Midwest Regional Comparative and International Society 2010 Conference “Globalizing Curriculum across University Disciplines” ABSTRACTS ~1~ Midwest Regional Comparative and International Society 2010 Conference “Globalizing Curriculum across University Disciplines” Friday, October 29, 2010 Keynote Speaker 1:30 – 2:00 PM (Room 310 A/B) Dr. Stephen Burwood Director of International Programs Eastern Michigan University Boone Hall 103 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-9157 Internationalizing History: National Self-Identity vs. the Global Village History, more than most academic disciplines in higher education, is conceived and practiced differently depending where you find yourself in the world. This address will explore some of the different ways in which history is viewed and valued. In all countries, one of the major purposes of history is to conserve (and burnish) a sense of national identity and pride. Such an identity is as much a function of relations with other national entities as it is with internal factors. Efforts to internationalize history in the universities are complicated by this reality. Using the imperfect efforts of the American Historical Association to address the problem, the paper will speculate on what is necessary to carry forward the project to internationalize the historical profession and the practice of history in the universities of the world. Concurrent Sessions I 2:10 PM – 3:20 PM Room 302 (2:10 – 3:20) BROADENING ACADEMIC HORIZONS Arifa K. Javed Lecturer Department of Sociology, Wayne State University 2254 FAB Detroit, MI 48188 (734) 397-8754 Introducing a Comparative Perspective to the Social Sciences This presentation focuses on the importance of a comparative approach in promoting global understanding in the changed environment of coexistence. In this post-digital revolution era of communication and globalization, we must introduce a comparative approach to our academic disciplines in general and to social sciences in particular. We need to develop an approach of comparing and contrasting other societies to ours in order to promote a better sense of global understanding. Given the past stratification of the world, where America was the leader, our curricula became self-centered. There was a big gap between us, the leaders of the industrialized societies, and other industrializing and agricultural societies. But the gap is fast narrowing: Other countries have assumed a remarkable pace of growth and development. Their former dependence on the developed world for the basics of survival is now turning into an ability to offer inexpensive blue collar labor that cuts cost for our capitalists. This change in the nature of mutual dependence between the developed and the developing world has a serious impact on the global labor market. The best response to this major socio-economic change is to embrace a comparative approach to the social sciences. This will create a basic infrastructure to train our future labor force with a vision of successful coexistence in the mutually interdependent and interconnected world. ~2~ Anatoli Rapoport Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction Department of Curriculum and Instruction Purdue University 100 N. University Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 (765) 496-3029 Global Citizenship Education in the Social Studies Classroom Social studies, whose primary purpose is to help students develop decision-making skills as ―citizens of culturally diverse, democratic societies in an interdependent world‖ (NCSS, 1994) creates a natural environment for global citizenship education. However, in the United States, despite the growing interest in global and international education, social studies teachers and curriculum developers are still very cautious about incorporating the concept of global citizenship (or such related concepts as multiple citizenship, transnational citizenship, supranational citizenship, or cosmopolitan citizenship) into the classroom discourse on either secondary or tertiary levels. Official and public education organizations are also hardly enthusiastic about promoting global citizenship education in schools. In the proposed paper, I analyze the problems that global and supranational citizenship education faces and argue that social studies curricula along with its sub-fields are the primary space to provide the global citizenship education framework. I also argue that the field of social studies provides educators with appropriate tools, rationale, and discourses to emphasize, deconstruct and negotiate global citizenship and its various aspects, such as: global consciousness, global ethics, global civil society, interdependence, or universalism. Key words: citizenship education, global citizenship, social science education. Region: the USA Melanie Agnew Doctoral Candidate, Higher Education Leadership University of Calgary and Programs Manager Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Enderis Hall, Room 277 Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413 (414) 229-3649 The Moral Purpose of University: Death by Design This qualitative study examined internationalization in the context of the disciplines. Thirty-seven tenure-track and tenured faculty members from three different universities, representing four disciplinary categories participated in this study. Each faculty member self-selected into one of the four disciplinary categories as follows: soft applied (15), hard applied (9), soft pure (8), and hard pure (5). Methods of data collection included interviews and focus groups as well as a review of state and federal educational reform initiatives. This presentation is part of a larger qualitative multi-case study involving 54 participants across three institutions of higher education. Findings indicate that the political context influenced how faculty members think about internationalization in the context of their discipline. The applied-pure and hard-soft qualities of the disciplines raised concerns pertaining to differential funding of the disciplines, privileging those aligned to national economic imperatives. Economic motivations to engage in internationalization were particularly evident in the hard-applied and -pure disciplines, raising questions pertaining to the role and purpose of higher education. Failing to take safeguards against hegemonic influence leaves the institution—its autonomy and academic freedom—walking on a proverbial tightrope, balancing budgets against the interests of the public good. Key words: disciplines, internationalization, political economy Region: USA Jane Finn Associate Professor ~3~ Alex Harsay Student Researcher Jill Valentino Student Researcher Hope College Jane Finn 6380 Hidden Ponds Drive Holland, MI 49423 (616) 335-6156 The Friendship House: Summary of a Three Year Longitudinal Qualitative Study Throughout the world, housing shortages for individuals with disabilities abound. Due to this lack of appropriate residential housing, a unique living arrangement named the Friendship House was created. The Friendship House is a unique establishment which college/university students without disabilities live side by side with people with cognitive impairments in a small dorm on campus. For three years, a professor and Hope students have conducted qualitative research studies by interviewing the (a) roommates without disabilities (b) roommates with cognitive impairments, and (c) parents of the roommates with cognitive impairments. This presentation will discuss the longitudinal research findings including suggestions for improvement such as orientation sessions for all stakeholders and a point person for questions. In addition, respondents discuss the pros and cons of living in this special living condition as well as what they have learned throughout the years. These recommendations are important for improving living conditions at the Friendship House and also have implications for other colleges/universities around the world who are interested in developing this special type of housing option on campuses. Key words: independent living, special education Region: USA Vicki-Lynn Holmes Associate Professor Jane Finn Associate Professor Marcy Blowers Student Researcher Nydia Chavarria Student Researcher 295A Van Zoeren Hall 41 Graves Place Hope College Holland, MI 49423 (616) 395-7714 Perceptions of Educators on the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) Math Requirements for At-Risk Populations This quantitative research study investigated educators‘ perceived effects of the Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) math requirements on at-risk and special education populations. The MMC will be fully implemented with the graduating class of 2011. Part of these new graduation requirements is four years of math consisting of Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and one other final year of high school math credit. To understand math teachers‘, special education instructors‘, and school administrators‘ perceptions of these new math requirements, 462 educators were surveyed regarding (a) how special education and at-risk students are progressing under the new math mandate, (b) what plans are in place to help these students be successful, and (c) whether teachers felt qualified to instruct these types of students in math. Results showed that 65% of the teachers could articulate a new curriculum plan and alternative teaching methods for these students. Approximately 40% of the Algebra teachers did not feel qualified to teach special education students while 100% of special education teachers requested help in teaching math. ~4~ Ironically, 80% of the teachers as opposed to 16% of the administrators felt the drop-out rate will increase as a result of these new graduation requirements. Key words: rigorous math curriculum, at-risk students, special education students Region: USA Room 304 (2:10 – 3:20) HIGHER EDUCATION: FORMS AND FUNCTIONS Charles Muwonge Doctoral Candidate Department of Leadership & Counseling Eastern Michigan University John W. Porter Bldg. Suite 304 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-0255 The Cultural Environment: Ecclesiastical Governance and Control of Catholic Universities and Colleges This paper is an investigation into the cultural dynamics within the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is faced with the dilemma of keeping centralized control of a global institution that is characterized by a multiplicity of cultures. Catholics are dissimilar despite values and norms that unite them. Catholic subcultures are distinct in terms of histories, tasks, ethnicity, and ideological and political backgrounds. The Hispanic immigrants, for instance, are the biggest and the fastest growing subculture in the church today (34%) but among the least represented (10%) in the institutional hierarchy. The Irish (17% of American Catholics) are the most influential ethnic group with 35% of all priests and 50% of all bishops, and a similar proportion of presidents of Catholic colleges and hospitals. The Irish instituted the parochial education system in contradistinction to the Protestant-dominated public school. Other ethnic groups: Germans, Italians, Polish, French, and others are very much alive today. Cultural sentiments are evident in the resurgence and persistence of ethnic church communities that the Catholic Church is trying to close or consolidate due to priest shortage in the country. This paper is a policy analysis study raising questions as to how global institutions like the Catholic Church‘s intent for cultural integration and globalization attend to the deeply seated issues of segregation within its members. Key words: culture, segregation, integration, religion, ethnicity Region: USA Richard Lewis Fierer, PhD Independence Middle School-Independence, Ohio Senior Lecturer- University of Akron 5944 Highland Rd. Highland Hts, OH 44143 (440) 646-9055 The Case of the Missing Human Capital: Another Value-Added Mystery! The value-added process for measuring student achievement is rapidly becoming embedded in the language and practices of American education. This value-added measure has been touted as a method to insure that American students can compete in a global economy. The assumption is that the value-added measures of student growth are appropriate for all students being tested. Value added has been held up as a way to address the needs of high-achieving students. These students are expected to provide some of the human capital needed to complete in a global economy. It will be argued that this value-added process will not address the needs of high-level students but has [instead] the potential send these students into a developmental retrograde motion. The focus for this critique of the value-added process will be high-level readers in a typical suburban middle school in the American Midwest. The presentation will include policy recommendations needed to bring back the value of human capital from its exile in the value-added assessment process. These recommendations will be illustrated with the experiences of a classroom teacher‘s program designed to re-value the testing process to meet the developmental needs of those high-level readers. Key words: Human Capital/ Value Added/ Global Economy Region: USA ~5~ Nigora Erkaeva Graduate Student Eastern Michigan University A 203 Cornell Courts, Ypsilanti, Michigan, 48197 (734) 217-6074 Access to Higher Education for Women in Tajikistan Education is important to the nation as well as a person's life. But due to some circumstances, people find it difficult to finish secondary education and move into getting higher education. In this presentation I am going to present the difficulties girls face in getting higher education in Tajikistan. There are different reasons why this is happening still, especially when all international organizations are doing all they can to explain to the population that education helps a country combat poverty and gain economic stability. Due to inequality, tradition, religion, family, and people‘s outlook, women have no freedom to choose their future. In 90 percent of cases, their future will be decided for them. Even parents find it appropriate for girls not to pursue education. Where the problem starts, in community, schools, in girls themselves: it is different in various cases. I will talk about this issue from my personal experience, as I am a female citizen of Tajikistan who lived in the community and communicated with people who think there is no need for girls to get an education. Key words: inequality, tradition, religion Region: Tajikistan Dr. Sufyan Faraj Al-Janabi College of Computers University of Anbar, Iraq Dr. David Anderson College of Education Eastern Michigan University, USA John W. Porter Bldg. Suite 304 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-0255 Balancing Centralization and Decentralization in Iraqi Higher Education The aim of this paper is to investigate ways to balance centralization and decentralization in the Iraqi higher education (HE) system, so that it can be more competitive in this new age of education globalization. During the last four decades, Iraqi HE has been administrated in a highly centralized manner. However, many academics in Iraq now believe that, in order to significantly enhance the quality of Iraqi HE, it is necessary to decentralize the system. This paper outlines the present state of the Iraqi HE system, emphasizing its most relevant problems. Then, we propose a double-sided strategy for addressing these problems: specifically, we consider coordinating both top-down and bottom-up approaches for reforming the Iraqi HE system. Some important milestones that need to be considered in this enhancement process are emphasized. Indeed, as the proposed approach includes the various levels in the hierarchy of higher education, the paper also covers a case study for applying modern higher education teaching techniques to a sample course curriculum. Key words: Decentralization, e-learning, higher education Region: Iraq Room 320 (2:10 – 3:20) DEFINING MULTICULTURALISM FROM MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES Tetiana Grytsenko Fulbright Graduate student Eastern Michigan University ~6~ 404 W. Forest, Apt 201 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (530) 867-0090 American Multicultural Education: Ingredients of the Salad Although there is a lot of work done by scholars in defining the scope and meaning of multicultural education, contemporary multiculturalists still have different views about how to define the boundaries of multicultural education. In order to address the common misconceptions about multicultural education and to develop a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, analysis of various interpretations of multicultural education and their interconnections at different developmental stages is needed. This paper explores the definitions of multiculturalism in education, analyzing the changes in American society that has influenced multicultural education. Since its conceptualization, multicultural education has developed from appreciating solely racial and cultural differences and similarities to analyzing complex hierarchical systems of domination and oppression based on the interrelation of race, ethnicity, social class, gender, environmental issues, etc. in American society. Implications of these findings are discussed as related to multicultural education. Key words: multicultural education, cultural pluralism, gender Region: USA Stephen B. Parliament Adjunct Faculty Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College 1900 College Drive Rice Lake, WI 54868 (715) 410-5998 Schema Formation and Analogical Reasoning in Teaching Everyday Democracy This research describes the way students actually form a mental schema of the abstract concept of democracy, and demonstrates how the use of analogies can facilitate teaching ―everyday‖ democracy, using crosscultural examples. The research shows the influence of family, voluntary organizations and schools on the formation of democratic ideas, and recommends strategies to improve the teaching of everyday democratic practices. The study then applies the teaching principles of instruction through analogy to various decision-making settings such as the World Trade Organization, the UN Security Council, the W3C (world wide web council that governs the operation of the internet), to the political systems of different ―democratic‖ countries, and to common property resources such as the equitable use of open land by nomadic herders in Outer Mongolia, to demonstrate how everyday democracy can be taught in a cross-cultural context. The project involves the disciplines of linguistics, game theory and analogical reasoning from mathematics, educational psychology and teaching methods, history, comparative politics, and political socialization. A summary of major findings will be presented with an invitation for critical comments. Key words: teaching democracy, comparative politics, schema, analogical reasoning Region: Mongolia Victor Oguejiofor Okafor Department of African American Studies Hoyt 927 Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 734-487-3460 The Global Context of Pedagogy in African American & African Studies A global context tends to inform pedagogy, research, and service in African American and African Studies in their optimal forms as interdisciplinary projects. Certain historical ideologies or movements that underpinned and shaped the modern African world‘s experience, such as the triple heritage of Islam, Christianity and Westernization, the Mercantilist-propelled trans-continental trades and foreign expeditions/escapades that foreshadowed the transAtlantic trade in African captives between the 15th and 19th centuries, along with the resulting New World slavery, colonization, decolonization, and 20th century short-lived movements for a new world economic order and a new world information order—all inform pedagogy in African American and African Studies. Reigning ideological currents, ~7~ such as globalization in its historical and modern variations, also impact teaching, scholarship, and service in interdisciplinary studies of the African world. Key words: Global Context of Pedagogy, African & African American Studies Region: USA, Africa Denise Pilato Professor, Program Coordinator Master of Science in Technology Studies Program Eastern Michigan University 126 Sill Hall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-1161 The Fulbright Experience: Risks & Rewards My 2008 Fulbright experience was a carefully made choice that led to opportunity, both expected and unexpected. Some of the most interesting opportunities I experienced while teaching at the University of Catania in Sicily were born of risk-taking simply because my assumptions for best practices and expectations about teaching were founded solely on my experiences in an American educational system. It did not take long for my assumptions about teaching methodology, outcomes, and evaluation to be turned upside down. By the end of week one, it was clear I needed to change my expectations and work toward realistic goals. I was inspired by some of the very course content that I planned to teach, specifically work by some leading American thinkers, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson. So instead of just teaching it, I took the risk and applied the principal to ―Insist on yourself; never imitate‖ (Emerson, ―Self Reliance,‖ 1841). What happened over the next five months is this American transcendental idea motivated me to change my ideas about teaching and learning both inside and outside of the classroom. To take risks with teaching methodology seems easy enough on paper, especially when that paper is a tried and true syllabus. Not so. It also seems easy enough to engage in university activities per usual, even if it is all in Italian (or Sicilian!). Not so. Perhaps more than anything, teaching in a foreign university required new strategies for problem solving, usually on a daily basis! Problem solving inevitably led to taking risks and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. For my Sicilian students, the walls of the classroom expanded beyond the canon of the discipline as they experienced another Emerson idea that ―the growth of the intellect is spontaneous and crosses boundaries in unexpected ways‖ (Emerson, ―Intellect,‖ 1841). The rewards resulted in my professional development, personal growth, and an energized appetite for facing challenges through creative risk taking strategies. Ultimately, I learned as much as I taught. Key words: Fulbright, risks, rewards Region: Italy Rustam N.Fozilov Graduate student Tashkent State Institute for Oriental Studies 25 Shahrisabz Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100047 +99897- 909-0042 Some Aspects of the Problem of "Insoni Komeel” One of the priceless achievements of the independence of Uzbekistan is an opportunity to look at our past from a new point of view, appreciate its achievements and drive the knowledge and energy of the spirituality from the invaluable heritage written by the great thinkers of our motherland. All research on that heritage in the former USSR and Uzbekistan were investigated and published according to communist ideology occupied whole life of Soviet society. Besides, if they had connection with religion, any publishing of them was not allowed in the years of Soviet power. A lot of research by Uzbek scholars from the last 10-15 years testify to the high interest of such phenomenon in the history of our culture: Sufizm, Imam al-Bukhari, at-Termizi, Abu Mansur Motrudi, Burkhanuddin Marghinani, Khwaja Nakshband etc. This presentation focuses on some aspects of the problem of "Insoni Komeel" (High educated individual) in the theory of "Tasavvuf" (Sufizm) and in the works of the abovementioned thinkers of Medieval Central Asia. This presentation reviews the process of achieving by man a main purpose to comprehend God, that it lies through spiritual improvement of the individual. ~8~ Research has shown that to achieve this purpose, man must overcome the following categories: Tavba, Zuhd, Sabr, Reeza, Fakr, Tavakkal, Karb, Muhabbat, Hovf, Shawq, Zeekr, Mushohada, Phano, Baqo, etc. Key words: Insoni Komeel, High educated, High Principled man Region: Uzbekistan, Central Asia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Room 330 (2:10 – 3:20) TEACHING IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD Margaret Crouch Eastern Michigan University Professor of Philosophy 208 Hoyt 734-487-0422 Solange Simões Eastern Michigan University Professor of Sociology and Women‘s and Gender Studies King Hall Preparing Faculty for the 21st Century: A Global Learning Seminar The demand for internationalizing the university requires that faculty in all disciplines reconceive their courses, programs, and research. The presenters developed a faculty seminar designed to enable faculty to reconceptualize their fields from a comparative global perspective. Though many campuses may be engaged in similar endeavors, our experience is that many have not taken into account two major issues in global learning: 1. A unique approach to globalizing learning across the curriculum is to view it as a pedagogical approach, as opposed to the addition of a chapter or unit on global issues at the end of the semester. It is our contention that nearly every course can benefit from globalizing the context of the course material, that global learning is a pedagogical approach to learning (rather than specific courses or topics within those courses). 