AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Ashraf Mohammed Sultan for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering presenAlril 28, 1986 ted on Title: THE RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF OPEN- AND CLOSEDRING MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS Redacted for privacy Abstract approved: Dr. Vijai°K. Tripath1- The purpose of this study is to investigate the radiation characteristics of open- and closed-ring micro- strip structures for applications as microwave antenna elements. The expressions for the radiation fields of these structures are obtained from the aperture fields of the ideal cavity model associated with the microstrip structure. The expressions for the radiation fields are then used to calculate the radiation characteristics of these microstrip structures. The radiation fields of the ideal gap structure (gap angle 0) are derived in Chapter 3. For this case the aperture fields can be expressed either in terms of the spherical Bessel functions (odd-modes) or in terms of the Bessel functions of integer order (even-modes) which is shown to result in a convergent series or closed form expressions respectively for the radiation fields. study of the radiation patterns for the various modes of the ideal gap open-ring structures reveals that the first radial TM12 mode can potentially be an efficient useful mode for applications of this structure as a radiating element. The radiation fields of the general annular and cir- cular sectors are numerically examined in the following chapter in terms of the various physical parameters of these structures. The derived expressions for the radia- tion fields are used to study the radiation patterns, radiation:peak in the broadside direction and the beam- width of these structures for various sector angles, This includes the widths and the modes of excitation. special cases of quarter, half, three-quarters and ideal gap open-ring structures. It is shown that the radiation properties of these structures are comparable with other microstrip antennas and should result in the applications of such sectors as useful radiating elements. An important part of this work is the study of closed-ring microstrip structures which is presented in Chapter 5. It is shown that all of the useful properties of such structures for various modes of excitation can be derived from the radiation fields. The expressions for the antenna characteristics such as total radiated power, directivity, bandwidth and input impedance are derived from the expressions for the radiation fields. These parameters are then evaluated for the useful TM12 and TM11 modes for typical structures. The results should be help- ful in the design of such structures for applications as radiating elements. Copyright by Mohammed Ashraf Sultan April 28, 1986 All Rights Reserved THE RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF OPEN- AND CLOSED-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS by Mohammed Ashraf Sultan A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Completed April 28, 1986 Commencement June 1986 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Charge of Major Redacted for privacy Head of the Electrical airld Computer Engineering Department Redacted for privacy School 1 Dean of Gradu J April 28, 1986 Date thesis is presented Typed by Admin. HQ for Mohammed Ashraf Sultan DEDICATION looking For everyone who is For everyone who wants to for love know how and peace. fair god is. For my mother for her love, patience and determination to help me walk through this life with a smile. For my father for his financial support of my mother's goal. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank this God for the health and energy I found course of study, assuring him that I'll go during towards achieving the second dream regardless of lack of health or problems I may forsee. Thanks is extended to include all of the faculty members, department staff and students for their cooperation and encouragement during this course of study, especially Dr. Tripathi for his patience. Thanks to Dr. Oberhettinger for his cooperation via mail. Thanks to Admin. HQ, especially Ms. Celeste Correia for diligence in typing this thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. ORIENTATION OF THE STUDY 1.1 Microstrip Antennas Statement of the Problem 1.2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Radiation Characteristics 2.2 Analysis of Microstrip Antenna Principle of Field Equivalence 2.3 2.4 The Radiation Fields 2.5 Classification and Discussion of Other Analysis Methods 2.5.1 Magnetic (or Electric) Wall Methods 2.5.2 Patch Current Distribution Methods 2.5.3 Spectral Domain Methods 2.6 Comparison of Cavity Model with Other Analysis Methods 2.7 Concluding Remarks 1 3 6 7 7 10 15 18 21 22 25 27 28 31 ANALYSIS OF THE OPEN-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 3.1 Antenna Analysis 3.2 Formulation of the Integral Equation 3.3 Method of Solution for Radiation Fields Results and Discussion 3.4 3.5 Concluding Remark6 32 33 38 THE RADIATION BEHAVIOR OF AN ANNULAR SECTOR MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 4.1 Review of Resonant Frequencies and Field Distribution 4.2 Derivation of Radiation Fields 4.2.1 Radiation Fields from the Curved Aper- 51 40 45 50 52 56 58 tures 4.2.2 Radiation Fields from the Linear Apertures 4.3 4.4 The Gap Effects and the Radiation Peak Results and Discussion 4.4.1 Quarter and Three-Quarters Ring Anten- 61 62 65 67 nas 4.5 5. 4.4.2 Half-Ring Antenna 4.4.3 Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna 4.4.4 General Annular Sector Antenna Concluding Remarks THE RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A CLOSED-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA Review of the Radiation Fields 5.1 Method of SoluFormulation of the Problems, 5.2 tions and Results 5.2.1 Total Energy Stored 5.2.2 Radiated Power, Losses and Q-Factor 5.2.3 Resonance and Input Impedance 71 76 80 88 89 90 91 93 94 106 5.3 5.4 6. 5.2.4 Radiation Resistance 5.2.5 Bandwidth 5.2.6 Efficiency, Directivity and Gain Typical Example Concluding Remarks 125 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 127 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES Appendix A - Vector Transformations Appendix B - Power Radiated from a Microstrip Antenna 113 116 119 123 124 133 Closed-Ring 138 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 General configuration of a microstrip antenna 1.2 Some of the investigated microstrip antenna configurations 2.1 A microstrip-fed rectangular patch Probe or coax feed (a) Line feed (b) 11 2.2 The cavity model of microstrip patch antenna 11 2.3 The choice of selecting a closed surface 17 2.4 Block diagram for computing radiated fields from known M sources 18 2.5 Example to calculate the phase delay between any point in the source and the observation point 19 2.6 The concept of segmentation and techniques desegmentation 23 2.7 Wire-grid model of microstrip patch antenna 3.1 The open-ring microstrip antenna view of the magnetic wall model 3.2 Field analysis for axial and radial modes of ideal gap open-ring antenna (a) Normalized E z versus p (b) Normalized E versus Field distribution (c) 3.3 Radiation patterns of an antenna for axial TM11, (excluding gap fields) 3 26 top 33 an 37 open-ring TM31 modes 48 3.4 Radiation patterns of an ideal gap open-ring antenna for radial modes (excluding gap fields) TM12 mode (a) TM22 mode (b) 49 4.1 Normalized resonant frequency versus sector angle for TM11 and TM12 modes for a typical case 53 4.2 Normalized Ez of annular sector for various secfor angles as a function of p (a) as a function of 4 (b) 54 ideal and gap TM21 and the 4.3 Equivalent magnetic current sources of an annular sector antenna 56 4.4 Radiation patterns for a quarter-ring antenna for TM11 mode with different widths (a) (b) for TM11 and TM21 modes for TM12 mode (c) 68 4.5 Radiation patterns for a three-quarters-ring antenna (a) for TM11 mode with different widths for TM11 and TM21 modes (b) (c) for TM12 mode 69 4.6 Radiation pattern of a half-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode 72 4.7 Radiation patterns for the half-ring antenna excited in TMil mode for different widths (a) for the limiting case as 'a' becomes small (b) 73 4.8 Radiation patterns for the half-ring antenna for TM11, TM21 and TM31 modes E-plane (b) H-plane (a) 75 4.9 Radiation patterns for the excited in TM12 mode antenna 75 4.10 Gap effect on the radiation patterns of an ideal gap open-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode 77 4.11 Radiation patterns for the ideal gap open-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode for different widths (a) for the limiting case as 'a' becomes small (b) 78 open-ring 79 4.13 Gap effect of the radiation patterns of an ideal gap open-ring antenna excited in TM12 mode 79 4.14 Radiation patterns for annular sector antenna excited in TM11 mode for different sector angle 81 4.15 Radiation patterns for annular sector excited in TMil mode a=135° (d) (c) a=85° a=45° (67 (a) a=315° (h) a=225° (g) a=210° (f) (e) antenna 83 sector antenna half-ring 4.12 Radiation patterns for the ideal gap antenna for TM11, TM21 and TM31 modes 4.16 Radiation patterns for annular excited in TM12 mode (a) a=60° (b) a=120° a=170° a=355° 87 5.1 The closed-ring microstrip antenna and its equivalent cavity model 90 5.2 Radiated power vs h for different widths and Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode 102 5.3 Radiated power vs frequency for different widths and h for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode 103 5.4 Q-factors vs h for different widths of a closedring antenna excited in Tn.]. mode 107 5.5 Q-factors vs h for different Er for ring antenna excited in TM11 mode a closed- 107 5.6 Resonant input impedance vs h for different widths and er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode, outer-edge fed point 109 5.7 Input impedance vs frequency for different h for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode (a) h = 160 mils (b) h = 80 mils 111 5.8 Input impedance vs frequency for different Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode, 112 outer-edge fed point Radiation resistance vs h for different widths and Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode, outer-edge fed point 114 5.10 Radiation resistance vs h for different er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TMil mode, inneredge fed point 115 5.11 Radiation resistance vs frequency for different b/a ratios and h for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode, outer-edge fed point 115 5.12 Bandwidth vs h for different widths and Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TMil mode 118 5.13 Antenna loss vs h for different widths and E r for a closed-ring antenna excited in TM11 mode 120 5.14 Directivity vs h for different widths and Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in TMil mode 122 5.15 Gain vs h for different widths and Er for a closed-ring antenna excited in Tn.]. mode 122 5.9 LIST OF TABLES geometries of micro- 14 2.1 Field solution for various strip patch antenna 2.2 Summary of results for typical simple structures 30 4.1 Comparison of the radiation pattern of a rectangular patch with an annular sector with large radius of curvature and small angle 66 4.2 beamwidth and Calculated resonant frequency, total radiation peak of the 90° and 270° antennas excited in TM11 mode for different widths 70 4.3 Effect of changing the annular width on radiation behavior of a half-ring antenna the 74 4.4 Effect of changing the annular radiation behavior of an ideal antenna width on the gap open-ring 80 4.5 Relative broadside radiation and resonant frequency compared to a closed-ring for different structures for TM11 and TM12 modes 82 THE RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF OPEN- AND CLOSED-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNAS CHAPTER 1 ORIENTATION OF THE STUDY The use of microstrip to construct antennas relatively recent development. is a The first proposal for its use in the microwave telecommunication in the modern sense of the word is traced back to the 1953's Deschamps and Bhartia 1980) introduced the concept. (Bahl receive not when It did enough attention until the early 1970's be- cause of the low gain and narrow bandwidth associated with this type of antenna. conformal spacecraft With progress in the technology of antennas, interest antennas has increased in recent years. in microstrip Significant proand has been made in developing various techniques gress introducing new models which are important in the analysis of the radiation characteristics of such antennas. The first practical antenna was patented Munson by (1974) who introduced the transmission line model and used it to patches. analyze In basic rectangular and 1975, square eight square elements were microstrip by used and Klein to develop one of the first microstrip phase scanned arrays (Bahl and Bhartia, 1980). The anten- Sanford na operated at 1.5435 to 1.5585 GHZ and was used to pro- vide direct communications between aircraft and ground. 2 mathematical the attention to other this stage, At models sufficient to analyze other microstrip patch shapes was increased. In 1976, wire-grid model, modified it in Nov. 1977, and used it to In rectangular and circular microstrip patches. analyze Lo 1977, Agrawal and Bailey reported the introduced the et al. cavity modal-expansion model technique and used it to analyze rectangular, circuand semicircular, lar, and Mink 1981). (Carver strip and Carver (1979) used the model to demonstrated theoretically and validity to analyze circular and patches. patches circular and In 1979, Lo et al. reported a cavity microstrip patches. its microstrip design equations for rectangular formulate model triangular experimentally rectangular micro- similar report was also published A by Derneryd (1978). The antennas are thin planar microstrip that are lightweight, low cost, and easy to manufacture. They can be conformal with the surface of kets, also aircraft, structures roc- missiles, vehicles and satellites because they are low flat profile antennas (Gabriel 1976; Garvin et al. 1977; Mailloux 1977; Ball Aerospace Systems Division Data for Sheet n.d.). used These structures have also been other applications at microwave These frequencies. include their use as a single element radiator for biomedical and applications and measurements (Bahl et in microwave circuits and devices as al., 1980), filters resonators (Wu and Rosenbaum 1973; Lo et al. 1979). and 3 1.1 Microstrip Antennas The term "microstrip" is the standby name of a micro- wave circuit configuration which is constructed by printed circuit used technology. together to microstrip antenna. There are three terms which can be definition of constitute the precise These terms are: microstrip device, printed antenna and flush-mounted antenna, which imply the following: a. Term represents the nature of its construction. b. Term manufacturing represents the nature of its process. c. Term represents the nature of its main use, because it can be conformal with the surface of a mechanism, or of a vehicle respectively. Figure 1.1 shows a microstrip antenna in its simplest configuration. general It consists of a radiating patch constructed on a thin dielectric sheet of thickness h over Radiating Patch -r h Ground Plane Dielectric Substrate Fig. 1.1 General Configuration of a Microstrip Antenna 4 a ground etching techniques. photo- and using printed-circuit board plane The dual-copper-coated Teflon-fiber- glass is a commonly used board because it is flexible and allows the antenna to be curved to conform to the mounting The surface. circular conventional shapes (such as rectangular or but their of are commonly used because of simplicity discs) shape, antenna patch conductor can be any analysis and easiness of their fabrication. Typically, three basic categories are used to classify the class of microstrip antennas. These categor- ies are: Microstrip Patch Antennas 1.1.1 A earl- microstrip patch antenna is the one defined There which antenna These include rectangular, are patches many shapes of conducting ier. radiation performances can square and be for evaluated. circular patches which have been investigated in detail for their radiation properties. is The bandwidth associated with these antennas usually less than a few percent. However, it can be improved either by increasing the thickness of the dielectric substrate or using a lower value of dielectric stant which can be obtained by using composite con- materials. There are also two other methods whereby the bandwidth can be improved (Munson, 1974). These methods are: 5 Increase the patch inductance by cutting holes or a. slots in it. Add b. reactive components to improve the match the patch and the feed line or simply to between reduce the VSWR. Microstrip Traveling-Wave Antennas 1.1.2 A microstrip traveling-wave antenna is an open structure which guides the electromagnetic by radiation into space. patch antenna that (e.g. Comb traveling-wave or Line and Rampart Line) conductor in the form of a'chain (e.g. concentric circles of different radii). a periodic rectangular chain, The structures of type of microstrip antenna can be designed such that this the the can be either in a form of an ordinary long TEM structure line accompanied Its construction is similar to a differs in but waves, beam lies in any direction main from broadside to endfire when the antenna is terminated in a matched resistive load. either reduces For the limiting case when the matched load is open or short circuit, the traveling-wave antenna to a standing-wave antenna with the main beam the broadside direction. of the previous one. in This category is a special case 6 Microstrip Slot Antenna 1.1.3 microstrip slot antenna can be a radiating element A by cutting a slot in the ground plane of a formed strip element and fed with a microstrip line. can be rectangular (wide or narrow), nular ring. circular, micro- The slot or an an- The main feature of this category of antenna is the ability to produce unidirectional or bidirectional radiation patterns. