AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Suryya Kanta Sarmah for the (Degree) (Name) Date thesis is presented Title in M. S. ì5 Meteorology (Major) :!t M A RADAR AND SYNOPTIC STUDY OF RAIN AT A POINT Abstract approved A (Major professor) radar echo-contour height measurement at different gain settings of the receiver, from RHI pictures shows that heavy rain occurs at the points above which steep echo-contour gradients ap- pear. In this study, radar data came from the AN/CPS9 radar located at McCulloch peak, about five milesfrom the OregonState Uni- versity campus. The data for rain intensity and drop-size distribution came from filter paper rain-drop recorders exposed by ob- servers situated at various positions beneath the radar beam at ferent azimuth. The occurrence of heavy rain intensity at dif- a point with the appearance of steep echo-contour gradient showed more con- sistency for convective and cold front showers than with warm front showers. In the case of convective showers it appears that strong echo-contour gradients lying near the freezing level do not neces- sarily associate with rain. The study of drop-size distribution shows that steep echo-contour gradients also occur with the expan- sion of the distribution pattern towards bigger drop sizes, thus indicating the presence of up-draft with steep echo-contour gradient. A RADAR AND SYNOPTIC STUDY OF RAIN AT A POINT by SURYYA KANTA SARMAH A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY partial fulfillment of the requirements for the in degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1963 In Charge of Major Chairman of epartment of Physics Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Muriel Davis 'Ç IL i ACKNOWLEDGMENT I acknowledge the guidance, suggestions and help given by Dr. F. W. Decker, Chairman, Atmospheric Science Branch of Oregon State University, in all phases of my work. Also, appreci- ation is extended to Robert J. Massey, John D. Pembrook, Ronald E. Rinehart, Donald M. Takeuchi, John V. McFadden, and Robert C. Lamb for their help in drawings, calculations, photography, synoptic analysis and operating the radar for this study. I also wish to thank all other workers of Atmospheric Science Branch, who he'ped in collection of data, rain-drop counting and numerous other details connected with the research effort. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3 COLLECTION OF DATA DATA ANALYSIS RESULTS Case of 2 March 1963 Synoptic Conditions Radar and Surface Observations 8 10 Dropsize Distribution 10 10 10 12 Drop-size Distribution 13 15 16 Case of 27 and 29 March 1963 Synoptic Conditions Radar and Surface Observations DISCUSSIONS 18 CONCLUSIONS 25 RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 LIST OF FIGURES Time versus (1) (2) (3) Height of echo-contour at different gain settings Rain intensity R Reflectivity Z curves for: Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 March 1963 Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 27 March 1963 Station 1 Station 4 Station 5 29 March 1963 Station 1 49 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 Rain drop-size distribution curve for: March 1963 Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 4 27 March 1963 Station 1 Station 4 Station 5 29 March 1963 Station 1 2 lA 2A 3A 4A1 4A2 SA 6A 7A 8A 50 52 54 56 57 59 61 63 65 LIST OF TABLES Pa g e Tables for RHI measurements 2 March 1963 Station I IA Station 2 lIA Station 3 lIlA Station 4 IVA 27 March 1963 Station 1 VA Station 4 VIA Station 5 VIlA 29 March 1963 Station 1 VIllA Tables for Drop-size Distribution 2 March 1963 Station 1 IB Station 2 11E Station 3 IIIB Station 4 IVE 27 March 1963 Station 1 VB Station 4 VIE Station 5 VUB 29 March 1963 Station 1 VIllE Tables for Rain Intensity and Reflectivity 2 March 1963 Station 1 IC 11G Station 2 Station 3 111G Station 4 IVC 27 March 1963 Station 1 VC Station 4 VIC VIIC Station 5 29 March 1963 Station 1 VIIIC 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 48 LIST OF PLATES Pa g e Plate 2 I II March 1963. PPI Photographs at 1612 PST At O and -3db receiver gain at -6 and -9db receiver gain 66 67 March 1963. RHI Photographs at 1618 PST. Azimuth 255° 2 and -3db receiver gains III At IV At -6 and -9db V O receiver gains At -12 and -18db receiver gains 68 69 70 A RADAR AND SYNOPTIC STUDY OF RAIN AT A POINT INTRODUCTION Since the second world war, radar has increasingly played a significant role in meterology. It successfully detects storms and precipitation, but quantitative measurements still fail to give satisfactory estimates of precipitation amounts. Several workers (7; 14) studied both point and aerial rainfall by using radar, but a survey of literature shows very little work done on point precipitation by using stepped-gain control of the radar receiver or other method for obtaming echo-contour gradients on the RHI display at different gain settings. Few papers report comparison of such indications with rain intensity, drop-size distribution and reflectivity observed at a point at different phases of rain. Fewer papers also explain these observations and comparisons on the basis of the physical processes involved. Atlas (1) reported heavy turbulence associated with steep con- tour gradients. Boucher 1. 25 ( 5) by using a vertically pointing radar of cm. wavelength found the upper limit of hourly rate of precipi- tation a function of the depth of the precipitation echo. A limited study undertaken by Illinois State Water Survey (13) sought to esti- mate rainfall by using echo height as an indication, but results proved uncertain. A correlation of heavy turbulence and echo intensity came indirectly from the ThunderstormProject(2,p.117) which showed that severe turbulence most often occurred in conjunction with pilots' reports of heaviest rain with both observations taken at the same time and place. With all these results in mind, the author made and radar study of convective and frontal rains on a synoptic Z, 27 and 29 March 1963, in western Oregon and presents these results of at- tempts to explain the observed phenomena in terms of known or suspected physical processes involved. 3 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The Radar Equation (a) The average power Pr received by the filling precipitation target is given by = 72 (_ Pt?9 radar from a beam (2, p. 30) hAp2 z KI2 (1) J where = power transmitted by the radar angular widths of the beam pulse length h Ap = aperture of the antenna = wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation transmitted constant for the type of precipitation. (K(2 Therefore, for observation at a fixed point r = constant and hence r CZ The variable where constant N1D6 where Z drops having diameters C D and , N equals the nimber of extends over the whole sam- Y pling volume. Thus, larger drops contribute to the greater reflec- tivity. If the operator reduces the gain of the receiver the weaker 4 echo signals will fail to produce indications in the radar output. Then, the indicated signal will come only from the regions of strong- er reflectivity. (b) Bergeron (3), after examining the various mechanisms for release of precipitation, came to the conclusion that to account for the release of precipitation it suffices to have a few ice crystals (formed either by freezing of droplets or, less likely, by sublimation of vapor on special nuclei) among a much larger population of super cooled droplets in those parts of the cloud with a temperature below -10°C. a Findeisen (10), from an independent study, came to similar conclusion. (c) Houghton (12), usiñg Langmuir' s (16) values of collision effi- ciency, compared the growth rates of drops by coalescence with those of ice crystals by sublimation. He concluded that the growth of precipitation elements by sublimation proceeds initially much more rapidly than by coalescence, the two processes reaching equal effectiveness when the particles have masses comparable to drizzle drops and that for larger particles the accretion process increasingly dominates. (d) Bowen (6) of cumulus cloud and Ludlam(18) using a very simplified model structure investigated the formation of showers by droplet coalescence process. 