2. One of the most important aspects of internationalizing the university is changing the context of everything that is taught, from a parochial context focused on U.S. needs and interests to a context that takes into account the needs and interests of peoples across the globe. The presenters will describe their unique vision of global learning and present some of the globalized syllabi that were the result of this seminar. Key words: faculty development, global pedagogy Region: USA Margo Glew Coordinator, Global Initiatives Olena Aydarova Doctoral Candidate Department of Teacher Education 116S Erickson Hall Michigan State University (517) 355-8534 Globalizing and Internationalizing Teacher Preparation Upon completion of their education, today‘s students must be prepared to live, work, and successfully navigate a world that is more interconnected than ever before. Life and work today require global interaction. Today‘s teachers have the responsibility to support the development of new global skills in their students. To meet the challenge of preparing teachers for personal and professional success in the global context of the 21st century, the College of Education (COE) at Michigan State University has launched an initiative to internationalize its teacher preparation program. This presentation will examine the development, implementation, and results of a preliminary evaluation of this initiative which includes efforts to infuse international perspectives into teacher preparation courses, the development of global study and teaching opportunities, and a new Global Educators Cohort Program, ~9~ a special international strand to Michigan State University‘s five-year teacher preparation program which seeks to support the development of global competence and global pedagogical skills in its teacher graduates. Keywords: global education, teacher preparation Region: USA James Berry Professor Leadership & Counseling Department Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Higher Education and the Open Source Movement The open source movement is an opportunity to publish one‘s work through an expanding array of peerreviewed, web-based outlets. Open source refers to software that may be used by anyone and is free to the public. Yet, the open source movement is more than free software. This software, which has created a global open source community, can be used by professors to publish original scholarship through a peer-reviewed process that is as rigorous as the traditional approach to academic publishing. This presentation will review the movement of hard copy books, curriculum materials, lesson plans, and learning from hard copy print by publishers to open access publishing that engages and motivates students. Examples of higher education publishing using open source software and Internet publishing opportunities will be explained and described. The Connexions Consortium is at the forefront of a movement to provide low/no cost materials where one can ―view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, [and] reports, where anyone may view or contribute.‖ Key words: open sources, software, publishing, scholarship Region: USA Mariam Orkodashvili Alumna of Vanderbilt University 29A, Kazbegi Avenue, Apt. 10 0177, Tbilisi, Georgia + 995 32 39 24 54 Corruption in Higher Education: Accreditation and Legal Cases This paper discusses the issue of accreditation of higher education institutions. It argues that the process of accreditation is usually associated with the problems such as quality criteria definition, manipulation, distortion, corrupt practices, and illegalities. These problems often give rise to institutional disputes and instigate legal cases. The research mainly focuses on post–socialist transition countries. It is noteworthy that while institutional accreditation is conducted relatively smoothly, the study programs accreditation still causes debates and dilemmas. As a result, various universities sue accreditation committees for violations, and vice versa. All this creates complexities in creating quality education through viable study programs and curricula. For comparative analysis, the paper refers to accreditation procedures and issues in the western higher education systems. Namely, it looks at the accreditation procedures of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools‘ (SACS) Commission on Colleges (COC) in the US to see how the notion of quality is infused in their standards. Significant emphasis on accountability and transparency made by SACS proves effective for the higher education institutions of 11 SACS member states. Besides, the Spellings Commission Report on Higher Education (2006) reveals that accreditation remains the most debated issue in academia not only in the US, but also all around the world. Transition post-socialist countries present an even more complex and chaotic case in this respect due to instabilities, quality criteria manipulations, and constant organizational changes prevalent in the higher education systems of the region. Key words: corruption, accreditation and quality, USA, post socialist countries Region: USA, transition countries Eva Xingbei YE Graduate Assistant ~ 10 ~ International Admissions Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Big Fish; Small Fish - Independent College Affiliates in China In recent years, international admission offices at both private and public US universities have been increasingly receiving applications from students who are studying or graduating from ―independent colleges‖ in China. Since ―independent college‖ is a new mode within the Chinese educational system, their relationship to the ―parent universities‖ is not always clear for US university admissions when processing applications. It is difficult to determine the authenticity of transcripts, the level of degree attainment, the quality of the programs, and preparedness of the students to join US universities. In this presentation, I will share my knowledge of Chinese independent colleges in order to provide a better understanding about it to faculty and staff at the US university who are interested in Chinese and international education. I will explain what an independent college is and why it is important to Chinese education. What factors affect admission decision making from a destination university? Suggestions to US university admission officers about how to cooperate with independent colleges in order to increase the numbers of Chinese applicants will also be included in this presentation. Key words: Independent college, admission Region: China Room 350 (2:10 – 3:20) BILDUNG, COSMOPOLITANISM, AND EDUCATION FOR INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE (Panel) Panelists: Luise Prior McCarty Associate Professor of Education Indiana University 4236 Education 201 N. Rose Ave. Bloomington, IN 47405 (812) 856-8385 Michelle M. Metro-Roland Director of Faculty and Program Development Haenicke Institute for Global Education Affiliate Assistant Professor of Geography Western Michigan University 1903 West Michigan Avenue, MS 5245 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (269) 387-3900 Chris Hanks (Panel Chair) Assistant Professor of Education Grand Valley State University 920 Eberhard Center 301 West Fulton Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 331-6247 Cheryl A. Hunter Assistant Professor of Education Hiram College P.O. Box 67 Hiram, OH 44234 (330) 569-6151 Dini Metro-Roland ~ 11 ~ Assistant Professor of Education Western Michigan University 1903 West Michigan Avenue, MS 5276 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (269) 387-3510 Panel abstract: The idea of internationalizing university curricula has gained significant attention in recent years and has become an explicit strategic goal of many institutions. Like many educational movements, the motives underlying this shift are complex, ambiguous, and perhaps contradictory. Among many considerations, universities should be exploring (1) how the aim of internationalization can be integrated with other educational ideals and (2) what understanding of and attitude toward global society ought to be cultivated. The first question connects to the idea of a liberal education, which can be related to, though not equated with, the German educational concept Bildung. The second question is often identified with concepts like cosmopolitanism, cultural literacy, and global awareness. These are multifaceted and contentious terms and require careful elucidation. This panel session pursues this aim, seeking to develop robust notions of Bildung and cosmopolitanism and to explore manifestations of these theoretical terms in two educational settings: a university classroom and a ―cultural immersion‖ experience. Finally, we identify and explore tensions between the goal of internationalization and at least one other educational ideal embodied in multicultural education. The purpose of the presentation is to clarify important components of internationalization and to identify potential directions for research. Key words: Cosmopolitanism, Bildung, internationalization Presentation 1 abstract: W. von Humboldt established Berlin University in 1809 that served as the model for the modern research university in many eastern and western countries. Humboldt envisioned a new social institution that allowed the full development of human capacity of individuals who dedicate their life to science (Wissenschaft) as the highest form of moral life. But this individual perfectibility (Bildung) as a form of life was not to serve selfish individual needs, nor was it to be instrumentalized for social or other purposes. Rather it would serve indirectly the practical needs of the state: to form independent thinkers and actors with moral character who contribute voluntarily to the improvement of human and social conditions. Humboldt‘s concept of a university education was framed within the confines of and in support of the nation-state. Such a domestic focus, however, no longer suffices in today‘s global world. Thus, this study expands on Humboldt‘s ideal of the university-educated individual toward a cosmopolitan education. Such an education is an ethical, moral, and intellectual orientation of openness to others with a sense of global belonging. This presentation will attempt an outline of an updated cosmopolitan notion of Bildung for today‘s global citizens. Keywords: Bildung, Cosmopolitan, university Presentation 2 abstract: One intended outcome of the global studies major is that students will become ―globally literate,‖ developing a sense of global citizenship and intercultural competency. Like the majority of global studies programs across the country, the one at Western Michigan University is designed as a cross-disciplinary major, with only the introductory and capstone writing courses required as classes with specific global studies content. While ostensibly supporting university efforts toward internationalizing the curriculum, questions about the goals, means, and objectives of global studies abound. What does a globally literate student look like? What are the means for inculcating a sense of global citizenship? What questions and debates should be at the heart of the global studies curriculum? How do the aims of global studies support or diverge from those stated for general education? These are all important questions that need to be asked. The aim of this presentation is to examine one context in which the ideal of a university education intersects with the aim of cultivating cosmopolitan identity. Keeping in mind these larger issues, this presentation will address the challenges faced in teaching an introductory course on global studies, specifically issues surrounding the notion of cosmopolitanism and global citizenship. Keywords: Global studies, intercultural competence, global citizen Presentation 3 abstract: While the aim of cultivating global citizenship is commonplace in universities today, the precise meaning of that idea remains ambiguous. This presentation makes a conceptual argument for a particular understanding of cosmopolitanism. First, the term is distinguished from the process of globalization. Next, various approaches to cosmopolitanism are discussed, with diverse purposes shaping the particular form it takes. Among these, views that ~ 12 ~ assume an underlying unity of human nature and inherent harmony in social relations are contrasted with those that take conflict as a starting point and inevitable context for global understanding. The presenter draws on the view of George Herbert Mead to argue that a better understanding of the basis for social organization avoids the necessity of this dichotomy. This perspective leads to a form of rooted cosmopolitanism similar to that advanced by Kwame Anthony Appiah. Finally, it is suggested that this understanding of cosmopolitanism is fundamentally a matter of selfawareness, and highly compatible with the notion of Bildung advanced in the previous presentation. This shift in consciousness involves a reconceptualization of the past as a shared history and a reconceptualization of the self as already embedded in a global cultural rather than bounded by particular cultural traditions. Keywords: Cosmopolitan, self, Bildung Presentation 4 abstract: One strategy for cultivating a global perspective pursued by many universities is to arrange ―cultural immersion‖ experiences for students. This presentation will explore this context as an attempt to integrate the aim of internationalization with other educational ideals. Under the auspice of learning Spanish to increase their ability to communicate with Spanish-speaking parents, two pre-service teacher education students spent four weeks in Spanish language immersion in home stays in Costa Rica. Their reflective journals revealed that they began challenging their own cultural assumptions of language and strongly asserted the realization of the value of an alternative frame of reference. For example, one student questioned the delivery of instruction for English Language Learners, asserting that to simply impose the English language structure/components without the cultural context for children is to deny them a holistic understanding. Likewise, students argued that to deny children their language in schools is to deny them their cultural identity for a significant portion of their lives. This case study raises several questions related to Bildung and cosmopolitanism. For instance, do the expressed attitudes of these students reflect a shift toward cosmopolitan awareness? Are immersive cross-cultural experiences necessary for achieving the ideal of global citizenship? Keywords: Cultural immersion, intercultural competence, global citizen Presentation 5 abstract: The recent trend toward internationalizing the university has rekindled an age-old debate about the proper aims of education. Advocates call on universities to adopt a more international outlook that can better address the challenges of a new era of increasing globalization. How these challenges are described and understood (in economic, cultural, or social terms) and the means to addressing them (e.g., the promotion of cross-cultural understanding, the acquisition of marketable skill-sets, the cultivation of a social justice or cosmopolitan spirit) often reflect competing visions about the purpose and nature of education. The particular perspective articulated by this panel turns on the German notion of Bildung, a view of education that focuses on a process of self-education that moves beyond the provincial to connect the individual with the outside world. This concluding presentation will explore a tension between this perspective and the more instrumental approach favored by many scholars in the field of multicultural education and will raise several questions. What do we mean by cross-cultural understanding? What educational purpose does it serve? What values does it imply? And finally, can Bildung provide a comprehensive enough educational metaphor to encompass the most essential aims of multicultural education? Keywords: Intercultural competence, Bildung, multicultural education Room 352 (2:10 – 3:20) CREATING A NEW INTERDISCIPLINARY MAJOR: COMPARATIVE CULTURES AND POLITICS AT MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY (Panel) Panel Proposal: This panel presents the history and working principles of a new major recently developed at James Madison College, Michigan State University. This major has been developed by the faculty and students of the College over the last six years and has been approved since 2007. Here we present an overview of the major and two foundational courses taken at the sophomore level. Our first cohort graduated last year and we are including both faculty and student perspectives in the three paper presentations. We present what we have learned about constructing and organizing interdisciplinary curricula, including staffing issues as faculty come from specific disciplinary training, epistemological challenges, and student understandings. ~ 13 ~ Presenters: Dr. Louise Jezierski (Chair) Associate Professor 358 North Case Hall James Madison College Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48825-1205 (517) 353-2967 Comparative Cultures and Politics: An Overview of a New Interdisciplinary Major in James Madison College This paper introduces an overview of a new interdisciplinary major in James Madison College, Comparative Cultures and Politics. The course was designed to addresses one of the major challenges facing public and international affairs specialists in the 21st century: the need to understand the complex relationships between international affairs and culture. It also provides a real innovation in undergraduate education—approaching the study of culture and politics through systematic interdisciplinary study across the social sciences and humanities. Faculty participating in this major come from the fields of cultural studies, economics, English and film studies, history, political science, and sociology. Courses in this major advance new ways of seeing and analyzing culture and politics across the world and equip students to make substantial contributions to international affairs, public policy, and public life. The new major takes up such questions as: What is the role of culture in contemporary politics across the world? What is the impact of globalization on cultural identities and inter-cultural relations? How do different societies — and different groups within societies – understand and articulate cultural identities and diversities? How and when do cultural representations and practices become politically salient? The curriculum is explicitly comparative and examines transnational actors and processes affect cross-cultural interactions. Key words: Interdisciplinary curriculum and faculty Dr. Allison Berg Associate Professor James Madison College Michigan State University 517-353-8600 Cultures and Politics in Comparative Perspective Cultures and Politics in Comparative Perspective (MC230) is the first course in the sophomore sequence in the Comparative Cultures and Politics major. It aims to introduce students to the study of culture(s) and politics in comparative perspective, to multiple and integrative paths of inquiry that fuse the social sciences and humanities, and to the practice of interdisciplinary cultural analysis in the study of public affairs. It raises the following kinds of questions: What is the role of culture in contemporary politics across the world? What is ‗culture‘ and ‗cultures‘? How are cultural identities, differences and hybridities constituted, narrativized and represented within different societies? Why do some cultural sites become arenas of political contestation? MC230 has four specific objectives: (1) to introduce central theoretical approaches to culture and cultural analysis; (2) to cultivate an understanding of and an ability to apply key concepts in the study of cultural politics, such as culture, representation, identity, difference, otherness, and nation; (3) to foster an understanding how a range of humanistic and social scientific texts and textual analyses help illuminate the relationship between culture and politics; and (4) to recognize the importance of comparative analysis to the study of culture and public affairs and recognize the challenges entailed in such analysis. Key words: comparative interdisciplinary cultures Dr. Anna Pegler-Gordon Associate Professor James Madison College Michigan State University 517-355-6548 Cultures and Politics in Transnational Perspective The second foundational course (MC 231) extends students‘ understandings of ‗culture‘ and public affairs through systematic analysis of cross-cultural interactions and politics. The course explores how cultures and cultural identities are constructed and imagined transnationally. This exploration directly confronts how they bump up against each other, how they resist, accommodate, conflict and mutate in a globalized world. In particular, we ~ 14 ~ investigate the following questions: What are the different ways in which cultures encounter each other? What are the consequences of these interactions for our world? Is the world becoming increasingly fragmented? Homogenized? Hybridized? Cosmopolitan? What are the implications of different kinds of cultural interactions for contemporary public and international policy? The approach is explicitly interdisciplinary, drawing on a wide range of texts and discourses, including ethnographies, historiographies, social science texts, fiction, and documentary films. MC 231 has five key objectives: (1) to introduce some important theoretical approaches to the study of cultures and politics in transnational perspective; (2) to cultivate understanding of and ability to apply central concepts in this field (e.g., transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, hybridity , representation, globalization, Otherness, representation, cultural flows); (3) to recognize the importance of studying cultures, cultural interactions and cultural analysis for public affairs and public policy; (4) to build competency in interdisciplinary inquiry and problem-solving; and (5) to provide opportunities to improve research, writing, and speaking skills. Key words: transnational interdisciplinary cultures Room 300 (2:10 – 3:20) GLOBALIZATION AND CHILDREN’S RIGHTS: SMALLER WORLD AND BIGGER PROBLEMS (Panel) Chair: Imandeep Grewal Discussant: Valerie Polakow Inna Gorlova EdD Candidate, Doctoral Fellow Department of Leadership & Counseling Eastern