< ! ) # < 2 pg/g at core bottom > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Depth (feet) < TY UN ) HU HUD DS ON SON CO CO U ) NTY 69 7 699 <! * ( 0-5 * ( 5 - 10 * ( 10 - 15 * ( 15 - 20 ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline 0 500 Feet ) 500 250 CEN TR AL AVE ¯ < ) 6 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\LWA\from_extrapolatedMPA\LWA_TCDD_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ) ! Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a MPA scale was combined since only 9 data present in this range. b Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. 2,3,7,8-TCDD Length Weighted Average River Mile 6 to 7 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 6f June 2007 ! g ) Legend V ) ) g ) < < Depth of Contamination g ! g ) ( * Feet (extrapolated) < < 2.5 ) < ! 2.6 - 5.0 ! 5.1 - 7.5 NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 g< 12.6 - 15.0 < < ) > 15 V g "Special" Cores Core Type ) I-95 WEST ALIGNMENT ) g ! Continuous ( 2 US 1 < ) RAY M ON D BL VD <g ! ( 1T RU ! # CK > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) US < 2 pg/g at core bottom Interpolatedb * ) V g < # ! > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) ( g V < 2 pg/g at core bottom ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ! Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. g ) ( g V ) ! g ) V < g MU SA VE ) ) ! ) ) 1 RE DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ! ¯ 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 1 to 2 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 7a June 2007 Legend Depth of Contamination 80 I-2 Feet (extrapolated) M EN T < 2.5 LIGN 2.6 - 5.0 EST A 5.1 - 7.5 I-95 W 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ! g g 12.6 - 15.0 > 15 V g ) < g ( ! g < ) ) V ) ) # ) g <g V < ) ) * Continuous ! < ( < ! ) ! ! g ) NEW JERSEY TURNPIKE ! ) < 2 pg/g at core bottom > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolatedb g< < < V * V < 2 pg/g at core bottom # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ) 2 US 1 500 250 0 500 Feet R FE RY ST REM US AVE ( US 1T RU CK g! < # ) RAYMOND BLVD DO S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd "Special" Cores Core Type ) ) g V ! ! < 3 ) g g g Vg V g V g * ! < ! 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) ¯ Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 7b River Mile 2 to 3 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend 0 I-28 Depth of Contamination Feet (extrapolated) ) ) ) g g V ) g < < g <g V # ) ( ! ! < ) g g g Vg V g V g * ! < < 2.5 3 ! < < g 2.6 - 5.0 5.1 - 7.5 ( V 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ! 12.6 - 15.0 ) V ) > 15 g g< < g * Core Type ! ) < Continuous ( < < ) ! 4 ) ( <g <g ) < RAYMOND BLVD ) ) < g g < < !g ) ) S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd < * ET S g * 500 250 R FE TRE E 0 T > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc * V < 2 pg/g at core bottom # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline US MAR K < 2 pg/g at core bottom Interpolatedb <g < < "Special" Cores RY US ST R 1T UC K 1 ¯ 500 Feet 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 7c River Mile 3 to 4 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend ) Depth of Contamination I-280 Feet (extrapolated) gg < 2.5 < < < ) 2.6 - 5.0 5.1 - 7.5 ( ) 7.6 - 10.0 ) RO U 10.1 - 12.5 TE 5 0 8 12.6 - 15.0 *g< < g > 15 ! ) ) < L KP ) PA R g 4 <g < ) g <g ! < NJ 2 1 < ( ) ( ( ) ) * ) g < ! g g < < !g * ( ) < 0 <g <g ) < < 2 pg/g at core bottom > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolatedb * V < 2 pg/g at core bottom g # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc * > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc LA FA YE 500 Feet ST RE N ET S BU KS MAR K TRE ET VA N 0 JA C 500 250 ON S ST ST Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline AD AM S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Landscape.mxd ( < ) TE 5 1 Core Type ) D 5 BLV "Special" Cores Continuous ) ND < ) MO g ) RAY RO U 697 HUDSON COUNTY g< !V TT ES T FERR Y ST 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) ¯ Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. Figure 7d River Mile 4 to 5 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 DA VE 699 MID LAN NTY CO U SON Depth of Contamination HUD ) Legend Feet (extrapolated) ) < 2.5 2.6 - 5.0 TBOUND 5.1 - 7.5 (! 7.6 - 10.0 ROUTE 50 6 SPU R W ES ) ( 10.1 - 12.5 ) HUDS TR AL AVE g ) Continuous ( ) < I-280 T TON S HAMIL ! ) g < 2 pg/g at core bottom > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Interpolatedb !(! E 508 RO UT * ) BROA V EET D STR T BRID "Special" Cores Core Type 697 g (( < 6 > 15 UNTY O N CO CEN 6 SPU R ROUTE 50 12.6 - 15.0 T R EE GE S # > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) < << < 2 pg/g at core bottom ) Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. gg ) < < < ) ( TE 5 0 8 ) RO U g< ) g BLV ) ND D g <g NJ 2 1 < TE 5 1 0 MAR K ET S ) PAR KP L RO U ( TRE E T ¯ g ( ( * ) MO ) RAY 5 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd !V 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 5 to 6 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 7e June 2007 ) TY 6 67 Legend CO UN Depth of Contamination ESS EX Feet (extrapolated) ) < 2.5 2.6 - 5.0 ) 5.1 - 7.5 7.6 - 10.0 10.1 - 12.5 ) 12.6 - 15.0 > 15 g "Special" Cores ) * Core Type Continuous NJ 21 ) ( < g ( > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc ) 7 < < 2 pg/g at core bottom < ! ) BE RG Interpolatedb EN * AV E ) V << < MI D ) LA N DA VE # ) g CO CO U UN TY NTY 69 7 699 < ! < > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc < 50% Max Conc > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc Notes: There is no rejected measurement present for 2,3,7,8-TCDD. a Unlike a continuous core, an interpolated core was not sampled continuously throughout its length. Contaminant concentrations between measured intervals were linearly interpolated. ) ) HU HUD DS ON SON < 2 pg/g at core bottom Federally Authorized (USACE) Navigational Channel Centerline ! ) > 2 pg/g at core bottom, Bottom Conc > 50% Max Conc ) ) (! CEN g (( < ) 6 S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553025-IRM\IRM\DOC\from_extrapolatedMPA\DOCex_TCDDSum_Thiessen_Portrait.mxd ( TR AL AVE ¯ 2,3,7,8-TCDD Depth of Contamination (Extrapolated) River Mile 6 to 7 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 500 250 0 500 Feet Figure 7f June 2007 Legend Complete Core MPA (g/m2) Incomplete Core Notes DOC (ft) Total PCB MPA versus DOC Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 8a June 2007 Legend Complete Core LWA (pg/g) Incomplete Core Notes DOC (ft) Total PCB LWA versus DOC Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 8b June 2007 Legend Complete Core LWA (pg/g) Incomplete Core Notes MPA (g/m2) Total PCB LWA versus MPA Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 8c June 2007 Legend Complete Core Incomplete Core 10000 MPA (mg/m 2) 1000 100 10 Notes 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 DOC (ft) 2,3,7,8-TCDD MPA versus DOC Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 9a June 2007 Legend Complete Core Incomplete Core 10000000 1000000 LWA (pg/g) 100000 10000 Notes 1000 100 10 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 DOC (ft) 2,3,7,8-TCDD LWA versus DOC Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 9b June 2007 Legend Complete Core Incomplete Core 10000000 1000000 LWA (pg/g) 100000 10000 Notes 1000 100 10 1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 MPA (mg/m2) 2,3,7,8-TCDD LWA versus MPA Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 9c June 2007 Legend 2,3,7,8-TCDD Concentration (pg/g) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 USEPA Core 14A 10000 100000 TSI Core 208 0 TSI Core 234 Depth (ft) -5 -10 x TSI Core 284 * TSI Core 228 -15 Notes -20 Data source: United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1991 Sediment Coring Program and Tierra Solutions, Inc. (TSI) 1995 dataset. -25 USEPA Core 14A TSI Core 208 TSI Core 234 TSI Core 284 TSI Core 228 2,3,7,8-TCDD Profiles for Selected Cores Lower Passaic River Restoration Project Figure 10a June 2007 Legend TSI Core 203 TSI Core 206 TSI Core 204 TSI Core 209 TSI Core 212 TSI Core 292 TSI Core 295 TSI Core 282 TSI Core 216 0 -1 Depth (ft) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 TCDD (pg/g) 10000000 TSI Core 286 TSI Core 218 TSI Core 227 TSI Core 224 TSI Core 261 TSI Core 263 TSI Core 296 Notes Data source: United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1991 Sediment Coring Program and Tierra Solutions, Inc. (TSI) 1995 dataset. 2,3,7,8-TCDD Profile for Selected Incomplete Cores Figure 10b Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Interoffice Correspondence Date: April 23, 2007 To: L. Bossi (WHI) Copy: S. Thompson (WHI), G. Druback (WHI) From: K. Pathirage (WHI) RE: Stability (Static) Evaluation of Proposed Cap System and Evaluation of Settlement of Proposed Cap: Lower Passaic River INTRODUCTION A sand cap of 2.5 feet in thickness is being evaluated in the Focused Feasibility Study (FFS). However, several locations of the proposed sand cap were identified by HydroQual, Inc. as susceptible to erosion. To mitigate this concern, an erosion protection layer (armor stone layer) on top of the sand cap was proposed to protect the integrity of the proposed sand cap in locations where potential erosion is identified. Furthermore, a portion of the river bed would require pre-dredging prior to placing the proposed sand cap or both the cap and the armor stone layer. This memorandum documents preliminary analyses conducted to evaluate: • The stability of the slopes of the navigation channel and intertidal riverbanks along with the proposed sand cap (i.e., 2.5-foot of sand layer) and the armor stone layer (i.e., an 18-inch stone layer) under both high and low water levels in the river. • The stability of the slopes of the navigation channel and intertidal riverbanks with the proposed sand cap only under both high and low water levels in the river. • The purpose of the slope stability analyses was to determine the required slope for the navigation channel side banks and the intertidal riverbanks that would remain stable slopes from slip failures under static conditions for the proposed sand cap and the armor stone layer. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-48 June 2007 SLOPE/W (GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23) was used to perform the slope stability analysis. All slope stability analyses were performed and subsequent factors of safety were calculated against a circular failure mode. In addition, a preliminary consolidation analysis was conducted to estimate a potential loss of elevation of the proposed cap (i.e., a reduction of sediment thickness) due to a probable consolidation of the subgrade material in the river bed caused by the vertical stress induced from the proposed cap material weight. Limited geotechnical data exist for the Lower Passaic River. Consequently, the strength parameters used in the stability analyses and settlement calculations were derived from technical literature. (Refer to the reference section of this memorandum for literature utilized in these analyses.) A final design-level cap stability evaluation will require a geotechnical testing program to obtain samples for laboratory analyses to confirm the assumed values and the strata elevations assumed in this preliminary analysis. STABILITY EVALUATION CRITERIA Lateral channel slopes along with the intertidal areas were assumed to vary by the channel depth, the presence or lack of stone armor, the tide conditions, and presence or lack of silty sediment materials. Analyses considered two navigation channel water depth scenarios (i.e., 20 feet deep and 30 feet deep channel) along with a 1 vertical to 2 horizontal slope (1V:2H) and a 1 vertical to 3 horizontal (1V:3H) for the side slopes of the navigation channel in addition to a slope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal (1V:4H) for the intertidal riverbank slopes. Furthermore, analyses considered both high and low tide water levels in the river to conduct stability analyses. No pore water pressure dissipation in the intertidal riverbanks was considered for modeling with the low water level condition (i.e., low water conditions occur twice a day due to the tidal effect) in the river. The purpose of this approach was to evaluate a slope configuration for the navigation channel and intertidal riverbanks when supporting the proposed cap under low water conditions. In addition, dredging of berth areas may have occurred in the Lower Passaic River, but locations of Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-49 June 2007 these historical berth areas have not been identified. Areas of historical berth dredging, if they exist, likely contain thick sequences of silty material, which extend from the current bathymetry to the depth of historical dredging. To account for this potential condition in the river, the side slopes of the navigation channel were modeled not only with the stronger native soil material but also with the weaker silty material (i.e., presence or lack of silty sediment material). Note that the stability analyses discussed in this memorandum consider only static conditions and no seismic conditions were considered in the stability analyses. CROSS SECTIONS CONSIDERED FOR STABILITY ANALYSES The stability analyses considered one cross-section collected at river mile (RM) 1 (boring 1A-C; Aqua Survey, Inc., 2006). A copy of the boring log is presented in Attachment 1. SOIL PARAMETERS Several Vibracore boring logs were reviewed, and the information obtained from one Vibracore collected at RM1.7 (i.e., boring 2A in Attachment 1; Aqua Survey, Inc., 2006) was used to infer subsurface strata layers for stability analyses since this boring was the deepest boring drilled in the area [i.e., boring refusal was recorded approximately 30 feet below ground surface (bgs)]. Based on information obtained from this review, a general profile of soils in the area was developed for the stability model. A layer of sandy lean clay was encountered at depths approximately 23 feet bgs. This layer is overlain by a fine-medium sand layer approximately 11 feet thick. On top of this layer is an approximately 3-foot layer of clayey silt. This layer is overlain by a peat layer approximately 2 feet thick and the uppermost layer consists of silt approximately 7 feet thick. No blow counts (i.e., N-values) from Standard Penetration Test or laboratory test results were available. 1 Values published in the literature were used in the stability models. (See the reference section of this memorandum for list of literature.) 1 ASTM D 1586 “Standard Test Method for Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils.” Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-50 June 2007 Stability analyses were conducted using the computer program SLOPE/W and the Morgenstern-Price analysis method was used to determine the factor of safety (FOS) of the proposed cap (Table 1). Table 1: Assumed Strength Parameters of the Subgrade Material used in Stability Analyses Description Cohesion, Angle of Internal Unit weight, Pounds per square foot Friction, φ Pounds per cubic foot Silty Sand 0 30 120 Armor Stone layer 0 35 135 Sand Cap 0 30 110 Silt 0 26 100 Peat 100 0 90 Clayey Silt 300 10 100 Fine-Medium Sand 0 32 115 Sandy Lean Clay 600 0 115 The resulting factors of safety are tabulated in Table 2 and Table 3. The slope stability analyses results are presented in Attachment 2. Table 2: FOS for Slopes of Navigation Channel and Riverbanks of Native Materials With the Armor Stone Layer and the Sand Cap Channel Depth/Water Calculated Condition FOS Analysis Details Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.32 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 High Water (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.17 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 Low Water (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with native material) Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-51 Deep Section/ High Water 1.22 Deep Section/ Low Water 1.04 June 2007 Table 3: FOS for Slopes of Navigation Channel and Riverbanks of Native Materials With the Sand Cap Only Channel Depth/Water Calculated Analysis Details Condition FOS Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.30 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 High Water (sand cap, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.12 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 Low Water (sand cap, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap, side slopes with native material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap, side slopes with native material) Deep Section/ High Water 1.14 Deep Section/ Low Water 1.01 Stability analyses assuming native material navigation channel slopes and riverbanks indicate (Table 4 and Table 5): • Locations where the proposed sand cap along with the armor stone layer are placed over the native material (i.e., sandy soils with at least a frictional value of 30 degrees) yielded a FOS above 1 with the slopes of 1V:2H and 1V:4H for the navigation channel and the intertidal river banks, respectively. • Locations where only the proposed sand cap is placed over the native material (i.e., sandy soils at least a frictional value of 30 degrees) also yielded a FOS above 1 with the slopes of 1V:2H and 1V:4H for the navigation channel and the intertidal river banks, respectively. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-52 June 2007 Table 4: FOS for Slopes of Navigation Channel and Riverbanks of Silty Sediment With the Armor Stone Layer and the Sand Cap Channel Depth/Water Calculated Analysis Details Condition FOS Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.26 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 High Water (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V Shallow Section/ 1.05 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 Low Water (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap and armor stone layer, side slopes with silty material) Deep Section/ High Water 1.12 Deep Section/ Low Water 0.98 Table 5: FOS for Slopes of Navigation Channel and Riverbanks of Silty Sediment With the Sand Cap Only Channel Depth/Water Calculated Analysis Details FOS Condition Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope Shallow Section/ 1.17 4H:1 High Water (sand cap, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope Shallow Section/ 1.09 4H:1 Low Water (sand cap, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap, side slopes with silty material) Navigation Channel Slope 2H:1V and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 (sand cap, side slopes with silty material) Deep Section/ High Water 1.08 Deep Section/ Low Water 0.98 Stability analyses assuming silty sediment navigation channel slopes and riverbanks, accounting for historical berth dredging, indicate (Table 6): • Locations where the proposed sand cap along with the armor stone layer is placed over the silty material (i.e., silty soils with a frictional value of 26 degrees) yielded a FOS above 1 with the slopes of 1V:2H and 1V:4H for the navigation channel and the intertidal river banks, respectively. • Locations where only the proposed sand cap is placed over the silty material (i.e., silty soils with a frictional value of 26 degrees) also yielded a FOS above 1 with the Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-53 June 2007 slopes of 1V:2H and 1V:4H for the navigation channel and the intertidal river banks, respectively under high water levels in the river. However, during the low tides in the river, the resulting FOS is marginal (slightly less than 1). Therefore, it is prudent to consider shallower slopes (i.e., a slope of 1V:3H, Table 6) for the proposed sand cap construction at locations that contain thick sequences of silty material which extend from the current bathymetry to the depth of historical dredging. Alternatively, geosynthetics could be used to improve the stability of the cap in areas where the navigation channel slopes are adjacent to thick silt sequences (i.e., historical berth areas). Table 6: FOS for Slopes of Navigation Channel and Riverbanks of Silty Sediment With the Sand Cap Only Channel Depth/Water Calculated Analysis Details Condition FOS Navigation Channel Slope 3H:1V Deep Section/ 1.15 and Intertidal Riverbank Slope 4H:1 Low Water (sand cap, side slopes with silty material) COMPRESSION OF SUBGRADE (“CONSOLIDATION”) Consolidation of the subgrade in the riverbed, induced by the placement of the proposed sand cap and armor layer was estimated by computing elastic deformations, since the subgrade consists mainly of non-plastic silty material. These settlement calculations were performed to estimate the loss of the cap grade resulting from the consolidation of the subgrade. Based on results of the consolidation analyses, it can be anticipated that the proposed sand cap may settle 6 to 10 inches (approximately 1-2 inches per foot of silt) due to consolidation in the silty subgrade. The result of consolidation calculations is included in Attachment 3. DISCUSSION Slope stability analyses and consolidation analyses were conducted using derived strength parameters from the technical literature. It is necessary to conduct a geotechnical program (i.e., borings plus laboratory tests) to obtain representative samples for laboratory analyses to confirm the assumed strength values and the strata elevations that were used in these preliminary analyses prior to finalizing a design. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-54 June 2007 REFERENCES Aqua Survey, Inc., 2006. “Technical Report: Geophysical Survey Lower Passaic RiverRestoration Project.” Lower Passaic River Restoration Project. July 2006. Carter, M and Bently SP. 1990. “Correlations of Soil Properties.” American Society of Civil Engineers, 1990. Das, BJ. 2002. Principles of Geotechnical Engineering. 5th Edition. Brooks/Cole. Teng, W. 1962. Foundation Design. Prentice Hall. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-55 June 2007 ATTACHMENT 1 BORING LOGS FROM TECHNICAL REPORT, GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY (Aqua Survey, Inc., 2006) Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-56 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. BORING: 17-17 ROUTE 208 NORTH, FAIRLAWN, NEW JERSEY 07410 PROJECT NAME: JOB NUMBER: DRILLING FIRM: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLER: HELPER: Lower Passaic River Geotechnical 3473007 Aqua-Survey, Inc. Vibracore Mark Padover DATE: LOCATION: WEATHER: ELEVATION: DATUM: HYDROGEOLOGIST: SAMPLE INFORMATION Depth Rec Blows per 6" Depth SOIL DESCRIPTION 1 0 - 45" 0 - 45" Silt w/Fine Sand (<15% Fine Sand) ML Medium Bluish Gray (5YR 5/1) 2 45 - 111" 45 - 111" Elastic Silt w/Fine-Medium Sand (~ 10% Sand) MH Medium Bluish Gray (5YR 5/1) No. USCS Lithology 1A-C Time: 1306 6/9/2005 Mile 1 Clear and Hot N/A NAD83 D. Auld REMARKS Sample # 30 (60 - 77") 3 111 - 127" 111 - 127" Poorly Graded Silt w/Sand (>15% Fine Sand) SW Dark Gray (7.5YR 4/2) Refusal @ 127" East: 597382.6 North: 687155.0 Core Barrel Advanced: 144" Recovery: 127" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-57 June 2007 Analysis_Date Analysis Method Analysis Method Description 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_GRAVEL 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_SAND DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_SILT %_SILT 1.04% % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_CLAY %_CLAY 4.08% % DC-01A-C 20050763 6/24/2005 ASTMD2974 Moisture Content %_MOISTURE DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_1in DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 DC-01A-C 20050763 DC-01A-C 20050763 DC-01A-C 20050763 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_200 DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS2min DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS5min DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS15min DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS30min DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 DC-01A-C 20050763 DC-01A-C Sample ID Lab Sample ID DC-01A-C DC-01A-C SDG Cas No/Param_Code Description Results Units %_GRAVEL 1.12% % %_SAND 93.76% % 14.7 % % passing 1" %_MOISTURE 100.00% % SA_3/4in % passing 3/4" 100.00% % SA_3/8in % passing 3/8" 100.00% % SA_4 % passing #4 99.88% % Sieve Analysis SA_10 % passing #10 98.88% % ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_20 % passing #20 93.90% % ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_40 % passing #40 72.24% % 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_60 % passing #60 41.07% % 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_100 % passing #100 35.48% % % passing #200 33.61% % 0.037197 mm Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 5 minutes 0.023526 mm Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 15 minutes 0.013583 mm Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 30 minutes 0.009630 mm HA_LDIS60min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 60 minutes 0.006810 mm Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS250miin Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 250 minutes 0.003336 mm ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS1440min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 1440 minutes 0.001390 mm ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat2min % finer than diameter calculated at 2 minutes 5.00% % 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat5min % finer than diameter calculated at 5 minutes 5.00% % 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat15min % finer than diameter calculated at 15 minutes 5.00% % DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat30min % finer than diameter calculated at 30 minutes 4.00% % DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat60min % finer than diameter calculated at 60 minutes 4.00% % DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat250min % finer than diameter calculated at 250 minutes 4.00% % DC-01A-C 20050763 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat1440min % finer than diameter calculated at 1440 minutes 4.00% % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_LL%M Liquid Limit <1> % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_PL%M Plastic Limit <1> % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits PI Plasticity Index <1> % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_LLMC Liquid Limit Moisture Content <1> % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_PLMC <1> % DC-01A-C 20050763 7/20/2005 ASTMD4531 Bulk Density BULK_DEN DC-01A-C 20050763 6/17/2005 EPA 9060 TOC TOC DC-01A-C 20050763 6/17/2005 EPA 9060 % TOC TOC_%DW Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 2 minutes Plastic Limit Moisture Content Bulk Density in grams/milliliter, dry recovery 1.549 Total Organic Carbon 1,136 ppm % Total Organic Carbon of dry weight 0.11 % <1> Sample did not exhibit plastic qualities due to insufficient sample passing through #40 sieve. * Location DC-01A-C was sampled on 9 June and 13 June 2005. The analysis was done on the sample from 13 June 2005. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-58 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. BORING: 17-17 ROUTE 208 NORTH, FAIRLAWN, NEW JERSEY 07410 PROJECT NAME: JOB NUMBER: DRILLING FIRM: DRILLING METHOD: DRILLER: HELPER: Lower Passaic River Geotechnical 3473007 Aqua-Survey, Inc. Vibracore Mark Padover DATE: LOCATION: WEATHER: ELEVATION: DATUM: HYDROGEOLOGIST: 2A Time: 0840 6/14/2005 Mile 2 Hazy and Hot N/A NAD83 D. Auld SAMPLE INFORMATION Depth Rec Blows per 6" Depth SOIL DESCRIPTION USCS Lithology REMARKS 1 0 - 80" 0 - 80" Silt ML Black (5YR 2.5/1) 2 80 -96" 80 - 96" Peat OL Brownish Gray (5YR 4/1) 3 96 - 111" 96 - 111" Clayey Silt ML Reddish Gray (5YR 5/2) 4 111 - 121" 111 - 121" Poorly Graded Fine - Medium Sand w/Silt (~20% Fines) SP Medium Bluish Gray (5B 5/1) 5 121 - 152" 121 - 152" Very Loose Fine-Medium Sand w/Silt (>15% Fines) SP Medium Bluish Gray (5B 5/1) No. Sample # 35 (121 - 140") 6 152 - 203" 152 - 203" Medium-Coarse Sand w/Gravel (<20% Fine Gravel) SW/SP Moderate Yellowish Brown (10YR 5/4) 7 203 - 226" 203 - 226" Clay w/Medium Plasticity and Silt Lenses CH Dark Reddish Brown (10R 3/4) 8 226 - 231" 226 - 231" Fine - Medium Well Graded Sand/Silt (<15% Fines) SW Dark Reddish Brown (10R 3/4) East: 597693.0 North: 691338.9 Refusal @ 360" (30-ft.) Core Barrel Advanced: 360" Recovery: 231" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-59 June 2007 Analysis_Date Analysis Method Analysis Method Description 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_GRAVEL 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_SAND DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_SILT %_SILT 9.56% % DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMD422 Particle Size Analysis %_CLAY %_CLAY 7.86% % DC-02A 20050767 6/24/2005 ASTMD2974 Moisture Content %_MOISTURE DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_1in DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 DC-02A 20050767 DC-02A 20050767 DC-02A 20050767 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_200 DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS2min DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS5min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 5 minutes 0.023013 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS15min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 15 minutes 0.013324 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS30min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 30 minutes 0.009474 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS60min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 60 minutes 0.006736 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS250miin Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 250 minutes 0.003300 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_LDIS1440min Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 1440 minutes 0.001375 mm DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat2min % finer than diameter calculated at 2 minutes 20.20% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat5min % finer than diameter calculated at 5 minutes 