5 Assuming that "wa, the liquid water content depends only on height "z" and fall velocity fl,C.<V, Ludilam deduced that the following equation gives the growth of the droplet from radius R0 to R between z0 and z: z (U-V) EV JR0 ___ fwdz dR = 4A (2) z0 Here E = collection efficiency density of liquid water V = fall velocity of larger drop U = updraft velocity iY = velocity of smaller drops = When "V" exceeds "U", the drops descend, and at the cloud base z0 z Hence, the right hand side of the equation (2) is zero. . Thus the maximum size with which the drops will fall out of the cloud base depends solely on the updraft speed "U", and their ra- dii R0, at the beginning of their growth by accretion. (e) Investigations of a large number of investigators (19) show that for a wide range of rain the following equation applies: ND Here No D ND = = N0e -)D (3) 8x10 3 m3 drop diameter number of drops er unit of air volume in the size range D to D + The parameter of ) depends on rain intensity "R" and has units mm: = 4. 1 R° 21 where R is in mm hour The relation between reflectivity and rain intensity depends on constants "a" and "b", when given by (19) Z = aRb Thus the average power received by the radar is given by -Pr= cl Rb (4) r where "r" is the distance of the point of observation from the radar and C1 is a constant. Therefore, variation of rain intensity should appear as the variation in the strength of the sina1 received by the radar, and RHI pictures taken at different gain settings of the receiver should indicate stronger echo gradient for greater rain intensity. 7 COLLECTION OF DATA The data used here came from the observations made in con- nection with Project 491 of Agricultural Engineering Department of Oregon State University, Corvallis, and the Signal Corps study un- der contract DA-36-039 SC-89186, on 2, 27 and 29 March 1963. Each observer had an instrument kit for measuring meteorological elements such as pressure, temperature, and humidity. I-le also had filter papers impregnated with methylene blue dry dust for cording drops (4) by re- exposing them for a few seconds in the rain at the positions mentioned on page 28. The general instruction called for observations at intervals of ten minutes, and more frequently when some changes occurred. The author, who also served as an observer, found rain intensity so variable that he took filter paper observations very frequently. The discussion of this appears later. At the same time radar AN/CPS-9 at McCulloch Peak (2, 200 feet) five miles from Oregon State University campus took RHI pictures along the azimuths of the observing stations at intervals of about ten minutes and also took PPI pictures at different steps of the receiver gain control. E1 DATA ANALYSIS From the projection of the processed RHI pictures on a screen, I drew the echo-contours very carefully as the outer margin of the echo at each different gain settings of the receiver. The position of the observing station is determined by reference to the range marks in RHI pictures at different azimuths. The heights of the contours over the station appear By using a VillA. groups of 0. of the 2 irz Tables lA, lIA, lilA, IVA, VA, VIA, VIlA, calibrated overlay which divides drops into sized mm diameter difference, we measured the diameter drops. From these we calculated instantaneous rain intensity (4), the number of drops per cubic meter of air and radar reflecti- vity. If N1 is the number of drops having diameter D and velocity V, A = area of the filter paper, then the number of drops "N" per cubic meter of N/rn3 air is given by N1 where t A V1t We have terminal = time for which the filter paper was exposed. used the terminal velocities ofraindrops as givenbyLaws(17) Tables IB, IIB,IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB,andVilIBshow these meas- urernents. Rain intensity and reflectivity data appear in Tables IC, 11G, 111G, IVC, VC, VIC, VIIC, VIIIC. These tables provide values for drawing the graphs shown here. In eachofthe Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7 and 8,time is plotted along the x-axis and radar echo heights at different gain settings of the receiver, rain intensity and calculated reflectivity are plotted along the y-axis. In Figures lA, ZA, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A, the number of drops per cubic meter of air and diameter at the intervals of 0. In 2 mm are plotted along the y-axis and x-axis respectively. all the figures the lines joining different points are used for visual aids only. 10 RESU LTS Case of 2 March 1963. Synoptic conditions: A. On 28 February 1963, a cold front had moved over Oregon coming from the northwest. This brought a maritime polar air mass to rest over Oregon at least until Monday of the next week. An anticyclone off the coast of Oregon and California acted with a low pressure center on the southern Alaskan coast to produce upper air winds from 290° to 280° with speeds of 20 to 70 knots at 850 mb and 300 mb,respectively. The winds blew more westerly and s orne- what slower than those of 12 2300Z, 2 hours earlier. The Salem sounding at March 1963, showed a moist air mass with nearly neutral stability. The +5 stability index for Salem at 0800 PST on the same day (2 March 1963) decreased to +2 at 2000 PST. Likewise, the freezing level dropped from 3600 feet to 2800 feet in the same time period. At the surface air had 43° F temperature with a relative humidity of 84%. The wind continued high and northerly with cloudy sky over most of Oregon and rain showers west of the Cascades. B. Radar and surface observations: in all but one station, the storm passed over during the period 11 of observation. Hence Figures 2, 3, 4 represent plotting of data for continuous surface observations from the beginning to the end of the storm. These figures,including number 1, show some interesting characteristics, which include the following: 1. Heavy rain intensity observed at the surface invariably associates with steep echo-contour gradients at different step gains at higher elevations whereas the same at lower elevation does not. The weak rain intensity exhibited at 1440 PST and 1610 PST in Stations # i and respectively, is due to exposure of filter pa- # Z pers at the intervals of ten minutes. Considering the highly variable nature of shower intensity, quite possibly at those times filter paper missed the heavy intensity part of the shower. This appears more evident from flgures 3 and 4, where observers exposed filter paper at shorter intervals of time. The only exception to this occurred in the rain intensity at 17 10 no convergence of echo Z. PST at Station #4 (Figure 4),which shows contours. The peak rain intensities do not seem to occur at the same time as that of the occurrence of steep contour gradients. This may result from the fact that the drops arrive at a later time than their observation by the radar while still aloft and also because of taking radar pictures at intervals of several minutes. 