Michigan University John W. Porter Bldg. Suite 304 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-0255 Children‟s Rights in a Money Driven Society: Case of Russia The presenter will discuss how globalization and the open market impact the lives of children in the former Soviet Union. With the emergence of a free economy, the stratification of society increased and quickly widened the gap between the economic and political elite from the rest of the people in Russia. The presenter argues that the collapse of an ideological system in the early 1990‘s destroyed the social support systems which provided guaranteed minimums (funds, services, etc) to a large percentage of the adult population and to all soviet children. In today‘s Russia, the rights of children are violated in all spheres of society. Values in society have turned more toward the monetary assets and well-being of immediate families while the rights of the majority of children from disadvantaged social groups are ignored and violated. Even with the lack of funds and support from the government and communities, educators are solely fighting against the values of a ―free society‖ and tend to relocate the problem to the government. Key words: globalization, free economy, children‘s rights Region: Former USSR, Russia Huayun Xu Educational Studies (Ph. D.) Program Department of Teacher Education Eastern Michigan University 313 Porter Building Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Rights of Migrant Children in China This presentation discusses the issues about migrant children‘s rights in China. Research has shown that with the increasing population of migrant workers, more and more of China‘s migrant children have been suffering from social inequality. Despite being residents in the cities for years, millions of migrant children are denied equal accesses to public education and rights to participate in urban social life. For migrant children under the age of six, many of them are left unattended because their parents cannot afford a proper child care. Furthermore, migrating with their parents to cities, the children often become the target of social prejudice due to their lower socioeconomic ~ 15 ~ status. Although China ratified the U. N. Convention on Rights of the Child in 1992, and the country has implemented a series of policies and social programs to protect migrant children‘s basic rights in their urban life, the unchanged household registration system and the uneven development between urban and rural areas pose a grave threat to the lives of migrant workers and their children. The system barriers intertwined with economic inequality are the origins of migrant children‘s eroded rights in current China. Elisheva Cohen Master‘s Student Teachers College of Columbia University th 627 w.136 street, b1, New York, NY 10031 215-292-0817 Girls‟ Access to Education in Afghanistan Afghanistan has experienced over thirty years of conflict which have drastically affected education in the country and limited girls‘ opportunities to attend school. This presentation reviews the education systems implemented during the Soviet occupation as well as the Taliban rule and discusses the resulting challenges which restricted girls‘ access to education today. This case study looks at a range of initiatives at the local, national, and international levels aimed at increasing girls‘ access to primary and secondary education in Afghanistan. This presentation focuses on the success of community based education (CBE) in overcoming challenges of girls‘ education in rural areas. Further, it looks at a unique initiative launched by CARE in collaboration with the Ministry of Education to incorporate CBE into the national education system. This is a rare and fascinating attempt to integrate grassroots initiatives into national policy and emphasizes Afghanistan‘s sincere attempts to rebuild itself. Research has shown community based education to be a successful model for education in emergency situations; this presentation demonstrates specific benefits to employing CBE in Islamic societies. It invites discussion about the possibility of implementing and expanding CBE in other Islamic societies to increase access to education for girls. Key word: girls‘ education, community based education, education in Islamic societies Region: Afghanistan Imandeep K. Grewal Lecture Teacher Education Department Eastern Michigan University, USA Girls and Their Rights in India The rates of immigration are expected to rise exponentially over the next three decades. With a predicted 153% increase in Asian American student population in public schools, it is imperative to understand their needs and history. The term Asian American is broad and almost redundant as it encompasses individuals from diverse geographies, histories, cultures, languages, and religions. For this panel, I will be focusing on the influence of gender on shaping the lived experiences of girls in India and discuss it within a rights context as determined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Understanding the disparate forces that shape the lives of Indian girls is critical for educators before they can be successfully educated. Keynote Speaker 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM (Room 310 A/B) Michael McClellan Diplomat-in-Residence University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA International Education Exchange as a Foreign Policy Priority Educational and Cultural Exchanges between the United States and other countries have waxed and waned over the years depending on how different Administrations viewed them as a foreign policy priority. Traditionally viewed as the ―soft side‖ of diplomacy, debate has often centered on whether such exchanges should serve to support foreign policy objectives or exist independently outside such considerations. In this respect, Public ~ 16 ~ Diplomacy thinkers often compare the State Department and the British Council as opposing approaches. As U.S. campuses expand abroad, and more American universities operate overseas, the expanding reach of American higher education as an ―export‖ is viewed by some as cultural imperialism and by others as a means of promoting political and economic development. Key words: Public Diplomacy, educational exchange, cultural exchange, universities abroad, foreign policy Region: Worldwide Roundtable Discussions 4:10 PM – 5:30 PM (Room 310 A/B) Roundtable I University/NGO Partnerships in International Education Development Roundtable facilitators: Iveta Silova & Michael Russell, Lehigh University, USA Partnerships between higher education institutions and NGOs are becoming common in the field of international development. For universities, these partnerships provide an opportunity to internationalize curriculum by engaging students and faculty in international development. For NGOs, partnerships provide access to international expertise and networks. How do these partnerships balance the diverse interests of all stakeholders? What are some of the ethical implications? Participants will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of university/NGO partnerships in an increasingly complex international aid landscape. Roundtable II Globalization and Education in Policy and Practice: Whose Meaning? What Contradictions? Roundtable facilitator: Robert Lawson, The Ohio State University ―Globalization" has become a catch phrase implying all that is good and open in education. In fact, there are fundamental differences on what is basic in education, regarding religion, language, history, and knowledge in general, which challenge a "global education." Contradictions are swept under the rug with slogans like "think globally, act locally." Roundtable III The Effect of Technology in Globalizing Education Roundtable facilitator: Michael McVey, Eastern Michigan University Both students and teachers are finding increased access to the Internet, lowered costs for computers, improved translation software, and social software erasing borders and distance. What will this do for efforts to globalize schools? Participants with some unique perspectives will engage in a discussion of how technology has the potential to change schooling itself. Roundtable IV Africa‟s initiatives to create a „United States of Africa‟: Success and pitfalls Roundtable Facilitator: Charles Muwonge, Eastern Michigan University, USA Africa‘s attempt to remain competitive in the global market is evident in the initiatives of the African leaders to create a ‗United States of Africa‘. How is the process of enhancing Africa‘s competitiveness being facilitated by the global community? How about the ugly reality of brain drain? Africa's scarce resources spent on training professionals that would be a beacon for progress are being displaced by African professional that opt to relocate in developed economies. The discussion also examines the phenomena of Cultural Shock. Accomplished African professionals living in developed economies now faced with the lack of transferability of skills acquired in their home countries. Also under consideration is the cultural dynamics of African vs. African as well as African vs. African-American, and how Africans cope with stereotypes. ~ 17 ~ Roundtable V Strategizing Campus Internationalization: Bottom Up or Top Down? Roundtable Facilitator: Stephen Burwood, Eastern Michigan University, USA Internationalization is like Good and Truth: who can get away these days with saying they are not in favor? Just like Good and Truth, we are much better at aspiring to internationalization than in making it a reality on our campuses. So what does it take to internationalize a campus? Does it take committed leadership from the top or enthusiasm and energy from the bottom? And who defines what internationalization actually is and how much of it constitutes internationalizing a campus? And in an age of tight finances and stressed out faculty how do you balance internationalization with other core educational activities? Roundtable VI The Community College System in the US: A Higher Education Giant Still Underdeveloped for International Collaboration Roundtable Facilitator: Bin Ning, Eastern Michigan University, USA There are more than 1,100 community colleges enrolling around 9 million students. As a system, community colleges in the US present great potentials for advancing international collaboration; yet, the collaboration is still far behind their 4-year counterparts, especially at rural and suburban community colleges. The issue is true in other countries as well. China, for example, has more than 1,000 vocational and technical colleges. Many of them have the motivation and resources to strengthen international collaboration, but they face great challenges as well. So, what can we do from a policy and practical perspective to improve international collaboration between community colleges and their oversea counterparts? What are the obstacles and possible solutions? Roundtable VII After the Fulbright: Momentum & Opportunity Roundtable facilitators: Denise Pilato, David M. Anderson & Kristine Ajrouch, Eastern Michigan University, USA The Fulbright experience is really never over, even though the formal experience has a clear end date. A sense of what comes next creates a level of momentum with new directions for research, study abroad, and other teaching and learning possibilities. Post-Fulbright opportunities continue to offer global perspectives in unexpected and energizing ways. Research (e.g., SRI International, 2002) has indicated three important ongoing effects of Fulbright exchanges: 1) Fulbright experiences lead to long-term impacts on scholars‘ personal, professional, and institutional behaviors and activities (including very positive effects on scholars‘ professional lives, contributing to greater insight into their field, to their subsequent professional publications and works, and to enhanced professional credentials); 2) Scholars build linkages and long-term relationships with host institutions and foreign colleagues (including becoming much more involved in international activities since their Fulbright experiences); and 3) There is a distinct ―multiplier effect‖ where new knowledge and perspectives are gained and shared not only by the scholars but also by their colleagues, professional contact, students, friends, and families, who in turn influence an ever-widening circle of individuals, generating impacts both during their grant period and for many years thereafter. This roundtable will discuss these ongoing impacts of Fulbright exchanges from the perspective of previous Fulbright participants. ~ 18 ~ Saturday, October 30, 2010 Keynote Speaker 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM (Room 310 A/B) Jack Kay Provost, Professor Eastern Michigan University The International Imperative Keynote Speaker 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM (Room 310 A/B) Maria Teresa Tatto Associate Professor, Michigan State University Michigan State University Principal Investigator IEA Teacher Education Study in Mathematics (TEDS-M) President Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Mathematics Teacher Education: Methodological Lessons from a Large Scale Comparative Study The presentation will introduce the conceptualization and design of the TEDS-M study, a new comparative study of the mathematics preparation of future primary and secondary teachers in 17 countries with results scheduled to come out in early 2011. The study explored the policy impact, the opportunities to learn, and the outcomes of mathematics teacher education in the context of reform in these countries. The presentation will discuss the possibilities and limitations in the implementation of large comparative studies and gives recommendations for the design of future studies to inform policy in this area. Concurrent Sessions II 9:40 AM – 10:50 AM Room 301 (9:40 – 10:50) THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON HIGHER EDUCATION Peter Ghazarian Senior Lecturer Boston University 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 (617)-970-5458 Deciphering Weights and Indicators: International Rankings and Higher Education in East Asia The process of internationalization in higher education is encouraged by the convergence of quality measures for higher education institutions (HEIs). International rankings of HEIs provide the impetus for changes to the curriculum aimed at improving the prestige and perceived quality of an institution. This paper examines how well indicators from the Academic Ranking of World Universities and the Times Higher Education Supplement rankings from 2007-2009 associate with the overall rank of East Asian HEIs. The study aims to determine the relative predictive power of particular indicators for overall ranking. It then considers whether government-level and institution-level reforms to HEIs align with the results from this analysis. Key words: higher education, East Asia, internationalization Region: East Asia ~ 19 ~ Dr. Muhammed Ibrahim Saladdin University Erbil, Iraq Dr. David Anderson College of Education Eastern Michigan University, USA The Evolution of Quality Assurance Programs in Iraq The Quality Assurance movement in Iraqi Higher Education must address two different and often conflicting definitions of ―quality‖: 1) ―Meeting National Standards‖ which arises out of an industrial model where the worker (faculty member) is specialized, and norm-referenced standards define what is expected at the minimum and beyond; and 2) ―Excellence‖ which is based on a ―craftsman‖ model, where quality is entirely the responsibility of the faculty member, and quality is defined as the degree to which individual student growth is maximized. Although on the surface, these two approaches to quality would seem to support each other, they often conflict. The types of standards enforced through external accountability processes (Quality Assurance) are typically those skills which are readily measured through traditional assessment practices. These skills tend to be discreet knowledge-based learning objectives, which can be developed through discreet courses. However, students do not develop in a linear way which can be broken into discreet steps (like a factory mass production line). Higher order student skills and attitudes develop over longer periods of time and cut across course boundaries, and these skills/attitudes must be evaluated and nurtured in different ways than are typically outlined within Quality Assurance models. This research discusses how the Iraqi system of higher education can address both types of quality. It addresses how the emerging quality assurance movement in Iraqi can effectively support national standards (and meet national needs) while individual faculty members are given freedom to ensure excellence in individual student growth (and meet individual needs). To do this, the paper focuses on the area of Electrical Engineering. It addresses the Quality Assurance process in Iraq as it currently exists (including the four pillars of the UNESCO International Commission on Education in the 21 Century and the Quality Assurance Project in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region) and then synthesizes a model for Quality Assurance in Electrical Engineering, with a model for excellence in the individual classroom using Deming‘s ―System of Profound Knowledge‖ and Senge‘s five parts of a learning organization. Key words: accreditation, Higher Education, educational effectiveness Region: Iraq Dr. Mohammed Al-Iessa University of Technology Baghdad, Iraq Dr. David Anderson College of Education Eastern Michigan University, USA Increasing Choice in the Iraqi Higher Education System through Foreign-Private Partnerships: Characteristics and Impact Foreign-private partnerships provide the most promising approach to introducing competition into the Iraqi higher education system because Iraqi private universities have much more flexibility (due to institutional cultures, histories, and current levels of government oversight) to shape these partnerships in ways that will positively impact the Iraqi educational system. Clearly, there are many different forms of partnerships: faculty exchanges, student exchanges, collaborative research, shared courses, and shared programs. This paper will focus on the last of these: collaborative programs, with special emphasis on those programs delivered in Iraq for Iraqi students. This research will focus on the characteristics of successful shared programs, including marketing, guidance and consulting, focusing on a specific line of research or teaching, continuous upgrading of course programs to satisfy market needs, adopting different teaching methods to make learning meaningful, maintaining low tuition and fees, and providing the infrastructure for different student activities. The partnerships must build institutional capacity to support these characteristics. This institutional capacity includes professional development for staff and faculty, comprehensive support services, and diverse funding streams. The research will also address how these partnerships will more broadly impact the Iraqi higher education system: ―Competition works to the advantage of those who are already in the big leagues and creates problems for others. At the same time, it keeps institutions on their toes, forces them to think about new ideas, pay attention to quality teaching, measure what they do and benchmark themselves against their peers.‖ (Altbach, 2010) ~ 20 ~ Key words: competition, choice, inter-institutional linkages, Higher Education Region: Iraq Dr. Chan Yuen Fook (Presenter) Fulbright Visiting Scholar Associate Professor School of Education Indiana University 201 N Rose Ave Bloomington IN 47405 (812) 391-4207 Co-authors: Gurnam Kaur Sidhu, PhD Farhana Wan Yunus, MA Rosna Awang Hashim, PhD Azma Ab. Hamid, PhD Faculty of Education Universiti Teknologi MARA 40200 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia SuperSeTIA: An Innovative Way of Conducting Item Analysis This paper reports on a preliminarily analysis of an attempt to develop user friendly item analysis software for secondary school teachers in Malaysia. Teachers need useful and accurate information to make the best use of their limited time and energy. However, item analysis is a lengthy and effortful process of examining class-wide performance on individual test items; hence, many teachers cannot afford such an ―input‖ and, as a result, highquality tests cannot be constructed and validated. Therefore, a group of researchers in Malaysia have attempted to develop an innovative assessment tool that can help instructors in item development, item management, item analysis and the setting up of an item bank. The software with the name of SuperSeTIA (Super Specific Tool for Item Analysis) was developed to provide immediate feedback of the test items and helps teachers generate items and also automatic reports. The preliminary study was conducted to pilot test the software based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework introduced by Davis (1989) to explain computer usage behaviour of teachers in terms of knowledge in item analysis and software application, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude towards the software, and intention to use the software. Key words: item analysis, software evaluation, intention to use Region: Malaysia Touorouzou Hervé Somé Assistant Professor Educational Studies Department Ripon College 533 W. Thorne Street Ripon, WI 54971 (716)-341-3576 Understanding Student Resistance to Cost Sharing in a Resource-Poor Country: The University of Ouagadougou Cost sharing is a response to austerity to increasingly cash-strapped higher education institutions. Parents and students are called upon to bear some of the burden of higher education costs in francophone West Africa. Francophone West Africa includes Benin, Burkina-Faso, Côte d‘ Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Togo. Although significant differences exist in their geography and climate, social and cultural history, level of economic development, political systems, and national development strategies, their citizens share a model of education firmly rooted in the French model. This paper provides a theoretical framework for students who resist the payment of their higher education tuition in francophone West Africa, with a focus on the University of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Four bases of ~ 21 ~ rationale help to make sense of this resistance: 1) The French tradition and the history of having ―free‖ higher education, 2) the role of African politics, 3) globalization and its discontents, and 4) the difficulty of taxation and governance that magnifies issues of poverty. It formulates lessons for other African countries and for developed countries also confronting the worldwide imperative of revenue diversification in their higher education systems, due to financial and economic austerity. Key words: cost sharing, student activism Region: West Africa, Burkina Faso Room 302 (9:40 – 10:50) GLOBALIZING THE K-12 CURRICULUM Rachel Burcin Graduate Programs Coordinator Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 268-4272 Angela Keiser Curriculum Specialist Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (203) 464-2715 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Globalizing Secondary School Curriculum: Case Studies from Carnegie Mellon and Yale University Globalization is no longer a phenomenon we view as spectators from a distance. Dynamic waves of globalization churn up daily interactions among people, ideas, and technologies that touch our local communities. This current age of globalization has expanded our comprehension of earlier international connections and dependencies, reframing interpretations of historical scholarship. How can universities and school systems collaborate to help K-12 students gain an understanding of today‘s global and interconnected world? This presentation explores two university collaboratives: GigaPan School Dialogues – Diversity and Inclusion in