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to analyze the radiation behavior of open- and closed-ring microstrip patch nas including the case of ideal gap open-ring anten- structure. This family of structures are shown in Figure 1.2. Disk Three-Quarters Disk Ring Three-Quarters Ring Fig. 1.2 Semi Disk Semi Ring Disk Sector Open Disk Ring Sector Open Ring Some of the Investigated Microstrip Antenna Configurations Our objective is to formulate a general technique compute to the radiation fields and the radiation character- istics of all of these structures. 7 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Numerous used char- over the recent years to deduce the radiation acteristics of various microstrip antenna configurations. In this chapter, the method based on the cavity model and principle Huygens' methods discussed along is analysis of reviewed. been analytical and numerical methods have of other the briefly and classified which are Comparisons with these methods and concluding remarks are made at the end of the chapter. 2.1 The Radiation Characteristics In general, is any microstrip antenna configuration completely characterized in terms of the following: a) Antenna Radiation Pattern: of E/H plane pattern. It is defined in terms For a Linearly polarized antenna, we have: E-plane: A plane which contains the E vector and direction the pattern is of maximum radiation, a plot of R(e) for = 0° and its 180° or where R(e) = H-plane: the (2.1) 1E6112 + 1E012 A plane which contains the H vector and direction of maximum radiation, and its pattern is a plot of R(e) for 0 = 90° or 270°. 8 The frequency b) Antenna Bandwidth: range within the performance of the antenna with respect which to some characteristics, conforms to a specified It is calculated from standard. S - 1 B.W = (2.2) QT(S)1/2 where S is the VSWR (typically 1:2), and QT is the total quality factor. c) Antenna Input Impedance: It denotes the impedance presented by the antenna at its terminals V2 (2.3) Zi 2PT where Vo is the terminal voltage at $ = 0°, and PT is the total power fed into the antenna. The ratio of the total power d) Antenna Efficiency: radiated (Pr) to net power the fed into the antenna n (2.4) x 100 % = PT e) Antenna The ratio of the Directivity: radiation intensity to the average maximum radiation intensity D = 1/2 Re (E H * 0 $ Pr/41Tr2 E $ H *) (2.5) 9 f) G = D x g) It is defined as Antenna Gain: The Beamwidth: Antenna which (2.6) n is equal to the half beamwidth power width angular between directions where the gain decreases by 3db or the radiated field reduces to 2-1/2 of the maximum value. h) It includes the total power Antenna Power Loss: radiated and the power dissipated in the radiator conductors and the imperfect sub- dielectric strate, i.e. (2.7) PT = Pr + Pc + Pd Antenna Q-Factor: It is defined as Wm (2.8) QT = 21Tf PT where within the necessary for calculating the W T is the total energy stored antenna. It is impedance input at frequencies removed from the total resonance. j) Radiation Resistance: The ratio of radiated to the square of the rms power antenna current reffered to specific point, i.e. 2 Rr Vo 2Pr (2.9) 10 As a first step toward the determination of these and underneath the The following section outlines the procedure for tics, we have to know the field microstrip patch. characteris- structure on determining the fields underneath the patch by utilizing the cavity model. 2.2 Analysis of Microstrip Antenna The general configuration of microstrip patch antenna was illustrated in Figure 1.1. thickness the dielectric Normally, is very small compared to the wavelength on the microstrip and substrate permittivity er is low to enhance the fields necessary for the radiation. fed either plane patch, or by is through the and terminates on the upper surface of the by a probe (or a coaxial ground The antenna line) a microstrip line printed on top of the dielectric substrate as shown in Figure 2.1 for an example of a rectangular patch. will As a result of this, the energy transport along the feeding tool to the feed point. It spreads out into the region underneath the patch; of it will radiate into the space through the leading to a complex boundary value problem. radiation some substrate, However, the pattern of such structures can be evaluated by using equivalent sources on the boundary, if the fields on the boundary can be determined. 11 (b) (a) Fig. 2.1 A Microstrip-Fed Rectangular Patch (a) Probe or Coax Feed (b) Line Feed This problem can be visualized easily, if we consider the similarity between the region underneath the patch and a parallel plate transmission line. feed point, When waves leave the they see an approximate open circuit as they approach the patch perimeter. This open circuit condition the microstrip (high impedance condition) suggests that patch behaves like a cavity because most of the energy is reflected back. model top This suggestion led Lo et al. the microstrip antenna as a cavity bounded (1979) to on and bottom by electric walls and on its perimeter magnetic walls as shown in Figure 2.2 with the its by following boundary conditions. Electric Wall Magnetic Wall Fig. 2.2 The Cavity Model of Microstrip Patch Antenna 12 an x E = 0 ; on electric walls an x H = 0 ; on magnetic walls (2.10) The is the unit an where model is based on the assumption that the not vary along the z-direction since h << A0, with aE/az wall. cavity vector normal to the fields i.e. modes = aH/az = o need only to be considered (TMnm This assumption together with (2.10) leads to modes). (2.11) Ex = Ey = Hz = 0 The ving do other field components can now be determined by sol- the scalar Helmholtz wave equation for Ez subject to the boundary condition of the cavity wall, i.e. (v2 with the magnetic the k2) (2.12a) 0 boundary conditions that aEz/a5n = 0 on walls where k = w(11001/2 is the wave number dielectric medium. the in The magnetic field in the cavity is then given by H = The give v x Ea z (2.12b) value problem resonant frequencies of the cavity for various eigenvalues knm of the above boundary the modes and lead to the expressions for the field tion underneath exactly ary the patch. The solution of distribu(2.12) is the dual of resonance TE mode fields of an ordin- waveguide whose metal boundary has the same shape as 13 Table 2.1 shows some exam- the patch effective boundary. pies related to annular and circular microstrip structures where integer n refers to the mode number, the corresponds to the order of the Bessel function From this solution, the and the equivalent sources on the characteris- boundary can be determined and the radiation tics v m represents the mth zero of the eigenvalue equa- integer tion. or n It should also be noted that the can be calculated. usually, the radiated fields are determined in in and coordinates is components. specified cylindrical solution spherical Therefore, we must use vector transformations which are summarized in Appendix A. The radiation pattern and the input impedance have been evaluated experimentally and They were able to obtain good correlation workers (1979). between both results for a rectangular, semicircular introduced Effective shapes. patch a circular, and a dimensions their analysis to account for in co- based on this model by Lo and his theoretically the were fields fringing outside the physical dimensions of the patches as suggested by Schneider (1972). The microstrip (Troughton 1969; Luypaert 1973; permittivity and line is also dispersive in nature Itoh and Mittra 1973; Van de Capella and Kompa and Mehran 1975). The effective the equivalent microstrip width can be expressed by the following empirical equations (Hammerstad and Jensen 1980): 14 0 cos n4 Ez = Eo Jn(knmp) [ sin n. JA(kmma) = 0 Disk a a E z = E0 Jv(kvmp) cosy* nw J1(k vma) = 0 v = v ; a Disk Sector Ez = E0 Jv(kvmP) cosv4 n Ideal Gap Open-Disk j.)(kvma) = 0 Ez Ring ; Eo[Jn(knmp) JA(ka) mm Ys(k n nma) Yn(kn Ez = Eo[Jv(kvmP) 0 Ideal Gap Open-Ring 3 cos n4 sin n4 JZ,(kvma) JZ,(kvinb) Y(kvma) YZ,(kvmb) [Jv(kvmP) JZ)(kvma) v YA(kvma) nit = 0 'i(kvirtb) ; v = -a ,J(kmma) Y v nb) m ,..T(kvmb) p)] cosv. Y (k Y1(knmb) v - Ring Sector P a z 2w JA(kmma) - JA(knmb) YA(kmmb) Y11-(kmma) JZ)(kmma) 0 . v = 7 ; = nmP)) cosv* v 2.... = T Table 2.1 Field Solution for Various Geometries of Microstrip Patch Antenna (Lo et al. 1979) 2n 15 120wh We(f) = Zo(f)[cre(f)]1/2 cr re(f) = cr ere(0) 1 + G(f/fp)2 where the subscript "e" refers to the effective values at the specified frequency, G and fp are empirical parameters and ere(0), and Zo(f) can be obtained from Hammer- G, stad and Jensen (1980). to Khilla (1984) used these formulas analyze a closed-ring antenna by utilizing the model discussed above for Mil mode. He gave cavity a good correlation between experimental and theoretical results. The iation sources next step toward the determination of the pattern is by achieved calculating along the boundary of the patch. section outlines this procedure in terms of field The rad- equivalent following Equivalence and Huygens' principles. 2.3 Principle of Field Equivalence The field equivalence is a principle theorem whereby actual sources within a region, are replaced by equivalent "fictitious" sources, such that the latter produce same fields within that region. the 16 The equivalence theorem states "The field in a source-free region bounded by a (S) could be produced by a distribution surface of electric and magnetic currents on this sur- face and in this sense the actual source distribution can be replaced by an "equivalent" distribution" (Schelkunoff 1936; 1943). can be expressed by the vector Huygens' principle as This given by (Sommerfeld 1954): (ds x 3koR E = 1 vxj 47 [ S (ds x E)e E = 41 vxfs(-J; R R + 3 vxvxf we s ibe jkoR jkoR x E)e (2.15) R - 3 vxVxj (ds x E)e s we 1 R (2.16) [ where R is the distance from the observation to the source point. be Notice that an exact solution of the E and H could obtained if the exact boundary values Et (the electric tial field) and Ht (the tangential tangen- magnetic field) (or more correctly Et or Ht) were known (Sommerfeld 1954). As a consequence of the above theorem, the the fields in source-free region can be determined once the tangen- tial components of the electric and magnetic fields on imaginary closed surface are known. an This can be achieved by placing equivalent electric and magnetic current densities over the closed surface as given by, J = an x H (2.17) 17 Figure surface shows the choice of selecting 2.3 to bound the volume underneath the closed a The patch. upper and lower faces of S lie inside the conducting parts Patch t- h :: . r -.Ground Plane Fig. 2.3 of The Choice of Selecting a Closed Surface the patch and the ground plane, As respectively. a result of this choice, no equivalent magnetic sources will appear parts on and these faces of S since E t is zero over these no equivalent electric sources will appear the 'perimeter faces since Ht = 0 along the on perimeter. This reduces the equivalent sources necessary to calculate the actual fields outside S to: a. Electric currents on the upper surface of the patch. b. Electric currents in the ground plane. c. Magnetic currents on the perimeter faces of S. d. Volume polarization currents (bound sources) in the dielectric material outside S. The bound sources can be treated as dipoles composed of positive and negative charges which make a minor contribution to radiated field because h is small, the permittivity is low and the electric field polarizing the medium 18 The equivalent electric and/or magnetic current outside S is small. sources can not be used to evaluate radiation of the formulate the problems in terms of the equivalent magnetic current sources on the structures (Elliott 1981; Balanis magnetic wall. the 1982). We will fields i.e., M =-251.1 x E ; along the perimeter where 2 stands for replacing the ground plane by the mirror image of the original M sources. 2.4 The Radiation Fields The potential known (2.18) auxiliary function F, known as electric be used to determine the fields can M sources as shown in Figure 2.4. M --Kntegrator-4 F Differentiator-* vector from the In the form -4 of Multiplier (Trio) Fig. 2.4 Block Diagram for Computing Radiated Fields from Known R Sources the Helmholtz wave equation, F can be expressed in terms of M as follows: V2F kT 0 = _e 0" (2.19) 19 where ko and eo are the free space wave number and permittivity respectively. The solution of (2.19) can be given by taking into account the phase delay due to the distance R between any point in the source and the observation point as -jkoR F= R e I ds' (2.20) 411 S For example, for a circular aperture mounted on an plane (Figure 2.5), R can be expressed as Fig. 2.5 Example to Calculate the Phase Delay Between Any Point in the Source and the Observation Point x-y 20 2rp' cos* )1/2 R = (r2 + pl2 -p r COS 41 1 - 2 coss)1/2 r ; for phase variations ; for amplitude variations (2.21a) r where * is the angle between the vectors r and r' Ph. and cos* = ap, ar (ax sine cos, + = (ax cosy' + ay sins') +ay sine sin* + az cose) = sine cos(*-*') (2.21b) Substituting (2.21a) into (2.20) reduces it to 2 F = e -jk o r R e-3 p' cos *ds , (2.22) r S Specifying the sources in cylindrical coordinates, and use of (2.22) and (A.9) the spherical F components making can be written as follows: Fe = C [M,1 cose cos(*-*')+M4), cose sin(*-4)')S -Mz, sine] -jkop'cos*dsi (2.23) = C F sin(*-**)+Dy cos(4,-,01)] e-jkoplcos*ds' I -Mp C = co e-jkor/41Tr, (1) where and ds' = p' dp' d4'. can be written as: cos* is given by (2.21b), Finally, the components of H and E 21 He '-iwo ; H40 =-jwo F4 (2.24) Ee = no H where no, to 120w. ture =-j kn co # FA E ko -- Fe =-n 0 H 9 = co ' the intrinsic impedance in free space is equal It should also be noted that the radiating aper- can be mounted on an y-z or z-x ground plane. For these cases, the analytical forms for the fields would not be the same, whereas the computed values will be the same because physical problem is identical in all the cases. The only differences in the analysis will be in the formulation of R (Eq. At 2.21) and ds' defined with (2.23). this stage, the radiation pattern and the radiation characteristics can be deduced. other However, it may be of some interest to briefly review some of the other useful tech- niques along with the models which are used analyze to microstrip antenna configurations. 