3. Although heavy rain is in all cases associated with the low-. est gain setting of -18 db all -18 dbechoes are not associated with 12 heavy rain intensity as are evident from FIgures PST) and 4. 2 1 (at 1537 and 1608 (1527 and 1537 PST). Convergence or compactness of lower gain settings seem to coñtribute more for heavier ráin inténsity compared to that at higher gain settings. C. Drop-size distribution: The drop-size spectra in all phases of rain deviates greatly from the Marshall and Palmer distribution (19). A frequent samp- ling of the drop-size distribution made at the Station #4 from the beginning of the shower from 1600 to 1606 PST(Figure 4A1) clearly in- dicates how the drop-size spectra broadened with an increase of rain intensity. The initiation of rain in all cases associates with increase in the number of small drops, indicating rain from the leading edge. Figure.4A at 1720, 1725 and 1731 PST shows how the patterns of distributions change towards the end of rain showers. These two figures indicate that shift in the drop-sizes toward lower diameter range goes on more rapidly at the end of the shower than does the rise at the beginning cated by the curves of the shower. 1, 2 and 3 For heavy part of the rain indi- inFigure 4A21drop-size distribution show similar pattern exceptfor the one atthe heaviestpart ofthe rain (1710 PST), which shows a deficit of drops from 0. 3 to 0. 7 mm 13 diameter interval. In all the stations, the drop-size spectrum shifts to greater diameter region withthe increase in the height of echo-contour packing. Some of the general characteristics of drop-size distribution in all the four stations considered include the following: 1. Bimodal type which agrees with that found by using rain- drop size camera (20). 2. 0. 9 Tendency for increase in number in the diameter range of mm to 1. 3 mm instead of gradual diminution with increase in diameter, except in the case of Station much irregularity. #2 where the curves show Also towards the end,there appears a tendency for increased population in the diameter range of 2. 1 mm to 2. 5 mm. Case of A. 27 and 29 March 1963 Synoptic conditions: On Tuesday, 26 March 1963, a maritime polar air mass coy- ered Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. On Wednesday morning, 27 March 1963, a low pressure area off the southwestern coast of Oregon began to intensify and move towards Oregon, reaching the coast at about 1300 PST. This low and an occluded front dominated the 14 synoptic situation during the period of field observations on Wednesday. Because the low continued to intensify during the period of its passage over the observing network, pressure continued to drop untu 1800 PST, when it reached a minimum of 972. 8 mb on the baro- graph at the Iysics-Ghemistry Building at Oregon State University. The upper air, flow moved generally from 2200 to 2400 with speeds of 25 to 65 knots March. The stability index decreased from +7 at 0400 PST to 1500 PST, of at 850 to 300mb respectively, at 1000 PST on 27 +1 at indicating a marked decrease in stability about the time frontal passage. Cloudiness predominated over the Pacific North- west with rain over western Oregon during the afternoon and evening. Light -to -moderate northerly surface winds predominated during the afternoon observations. About 2300 PST another occluded front passed over Oregon, while still another passed at 1100 PST on 28 March 1963. The pas- sage of many lines of precipitation during 28 March, provided one of the significant differences in weather from the previous day. Sur- face winds increased during the afternoon and early evening to gusts of over 70 miles per hour at places. These winds caused minor damage over much of western Oregon, making it the worst wind storm since the record breaking storm of 12 October 1962. The weather of 29 March 1963,remained under the influence of 15 incoming maritime polar air. decreased somewhat from Upper air winds from the southwest 1000 PST to speeds of 36 to 79 tween 850 to 300mb at 2200 PST on 29 March 1963. knots be- During the 12 hour period ending at 1600 PST, the freezing level over Salem dropped from 4400 feet to 3700 feet. This same time periodbrought a slight increase in stability index from +3 to +5. area in the Gulf of Alaska on 26 March, The low pressure increased to the extent that evidence of it appeared even on the 1500 PST, 29 March synoptic weather map. This low is partly responsible for the pressure field during the period of observation. B. Radar and surface observations: On 27 March 1963, rain fell more or less continuously,and ob- servers recorded data for about five hours. Here we shall include a part of the whole body of observations. Consider Stations and #5. The curves shown inFigures 5, 6 and 7 #1, #4 indicate the associa- tion of contour packing with heavy rain intensity but not as distinct packing as in the case of may result from (1) 2 March 1963, at least at Station #1. This synoptic conditions quite different from the pre- vious case, (2) observations made a few hours before the occluded front passed over the observing network and (db) of the (3) step-gain values radar receiver not uniformly separated from each other. 16 However, the tendency for compactness of the echo-contours with rain intensity at the surfact exists. This appears more evident when we consider the earlier part of the observation. On 29 March 1963, synoptic conditions those of 27 March. Figure 8 differed markedly from shows increase of rain intensity with echo-contour packing and also dependence of intensity of rain on the height of the echo contour compact region. The rain intensity observed at the surfaces does not depend on echo height alone here, especially at the time of C. 1417 PST. Drop-size distribution: Drop-size distribution pattern deviates greatly from the usual Marshall and Palmer distribution law (19). The other characteris- tics such as mm to 0. 9 (1) Bimodal type and (2) tendency for increase from 0. 5 mm diameter range appear here. So far as Station #4 is concerned, maximum rain intensities occur with greater number of drops from 0. 7 mm up to about 2. of larger drops. On the 3 mm diameter with a clear lack contrary, the largest drops of the whole observation network came at about 1405 PST at Station #5. The drop-size spectra show great diversity from station to station, as shown inFigures 5A, 6A, 7A and 8A. In Station drop-size distribution denoted by curve 4 #1 the shows lack of larger drops 17 beyond 1. 7 mm. Increased rain intensity is associated with broad- ening of the spectra towards larger drop-size. In Station #4 Figure 6A),the distribution pattern differs greatly from that f Sth.tion #1 (Figure 5A). Here increased rain intensity is associated with in- crease in number of drops from #5 0. 5 mm in all the curves. Station (Figure 7A) shows some diameter preferred for drops at differ- ent rain intensities. These are 0. 7 mm and 1. 9 mm diameters. Curve #2, at high rain intensity, shows great fluctuations at different diameters and are associated with drops, the diameter of which ranges up to 3. 9,mm but otherwise the same general pattern for all the curves. The drop-size distribution for the 29 March 1963 case shown in Figure 8A,has usual bimodal type with dip in diameter range of 0. 5 to 1. 3 mm.,predomiaant in the case of cm/hr rain intensity. There is 0. 205 a tendency cm/hr and 0. 2246 for increase in 0. 7 mm diameter. With an increase of rain intensity, the dip is made up and an exponential patte rn prevails. 