the Community (Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, UNESCO International Bureau of Education, UNESCO Associated School Projects Network, and secondary schools from Brazil, Indonesia, Trinidad & Tobago, South Africa, and the United States) and the Citizens All Project that grew from Yale‘s participation in a UNESCO international curriculum initiative. Concepts of interconnectedness were crystallized via investigation of primary source materials; absorption of research skills; and use of robotic platforms, digital imagery and other technologies. Both partnership examples created resources, reproduction models, and applications for secondary school children and teachers that explore current and past manifestations of globalization in their local communities. Key words: university – K12 collaboration, globalization, technology Region: USA Alexander Mogilev Professor, Head of the Computer Technologies Department of Education Voronezh State Pedagogical University 86, Lenin Str., Voronezh, Russia 394043 +7(904)210-0106 Vera Mogileva, Docent Department of the Corrective Psychology Voronezh State Pedagogical University ~ 22 ~ 86, Lenin Str., Voronezh, Russia 394043 +7(904)210-8515 Features of the Montessori pedagogic in Russia A comparative study of influence of the cultural and mental features was conducted in US, Germany, Netherlands, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia on the Montessori system realization. This study is devoted to the perfection of the Russian interpretation of the Montessori system on the base of foreign experience. Modern time Montessori pedagogic is an important alternative to the existing pedagogical system of the Russian school and to the student-teacher relationships. Montessori technique permits to turn object-subject relationship into subject-subject ones. The implementation of the Montessori system in Russia leads to the changes of the mentality of the pedagogic and the population. In the conditions of the transition to the education of free choice in Russia, Montessori pedagogic will soon become competitive and widely spread unfortunately as the system of elite upbringing. Mostly expressed the elite orientation of the Montessori upbringing is in Kazakhstan. In Ukraine the Montessori education is accessible for masses and government-supplied. Key words: Montessori education, comparative study national features Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Samina Naseem Doctoral Student Michigan State University 1525 Spartan Village, Apt D East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 355-3127 Enhancing Students‟ Learning through Thematic Teaching at Primary Level An experimental study was conducted to enhance students‘ learning through thematic teaching at the primary level. The objectives of the study were to determine the effect of thematic teaching on students‘ learning, to analyze the effect of thematic teaching in creating motivation in students, and to create awareness among students about their environment. The sample consisted of 45 females in grade II in a public school. Creating awareness about the environment is one of the goals in science education in Pakistan. Therefore, an environmental theme was selected. Pretests and posttests were used as research tools. The tests were developed to align with the syllabus of grade II. Keen interest, motivation, and enthusiasm for learning showed by students proved thematic teaching to be effective. Therefore, the researchers recommend using thematic teaching to create awareness about other social and global issues among students. Another major recommendation is that thematic teaching should be introduced in remote areas to solve problems of non-availability of teachers and teaching in multiage groups. Furthermore, the study also suggested that innovative teaching strategies should be introduced in teacher preparation programs along with providing inservice training to public school teachers. Keywords: thematic teaching, primary level, students‘ learning Region: Pakistan Room 304 (9:40 – 10:50) PEDAGOGIC ISSUES WHEN GLOBALIZING THE K-12 CURRICULUM Marilyn Nash Lecturer Department of Elementary Education Indiana University South Bend 1700 Mishawaka Avenue, South Bend IN 46634 (574) 520-4366 Bryon Scoggin Teacher Coquillard Primary Center ~ 23 ~ South Bend Community School Corporation 1245 N. Sheridan Street South Bend, IN 46628-1226 (574) 283-8610 Math Now Begins with “P”: Partners, Praxis and Process In order to create a positive educational narrative in the mathematics classroom, instructors must be able to fuse the three basic components of partners, praxis and process into the learning community for students. A mathematical enterprise between institutions of higher education and public education connects praxis, processes and partners for an understanding of how to interpret and create a collaborative environment where learners have ownership and engagement in the classroom. Linking universities and classrooms with engaging praxis creates a learning environment crafted for students empowering them to link processes with applications. Both pre-service teachers and classroom students are build partnerships, praxis and process with meaningful yet challenging mathematical applications. Stakeholders get to know one another better and connect for higher level problem solving. All students yearn for those classrooms where they have a sense of belonging, connection and ownership in the learning process. Students desire to connect with each other and the world around them so implementing the elements of partners, praxis and process enriches the learning exchange and broadens students‘ understanding of mathematical processes versus creating product driven artifacts. When students are immersed in meaningful relationships in the classroom community, link theory with praxis, and tap into purposeful challenges and processes then education is holistically engaged, globally connected and transformative learning occurs. Keywords: mathematics, partnerships Region: USA Kevin A. Gee Lecturer in Public Policy Brown University Taubman Center for Public Policy 67 George St., Box 1977 Providence, RI 02912 (401) 863-9311 The Impact of Inquiry-Based Teaching Approaches on Student Performance in Science: Evidence from PISA 2006 The use of inquiry-based approaches in science education is motivated by the belief that students should engage with science much like scientists do when carrying out their own investigations (Walker, 2007)—thus, inquiry involves active learning approaches that are both ―hands-on‖ as well as ―minds-on‖ (Abell, Anderson & Chezem, 2000). Though inquiry methods have become widespread in science classrooms across the globe, there is limited knowledge about whether inquiry can, in fact, lead to improved science performance. In our analysis, we investigated the relationship between four inquiry-based teaching practices (use of: (1) models or applications, (2) hands-on activities, (3) interaction, and (4) independent investigations) and science achievement for 15-year-olds across eight countries participating in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2006. Within each country, we find consistent evidence that more frequent use of independent investigations is associated with lowered achievement in science; however, students reporting higher frequency with which science lessons emphasize models or applications tend to have higher achievement. Evidence regarding the effectiveness of hands-on activities and interaction was mixed. Our findings highlight the importance of lessons that have applications to the real world and that have investigations which are directed and scaffolded versus purely discovery-based. Key words: science education, inquiry-based teaching, PISA 2006 Region: USA Joshua Hunter Doctoral Student Indiana University 4205 Silsby Road University Heights, OH 44118 (812) 585-0948 ~ 24 ~ When the World is Your “Place:” Localizing Environmental Education in a Globalized World Interpretive naturalist guides promote locally-focused environmental and cultural heritage education in state and national parks. One of their central concerns is giving children a sense of where they live and what lives around them in their specific locality. This familiarity and connection to the local is termed ―sense of place‖ and privileges local knowledge and attachment to place. However, there is an interesting tension between meeting the needs of educating the public on local issues and promoting awareness of global issues such as climate change, species extinction, and deforestation. This research explores how naturalists have modified their message to incorporate global awareness and highlights the perceived benefits and limitations of globalizing ecological literacy. The trend of moving environmental education into scientific domains is one attempt of universalizing and globalizing knowledge. However, with this trend there exists the concern that important knowledge of regional biological and cultural systems could be lost. Ethnographic data is exhibited which asserts both the concerns and predicaments of this dichotomy between local and global knowledge and how these two might be interwoven to give people locally tuned understandings while providing a larger global context. Key words: environmental education, sense of place Region: USA Do-Yong Park Associate Professor Illinois State University Normal, IL 61791-5300 (309) 438-5050 Finnish Science Education K-12 for Knowledge-Based Society This session will be centered on discussions and ideas of how Finnish K-12 education is geared toward knowledge-based society, and then will look at science education specifically. Finnish students were top-ranked on PISA in 2003, 2006, and 2009 which drew keen attention from around the world, including the United Sates. Reason being, as Lavonen et al. (2009) indicated, educational policy made it possible by allowing to enact knowledge-based society, equality in education, a local level of autonomy, and highly competitive teacher education programs for schooling in Finland. With classroom observations, curriculum-artifacts, and interview data, this session will discuss how the context of Finnish education lends support to knowledge-based society. For that discussion, this session includes (1) the context of science education in Finland, (2) science-related self-efficacy of students, (3) highly competitive teacher education program, (4) social structure, (5) science curriculums, (6) future careers in science, and (7) national initiative promoting science education, i.e., the National Core Curriculum (FNBE, 2004). Challenges and complicated issues from the presenter‘s year in Finland will be discussed toward the end of session as they pertain to knowledge-based society. Key words: Finnish science education, knowledge-based society, equality in education, National Core Curriculum Region: Finland Room 320 (9:40 – 10:50) UNITED STATES INVOLVEMENT IN GLOBAL CHANGE Dr. Bin Ning Assistant Vice President and Executive Director Institutional Research and Information Management Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-4924 Ms. Sunday Griffith Interim Director Institutional Research The University of Toledo Toledo, OH 43606 (419) 530-1243 ~ 25 ~ Globalizing Higher Education in Ohio: Strategies at the State and Institutional Levels Globalization has become an overwhelming trend in many aspects of our society and a driving force for economic development. Governments of different levels are using the momentum of globalization to attract businesses and talents as a way to improve cultural diversity and economic competitiveness. Higher education institutions must serve as a leading force for globalization. This study presents some of the challenges and strategies on how higher education can lead the way to enhancing globalization at both state and institutional levels. This study included two parts. First, the study used Ohio as a case to present the state-level strategies on globalization. How to make a concerted effort among 13 state public universities through planning and identifying action plans is critical to making an effective use of limited resources. In the second part, based on a survey administered to 60 private and public colleges and universities in Ohio, the study presented specific efforts of globalization at the institutional level. Findings of the study addressed major challenges of globalization in higher education. Not surprisingly, funding problems top all others. The study also found many actions taken by each institution to address the funding shortages while striving to make improved efforts in internationalizing their curricula and programs. Key words: Internationalizing Higher Education, Ohio Region: USA Carie B. Greene Research Assistant/PhD Candidate Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 122 Cypress Avenue Louisville, Ohio 44641 (330) 875-1737 Examining the United States‟ Third Grade Assessment System and Global Comparisons to International Assessment Practices Using a hermeneutic phenomenological methodology developed by Husserl (1960, 1964) and advanced by van Manen (1990), Greene (2010) collected data through 12 hours of interviews with four third grade teachers and 24 hours of observations. The themes discovered were that state-mandated testing produced negative experiences and adverse emotions for the teachers and students and that the test was poorly designed. The participants believe the test does not sufficiently measure their students‘ achievement, and that improper demands were being placed on teachers and students to have the students produce passing scores. The participants‘ effective teaching practices were negatively altered by test preparation, which narrowed the teachers‘ curricula. This study revealed the participants‘ assertions that it is important to emotionally support their students for state-mandated testing. They insisted that students‘ home environments have definite influences on their students‘ classroom learning and their test scores and that releasing test scores to the media was detrimental. The participants postulated that too much state emphasis was being placed on academic skills with little concern for developing students‘ social skills. The four teachers perceived an achievement gap between disadvantaged students and affluent students. Additionally, a global comparison of third grade testing practices was examined. Key words: state-mandated testing, third grade international assessment practices Region: USA Mary Rearick Professor Department of Teacher Education Eastern Michigan University 315 C1 Porter Building Ypsilanti, MI, USA 48197 (734)-487-7120 (2636) Globalization and Internationalizing of Education: An Exploration of Course Development and Discursive Practices in a University Literacy Program and a Networked Community of Practice This presentation will provide participants with new thinking regarding the design of educational environments and teaching and learning experiences in university-based programs and in an online community of practice. Those educators who are interested in lifelong learning and collaborative initiatives within and across cultural and continental boundaries will be particularly interested in the session. ~ 26 ~ Key words: teaching and learning, communities of practice Region: USA Room 330 (9:40 – 10:50) IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON INTERNATIONAL CLASSROOMS Olena Zhadko Doctoral Candidate University of Missouri--St. Louis 6300 Cates Ave apt 2E Saint Louis, MO 63130 (314) 359-9909 Digital Transformation of International Students in College in the United States The economic, social, and political culture of universities in the United States has been changing under the influence of internationalization and globalization in education. There is an urgent need to learn how a constantly increasing population of international students adapts to the digital culture in college in the US. In order to address the current demands of globalizing education, we need to know how to better serve international students who are in the process of becoming highly qualified professionals, successful individuals, and global citizens. This presentation focuses on the digital transformation of international students in college in the US. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an exploratory description and develop an understanding of the experiences of international students using ICT in college in the United States. This presentation will present survey results from two four-year Midwest universities: one public and one private. All international students surveyed in this study were enrolled in the fall semester of 2009 (undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate). Participants answered the following questions on an online survey: What are the experiences of international students with Information Communication Technologies in college in the United States? What ICTs (and for what purposes) do international students use in college in the United States? The survey results reveal the frequency and magnitude of trends of ICTs usage by international college students. Key words: international education, ICT (information communication technologies), higher education Region: USA Marlena Bravender, Ed.D. Lecturer Eastern Michigan University 619 Heritage Cir Fenton, MI 48430 (248) 895-6298 Exploring the Innovative Uses of Traditional Instructional Tools in Technology Enhanced Classrooms As many educational institutions push for increased numbers of student-centered classroom environments, the tools for instruction may not be making that same transition. These tools may very well stay the same simply due to the comfort level of the instructor. This can often happen at any level of education across the globe. Through a review of literature exploring technology pedagogy, it reveals that many traditional tools can be successfully incorporated into student-centered environments when the reason for, and primary purpose of, these instructional tools are altered to accommodate this specific transition. Some of these success stories have come from nations outside of the United States and provide fresh insights to accommodating this transition in western educational settings. It is imperative that educators understand models of exemplary instruction using traditional tools in technology enhanced and online classrooms. Student-centered learning environments, with tools specifically refocused to this type of instruction, are able to broaden perspectives of the instructors as well as the students. Key words: Technology, Transitions Region: USA Eurvine Williams, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Reading and Literacy ~ 27 ~ Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790-5330 (309) 438-3174 Technology Mediated Pedagogy in Higher Education: Negotiating the Realities of Globalization Accelerating global competition between post-secondary institutions in combination with increasing learner expectations have created a situation where institutions of higher learning are exploring technology mediated pedagogy to remove time, place, and situational barriers to improve access. This option is quickly becoming a viable consideration for most secondary institutions seeking ways to remove these barriers. Technology integration is becoming one of the fastest growing concerns in higher education today (Lovegrove, 1999; Ayers, 2004; Lundeberg, Daly and Harmes, 1998). Technology mediated pedagogy will inevitably become an integral part of the global teaching and learning process. In fact, the understanding is such that many universities are investing large sums of money to ensure that they provide programs that can meet the demands of a modern global environment (Ayers, 2004). It is not as easy as it sounds. There are many pragmatic, situational, and practical hindrances involved in this deliberation. Technology integration in pedagogical practices at institutions of higher education requires a paradigmatic shift of ideologies, priorities, and applications. Stakeholders seem to be at odds with what is necessary in relation to the nature and application of technology in a global climate. (Ayers 2004, Bodie, 1998 Rogers 2000, Spotts, Bowman, and Mertz 1997). Key words: globalization, technology, pedagogy Region: USA Room 350 (9:40 – 10:50) TEACHING AND ASSESSING ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS IN CHINA Jinxin Dai Doctoral student College of Education The University of Toledo 4738 Country Walk Ln, Sylvania, Ohio 43560 419-290-6503 Teaching English through Play in a Chinese Classroom Most English learners in Chinese schools would readily acknowledge that memorization is a far more useful skill in fulfilling school requirements than innovation. Usually, students write down teachers‘ lectures and memorize notes for tests. Since achieving a good score is the main concern of students, they focus on test performance. Rather than improve participation or relate material to students‘ interests, a teachers‘ task is to provide facts and testtaking strategies that will lead to higher scores. One result of the lack of student input is that Chinese students do not get many chances to practice their communication skills, especially with regard to speaking and writing. Typically, curriculum is prescribed and meticulously aligned with standardized tests. To promote subjective well being as a worthwhile goal in China‘s strong, traditional, teacher-centered system of schooling is no easy task. However, a teacher can move towards a more 21st century orientation in a classroom through play by allowing students the freedom to be creative. Play can be built via creating participatory environment, book-related pretend play and the use of technology. However simple the prescription may seem, the potential for play to enhance student engagement and the quality of student learning in China seems immense. Key words: teaching English as a second language, teaching in China Region: China Wenxia Wang PhD Candidate Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education Michigan State University 301E Erickson Hall ~ 28 ~ East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 648-6513 Co-authors: Jeff Bale & Peter Youngs English Globalization and its Influence on China‟s Education Guided by Ricento and Hornberger‘s (1996) theoretical framework on Language Planning and Policy, this paper analyzes the implementation of China‘s 2001 foreign language policy for elementary schools in the provinces and its apparent influence on China‘s education and the Chinese society. Data collection and analysis occurred simultaneously following Hatch (2002) and Miles and Huberman (1994) throughout the study. Data collected included annual educational reports, journal articles, yearly books, educational news, and statistical reports from the websites of provincial education committees, the Ministry of Education of China, etc. The first author also had informal talks with individuals from different provinces in China to compare the data analysis results with the actual practices in their local schools. The data analyses indicate that policy implementation in China‘s provinces varies widely and gaps exist between the goals of China‘s 2001 foreign language policy and its implementation. The variety in the quality of English teachers and the 2001 policy implementation in the provinces seem related to the educational funding system in China. Consequently, the policy is very likely to contribute to the widening educational gaps, and therefore, increase the educational inequities among the provinces and between the cities and the rural areas in China. Key words: language planning and policy, primary education, English as a foreign language Region: China Huayun Xu Doctoral Student Department of Teacher Education Eastern Michigan University 313 John W. Porter Building Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 883-6083 English Education in China The research presented here is an overview of recent English education in China. It is intended to serve two