2.5 Classification and Discussion of Other Analysis Methods In the previous discussion, the reviewed was based on three basic assumptions. analytical technique These are: a. Modeling the antenna as a cavity. b. Introducing effective patch dimensions to account for the fringing field. c. Ignoring the bound sources in the dielectric substrate outside the model. 22 Many other analytical and numerical methods have been used to the properties of microstrip antennas. study methods Some of these that have been used successfully in the analysis of microstrip structures are discussed below. It should be noted that the transmission line model (Munson 1974) is omitted from this review because of its sim- plicity and its limited applications to the rectangular and square Other methods which approximate the patch boundaries by magne- microstrip patches. 2.5.1 Other Maznetic (or Electric) Wall Methods tic (or eledtric) wall include the Green's function approach (Chadha and Gupta 1980; 1981) and the segmentation and (Chadha and Gupta 1981; Sharma and Gupta 1981; 1984; desegmentation Okoshi 1985). For arbitrary patch shapes where formulation of Green's function an analytical form may be difficult, numerical methods such as tour integral (Okoshi and Miyoshi 1971) or a finite (Silvester 1973) can be used. boundaries imposed by Moreover, impedance B.C.'s the have modal been element in con- method solutions for introduced by Carver (1979) in terms of "a modal-expansion cavity model." The Green's function corresponding to the cavity model source can be expressed in terms of the inhomogeneous wave with a equation as, (v2 k2) = -jwph 6(r\ro) (2.25) . 23 where r and ro denote the field and source point The method of images or the expansion method tively. Green's respec- function in terms of eigen functions (Morse Feshbach 1953) can be used to solve Eq. (2.25). of and The pat- ches for which the solution can be constructed include: rectangle, an a triangle (a 30° - 60° right-angled triangle, equilateral triangle), a triangle, a circle, and a right-angled isosceles an annular-ring and a circular and annular sector. The segmentation and desegmentation methods have been developed (Okoshi et al. determine can 1976; Gupta and Sharma 1981) to the Green's function of patches whose geometry be expressed as a superposition of patches for which the Green's function is known as shown in Figure 2.6. continuity of current and voltages on the segmented The or desegmented lines when expressed in a discrete form enable one to write the Green's function of the patch by utiliz- Patch to be analyzed Seg. Fig. 2.6 Deseg. The Concept of Segmentation and Desegmentation Techniques 24 basic ing concepts from circuit theory. both In tech- niques, the perimeter of the patch is divided into a large number of ports which are used in formulating the impe- dance matrix from which the Green's function and hence the fields at the boundary of the cavity model are determined. Numerical arbi- methods may also be used to analyze trary patches. For example, the contour integral method is based on the relation between the field inside volume and its value along the enclosing surface (Green's theorem). This integration approaches includes used the formulation of to express the RF voltage the at current the integration is replaced summation over these sections. The voltage distribu- along the periphery can be determined by total current flowing through each solving point a By dividing the periphery into N sections of arbitrary widths, tion contour a the periphery in terms of voltage and all along the periphery. by closed a specifying and section, by the z-matrix necessary to calculate the section's voltage. In the finite element method, the given boundary value problem is reduced to two boundary value problems. homogeneous wave equation with inhomogeneous B.C.'s The is decomposed to Laplace's equation with inhomogeneous B.C.'s and inhomogeneous wave equation with homogeneous The equivalent certain basis field solution is expressed in functions and integrated over B.C.'s. terms the patch by dividing it into a large number of ports. of entire 25 modal-expansion cavity model is similar The discussed earlier except for model cavity B.C.'s impedance the at all of the radiating walls. internal fields from the effects of exterior infinite the external It The fields. region the stored and radiated energy in the complex to the patch are considered as a finite wall admittance Yw. is separation based on the concept of edge admittance in the of the to The wall conductance corresponds to power radiated into a half-space and the wall suscep- the tance corresponds to the energy stored in fringing the fields and can be used to account for the patch dimensions. effective Until now, no exact solution for Yw has been found, but Wiener Hopf method can be used for its computation (Carver and Mink 1981). circular Rectangular and More- patches have been analyzed by utilizing this model. over, Green's function approach can be used for patches wall. The ad- mittance wall Green's function technique has been applied with boundaries approximated by admittance to a circular patch to analyze its input impedance (Yano and Ishimaru 1981). 2.5.2 Patch Current Distribution Methods The methods that attempt to find the radiation fields in terms of source currents on the patch are primarily based on treating the problem as if the dielectric sheet was not present and the wire-grid model (Agrawal and Bailey (Newmann and Tulyathan 1971). 1977) and the include moment method 26 the antenna is modeled by a In the wire-grid method, as shown in Figure 2.7 and fully immerged in fine-grid homogeneous dielectric medium. Richmond's reaction theor- is used to formulate the current on each of em grid segments. program wire the computer A standard wire-grid modelling any is used to calculate these currents whereby, antenna property of interest can be determined. The sults are then modified for the true structure by Wire Grid Model of the Patch a re- scaling AmprAmarrAirr IralrA1111211/ 2V0 .1111, .1 .11110. INN. INIMD ==. 1111. IMOIO MM. 111110110 Ground Plane AIVAINFAIVAIIV AMMMOMMI AMOIMMOMMOr Fig. 2.7 factors layers Image Plane Wire-Grid Model of Microstrip Patch Antenna obtained by loading the antenna various thicknesses. of This dielectric by has method been applied to circular and square patches. In the method of moment, and replaced the ground plane is removed by the image of the patch and feed probe. The dielectric sheet is removed and replaced by free space equivalent currents volume polarization currents. on the microstrip patches The electric and the surface equivalent polarization currents are used to model the anten- 27 na. patches An integral of unknown currents on the microstrip and on wire feed lines is formulated and solved by using the method of moments (Harrington 1968). analyze a This method has been used to rectangular patch. 2.5.3 Spectral Domain Methods The methods which consider relationships between field distri- butions and current sources in the presence of a ground plane dielectric substrate are: (Uzunoglu with TEM-mode transmission line current method Al. 1979), basis current mode expansion method (Itoh and Menzel 1981) and orthogonal current mode expansion method (Wood 1981). These methods are based on the evaluation of the tribution on the patch and the plane of the patch. electric field current dis- on everywhere the This is accomplished in the spectral domain by expanding the unknown current distribution in terms of set a suitable basis function and numerically determining the current desired moment fields at the plane of the patch by using a such as the Galerkin's method. The choice of basis of and method functions de- pends on the patch shape. The orthogonal current mode expansion method has been used analyze a circular patch microstrip antenna (Wood 1981). Here, to the fields in the air and dielectric regions are first obtained by solving the wave equation and applying Maxwell's equations and then 28 formulated by the Hankel transform representation. The relationship between the field and current components are obtained by utilizing the continuity relations at z - El) (E2 h, x Az = 0 (2.26) A z x 2 - ) 1 = I The electric field is obtained by assuming the current on the patch in a form of orthogonal amplitudes. modes series distribution with arbitrary The series are expressed in terms of cylindrical tions and obtained from the analysis of the cavity model. func- The elec- tric field is used with each of the current modes to set up a matrix equation. It is solved by using the Gauss elimination method and used to determine the input impedance and other antenna characteristics. 2.6 Comparison of Cavity Model With Other Analysis. Methods The methods of microstrip antenna analysis are classified and briefly discussed without referring to the relative accuracy of corresponding solutions. the In Table 2.2, the basis techniques used in the analysis of simple patch antennas are listed together type of results obtained from these techniques. with All of the methods listed are based on some judicious approximations so that the lem can be solved and the answers are accurate enough solutions useful in an engineering sense. the prob- make the The technique chosen for to 29 a specific patch configuration depends on the the accuracy and the type of results desired. patch For geometry, and example, the rectangular and circular patch antennas can be tackled quite ately by the spectral domain technique to compute the accur- radiation pattern, but the technique cannot be easily applied to evaluate input impedance which is also an equally important parameter. the Structure Category Method of analysis Results available in referenced literature A Cavity model A Modal-expansion Radiation pattern, input impedance, resonant frequency Input impedance cavity. model Rectangular The method of moments Input impedance Basis current modeexpansion Radiation pattern C TEM-mode transmission line current Radiation pattern, input impedance, surface-wave/free-space power ratio A Cavity model Input impedance B Wire-grid model Radiation pattern, input impedance Cavity model Radiation pattern, input impedance Modal-expansion cavity model Input impedance, efficiency B Wire-grid model Radiation pattern, input impedance C Orthogonal current mode-expansion Resonant frequency, Q-factor, radiation pattern, surface-wave/free-space power ratio B Narrow rectangular strip Square Circular Table 2.2 ummary of Results for Typical Simple Structures 31 2.7 Concluding Remarks In this chapter, microstrip antenna the techniques for determining characteristics have been the introduced with a primary emphasis on the simple yet versatile cavity model method. The cavity model and other related methods that use the equivalence principle were reviewed. It is seen that all of these methods can be used to evaluate the radiation fields closed- and and estimate the input impedance open-ring microstrip structures with of varying degrees of accuracy. It is seen that the cavity model method that utilizes discrete eigen modes to find the aperture field distribution is a conceptually simple method which is also helpful in understanding the characteristics from a first principle analysis. method can be used to estimate all of the In antenna antenna addition, characteristics including radiation pattern, directivity and input impedance of structure. Therefore, even though some or all of the sented in the thesis can be obtained more accurately results cavity model because it is conceptually simple, versatile and operation and the pre- by utilizing more sophisticated numerical methods, we have chosen to utilize us a physical insight into the the properties of the gives such open- and closed-ring microstrip structures for various useful modes of excitation. 32 CHAPTER 3 ANALYSIS OF THE OPEN-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA open-ring microstrip structure has been The in recent years for various applications circuits and as antenna element. studied microwave in Even though a consider- able amount of analytical and experimental work has done on the resonant frequency, distribution the for various mode, the corresponding structure, work on the radiation characteristics such as the tion pattern limited (Lo et al., and Tripathi, the directivity 1979; field the Green's function input impedence of such an open-ring and been have been Chadha and Gupta, and the radia- somewhat 1981; Wolff 1984; Tripathi and Wolff, 1984; Richards et al., 1984). In this chapter, the special case of an open-ring antenna is considered. its tures ideal General expressions for radiation fields produced by the semi-circular are derived by using the gap cavity model, aper- Huygens' principle and the properties of the cylindrical functions. These are used to study the radiation patterns (excluding the gap fields) for various modes of excitation. 33 3.1 Antenna Analysis The open-ring microstrip antenna and its cavity model (Wolff Figure 3.1. The antenna consists of a planar microstrip radius b, element and Tripathi, 1984) are having an inner radius a gap angle 2R-a. a, equivalent shown in open-ring an outer The ring is separated from a ground plane by a thin dielectric substrate of thickness h and permittivity sr. The corresponding cavity model con- sists of a prefectly conducting open-ring with inner and outer radii rie and rae effective respectively, perfect magnetic walls between the edges and the ground planes and the cavity is filled with a medium having frequency-depen- dent effective permittivity ere( f) given by effective radii are given by (Wolff and (2.16). Tripathi, The 1984; Khilla, 1984): R = (a+b)/2 h Ground P ane Fig. 3.1 The Open-Ring Microstrip Antenna and The Top View of the Magnetic Wall Model 34 W e (f)-W a rie = a - -2 = b + We(f)-w r ae where 2 We(f) is given by (2.15) and the Since h is small compared to A0, fields width W=b-a. the electromagnetic are assumed to be independent of the direction z and then it is seen that only TMnm modes need to be considered (James equations et al., for the 1981). A solution of field components can be Maxwell's obtained by utilizing the solution of the wave equation that satisfies the boundary conditions. These are tabulated in Table 2.1 for Ez and lead to: Ez = E o EJ v(k P) vm i(kvrarie) y)(kv- r. ) v H 1 = j wPop = -j H wpop 1 =-j 0 m le (k v v" cosv to aEz a(t) E 0 EJ v (k vm p) - 3.3) J:)(kvmrie) Y'(k v ) Y v (k vm p)] sinvp aE z wPo aP k vm E0 ELT(kvm Wuo (3.2) 3.4) ,J)(kvmrie ) -y.(kvmp)] cosv0 .Y 1(kvmrie) 35 where J v kind (Bessel and Newmann second and and Y v are the cylindrical functions of first and of order v. respectively functions) J' and Y,, are the derivatives the of functions with respect to the total argument (kvmp). v is dependent on the gap angle and is given by nit = n = 0,1,2,3, , (3.5) a The equivalent wave number kvm is the solution the eigenvalue equation given by J(k v vmr ae )Y(k v v The ) - Ji(k vm r.le )Y1(k vmr ae v ) = 0 (3.6) above eigenvalue equation is obtained from the boun- dary conditions that the azimuth H(0- component become zero at the outer edge of the ring i.e. at value imate attained strip of k vM for axial modes (m = by line p =rae. 1)can An approxalso assuming that the mean length of the forming the radiator is a multiple of be microhalf wavelength of a wave on the microstrip line as is the case for closed-rings (Bahl et al. 1980), a+b a or k -7 = = n 2 nIT/a vm a+b = n i. W-vm (3.7) 2v a+b Then, the resonant frequency can be determined from (3.8) 36 c k fr = vm 21r[ere( ( 3 . 