18 DISCUSSIONS The observations made under three different synoptic condi- tions, though exhibiting much difference in both radar and surface observations from one synoptic condition to another, still show vividly some of the common features associated with all of them. Without surface observations or radar pictures taken at short inter- vals of time, we must find a comparison criterion for surface rain intensity and radar echo-contour packing at different gain settings. I adopted the comparison criterion that gradually increasing rain in- tensity should associate with gradually converging echo-contours and gradually decreasing rain intensity should associate with gradu- ally diverging echo-contours. Visualize the whole situation by con- sidering a cell having iso-echo contours at different heights. As the cell moved over the station, these contours converged and diverged overhead pouring down rains of different intensity according to the degree of convergence and divergence. By applying this criterion to theFigures 1, 2, 3 and 4, we find that above a certain height, rain intensity increase occurs with con- vergence of echo-contours at differentdb values except in the case ofFigure 4. In that exception, the second cell did not show any convergence within a period from 1702 to 1720 PST, though associated with heavy rain intensity. 19 The occurrence of strong echo gradient aloft (generally much above the freezing level) can result fromthe presence of strong up- draft in the convective cell (14). At high accretion rates, particles with wet surfaces form and these give intense echo. A strong updraft may carry such particles high into the cloud, and an intense echo pattern results. Assuming Ludlam's model of convective cloud and that the rain-drop size distribution spectra does not differ appreciably from the base of the cloud, we should expect expansion of the spectrum towards bigger drops with increase of updraft and hence the increase of height Z of the echo-contour compact region. Again since NDI6 and ZOC Rb, increased number of bigger drops as soci- OC ated with increase height of the echo compact region, should lead to greater reflectivity and hence increase in rain intensity and viceversa. A careful study of the drop-size distribution curves in Fig- ure 4A, (curve corresponding to the times 1550, 1600, 1604, 1605, 1720, l7Z5and 1731 PST) supports this argument. Absence of rain even with contour packing at lower heights such as in Figure 2 (from 1520 to 1550 and 1627 PST), Figure 4(from 1540 to 1550, 1640, 1650 PST) and to some extent in Figure 1 (from 1458 to 1600) may come about as follows: Because of the location of these regions near the freezing level for that day, Bergeron-Findeisen mechanism of shower 20 release does not occur since this requires rain clouds extending well above the 0° C isotherm (3). Sufficiently low heights indicate absence of strong updraft for formation of raindrops by coalescence, and hence no rain fall from t1ose regions of strong echo-contour gradient. Figure 3 shows precipitation streaks observed at the surface associated with echo-contour packing and height. Heavy rain intensity and absence of contour packing as indi- cated by Figure 4, between the times 1650 and 1720 PST may possibly be explained by assuming it to be a dissipating convective cell. The absence of strong updraft and the predominance of strong down - draft may show lack of convergence of echo-contours. rop-size distribution curves durin these periods (Figure 4A2) show that the curves beyond 0. 9 mm diameter maintain their shape with small variations even though rain intensity decreases) To some extent the echo-contour spacings resemble that of warm front rain as shown inïigures 5, 6 and 7. The reports of the surface observer reveal clearly that over the station pressure fell slightly (0. 01 inch) at 1530 PST and continued falling until 1625 PST,when the observeras record showed an increase til the end of observation at (0. 01 inch) and 1730 PST. then remained steady un- This may possibly show the most prominent downdraft during the observation of the second cell. 21 In reality, the convective cloud has not the simple as assumed here. Probert-Jones and Harper structure (21) showed by using Doppler Radar that both updraft and downdraft of different magnitudes occur in a vertical column of convective cloud at different heights. Relations similar to those of 2 March l963,may explain the association of heavy rain intensity with echo-contour packing in case of 29 March 1963, shown in Figure On 27 March 1963, in absence of 8. strong updraft, the occur- rence of heavy rain intensity does not occur only with the echocontour packing. However, all echo-contour packings do occur with heavy rain intensity. Absence of bright band indicates turbu- lence. Besides that the step-gain values of the gain settings did not function properly. Though bigger drops contribute, in general, less for heavy rain intensity, the biggest drops of the whole observation period did come with initiation of rain at 1405 PST in Station Figure 7 shows at this time a rain intensity of O. 7766 particularly strong echo-contour packing at about Figure7A shows large deficit of smaller drops in cm/hr with 12, 000 O. #5. feet. Also 7mm-i. 7mm diameter range. Hence, both updraft and coalescence probably contribute for heavy rain and large drops. Heavy rain intensity does not always associate with the height 22 of the highest gain settings (0db) as 1410 to 1430 PST). demonstrated in Figure 5 (from However, increase or decrease of rain intensity follows the general criterion, without dependence on height. A general deviation of drop-size distribution from Marshall and Palmer law appeared in all the cases studied. The drop-size spectra broadens much more in the case of convective and cold front shower with increased rain intensity ,but not necessarily in the case of warm front rain. Thus the larger contribution to rain in- tensity by larger drops in case of convective shower, compares to the smaller drops which contribute more in case of warm front pre- cipi.tation except at 1405 PST in Station #5. We may attribute this fact to the lack of smaller drops, especially from 0. 7 mm to 1. 7 mm diameter range, showing coalescence effect also predominant, resulting in the formation of bigger drops. For almost the same intensity of rain in the case of Station #1 (Figure 1),on 2 March 1963, at 1650 and 1710 PST, the distribution curves show alternate in- crease and decrease in number at several diameter points. Close observation of the radar echo gradients at these points show much different contour.gradients in both the cases indicating difference in their updraft velocities. Drop-size distribution curves for Station #2 (Figure2A,2March),artdthat for Station 27 March,looks similar especially at times and 1425 PST, respectively, #4 (Figure 6A) on 1650 PST, and at 1356 though the latter falls off more 23 rapidly and except that peak in one case is at it is at 1. 1 mm and in others 0. 7 mm. No direct comparison can be made with radar due However, all of to the lack of radar observations at these times. these fall just in the converging zone of the echo-contours at various db settings, but at different height. A comparison of drop distribution spectra with compactness of iso-echo-contours shows that spectra corresponding to the time of maximum convergence of echo-contours show more or lar irregularity in the size range from ures ZA (curve 2), 3A (curves inFigure 6A (curve 2 and 3). 