purposes: (1) to provide background information of English language education in the Chinese context, and (2) to learn the current situation and problems in the development of English language education in China. The presentation is structured in three parts. The first part examines the policies and practices of English language education in China from a historical perspective. The second part focuses on the existing condition of English education in terms of its impact on Chinese education, culture, economy, and the society as a whole. The last part discusses the major issues and concerns about English language education in today‘s China, such as the accessibility gap between urban and rural students and the cultural identity dilemma in the process of learning English in a globalized world. Keywords: English education, globalization Region: China Huili Liu Graduate Student The University of Maryland 215 Lakeside Drive, Apt T-3, Greenbelt, MD 20770 (301) 655-6043 The Influence of the Listening Test for English Majors in China With the revision of the English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors of Institution of Higher Learning and the Test for English Majors (TEM), China has undergone several significant restructurings since it was set in 1991. Listening plays an essential part in learning English, but research in the influence of listening tests for English majors remains insufficient. Learning and teaching to the test is the most severe problem in the teaching and learning of English listening. Issues emphasized by the test are attached great importance by both teachers and students. Attention is ~ 29 ~ seldom paid to other issues, which either have not been included in the test or have been cancelled. For example, the listening test for English majors in China does not include any essay questions, so very few students have actually cultivated their writing ability. To promote positive effects and eliminate negative ones for English majors, the ―chronic illness‖ should be uprooted. The view of learning and teaching to the test should be corrected, and the test should employ more comprehensive and objective listening materials. Though this may sound like a simple task, implementation remains exceedingly difficult. However, the benefits are enormous. Key words: listening test for English majors in China Region: China Room 352 (9:40 – 10:50) INTERNATIONALIZING CURRICULUM THROUGH TEACHER STUDY ABROAD (Panel) Panelists: Dr. Kristin Janka Millar (Co-chair) Associate Director Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Michigan State University 300 International Center East Lansing, MI 48824-1035 (517) 884-2160 Dr. LeAnne Disla (Co-chair) Outreach Coordinator Consortium for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Duke University 141 Franklin Center, P.O. Box 90254 2204 Erwin Road, Durham, NC 27708-0402 (919) 681-3982 Dr. Carolyn O’Mahony Associate Professor Teacher Development and Educational Studies, College of Education Oakland University 485 C Pawley Hall Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401 (248) 370-3039 Dr. John Metzler Outreach Coordinator African Studies Center Michigan State University 100 International Center East Lansing, MI 48824-1035 (517) 353-1700 Dr. Lynn Paine Professor Teacher Education, College of Education Michigan State University 317 Erickson Hall (517) 355-3266 Dr. Baishakhi Taylor Associate Director South Asian Studies Center Duke University 109 Franklin Center, P.O. Box 90416 (919) 668-2146 Linda Tyson Coordinator of Art Education Faculty, Teacher Development and Educational Studies, College of Education Oakland University 470 H Pawley Hall Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401 (248) 370-3197 This session focuses on short-term teacher study abroad as a means of internationalizing curriculum and the transformative potential for teachers, students, and communities. As schools face greater pressures to meet global demands, teachers need opportunities to learn that complicate and challenge their worldview. Within this process, it is critical for teachers to develop understandings of the possibilities and potentials of the human condition, ultimately transcending borders and boundaries. This roundtable panel is designed as an interactive session and dialogue about promising practices and approaches to study abroad for teachers. Panelists will describe programs they have designed and led for teachers to Latin America, New Zealand, Africa, China, India, and Europe. Participants at the session are encouraged to share their experiences and ideas. ~ 30 ~ Regions: Latin America, New Zealand, Africa, China, India, and Europe Keynote Speaker 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Room 310 A/B) Iveta Silova Frank Hook Assistant Professor Comparative and International Education College of Education, Lehigh University Globalizing Curriculum: Critical Reflections on the Role of Universities in International Development Since its inception in the 1940s, international development has become increasingly professionalized and widely institutionalized in higher education both nationally and internationally. Universities now have programs and sometimes entire departments (including comparative and international education), which offer courses in international development policy, planning, and practices. Often connected to fieldwork and research in a variety of development contexts, these courses have greatly contributed to the internationalization of university curriculum across disciplinary lines. In most cases, however, efforts to internationalize curriculum have been based on the belief in ―progress,‖ an unrelenting assumption that international development is linear, based on rationality, and progressing towards a ―better‖ world for all. This presentation will critically examine complex implications of institutionalizing the existing development paradigm of "progress" in university curricula and discuss how universities may in fact contribute to maintaining—not closing—the gap between those in power and those in need by entrenching inequality in contemporary development discourse and practice. Keynote Speaker 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM (Room 310 A/B) Nikolay Borytko Professor Volgograd State Pedagogical University Volgograd, Russia Bologna Process: Political Fights for the Global Market in European Higher Education The Bologna declaration, adopted in 46 countries, proposed a European Higher Education Area in which students may move freely among countries during their university studies. Aims of the Bologna declaration include a multilevel education, the introduction of credits, mobility of both students and instructors, and quality control of education. The presenter will discuss both positive aspects of the Bologna declaration as well as substantiated fears from the perspective of the Russian higher education system. Concurrent Sessions III 1:00 PM – 2:20 PM Room 300 (1:00 PM – 2:20 PM) VIDEO-POSTER PRESENTATIONS (includes a video presentation at www.youtube.com and a presentation on a poster board) Irina Zlotnikova Professor Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (Rwanda) Avenue de l‘Armeé, B.P. 3900 Kigali, Rwanda +250 782274418 ~ 31 ~ Globalizing ICT Curricula in Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa through Open, Distance and E-Learning Institutions of higher learning in countries of sub-Saharan Africa experience numerous challenges, including high level of unemployment of recent graduates. To enable graduates with knowledge and skills required at the global job market, African universities try to adjust their curricula to the international standards. Developing their Information and Communications Technology (ICT) curricula, African universities follow the recommendations of reputable professional organizations such as ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). While based upon best international standards, the ICT curricula in universities of sub-Saharan Africa sometimes sound quite unrealistic due to lack of technical and human capacity. One of the methods ensuring the quality of education, as well as quality of university curricula, is Open, Distance and E-learning (ODeL). In sub-Saharan Africa, most countries of which are among the world‘s poorest, there are significant attempts to implement ODeL programmes. The goal of this paper is to identify factors contributing to a success of ODeL projects in countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The paper presents results of the analysis of existing ODeL projects in African countries and explains their impact on the globalization of the ICT curricula. The study of the available data sources has been supplemented by the author‘s personal experience of working in Uganda, Rwanda and Mozambique. Key words: developing countries, information technology Region: Uganda, Rwanda, Mozambique (Sub-Saharan Africa) Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rv20Ww947w Ekaterina Gorbunova Doctoral Student Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Senior researcher (on leave) State University, Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) Av. Prof. Aníbal de Bettencourt 91600-189 Portugal Lisbon +351-21-780-4782 ext. 282 European Studies curricula in Russian universities: European influence or national development? In the last two decades the Russian educational system is in the process of reforming, where the higher education institutions (HEIs) have a serious task of developing innovative curricula and assuring its comparability and transparency. Given the intensifying cooperation of Russian HEIs with European universities, the development of the European Studies curricula – a new and a highly underdeveloped discipline in Russia – becomes a priority. The current research project is an effort to assess the character of external social, political and educational influences, as well as various strategies used in the process of European studies programmes‘ development in Russian HEIs by using the case-studies method, examining the formal curricula and conducting in-depth interviews with programmes‘ leaders and staff. Following the sociological institutionalism and classical functionalist theories of education, in the framework of the current research education curriculum is understood as a social phenomenon, which is shaped both on a national and international level and reflects respective social imperatives. The main research question is to understand whether the European Studies in Russia are being shaped by European tradition, practices and norms, both educational and political, or do they present a result of a national education development and ideology? Key words: curriculum research, European Studies, higher education in Russia Region: Russia Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZl-vVwXfiE Ekaterina Starodubtseva Director International Education Center Voronezh Institute of High Technologies 73 A Lenin Street ~ 32 ~ Voronezh, Russia, 394043 +7(4732)20-56-04 Reaching potential students from Russia to study at US Universities – marketing outreach project With the current tendency to globalization and internationalization, there is a wide range of educational institutions with world-wide horizons that implement a great number of marketing practices for the recruitment of international students. These practices are vital when establishing professional networks and new international ties for unilateral or bilateral exchange. Due to the growth of political relations between Russia and the USA there is a great need to increase the amount of international exchange students as a way to increase diplomacy. The research is initiated on demographic information profile of Russian students able and interested to study in the USA. Students are segmented on the basis of whether they will be pursuing a degree in the USA or whether they will be doing professional development, such as English study or other career training. In this research the author conducts a survey on finding ways to communicate with individuals in the demographic of potential Russian students through the Internet and other modern means and determines best sites listed in order of strongest to weakest for distributing information to potential students. The author develops messaging in the format that Russian students are used to receiving it including graphics, photos that would attract student attention. Keywords: demographic, communication, marketing, student groups Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5uDtoR1nWA Natalia Serostanova Senior Lecturer Voronezh Institute of High Technologies +7 (4732) 72-73-98 Telecommunications Projects in the Process of Forming Personality and Vocational Competence of Specialists Globalization and informatization of education, with its personality-centered orientation, demand the development of personality and the vocational competences of students. Personality and vocational competence can be defined as a complex of personality features of a future specialist contributing to the effectiveness of their professional activity. Among the ways of teaching foreign languages, telecommunication projects are considered as an effective means of mastering language as well as forming important personality qualities. Telecommunication projects have some peculiarities in the process of forming personality and vocational competence of future specialists. They are as follows: Telecommunication projects, though the teacher plays a major role in offering support and guidance throughout the process, are student-centered. Telecommunication projects focus on professional content learning. Real-world subject matter and topics of interest to students can become central to the projects. Telecommunication projects are cooperative rather than competitive. Telecommunication projects culminate in an end product that can be shared with others, thereby, giving the project a real purpose. The value of the product lies not just in the final product but in the process of working towards the end point. Project work, which has both a process and product orientation, provides students with opportunities to focus on fluency and accuracy at different project-work stages. Telecommunication projects are potentially motivating, stimulating, empowering, and challenging. Thus, necessary student qualities such as responsibility, initiative, communication, creativity, mobility, ability to work with a team, readiness to collaborate, self-organization and self-education are developed for their future career. Project work also results in improving student language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities. Key words: telecommunication, vocational competence, professional learning, personal qualities Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7u6gfmcwOI ~ 33 ~ RUSSIAN EDUCATION: CURRENT STATE AND CHALLENGES (Poster Presentations) Elena Levanova Professor Moscow State Pedagogical University Maliy Suharevskiy Lane, 6 127051 Moscow Russian Federation +7(495) 607-4513 Modern educational technologies Development of various forms of the education, changing contexts and variety of training influence not only the form, structure and duration of granting of educational program, but also on the approach to the organization of training: In modern conditions more flexible teaching providing a wide management and support of students with the purpose of activization of its position in training is demanded. It occurs through use of practice oriented educational technologies: cognitive oriented technologies: dialogical methods of training, seminars-discussions, problem training, cognitive instructing, cognitive cards, instrumental-logic training, training of a reflection, etc.; activity oriented technologies: methods of projects and directing texts, contextual training, organizationalactive games, complex (didactic) tasks, technological cards, imitative-game modelling of technological processes, etc.; person oriented technologies: interactive and imitating games, trainings of the development, developing psycho-diagnostics, etc. Key words: practice oriented technologies Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Anna Serykh Professor Russian State University by I. Kant Kaliningrad Russian Federation Preparation of teachers for interaction with unsocial (victim) children* At the present stage of development of education the problems have become aggravated, necessity of which scientific decision is determined by features of social and economic attitudes and social and cultural situations in the Russian society. One of such problems - conditions of a life, development and socialization of greater groups of children. Adverse conditions of a life in which there are children, do many of them unsocial (victim), i.e. predisposed to become victims of adverse conditions of socialization (A.V.Mudrik). As statistical data and results of various researches show, and also studying of mass pedagogical experience already in initial classes of comprehensive schools teachers work with enough greater number of victim children of various types (social orphans, invalids, migrants, neglected, having experience of self-destructive behavior, etc.), the number of children with deviations in development and behavior, with social deprivation and school disadaptation increases. Victim children require specific forms of pedagogical work and the psychological help, considering their personal features and features of their social and interpersonal situation of development (A.L.Venger). Such situation demands corresponding system of preparation of teachers to interaction with victim pupils with use of modern technologies. Effective the technology has proved integrative technology, connecting and integrating various blocks of theoretical and practical disciplines. It gives to process of preparation of the teacher to interaction with victim children purposefulness, integrity, continuity and sequence. Realization of integrative technologies occurs on four types of classes: The classes as seminar, but with one subgroup, directed on working off of the certain pedagogical skills; the classes which are imitating school conditions in a student's audience and organizing as «business game» during which students act both in a role of the teacher, and in a role of the pupil; the classes in the form of supervision and the analysis of a lesson or educational action under specially developed program it is direct at school after preliminary working off of corresponding theoretical position; the classes in the form of exactly pedagogical activity at school when students under direction of the teacher prepare and spend educational actions and analyze results. ~ 34 ~ Key words: victim children, integrative technology Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Svetlana Serjakova Professor Moscow State Pedagogical University Maly Suharevsky lane, 6 127051 Moscow Russian Federation +7(495) 607-4549 Integration to Bologna Process and Russian Education Integration processes in education (Bolonsky process in Europe) is the change of educational paradigms, displacement of accents in formation from information-subject positions on personal - focused define directions of a development of education in Russia. Students should develop such personal qualities which will allow them to study throughout all their life and to apply knowledge to many spheres. Universities should provide qualitative continuous education according to requirements of the person and a society through working out of various educational programs and various forms of the organization of training (remote, internally-correspondence, correspondence, additional, etc.), mobility of students at the international level. Modern requirements have caused transition of the higher vocational training on level preparation (a bachelor degree and a magistracy), working out of Federal State standards of the third generation on a basis of competence approach. Previous SES HPE of the first (1994-1996) and the second generation (2000г), have considerably expanded the academic freedom of high schools in formation of educational programs (from 10 % in 1988 to 30-40 % in 2000г.), however they have kept orientation on information-learning model of the higher vocational training, in which basic accent becomes on formation of the list of disciplines, their volumes and the maintenance, instead of the requirements to level of development of a teaching material. In 2009-2010 are accepted Federal state educational standards of the higher vocational training of the third generations defining as the purposes and results of formation common cultural and professional competence (competence approach); the volume of educational programs is expressed in test units (240z.e. - a bachelor degree4 of year; 120 z.e - a magistracy-2 of year) that defines introduction of grade-rating system of an estimation; modular construction of educational programs. Requirements to realization of new educational programs define necessity of application of active forms of study with use of modern means and information bases. The academic freedom of high schools in formation of educational programs is increased to 50 % - a bachelor degree, 70 % - a magistracy. Now, when technologies and knowledge are quickly updated, introduction of the baccalaureate program with possibility of continuation of training in a magistracy, in the system of post-high school or additional education according to quickly changing labor market is expedient. Key words: the educational standard, level preparation, competence approach Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Tatyana Pushkareva Moscow State Pedagogical University Maly Suharevsky lane, 6 127051 Moscow Russian Federation +7(495) 607-4549 Interiorization of Scientific Knowledge in Educational Process at University In the modern conditions in the system of Russian higher education specialist professional training includes acquiring specific sum of knowledge. The system of teaching at university in Russia has come to the passive information acquiring recently. An instructor has not asked themselves about the personality importance of this knowledge for a student and its interiorization for the future usage in the professional activity while presenting theoretical knowledge, methodological approaches and scientific conceptions. As a result there is a problem of detachment of scientific knowledge acquired in educational process from demands raised in the process of professional activity. For solving this problem there is a necessity of searching for a new approach directed towards ~ 35 ~ forming of student personality need of getting scientific knowledge that must be interiorized as professionally necessary. That is why educational process at university aims at teaching subjects of professional training in concordance with specialist professional responsibilities. Students prepare themselves for solving professional problems by stocking up practical tooling by all group members; as a result everybody gets accumulated material. Using of collaborative debriefing (A.Panfilova ―Pedagogical modeling‖, 2007) lets realize inaccuracy in students work and find the possible variants of solving the problem taking into account different situations, emerging in the process of professional activity. Teaching becomes the process of constant getting new knowledge by students, students development as future specialists, and search for lacking knowledge important for students. This stimulates students cognitive activity, forms students attitude to themselves as high-skilled competitive specialists. The necessity of personality knowledge getting allows every student to treat the system of professional training in a different way. Thus, the interiorization of scientific knowledge in educational process at university is a specific transformation of cognitive objects, external in form to personality important scientific knowledge that is generalized, formed and used in the professional activity. Key words: detachment of scientific knowledge, knowledge