9 ) f))112 where c is the velocity of light. field The distribution associated with the cavity model can now be used to evaluate the radiation fields for various modes outlined of excitation by utilizing in the previous chapter. the procedure The case of ideal gap open-ring structure leads to solutions in terms of integer order Bessel functions or spherical Bessel functions well defined properties and is treated in this with chapter. The variations of and the azimuth angle to are shown in Figure 3.2 for typi- Ez as a function of the coordinate p The cor- responding field distributions are also illustrated. The cal axial TM11 and TM21 and radial TM12 modes. equivalent and are modes, magnetic also indicated in Figure 3.2c. the polarity. n current are in the direction E For inner and outer ring sources are of the axial opposite For the radial modes, the inner and outer ring sources are of the same polarity for even m and the resulting radiation can be larger making such modes potentially useful in practice. This is similar to closed-ring structures where TM12 modes have been found to be efficient and have been investigated in recent years for possible applications as an antenna element. 37 TM12 1. Scale 1:8 for TM12 mode TM11 TM22 .8 TM21 .6 . Ez E ° n R A 7 = 2w crirrr 1 TM3 4 Axial Mode Radial Mode .2 .0 ie5P.Srae _.2 -.4 v \ W _.6 _.8 = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm er = 2.32 R/A \ A -... -- .55 \ \ -......535 (a) Scale 1:8 for TM12 mode Axial Mode Radial Mode 360 (deg.) I TM22 TM13,'" = 1. W W/R = 2/3 .159 cm = h = 2.32 er o Fig. 3.2 (a) (b) (c) = rae (b) Field Analysis for Axial and Radial Modes of an Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna Normalized Ez versus p Normalized E versus Field Distribution (Wolff and Tripathi 1984) (0 38 (c) Fig. 3.2 (a) (b) (c) Field Analysis for Axial and Radial Modes of an Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna (continued) Normalized Ez versus p Normalized E, versus 0 Field DistriBution (Wolff and Tripathi 1984) To analyze the ideal gap open-ring, as follows: a) Formulate the integral expression neces- sary to calculate the radiation field. radiation c) we shall proceed b) Determine the field for the even-and-odd modes individually. Examine and plot the radiation patterns for various modes of excitation. 3.2 Formulation of the Integral Equation As analysis outlined is the in Chapter 2, knowledge of the first step the equivalent in the magnetic radiation current sources fields. Excluding the gap fields, the M sources reduce to Si = -2anxE = M necessary to determine = 2E z a , at P=rae 0<0<27r M2 =-2Eza, , at p=rie 0<co<21T 0 , otherwise the (3.10) 39 where a n is a unit vector normal to the surface and E z is The radiation field can be derived given by (3.2). from electric vector potential F and is given by: k = -3 E 0 0 F co = E 0 . 3 0 k ° F 0 Co (3.11) where -jk r ° 0 e F = e-ikoP ' f sine cos(0-.1) ds' (3.12) 471 and, ds' = pldo" The spherical = h components of F can be obtained by making use of (A.9), since the sources are specified in cylindrical coordinates. i.e. 2n Fe= Chcose J M(p',01)sin(0-0')e -jkop' sine cos(0-4).) do' 0 (3.13) 2ff j F = Ch j M(P1,01)cos(0-().)e p' sine cos(4, )-1) p d 4) 0 where C = e ° 4n e -jkor , as defined earlier with Eq. (2.23). 40 3.3 Method of Solution for Radiation Fields above The integral given expressions as (3.13) can be simplified by making use of Eqs. by Eqs. and (3.2) It is seen that the integration procedure for the (3.10). expressions radiaion fields is different for modes for with Bessel function of integer order as opposed to these with Bessel functions of fractional order. classified This can as even-and-odd modes respectively as given by n , n = 0,1,2,3,... ; for even modes n/2 , n = 1,3,5,7,... ; for odd modes v = since (3.14) the fields with respect to the axis have odd symmetry for the two cases. Bessel for shown be For the even modes, functions are of integer order and the radiation in integrals field can be written in a closed Khilla even-and- (1984) whereas for the odd can be represented in the form of a the expression form modes as the converging series as shown in the following sections. 3.3.1 Even Modes Solution Using the following expressions (Abramowitz and Stegun, 1970) 21. Jn(x) = 77- cos nC e J 0 jxcosci dC (3.15) 41 J_n(x) = Jn(-x) = (-1)n Jn(x) = cos nil. Jn(x) (3.16) along with the trigonometric identities and the recurrence formulas for Bessel functions which are n Jn(x)/x = [Jn-1(x) Jn+1(x)]/2 (3.17) JA(x) = [Jn-1( Jn+1(x)7 /2 ) it can be shown that 27r cos no' cos(0-0') e j jxcos(0-01) do' 0 = jn-121- cos no JA(x) 2n Jcos no' sin(0-0') e (3.18) jxcos(0-0') do' 0 = jn-1 2 sin no n Jn(x)/x 2n j sin n ' cos(0-0') e (3.19) jxcos(0-0') do' 0 = jn-1 2ir sin no JA(x) 2n sin n f sin(0-(01) e (3.20) jxcos(0-0') c141 0 =-jn-1 21. cos no n Jn(x)/x where x is a dummy variable. (3.21) 42 This and set of equations is valid for all values for an integer n. to of x The components of the radiation field for the even modes are derived using the appropriate integral of these equations with Eqs. (3.12) and (3.13). In a closed form expression, the results are E0 =-Ce cos no [KiBi(aae) E K2B1( (3.22a) )] = Ce n cose sin n(1) [K1B2(aae) - K2B2(aie)] (3.22b) with Ce = jnhk0E0e-jkor/r , the subscript "e" denotes even K2 = rie An(rie) K1 = rae An(rae) JA(knmrie) YA(knmrie) An(x) = Jn(knmx) - CiYn(knmx) Cg , C1 = a ae = , aie = ko rie sine rae sine j (x) n Jn(x) B (x) = B1(x) = Jn-1(x) where r ae and rie are defined in Eq. argument x refers to rae, n x (3.1) and the dummy rie, aae, or aie. Notice that K1 and K2 are dependent on the value of the electric field at each the equivalent outer and inner radii respectively mode of excitation. B1(x) and B2(x) are dependent on the resonant frequency, and the observation angle 0. for functions the patch dimensions Finally, Ce is a constant directly proportional to the substrate thickness h and the resonant frequency. 43 3.3.2 Odd Modes Solution Using the following expressions (Abramowitz and Stegun 1970) ejxcos& = cos(xcos0+j sin(xcost) OD = X Na Ja(x) cos (3.23) ca along with the trigonometric identities, it can be shown that 2w cos(4-4') e j J jxcos(0-4') d41 0 (3.24) = X N4 q=0 q+1 q-1 sin(q+1)4 + sin(q-1)4Dq(x) (q...1)2-v2 (q+1)2-v2 2w cosv4' sin(v-4,') e j jxcos(4-(0') d() (3.25) 0 CO = q+1 q =0 j q -1 cos(q+1)4 - X 2w sin (q+1)2-v2 cos( cos(q- 1)4]Jq(x) (q-1)2-v2 4) ) e (3.26) 0 CO =-X Nq[ v cos(q+1)(1) + cos(q-1)4]Jci(x) q=0 (q+1)2-v2 (q-1)2-v2 44 21T e jxcos(0-0') (1,0 0 (3.27) CO = I Nq[ sin(q+1)0 sin(q-1)0]Jq(x) q=0 (q+1)2-v2 (q-1)2-v2 where x is a dummy variable, Jci(x) is the Bessel's func- tion of the first kind and of interger order q and Nca, the Neumann's number is given by q = 0 1 N = Ljci This and q > 1 , set of equations is valid for all values with v a half odd integer. of x The radiation field for odd modes are derived following the same procedure as that for even modes case. In a form of a converging series, the results are CO q+1 Ee=-00 1 N4 (q+1)2-v2 q=0 q-1 sin(q+1)0 + sin(q-1)0]* (4-1)2...v2 *[K1Jq(aae) - K2Jq(aie)] CO N4 E =C cose 0 o q=0 q+1 cos(q+1)0 (q+1)2-v2 (3.28a) q-I cos(q-1)0]* (q-1)2-v2 *[K1Jq(aae) - K2Jq(aie)] (3.28b) 45 where odd, C o = jhk0E0e-jkor/2wr with subscript "o" denotes aie, K1 and K2 are defined with Eq. (3.22) and aae, as if v is used instead of n. Now, calculate can make use of Eqs. we (3.22) and (3.28) to the radiation pattern of an ideal gap open-ring microstrip antenna for various modes of excitation. 3.4 Results and Discussion The radiation pattern R(e) is defined in terms of the magnitude given squared by Eq. of the radiation field (2.1). For the case of as components even modes, the following properties are drawn by examining Eq. (3.22). a. The TMOm modes possess nulls in the normal direcThis is obvious from Eq. (3.22) which with tion. n=0 at 0=0, reduces it to E =0 and E0 =0. e b. The TM2m modes (which correspond to TMim modes of the pro- closed-rings) are the only modes which radiation in the duce normal With direction. e=0, Eq. (3.22) reduces to E0 =-Ce coso (Ki-K2)/2 (3.29a) = Ce sing) (K1 -K2)/2 (3.29b) E for n=1, otherwise Ee = E = 0. The corres- 0 ponding radiation peak R(0) is R(0) = Ce2 (K1- K2)2/4. (3.30) It increases with increase in h and fr due to Ce, and increases also with the annular width. It should be noted that fr is inversely proportional 46 to the effective permittivity. This implies that R(0) increases also with decrease in Cr. c. The TM8m ... TM4m, TM 2m$ modes of the closed-rings) pro- TM4m duce the same planes. modes (which correspond to E-and-H radiation patterns in the This is because E is usually equal to zero and 'Eel is the same in both planes. In addition, the following properties of the odd modes are drawn by examining Eq. (3.28). a. The radiation pattern produced by any of the odd modes is symmetric with respect to the tion angle e. observa- This is obvious from the nature of the derived equations together with Eq. (3.16). b. All odd modes produce direction. radiation in the In the normal direction, normal the fields are (K1-K2)/(1-v 2 Ee =-2C0 sin4, E N / (3.31a) = 2c0 COS4 (K1-K2)/(1-v2) (3.31b) / Hence, the radiation peak R(0) is given by 2 R(0)= 4CO2 [K1-K2 1-v2 v=1/2,3/2,5/2,... It depends on v and also increases with (3.32) increase in h, fr and annular width. The radiation antenna are various modes patterns of the ideal computed for some of excitation. typical gap open-ring parameters For the axial modes for the 47 resonant are obtained using frequencies utilizing Richards et al. Eq. and (3.9) (1984) results for the radial modes. The same results for the first three axial modes for structure shown in Figure are Tripathi, 1985). radiation patterns. The (3.3) and (Sultan curves indicate the nature of the are The radiation field magnitudes different for different modes since the resonant cies the frequen- and aperture field amplitudes are different for each case. The radiation peak should also increase with in- creasing the mode number, since R(0) increases with fr for the same antenna. The radiation patterns for the radial modes are shown in Figure (3.4). the axial patterns. radiation due They have narrow beamwidth compared This reflects the fact fields are reinforced in the that sources that for the same antenna, which have the same polarity. It is the side lobe level seen with pattern and that their resonant frequencies are proximately mode cur- produced with TM12 pattern is lower compared to that produced TM 22 the direction normal to the inner and outer ring equivalent magnetic rent to of an closed-ring. the same. It should be noted that the ideal gap open-ring is the TM12 mode ap- TM22 of a Eo = h = = 1. W = 1. W/R = 2/3 Er R = V/m cm E-plane H-plane .159 cm 2.32 .35n a a=21. ; -70.00 1 -50.00 +- -30.00 20 i I -10.00 10.00 0 . - 30.00 50.00 Fig. 3.3 Radiation Patterns of an Ideal Gap OpenRing Antenna for Axial TM11, TM21 and TM31 Modes (Excluding Gap Fields) 70.00 90.00 49 E0 W W/R h er = = = = = V/m 1. 1. cm 2/3 .159 cm 2.32 E-plane H-plane R/A = .535 50.00 70.00 90.00 e (a) / / / \ \ \ / 1 / \ / E0 = 1. V/m cm = 1. W W/R = 2/3 .--1 / 1 / 2 I / / .159 CM h = cr = 2.32 PI . 1 -, Ix I 4 / --80.00 -70.00 ---- 6 / 1 1 \ \ \ 10 ,/ -60.00 1 1 / / 1 1 / / \ 1 3 ----. 11 / 1 1 o / R/A = .55 E-plane H-plane 1 -30.00 2 -10.00 10.00 30.00 \ 641.00 70.00 MAIO e (b) Fig. 3.4 Radiation Patterns of an Ideal Gap OpenRing Antenna for Radial Modes (Excluding Gap Fields) (b) TM22 Mode (a) TM12 Mode 50 the open-ring microstrip antenna offers a short, In viable alternative to a closed-ring structure with superior radiation exactly properties when excited in TM12 mode and the same properties when excited in the even TM22 mode. 3.5 Concluding Remarks this chapter, In the analysis of an ideal gap open- ring microstrip antenna based on the cavity model has been presented. radiation General fields distribution in expressions for the curved been derived by using have the cavity Huygens' model, aperture principle, trigonometric identities and the properties of the drical functions. The radiation patterns field the for cylinvarious geometries and modes have been computed from these expressions. The open-ring solutions microstrip for the even modes of the structures closed-ring microstrip structures. for an are the ideal gap as the same The radiation patterns be odd modes reveals that an open-ring structure can efficient antenna element when excited in TM12 With the characteristic of its radiation properties, mode. the open-ring structure should become a new useful element for applications as an antenna element or in antenna arrays. 51 CHAPTER 4 THE RADIATION BEHAVIOR OF AN ANNULAR SECTOR MICROSTRIP ANTENNA In the this chapter we analyze the radiation behavior of open-ring microstrip antenna angle. gap The effect of the gap field for structures having different In arbitrary with an angles and widths is included in the addition, quency, analysis. the relationship between the resonant fre- the mode number and the angle of such antennas is also reviewed in this chapter. Expressions case are for the total radiation field of such outlined derived (following the same procedure earlier) by utilizing the cavity model. a It is seen that a simplified expression can be obtained for e = 0 giving the radiation peak in the normal direction. expression sectors simplified This can be used to compare the radiation peaks with different angles and widths. All of of these expressions are formulated in terms of the antenna parameters and are valid for any arbitrary gap angle. The results for the radiation patterns along with the other characteristics (e.g. resonant frequency, beamwidth, radiation peak... tigated for etc.) of such a general case are inves- various modes of excitation. The special cases of quarter, half, three-quarters and ideal gap openring microstrip antennas with their limiting case of small inner radius (a 4 0) are included. 52 Review of Resonant Frequencies and Field Distribution 4.1 outlined in the preceding chapter, As frequency resonant the can be determined assuming that the mean length of the microstrip line forming the radiator is a of wavelength half of a wave on the multiple microstrip Referring to Figure (3.1) and substituting Eq. line. (3.8) into Eq. (3.9) reduces it to nc v c f = r (4.1) 1(a+b)Cere(f)]1/2 a(a+b )Ecre(f)]1/2 where all the symbols are defined earlier. This equation represents an approximate relationships between the resonant frequency, the axial modes. the mode number and the sector angle for The resonant frequency is directly pro- portional to the mode number for the same antenna. There- fore, we have fr of TM11 = 1/2 fr of TM21 = 1/3 fr of TM31... etc. (4.2) The relationship between the resonant frequency gap angle and the is shown in Figure 4.1 for a typical case for the TM11 and TM12 modes. electric of The variations of the normalized field for different sector angles as a the coordinate p and the azimuth angle Figure field 4.2 for these modes. amplitude (I) function are shown The difference between at the cavity edges decreases with in the the increase in a for the TM11 mode and increases for the TM12 mode. 53 TM12 E0 W W/R h Er = = = = = V/m 1. 