2 and 3) 0. 3 mm to and from . 1. 5 5 less simi- mm inFig- mm to 1. 9 mm Lack of smaller number of drops indicate that strong updraft associated with compactness of echo- contours produces bigger drops which subsequently break up after reaching the critical size due to coalescence in their downward motion and subsequent growth. Evaporation may also play a great role ('5). Deficit of middle-sized drops as indicated inFigures 4A, 5A and curves 1 and 2 in Figure 8A and corresponding increase in big- ger sized drops may result from the aerodynamic break up proc- ess ( 9). General nature of the curves inFigure 4A, especially all but 1, and curves 1 and 2 inFigure 8A,resemble those given by 24 Blanchard (4, Figure 3) for thunderstorm in Hawaii. Lack of reliable wind data and other pa r am e t e r s did not allow detailed calculations of trajectories etc. Calculation of radar reflectivity from the drop-size distribution at the surface when plotted against time shows peaks at times where there is contour packing, indicating good correlation between echo-contour packing height and reflectivity observed at the surface. 25 CONCLUSIONS The limited number of cases studied so far prevent drawing statistical conclusions. However, the cases studied here show the following: 1. In the case of instability showers of 2 March 1963, the greater rain intensity almost invariably coincided with steep echocontour gradient on RHI display, at different gain settings of the radar receiver, over the point of observation. Observed rain intensity depends on the degree of steepness and also on the height of the steep region over the point of observation. packing near the freezing level did not Steep echo-contour coincide with heavy rain. 2. In the case of warm front rain of 27 March 1963, echo- This contrasts contour compactness shows heavy rain intensity. with the dependence of rain intensity on the height of the echo-con- tour compact region in the instability shower of 3. 2 March 1963. In the case of cold front rain of 29 March 1963,the single case studied shows similarity to the instability shower. 4. For the same order of rain intensity, in general, the greater number of larger drops occurred in the case of instability and cold front shower than in the warm front shower and vice versa. 26 5. Height of echo at maximum gain setting (O db) does not in- dicate heavy rain intensity. Rain intensity does not show preference for a particular gain settings used, although compactness of lower gain settings indicate heavier rain intensity compared to that of higher gain settings. 6. Drop-size distribution patterns greatly deviate from Mar- 27 RECOMMENDATION FOR FURTHER RESEARCH This author considers that a main result of this study associ- ating heavy rain intensity with steep echo-contour packing deserves fur- ther study for different kinds of rains and at different times of the year by adopting similar procedures for statistical comparisons. Further study should include at least the following: 1. Reiterated calibration of the radar step-gains before and after observations. 2. RHI pictures taken at shortest possible intervals in one particular azimuth inthe direction of motion of the echo with surface observers located beneath the radar beam along the line of echo movement at suitable spacings. 3. Surface observations including filter paper exposure made as frequently as possible. 4. Improvement on the rain gauge which gives only an inte- grated value over a period. To find correct instantaneous intensity of rain would need accurate calibration. If the results of this study get confirmation in new evidence, quantitative innovations might make a new approach to the "charac- terization of precipitation by radar" and in addition, enable one to study orographic effect on precipitation. 28 STATION IDENTIFICATION Station Number i Location Range Azimuth Physics -Chemistry Building, Oregon State University 5 7 mi 137° 2 Wren 4. 8 mi 232° 3 Newport Rd. 6 0 mi 255° 4 Blodgett 8 7 mi 255° 5 4. 4 11 2 mi 240° miles from Blodgett School 29 Height of radar echo contours at different gain settings of the receiver from RHI tracings Table IA Station Date:-2 March 1963. L Time Hei2ht of echo contours over the stationx2000E Remarks 0db -3db -6db -9db -12db l8db number PST Serial 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1428 1437 144? 1458 1507 1519 1527 1537 1548 1559 1608 1617 1626 1638 1648 1658 1708 1717 7.70 7.50 7.40 6.30 0.00 0.00 7. 70 5. 00 7. ¿0 7. 20 4. 70 4. 7Q 3. 00 2. 90 2. 40 2. 40 0. 00 3. 60 3. 20 7. 70 4. 80 3. 40 2. 50 3.00 3.00 2.80 2.00 1.40 2. 80 2. 60 2. 50 2. 90 2. 85 2. 90 1. 80 1. 40 0. 00 2.90 2,60 2.40 2.30 1.80 0.00 4. ¿0 4. 60 3. 10 3. 10 1.20 7.90 7.40 7.00 6.90 6.60 0.00 7. 40 7. 20 6. 90 6. 30 9. 90 9. 50 6. 95 6. 30 6. 30 3. 90 9. lO 30 60 2. 20 10 1. 30 8.70 8. 50 9. 15 8. 50 9. 00 8.40 35 1.40 6.50 6.30 6.00 5.80 5.7 8. 50 5. 60 3. 70 3. 20 3. 15 3. 10 8. 30 9. 90 3. 00 2. 85 9.40 lO 2. 50 1. 80 8. 80 I. 6. 3. 9. 8. 8. 5 1. jO 1. 30 0.00 0.00 1.20 O. 00 1. 30 1. 90 0.00 holes from 2. 4to4.9and from 2.4 to 5. 2 at -9db -12 db. 30 Table lIA Station Date:-Z March 1963. Z Serial Time number PST i Z 3 4 5 1517 1520 1527 1537 1549 Heightofecho contours over the station at different gain setting x 2000' 0db -3db -6db -9db -12db -18db * 2. 10 2. 00 1. 80 70 1. 50 * 2.45 1.95 1.65 1.55 1.20 * 3. 50 * 2. 80 2. 35 2. 00 1. 90 1. 80 1. 90 1. 60 1. 20 1. 10 * 2.70 2.00 1.70 1.70 0.00 overhanging portion of the echo not measured 6. 50 8. 30 6. 60 2. 20 6. 50 8. 30 30 0. 00 4. 10 1. 60 6. 30 6. 8 00 8. 3. 00 2. 1. 60 1. 00 00 50 1. 00 1. 20 6. 25 4. 50 4. 30 4. 30 1. 7.50 8.00 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 6.80 6. 60 1.20 7. 50 7. 50 1. . 6 7 8 9 Remarks 1600 1609 1618 1627 * * 0.00 weak region aloft excluded 10 11 12 13 14 1640 1650 1701 1710 1720 7. 10 6.40 6. 1 5. 90 5. 90 0. 00 20 0.00 0.00 0. 00 The echo contour at 0db was not distinct enough for accurate mea sure ment. 31 Table niA Station Date:- 2 March 1963. 3 Serial Time Number PST Height of echo contours overthe station Remarks at different gain settings x 2000' 9db -12db -18db 0db 3db -6db 1 1550 6. 90 6. 60 6. 60 6. 40 6. 40 0. 00 2 1601 8.00 8.00 7.90 7.90 7.80 1.60 3 1610 6. 90 6. 70 6. 70 6. 50 6. 50 0. 00 4 1618 7. 20 6. 80 6. 80 6. 50 6. 50 0. 00 5 1628 6.60 6.50 6.30 6.30 6.20 1.40 6 1640 7.70 6.40 4.20 4.20 4.20 0.00 Thebulging portion excluded 7 1650 4. 00 4. 00 3. 80 3. 80 3. 80 1. 50 8 1702 6. 80 6. 40 6. 10 5. 80 4. 80 0. 00 9 1712 6. 55 6.00 6.00 5.50 4.60 0.00 10 1721 6. 10 6. 10 5. 90 5. 10 4. 60 0. 00 11 1731 5.50 5.20 5.00 4.90 4.70 0.00 32 Table IVA Station Date:- 4 Serial Time Number PST Z March 1963 Height of echo contours, over the station x 2000 -6db -9db -12db -18db 0db -3db i 1540 1.50 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.00 2 1550 1.40 1.30 1.30 1.20 0.00 0.00 3 1601 6. 40 6. 20 6. 20 5. 50 0. 00 0. 00 4 1610 6. 20 6. 10 6.00 5.80 5.80 0.00 5 1618 8.00 7.60 7.20 7.00 7.00 1.40 6 1628 3. 60 3. 10 3. 00 2. 70 2. 40 0. 00 7 1640 1. 30 1. 30 1. 30 1. 30 0.00 0.00 8 1650 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.00 9 1702 4.60 4.30 4.30 4.00 4.00 0.00 4.60 4.50 4.00 2. 50 0.00 10 1711 6. 10 11 1721 3.50 1.50 1.40 1. 30 1. 30 0.00 12 1731 3.50 3.30 3.00 1.20 0.90 0.00 Remarks hole in 9 db oi the echo border holeat-lZdb 0 db is not distinct 33 Table Station Date:- 1 Serial Time number PST * VA 27 March 1963 Remarks Height of echo contours over the station x 2000 0db -3db -9db -12db-18db --J -3. 28 -13.02 -14.86-19.48 1 1313 3.90 3.