interiorization, solving of professional problems, collaborative debriefing Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Svetlana Sivtsova Graduate student University of Toronto 70 Cambridge Avenue 1823 Cragmuir Court Toronto, ON M4K 2L5, Canada +1-647-861-7650 Exploring International Education in Formal and Informal Settings: The Case Study of the Russian City of Chita Internationalizing education systems seems to be a global process knowing virtually no geographical boundaries yet permitting for a variety of implementations it may take within those boundaries. The presentation is a descriptive overview of the international education system in the remote Russian city of Chita which provides a glimpse of its objectives, historical tradition and progression, current trends, achievements, and limitations. Both formal and informal settings of international education developments are considered; the focused, however, is paid to the non-formal segment as an inalienable and effective part of the local international education landscape. Key words: international education; non-formal setting Region: Russia Igor Lvovich Rector Voronezh Institute of High Technologies Voronezh, Russia +7 (4732) 72-73-98 Yakov Lvovich President Voronezh Institute of High Technologies Voronezh, Russia +7 (4732) 72-73-98 Exploring Educators‟ Readiness for Realizing Innovative Activity in Russian Universities With the ever-changing world crisis statement as it is, the time is now for Russian education to explore and implement new techniques in the training of professionals. It is necessary to equip highly qualified professionals with innovative thinking and problem solving skills. Innovative culture is shown in a student‘s readiness and capability to take part in realizing and adjusting to the changes which are constantly occurring in the world. In the process of the formation of an innovative culture, a person must possess the skills to adapt to the changing environment and to accept novelty. Innovative activity, ~ 36 ~ defined as a factor of a person‘s self-development, deals with the formation of creative potential, innovative thinking and innovative culture of students in the teaching process at the university. It is necessary to have knowledge of innovation, be good at organizing innovative activity, and to understand its value to the vocational forming of future professionals in order to involve students in innovative activity. The goal of administrators in higher education institutions is to create a system of forming innovative culture for future professionals. To find a solution, we are performing research among educators in order to define their readiness for innovative activity. Educators are to complete a special four unit questionnaire: Unit 1 informs what the role of innovative activity is and the main point; Unit 2 includes innovative activity participation, its direction, and the results; Unit 3 defines motivation activity; and Unit 4 dwells on the factors which prevent the realization of innovative activity. Thus, the experiment shows the importance of conducting purposeful work with educators and students in order to define basic trends in the field of innovative activity. Key words: innovative activity, readiness for innovative activity, Russia Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. EDUCATION IN IRAQ: REBUILDING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM (Poster Presentations) Dr. Ghadah Yiseen University of Baghdad, Iraq Dr. David Anderson College of Education Eastern Michigan University, USA Application of the „Systemic Approach to Teaching and Learning‟ (SATL) to Post-Secondary Physical Chemistry Courses in Iraq Physical chemistry is considered as the correlation point among three basic sciences, namely Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. Without understanding this correlation point, the nature of physical chemistry cannot be fully understood. In order to understand this correlation point, professors must use techniques that lead to ―meaningful learning‖ (Ausubel, 1968). Concept-mapping has been shown to be an effective method to support meaningful learning (Novak, 1998). In the area of science education, one of the most effective uses of conceptmapping is called the ―Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning‖ (SATL). Since its inception 12 years ago (Fahmy et al., 1998) through the joint efforts of Professor A. F. M. Fahmy at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science of Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt and Professor J. J. Lagowski, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, these SATL techniques have been successfully applied at all levels of education, and across a wide variety of disciplines. Research on these SATL techniques indicates that they provide a superior learning environment to the traditional linear methods of teaching, and that these techniques will transcend political and cultural barriers as well as being applicable to all levels of education. This presentation will discuss how SATL can be applied to the areas of kinetics and thermodynamics in physical chemistry, and how this research enhances our understanding of concept-mapping and its impact on teaching and learning. Key words: Science Instruction, concept mapping, higher education Region: Iraq Dr. Fatin Khairy Al- Rifa’I Dept. of Educational and Psychological Sciences University of Baghdad, Iraq Dr. David Anderson College of Education Eastern Michigan University, USA Evaluation of the 2010 Fulbright Visiting Iraqi Scholar Exchange Program: Reflections from Within In general, research indicates that the exposure to a country, its people, and culture will have an impact on anyone who has studied abroad (SRI International, 2002). As a result of the exposure, perceptions are changed, thoughts challenged, and, most important, a new world view is garnered. Participation or involvement in international activities also provides enhanced cultural awareness, improves communication skills, and increases foreign ~ 37 ~ language skills. In particular, scholar exchange programs provide opportunities for scholars and professionals to establish new contacts with academic and professional colleagues in other countries, to develop collaborative teaching and research relationships with other scholars and professionals, and to pursue professional development and scholarly work in the host country. This paper addresses the experiences of participants (including both the visiting and host faculty) in the 2010 Fulbright Visiting Iraqi Scholar Exchange program. It will address the range of program activities, the challenges, the successes, and the on-going collaborative projects. Key words: Fulbright, Exchange Region: Iraq, USA Room 301 (1:00 – 2:20) PROGRAM EVALUATION Şükrü Ada Atatürk University, Erzurum-Turkey Sedat Gumus (Presenter) Michigan State University 3109 Trappers Cove Apt 2C Lansing, MI 48910 (517) 980-5794 Evaluating Educational Administration Master‟s Programs: A Comparative Study of Turkey and the USA A number of studies show the role of school principals has changed from a manager to instructional leader over time (Barnett, 2004). Student achievement is considered one of the main responsibilities of today‘s principals. Therefore, they are expected to focus more on instructional practices in schools rather than the conventional managerial work. However, in practice, there are few principals who can effectively perform their role as instructional leaders (Fink & Resnick, 2001). In this case, graduate programs in educational administration, especially master‘s programs, are very important for developing instructional leaders. In this study, we will compare educational administration master‘s programs in Turkey and in the US. We chose these two countries because they have very different educational systems and principal selection processes. Turkey is a developing country with very centralized educational system and does not require any master‘s degree or principal certification for being a principal, while the US is a developed country which has decentralized educational system and, generally, prefers a master‘s degree in educational administration or a principal certification for being a principal. Hence, we aim to illustrate the differences and similarities between educational administration master‘s programs in these two countries in terms of content and structure. We will also evaluate master‘s programs regarding their sufficiency for preparing instructional leaders for today‘s schools. Key words: instructional leadership, school principalship, Master's programs Region: Turkey, USA Diana Yefanova Doctoral Student Comparative and International Development Education Program University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 2285 University Ave. W, Apt. 160 St. Paul, MN 55114 (651) 645-1535 Stakeholder Perspectives on Cross-Border Graduate Double Degree Program Implementation: Case Studies in Different National Contexts Cross-border collaborative partnerships represent an area of growing significance for universities worldwide. One type of such alliances is a graduate double degree program that leads to two or more equivalent qualifications upon completion of program requirements established by two or more partner institutions. However, such programs face multiple academic, administrative and recruitment challenges, often failing to gain high reputation and significant student participation. This comparative multiple case study investigates how university stakeholders (program administrators, staff, and faculty) view and evaluate cross-border graduate double degree program rationales and ~ 38 ~ implementation at Japanese and foreign (American and Australian) universities. The driving question in this research agenda is whether there is enough support for such programs among different players within institutions, and what role stakeholder support may play in program implementation in differing institutional contexts. The ensuing analysis highlights potential sources of program ineffectiveness and addresses stakeholder support and resistance issues based on perceptions of program value, access to resources, and participation in decision-making. Rationales behind moderate support from staff, active support by program administrators and low levels of support among faculty are addressed. The study also offers collaborative program policy recommendations. Key words: cross-border tertiary education, interuniversity strategic alliances, internationalization Region: Japan, United States, Australia Dr. Sufyan Faraj Al-Janabi College of Computers University of Anbar Ramadi, Al-Anbar, Iraq Dr. William Sverdlik Department of Computer Science Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti MI, USA Enhancement of Student Programming Skills Using Distributed Collaborative Programming The positive aspects of collaborative team programming have been well established in the computer science education community; benefits include better workload balance, deeper problem comprehension, and enhanced quality achieved through peer review. The authors propose to implement these ideas in a multi-national distributive environment. It is anticipated that students will gain the well establish goals of collaborative programming, specifically better programming skills, and at the same time gain cultural and technological skills not readily available via local collaborative efforts. The two authors met in August 2010 when the first author was a Fulbright scholar at Eastern Michigan University (EMU). Various possibilities to continue long-term cooperation between their respective universities were discussed. The issue of developing programming skills of students through international collaboration is the one considered in this work. After the completion of the design and planning phase, we aim to start implementing a 2-3 month pilot project during the second term of the 2010/2011 academic year. The pilot project will enable us to understand unforeseen problems and collect important feedback from students. This will facilitate refinements in our design. We hope a complete version of the project can be implemented in the 2011/2010 academic year. This paper presents the planning and designing phase of this international collaborative work along with the rationale behind it. After initiating the implementation phase, more practical and implementation details will be considered in subsequent papers. Key words: distributed programming, multi-national collaboration Region: USA, Iraq Room 302 (1:00 – 2:20) ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Ray Lewis Graduate Student Leadership and Counseling Department Eastern Michigan University Dr. David M. Anderson Associate Professor Eastern Michigan University Addressing Conflict Avoidance in Educational Environments Within an educational organization, there are many behaviors that can be either productive or counterproductive for the overall success of the organization. It is essential for leaders to understand how and when ~ 39 ~ behaviors can be constructive or destructive, and what to do when the behavior is destructive. One such behavior is conflict avoidance. In some situations, conflict avoidance (in the short term) can be a reasonable, even necessary, method of maintaining a stable workplace. For example, conflict avoidance is appropriate when: 1) an issue can be resolved by letting people ―cool down‖; 2) others can resolve the conflict more effectively; 3) the potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution; or 4) there is a need for gathering additional information. (K.W. Thomas, ―Conflict and Conflict Management‖, pp. 889-935 in M.D. Dunnette (ed.) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976.) However, in most cases, there are significant negative consequences of conflict avoidance such as broken relationships, reduced productivity, and team dysfunction. So, considering the possible negative consequences of such behavior, it would be highly beneficial for organizational leaders to address conflict avoidance behaviors. In order to address conflict avoidance, it is necessary to recognize that it can be considered an addictive behavior due to its persistence in individuals and their compulsive evasion of recognizing/addressing it. This behavioral addiction is rooted both in individual experiences as well as the broader social and organizational culture. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a 12 step intervention program to address conflict avoidance, as well as its related organizational support services. This program is very useful for educational leaders in terms of building more productive work teams and stronger community. The analysis addresses the conference theme by providing insights into the organizational culture and proposing a useful intervention for educational leaders. Kamol Jiyankhodjaev Fulbright Scholar Columbia University Elon University 2375 Campus Box Elon, NC 27244 + 646-262-6004 Changes in Teacher Training of Uzbekistan As a part of higher education, the Uzbek teacher pre-service and in-service training system (TTS) has rapidly changed during the last decade of independence. Inheriting from Russian (and further from German) education its ―comprehensive‖ character, the Uzbek education system is changing towards ―westernization‖ through a number of consecutive reforms. In the early stages, structural reform introduced 12-year universal compulsory schooling. Parallel to that higher education setup was changed from a five-year specialist diploma to a four-year bachelor‘s degree followed by a two-year master‘s degree. Responding to the demand of these reforms, TTS is also changing. Implemented new education standards are keeping overall ―comprehensive‖ curriculum character and, at the current stage of development, TTS‘s initiatives mainly focus on delivery and assessment methodology. Interactive and student-centered teaching methods are now broadly introduced. The assessment system more and more relies on standardized testing. Started by international donor projects, these initiatives are now supported by formal preservices and in-service TTSs as well as teacher community groups. Management of that change process is a clear challenge and demands further development of management capacity. Response to that could be the development of an education management profile for Pedagogic University curriculum as well as an introduction of short-term Change Management courses for school administrators. Keywords: teacher training Region: Uzbekistan Do-Yong Park Associate Professor Illinois State University Normal, IL 61791-5300 (309) 438-5050 A Model of Overseas Professional Development for Gifted Education This session will discuss an effective overseas professional development program for inservice teachers in gifted education. This session reports part of the evaluation of an Overseas Professional Development Program (OPDP) for inservice gifted education teachers that was held at a mid-west US university in 2009 and 2010. Each year, participants included 20 inservice teachers who have been teaching gifted students at 6-12 grade levels in Korea. Over the past two years, a total of 40 inservice teachers visited a US higher education institution for two weeks in the summer and participated in a residence model of professional development (Sparks & Loucks-Horsley, ~ 40 ~ 1989) for gifted education. From a perspective of sociocultural theory, this session will discuss the following three aspects about the program: 1. Three unique yet interlocking modules that were used to guide the program design, 2. Results from open-ended questionnaire about the gifted education and content knowledge and skills that participants gained through the program, and 3. An effective professional program reflecting knowledge and skills and practical knowledge (Grimmett & MacKinnon, 1992) that inservice gifted education teachers needed. Although professional development becomes a key component in fulfilling educational reforms in each country, little research has been conducted about the effect of overseas professional development. Implications will be discussed in terms of content, pedagogy, school visits, and cultural experience and how each component plays a role to meet the goals of overseas professional development for gifted educators. Key words: Socio-cultural theory, overseas professional development, gifted education Region: Korea, USA Marilyn Wedenoja Ph.D., LMSW Professor of Social Work School of Social Work Eastern Michigan University 361 Marshall Ypsilanti MI 48197 (734) 487-3230 Janet Reaves Ph.D., LMSW Associate Professor of Social Work School of Social Work Eastern Michigan University 348 Marshall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-2321 Starting-Up a Social Work International Program in Jamaica: Some of the Joys and Hassles! Some suspect we select new locations for international education based on places where we wish to ―vacation‖, or naively assume that a faculty can pick sites by throwing darts at a world map. In fact, the process of developing new international locations for student trips may take years of networking, exploration, and relationshipbuilding. This work may end up being financed by faculty themselves, with persistent development done by one or two faculty members. The process tends to be idiosyncratic. Sometimes how one meets a key contact from that country may be serendipitous at a conference, on a trip, or through a friend or family member. Even once one has such a ―contact‖, it must be nurtured, developed, and maintained. Technology that is now increasingly available around the world, such as smart phones, email, websites, Skype, and yes – even Facebook - provide more tools and strategies for developing and nurturing relationships with community members at potential education sites internationally. This presentation will focus on developing a new location for student learning in Bluefields, Jamaica. The process of identifying volunteer opportunities, obtaining university-based approvals, and planning for the infrastructure needed to sustain such a social work program will be discussed. Key words: Early Program Development, Social Work Students; Volunteering in Jamaica Region: Jamaica Room 304 (1:00 – 2:20) STUDY ABROAD Dr. Betty Kirby Central Michigan University (989) 774-1503 Transformational Learning: Nine Principles for Improving the Adult Learner Experience in Short-Term Study Abroad Programs ~ 41 ~ Traditional short-term study abroad programs typically designed for an undergraduate audience are often insufficient for adult learners. This article explores the research findings from two studies focused on the adult learner and transformational learning experiences in short-term study abroad settings and nine principles to improve the adult learner experience. The principles emerged from the findings of a dissertation study conducted in Beijing, China, 2008, and were then utilized in the design of a second study conducted in Ireland, 2009. Data synthesized from participant interviews, surveys, and journal summaries support the validity of the nine principles and provide insight into the essence of transformational learning experiences for adults. The principles and subsequent recommendations offer a framework for designing an effective adult leaner study abroad experience and can be used to build the capacity for this age group through standards of best practice. Key words: transformational learning; adult learners; short-term study abroad; globalization; graduate level Region: China, Ireland Dawn Walker Study Abroad Advisor and Graduate Student Programs for Study Abroad Purdue University Young Hall Room 105 155 S. Grant Street West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 494-2383 (office) Developing Global Citizens: Approaches to Pre-departure Programs in International Education Programs The composition of study abroad programs has changed through the years. Universities and colleges are creating programs that vary in length, destinations, and course offerings. This may be why more U.S. students than ever are choosing to study abroad during their undergraduate studies. With more students studying abroad, there is more paperwork, country-specific information to teach, and intercultural concepts to make sure students understand (Franklin & Spencer-Oatey, 2009). Many study abroad offices rely on pre-departure programs to help prepare students for their study abroad experience (Cushner & Karim, 2004). Pre-departure orientations help students adapt to their host destination. These programs can provide students with information about the country, culture, language, paperwork, and adjustment strategies (Cushner & Karim, 2004). Sometimes students take a course where they earn credit the semester before they leave for their host destination. Other pre-departure programs consists of a single or multiple meetings held at a variety of times and locations. Sometimes students do not receive any prior assistance before they leave for their study abroad destination (Arthur, 2009). This study examines how pre-departure programs are created and implemented at three diverse college campuses and describes current approaches to pre-departure education. Key words: study abroad, pre-departure education, higher education Region: USA Catherine H. Reischl Clinical Associate Professor School of Education University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 610 East University, School of Education Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (734) 936-0872 Kathryn Young Secondary Teacher Education Coordinator School of Education University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 610 East University, School of Education Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (734) 763-8890 Building Critical Perspectives on Language, Culture and Learning: Short-Term Undergraduate Journeys in the South Pacific ~ 42 ~ This presentation reports on and analyzes research on the nature of undergraduate students‘ learning in month-long service-learning journeys to New