12.12% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat15min % finer than diameter calculated at 15 minutes 11.11% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat30min % finer than diameter calculated at 30 minutes 9.09% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat60min % finer than diameter calculated at 60 minutes 7.07% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat250min % finer than diameter calculated at 250 minutes 7.07% % DC-02A 20050767 6/22/2005 ASTMD422 Hydrometer Analysis HA_%FTDat1440min % finer than diameter calculated at 1440 minutes 7.07% % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_LL%M Liquid Limit <1> % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_PL%M Plastic Limit <1> % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits PI Plasticity Index <1> % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_LLMC Liquid Limit Moisture Content <1> % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4318 Atterberg Limits AL_PLMC <1> % DC-02A 20050767 7/21/2005 ASTMD4531 Bulk Density BULK_DEN DC-02A 20050767 6/17/2005 EPA 9060 TOC TOC DC-02A 20050767 6/17/2005 EPA 9060 % TOC TOC_%DW Sample ID Lab Sample ID DC-02A DC-02A SDG Cas No/Param_Code Description Results Units %_GRAVEL 0.00% % %_SAND 82.59% % 18.0 % % passing 1" %_MOISTURE 100.00% % SA_3/4in % passing 3/4" 100.00% % SA_3/8in % passing 3/8" 100.00% % SA_4 % passing #4 100.00% % Sieve Analysis SA_10 % passing #10 100.00% % ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_20 % passing #20 99.64% % ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_40 % passing #40 97.40% % 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_60 % passing #60 88.48% % 7/1/2005 ASTMC136 Sieve Analysis SA_100 % passing #100 64.38% % % passing #200 Largest diameter of particle in suspension at 2 minutes Plastic Limit Moisture Content 46.03% % 0.035559 mm Bulk Density in grams/milliliter, dry recovery 1.466 Total Organic Carbon 1,471 ppm % Total Organic Carbon of dry weight 0.15 % <1> Sample did not exhibit plastic qualities due to the amount of fine sand content. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-60 June 2007 ATTACHMENT 2 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS RESULTS Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-61 June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 1 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 2 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 3 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 4 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 5 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 6 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Contours of Factors of Safety Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 7 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Rip Rap Armor Sand Cap Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 8 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 9 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 10 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 11 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 12 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 13 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 14 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 15 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 16 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 Legend Passaic River Sand Cap Silt Silty Sand Peat Clayey Silt Fine-medium Sand Sandy Lean Clay Failure Circle Grid Pattern Notes 1V:2H = 1 Vertical:2 Horizontal Data Source: SLOPE/W GEO-SLOPE, International, Ltd. Version 4.23. Passaic River Slope Stability Figure 17 Lower Passaic River Restoration Project June 2007 ATTACHMENT 3 CONSOLIDATION CALCULATIONS Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-79 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. INDEPENDENT ENVIRO NMENTAL ENGINEERS, SC IENTISTS, & CO NSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL & DAM ENGINEERING S ERVICES PROGRAM CLIENT: Lower Passaic River Restoration Project KSP BY: CHKD BY: 12-Mar-06 DATE: DATE: Focused Feasibility Study PROJECT: 4553031 ob No.: SHEET No.: SUBJECT: Attachment 3: Consolidation of Erosion Protection Layer for the Proposed Cap, Conceptual Design M athCA D 7 P ro fessio nal, M athSo ft, Inc. c.1986-1997 Unit Description: psf ≡ 1⋅ lb ksi := ft pcf ≡ 1⋅ 2 kip tsf := 2 in lb ft ksf := 3 ton ft psi ≡ 1 2 kip ft 2 lb 2 in ton ≡ 2000⋅ lb kip ≡ 1000⋅ lb kpf := kip ft PROBLEM STATEMENT: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ANALYSIS METHOD: Estimate the settlement in subgrade caused by the applied load using the elastic theory. REFERENCES : 1. BRAJA M. DAS(1998) Principal of Foundation Engineering. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-80 June 2007 Input Parameters: drock := 18in dsand := 2 ft γ rock := 135 pcf γ sand := 120 pcf φ sand := 30deg C := 0psf γ w := 62.4pcf Bsand := 500 ft Lsand := 1000ft Df := 0ft γ silt := 78pcf ( ) ( ) Load := ⎡⎣drock⋅ γ rock − γ w + dsand⋅ γ sand − γ w ⎤⎦ ⋅ Bsand Load = 112.05 kip ft Method I: ELASTIC THEORY BASIS: ( 2 ) qs⋅ B⋅ 1 − μ ⋅ α av S := E Where, S = Settlement qs = Applied Uniform Surcharge Stress B = Least Lateral Footing Dimension μ = POISSON'S Ratio E = Elastic Modulus α av = Influence Factor E and υ from Table 4.5 (Ref. 1, Page 250) E = 600-3000 lb/in2 μ = 0.25-0.4 Say, E1 = --: E := 1000psi μ := 0.3 α av from Table 4.18 (Ref. 1, Page 242) α av := 1.2 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-81 June 2007 Determine the Applied Uniform Stress, qs qs := Load Bsand qs = 224.1 psf ( ) q1 := Df ⋅ γ silt − γ w q1 = 0 Δq := qs − q1 Note: Weight of the excavated soils was not considered Determine the Settlements ( 2 ) qs⋅ Bsand⋅ 1 − μ ⋅ α av S := E Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project S = 10.197 in E-82 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. INDEPENDENT ENVIRO NMENTAL ENGINEERS, SC IENTISTS, & CO NSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL & DAM ENGINEERING S ERVICES PROGRAM CLIENT: Lower Passaic River Restoration Project KSP BY: 12-Mar-06 DATE: CHKD BY: PROJECT: Focused Feasibility Study 4553031 ob No.: DATE: SHEET No.: SUBJECT: Attachment 3: Consolidation of Erosion Protection Layer for the Proposed Cap, Conceptual Design M athCA D 7 P ro fessio nal, M athSo ft, Inc. c.1986-1997 Unit Description: pcf ≡ 1⋅ psf lb ft 23 kip ≡ 1000⋅ lb ksf := kip ft 2 ksi := kip 2 in kpf := kip ft psi ≡ 1 lb 2 in ton ≡ 2000⋅ lb PROBLEM STATEMENT: Estimate the potential settlement in the subgrade due to the construction of the proposed cap. ANALYSIS METHOD: Estimate the settlement in subgrade caused by the applied load using the elastic theory. REFERENCES : 1. BRAJA M. DAS(1998) Principal of Foundation Engineering. Ref 1, page 316 " if a foundation of width "say B" is subjected to a load per unit area of q, it will undergo a settlement, settlement Δ can be defined as Δ := Δ." The q where k is the coefficient of subgrade modulus. k Ref 1, page 318; k := 29 lb 3 in Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-83 June 2007 Input Parameters: drock := 18in dsand := 2 ft C := 0psf γ w := 62.4pcf γ rock := 135 pcf γ sand := 120 pcf φ sand := 28deg γ silt := 100 pcf k := 29 lb coefficient of subgrade modulus. 3 in ( ) ( ) q := ⎡⎣drock⋅ γ rock − γ w + dsand⋅ γ sand − γ w ⎤⎦ Δ := q k q = 224.1 psf Δ = 0.054 in As reported, the thickness of the nepheloid layer ranges from 6 in to 10 inches and it is assumed that the thickness of this layer would reduce to zero once the proposed cap is placed on top it. Therefore, the anticipated settlement may vary from 6 inches to 10 inches. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-84 June 2007 Interoffice Correspondence Date: April 19, 2007 To: L. Bossi (WHI) Copy: S. Thompson and G. Druback (WHI) From: K. Pathirage (WHI) RE: Conceptual Design of Erosion Protection Layer (Armor) for Proposed Cap - Lower Passaic River, NJ INTRODUCTION This memorandum addresses the conceptual design aspects of the proposed erosion protection layer and presents a preliminary cost for its construction. This conceptual design is developed in accordance with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, 1991) recommendations and guidelines in order to estimate the materials and quantities that may be needed to install the erosion protection system. The conceptual design developed here is intended only for cost estimation purposes, and a detailed design analysis will be required if capping is implemented as part of the proposed remedial action. The conceptual design was based on modeled river flow velocities and water depths provided by HydroQual, Inc. The data were based on modeled erosion susceptibility of the proposed cap due to a 100-year storm event. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The design presented herein considers the river being subjected to a 100-year flood event, which increases both flow and velocity of water in comparison to normal conditions. The proposed erosion protection layer would be constructed of stone material, and the material will be selected (sized) with a factor of safety of 1.3. This factor of safety was independently applied to river flow velocity, water depth, the unit weight of stone, and the angle of repose of stones. A total of 7 cross sections were selected for analyses Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-85 June 2007 within the river stretches susceptible to erosion as identified by HydroQual, Inc., shown on Figure 1. Design parameters were conservatively defined by selecting the highest water velocities and shallowest depths at each river cross section. The flow depths and velocities at respective river cross sections under future capped conditions are tabulated along with the assumed unit weight of stone in Table 1. Table 1: River Sections Depth of Watera, Velocity of Water Flowa, Location meters meters/second Section 0 3.91 1.67 Section 1 3.65 1.76 Section 2 2.49 2.04 Section 3 4.36 1.58 Section 4 2.46 2.07 Section 5 2.78 1.98 Section 6 3.75 1.71 a: River velocities and depths provided by HydroQual, Inc. Unit Weight of Stone, pounds per cubic foot 155 155 155 155 155 155 155 SUMMARY OF RESULTS The calculation of the size of stone erosion protection material follows the USACE Engineering and Design Manual EM 110-2-1601. See Attachment 1 for calculations of stone size for the river sections considered in analysis. Table 2 shows the median stone size (D50) based upon preliminary hydraulics analysis. Table 2: Median Stone Size (D50) Median Stone Size (D50), inch 2.61 3.02 4.67 2.20 4.96 4.30 2.75 Location Section 0 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 The required median size (D50) of stones varies along this river stretch from approximately 2.2 inches to 5 inches at Sections 0 through 6. It is recommended that a Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-86 June 2007 single median size (D50) of 5 inches be selected for the armoring requirement at Sections 2, 4, and 5. The areas that fall under sections 0, 1, 3, and 6 shall also be protected with a single median size (D50) of 3 inches. The proposed erosion protection layer shall be composed of a well-graded mixture, such that 50% of the mixture by weight shall be larger than the D50 size (i.e., 3-inch and 5-inch at respective locations). Stone will be placed to a minimum thickness of 3 times the D50 size, which is approximately 9 inches and 15 inches in thickness, respectively. The diameter of the largest stone size in such a mixture shall be 1.5 times the D50 size. Additionally, the D75 of the mixture shall be 1.25 times the D50 and the D15 of the mixture shall be 0.5 times the D50. In addition, it is recommended that a transition layer (i.e., filter layer) be placed between the proposed sand cap and the erosion protection layer to mitigate any potential internal erosion conditions of the proposed sand cap. The filter layer was designed using typical filter design guidelines provided by the United States Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation (1987). The filter layer shall have a minimum thickness of 12 inches and be composed of a wellgraded material such that the D15 shall be between 3 and 42 millimeters and the D85 between 30 and 50 millimeters. PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR CAP For preliminary cost estimates, a unit price of $58 per ton can be used for purchasing, transporting and placing the stone material on the proposed cap area; a unit price of $30 per ton can be used for purchase, transport and placement of the filter layer material. These preliminary unit costs are tabulated in the Table 3 below. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-87 June 2007 Table 3: Summary of Preliminary Costs Layer Stone Armor Sections 0 - 6 Unit Price, $ per ton 58a Filter Layer 30b Sections 0 - 6 a: USACE, New Orleans District: $50 per ton (offshore project completed in 2002); unit price includes purchase, delivery, and placement; adjusted to reflect 3% annual inflation. b: Local contractor material and delivery unit rate; unit price adjusted to include RS Means cost of barge, tug with operator, loader with operator, crane with operator, clamshell bucket. REFERENCES United States Army Corps of Engineers, 1991. Engineering and Design Manual: Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels. USACE EM 110-2-1601. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, 1987. Design of Small Dams. 3rd Ed. United States Government Printing Office. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-88 June 2007 Figures Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-89 June 2007 Map Document: (S:\Projects\PASSAIC\MapDocuments\4553001-CERCLA\Bed_Elevation_change\armor_1in.mxd) 2/20/2007 -- 3:21:11 PM ³ Railroad Crossing 8 7 Railroad Crossing Central Ave 6 oad Cro s ik e Ra ilr St. NJ Tur np Bridge s in g I-280 3 5 4 g in 2 US 1 US 1 Truc k Jac k so nS t. d oa ilr Ra s os Cr 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 Miles Legend Federally Authorized USACE Navigation Channel Centerline Bridges Shoreline as defined by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection 1 Maximum Erosion (inches) < -8 -8 - -7 -7 - -6 -6 - -5 -5 - -4 -4 - -3 -3 - -2 -2 - -1 -1 - 0 <=0 Note: Values of erosion are reported by Hydroqual, Inc. See Appendix G for more information. Armor Areas: Maximum Erosion Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 0 Figure 1 June 2007 Draft ATTACHMENT 1 CALCULATIONS Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-91 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. INDEPENDENT ENVIRO NMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS, & CO NSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL & DAM ENGINEERING S ERVICES PROGRAM CLIENT: Lower Passaic River Restoration Project BY: KSP 12-Mar-06 DATE: CHKD BY: PROJECT: Focused Feasibility Study 4553031 Job No.: SHEET No.: DATE: SUBJECT: Attachment 1: Erosion Protection Layer for the Proposed Cap, Conceptual Design M athCA D 7 P ro fessio nal, M athSo ft, Inc. c.1986-1997 STATEMENT : Size the stone requirement for the proposed erosion protection layer in order to protect the proposed cap. Additional Unit Definitions: lb pcf ≡ 1 ⋅ ft 3 psf ≡ 1 ⋅ lb ft $≡1 2 kip ≡ 1000⋅ lb ft ≡ 12⋅ in ton ≡ 2000⋅ lb m ≡ 3.28⋅ ft cy ≡ 27⋅ ft 3 References: 1. Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels (Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601), Department of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers. 2. Velocities and Water Depths estimates from HydroQual, Inc. in locations of potential erosion due to a 100-year storm event. 3. Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New Jersey Input Parameters: Sf := 1.3 Safety factor (Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601) Cs := 0.3 Stability coefficient (angular rock, Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601)) Cv := 1.0 Vertical velocity distribution for straight channel (Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601) Ct := 1.0 Thickness coefficient (Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601) a := D 85 D 15 a := 3.5 Varies from 1.7 to 5.2 (Engineer Manual 1110-2-1601 and ASTM D 6092) Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-92 June 2007 n := 0 .. 6 ⎛ 12.85 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 11.99 ⎟ ⎜ 8.19 ⎟ d := ⎜ 14.33 ⎟ ft ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 8.09 ⎟ ⎜ 9.12 ⎟ ⎜ 12.31 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Local depth (varies), from HydroQual, Inc. estimates i := 0 .. 6 γ w := 62.4pcf Unit weight of Water γ s := 155pcf Unit weight of stone γ f := 120pcf Unit weight of filter material ⎛ 5.5 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 5.8 ⎟ ⎜ 6.7 ⎟ ft V := ⎜ 5.2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ sec ⎜ 6.8 ⎟ ⎜ 6.5 ⎟ ⎜ 5.6 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ Velocity (varies) from HydroQual, Inc. estimates θ := 20deg Angle of side slope with horizontal (most steep angle) φ := 40deg Angle of repose of riprap material K1 := 1− sin( θ ) sin( φ) 2 2 K1 = 0.847 -2 g = 9.807 m⋅ s Gravity constant Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-93 June 2007 ⎡⎛ γ ⎞ 0.5 ⎤ V w i ⎢ ⎥ D30 := Sf⋅ Cs⋅ Cv⋅ Ct⋅ d ⋅ ⎜ ⋅ ⎟ n⎢ γ − γ i,n K1⋅ g ⋅ d ⎥ n⎦ ⎣⎝ s w ⎠ D30 0, 0 = 0.044 m = 0.051 m D30 = 0.08 m 2, 2 V = d = i D30 1, 1 2.5 1.676 1.768 n -1 m⋅ s 3.917 m 3.655 2.042 2.496 1.585 4.368 D30 = 0.037 m 2.073 2.466 1.981 2.78 D30 = 0.083 m 1.707 3.752 D30 = 0.072 m D30 = 0.046 m 3, 3 4, 4 5, 5 6, 6 ⎛ D85 ⎞⎟ D50 := D30 ⋅ ⎜ i,n i,n ⎜ D ⎟ ⎝ 15 ⎠ D50 i,n := D30 i,n ⎛ 2.601 ⎜ ⎜ 2.97 ⎜ 4.26 D50 = ⎜ 2.261 ⎜ ⎜ 4.421 ⎜ 3.949 ⎜ 2.721 ⎝ ⋅a 0.33 The approximate relationship between D50 and D30 0.33 2.834 2.629 ⎞ 2.646 2.911 2.531 2.92 ⎟ 3.022 3.324 2.891 3.335 3.236 3.002 ⎟ 4.335 4.768 4.146 4.783 4.641 4.306 ⎟ 2.3 2.53 2.2 2.538 2.463 2.285 ⎟ in ⎟ 4.498 4.948 4.302 4.963 4.817 4.469 ⎟ 4.018 4.42 3.843 4.434 4.303 3.992 ⎟ 2.768 3.045 2.648 3.055 2.964 2.75 D50 = 2.601 in D50 = 4.963 in D50 = 3.022 in D50 = 4.303 in D50 = 4.768 in D50 = 2.75 in D50 = 2.2 in 0, 0 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 5, 5 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 6, 6 ⎟ ⎠ E-94 June 2007 ⎛ D500 , 0 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D501 , 1 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ D502 , 2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ Stone_D 50 := ⎜ D503 , 3 ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎜ 504 , 4 ⎟ ⎜D ⎟ ⎜ 505 , 5 ⎟ ⎜ D50 ⎟ ⎝ 6, 6 ⎠ ⎛ 66.067 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 76.766 ⎟ ⎜ 121.107 ⎟ Stone_D 50 = ⎜ 55.879 ⎟ mm ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 126.063 ⎟ ⎜ 109.292 ⎟ ⎜ 69.857 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 2.601 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 3.022 ⎟ ⎜ 4.768 ⎟ Stone_D 50 = ⎜ 2.2 ⎟ in ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 4.963 ⎟ ⎜ 4.303 ⎟ ⎜ 2.75 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎛ 5.5 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 5.8 ⎟ ⎜ 6.7 ⎟ ft V = ⎜ 5.2 ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ sec ⎜ 6.8 ⎟ ⎜ 6.5 ⎟ ⎜ 5.6 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ l := 0 .. length ( Stone_D 50) − 1 Passaic River Cap Protection 10 9 Velocity (10-year Flood), m/sec 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stone Diameter, in Analyses indicate that the required median size (D 50) of stones varies from approximately 2.2" to 5" at locations considered in analyses discussed above (i.e., sections 0 through 6). In addition, analyses indicate that a single median size, i.e., D 50 of 5" is suitable for sections 2, 4, and 5 and D 50 of 3" is suitable for Sections 0, 1, 3, and 6. The proposed erosion protection layer shall be composed of a well-graded mixture such that 50% of the mixture by weight shall be larger than the D 50 size (i.e., 3" and 5") at respective locations. Stone shall be placed to a thickness of 3 times D 50 size, which is approximately 9 inches and 15 inches, respectively. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-95 June 2007 MALCOLM PIRNIE, INC. INDEPENDENT ENVIRO NMENTAL ENGINEERS, SCIENTISTS, & CO NSULTANTS GEOTECHNICAL & DAM ENGINEERING S ERVICES CLIENT: Lower Passaic River Restoration Project KSP BY: CHKD BY: DATE: 03/12/07 DATE: PROJECT: Focused Feasibility Study Job No.: 4553031 SHEET No.: SUBJECT: Filter Layer for the Erosion Protection Layer, Conceptual Design M athCA D 2001i P ro fessio nal, M athSo ft, Inc. STATEMENT: Design a filter layer that is to be placed in between the proposed sand cap and the erosion protection layer. REFERENCES: 1. United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Design of Small Dams, Third Edition, 1987, Pages 218 through 220. 2. DOT Specifications, New Jersey. Filter compatibility between the embankment and foundation is based on the following criteria: D Filter D Base D Filter D Base 15 15 15 85 ≥5 Reference 1, Equation 1, Page 218 ≤5 Reference 1, Equation 2, Page 218 This design is suitable for sections 1-2, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, and 6-6. The d 50 and d 30 of the proposed erosion protection layer at these stations are summarized below: D30 = 43.696 mm D30 = 72.284 mm D50 = 66.067 mm D50 = 109.292 mm D30 = 50.772 mm D30 = 46.202 mm D50 = 76.766 mm D50 = 69.857 mm D30 = 80.099 mm D50 = 121.107 mm D30 = 36.958 mm D50 = 55.879 mm D30 = 83.377 mm D50 = 126.063 mm 0, 0 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 5, 5 6, 6 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 0, 0 1, 1 2, 2 3, 3 4, 4 E-96 5, 5 6, 6 June 2007 D30 and D50 of the erosion protection layer range from 36mm to 83mm and 55mm to 126mm, respectively (see the gradation envelope presented below). Based on the standard soil aggregate gradation, New Jersey, Sand "I-7" has been assumed for the proposed sand cap, and the gradation curve for this sand type is presented below: Erosion Protection Layer (Riprap Armor) I-7 (NJ DOT) - SAND CAP Design Parameters Based on the gradation curve for the type "I-7", presented above, upper and lower limit values were obtained for the proposed Sand Cap (SC). Gradation for the filter was determined through the following analyses. Gradation Limits for the proposed Sand Cap (SC) Lower Limits Upper Limits D15SCLower := 0.18mm D15SCUpper := 0.6mm D85SCLower := 0.85mm D85SCUpper := 12mm Gradation Limits for the Filter Lower Limits Upper Limits D15FilterLower := 3mm D15FilterUpper := 4.2mm D85FilterLower := 30mm D85FilterUpper := 50mm Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-97 June 2007 Determination of Filter Compatibility: The filter criteria (i.e. equations 1 and 2) are analyzed separately below. Equation 1: D 15 Recall: D 15 Filter Base ≥5 Reference 1, Equation 1, Page 218 Lower Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: s := "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: n := "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15FilterL := if ⎛⎜ ≥ 5 , s , n⎞⎟ D15FilterLower ⎝ D15FilterLower ⎠ D15SCLower D15SCLower = 16.667 D15FilterL = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15FilterU := if ⎛⎜ D15FilterUpper ⎝ D15SCLower ≥ 5 , s , n⎞⎟ D15FilterUpper ⎠ D15SCLower = 23.333 D15FilterU = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Upper Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: s1 := "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: n1 := "Upper BoundD15 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter1L := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterLower D15SCUpper ≥ 5 , s1 , n1⎞⎟ ⎠ D15FilterLower D15SCUpper =5 D15Filter1L = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter1U := if ⎛⎜ D15FilterUpper ⎝ D15SCUpper ≥ 5 , s1 , n1⎞⎟ ⎠ D15FilterUpper D15SCUpper =7 D15Filter1U = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-98 June 2007 Equation 2: Recall: D Filter D Base 15 85 ≤5 Reference 1, Equation 2, Page 218 Lower Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: p := "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: q := "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter2L := if ⎛⎜ D15FilterLower ⎝ D85SCLower ≤ 5 , p , q⎞⎟ D15FilterLower ⎠ D85SCLower = 3.529 D15Filter2L = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter4U := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterUpper D85SCLower ≤ 5 , p , q⎞⎟ D15FilterUpper ⎠ D85SCLower = 4.941 D15Filter4U = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Upper Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: p1 := "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: q1 := "Upper BoundD85 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter3L := if ⎛⎜ D15FilterLower ⎝ D85SCUpper ≤ 5 , p1 , q1⎞⎟ ⎠ D15FilterLower D85SCUpper = 0.25 D15Filter3L = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter5U := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterUpper D85SCUpper ≤ 5 , p1 , q1⎞⎟ ⎠ D15FilterUpper D85SCUpper = 0.35 D15Filter5U = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-99 June 2007 Results D15FilterL = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15FilterU = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter2L = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter4U = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter1L = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter1U = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter3L = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter5U = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Gradation for the filter material that is to be placed in between the proposed sand cap and the erosion protection layer shall have the following gradation details: Lower Limits Upper Limits D15FilterLower = 3 mm D15FilterUpper = 4.2 mm D85FilterLower = 30 mm D85FilterUpper = 50 mm STEP 2 Check the compatibility of the filter material with the proposed erosion protection layer. During this step of analyses, the filter discussed above becomes the base material and the erosion protection layer material becomes the filter material. Gradation Limits for the base material Lower Limits Upper Limits D15BaseLower := D15FilterLower D15BaseUpper := D15FilterUpper D85BaseLower := D85FilterLower D85BaseUpper := D85FilterUpper Gradation Limits for the erosion protection layer (EPL) (i.e., Filter) Lower Limits Upper Limits D15FilterLower_EPL := 26mm D15FilterUpper_EPL := 70mm D85FilterLower_EPL := 90mm D85FilterUpper_EPL := 180mm Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-100 June 2007 Determination of Filter Compatibility: The filter criteria (i.e. equations 1 and 2) are analyzed separately below. Equation 1: D 15 Recall: D 15 Filter Base ≥5 Reference 1, Equation 1, Page 218 Lower Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: s := "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: n := "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15FilterL := if ⎛⎜ ≥ 5 , s , n⎞⎟ D15FilterLower_EPL ⎝ D15FilterLower_EPL ⎠ D15BaseLower D15BaseLower = 8.667 D15FilterL = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15FilterU := if ⎛⎜ D15FilterUpper_EPL ⎝ D15BaseLower ≥ 5 , s , n⎞⎟ D15FilterUpper_EPL ⎠ D15BaseLower = 23.333 D15FilterU = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Upper Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: s1 := "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: n1 := "Upper BoundD15 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter1L := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterLower_EPL D15BaseUpper D15FilterLower_EPL ≥ 5 , s1 , n1⎞⎟ = 6.19 ⎠ D15BaseUpper D15Filter1L = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 1, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter1U := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterUpper_EPL D15BaseUpper D15FilterUpper_EPL ≥ 5 , s1 , n1⎞⎟ = 16.667 ⎠ D15BaseUpper D15Filter1U = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-101 June 2007 Equation 2: Recall: D Filter D Base 15 85 ≤5 Reference 1, Equation 2, Page 218 Lower Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: p := "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: q := "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter2L := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterLower_EPL D85BaseLower ≤ 5 , p , q⎞⎟D15FilterLower_EPL ⎠ D85BaseLower = 0.867 D15Filter2L = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of a lower limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter4U := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterUpper_EPL D85BaseLower ≤ 5 , p , q⎞⎟ D15FilterUpper_EPL ⎠ D85BaseLower = 2.333 D15Filter4U = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Upper Bound Based on the specific condition addressed, if a satisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: p1 := "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Based on the specific condition addressed, if an unsatisfactory result is obtained, the following will be true: q1 := "Upper BoundD85 of the Filter is NOT SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by a lower limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter3L := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterLower_EPL D85BaseUpper D15FilterLower_EPL ≤ 5 , p1 , q1⎞⎟ = 0.52 ⎠ D85BaseUpper D15Filter3L = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" From equation 2, the filter capacity of an upper limit embankment material being filtered by an upper limit foundation material can be determined. D15Filter5U := if ⎛⎜ ⎝ D15FilterUpper_EPL D85BaseUpper D15FilterUpper_EPL ≤ 5 , p1 , q1⎞⎟ = 1.4 ⎠ D85BaseUpper D15Filter5U = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-102 June 2007 Results D15FilterL = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15FilterU = "Lower Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter2L = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter4U = "Lower Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter1L = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter1U = "Upper Bound of D15 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter3L = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" D15Filter5U = "Upper Bound of D85 of the Filter is SATISFIED" Gradation for the filter material that is to be placed in between the proposed sand cap and the erosion protection layer shall have the following gradation details: Lower Limits Upper Limits D15FilterLower = 3 mm D15FilterUpper = 4.2 mm D85FilterLower = 30 mm D85FilterUpper = 50 mm Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-103 June 2007 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-104 June 2007 Interoffice Correspondence Date: September 21, 2006 To: S. Thompson (WHI) Copy: L. Bossi (WHI) From: S. Gbondo-Tugbawa (NNJ) E. Garvey (NNJ) Re: Lower Passaic River Focused Feasibility Study: Silt Trap Evaluation INTRODUCTION This memorandum describes an assessment of the effectiveness of a silt trap in the Lower Passaic River and Newark Bay system using a simplified theoretical model and review of the literature on particle dynamics in estuaries. A silt trap is intended to create low velocity regions in which a large part of the suspended sediments will have a chance to settle out. The silt trap was considered to be placed near river mile (RM) 1 within the Lower Passaic River. This location was chosen since the historical bathymetric survey data show that it is already a highly depositional environment with an average sedimentation rate of more than 5 inches/year. Although hypothetical calculations would indicate the potential usefulness of a silt trap for sequestering particles of the size distributions found in Lower Passaic River sediments, the actual manifestation of water-borne particles in the Lower Passaic River in the form of flocs indicates that the hypothetical calculations are not applicable, and that such a silt trap would not be effective. METHODS AND ANALYSIS The proper size and shape of the silt trap depends on the stream size, hydrology, and sediment load. This assessment of silt trap efficiency and design was based on the ideal settling theory for a rectangular settling tank. Ideal settling theory is also applied to estimate trap removal efficiency for sediment other than the target size. The theory of ideal settling is based on the following assumptions: Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-105 June 2007 • There is no scouring or resuspension of deposited material. • The through-flow velocity is steady and uniform. • Sediment particles settle at a constant velocity throughout the tank. The amount of sediment that will settle in the tank depends on the flow velocity, silt trap dimensions, and water depth: a shallower trap means less settling. Alternatively, it is expected that a deeper trap will decrease the flow velocity and increase the amount of sediment deposited in the trap. The fraction of sediment that settles to the bottom of the trap can be calculated as: β = αLeω s (1) UH Where: β = fraction of sediment captured in the trap (dimensionless) Le = settling zone of the trap [units of feet (ft)] ws = particle settling velocity [units of meters per second (m/s)] U = flow velocity (units of m/s) H = depth of water before trap excavation (units of ft) α = adjusting coefficient for non-uniform particle concentration in the water column (dimensionless) The various parameters in Equation 1 above and assumptions in parameters values are defined below. Settling Velocity The settling velocity is calculated on the basis of Chang (1997) as follows: ωs = [(25 + 1.2d ) d υ 2 1/ 2 ∗ ] −5 Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project 3 2 (2) E-106 June 2007 Where ⎡⎛ ρ p − ρ w d ∗ = d ⎢⎜⎜ ⎣⎝ ρ w ⎞ g⎤ ⎟⎟ 2 ⎥ ⎠υ ⎦ Where ωs = settling velocity (units of m/s) d = diameter of the particle [units of meters (m)] g = gravitational constant [units of meters per second square (m/s2)] ν = kinematic viscosity of water [units of meters squared per second (m2/s)] ρp = particle density [units of kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3)] ρw = water density (units of kg/m3) Equation 2 is an empirical approach for predicting the settling velocity of natural sediment particles in freshwater suspensions. It is applicable to a wide range of Reynolds numbers from the Stokes flow to the turbulent regime. Flow Velocity The flow velocity (U) is the average unidirectional horizontal current in the water column under normal conditions. When a scenario involving excavation below the current river depth is assumed, the river flow is unchanged; however, the increased depth in the sediment trap results in a decrease in flow velocity. When the particles are collected at the bottom of the sediment trap, it is expected that the decreased depth should affect the velocity. However, it is assumed that all sediments deposited in the trap are removed frequently to keep the depth close to the value assumed for each scenario. Settling Zone Settling Zone is defined as the portion of the trap length over which settling effectively occurs and in this analysis it is assumed that the 10 percent of the trap length at each end is ineffective (i.e., Le = 80 percent of the trap length). This assumption was made to Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-107 June 2007 account for circulation effects close to the boundaries of the trap, as well as the fact that the flow is bi-directional. Adjusting Coefficient The adjusting coefficient accounts for non-uniform distribution of concentration of particles in the vertical direction, which depends on the stratification, flocculation processes, and shear velocity. If the suspended sediment is uniformly distributed, then α is 1. In most cases, α is between 1 and 2, because the concentration of sediment in the river bottom is greater than that at the surface. In this assessment, α is set to a value of 1.5. Depth The depth is the water depth before any excavation of the trap occurs; it is not the total trap depth. It is assumed that once a particle settles beyond the original sediment water interface it will be deposited in the trap, regardless of the depth of the trap itself. Thus, no resuspension of particles that settle below the original water-sediment interface is considered. APPLICATION TO LOWER PASSAIC RIVER An illustration of the capture efficiency of a silt trap near RM1 is as follows: • Assume width of 400 ft close to the width of the river. • Assume total length of 1,000 ft for the trap. The effective length or settling zone is 80 percent of this length, or 800 ft. • Assume α = 1.5. • Original water depth assumed 20 ft before excavation of the trap. For trap excavation scenarios, removal of 50 ft of sediment from the bottom was assumed. Note that H equals 20 ft for both cases. • Assume velocity of 0.25 m/s based on review of project hydrodynamic measurements and the Hydrodynamic Model Calibration Report (HydroQual, 2006). Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-108 June 2007 Table 1 presents the estimated capture efficiency under current water depth and under a 50-foot trap excavation scenario. Notably, the deeper silt trap captures all of the coarse silt, about a third of the medium silt and just under a one-tenth of the fine silt. No significant removal of suspended clay particles are expected in the absence of flocculation. Table 1: Estimated Capture Efficiency Under Current Water Depth and 50-foot Trap Excavation Scenario AGU Class Particle Size ωs Q U Width Le Total (micron) (m/s) α (m3/s) (m/s) (ft) (ft) Depth (ft) 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 34% β No Trap Coarse silt 31 - 62 1.41E-01 No Trap Medium silt 16 - 31 3.68E-02 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 9% No Trap Fine silt 8 - 16 9.63E-03 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 2% No Trap Very fine silt 4-8 2.41E-03 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 0.6% No Trap Coarse clay 2-4 6.03E-04 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 0.14% No Trap Medium clay No Trap Fine clay No Trap Very fine clay 1-2 1.51E-04 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 0.04% 0.5 - 1 3.77E-05 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 0.01% 0.24 - 0.5 9.17E-06 1.5 223.0 0.25 400 800 20 0.00% 50ft Trap Coarse silt 31 - 62 1.41E-01 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 100 % 50ft Trap Medium silt 16 - 31 3.68E-02 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 31% 50ft Trap Fine silt 8 - 16 9.63E-03 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 8% 50ft Trap Very fine silt 4-8 2.41E-03 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 2% 50ft Trap Coarse clay 2-4 6.03E-04 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 0.5% 50ft Trap Medium clay 50ft Trap Fine clay 50ft Trap Very fine clay 1-2 1.51E-04 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 0.13% 0.5 - 1 3.77E-05 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 0.03% 0.24 - 0.5 9.17E-06 1.5 223.0 0.071 400 800 70 0.01% AGU = American Geological Union Q = Discharge Flow The hypothetical calculations above would suggest that, depending on the length and depth of the trap excavated and the size of the water-borne particles, the silt trap has a potential to be effective in removing coarse silt sediments and sediments of higher grain sizes. However, the conditions in the Lower Passaic River are far from the ideal setting assumed above, and the silt trap will be much less efficient in capturing the flocculated water column particles that actually exist in the system. The following research results and data support this premise: Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-109 June 2007 • Recent investigations on the particle size distribution in the water column of the Lower Passaic River by the Chesapeake Biogeochemical Associates (Owens et al., 2006) during sediment coring for erosion experiments and by Rutgers University during dredge pilot monitoring using a Laser In Situ Scattering Transmissometry (LISST) device, suggest that the majority of the in-situ particles exceed 63 micrometers (µm) in diameter. Published data using a digital floc camera (Mikkelsen et al., 2005) in Newark Bay reported median particle size of about 500 µm. Such high values were observed under stratified conditions. However, under unstratified conditions, median particle sizes decrease to about 100 µm as a result of the greater turbulence. For both of these floc particle sizes, neither Cheng’s formula above nor Stokes’ Law can be used to estimate settling speeds because their densities are much less than the densities of the individual mineral particles (Lick et al., 2006). • Water-borne particles in the Lower Passaic River are not coarse mineral particles (e.g., sands, or coarser materials) as median particle size measurements might suggest because such particles need significant energy to be resuspended and transported. Rather, the water-borne particles in the Lower Passaic River are aggregates of finegrained sediments, as discussed above. • Settling velocities as a function of floc diameter have been measured for both fresh water and sea water as a function of fluid shear and sediment concentration as documented in Lick et al. (2006). The speeds were generally on the order of 0.01 centimeters per second (cm/sec) or less. This corresponds to values estimated for medium silts and smaller grain sizes that as presented in Table 1. Notably, particles with settling velocities on the order of 0.01 cm/sec would not be captured efficiently by the trap, suggesting that the silt trap will likely not work for the floc-like, lessdense particles that exist in this system. In summary, although hypothetical calculations would indicate the potential usefulness of a silt trap for sequestering particles of the size distributions found in Lower Passaic River sediments, the actual manifestation of water-borne particles in the Lower Passaic River in the form of flocs indicates that the hypothetical calculations are not applicable, and that such a silt trap would not be effective. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-110 June 2007 REFERENCES Cheng, NS. 1997. “Simplified Settling Velocity Formula for Sediment Particle.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 123(2): 149-152. HydroQual, Inc., 2006 “Draft Hydrodynamic Modeling Report.” Lower Passaic River Restoration Project. April 2006. Lick W, Gailani J, Jones C, Hayter E, Burkhard L, McNeil J, and Luo G. 2006. “Class Notes for Transport of Sediments and Contaminants in Surface Waters.” Chapter 4, page 4-14. Mikkelsen OA, Hill PS, Milligan TG, and Chant RJ. 2005. “In-situ Particle Size Distributions and Volume Concentrations from a LISST-100 Laser Particle Sizer and a Digital Floc Camera.” Continental Shelf Research. 25: 1959-1978. Owens M, Cornwell JC, Suttles SE, and Dickhudt P. 2006. “Passaic River Erosion Testing and Core Collection: Field Report and Data Summary.” Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-111 June 2007 Interoffice Correspondence Date: April 2007 To: S. Thompson (WHI) From: D. Navon (TAM) RE: Summary of In Situ Stabilization Case Studies MINAMATA BAY CASE STUDY OF IN SITU SOLIDIFICATION/ STABILIZATION Between 1930 and 1971, releases of mercury from the production processes of acetaldehyde and vinyl chloride at the Minamata plant of Chisso Co. Ltd. resulted in approximately 150 – 225 tons of mercury being discharged to Minamata Bay. The local government initiated mercury monitoring of sediments in 1959. In 1973, it was determined that sediments covering the entire area of Minamata Bay [2 square kilometers (km2)] contained mercury concentrations of at least 15 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), with maximum concentrations of approximately 600 mg/kg. Beginning in 1977, site preparation measures were initiated to minimize migration of fish and reduce transport of suspended sediment between Minamata Bay and the neighboring Yatsushiro Sea. A cofferdam was installed between Koijishima Island and Cape Myojinsaki to close one of the bay openings and reduce the intra-bay current. Boundary nets were also installed surrounding the bay, and acoustic devices were utilized to discourage fish migration through the only opening of the net. Following implementation of these exclusionary measures, remedial activities commenced in 1980. The area to be remediated, which was approximately 2,000,000 square meters (m2), was divided into two areas. The nearshore area, which was the most heavily contaminated area of Minamata Bay, encompassed 582,000 m2 and was estimated to contain 48% of the targeted contaminant mass. The remaining offshore area, where measured mercury concentrations were lower, encompassed 1,510,000 m2. The nearshore area was divided into two zones, and each zone was enclosed by watertight Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-112 June 2007 cofferdam revetments. The revetments were constructed of prefabricated cylinders, each composed of 232 piles. Installation of the revetments was performed using vibratory hammers. In order to minimize resuspension of silty sediment during revetment installation, sand was used to cap the area of installation, and the revetments were hammered through the sand into the underlying silt. Upon installation of the cylindrical revetments, sand was used to fill the revetments. Following completion of the nearshore enclosures, sediment in the offshore area was dredged using cutterless hydraulic suction dredges to an average depth of approximately 0.5 meters. The dredged material was then transported via pipeline to the enclosed nearshore area. The most heavily contaminated sediment, which remained in place and was enclosed by the revetments, was thus capped by less contaminated material dredged from the bay. Once all targeted sediment was dredged from the offshore area of the bay and placed over the heavily contaminated nearshore area enclosed by the revetments, the enclosed areas were capped. Due to the silty nature of the dredged material, direct capping with native “good quality mountain soil” was not possible without initial stabilization of the dredged material. Approximately 80 centimeters of volcanic ash were placed on top of the dredged material “with assistance of membrane nets” to increase the trafficability and bearing capacity. After this surficial treatment by the ash earth, “good quality mountain soil was overlaid and leveled” (Hosokawa, 1993). The Minamata Bay remediation project was one of the first major contaminated sediment remediation projects conducted in the world. The use of innovative measures to reduce sediment migration (isolation of the bay from neighboring waterbodies to reduce current flow, use of cutterless suction dredge to minimize resuspension, and placement of dredged material in nearby constructed confined disposal facility) displayed the commitment to reduction of environmental risk embodied in this project. However, several factors limit the extrapolation of the remedial strategy employed in Minamata Bay to the Lower Passaic River: Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-113 June 2007 • Water velocities inside the bay were relatively low, and were reduced further by closing one of the bay entrances. • Dredging of silty material was conducted to an average depth of 0.5 meters and a maximum depth of 1 meter, at which depths the material was likely unconsolidated. • The dredged material only required transport to the nearby confined disposal facility and was able to be used as capping material. • Stabilization of the dredged material was performed within the revetment enclosure, excluding it from erosive forces altogether. NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY HARBOR CEMENT MIXING DEMONSTRATION The New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Maritime Resources (NJDOT/OMR) sponsored a demonstration project to investigate the feasibility of using Cement Deep Soil Mixing (CDSM) to solidify/stabilize sediments in the New York/New Jersey Harbor. The study was performed in the fall of 2004 by Rutgers University (Maher, Najm, and Boile, 2005). The stated objectives of the study were to evaluate: 1) the efficacy of the CDSM technology to stabilize sediments and associated contaminants; 2) the optimum percentage of pozzolanic additive; 3) the potential for dispersion of sediments during treatment; and 4) the impact that highly organic enrichment might have on the pozzolanic treatment. Three cells with dimensions of 18.5 feet by 14 feet by 10 feet deep were amended with a Portland cement slurry at three different mixing ratios equivalent to 7%, 10.5%, and 14% cement added to the sediments on a wet-weight basis. The mixing equipment included a barge-mounted crane and triple auger system. Subsurface investigations, in situ testing, and laboratory testing were conducted on the cells before and after CDSM to evaluate the changes in the engineering properties of the sediments. In addition, total suspended solids (TSS) were measured prior to, during, and after the CDSM was performed. Upon completion of the study, the solidified sediments were dredged using conventional dredging buckets and disposed of at a permitted upland facility. The study demonstrated a significant increase in the shear strength of the mixed sediments, with standard penetration test (SPT) N-value increasing from ‘weight of rod’ Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-114 June 2007 to 46. An average reduction of 40% in moisture content was measured within the solidified sediments. Sheer strength tests performed approximately two months after mixing, and then again approximately one year after mixing, indicated that although the strength gain was significant, it was not so high that sediment dredging would become problematic. The TSS study indicated that TSS was at background values for sampling points located beyond 125 feet from the mixing location. The study did not examine the effects of solidification/stabilization on the leachate characteristics of the amended material. Therefore, a critical component of the solidification/stabilization technology – that is, whether contaminants are sequestered within the amended matrix – cannot be determined based on this study. In addition, the authors recommended additional study of the effects of volatilization of contaminants during the solidification/stabilization process. REFERENCES Hosokawa, Y., 1993. “Remediation Work for Mercury Contaminated Bay – Experiences of Minamata Bay Project, Japan.” Water Science and Technology 28:339-348. Maher, A., H. Najm, and M. Boile, 2005. “Solidification/Stabilization of Soft River Sediments Using Deep Soil Mixing.” State of New Jersey Department of Transportation. Engineering Memoranda Lower Passaic River Restoration Project E-115 June 2007