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 1323 2.80 ¿.00 1.75 1.40 0.00 3 1333 2. 95 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 4 1343 4.80 4.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 1353 2.00 0.00 0.00 00 6 1411 9.40 8. 10 4. 60 2.75 0.00 7 1422 8. 80 8. 40 3. 20 2. 90 8 1432 6. 40 5. 90 4. 50 2. 90 0. 00 9 1442 7. 10 6. 50 6. 12 3.00 0.00 10 1453 7.00 7.00 4.70 2.70 2.40 11 1613 3.50 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 When calibrated after 3 0.00 0. 00 weeks, the step-gains showed these values. Table VIA Station Date:- 4 27 March 1963. * 0 Remarks Height of echo contours over the station x 2000' -12db-18db -3db -9db -3.28 -13.02 -14.86-19.48 Time number PST Serial 0 1 1339 6.2 5.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 2 1349 9. 6 9. 4. 3 0. 0 0. 0 3 1359 6.9 5.6 5.2 4.9 4.5 4 1408 9. 6 6. 9 5. 5 2. 8 0. 0 5 l418.. 6.2 4.8 4.6 3.2 0.0 6 1429 5. 7 4. 6 3. 2 2. 0 0. 0 7 1438 8. 3 7. 2. 7 1. 0 0. 0 8 1448 4.2 3.8 1.2 1.0 0.0 9 1500 6. 3 5. 9 4. 0. 0 0. 0 1 7 7 no surface data 9db contour aloft When calibrated after 3 weeks, the step-gains showed these values. 35 Table VilA Station Serial number Date:- 5 Time PST O * * 0 27 Height of echo contours over the station x 2OOO -12db -18db -3d.b -9db -3.28 -13.02 -14.86 -19.48 1 1358 9. 30 8. 32 6. 90 4. 30 2. 80 2 1407 7. 00 6. 55 6. 20 5. 90 2. 65 3 1416 6.45 5.65 4.70 4.55 0.00 4 1427 8. 15 6. 00 3. 60 3. 00 2. 80 5 1437 8. 10 7. 80 3. 60 2. 90 2. 70 6 1447 4. 80 4. 65 4. 20 0. 00 0. 00 7 1459 4. 85 4. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 When calibrated after 3 March 1963. Remarks weeks,the step-gains showed these values. 36 Table VillA Station Date:- 29 March l963 1 Serial Time number PST 0 * Remarks Height of echo contours from the base lin x 2000 -18db -12db -3db -9db -19.48 -3.28 -13.02 -14.86 1 1333 2. 75 2.75 2.05 2. 05 0. 00 2 1342 3.25 2.85 2.05 1.90 0.00 3 1347 4.20 4. 10 1.95 1.25 0.00 4 1404 3. 13 2. 10 1. 70 0. 00 0. 00 5 1413 2.70 2.50 1.92 1.60 0.00 6 1417 6.60 4.85 2.70 2.20 0.00 7 1428 6. 40 5. 42 4. 30 3. 05 0. 90 8 1436 3. 55 3. 47 2. 82 2. 65 2. 15 9 1449 4. 60 3. 58 2. 35 2. 25 1. 90 10 1456 5. 15 4. 60 3. 50 3. 20 0. 90 11 1505 4.90 4.50 4.40 4.30 2.00 12 1516 5.70 5.50 4.50 2.50 0.00 13 1524 2.37 2. 30 2. 10 2.05 1.90 When calibrated after 3 weeks, the step-gains showedthese values. Table Station l Serial Time number PST - - - .3 i 1420 584.0 198.0 2 1430 No Rain 3 1440 3468.0 4 1450 1960.0 S- 1500- .5 .9 16.0 1.82 00.8 266.0 87.0 70.18 68.0 544.0 163.5 IB Number of drops/rn3 2 March 1963 Mean diameters of 0. 2 mm intervals -________________________________ 1.1 1.3 175 1.7 17 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.9 31 00.76 00.36 65.00 15.62 16.73 79.27 27.2 15.45 6.48 4.91 1.13 0.57 0.91 0.48 10.00 0.94 12 1610 No Rain 13. 1620 892.0 3420 125.0 8.00 8,8 1.82 14 1630 1060.0 88.0 9.5 1.45 0.53 0.45 15 1640 408.0 408.0 132.5 55.64 5.33 11.59 40.80 22.36 8.23 3.23 16 1650 192.0 176.0 71.5 69.45 25.33 20.00 12.95 8.73 1.13 1.08 17 1656 420.5 261.2 116.3 37.11 27.21 16.70 16.30 18 1700 598.6 217.7 105.4 39.58 14,51 9.28 19 1710 164.0 98.0 43.0 22.18 17.33 22.73 20 1720 60.0 30.0 8.5 1.87 0.45 2.91 1.34 0.36 1.09 5.77 2.82 0.91 0.88 4.45 3.29 1.21 0.55 0.53 051 16.85 7.42 5.49 11.51 2.02 9.56 3.65 17.14 6.73 9.84 2.96 1.13 1.07 5.08 0.86 0.85 2.08 0.98 0.18 (J -J Table lIB Number Station 2 Serial Time number PST i .3 _:1 .5 .7 .9 1516 i drops/rn3 2 __________ _____ o Mean diameters of O. 2 mm intervals 1.5 1.7 1.9 1.3 1.1 0.68 0.76 0.36 2.1 2.3 2.5 1.55 0.94 March1963 __3J_9 3.1_ 0.15 520- 2-5 1550 No Rain 6 1600 1088 74 1.5 0.73 0.26 7 1606 28 30 8.0 7.27 1.87 0.68 0.76 1.09 0.65 0.46 0.15 8 1610 60 32 23.0 21.82 5.87 6.82 3.05 2. 18 5.65 2.46 1.04 9 1620 328 90 130.5 53.45 11.47 12.05 7.43 2.91 6.94 3.85 10 1640 12 6 11. 0 0. 53 0. 23 0. 76 0. 18 0. 48 0. 15 0. 15 0. 14 11 1650 84 42 79.5 10.76 71.20 59.77 47.81 33.09 13.87 6.31 4.00 3.52 12 1710 424 148 24.5 35.64 13.07 5.68 3.05 13 1720 296 138 38.0 13.45 7.73 1.36 1.14 5. 09 0.73 0.52 0.37 2.60 0.25 0.27 0.81 1.48 Table IIIB Number of drops/rn3 2 Station 3 Serial Time Number i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PST. .1 .3 1543 72 2256 1545 58 1028 1550 4 332 142 1555 580 1600 18448 550 1605 17508 876 7304 1800 1610 4 1615 856 1620 2748 232 1625 3004 180 1630 46 800 1635 96 776 1640 284 24 224 1645 2408 1650 310 3756 1655 Rain No 244 1700 3120 1705 2284 212 1710 172 1556 1715 1224 302 212 1720 2792 .5 l2O 18.5 0.5 2.0 .7 .9 5,82 1.07 17.45 12.00 1.09 4.27 2.18- 0.53 32.53 86.93 106.70 0.27 21.87 17.33 8.27 2. 18 6. 55 2. 13 164.0 137.5 285.5 66.55 163.60 296.70 0.5 64.5 39.0 46.91 19.27 12.0 7.5 10.0 36.5 16.73 31.20 22.18 9.87 30.5 49.0 34.5 46.5 39.0 16.36 7.73 32.73 10.93 14.91 3.20 37.09 14.13 39.86 15.20 e2diames. of 1.5 1.3 Li 0.91 9.09 1.14 30.23 57.95 74.09 18.64 9.32 7.05 2.27 30.00 8.41 0.91 8.41 2.27 6.59 1.7 1.29 1.9 0.62 0.73 16.73 33.27 7.45 0.32 8.22 9.84 1.61 0.62 4.62 4.62 3.08 15.62 8.57 3.05 0.38 1.52 13.64 8.18 1.09 5.48 2.58 2.15 0.62 1.45 0.65 0. 31 13. 52 8. 36 2.29 1.52 4.36 1.52 25.33 54.29 29.14 2.29 2.91 1.52 2.18 0.38 9.33 7.45 2.1 2.3 2.96 10.52 1.48 5.77 1.41 1.04 1.78 1.97 1.13 1.78 0.56 1.85 7.90 1.85 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.1 1.34 5.50 2.73 1.25 2.63 1.23 0.99 1.07 0.52 0.67 0. 77 1.29 1.13 March 1963 Table Station 4 Time Serial number PST i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1550 1600 1604 1605 1606 1610 1615 1616 1620 1625 1630 1635 1640 IVB Number of drops/rn3 2 1 292 408 816 488 3292 1340 456 1060 488 472 40 40 400 March 1963 Mean_diarneteofO.2 mm intervals .3 244 240 180 174 584 506 24 326 392 130 24 50 66 . .5 30. 5 36.5 57.0 61.0 207.5 69.5 30.5 71.5 122.5 49.0 7.0 45.0 12.5 1.1 1.3 1.5 2. 67 2. 27 0. 38 0.73 9.82 12.53 14.91 6.67 50.18 27.20 9.32 11.14 3.43 10.86 15.62 24.57 .7 .9 7. 27 123.60 44.36 31.27 74.18 121.80 130.55 12.00 32.73 8.00 38.13 28.27 18.40 36.27 78.40 82.67 9.33 20.27 4.80 31.36 23.18 7.50 15.68 29.32 63.18 54.77 7.05 8.86 1.36 552 1.09 7.45 14.91 21.09 1.7 0.65 5.32 5.00 6.61 1.94 9.33 32.38 38.86 20.93 7.81 1.90 5.27 5.27 5.97 22.18 17.58 14.91 6.61 11.09 6.61 6.00 2.9 .36 1.02 6.29 14.86 4.76 19.43 18.67 6.29 3.82 2.90 17.09 7.90 17.09 9.84 22.18 10.48 15.64 5.97 12.91 6.61 1.9 2.1 0.31 6.31 2.37 1.54 2.22 5.23 2.07 3.85 1.77 4.46 1.77 10.46 12.15 3.85 2.37 3.85 1.19 1.54 1.19 2.3 0.70 3.80 5.77 2.5 0.54 0.67 2.7 2.9 31 0.64 0.91 0.875 0.86 2.68 3.51 0.880 0.86 .54 .52 1.000 0.27 1.07 2.68 2.68 3.89 5.40 0.26 0.25 0.50 0.25 0.99 1.50 1.50 1.98 1.48 .28 16451655 1700 1701 1705 1710 1715 1720 1725 1731 No 328 100 244 276 48 108 80 280 Rain 24 14.5 82 43.0 32 14.5 66 70 66 6 2.0 65.5 14.5 34.0 5.0 9.09 41.45 94.91 2.91 13.45 30.55 10.55 15.73 19.73 21.87 12.00 10.93 12.00 5.07 1.87 7.95 15.68 13.86 8.41 22.27 7.95 1.14 2.50 0.38 0.38 0.36 0.32 0.32 2.46 1.85 5.69 5.69 8.77 2.46 0. 