Zealand and Hawai‘i. Through examination of student writing, artifacts, and post-trip interviews and evaluations from these two separate projects, presenters will share findings on students‘ learning and discuss how these findings might shape the design of short-term intercultural service-learning experiences. These projects focused on developing critical comparative perspectives on the role of language, culture, and schooling through involvement in schools that offered rich cultural and linguistic diversity and service projects with local political and environmental organizations. Pre-trip experiences for each of these projects offered students opportunities to engage with local community members to explore language maintenance and renewal, culturally relevant teaching practices, and schooling in the lives of members of Ojibwe, Muslim, and African-American language and cultural backgrounds in Michigan. Students, who represented areas of study from throughout the university, learned to perceive the role of language and culture in schooling in their own and others‘ lives in Michigan and then in the lives of Māori (indigenous people) and Pakehā (people of European origin) children, youth and teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand schools and in the lives of Native Hawai‘ian students, teachers and community members on Oahu. Particular attention was paid to the active role that users of the language of power (English, in both the U.S. and Aotearoa New Zealand settings) must take in co-constructing equitable language and cultural pedagogies in schools. Key words: international service-learning, undergraduate study abroad Region: New Zealand, Hawai‘i Room 320 (1:00 – 2:20) THE CULTURAL CONTEXT OF LANGUAGE EDUCATION AND INTERNATIONALIZATION Emilia Komarova Professor Head of Department of Cross Cultural Communication Voronezh Institute of High Technologies 73-a Lenin St. Voronezh, Russia 394043 New Techniques in Teaching Foreign Languages at the University There are many ways of teaching foreign languages according to the personality centered paradigm by using different approaches such as: context, competence, communicative, and cognitive. The most effective approach is associated with the students‘ intellectual, creative, and moral development. Teaching foreign languages deals with students involved in an authentic environment while realizing the social and cultural features of foreign countries. In addition, pedagogical technologies play a major role in mastering foreign languages. We propose that pedagogical technology be divided into three trends: The first trend, technology in education associated with programmable teaching, is oriented towards extending the possibilities in using technical means and suggests a stepped presentation of language material in accordance with algorithm and stepped control. The second trend, educational technology, means the technology of organizing the educational process. Today, computers open general access to different information strategies. Personal characteristics of students, visual thinking, information culture, and communicative competence are all very urgent now. The third trend, technology of language education, deals with methods, ways, and modes of teaching. Technology in education is a leading role in the organization of independent, creative activity of the students and creates good context in their self-organization. On the one hand, educational technology suggests a scientific approach to linguistic and psychological content of teaching, its choice; on the other hand, it takes into account its principles, methods, and means of teaching foreign languages. Such understanding of educational technology corresponds to the requirements of the modern educational paradigm. The main point of this technology takes into consideration a person‘s interests and values that are dominant components in organizing educational activity. Keywords: personality centered paradigm, educational technology, foreign language Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Cheryl Hunter Assistant Professor Department of Education ~ 43 ~ Hiram College Hiram, OH 44234 (330) 569-6151 Renee Gutierrez Assistant Professor Spanish Department Hiram College Hiram, OH 44234 (330) 569-6149 Across Disciplines and into the World: Professional International Interdisciplinary Engagements (PIIE) Hiram College aims to interconnect both faculty and students in foreign language and professional departments with a focus on preparing culturally and linguistically diverse professionals. The PIIE program encourages both faculty and students in the professional departments of Education, Nursing and Entrepreneurship (as well as Spanish) to develop language skills appropriate to specific disciplines. Faculty will develop interdisciplinary and team-taught courses that integrate culture, language, and ethics as required courses within the program. Students also fulfill an intensive service learning component to participate in the program. Preliminary data is presented from pilot components of the program. Keywords: professional, Spanish Region: USA Maggie Dunlop Doctoral Student University of Toronto 22 Cragmuir Court Toronto, ON M4A 2H1 Canada +1-647-344-8967 Tensions in English Language Examinations: Testing for Increased Access, Internationalization or Westernization? This paper is a summary of a study that analyzed a selection of English tests on the 2009 university entrance examinations in Brazil and China, focusing on the text topic content and geographical locations presented in the texts. The study built on research that demonstrates the positive effect of cultural familiarity on language test performance and investigated whether text topics would be more familiar to particular groups. The study also investigated whether the geographical location of text content focuses on Western regions, which would weaken claims to English being connected to globalization as opposed to Westernization. The study found that in both countries text content focuses on topics familiar to urban and more economically wealthy students, and geographical location emphasizes the West, specifically the USA. However, the study also found that China‘s choice of texts discriminates less against other student groups and concentrates slightly less on Western geographical locations than texts on the Brazilian exams. The study looked at the results in light of Brazilian and Chinese foreign language education and development policies. This paper discusses the tensions facing examination policies in simultaneously promoting social equality and internationalization through English language learning. Key words: testing; internationalization; equality Region: Brazil, China, USA Room 330 (1:00 – 2:20) THE POWER OF THE LIVED EXPERIENCE: THE INFLUENCE OF MOVEMENT AND ENGAGEMENT WITH OTHERS ON PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (Panel) Margaret Zoller Booth (Chair) Professor and Graduate Coordinator MA in Cross-Cultural & International Education (MACIE) program (419) 372-9950 ~ 44 ~ Jennifer Bartimole MA Candidate Cross-Cultural & International Education (716) 307-9691 Conor Harmon MA Candidate Cross-Cultural & International Education (734) 657-6238 Leslie Pacheco MA Candidate Cross-Cultural & International Education (760) 673-9315 A’ame Kone MA Candidate Cross-Cultural & International Education (812) 345-3896 550 Education Building Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 Benjamin MacKenzie MA Candidate Cross-Cultural & International Education 201 University Hall Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 43403 (612) 226-357 Panel Abstract: This panel presents five qualitative studies where movement and subsequent engagement with others contributes to education and to personal identity. The first ethnographic study examines the influence of labor migration for Mexican American adolescents and the extent that their status as migrants impacts their ethnic identity. The second ethnographic study continues to investigate the influence of migration by examining Mexican migrant parents‘ educational aspirations for their children in the U.S. The third paper takes a phenomenological approach to exploring the process of immigrant resettlement for female Sudanese refugees in the U.S. and how educational experiences assist with successful adaptation to the new cultural context. Through its ethnographic methodology, the fourth study uncovers informally learned lessons for young domestic servants in Mali who enter the working profession in hopes of upward mobility and in the process learn much more than servitude skills. Finally, the fifth paper‘s case study approach analyzes the influence of the merging of Ghanaian colonial and local cultures on the performing arts and the subsequent impact of this cultural fusion on students. These five qualitative studies contribute to our understanding of the significant impact that movement and engagement with others has on the development of young people. Jennifer Marie Bartimole (presenter) Entre Dos Mundos: What it Means to Be a Latino Migrant Student in Northwest Ohio Hispanic migrant workers leave their homes to work in the U.S. and earn money to support their families. Facing many barriers as they balance two worlds and cultures, their living conditions are often harsh and the pay is little (Rothenberg, 1998). The migratory nature of their lives makes it difficult to maintain cultural traditions, which can have a great impact on ethnic identity. Further, individuals who belong to marginalized groups are more likely to feel the need to explore their identity, which is most important during adolescence (French, Seidman, Allen, & Aber, 2006). Many cognitive changes occur during adolescence, and these changes may also lead to an increase of awareness of the implications of membership in the group to which an adolescent belongs (Phinney, 2008). For migrant teens, a marginalized population, ethnic identity is especially important. Approximately 15 migrant teens between the ages of 13 and 19 were interviewed for this qualitative research study using an ethnographic case study approach to better understand these teens‘ understanding and exploration of their ethnic identity. One of the themes to emerge is that most teens are aware of their ethnic background and feel good about their ethnicity. Keywords: Hispanic migrant workers, migrant adolescents, ethnic identity ~ 45 ~ Conor Patrick Harmon (presenter) The View From the Fields: NW Ohio Mexican Migrant Families' Perceptions of their Role in Their Children's U.S. Formal Education This study examines how Mexican migrant parents perceive their role in the education of their children in U.S. schools. Mexican migrant families are confronted with numerous educational challenges including difficult working conditions, low wages, as well as their unique, migratory lifestyle. These factors are made even more difficult by the cultural changes they are forced to overcome while adapting to the U.S. educational system. Twelve Mexican migrant parents were interviewed in this qualitative research project using an ethnographic approach with a focus on how Mexican migrant parents‘ educational hopes and expectations influence their support for their children. Bourdieu‘s (1984) concept of cultural capital helps frame the study, as he considers the cultural habits and dispositions inherited from the family to be fundamentally important to school success. One of the initial themes to emerge from the study is the strong desire by the parents that their children ‗seguir adelante‘ (move forward) in both life and school, even when faced with overwhelming obstacles. Keywords: Mexican migrant parents, education, ethnography Leslie Pacheco (presenter) Exploring the Educational Experiences of Sudanese Refugee Women in the United States This paper explores how Sudanese refugee women in the United States perceive their educational experiences and how these experiences influence the resettlement process. Resettlement poses unique challenges for refugees, as they must leave the familiar and restructure all aspects of their lives, adjusting to unfamiliar cultural expectations, behaviors, and social environments within the country of resettlement. For refugee women, the resettlement process may be especially difficult because they must negotiate changing family roles, loss of traditional support systems, barriers to seeking employment, and lack of language skills. Nine Sudanese refugee women living in the United States were interviewed using a phenomenological research methodology with the aim of gaining a thorough understanding of the nature and meaning of their lived experiences. This phenomenological methodology is derived from the philosophical writings of Husserl (1970) who introduced the concept of the ―life world,‖ which informs this study in exploring the lived experiences of everyday situations. One major theme to emerge is the empowering nature of educational opportunities in assisting women to negotiate the resettlement process. Keywords: refugees, women, education, phenomenology A’ame Kone (presenter) Tying the Dishes: The Role of Social Capital in Educating Domestic Servants toward Womanhood in Mali Traditional Mande culture encourages parents to place their adolescent daughters into the homes of extended relatives to conduct household work in exchange for education, training, or a bridal chest (Bøås & Hatløy, 2008). This practice has provided parents with a familiar landscape through which their daughters can enter into the domestic service trade. Adolescent and pre-pubescent girls in rural Mali migrate to urban centers to become domestic workers in order to provide for their parents, pay school fees, or prepare for marriage (Okafor, 2009). This paper explores the social pressures surrounding the preparation of a young girl‘s bridal chest requiring her to endure several years of domestic servitude in order to achieve the appropriate social, cultural, and material capital to enter into marriage. Four currently employed domestic servants, seven former domestic servants, and five employers were interviewed in Mali for this ethnographic research project. Obtaining capital through the purchase of dishes for a girl‘s bridal chest emerged as an important part of informal education taught to girls before, during, and after servitude. Key words: domestic servants, Mali, social capital Benjamin MacKenzie (presenter) Playing the Part: Drama and Cultural Identity in Ghanaian Teenagers Given the expansive reach of western culture, some critics have wondered if globalization will allow other societies to maintain their individuality. In an effort to answer this question, we should consider the ways in which children who engage with western culture around the world have begun to understand themselves and their societies. This paper will attempt to explore how involvement in the dramatic arts may influence the development of identity among a group of teenage students in the nation of Ghana. The literature reviewed for this study includes analyses of native, colonial, and post-colonial cultures in the country as well as the educational environment which surrounds the participants. Since contemporary Ghanaian culture melds tribal and colonial practices in education and the arts, this literature helps illuminate the initial research findings. Observations of rehearsals and interviews with twenty students contributed to the data in this qualitative case study which seeks to explain ways that students ~ 46 ~ construct identity in an environment filled with both Western media and local art forms. One developing theme suggests that creative collaboration among diverse performers ultimately supports the affirmation of students‘ local culture. Key words: Drama, Ghana, Cultural Identity Room 350 (1:00 – 2:20) BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN COLLEGES AND ACROSS DISCIPLINES THROUGH INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAM AND GLOBAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT (Panel) Presenters: Dr. Anne L. Balazs (chair) Head of the Department of Marketing Eastern Michigan University Dr. La Verne Hairston Higgins Associate Dean & Professor of Management College of Business Eastern Michigan University Dr. R. Weston Gil Department Head World Languages Eastern Michigan University Panel Abstract: Three panelists from Eastern Michigan University discuss the history and success of interdisciplinary and international business program development. The learning goals and outcomes of the programs will be addressed. The administrative, intellectual and creative work that is required to deliver such programs is highlighted. The panelists will also address internationalization at EMU in the context of building collaborative relationships between colleges and across disciplines. This panel will address efforts to develop the skills and competencies required by global businesses through international business curricula. The Eastern Michigan University (EMU) experience presented will be of interest to educators who offer such programs, students who are considering international majors/careers, and companies that seek these skill sets in their employees. EMU has a history of innovative program building and multicultural inclusiveness. The student body and faculty (particularly in the College of Business) are among the most diverse in the U.S. Exchange agreements exist with universities from around the world including India, Yemen, and Macau. The first Master‘s degree in Human Resources and Organizational Development (MSHROD) in China is delivered on line and ―on ground‖ by EMU‘s Management Department. The International Business program has a long history of collaboration with World Languages that has resulted in one of the most comprehensive and progressive majors in the University. Offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the IB program is growing rapidly in a challenging economic environment. Proficiency in a second language, a study abroad experience, and a minor in a functional business area are degree requirements. An advisory board offers feedback on the curriculum and supports the program with internships, scholarships and professional opportunities. Finally, the College co-sponsors the Tricontinental GABC conference and has just launched the Global Advances in Business Communication (GABC) Journal. Key words: Collaborative International Business Program, Global Career Development Concurrent Sessions IV 2:30 PM – 3:50 PM Room 300 (2:30 – 3:50) GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION IN TEACHING SCIENCES (Poster presentations) ~ 47 ~ Rafa M. Kasim Assistant Professor of Evaluation & Measurement Kent State University College of Education, Health and Human Services 507 White Hall Kent, OH 44242 (330) 672-0601 Sema A. Kalaian Professor of Statistics & Research Design Eastern Michigan University College of Technology 150 Sill Hall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-1161 Neda R. Kasim Graduate Student in Biology Kent State University Comparative Study to Examine the Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning across Science Disciplines For the last two decades, the national and federal agencies and STEM organizations (e.g., the National Science Board, the National Academy of Sciences) continuously have called for improvements in undergraduate science education in the US. In the present study, meta-analysis was used to examine the academic achievement effects of cooperative learning interventions with undergraduate college science students. An electronic search of major databases resulted in 66 relevant cooperative learning effectiveness studies in various college science classes. The objectives of this meta-analytic study are to: (1) conduct a comprehensive literature review to locate the primary studies examining the effectiveness of cooperative learning in science undergraduate STEM classes, (2) estimate the weighted average effect size and its associated variance from the experimental, quasi-experimental, and comparative science research studies using multilevel methods for meta-analysis, and (3) model the heterogeneity in these effect sizes by including coded variables (e.g., institution type, study duration) in the multilevel model to explain some of the variability in the effect sizes. Results suggest that cooperative learning methods are more effective in improving academic achievement of STEM college students than the traditional lecture-based instruction across major science disciplines (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics). Keywords: Cooperative Learning, STEM Education, Meta-Analysis Region: USA Sema A. Kalaian Professor of Statistics & Research Design College of Technology Eastern Michigan University 150 Sill Hall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-1161 Rafa M. Kasim Assistant Professor of Research Methods & Evaluation College of Education, Health and Human Services Kent State University 507 White Hall Kent, OH 44242 (330) 672-0601 A Global Perspective on the Effectiveness of Small-Group Learning in STEM College Classrooms For over two decades, the national and federal agencies in the United States and other countries have consistently called for the need to improve STEM education. In response to the call, the effectiveness of small-group ~ 48 ~ learning methods (e.g., cooperative and collaborative) as alternative reform leaning methods to the traditional lecture-based instruction have been implemented, studied, and reported in the US and abroad. The objectives of this meta-analytic study are to: (1) conduct a comprehensive literature search to locate the international primary studies that examine the effectiveness of small group learning in STEM college classes and (2) use multilevel methods to estimate the average effect size of the STEM primary experimental and quasiexperimental effectiveness studies and model the heterogeneity in these effect sizes by including the coded predictor variables (e.g., study duration) in the multilevel model. The results of multilevel modeling show that the small-group learning methods are more effective than the traditional lecture-based instruction in STEM international classes and the duration of the intervention has a significant positive effect on college students‘ achievement. Therefore, similar to the US findings, the international studies are in support of the effectiveness of the small-group instructional methods in STEM classes. Keywords: STEM Education, Small-Group Learning, Meta-Analysis Region: USA Jing Chen (presenter) Doctoral candidate College of Education Michigan State University 1555 Fairway Dr. Apt. 301 Naperville, IL 60563 (734)717-9919 Charles W. Anderson (co-author) Professor College of Education Michigan State University 319A Erickson Hall East Lansing, MI 48824 (517) 432-4648 Assessing American and Chinese K-12 Students‟ Understanding of Carbon Cycle for the Global Climate Change Global warming is receiving increasing public attention in recent years. One of the primary causes of global warming is the imbalance of carbon cycling processes, which increases the atmospheric CO2 levels. For the United States and China, as two leading carbon emissions countries, it‘s especially urgent for their citizens to understand the carbon cycle to make knowledgeable decisions about environmental issues. This study aims to investigate how to improve science education in both countries to prepare environmentally literate citizens. We investigate American and Chinese students‘ understanding of the carbon cycle to find out ways to improve science education in both countries. We report findings from written assessments collected from 600 American and 600 Chinese K-12 students. The results indicate that only small proportions of students achieve scientific-based reasoning in both countries. Thus, it is urgent to improve science education in both nations. American students outperform Chinese students in connecting knowledge from different disciplinary areas to reason about carbon transforming processes and large-scale events. Chinese