1. cm 2/3 .159 cm 2.32 TM 11 I 0 l 60 1 120 240 180 Sector Angle, 300 360 a Fig. 4.1 Normalized Resonant Frequency versus Sector Angle for TM11 and TM12 Modes for a Typical Case 54 I.0 a=360° Scale 1:2 for TM12 of 270° Scale 1:8 for TM 12 of 360° 270° \ 1 .8 tt a=360° \ 1t 270° 180° \ tt 11 180° A5 120° ttl 120° Ez Eo .35n; a 90° 111 60° \ 904' 60° A .2 .0 3 I% - le p<r ae r. 2 R/x .675 .595 .57 -.4 .55 6 _.8 TM11 Mode TM12 Mode W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm cr = 2.32 .54 .535 (a) Fig. 4.2 Normalized Ez of Annular Sector for Various Sector Angles (a) as a function of p (b) as a function of 0 n=1 Scale 1:2 for TM 12 of 270° Scale 1:8 for TM 12 of 360° TM11 Mode TM12 Mode a=360° 270° 180° ,180 240 300 360 t(deg.) W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm Er = 2.32 P = r ae (b) Fig. 4.2 Normalized Ez of Annular Sector for Various Sector Angles (continued) (a) as a function of p (b) as a function of (1) 56 At this stage, we shall analyze the annular sector microstrip antenna, having an arbitrary gap angle radiation fields for its by using the cavity model discussed in Chapter 2. 4.2 Derivation of Radiation Fields The the main step in the analysis consists integral radiation magnetic deriving equations necessary to determine the field. Fig. 4.3 of Figure 4.3 shows the top view total the of Equivalent Magnetic Current Sources of an Annular Sector Antenna wall model of the annular sector antenna with the equivalent magnetic current sources. along The sources are obtained using Eq. (2.18) and expressed as follows: M =-2anxE = Ml = 2Ezao ; at P=rae, 0 14) M2 =-2Ezaco ; at p=rie, 0 ioi a M3 = 2Ezap ; at 0=0 M4 =-2Ezap ; at 0=a 0 ; otherwise - , a r ielf3Xae rie<P<rae (4.3) 57 where Ez is given by Eq. M1 and M2 represent the (3.2). outer and inner equivalent magnetic current sources with the circular apertures. ciated the asso- M3 and M4 represent linear aperture equivalent sources which are ignored previously with the special case of an ideal gap open-ring 3.10). (Eq. cal In a form of integral equations, the spheri- components of the vector potential F are expressed using Eqs. (2.20) and (A.9), as follows: N Fe = C f [ Mpicos(*-*1)+isin(0-')]cose e jkopscos* d 4) (4.4) S F(0 = C J [- Mpisin(0- *') +Nicos(4)- (01)]ejkop cos* ds' S where C is defined with Eq. (2.23), cos* = sine cos(*-*') and ds' is given by p' d4' dz' ; with M 1 and M 2 dp' dz' ; with M3 and M4 ds' = The total radiation field is then the superposition of the fields produced by all four radiating edges and is given by: E0 =-j k, 4 F(0 (due to Mi) o i=1 (4.5) 4 E4) = j -2 1 Fe (due to M.) o i=1 58 4.2.1 Radiation Fields from the Curved Apertures The sources fields produced from M1 and are derived following the same trated in the preceding chapter. M2 semi-circular procedure illus- Using Eq. (3.23), it can be shown that a cosv(0' cos(0-01) e j pccos(0-0') d' (4.6) O CO = 1/4 1 Nci[Ri(g+1,v)+Ri(q+1,-v)+Ri(q-1,v)+Ri(q-1,v)]Jci(x) q=0 a j cosvo' sin(0-0') e jxcos(0-0') d' O (4.7) = 1/4 1 Ncp2(1+q,v)+R2(1+q,-v)+R2(1-g,v)+R2(1-q,-v)]J(4(x) q=0 a sinv(01 cos(o-o') e jxcos(0-4)1) do' (4.8) O 03 =-1/4 N4R2(q+1,v)-R2(q+1,-v)+R2(q-1,v)-R2(q-1,-v)]Jc4(x) q=0 a( sin(o-0' sin 0 do (4.9) OD 1/4 Nci[R1(1+q,v)-R1(1+q,-v)+Ri(1-q,v)-R1(1-q,-v)]Jci(x) q=0 59 where Jq is a Bessel function of the first kind and inte- ger order q, x is a dummy argument and Ng is the Neumann's number defined earlier with Eq. functions dependent on v, Ri(q,v) = 1 R1 and R2 (3.23). a and 0 and are given by, [sin((q+v)a-q0)+sinq0] (71+7 R2(q,v) = 1 q+v are (4.10a) [cos((q+v)a-q0)-cosq0] It is also important to note that the sum of the arguments of R1 or R2 can take the value of zero, q=0 and v=1 or if q=1 and v=2 etc. e.g. q+1-v=0 if For these cases, the results of R1 and R2 are found to be: Ri(q+1,-v)=R1(q-1,±v)=R1(1-q,±v)=acosvo R2(q+1,-v)=asinv0 (4.10b) R2(q-1,±v)=R2(1-q,±v)=Tasinvo evaluate Equations (4.6)...(4.10) can now be used to the radiation fields of annular sectors. They are valid for any a, since v is an unrestricted number as defined by Eq. For instance, (3.5). equations outlined in the the other two special sets of previous (3.21) and (3.24)(3.27) can it. leads curved be (3.18)... chapter, easily obtained from Substitution of these equations into (4.4) and (4.5) to the expressions for radiation apertures given by, fields in the form of a converging of series the as 60 CO E 191,2 =-C IN [R1(q+1,v)+121(q+1,-v)+Ri(q-1,v)+Ri(q-1.-v)]* s q q=0 (4.11a) *EK1Jq(aae)-K2Jq(aie)] CO E 4)1,2 =C coseIN [112(1+q,v)+R2(1+q,-v)+R2(1-q,v)+R2(1-c1,-v)]* s q=0 *EK1Jq(aae)-K2Jq(aie)] where Cs = j hk0E0e-jkor/8ffr, sector (4.11b) the subscripts "s" denotes and "1,2" refers to the fields produced sources M1 and M2 respectively. K1, the same as those defined with Eq. from the K2, aae and aie are (3.22) as if v is used instead of n. Eq. (4.11) represents the general expressions for the spherical components of the curved aperture fields. expressions are derived without the need to classify The the modes as even-and-odd modes and formulated in terms of the antenna parameters. They are valid for any mode of exci- tation and for any gap angle. For examples, by utilizing the properties of the cylindrical functions and with some manipulations, it can be shown that a. With a = 21r and v = n, (4.11) reduces to Eq. Eq. corresponding to the case of a closed-ring microstrip antenna. (3.22) b. With = 21r and v takes the values of half odd Eq. (4.11) reduces to Eq. (3.28) corresponding to the case of the odd modes of an ideal gap open-ring microstrip antenna. Notice that this case was analyzed without considering the effect of the gap fields on the total antenna performance. a integer, 61 4.2.2 Radiation Fields from the Linear Apertures ponents of the fields produced from the linear current com- mathematical expressions for the spherical The equivalent sources M3 and M4 representing the fields in gap are obtained using Eqs. (4.3) and (4.4). E03= 4Cesin0 Ez(01)10=oe J j jkop'sine cosh the These are: , (4.12a) rie E03= cose cot0 Ee3 (4.12b) r E 04 =-4C s cosnwsin(0-a) ae Ez(p1)1 j rie jkop'sine cos(0-a) 0=0 e (4.13a) (4.13b) E04= cose cot(0-a) Ee4 where subscripts the , "3" and "4" refer to the fields produced from the sources M3 and M4 respectively, and Ez(ps)I0=0 = (k mPt) v v JI(k mrie) Yv(kvm v v Y1(kvmrie ) These integrals are evaluated numerically since efforts to integrate them analytically for the given field distribu- tion were not successful. point rule (Carnahan et al. The local form of Bode's four 1969) is used and has made it possible to reach our goal successfully. The Bode's rule is x4 f(x) dx J x X4- X = 9U 0 [7f(x0)+32f(x1)+12f(x2)+32f(x3)+7f(x4)] o where xl = (x4-x0)/4, x2 = 2x1 and x3 = 3x1 (4.14) 62 Finally, the general solution for the total radiation field It can be constituted from the can be determined. summation of the curved aperture fields analytical solu- tion and the linear aperture fields numerical solution called for in Eq. as This can be simply written in a (4.5). form of mathematical expressions as follows: = E E E The + E G1,2 + E 4)1,2 + E (4.15a) G4 + E 4)3 radiation squared 03 pattern (4.15b) 4)4 R(e) in terms of the magnitude of these components can now be computed by which the other characteristics (Chapter 2) can be extracted. 4.3 The Gap Effects and the Radiation Peak contribution The radiated of the gap fields to the depends on the equivalent magnetic current tribution in the linear apertures associated with the and hence the mode of excitation. angle structure axial (TMnis (TM nl, For ideal disgap zero gap the equivalent currents add for the n odd) modes and cancel for the even n even) modes. power odd axial For other angles such as 90°, 180° or 270°, this contribution can be determined in a similar manner. For example for a 90° sector current sources are given as R3 R4 = mo(P) ap at = mo(P) at = 90° 0° the equivalent 63 for the odd and even modes of excitation. This is similar to two linear dipoles carrying equal and opposite currents located in the respective places making an angle of 90° with respect to each other. The effect of the gap fields can also be examined for any structure having an arbitrary gap angle by Eqs. (4.11), (4.12) and (4.13). can width These derived expressions used to determine the effects of be and gap angle on the radiation such structures. utilizing the microstrip characteristics of In the normal direction where e = 0, the expressions are simplified giving the radiation peak. The results are: R(0)=(1E6112 + IE(012)10=0 ae Tr-K2 Cs Ez(p.)1 1-v2 =0 dp' (1±cosa) (4.16) r. le where 161.2C2s(K1 -K2)2; v=1 for a=360° with TM2m modes (4.17) 41.2C(K1 -K2)27 v=1 for a=180° with TMim modes (4.18) the positive and negative signs refer to the and-even modes, respectively. the (4.17) refers also to case of a closed-ring excited in the TMim mode and it is the same as Eq. the Eq. odd- radiation (3.29). It is important to note that peak due to the curved aperture fields given by the first term of (4.16) whereas that due to linear aperture fields is given by the second term. is the 64 These expressions depend on the including annular the width. They are valid arbitrary a and for any mode of excitation. modes where K1 is usually greater than K2, gap the K1 negative is fields > any For the axial the effect of the 1 and decreases it as long For the radial TM 12 and other modes for 1. < for fields is to increase the power radiated in normal direction as long as v as v parameters antenna and K2 is positive, the effect which of is to increase the radiation in the normal gap direc- tion. Furthermore, there are two special cases for which v = 1. These cases are TM lm mode and an ideal gap open-ring excited in the mode. R(0) a half-ring antenna excited in the of the former antenna is one fourth that TM2m of the latter antenna having the same parameters. Additionally, the fields produce no effect on gap their R(0)'s, they cancel out in the normal direction as outlined since earlier. In short, the derived expressions for the radiation peak can demonstrate the dependence of the radiation perties on results for the radiation patterns in the following tion are the annular width and the sector computed as a function of parameters of the sectors. these angle. two proThe sec- physical 65 4.4 Results and Discussion A computer program was written first to compute rdiation pattern of the sectors. two main steps. the The program consists of radiation The first was to compute the fields due to curved and linear apertures as given by Eqs. 4.12 and 4.13) and the second was to compute their (4.11, sum and the radiation patterns. In order to validate the accuracy of the program, we computed the radiation pattern small for this angle a and large radius of curvatures. case the sector almost becomes a rectangle For and the results obtained from the computed program are found to be excellent agreement with known results for the rectan- in gular patch (James et al., should It also 1981) as shown in Table be noted that the general 4.1. expressions (James et al., 1981) for the radiation fields of a rectangular patch can be extracted from that of a sector (Eqs. 4.11-4.13). This can be patch obtained assuming that: a. E 01,2 = E = 0 (because a is small and v is large) = 1 (to constitute for the equality of the field distribution underneath the patch) 4)1,2 b. Ez(p1)1(0=0 c. rae - rie = the equivalent width of the rectangular patch. For example, under these assumptions the radiation peak in the normal direction (Eq. found equal to 4.16) for the dominant mode is R(0), dB 0 = 0° 0 = 90° e (deg.) Sector Rectangular Sector Rectangular 0 -74.851 -74.851 -74.851 -74.851 10 -75.053 -75.054 -75.001 -75.003 20 -75.669 -75.665 -75.46 -75.451 V/m .159 cm = 2.32 Eo = 1 h = 30 -76.691 -76.69 -76.18 -76.171 40 -78.152 -78.149 -77.115 -77.113 For sector patch 50 -80.099 -80.101 -78.187 -78.203 a = 1.146 m b = 1.166 m 60 -82.689 -82.292 -79.314 -79.321 70 -86.326 -86.331 -80.293 -80.334 80 -92.435 -92.444 -80.982 -81.042 - -81.290 -81.299 r a = 10 90 -117.35 For rectangular patch aeq = 2.3877 cm b = 2.0242 cm Table 4.1 Comparison of the Radiation Pattern of a Rectangular Patch with an Annular Sector with Large Radius of Curvature and Small Angle 67 R(0) = j e-jkor h ko (rae - rie)/wr (4.19) which is the same as that for a rectangular patch. As a consequence of this validity the results for the patterns radiation of various typical computed for various modes of excitation. the special cases of quarter, ideal gap half, were structures This includes and three-quarters open-ring microstrip antennas. The computed results for structures having the same resonance frequency but different withs and structures having the same but different gap angles are included in the width following sections. 4.4.1 Quarter and Three-Quarters-Ring Antennas micro- quarter-ring and the three-quarters-ring The strip antennas have the same radiation patterns in the and-H planes. equivalent This of is because of the symmetry magnetic current sources with respect to Ethe both planes. Furthermore, the resonant frequency of the 90° (quarter-ring) antenna excited in the TM11 mode is approximately three times that of a 270° (three-quarters-ring) antenna having the same parameters, as called for in Eq. (4.1). The results excited for the radiation patterns of such antennas in this mode are shown in Figures 4.4a and respectively, for different widths. 4.5a, Table 4.2 indicates 68 R/ R = .35/a = 1.5 cm W = 2.8 cm W = 1. cm W = .2 cm 0 E0 = 1. Vim h = .159 cm = 2.32 o° o° (a) o° W W/R = 1. = 2/3 cm R/A = .675 o° (c) Fig. 4.4 Radiation Patterns for a Quarter-Ring Antenna for TM11 mode with Different Widths for Tn.]. and TM21 modes for TM12 mode (a) (b) (c) 69 R/A R = = W = W = --- W = .35/a 1.5 cm 2.8 cm 1. cm .2 cm 00 E0 = 1. V/m h = .159 cm er = 2.32 0 0 (a) R/X = n/2afeTe W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 TM11 mode TM21 mode 0° (c) Fig. 4.5 Radiation Patterns for a Three-Quarters-Ring Antenna (a) for TM11 mode with Different Widths (b) for TM11 and TM21 modes (c) for TM12 mode 70 90° antenna b a fr Case (cm) (cm) (GHZ) 270° antenna beamwidth R(0) (deg.) (dB) Wi 0.1 2.9 4.31 79.08 w2 1.0 2.0 4.43 92.92 W3 1.4 1.6 4.65 94 fr (GHZ) beamwidth R(0) (deg.) (dB) 1.44 92 -3.032 1.48 94.72 -7.603 -9.268 1.55 93.86 -15.742 0 0 Table 4.2 Calculated Resonant Frequency, Beamwidth and Total Radiation Peak of the 90° and 270° Antennas Excited in Tn.]. Mode for Different Widths. the effect of changing the annular width on their tion performances. radia- There is some effect on the shift in their resonant frequency due to the change of their effecpermittivity tive radiation peaks with width. Most their importantly increase with increase in their annular width. In the limiting case as a 4- 0, the annular sectors become circular normal direction is maximum for both cases. sectors and the radiation power in also It is seen that the 90° sector has a narrow beamwidth than 270° sector. Similar comparisons can be made for the the other axial modes of excitation, e.g. TM21 mode by utilizing the radiation patterns illustrated in Figures 4.4b and 4.5b. In addition, the beamwidth of the 90° antenna excited in the radial TM12 mode is wider compared to a 270° antenna as shown in Figures 4.4c and 4.5c, of respectively. the former antenna is 29 dB below that of the R(0) latter 71 The physical reason antenna, as called for in Eq. (4.16). for this increase in power is that for TM12 mode, the power radiated from the 270° structure is due to two semicircular current sources that are in phase their and length is three times the length of the equivalent sources the for structure. 90° This implies a radiated more power, a wider bandwidth and thus a lower Q-factor for the 270° antenna. 