2014 Annual Graduated Student Survey (GSS) Results Brief: Teaching & Learning Snapshot Office of Accreditation, Assessment and Learning Division of Academic Affairs Office of the Provost Kent State University Survey Administration Survey Administration Timeline Summer – Fall, 2014 Total Survey Participation n = 1,256/4,641 (27%) May - December 2013 Kent Campus Baccalaureates Graduate Characteristics Graduates’ sex, race, ethnicity, and college Respondent Sex Female Male Other Sex Item valid total (n=1256) % 64.3 35.5 .2 100.0 Respondent Race African American or Black American Indian and Alaska Native Asian Identified By Two or More Races Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Other Race White Item valid total (n=1226) % 6.9 .5 2.8 1.2 .2 2.6 85.8 100.0 Respondent Ethnicity Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Item valid total (n=1225) % 3.5 96.5 100.0 Respondent College Architecture & Environmental Design Arts & Sciences Applied Eng., Sustainability & Tech./Tech. Business Administration Arts Communication & Information Education, Health & Human Services Nursing Public Health Item valid total (n=981) % 3.7 28.2 3.6 12.9 7.1 10.5 20.2 10.5 3.3 100.0 Teaching & Learning Findings Graduates’ Satisfaction with Teaching and Faculty in Academic Majors Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of teaching in their major (n=1175) Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with the accessibility of faculty in their major (n=1196) Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with faculty concern for their academic development (n=1119) Office of Accreditation, Assessment and Learning | Division of Academic Affairs | Office of the Provost | Kent State University 2014 GSS Results Brief: Teaching & Learning Snapshot Graduates’ Satisfaction with Skills Developed in Academic Majors Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with writing skills developed by courses in their major (n=1118) Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with critical thinking/ problem solving skills developed by courses in their major (n=1161) Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with verbal communication skills developed by courses in their major (n=1165) Percent of graduates satisfied or very satisfied with the ability to work effectively with others developed by courses in their major (n=1174) Kent State Contributions to Graduates’ Knowledge, Skills, and Personal Development Percent of graduates whose Kent State University experience was somewhat helpful or very helpful in contributing to their knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas: Thinking Speaking Writing critically and clearly and clearly and analytically effectively effectively (n=1164) (n=1135) (n=1131) Reading for content and analysis (n=1133) Analyzing quantitative problems (n=1037) Appreciating great works of art, music, and drama (n=866) Awareness of ethical implications of their own and others’ actions (n=1062) Applying scientific knowledge and skills (n=1011) Developing creativity (n=1022) Acquiring a broad general education (n=1133) Awareness of global issues and events (n=990) Appreciating cultures or groups other than their own (n=1070) Developing information research skills (n=1144) Developing leadership skills (n=1057) Learning effectively on your own (n=1165) Office of Accreditation, Assessment and Learning | 2