31 2.37 0.59 1.77 8.44 6.67 1.48 0.56 1.13 3.52 5.21 2.25 0.85 0.27 1.56 3.25 3.77 0.52 Table Station 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Number of drops/rn3 27 March 1963 Time Serial number PST 1 VB i 1230 1240 1317 1332 1340 1348 1355 1410 1420 1430 1440 1453 1502 1510 .1 5687.0 3238.0 2139.0 1102.0 857.2 1184.0 847.9 669.4 1192.0 669.4 1927.0 3853.0 3984.0 4555.0 .3 .5 7 .9 557.80 173.5 94.00 38.10 421.76 78.23 89.05 39.91 51.02 10.21 5.57 6.88 998.90 43.36 24.2 25.85 265.30 71.43 21.03 6.35 190.50 37.42 37.11 11.79 318.40 46.94 51.95 20.68 65.30 7.15 4.45 1.63 114.30 81.64 35.62 21.77 228.60 77.18 39.18 334.70 89.79 97.96 29.39 416.30 40.82 38.59 47.89 228.60 63.27 68.28 57.25 302.00 59.19 23.74 14.15 Mean diameters of O. 2mm intervals 1.3 Li 1.5 1.7 30.92 34.01 6.96 10.44 0.77 6.18 10.37 19.44 7.78 5.83 3.25 15.77 13.00 34.32 12.99 25.05 12.06 0.78 6.99 19.79 16.08 9.88 5.44 4.64 1.65 - 7.33 1.05 0.78 2.1 2.3 2.5 3.02 4.79 5.48 2.30 0.57 2.30 1.64 2.7 29 3.1 0.84 1.01 3.02 0.55 1.30 19.44 6.99 10.11 18.65 0.66 0.63 6.68 3.95 8.16 7.42 6.68 6.58 5.92 3.29 0.66 10.39 0.60 3.14 3.14 0.63 0.63 3.02 3.02 3.02 4.84 0.55 1.06 0.50 0.50 Tabi VIB Number of drops/rn3 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1342 1353 1356 1359 1407 1410 1415 1417 1425 1433 1443 1445 1455 1501 27 March 1963 _______________________-- Station 4 Serial Time number PST Mer diameters of .3 702.00 32.65 3551.00 24.48 277. 60 57. 14 .s 2073.00 1143.00 32.64 310.20 228.60 81.64 367.40 310.20 146.90 138.80 48.98 400.00 55.10 75.51 22.45 57.15 40.81 14.29 37.76 78.57 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 0.50 2.65 1.06 1.53 2. 19 2. 12 1. 02 0.50 3.53 0.55 0.55 0.55 1.10 0.82 1.06 1.06 1.01 0.51 1.10 1.10 0.60 40. 27 23. 19 23. 32 17. 81 10. 53 6. 28 10. 28 14.84 22.78 2.967 35.92 IO. 39 9. 79 68.28 65.30 65.31 50.07 48.98 48.98 108.30 79.46 65.30 67.48 21.52 13.06 38.59 28.30 48.80 24.49 14.84 15.77 23.32 15.55 10.39 17.07 9.87 2.64 8.79 3.77 7.86 4.84 0.29 3.45 1.72 1.15 24. 12 13. 22 51 95 3. 95 4. 40 3. 63 1. 72 49.17 24.12 74.21 64.93 29.68 8.81 23.30 21.77 33.43 38.10 10.53 10.53 15.80 13.17 10.53 8.16 5.65 8.79 8.79 7.53 1.57 1.81 1.15 13.91 10.20 5.44 2.33 0.74 0.74 2.42 7.86 5.89 2.42 2.12 0.30 2.30 2.88 15.55 18.55 20.78 23.75 24.49 4.45 2.60 4.28 0.33 0.26 0.27 3.77 1.57 24.88 3.1 2.5 3.95 3.29 . 2.9 2.3 7.42 6.30 43. 04 IO. 20 1.3 3.89 2.72 34. 70 57. 14 i.i mm intervals 9.28 6.49 43.04 44.63 19.30 21.22 244. 90 175.50 163.30 .9 4.08 12.25 261.20 57.14 24.49 359.20 8.16 8.16 81.64 48.98 .7 O. 2 2.7 1.21 1.72 1.01 0.53 0.26 0.25 Table VIIB Number of drops/rn3 27 March 1963 Seriàl number i 2 3 4* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 * Time _________ F'ST . i . 3______ . 5 1350 1910.0 65.3 16.33 1355 1260.0 587.0 57.00 1400 3951.0 122.4 32.66 1405 11379.0 1314.0 184.40 1410 5257.0 326.6 73.47 1415 34013,0 5061.0 224.50 1420 7183.0 435.4 44.22 1425 17088.0 244.9 51.02 1430 1208.0 1012.0 36.73 1435 2677.0 130.6 57.14 1440 1926.0 228.60 71.43 1445 1240.0 146.9 31.63 1450 3053.0 449.0 1455 2433.0 473.5 77.55 1500 530.6 167.3 39.79 At diameters 3. 4 mm, 3. 6 . 7 37.11 11.87 27.74 25.23 50.47 113.80 24.74 32.16 22.26 117.30 31.17 31.17 .9 23.95 14.15 18.15 16.33 28.30 40.13 41.73 32.65 28.30 27.21 21.77 17.42 69.76 16.33 53.43 15.78 Mean diameters of 0. Z mm intervals 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 12. 99 10. 88 10. 39 7.43 11.66 10.11 5.94 7.42 18. 66 24. 88 13. 36 25.97 23. 75 19. 75 9.28 24.74 14.25 28.51 14.84 21.03 9.87 6.28 31.82 7.33 30. 84 16. 44 16, 08 10. 97 26.90 21.33 13.91 5.57 34.98 14.77 12.44 5.44 19.29 12.62 18.43 8.79 8.35 10.20 15.55 3.89 10.39 12.99 12. 98 8.91 4.82 5.94 5. 92 2.63 3.77 2.63 7.54 3. 95 7.54 8. 79 5. 23 5.93 3.77 1.32 1.26 2.30 2.83 0.66 0.63 1.32 0.63 mm and at 4 mm,, the number of drops per cubic meter of air 2. 1 2. 3 2. 5 2.7 2.9 3.1 0.58 6.32 0.55 0.00 2.19 0.53 3.18 1.02 1.53 0.51 3.02 1.51 LOi 3.52 1.83 2.19 1.10 0.88 1.70 0. 82 O. 53 O. 53 0. 63 3.63 3.02 7.86 12.09 6.05 5.04 8.06 3.63 1.81 3.02 2. 12 1.15 1.92 1.92 6.90 1.15 2.30 1. 72 0.60 0.30 is O. 48, O. 47, and O. 1.68 0. 26 0.26 93 respectively. LJ Table VIIIB Number of drops/rn3 Station i Time Serial number PST i 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1333 1340 1350 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1600 - Mean diameters of .3 .5 326.50 79.08 220.40 61.22 163.30 61.23 69.38 56.12 134.70 18.37 122.40 10.21 52.48 13.12 114.30 17.35 186.90 28.57 269.40 104.10 326.50 173.50 866.0 268.10 54.13 2057.0 318.40 40.82 473.5 1105.0 65.30 8.85 24.48 4.08 332.0 1122.0 244.9 555.1 244.9 995.9 726.5 408.2 489.8 571.4 5502.0 4735.0 .7 81.63 29.68 37.11 23.01 17.07 11.13 11.66 14,84 22.26 105.40 127.60 56.23 32.65 0.37 5.94 2.47 29 March 1963 ------------- ------________j__j 35.37 12.75 7.62 15.24 5.44 0.93 18.55 0.93 13.91 2.32 8.43 8.35 12.99 28.76 38.00 4.69 6.96 2.32 0.62 0.93 0.54 4.90 14.77 9.79 11.95 58.78 65.30 17.87 15.24 0.73 1.45 1.3 5.83 0.78 10.88 0.39 1.94 6.66 5.05 23.32 0.11 13.20 0.98 3.11 0.26 O. 2 mm intervals 1.5 1.7 4.64 0.82 5.94 3.29 6.68 Lii 1.11 1.9 1.57 2.51 1.88 0.31 14.84 5.92 7.40 7.20 2.81 7.42 2.42 2.3 0.72 1.15 2.5 0.68 0.55 2.7 2.9 3.1 0.82 1.44 0.39 1,37 0.55 0.38 0.53 0.51 0.76 0.60 1.97 4.77 2.82 5.94 2.30 2.1 0.45 0.31 2.51 1.73 1.51 2.42 1.25 0.60 Station Serial number 1 Table IC Time PST 2 Zmm m3 6 4 1420 1430 1440 1450 6. 930 No 890. 670 381. 110 5-12 1500-1610 No 35. 410 3. 950 1 2 3 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1620 1630 1640 1650 1656 1700 1710 1720 726. 3467. 1500. 1907. 3098. - March 1963 100 070 000 139 000 2. 890 R.E-1 hr . 00425 Rain . . 26460 11210 Station Serial number 1 10 . 17540 .51257 . . 9 11 12 13 March 1963 6 Zmm m3 RS 1516 12.59 No .00410 Rain 0.56 194.53 .01832 1600 1606 1610 1620 1640 1650 1710 1720 7 2 Time PST 1520-1550 00234 23420 38540 . 11G 6 8 . Table 2-5 Rain .02100 . 2 2599. 99 516. 26 31. 17 3610. 80 36.49 22.86 hr . . 23580 13890 .00850 . . 68320 02750 .01510 38400 00260 u, Table Station Serial Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Table IVG 111G March 1963 mni° cm Z_ m3 126.16 .03650 32.73 .02380 4.51 .00369 53.87 .01368 2165.98 .38220 8032.44 1.03100 .37310 983.66 0. 15 .00002 1105. 1 .23610 1052.93 .17190 .02350 44.84 2.32 .00120 61.54 .01990 424.70 13410 427.78 .08900 No Rain 8.27 .01000 .03467 93.81 4. 15 .00640 18.82 .02020 2 3 Time PST 1543 1545 1550 1555 1600 1605 1610 1615 1620 1625 1630 1635 1640 1645 1650 1655 1700 1705 1710 1715 1720 . 604. 14 . 16985 Station 4 Serial Number Time PST 12 13 1550 1600 1604 1605 1606 1610 1615 1616 1620 1625 1630 1635 1640 14-16 1645-1655 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 17 18 19 20 21 22 ¿3 24 March 1963 Zm Rcm m3 39.94 .02190 2 1700 1701 1705 1710 1715 1720 1725 1731 85. 20 927. 02 1218. 56 2976.43 500. 649. 5654. 1080. 82 55 99 18 1771.04 415.56 44.49 14.72 . . . 03866 19410 24360 .46930 . . . . 12974 16490 87240 37310 .37330 . 10178 .03250 .00890 No Rain 1975. 04 2276. 10 2720.86 1989.70 6406.73 1075. 64 41.70 25.69 . . 15610 30474 .40144 .73240 .67025 . 19810 .01250 .00833 Table VC Station Serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Table VIC 27 1 Time PST 1230 1240 1317 1332 1340 1348 1355 1410 1420 1430 1440 1453 1502 1510 March 1963 mm6 3652. 090 638. 700 208.700 64.200 21. 768 28. 500 63.498 11. 050 303. 889 694. 420 842. 300 2281. 870 873.400 1174.52 R . hr 56250 22990 .09750 .04500 .01500 .02240 .03190 .00750 . . 10760 18470 .02465 . 31290 .20780 .22100 Station Serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 27 Time PST 1342 1353 1356 1359 1407 1410 1415 1417 1425 1433 1443 1445 1455 1501 March 1963 cm Ri- z _mm6 m3 524. 91 1023. 81 4566.46 . . . 1440 1325 6258 3147. 33 3385. 38 .4700 6134.91 .5183 1418. 77 2639.49 3338. 15 1965. 93 2245.78 1149.95 113.54 57.91 . . 3867 3880 .4419 . 6380 .5350 .3730 .2090 .0589 .0444 -J Station Serial number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Table VIIC 27 5 Time PST 1350 1355 1400 1405 1410 1415 1420 1425 1430 1435 1440 1445 1450 1455 1500 March 1963 cm R- Zmm6 m3 184. 910 4153. 330 3389. 490 20292.800 2556.700 1982.780 4521. 170 3485.750 3181. 240 1195.610 893. 