4.4.2 Half-Ring Antenna The shown The radiation antenna patterns of a half-ring mode. in Figures 4.6 and 4.7 for the dominant Tmil direction dependent of the radiation peak em is upon the sector width. As the are found to be width sector increases, the radiation pattern increments and Om and the difference between R(em) and R(0) decrease. the possibility As a result, of producing more radiation can be tained from the limiting case of a + 0 and b 9 3 cm, when the half-ring reduces to a half-disk, Figure 4.7b for a small inner radius. as shown ati.e. in Table 4.3 indicates this behavior for some typical cases along with the effect of changing frequency case the annular width on the shift of such antennas. resonant Notice that R(0) of the is found to be 5.44 dB below that of the limited case. in W1 considered E0 = 1. V/m W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm Er = 2.32 E-plane H-plane R/A = .35/a 3 _4 Including gap fields 6 Excluding gap fields / 10 -90.00 i -70.00 i -50.00 Fig. 4.6 20 -30.00 -10.00 10.00 30.00 f 50.00 t 70.00 Radiation Pattern of a Half-Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode r 50.00 73 E0 Wl W2 W3 R h = 1. = = 1' .5 .2 V/m cm cm cm E-plane H-plane = 1.5 cm = .159 cm cr = 2.32 R/X = .35/a Eo W W/R h Er = = = = = E-plane H-plane V/m 1. 2.8 cm 1.867 .159 cm 2.32 R/A = .35/a -2g .1111.11111 ICAO .1.11.111 e 30.00 51.01) 1 711.01) (b) Fig. 4.7 Radiation Patterns for the Half-Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode (a) for Different Widths (b) for the Limiting Case as 'a' becomes small 74 b a f Case em R(em)-R(0) (deg.) (dB) r (cm) (cm) (GHZ) .10 2.90 2.16 20 .103 W1 1.00 2.00 2.22 27 .354 W2 1.25 1.75 2.27 29 .493 W3 1.40 1.60 2.33 30 .574 Limited Table 4.3 Effect of Changing the Annular Width on the Radiation Behavior of a Half-Ring Antenna In addition, some for the results for the radiation typical axial and radial modes Figures 4.8 and 4.9, respectively. radiation mately the are shown in For the TM1m modes.the patterns of the half-ring antenna are same as that of a patterns closed-ring approxi- antenna with 6.021 dB lower in the normal direction. This is because their resonant frequencies are the same, they same field radiating the distributions underneath their patches and the area of the circular aperture for this case exactly half that of a closed-ring. no have The linear sides made contribution to the radiation in the normal for this mode. the TM21 direction The computed results indicate also mode produce more power than the TM11 mode the case considered, where the TM31, duce nulls in the normal direction. is that for TM51 ... modes pro- / E o W W/R 1. Eo V/m h = 1. CM = 2/3 = .159 cm er = 2.32 TM11 TM21 TM31 W W/R cr .159 cm / = 2.32 R/ A = Eplane 1 cm / H plane 1 .55 ...- -90.00 , V/m/ = 1. = 1. = 2/3 -70.00 ....- -... -20 -50.00 -36.00 -10.00 16.00 30.00 56.00 76.60 9 Fig. 4.8 Radiation Patterns for the Half-Ring Antenna for TM11, TM21 and TM31 Modes (a) E-Plane (b) H-Plane Fig. 4.9 Radiation patterns for the Half-Ring Antenna Excited in TM12 Mode 76 4.4.3 Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna effect of the gap fields on the The terns of an ideal gap open-ring antenna was not in the previous chapter. direction of included The power radiated in the normal is decreased for the TM 11 mode when the the gap fields is included in the example, for the pat- radiation effect computations. case considered here the For decrease is approximately 11.27 dB as shown in Figure 4.10. For the Hplane pattern the beam remains in the broadside and shifts angle em slightly for E-plane pattern. tion gap open-disk antenna (Fig. ideal for closed-rings (Chew 1982). numerical of 4.11a. wider bandwidth for the limiting case a This the of 4.11b) as is the Table 4.4 the annular width on the shift case indicates results of this behavior along with the changing de- R(0) whereas the radia- patterns increment as shown in Figure implies shifting The and the difference between R(em) and crease with increase in annular width, direction in the effect resonant frequency of such antennas. addition, In for some typical the results for the radiation patterns axial and radial modes Figures 4.12 and 4.13, respectively. are shown The linear aperture fields produce modes, but they affect the patterns of the odd ones. no in effect on the patterns of the the TM 11 mode the pattern is declined as indicated and raised (by 6.04 dB for the case considered) even For above in the Excluding gap fields 2 E-plane H-plane E0 = 1. V/m W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm Er co 3 = 2.32 ao R/X = .35/a 6 10 90.00 70.00 I 50.00 o i 30.00 s Including gap fields 20 I 10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 0 Fig. 4.10 Gap Effect on the Radiation Patterns of an Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode 90.00 78 V/m cm cm E0 = 1. W1 = 1. W2 = .5 W3 = .1 R = 1.5 h = .159 Er = 2.32 E-plane H-plane cm cm cm R/A = .35/a _20 -Nate -70.N e lo:ot 70.tit 30.o0 SLOD (a) Eo \ = 1. V/m cm W = 2.8 W/R = 1.867 h = .159 cm/ Er = 2.32 // \ / \ / E-plane H-plane R/X = .35/a -MN ,-90.1110 -MN (b) Fig. 4.11 Radiation Patterns for the Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode (a) for Different Widths (b) for the Limiting Case as 'a' becomes small 79 Eo W W/R h er = 1. = 1. = 2/3 .159 = V/m TM31 cm E-plane H-plane cm = 2.32 .35n a R/ X -2 _4 \ TM 2 1 -6 -10 TM, 20 -90-00 -70.00 -50.00 -30.00 -10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00 0 Radiation Patterns for the Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna for TM11, TM21 and TM31 Modes Fig. 4.12 E-plane E-Plane V/m E0 = 1. cm = 1. W W/R = 2/3 = h .159 cm E r. = 2.32 -2 R/ X = .535 1 _Including gap fields -3 Excluding gap fields -90.00 -70.00 10.00 -10.00 e Fig. 4.13 Gap Effect on the Radiation Patterns of an Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna Excited in TM12 Mode 80 b a Case (cm) Limited 8m R(em) -R(0) (deg.) (dB) fr (GHZ) .10 2.90 1.08 0 W1 1.00 2.00 1.11 30 .559 W2 1.25 1.75 1.13 32 .809 W3 1.45 1.55 1.18 34 1.041 0 Table 4.4 Effect of Changing the Annular Width on the Radiation Behavior of an Ideal Gap Open-Ring Antenna direction for the TM31 mode as compared to normal 3.3 or as in Eqs. (3.32) and (4.16). Figure The effect of gap fields on the radiation pattern of the TM12 mode, however, is negligible. In the case of considered parameters, H-plane pattern is unaffected, width is slightly increased. the the beam- whereas the E-plane Therefore, the TM12 mode of open-ring structure is a potentially useful mode com- pared to that of a closed-ring structure as demonstrated in Chapter 3. 4.4.4 General Annular Sector Antenna radiation patterns for a large number of The antennas, angle, the same annular width different and are computed for various modes of excitation. results the having sector peak are shown in Figure 4.14 for the TM11 mode decreases with increase in sector where angle. results for other gap angle antennas are shown in The The Figures a = 30/ / / / Eo W W/R h er b / = = = = = 1. 1. V/m / cm 2/3 .159 cm 2.32 E-plane H-plane - / 0 ... / c4 / 60 '1- / R/A = .35/a / / / / / / / .- \ / \ N --* -90.00 -70.00 -50.00 -30.00 -10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 Fig. 4.14 Radiation Patterns for Annular Sector Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode for Different Sector Angle 90.00 82 4.15 and 4.16. radiation They all exhibit a behavior similar to that of the other cases discussed earlier. The an in- sector angle and is maximum for the ideal gap power radiated crease in for the TM12 mode increases with structure when the sector angle is equivalent to 211. These cases results are tabulated in Table 4.5 for some typical and compared to a closed-ring for which R(0) of the mode TM11 is found to be 19.39 dB below that of the TM12 mode. TM11 Mode Tm12 Mode Sector Angle Structure (deg.) Closed-Ring R(0) fr (GHZ) (dB) 2.22 fr (GHZ) 0 11.0 R(0) (dB) 0 Annular Sector 60 6.65 - .22 13.5 -30.79 Quarter-Ring 90 4.43 - 1.64 11.9 -21.54 Annular Sector 120 3.32 - 3.05 11.4 -15.68 Half-Ring 180 2.22 - 6.02 11.0 - 6.02 Three-Quarter Ring 270 1.48 -11.08 10.8 7.46 Ideal Gap Open-Ring 360 1.11 -17.47 10.7 33.95 Table 4.5 Relative Broadside Radiation and Resonant Frequency Compared to a Closed Ring for Different Structures for TM11 and TM12 Modes 83 E0 W W/R h er = 1. = 1. = 2/3 = .159 = 2.32 V/m cm E-plane H-plane / a=45° cm R/A = .35/a 1114-0C .070.00 lz.oc 30.0; 7:.0C 3;.IN e (a) / / E0 = 1. V/m W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm Er = 2.32 E-plane H-plane a=85° / R/A = .35/a / / \ m \ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ 51140 70.00 90.80 (b) Fig. 4.15 Radiation Patterns for Annular Sector Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode (a) a=45° (b) a =85° (c) a=135° (d) a=170° (e) a=210° (f) a=225° (g) a=315° (h) a=355° 84 h V/m = 1. cm = 1. = 2/3 .159 cm = er = 2.32 E0 W W/R E-plane H plane 0=135° R/A = .35/a 2 / / / / / 3 / / .410.00 -70.DC .-1504/1) 30. SRN *-10.19 30.00 e 50.E 70410 90410 (c) /' = 1. V/m cm = 1. W W/R = 2/3 .159 cm h = er = 2.32 E0 E-plane H-plane a=170° -2 R/A = .35/a / / 4 6 10 .1110.0C - 3041C e (d) Fig. 4.15 (continued) 1GAC 3:4; MCC 70.0C 90.00 85 E0 = 1. h = cr = 2.32 E-plane H-plane V/m W = 1. W/R = 2/3 Cm .159 cm / R/A = .35/a / / 6 8lam / -1110.00 .430.00 -711.00 -30.00 .40.00 30.00 70.00 50.30 00.00 (e) / / / E0 \ / V/m = 1. = 1. -1 / W cm W/R = 2/3 h = .159 cm er = 2.32 / / / \ \ co \ ..... 1:4 / / \ ,- 2 / / \ . / RiX = .35/a \\ m rci / / E-plane H-plane \ \ / _,-.5 / // . \ \ _4 \ / 6 .410.00 -70.00 Fig. 4.15 -30.00 (continued) -10.00 10.00 (f) 30.00 50.00 70.00 30.00 86. E0 V/m = 1. W = 1. W/R = 2/3 h / R/A = a=315° \ = .159 cm = 2.32 er E-plane H-plane \ cm / .35/a 2 0 3 4 -5 6 9C-00 7t.00 sc.00 UAL 7C.CIC (g) E0 = 1. V/m W = 1. cm W/R = 2/3 .159 cm e = 2.32 r R/A 1 E-plane H-plane a=355° -2 .35/a 6 10 70.SC 70AP0 (h) Fig. 4.15 Radiation Patterns for Annular Sector Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode (continued) (a) a=45° (b) a=85° (c) a=135° (d) a=170° (e) a=210° a=225° (g) a=315° (h) a=355° 87 E0 = 1. E-plane H-plane W = 1. W/R = 2/3 h = .159 er = 2.32 R/x = .675 (a) E0 W W/R h er = = = = = 1. 1. E-plane H-plane V/m cm 2/3 .159 cm 2.32 R/A = .57 (b) Fig. 4.16 Radiation Patterns for Annular Sector Antenna Excited in TM.1.) Mode (a) a=60° (67 a=120° 88 Concluding Remarks 4.5 In this chapter, to evaluate the analytical and numerical techniques radiation fields of an annular sector microstrip antenna having an arbitrary gap angle, has been The techniques are then used to compute formulated. radiation characteristics of various structures and it is shown that some of these antennas can be efficient ting angles the elements. (e.g. This includes the sectors with < 90°) excited in TMil mode and open-ring structure excited in Tm12 mode. mentioned that radiasmall gap ideal It should from a practical point of view the be ideal gap structures can be physically realized with a gap angle of approximately 5° (Wolff and Tripathi, sults strate 1984). presented in this chapter for various cases The redemon- that such structures can join the family of patch antennas with useful radiation characteristics. other 89 CHAPTER 5 THE RADIATION CHARACTERISTICS OF A CLOSED-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA A considerable amount of work has been done in recent years on the resonant behavior and the radiation teristics of closed-ring microstrip structures (Wolff and Knoppik 1971; al. 1984; radiation of Wu and Rosenbaum 1973; Dahele 1980; Khilla The fields have been evaluated by utilizing a host (Mink 1984; Khilla 1984; ranging from the use of 1980; a simple Bahal and Bahartia 1980; 1984) to the use of the cavity Das et spectral use of the method of the expansion (Chew 1982). teristics matched al. domain in Fourier-Hankel transform domain (Ali et and cavity 1984; al. 1985). model technique Richards et and Lee 1982; Bahl et Mink 1980; Bhattacharyya and Gary techniques 1982) charac- al. asymptotic A study on the radiation an annular array of elements based characon the model has also been reported by Bhattacharyya and of Gary (1985). this chapter, In the radiation characteristics of a closed-ring microstrip antenna expressions for power, presented. General the antenna properties such as radiated total energy stored, rectivity are are radiation resistance and di- derived by using the expressions radiation fields presented in Chapter 3. for the These are accom- 90 plished and by Gauss' utilizing the properties of both hypergeometric Euler's transformation. functions and by cylindrical using The expressions are formulated in terms of the antenna parameters and used to develop radiation characteristics. efficiency, results bandwidth, for the other This includes input impedance, losses and Q-factors. Numerical typical structures excited in TM11 and TM12 modes are presented. 5.1 Review of the Radiation Fields closed-ring The model are scalar microstrip antenna and shown in Figure (5.1). cavity its The solution of Helmholtz wave equation for its electric field the in Ring Conductor Ground Plane Magnetic Wall Fig. 5.1 the The Closed-Ring Microstrip Antenna and its Equivalent Cavity Model cylindrical coordinate system which satisfies magnetic wall boundary conditions was given in Table The spherical components of the radiation field of the 2.1. the 91 closed-ring by given antenna Eq. were reviewed in Chapter 3 These expressions 3.22. are and are reproduced below: Ee =-Ce cos of [K1B1(aae)-K2B1(aie)] E (5.1a) = Ce n cose sin of EK1B2(aae)-K2B2(aie)] (5.1b) and Ce = jnhk0E0 e jk,r r /, K1 = rae An(rae) K2 = rie An(rie) An(x) = J (knmx)-Cgn(knmx) aae = kd rae sine B1(x) = Jn_1(x) - Cl Jn(knmrie) Yn(knmrie) aie = 1(0 rie sine ; J.,(x) nJn(x) ; B2(x) where rae and rie are defined by Eq. (3.1) and the dummy variable x refers to rae, rie, aae or ale. The radiation characteristics of closed-ring can be derived by using the above expressions basic structures and are presented in the following sections. 5.2 Formulation of the Problems, Methods of Solutions and Results A microstrip antenna can be characterized in terms of its radiation pattern, radiation resistance, and gain. losses, Q-factor, input impedance, bandwidth, efficiency, directivity The radiation pattern and the input impedance 92 are of the basic antenna properties from two which the other characteristics can be calculated once conductor and dielectric losses are known. The radiation properties are dependent on the amplitudes at the walls of the cavity field We model. can either normalize the electric field amplitude at a convenient location to 1 V/m or use field amplitudes that normalize the total energy stored in the cavity. say, finding E0 in Eq. (5.1)makes the total energy stored That is to equal to 1 (joule) for a given mode. To link the antenna characteristics with the energy stored (WT), by the antenna. we have to utilize the power absorbed This includes the power radiated into the far field, and dielectric medium and the power loss associated the power dissipated in the conducting the generation of substrate surface waves. be 1981) with small loss tangent. walls with The latter can negligible for thin dielectric substrate Mink total (Carver The absorbed and power and the corresponding total antenna Q-factor are given by PT = Pr + Pc + Pd 1 = QT 1 + Qr 1 Qc + (5.2) 1 (5.3) Qd where subscripts r, c, and d refer to radiation, conductor and dielectric, respectively. The main link that relates the terms of Eq. (5.3) to that of (5.2) is WT. tion (James et al. 1981), we have By defini- 93 WT Qx = 2wfr Px (5.4) with the subscript r, The c d, or T takes the place of x. are Q-factors due to conductor and dielectric losses independent of the field distribution underneath the patch as shown in (James et __ al., mination 1981). Therefore, the deter- of WT and Pr are of great concern other terms can be evaluated. determined, the In fact, when WT and Pr are other radiation the whereby, characteristics stated above can be deduced in a straight forward manner, as will be outlined in the following sections. Total Energy Stored 5.2.1 sum of the time average electric (We) and magne- The (Wm) energies stored within the antenna at tic resonance is constant and equal to WT = We + Wm = At 4 f V (Eli12 resonance, WT where 1 = u 2) dv We is equal to Wm and reduces Eq. eh f s 1E z 12 ds (5.5) (5.5) to (5.6) the surface of integration S is the planar area the patch. i.e. of 94 1 Wm = 2 ae jn(knmp) ehnEo 2 JA(kniurie) (5.7) pdp YA(knmrie)Yn(knmP) rie This integral can be solved using the identity (Erdelyi et al. 1953) 2 2Zp (ax )Bp (ax )-Zp+i ( ax)Bp...1 ( ax)- xZp ( ax ) Bp ( ax )dx=21- -Zp_i ( ax)Ep+1 ( (5.8) x)j where Zp(ax) and Bp(ax) are any Bessel function of the first or second kind and of order p. After some manipula- tions, closed form expression defines at resonance WT as a function of the antenna geometry is attained. 