Chemistry Department Colloquium: Spring, 2012 Friday, May 11; 3:30 Seminar Hall (room 1315 Chemistry) The Application of Physical Organic Methods to the Investigation of Organometallic Reaction Mechanisms Robert G. Bergman Professor of Chemistry, UC-Berkeley The modern era of organotransition metal chemistry arguably began with the synthesis and characterization of ferrocene in the early 1950s. For the following twenty years, the field grew substantially in both industrial and academic laboratories. While industry efforts relied on a trial-and-error approach to develop and improve catalysts, academic investigators focused on the structural characterization of new organotransition metal complexes and descriptive studies of their reactions. Although many unusual transformations were discovered during this period, the mechanisms of most of these reactions were poorly understood. In the late 1960s and 1970s, a few investigators began to address this dearth of mechanistic understanding. Inorganic chemists who were experts in kinetic investigations afforded one avenue towards gaining insights into these organometallic reactions. Yet another path was taken by young chemists trained in the physical organic tradition of people like Paul Bartlett, William Doering, Saul Winstein and Jerome Berson. These groups - including mine at UC Berkeley and Charles Casey’s in this department - began to tackle the problem of both discovering new organometallic chemistry and unraveling the mechanisms of these reactions. During the course of our investigations, we made significant inroads into the discovery and understanding of processes such as alkyne cyclization, nitric oxide migratory insertion and addition of metal nitrosyl complexes to alkenes, organometallic cluster complex formation, alkyne hydroamination, and carbon-hydrogen bond activation. This colloquium will provide a personal overview of this work and a historical perspective of our contributions to mechanistic understanding in organotransition metal chemistry during the past 35 years. Robert Bergman earned his Ph.D. at UW-Madison - in this department - in l966 with Jerome A. Berson. He started his independent career at Caltech, and moved to UC Berkeley in l978. He is now a Gerald E.K. Branch Distinguished Professor. His awards include a Sloan Fellowship, Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, Arthur C. Cope Award, the James Flack Norris Award in Physical Organic Chemistry, and the DoE Lawrence Award in Chemistry. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and AAAS. He was trained as an Organic Chemist and, in the 1970s, broadened his research to include organometallic chemistry and catalysis. He is probably best known for his discovery of ene-diyne to benzene diradical cyclizations and his work on carbon-hydrogen bond activation. Please stay for refreshments at about 4:30 in the Charter Street Atrium