231 1511.650 795. 768 524. 600 207. 140 Station 1 Serial number 13360 1 .03480 2 . 19960 3 .77645 .54250 .37105 .64429 .43740 .57900 .24800 4 . . 17190 .18100 . . 19840 13650 .07120 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Table VIIIC 29 March 1963 Time PST 1333 1340 1350 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540 1550 1600 mm 6 m3 475. 740 800. 707 263. 646 35. 618 7.024 129. 926. 2007. 916. 752. 554. 864 840 165 570 840 111 61.583 48. 598 455 . 2. 366 4. 038 cm nr . . . 12490 13550 10120 .01720 .02080 . . . . . . 03635 11900 20500 22460 24270 31660 .03949 .03348 . . . 00036 00273 00280 OD 2 MARCH 1963 1-0-1 FIGURE 0db STATION o 1 M: Precipitation and radar-echo characteristics S-0_S -12db 6-0-6 -18db G) X - 7-0-7 R 8-0-B Z--- L14 10- 9. 8 7a F_12 / k10 b8 \ 1 10- 2-0-2 - 3db 3-0-3 - 6db 4-0-4 - 9db 8 Rain Intensity, R x 10_1 Cm mm6 hr Reflectivity, Z x io3 \\\\ \\\ I U II \\ /1111 II \/ //TI \\\\ I \ Ill/I I ',/'\ /,,A\ : y//,7( V, / I I 1430 1440 '%.4li 1500 1520 Time- 16d0 ___ i 20 140 - 100 4-t 2 MARCH 1963 FIGURE lA STATION 1-0-1- 1640 R= .2340 2-e-2- 1650 R= 4-0-4- i cm .3854hr 1710 R= .384 2 50 hr Marshall-Palmer Distribution for R = 3. 85 hr 10 m 3 o io2 \ 1 .3 .5 .7 .9 1.1 1.5 1.9 Diameter, mm Rain drop-size dstribution 2.3 2.7 - 3.1 41 20 FIGURE2 STATION 2 18 1-0-1 2-0-2 3-0-3 = - 3db = - 6db 4-0-4 = 9db = - -12db 5-O-5 = -18db 6-O-6 = Z ----7-O-7 = R 16 - io io 9 . - 8 .1,2 . 14 . -I . E e 12 : :f 10 o . ..0 be X -4 -4 -3 -3 ?\ 6 . I II 4 \ -2 I \ I . I . 2 \ '3 1520 1530 1540 1550 ;. 1600 1610 -1 \ I I 1620 1 30 1640 1650 iJoo Time Precipitation and radar-echo characterit1cs iio 1720 ' 1730 \6 \ - \ 5. MARCH 1963 FIGURE 2A STATION \\ 3 - \\ 2 '! - \\ 1-o-1 1640 R= .0085- 2-e-2 1650 R= .6832i. hr 3_e_3 1710 R= .O27S.. 1720 R= \Tl '\_o_s averageR= - .O151183ZE.. . 6-O-6 Marshall and Palmer distribution mm ', - 5 2 for R 6.83-- 3 E io2 \ 4 . . . . : 2 \ lo I .1 i I .5 I I .9 I I 1.3 I I i 1.7 Diameter, mm Rain drop-size distribution I 2.1 I i 2.5 I 2.9 6 1 20 18 2 MARCH 1963 FIGURE I 1-0-1 = 3 STATION 3 0db 2-0-2 = - 3db 3-0-3 = - 6db 4-0-4= - 9db 5-0-5= -12db 6-0-6= -18db . ii= 16 1. 2-3. 4-5. 14 --- : 9 9 8 8 -7 . . I 12- 10 - : : 10 . I -6 ' . Io I d ' I _10- I '* -o < . . -5 . .- . . i .- + -05 . f- 4- m .7 J o N. O) Q) I 8 .1 Q) X I 6- I . * 4 - . -3 I I 4- -2 II. .7 2_ -1 c I II . \ :' \. ./ .,.JD_c : ;3 I 1550 1600 1620 1640 Time Prec ipitation and radar-echo ch ir -1 1 00 . I 1720 cJ) . cter stic 2 MARCH 1963 FIGURE 3A STATION l-O-1 1600R= .3822e- 2-0-2 1605 R 1.03 cm 3-e-3 1610 R = .37 4-O-4 54 3 cm -j- Marshall and Palmer R = 10.3 mm stribution for i06- 3 3 2 2' sio4L. 3 i cn o z 12 \4 3 Rain drop-size distribution lu .1 .5 .9 I 1.3 1.7 Diameter, mm 2.1 2.5 r 1-o1 2 MARCH 1963 2-0-2 3-0-3 FIGURE 4 STATION 4 -18 - 1.6 - 14 o - 3db 6db 9- 4-O-4 - 9db 5-O-5 -12db 6-O-6 -18db 7-O-7 Z--8-O-8 R 8- 8- 7- 7a1 . I. . . 12 4- 6- 6- o-4 ) 4 I I -10 - -8 X I 4. . I. -6 '-4 N - I r G) t . I E- 5- I I . - o m 4- . i '. - I 4 -ei t. 8I I 3- 3_ 2- 2 1 1 4 4 \ -4 n is 4,' 2 .3 i 4/' 4 . 4 4 4 5 \ 8 -4. i- i540 1600 I 6 1620 _________: . I 8 :7 I I I 1640 1700 1720 1740 Time Precipitation and radar-echo characteristics (Ji ),o 5 \ /\/-\/-\ \ ) lo 5 l-o-1 1550 R= i\ \ \ \\\ \ \\ 2-8-2 1600 R= 3-e-3 1604 R= .O2l9i. . L5 _\ \ \ . O387i. 1947i!i. hr 4-h-4 1605 R= .243621. \ \ 56 STATION 4 6() I FIGURE 4A MARCH 1963 2 \\ hr \\ 5-e-5 16O6R=.4693-hr , 6-0-6 1616 R= .8724wt \\ \ \\\\ \ 7-0-7 Marshall and Palmer distribution \\ \ for R \ = 8. 72-hr io2 3 Rain drop-size distribution lOi I .1 I I .5 I t .9 I I I I Diameter, mm i I 2.1 J i 2.5 2.9 MARCH 1963 2 FIGURE 2 57 STATION 4 1-o-1 1710 R cm = .7324j . 2-B-2 1715 R= .67 - '1,5 3-e-3 1720 R= .1981 -hr - 4-s--4 1725 R= .0125 a hr 5-s-S i lo- R= .0083 1731 -, . _4 2 3 S lo c) ri-- - S o X S z S 2 io2 S - le 3 S [1 :i 5 j .5 J .9 i I 1.3 1. 2.1 Diameter, mm Rain drop-size distribution 2.5 2.9 27 20 18 16 MARCH 1963 FIGURE 5 STATION - 1-0-1= .- i lo . io 0db 2-0-2 - 3db 3-O-3 = -. 9db 9 9 - 4-O-4= -12db - 5-0-5= 6-0-6= 8 -18db R 7-0-7= Z--- 14 . 1,2 - - 8 7 LO . 1n 12: -6 - m- r.- -5 -3 8- _5 -4 !; . 6 . . . -3 3 . -5 4- 2. 3. / . / ' 6 / 2- . 7 _®--___ . 2 \ \ \ ___,' 0 _---/1 - i I 13 ' 1400 ' 1420 1440 isoo . Time Pre cipitation and radar-echo characteristics u-1 OD 20 27 MARCH 1963 1-0-1 FIGURE 6 = Ocb . STATION 2-0-2 4 10 31- - io 3-0-3=-9db . . :=_ 4-0-4= -12db 18 - . S-0-5 = 6-O-6 .r 707= . - -18db R Z---. l6 - 14 1. 4- - . . - ( .2 'T 10 Io rn - 6 . N . ! i ; 6 2 < . . 2 7 EI . . - 7C( 1 . 12- 8 - 5 i 5 .- : \1 2 : - 1 4:7O I 1340 1400 i Time I 1420 I 1440 Precipitation and radar-echo characteristics 1500 -1 > :;io 61 i 3xlOt 27 MARCH 1963 flGURE 6A STATION 4 1 b 1325- 1-0,-1 1353 R 2-9-2 1356 R= .6258v 3-e-3 1425 R = = 4-A-4 1301 R = . . . 638 Cm 0444 2 5-0-5 i Marshall and Palmer distributio mm for R=6.3--- o co rJ o X z 102 4 5I 3 ii Rain drop-size distribution I 5 .9 1.3 1.7 Diameter, mm 2.1 2.5 ' 2.9 3.3 27 MARCH 1963 -20 FIGURE 7 1 . /'s/NT\ 2 t y - . I c) 2 1 i t I I 15 6 b .2 S - N i : : -5 .; - - 4 - I) - -3 I I t -3 "d I . !hE \ . , .' - ;t " C!) r-' I . I\ I I -8 . I r\ R L--01 i ej -8 lo Z---- /\ i 4/II - ) : . i:: -lo 6-O-67-O-7- _____ , 16 C -ho 2-O-23-O-3- 4-O-4- -12db 5-O-5--18db t '- 0db 3db 9db - , .18 j STATION 5 1 X \\ \ \ 2 7. - 2 \ / 2 , 6 l5O \ \._ - .4,5 ' 1460 ' l42O Time 1I4O Precipitation and radar-echo characteristics i .7 .6 i - - ico t") 29 MARCH 1963 FIGURE 8 STATION - i i-o-1- 0db 2-0-2- - 3db 3-0-3- - 9db 4-0-4- -12db 5-0-5- -18db 6-0-6- R 7-0-7- Z---- 16 -14 - 8 8 7 - 7 o L Pr 6 12 +. EI _° rn o t 1 - 10 -5 , X N - . ., . . -4 . 8 - b . .6 . I i . :4 ,'í : : - Cd -3 ' a. -4 _4 2 . 6 2 : i i ®_ 7 _-o__ : I i40 I I 1400 1420 I I 1440 Time Precipitation and radar-echo characteristics I 1500 I ::?-1520 6 i540 - 65' 5 29 MARCH FIGURE 8A 1963 STATION 5 1 lo l-o-1 1440 R= 2-0-2 1450 R= 2246?- 3-e-3 1500 R .2427 R= .3l66 4-A-4 1510 .2O5- hr Marshall and Palmer distributionfor Rr3.l7! 5-O-5 IL 3 106 5 4 10 sL 3t \\ "v'VNt\J\/\/\ \ r;3 z io2 4 , 5 1OL I .1 I I .5 9 1.3 1.7 2.1 Diameter, mm Rain drop-size distribution 2.5 2.9 3.3 APR 2 2 March 1963. 1612 PST. March 1963. 1612 PST; 63 +1° tilt; APR 63 + 1°tilt; -3 PLATE I O db gain db gain setting setting 67 APP 2 March 1963. 1612 PST. 63 +1° tilt; APR 2 March 1963. gain setting -9 db gain setting 63 1612 PST. +10 PLATE -6 db tilt; II pî O 2 .8 e Io !TAT. .0 J lM7.TMCANO$OFFCtT OCGON STAtE UNWIRSITY ATIIPHEftjc I%J t SCIPJCE EPANCH M.CUU.00H PEAK CaEcal A'SÇfl.tSflNØ. MIR I ANTENNA AZIMUTH U*ASKDI. , .O ,.9 8c,y ________________________ HEI T-TNØuCAJjQ8QFt(T OREGON STAT L t I$N10tP41tt ATMORPNSPJCSCILMC&PRANCN .&CULLOCH PEAK OREGON ORI p Cfl.SSEK.NO. I. PST L. AMTt(1IA AESMUTU 01*5101. f 8 3 IGH?-ThQVCANOS oc FUT OGS flM -, ATWPIIC $CCZ bi" .Crn.WCN P.K t -06 SLNCK ANTINA A ZflUTM $.ibp.0 MAR ,7I2 Io 1- L&d Io ØM I M --'i .tlGMT.ThOuCAkO8 OF , .1%) t __. S FUT atas StaTt uwzvraa,, CICS ILNC *TNP"KPEAK øttN MCUL&M ACP$.U*.NO " __g UIAAKDI. AI(TEWNA A ZLMUTH I PST 2 psy IO -- S.CASIO8 OF Snout STATI Fit? ornavi ANTENNA RS,?. sTitoutifRic SC, MANCO M.CUU.00N POAS AM CPI-f SSfl.00. I USAMOS. MSS flOut 5 2 AZIWJTH f f IOpy .9 .8 g fl I - STAT. MS.OS __________________ - .5 NIGNI.TOOLjtASO6OFtCY L -0_S MAR 0_SCM. STATI CPIVIISZTT ATS&USttttSjc SCTflCP StANCH RSCULLOCH PEAS AH/Cfl.f US MO fZASAltOS. AMiflOS AZIMUTH Ç ç 2 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Atlas, David. Some experimental results of quantitative radar analysis of rain storms. 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