2 2 2 2 This is WT = C2 [rae(An(rae)-An4.1(rae)An_1(rae))(5.9) rie(An(rie )-An+1 (rie)An_1(rie))] where C2 = EhirE02/4, with Eq. using (5.1). c = cocre(fr) and An(x) is defined Notice that the determination of WT by the magnetic fields also leads to the same result with different analytical form. 5.2.2 Radiated Power, Losses and Q-Factor Radiated Power and Qr-Factor A. The total power radiated into the far field can be determined by solving the surface integral of the Pointing vector over a closed spherical surface. diated is given by, The power ra- 95 P = r 1 1 R 2 2 e x il*) (E ds' S w 2ff f r (E012) r2 sine do de klE1312 4no This is because 110 = Eo/no , (5.10) He =-Es/no and the factor 1/2 is due to the radiation of the power through the upper Making use of Eq. half space only. (5.1) reduces Eq. (5.10) to 2 2 h kowE Pr = "o 2 a [ ° 2 K1 (Bi(aae)+n2 82(aae)cos ) sine de + 0 w 2 ( K2 J 2 (Bi(aie)+n28 22(aie)cos2e) sine de 0 2K1K2 (Bi(aae)B1(aie)+ 0 ]+n2B2(aae)B ( ie)cos20) sine de (5.11) The solution for these integrals can be attained by expanding each one in the form of a converging series in terms of Gauss' hypergeometric function. tity (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik 1980) Using the iden- 96 n F(- q,- m- q;n +l;b2 /a2) Jm(ax)Jn(bx)= where n1 F(a,0;y;z), (m+q)! q=0 (5.12a) the Gauss' hypergeometric function is given by aB F = 1 + z + a(a+1)8(0+1) y(y+1)2 z2 a(a+1)(a+2)8(B+1)(0+2) y(y+1)(y+2)31 3 z + along with the identity (James et al. 1981) Jw/2 22q(q1)2 sin2q1-10 de = 0 (2q+1)1 (5.12b) it can be shown that 2 2 2 h k En P Pr = 240 2 Lr K1/1 2 K2/2 - 2K1K213] with = (_1)q u2n-2+2q 1 (2n -2 +q)! ql (2n-1+2q) 2 q =0 (_1)q u2n-2+2q -n21 (2n+q)1 q1 (2n+1+2q) q=0 co 1 2 q=0 (_1)cl u2n+2+2q (2n+2+q)1 ql (2n+3+2q) (5.13) 97 vn-' 13 = 2 (n-1)1 w 2 1 q=0 , q =0 vn+1 2 (n+1)1 , ql (2n+1+2q)! (n -1)! 1 , 2 2 / 04 2a4(n+q)I F(-q,-n-q;n+1;rie/rae) k-li vn-1 -n + 2 cl (-1)u2q(n-l+q)1 F(-q,-n+l-q;n;rie/rae) ql (2n-1+2q)1 2 , q=0 (-1) u 2 cl(n+1+q)! F(-q,-n-l-q;n+2;rie q! (2n+3+2q)! 2 ae) 2 where u ko rae, v = ko rae rie and the expression for 12 is the same as that for I1 if rae is replaced by rie. Eq. (5.13) in terms of the antenna parameters and the mode number, represents the general solution for the power radiated by the antenna. excitation. simplify the There It is valid for all the modes of are two methods which can be used above equation because of the to alternating series nature of I1, 12 and 13. a. Expansion Method After some manipulations for TMnm modes for the three terms 13, of the Gauss' hypergeometric functions defined with it is seen that all of these functions are equal to 1 for q=0 and 1+(rie/rae)2 for q=1. written in a matrix form as follows: For q=2, they can be 98 TMim Tm3m TM2m F1 F2 F1 F3 F2 F1 F3 F2 F1 = F2 L- F3 1 4 1 1 3 1 (r1e/rae)2 (5.14) 1 8/3 1 (rie/rae)4 1 5/2 1 1 12/3 1 1 1 1 %MEM where the subscripts 1, which and 3 stand for the order the F functions are presented in 13 elements hand The formula. of the second column of the first matrix in (right side) have magnitude equal to 2(1+1)/i where i takes values of n,n+1 and n+2, the noted that negligible the values of I 1, for 1 2 and I 3 for q This simplifies Eq. > 3 are which (5.13) for its in the determination of the radiated power for modes. also It is respectively. a class of structure and modes for the argument is < 1. use 2, these the radiated power in the form of a For example, series for n=1 is found to be: 2 2 2 h koE0 P = r 960 2 4 8 Ki[ 3 2 4 K2[3 4 (korae) 2 + 15 11 10 (k r ae)4...] + 8 Ts. (k o rl e)2 105 (k0 rl. e )4 4 -2K1K2[7 - rs_((korae)2+(korie)-9 ) 16 2 7u((korae + 7_(koraerie)2 + (korie)4)...] (5.15) 99 This equation circular power can be case of and 1981), For other values of is found to be the same. radiated the where K2=0 (James et al. disk result checked for the available is obtianed by utilizing a the n, Eq. (5.14). Direct Transformation Method b. derived The converges This given power series as by Eq. (5.13) (absolutely) for all values of u (Appendix implies that its radius of convergence is B). finite. Euler's transformation is the most convenient method which applied directly to such an be can Each alternating series. series in u2 can be transformed into another one in the variable u2 (5.16) = E 1+u 2 as outlined in Appendix B. For example, the series Il for the TMlm modes is found equal to: - E 1 1 1- T 2 which 1 + 149 1680 547 1 (5.17) 4--)+1126 240 787- 18144(2 is valid for any value of u. obtained For u=1, using the 11=.231106 previous compared to method. Following the same procedure for 12 and 13, .2261905 by radiated power for such modes is found to be: the 100 h2 22 1 Pr= 24(3 ° K1 { u 2 2 149 2 1 1 c +K2 149 2 1 ( (7+5"1680C ...)+11 547 1 1 c+ + 181440 240 280 2 547 1 1 ...) + 2 1814401) 2(3 +3t4-1680 ui 1 1 [C. 2 -2K1K2 --(---(19-4z)+ 2 3 60 2 +u E( 1 1680 (342-199z+6z2)0- 1 + 208 1 240 3360 (13-z)C+ 120960 (433- 3 z+z-0 )t--1 (5.18) 2 2 2 2 wherell.=,/u,C-7zuill+u.and z = rie/rae The first term of each series is the effective one for u < 1 whereas the second term is the most effective for u > For u = 1. 1 all of the terms must be considered for better accuracy. Similarly, the radiated power for the TM2m modes can be obtained and is given by 2 2 2 =h koE0 K2[1:(14 4r4. 2483r2 r 240 )4. u4 1241 2 /14.1 1 5-'2V71-18144' .." 12608-7t.126/2 2 1 /1 4 ui 2483 2 4 1 c ...I + 1241 2 1 +-v2 5Cie21ti+18144t ..") 1-1260Ci(e71 1-12672i...) -2K 1 K 2 5 1 28579 1 0(1+42(37-5z)t+42504(32677" v2 + 504 17 (1+ 1z+z + 1 (205- -71(17-z)777 3 2jN z+197z 2)t 2 2 ..)) 18 (5.19) where u, ui, c, ci, v and z are defined earlier. + 101 results for the radiated power as a function The of some typical microstrip parameters of a closed-ring antenna excited in the TM11 mode, and are shown in Figures (5.2) In the former figure the mean radius of (5.3). the patch is kept fixed, and the inner and outer radii changed whereas, in the second one, the b/a ratio is kept constant and that The results are computed assuming fr changed. E0-1 V/m and are found to be in agreement with similar results for microstrip other radiated antenna. We note also power increases with increase in the that annular width region especially at where the increase is more significant. mode, the radiated power of an antenna having a = 1 cm, b the lower frequencies of microwave For TM 12 the = 2 cm and Er = 2.32 is found to be equal to .09326 x watts h = 10 mils and 2.0063 x 10-8 watts for h for 10-8 = 60 mils. The now Qr-factor associated with the radiation term can be determined in a straight forward manner using Eq. (5.4), i.e. = 2fffr WT Pr where WT and Pr are given by Eqs. pectively. (5.20) (5.9) and (5.13), res- Qr is in contrast to Pr where it is inversely proportional to h and fr. 102 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 h, mils Fig. 5.2 Radiated Power vs h for Different Widths and Cr for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TMil Mode 103 7 10, V/m E o = 1. er = 2.32 h = 160 mils h = 80 mils 108 4-1 3 ---- - a 3._ _ - - - 9 - L5_ 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 f, GHZ Fig. 5.3 Radiated Power vs Frequency for Different Widths and h for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode 14 104 The factor total power absorbed by the antenna and the be determined now can taking into QTthe account conductor and dielectric losses. The corresponding Qc and Qd-factors are usually constant, independent of the patch shape can be obtained from different and Carver and Mink 1981). reproduce However, it is sources (e.g. interesting their simple derivations to complete this to part of the study. Conductor Loss and Qc-Factor B. conductor The currents from Pc = 2 2a j are obtained at It is given by lal2 ds , with J = an x H (5.21) is the magnitude of the current density on 1JI electric surface the tangential components of the magnetic field the surface. model in the microstrips which flowing the where loss is determined from surfaces wall and R 9, (top and bottom) of the conductor surface the resistivity the cavity as a function of the conductivity a is given by R Making rf ( use r 1/2 (5.22) ) of Eq. (5.5) and substituting (5.22) into (5.21) reduces it to Pc = 2 1/2 WT nf ( 11 a (5.23) 105 The quality factor Qc associated with the conductor loss can be determined using Eq. (5.4), i.e. Qc = h (wfrpa)1/2 (5.24) It is dependent on the resonant frequency and independent of the antenna geometry. The term of ( wfrua)1/2 is also the inverse of the skin depth associated with the conduc- tor. C. Dielectric Loss and Qd-Factor knowledge The dielectric loss is determined from the of electric field underneath the patch. Pd = 2wfr tans 2 elEzI J 2 It is given by dv (5.25) V or simply Pd = 2wfr tans WT where tans, for most (5.26) the loss tangent is typically less than substrates used in microstrip antenna .001 designs (Carver and Mink, 1981). The quality factor Qd associated with the dielectric loss can be written by using Eq. (5.4), i.e. Qd = 1 /tans It (5.27) is independent of the antenna geometry and is equal to the reciprocal of the loss tangent. 106 the total power absorbed by the antenna can Now, determined as the sum of Eqs. (5.13), be (5.23) and (5.26), i.e. = p P T whereas + o-l%--wfr)1/2 r u WT + 2wfr tants WT total antenna Q-factor which the (5.28) a specifies its frequency selectivity can be written as 1 P 1 r QT = [ 2wfr WT hOrfr401/2 where WT and Pr are given by Eqs. + tandri (5.29) (5.9) and (5.13), res- pectively. The antenna results for typical parameters of a excited in in Figures The variation of Q-factors as a function (5.4) and (5.5). of the TM 11 mode are shown closed-ring substrate thickness for different annular widths are illustrated in the former figure and for different dielectric constants in the second figure. assuming that tand = .0005 and the microstrip tion is copper. computed They are metalliza- The results are similar to those obtained for rectangular and circular microstrip antennas (Bahl and Bhartia 1980; Carver and Mink 1981). Resonance and Input Impedance 5.2.3 At resonance, can be antenna. the input impedance is nonreactive and determined from the total power absorbed It is defined by Eq. (2.3) as by the 4 10 10 =1. \* \ \ er = 2.32 er = 6.8 er = 9.8 103 QT Qr Qc N Qd \ \ , . \\ \ \ \\. N. I. . `.- , . ""'" 21 z =1. cm =2. cm tand= .0005 a =5.8x107 U/m =4wx10-7 H/m P a b =2.32 tand= .0005 er a p =5.8x107 tg/m =4/rX10-7 H/M ii.11 10 0 50 IOD 200 h, mils 10- 1 . I 150 250 300 250 Fig. 5.4 Q-Factors vs h for Different Widths of a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode 1 0 1111 50 100 I 150 200 250 300 350 h, mils Fig. 5.5 Q-Factor vs h for Different Cr for a Closed- Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode 108 2 V, Ro = (5.30) 2PT where PT is given by Eq. (5.28) and Vo, the resonant mode voltage at the feed point at 4)=0 is given by (k Vo = hEz10=0= hEo [Jn(knm n nm p)] (5.31) 13) The resonant mode voltage which acts between the patch and ground the input impedance at resonance as the for results The the same manner as Ez does (Figure 3.2). in point plane varies as a function of the feed function a of microstrip parameters for the TM11 mode are shown typical in Figure (5.6) for an outer-edge fed element. The input impedance as a function of frequency can be equiva- easily determined by utilizing the antenna simple other parallel tuned RLC circuit as is the case for lent shapes of microstrip patch antennas (Long et Richards et al. 1981; Krowne 1981). 1978; al. The equivalent RLC parameters are determined from the total antenna Q-factor, resonance input impedance and the resonant frequency. the These are: = Ro CI = (5.32) 1 QT 2fff-rRI 1 = (21rfr)201 (f r = f-ff (or LI = 0' '')1/2, QT (LC RI 2fr = R1( --) 1/2 ) (5.33) L' (5.34) 109 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 h, mils Fig. 5.6 Resonant Input Impedance vs h for Different Widths and r for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM 11 Mode, Outer-Edge Fed Point 110 They can also be obtained by representing the antenna as a lumped In such a case, element. the equivalent capaci- tance can be expressed as 2WM C' = (5.35) 2 Vo This leads to the same results, by Eqs. dance (5.9) and (5.31), where WT and Vo are given respectively. The input impe- as a function of frequency can now be expressed in terms of these parameters as follows: Z. 1 = Re + j Im = 1 1 -1 (5.36) + jwC' + jwL and this leads to the following well known identity Zi = Ro [1 + j QT(, 1r where fr Ni-1 --/J (5.37) f QT and Ro are given by (5.29) and (5.30), respec- tively. The results for the input impedance versus frequency for typical parameters of a closed-ring antenna excited in the TM11 are illustrated in Figures (5.7) and (5.8). former figure shows the input impedance for The different substrate thickness for an outer and inner-edge feed point The second figure shows the input impedance for dielectric constants. that a = lcm, different The results are computed assuming b = 2cm with tans = .0005 and copper is the conductor material. They indicate the effect of changing the substrate thickness on the shift in resonant frequency 111 911/6.100 Outer fed Inner fed 700.00 500.00 - = 1. = 2. a b 31111.00 r 0 .,-p cm cm = 2.32 1110.00 -100.011 N -300.0.7 -500.00 -7110.011 - 7100.00 - f, GHZ (a) 1700.00 /000.00 Outer fed Inner fed - 000.0)) GM00 400.1111 cm = 1. cm b = 2. Er = 2.32 a J. 200.110 23. 11+0 2i5 .00 23 N -200.00 .1. -100.00 -(700.00 -000.00 -1000.00 -1700.00 - f, GHZ (b) Fig. 5.7 Input Impedance vs Frequency for Different h for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode (b) h = 80 mils (a) h = 160 mils 900.00 - 700.00 II II 11 500.00 - I Re 300.00 III II 40 'r+ / Ill 100.00 er = 2.32 = 9.8 r 1. cm a = 2. cm b = h = 160. mils e 2.5 -100.00 I' -300.00 1, Im I I -500-00 - II II II -700.00 - II II -900.00 f, GHZ Fig. 5.8 Input Impedance vs Frequency for Different c for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode, Outer-Edge Fed Point 113 and the reduction in the input impedance as the feed point is moved toward the annular inner circumference. In con- trast to a circular disk (Bahl and Bhartia 1980), we note that real part of the input impedance the decreases by choosing a thicker substrate. 5.2.4 Radiation Resistance radiation resistance can be considered as a spe- The cial case the input impedance at of if one It is de- resonance neglects the conductor and dielectric losses. fined by Eq. (2.9) as V2 2Pr Rr (5.38) The results for the radiation resistance are shown in Figures strip (5.9), (5.10) and (5.11) as a function of micro- geometrical parameters for a closed-ring antenna The excited in the TM11 mode (Sultan and Tripathi, 1985). radiation the outer to the inner-edge. from increase point resistance decreases as we move the feed in frequency It decreases with as is the case of a an rectangular patch. For radiation and 34.1 the TM 12 mode, the calculated values of the resistance is equal to 11.5 0 for an outer feed for an inner feed closed-ring antenna having a = 1 cm, b = 2 cm, h = 60 mils and Cr = 2.32. 114 = 2.32 r Er = 6.8 = 9.8 e 0 E 0 1:4 10- 102 1 0 50 1 1 100 1 1 150 I 1 200 I 1 250 1 1 300 t 350 h, mils Radiation Resistance vs h for Different Widths Fig. 5.9 and er for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TMil Mode, Outer-Edge Fed Point 115 E 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 h, mils Fig. 5.10 Radiation Resistance vs h for Different Cr for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode, Inner-Edge Fed Point 4 10 er = 2.32 h = 160 mils h = 80 mils E 0 3 I0 2 10 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 f, GHZ Fig. 5.11 Radiation Resistance vs Frequency for Different b/a ratios and h for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode, Outer-Edge Fed Point 116 5.2.5 Bandwidth The bandwidth expressed (half power or -3dB can width) be the in terms of the total antenna Q-factor and resonant frequency as follows: B.W = fr (5.39) QT This usual expression is not extremely because useful there is an impedance matching network between the antenna feed point and its radiating element which must be into consideration. from VSWR 1979; The determination of the bandwidth measurements is commonly used (Derneryd Derneryd and Link 1979; James et al. taken 1978; 1981; Carver and Mink 1981) because this ratio represents the critical parameter which limits the antenna performance. This can be obtained from the input impedance in the region to the resonant frequency. close Substituting f = fr + of into Eq. (5.37) reduces it to Zi = Ro [1 + j2 QT A f -1 (5.40) fr the reflection coefficient can be obtained At resonance, by matching the antenna to the feed line, and it can be expressed as follows: r = Zi-Rn zi+Ro = jQTAf/fr 1+jQTAf/fr (5.41) 117 reflection The coefficient can now be used to percen- the standard expression of the the VSWR whereby, bandwidth (Eq. tage determine 2.2) in terms of QT can be obtained, i.e. 100(S-1) B.W = (5.42) QT(s)1/2 expression represents the bandwidth as the This frequencies value, The i.e. where the band input VSWR is less than given a VSWR < S. results substrate for the bandwidth versus the thickness for typical parameters of a closed-ring antenna excited in the TM11 mode are shown in Figure (5.12). are computed assuming that S = 3 with tans = copper as the conductor material. results for lower value of dielectric constant. results indicate annular width. the increase of B.W The and They conform to similar microstrip antennas and other They .0005 confirm increase of B.W by choosing a thicker substrate and a of the using In addition, with increase results are also in agreement those obtained by Chew (1982) whose analysis was based the method of matched asymptotic expansion. the in with on 118 102 Er = 2.32 er = 9.8 = 3. tans = .0005 S U/m = 5.8x107 413(10-7 H/m = a 10 J 1 0 I 50 1 I 100 1 I I 1 150 200 i 1 250 I 1 300 350 h, mils and er Fig. 5.12 Bandwidth vs h for Different Widths Mode for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TMil 119 Efficiency, Directivity and Gain 5.2.6 Efficiency A. As indicated in Chapter 2, the antenna efficiency can be obtained from the ratio between the radiated power the total power absorbed by the antenna. Making use and of Eq. (5.4), the antenna efficiency can also be expressed in terms of Q-factors, i.e. n = Pr = QT PT The (5.43) Qr results for the antenna loss (Antenna Loss = log(1/71) dB) versus the substrate thickness for a closed- ring antenna excited in the TM11 mode are shown in (5.13) 10 for different dielectric constants and Figure different annular widths. Directivity B. The directivity is defined by Eq. (2.5) as "the ratio of the maximum power intensity in the main beam average radiated power intensity." to the For the TMim mode the directivity can be written as 1 D Tr where Re(1E012+1Et12)10=0 5.44) Pr/4wr2 the numerator represents the radiation peak in normal direction and can be obtained from Eq. no = 120r. the (3.30), and Thus, the directivity can be written as O 1-3 rt 0 Up O O 1\.) r"fx) /// / 1/11/// / //7/7/// / /7/7-7/ ,:' --- - i Ill, ////" 4/// ,.... '67,6 ./ (*) I I I II N II 1-1 CO CO (0 1.0 II mmm I I O O ,. ...." . / / // y (D In 0 01 _ v ,, //. I 0 CA < cn (1) 0 a (D 0 u, 0 1- m rt. U0 (D a (1) 0 rt ti 0 1-h LP O Antenna loss, dB 121 h 1 D = 2 ko2 E02 240 (Ki-K2)2 (5.45) Pr where K1 and K2 are defined with Eq. (5.1) and Pr which is given by Eq. (5.13). (5.45) Eq. Substituting Pr into indicates that the directivity is independent of substrate thickness, but indeed, This it varies slowly with it. little variation fields on the antenna dimensions and the resulting reson- is due to the effect of fringing the ant frequency. The results for the directivity (DdB = 10 Log D) verthe substrate thickness for a typical parameter of sus closed-ring antenna excited in the TM11 mode are shown 2 cm, = er = 2.32 and excited in the TM12 calculated in For a closed-ring antenna having a = 1 cm, Figure (5.14). b a the mode, values of the directivity is equal to 8.55 dB for h = 10 mils and 8.36 dB for h = 60 mils. Gain C. ciency effi- gain of an antenna takes into account its The its directional capabilities as given by and Eq. (2.6). For the TMlin modes, this is given as 2 G = Eq. ko2 E02 240 where PT, by h 1 (Ki-K2)2 (5.46) PT is given the total power fed into the antenna, (5.28). directivity Notice that the gain is equal if one neglects the conductor and to the dielectric 8.- W(cm) 1.5; 7.5- 7.- _ -- Er = 2.32 = 9.8 6------ 2 5.5- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 50 h, mils Fig. 5.14 Directivity vs h for Different Widths and Er for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode 100 ISO 200 250 300 350 h, mils Gain vs h for Different Widths and Er for a Closed-Ring Antenna Excited in TM11 Mode Fig. 5.15 123 losses. Typical results for the antenna gain versus sub- strate thickness are shown in Figure (5.15) for the TM11 mode. 5.3 Example The data presented earlier can be helpful in the design purposes of such antennas. For example, for b/a = 3 cm and W = 2 cm, i.e. b = 3 cm and a = 1 cm, together with h = 160 mils and er = 2.32, we can determine the radiation characteristics of this antenna excited in the TM11 mode. Assuming that tand = .0005 and copper is the conductor material of the antenna, the characteristics are found to be: QT = 30, Rr = 410 ohm Qr = 31, Qc = 2900, B.W = 3.9% (for VSWR = 3) Antenna Loss = .11 dB Directivity = 7.76 dB Gain = 7.65 dB Qd = 2000 124 5.4 Concluding Remarks In this chapter, the radiation characteristics of a closed-ring microstrip antenna have been evaluated for the axial modes. radial General closed form expression for as the well total as energy stored has been derived by utilizing the properties of the cylindrical functions. Known closed form expressions for field based on the cavity model (Eq. 3.22) have also its radiation been used derive general expression for the radiated power in a series to form. This has been accomplished by utilizing the properties of the Gauss' hypergeometric functions. By using Euler's transformation it shown that the power series converges for all of the modes of tation. is exci- The expressions have been used to set the relation between efficiency and bandwidth and to formulate the other radiation acteristics. This includes input impedance, losses, Q-factors, directivity and gain. cused on the dominant TM 11 radiation resistance, Much of the data mode, presented in a char- was systematic fo- manner and covered by a host of typical results in a form of graphs. In short, a simple method to calculate all of the radiation characteristics together with typical results in the form of and formulas for closed-ring antennas has been presented. sults should be helpful in the design of such antennas. graphs The re- 125 CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this study was to analyze the radiation behavior of open- and closed-ring microstrip structures including the limit- ing case of an ideal gap open-ring structure. In Chapter 3, the analysis of an ideal was presented based on the cavity model. antenna open-ring gap The cavity model the effect of microstrip curvature, fringing fields and includes dispersion. It is seen that the results for the radiation fields can be expres- sed in terms of the spherical Bessel functions for the odd modes and Bessel functions of integer order for the even modes. solution is of course the same as that for a seen that the field distribution in the cavity The even mode closed-ring. model It is can help us envision the radiation characteristics for various modes. puted results for various modes were presented and it is the TM 12 mode of an open-ring structure is potentially an The com- seen that efficient useful mode for applications as an antenna element. In Chapter 4, the general case of an annular sector microstrip antenna having an arbitrary gap angle was analyzed including the gap fields. The radiation characteristics of various typical cases were computed by utilizing the derived general expression for the tion fields. radia- In addition, closed form expressions for the radiation peak for the modes that produce radiation in the normal direction 126 were derived. The results obtained for various sector angles can be of used to determine the useful axial and radial modes It was shown that the ture. radiation the struc- associated characteristics with some of these modes are similar to other useful patch antennas. terms The sector provides additional degrees of freedom in of its shape, resonant frequency and modification in the radiation pattern due to the relative flexibility in having the radiating apertures at desired locations. In Chapter 5, the special case of then considered in order to analyze its taking into account conductor and antenna was closed-ring a radiation dielectric characteristics, closed The losses. form expressions of its radiation field (the derived expressions the even-modes case of the ideal gap open-ring) have been used This includes a general closed form expression to para- derive the expressions for the useful antenna characteristics meters. of for the total energy stored, and an expression for the radiated power in the form of a converging series which is valid for any mode tion and for any antenna dimensions. An equivalent of In addition, expressions for other radiation teristics such as radiation resistance, bandwidth, rectivity and gain were derived to Numerical results for properties. 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Input APPENDICES 133 Appendix A VECTOR TRANSFORMATIONS 134 This appendix describes the from cylindrical-to-spherical. vector transformations The source points, in this thesis, are represented in cylindrical components and usu- ally, the radiated fields are determined in spherical components. The problem can be resolved by utilizing the vector transformations from rectangular-to-cylindrical and from and rectangular-to-spherical. Referring to Figure A.1 designating primed (p1,01,z1) for the source coordin- ates, unprimed (r,8,0) for the observation coordinates and (x,y,z) for rectangular coordinates, the vector transfor- mations can be given as follows: z X (a) Rectangular (b) Cylindrical (c) Spherical Fig. A.1 The Three Different Coordinate Systems 135 A.1 Rectangular-to-Cylindrical (and Vice-Versa) For any vector T, the transformation from the rectan- gular-to-cylindrical coordinates can be obtained from the matrix [T]rc: T p T , 0 cos0' sin01 0 Tx -sin01 cos,' 0 Ty 1 Tz 0 0 (A.1) Awn. Since [T]rc is an orthonormal matrix (its inverse is equal to its transpose), we can write at once the transformation matrix [TJcr for cylindrical-to-rectangular coordinates as follows: _ Tx cosh' -sin.' Ty sin4' cos.' 0 Tz 0 0 1 Tpl (A.2) T4,u Tz' IWO& where the coordinate systems are related by A.2 x = p' coso' p' = (X4y2)1/2 y = p' sine' CO' = tan-1 y/x z = Z z' = z (A.3) (A.4) Rectangular-to-Spherical (and Vice-Versa) For any vector T, the transformation from the rectangular-to-spherical matrix [T] rs. coordinates can be obtained from the 136 Tr sine cos0 sine sink cose T cose cos$ cose sin0 -sine Ty 0 Tz e cos, -sin, T (A.5) The [T]rs is also an orthonormal matrix so that the transformation matrix [T] sr for spherical-to-rectangular coor- dinates can be written at once as follows: Tx sine cos0 cose cos0 -sin0 Tr Ty sine sin$ cose sin$ cos4 Te Tz -sine cose (A.6) T 0 4) where the coordinate systems are related by x = r sine cos, y = r sine sing) z = r cose (A.7) r = (x2+1,21_z2)1/2 e = cos-1 z/r 0 = tan-1 y/x (A.8) Cylindrical-to-Spherical (and Vice-Versa) A.3 For any vector T, the transformation matrix [T]cs for cylindrical-to-spherical coordinates can be obtained by utilizing (A.2) and (A.5) and can be written as follows: cose Tr sine cos(0-0') sine sin(0-0') T cose cos(0-0') cose sin(0-0') -sine e -sin(0 -0') cos(0 -0') 0 T 1 Too (A.9) Te _ - The [T]cs is also an orthonormal matrix so that the transformation matrix [T] sc for spherical-to-cylindrical coor- dinates can be written at once as follows: 137 IMO T T = sine cos(0-0') case cos(0-0') -sin(0-0') sine sin(0-0') cose sin(0-0') -sine case Tz, cos(0-0') 0 Tr T e (A.10) T (A.9) and (A.10) can be simplified as follows: For 0' = 0, T Tr sine 0 cose T case 0 -sine T0 1 0 Tz, 0 - Tr 1 Te 0 T 01 e TO 0 case sine T 1 I (A.11) p T 0 1 case Tz, 0 -sine (A.12) 4mm where for this case we have It p' = r sine r = (1)14z12)1/2 = T 0 e = tan-1 p' /z' also be noted that (A.11) and (A.12) are should if T z' = r case , (A.13) (A.14) valid otherwise we have to use (A.9) and (A.10). 138 Appendix B POWER RADIATED FROM A CLOSED-RING MICROSTRIP ANTENNA 139 power derived appendix describes the behavior of the This 5.13) on the circle of convergence and series (Eq. its rapidly convergence for any mode of excitation. The three terms of Eq. alternating consist of Each of these series can be (5.13) II, series. 12 and 13 written in the form of f(u) = (-1)q aq u + 2q (B.1) q=0 where * is on a constant function depending mode the Therefore, we have number. a (-1)- aq f(u) = u * (B.2) u2c1 q=0 The convergence nature of such a series has been using the ratio test' and the equivalent of aq as defined in Il, As a 12 or 13 for different modes of excitation. result, of u, examined Eq. (5.13) converges (absolutely) for all values and we say that it converges for lently, we can lul that the radius of say < Equiva- convergence is infinite or the circle of convergence is infinite. 1 If lim f(u = c, then f(u) converges (absolutely) if c < 1 and diverges if c > 1. If C = 1, the tests fail. 140 Let us now consider Euler's transformation (Morse and Feshbach, 1953) and apply it directly to (B.2). Multiply- ing both sides by (1 +u2), one obtains co (l+u2) f(u) = u* (1 +u2) (-1)q aq u2q q=0 CO OD = u* 1 (-1)q aq u2q + u2 1 (-1)q aq (B.3) q=0 q=0 [ Now, we have CO q=0 u4 - a3 u6 + a4 u8 - (-1)q aq u2q = a o - alu2 CO = ao - u2 (-1)q aq+l ,2q 1 (B.4) q=0 Substituting (B.4) into (B.3) leads to 2 (1 +u ) f(u) = u* ao-u 2 (-1)q ag+1 u 2q co +u 2 (-1) q aq u 2] q=0 q=0 OD [= u* -aq+1) u21 ao+u2 1 (-1)q q=0 (B.5) Hence (B.2) can be written as follows: co f(u) = u* a° + 1+u2 [ 1 (-1)q sag q=0 where daq = aq - aq+1 and u2 = 1+u2 (B.6) 141 Applying the procedure to the coefficient of E reduces (B.6) to co f(u) = u* y a° + E 6a° 1+u2 [ 1+u2 (...1)q 62aq u2q (B.7) o (B.8) q=0 where 62aq = 6(6aq) = 6aq - 6aq+1 Continuing on in this way we get u* f(u) = ao 2a 2 6ao 6 1+u2 Y where 6Ya = q ) (-1) x x=0 ) /Ixf aq+x and Y (x ), the binomial coefficients is given by (Y) x Yi (B.9) xi(y-x)1 an alternating series defined by (B.2) is converted Thus, into = power a series which converge rapidly due to the nature of E. To demonstrate the Euler's transformation method, let us consider the following example CO f(u) = 1 (-1)q --q=0 which Eq. represents (5.13). cients 6qao. The 1 (2n-2+q)1 ql (2n-1+2q) u 2n-2+2q (B.10) the first series of I1 as defined aim is usually to compute the For example, for n = 1 we have with coeffi- 142 sa 2a 2 23 7 bU 1 17 299 7 EU 126U 1 29 '2U 630 q a 0 1 1 q q 2 63a q 46 315 1 3 252 Thus, the transformed series of (B.10) for such a case can be written at once in the form of (B.8) as follows: f(u)1 = n=1 can E 4. 23 E2 4. 60 46 E3... (B.11) 315 The transformed series can also be obtained any value of n. (5.13) 1 + 2 1+u where F < 1. for 1 Following the same procedure, be transformed and the results were given Eq. in Chapter 5 for the TMim and TM2m modes. In short, Eq. (5.13) is a converging power series, valid for any mode of excitation.