students memorize more chemical identities, energy forms, and principles. These differences result from the differences in curriculum, standards, and teaching focuses between these two countries. The comparison informs us with ideas from another country to improve science education to prepare environmentally literate citizens to deal with global climate change. Key words: Environmental Literacy; Science Education; International Comparison Region: USA, China GLOBALIZING EDUCATION FROM CLASSROOM TO EDUCATION SYSTEM (Poster presentations) Inna Abramova Graduate Teaching Assistant Department of Curriculum and Instruction Purdue University 100 N. University Street ~ 49 ~ West Lafayette, IN 47907 (765) 496-3026 Preparing Future Teachers to Work in the Global Age: Transformative Thinking and Curriculum To become successful educators in a globalized world, pre-service teachers must be prepared to teach in multicultural diverse multilingual environments that are not limited by national borders. This requires new culturally sensitive and relevant knowledge, specific analytical skills, and better refined and renegotiated values. The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential of a transformative curriculum in one of the undergraduate teacher education programs and to describe the implementation of this curriculum. The new curriculum is based on the theoretical framework of critical constructivism, and it includes international and global awareness as its core element. By incorporating inquiry-based learning, media and technology, critical self-reflection, debates and other knowledge constructing techniques, the teacher-researcher together with the students created a curriculum that yields to multiple voices and unorthodox perspectives. The study demonstrates that designing a successful transformative teacher education curriculum with the focus on international and global issues entails collaborative efforts of the instructor and students. Keywords: transformative curriculum; multicultural education, undergraduate teacher education Region: USA Inna Gorlova Doctoral Candidate Department of Leadership & Counseling Eastern Michigan University John W. Porter Bldg. Suite 304 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 734-478-0255 Impact of Globalization and “McDonaldization” on Education This presentation exploits different concepts related to the transformation of higher educational institutions to business-like organizations on the global scale. The researcher considers globalization as economical, political, cultural, and technological/informational trends which impact higher education and create causes for educational institutions to compete in the market and seek ways to survive. The McDonalization concept developed by G. Ritzer (1999) is tested to explain the rationalization of the transformational processes that occur in higher educational institutions. This presentation is one of the steps for the researcher to better understand the threat of the dehumanization of education through the transformation of educational institutions to business-like organizations. No empirical data were collected for this study. Key words: globalization, McDonalization, rationalization, transformation Region: USA Kevin Stevens Graduate Student Educational Leadership Higher Education/Student Affairs program Eastern Michigan University Kenyan Education: an American Student‟s Perspective The educational system around the world is different in so many ways, when looking through our own cultural lens it appears to be that much different. Learning about the cultural and educational differences of other countries will create a broader understanding of what‘s taking place in the world around us. Looking at issues facing students (ages 5-18) in Africa, more specifically Kenya; can create that broader understanding of the world, that this presenter, is trying to achieve. It will be through the lens of this presenter, that an examination of the Kenyan educational issues will take place. The exploration of Kenya, through his travels, will create dialogue on the real issues facing this third world nation. Some of the issues that will be discussed are: poverty, disease, orphan educational issues, future goals, and other related areas. This presentation will explore the nation of Kenya as seen through the eyes of a volunteer student experiencing Kenya for the first and second time. The presenter will present his experiences working with orphans and how it relates to a variety of intriguing areas within the educational community around the world. The presenter experienced life threatening encounters, a bout with Malaria, and on a more positive note some of the most amazing ~ 50 ~ and friendly people he has ever encountered. It will be in the presenter‘s travels that we can further explore the nation of Kenya, its educational system, and look at further areas of study for the future. Key words: Higher education, volunteer service abroad, orphans Region: Africa, Kenya Jason DeMauro Graduate student Teachers College Columbia University 6 Tilda Lane New City, NY 10956 (315) 341-4140 Pre-Service Teachers, Study Abroad, and the Impact of an International Education Course In recent years the call for globalizing teacher education programs has gained increased attention in policy and academic circles. This study identifies and examines the impacts of such an international experience on preservice teachers‘ conceptions of their future role as educators. This work examines preservice teachers at a regional state university in the northeast as they prepare for and travel to Paris, France, and Benin, West Africa (a former French colony), as part of a study abroad course. This course, a special section of an educational foundations course required for all teacher educators, exposes preservice educators to their role as teachers and the role of education in various global contexts. This course has attracted 15-17 students annually for the last three years. The researcher uses qualitative methods to extrapolate participants‘ attitudes before, during, and after the experience. Anecdotal evidence suggests that as preservice teachers‘ attitudes about US and global education becomes more expansive, awareness of cultural relativism increases and they view peoples of other cultures without the distortion of stereotype. This work is an initial attempt to codify preservice teachers‘ reinterpretation of their professional goals and attitudes immediately after the course and longitudinally. Key words: pre-service teachers, international field experience, cross-cultural competency Region: USA Misato Yamaguchi Doctoral Candidate The Ohio State University 36 W. Kelso Rd. 252B Columbus, OH 43202 (614)707-3218 The Role of Experiential Knowledge in Enhancement of World-Mindedness The focus of global educators is to guide students in becoming world citizens who strive for peaceful outcomes to the world`s problems. This study explores a way to prepare students for that task by promoting the development of world-mindedness with the knowledge, skills, and personal development gained through international, cross-cultural experiential learning. Specifically, it offers an in-depth examination of the process by which participants in an international cross-cultural learning program at the university level use their experiential knowledge to enhance world-mindedness. In this investigation, the researcher undertook a four-month qualitative study of alumni of a selected program and used interviews and document analysis as the major data collection methods. The outcome sheds light on the participants` transformative journey that took place during program participation, and connects those insights to pre- and post-participation in order to provide a maximally holistic view of the development of the world-mindedness in relation to experiential learning programs. Key words: global education, experiential learning, world-mindedness Region: USA Dwi A. Yuliantoro PhD student, College of Education Michigan State University 118D Erickson Hall ~ 51 ~ East Lansing, MI. 48824 (517) 775-0577 Globalizing the Curriculum through GIFT: A Global Initiative Model in the Teacher Education Program at Michigan State University GIFT (Global Initiative Forum for Future Teachers) is a forum established to help pre-service teachers at MSU develop their understanding of a globalizing world by creating a global community where international students in the college become mentors to undergraduates in the teacher preparation program and together arrange programs and opportunities to learn about other cultures. GIFT is a learning community of domestic and international students who share an interest in global education. This model has shown to be effective in developing students‘ understanding of global citizenship within Michigan State University, especially in the Global Educators Cohort Program. Each month, the group gets together to listen to a guest speaker discuss an issue relevant to global education. Participants have an opportunity to engage in discussion with the presenter and with each other, as well as interact and share experiences through informal learning. This learning community draws on the experiences and cultural heritage of international students from many countries. Key words: teacher preparation, global awareness/ understanding Region: USA Kenneth S. Frierson Higher Education Administration: Student Affairs Eastern Michigan University 107 Welch Hall Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (810) 577-8645 Romanian Education: Overthrowing the Ceausescu Regime The structural comparison between the United States‘ system of higher education to that of Romania examines the values and intention of education in a student-centered environment. The complex system of higher education in Romania has undergone progressive reform over the past two decades. With the emergence of new institutions, private and public, increases in enrollment, and the overthrow of the Ceausescu regime, education in Romania is experiencing increasingly positive effects but has also seen drawbacks. Understanding the desires and needs of students, monitoring academic rigor and performance, and reorganizing the intention of learning has given the Ministry of Education in Romania a daunting task. Keywords: Ceausescu, Regime Region: Romania Saroya Jamal Graduate Student Eastern Michigan University 4539 Swiss Stone Court Apt 2B Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 790-8352 The Impact of Religion on Educational Achievement from an International Perspective Religion is one issue powerful enough to bind people of different races, ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and cultures but also tear apart others worldwide. Wars have been fought, many have died, and lately the extremists from Christianity and Islam have stolen the spotlight espousing extremist views worldwide contrary to mainstream religious ideals. Since religion has caused citizens globally to question other cultures, it‘s time to examine the effect religion has on citizens. This poster presentation explores how religion affects educational achievement in the United States and the United Kingdom. In the United States, religious involvement correlated positively with higher grades and attendance but negatively with delinquent or health risky behaviors. In the United Kingdom, the project explores the groups most and least likely to obtain degrees of higher education as well as the advantage or disadvantage of groups‘ occupational attainment according to race and religion. Key words: religious involvement, academic achievement, international Region: USA ~ 52 ~ Room 301 (2:30 – 3:50) AFRICA: MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION INFLUENCED ON ETHNIC CONFLICT Christie McWilliams-Abendroth University of Houston (home) 262 North Clubview Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (832) 209-7055 Education in Tanzania: A Teacher’s Reflection on a Tour of City, Rural, and Bush Schools In August 2008, eight educators from the United States and Canada visited city, rural, and bush schools in the Arusha region of Tanzania. Escorted by government education officials, participants learned not only about differences between the Tanzanian school system and their own, but also what the Tanzanian government is currently doing to promote equitable access to education for all children, particularly for females. This presentation will provide an overview of this tour. Participants will view a slideshow with information, original photos, and video clips that document this experience. Topics include differences among city, rural, and bush schools; teacher training programs; specific challenges the government faces in providing equitable education for all of the country's youth; how secondary schools are promoting the education of young women; and why special education programs have been slow to develop. Key words: rural, bush Region: Tanzania, Arusha region, Africa Lisa Waldschmitt Master‘s Student University of Oslo Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt Universitetet i Oslo Postboks 1092, Blindern 0317 Oslo, Norway (+47) 22 84 44 75 Education and Citizenship in Urban Tanzania: A Study of Secondary Student Conceptions of Democracy and Civic Engagement This study is an examination of the conceptions of democracy and civic action held by Form 3 secondary students in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It also highlights the failure of large scale international educational surveys to incorporate the Global South as partners in our ever globalizing discipline, especially regarding the forces of education on public life. Borrowing the survey instrument from the IEA‘s 1999 Civic Education Study, the research focuses on students from four schools in Dar es Salaam. The classroom environment and current pedagogical issues are also taken into consideration, under Bronfenbrenner‘s ecological development theory, for possible influences on the development of students as citizens. Urban Tanzanian students still place heavy emphasis on ―traditional‖ conceptions of democracy and political action, such as voting, and maintain a strong rejection of illegal forms of protest. However, there is reason to believe this generation is becoming more supportive of the rise of opposition parties, critical political debate and other forms of direct political action. Students also frequently use different forms of media, both in English and Kiswahili, to gain access to news stories. This study has also found strong correlations between language use, media use and desire to participate politically. Key words: citizenship education, civics education Region: Tanzania Nagnon Diarrassouba Assistant Professor Grand Valley State University ~ 53 ~ Ashley Garrigan Graduate Student Grand Valley State University 920 Eberhard Center 301 W. Fulton Street Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 331-6611 Resolving Conflict in Africa through Multicultural Education Many African nations are struggling with their ethnic diversity. Conflicts have often resulted from poor management of that diversity. School curriculum has not often taken into account cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity of these countries. The purpose of this paper is to advocate for multicultural education in African countries. The authors address the specific cases of Cote d‘Ivoire (West Africa) and Rwanda (East Africa). These countries have been marked by ethnic wars which have left scars that are difficult to heal. It is the contention of the authors that unless long-lasting solutions are sought through education and particularly through multicultural education, there will not be peace in these countries. The paper focuses on three major aspects: 1) the current political atmosphere preceded by an analysis of prior situations, 2) the current educational situation, and 3) proposals to improve the curriculum in order to obtain long-lasting peace. Key words: Cote d‘Ivoire, education Region: Africa, Cote d‘Ivoire (West Africa). Rwanda (East Africa) Amy Collins-Warfield Ph.D. Student School of Education Policy & Leadership Ohio State University Ramseyer Hall 29 W. Woodruff Ave. Columbus, OH 43210 Understanding Xhosa Teachers‟ Behaviors through the Lens of Ubuntu Philosophy This presentation highlights how the indigenous southern African philosophy of ubuntu informs five amaXhosa teachers‘ behaviors and decisions in their professional lives. The presentation findings are from a larger qualitative study I conducted of the psychological sense of community experienced by five amaXhosa teachers at a primary school in Langa township, Western Cape province. It is generally known in South Africa that many of the nation‘s teachers do not stay long in the profession. This school was chosen as a case study because it is known locally for its teachers who are committed to the profession. I initially used a theoretical framework borrowed from the field of community psychology (McMillan & Chavis, 1986) to understand how teachers related to each other, and to explore their sense of community at the school. I conducted interviews and observed teachers interacting with each other. After reviewing the data I collected, I discovered that while a Western psychological perspective can be useful, these amaXhosa teachers‘ interactions cannot be understood independent of the lens of ubuntu philosophy. In this presentation, I will explore the basic tenets of ubuntu philosophy, provide examples of how these teachers incorporate it, and discuss its possible significance to future research. Key words: Ubuntu Philosophy, Xhosa teachers Regions: South Africa Room 302 (2:30 – 3:50) INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ACROSS THE WORLD Melissa Ford Lucken Faculty Department of Language Skills Lansing Community College 419 N. Capitol Ave. Lansing, MI 48901-7210 (517) 974-8880 ~ 54 ~ Exclusionary Structure or Cultural Clash, Why do Immigrants Dropout?: Comparing One Group in Different Countries The issue of students willingly disengaging and dropping out of secondary school is controversial due to the varying views on causality and accountability. The controversy is further intensified by common assumptions and lack of concern stemming from an unrealistic notion that the issue is an individual problem rather than a community/state/national problem. Because the issue extends beyond individuals to all citizens in a country, and perhaps, as the world becomes increasingly networked (Kjaer, 2004), other countries as well, secondary school dropout rates are a global concern. Therefore, exploring the external and internal factors for those dropout rates is an urgent necessity. Despite the significant differences between the educational systems and pedagogical philosophies of The Netherlands and France both countries continue to see high numbers of first and second immigrant students dropping out. The main findings of this paper are that despite each country‘s efforts to address the problem, the secondary school dropout rates of first and second generation Moroccans in The Netherlands and France remain high. The thesis of the paper is that the continually high rate is the result of both external and internal factors. Key words: immigration, access to education, cross-national studies Region: Netherlands, France Robert Lawson Professor Emeritus The Ohio State University Katie Sandford-Gaebel Doctoral student The Ohio State University Ramseyer Hall 29 West Woodruff Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 202-0425 Turkish Immigrants in the German Educational System: Unstructuring the Structures of Invisibility The presenter will focus on how the current criteria of ―belonging‖ clash with recent changes to the citizenship and naturalization laws in Germany and how these differing definitions affect immigrants‘, in particular Turkish, educational opportunities. In adhering to a dichotomous understanding of citizenship (German/nonGerman, us/the ―other,‖ Christian/Muslim), the presenter indicates these socio-cultural practices, when played out in the German school system, actually reaffirm the educational status quo. The effects of these dichotomous constructions of belonging on Turkish students in German schools will be discussed, including the consequences of tracking, as well as the costs to children, families, and society for practices reinforcing this educational ―othering.‖ In framing the construction of ―othering‖ of Turkish immigrants in Germany historically, the presenter will offer a context to evaluate these educational practices. By identifying the structural elements which may result in the invisibility of Turkish students, this paper seeks to reveal hegemonic educational practices while simultaneously promoting the engagement of the Turkish population in a conscious action toward reconciliation of word and deed. Key words: Germany, immigrants Region: Germany Laura Andresen Doctoral Candidate Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education Michigan State University 313 Erickson Hall East Lansing, MI 48826 (517) 914 0131 Globalizing Education: The United Nations Initiative Education for All in Pakistan Scholars as well as international aid organizations maintain that education is an indispensible component regarding a country‘s development because of the importance of an educated population to sustainable economic growth and the reduction of poverty (Sinclair, 1980; Todaro, 1997). Since the 1990 UN inception of Education for All (EFA), concerted efforts have been made around the globe to enroll all children in primary school (WCEFA, 1990). I ~ 55 ~ will present findings from my Summer Research Development Fellowship study which addresses how Pakistani education scholars, lecturers, and stake-holders in the Pakistani educational system studying for a Ph.D. in Teacher Education at Michigan State University (MSU) perceive the drive for universal primary education, their related experiences, and their understandings of the use-value of education and implications of how it plays out. Using data analyzed from documents, observations, and interviews, I show that for these Pakistanis, education is a valid human right, and access to education for all is a valuable global goal. Obstacles for school enrollment and drop-out rates in Pakistan are identified. I also draw upon relevant literature from the UN and related studies that address global obstacles in EFA to contextualize these findings. Key words: Education for All (EFA), obstacles Region: Pakistan Room 304 (2:30 – 3:50) CHANGING INSTITUTIONAL CULTURE Alisha Brown Doctoral Student (517) 881-7402 Fida Chang Doctoral Student (517) 643-2349 Michael Broda Doctoral Student (704) 607-8624 Michigan State University Lansing, MI 48910 A Capital Idea: Analyzing Pakistan‟s National Education Policy 2009 The National Education Policy (NEP) was created in 2009 by the Government of Pakistan Ministry of Education. The policy‘s purpose was to chart out a national strategy to increase the quality of education in Pakistan, given that previous policy reform attempts have not been realized. With the goal of determining the potential impact of select policy actions, the proposed policy document analysis will focus on two sections within the extensive document: Section 6.2 Curricular Reform and Section 6.4 Improving Student Assessment. In examining Pakistan‘s NEP, researchers are guided by the following research question: In what ways are the concepts of cultural capital and social capital related to the policy‘s curricular reform and student assessment policy actions? We argue that elements of these concepts, including field and cultural reproduction, play an important role in how these policy actions will be implemented. Findings reveal that NEP‘s goals have the potential to fundamentally change the nature of education in Pakistan. However, taking Pakistan‘s rich cultural, regional, and geographic diversity into account, our analysis illustrates the many complexities involved when implementing the curriculum and student assessment sections of the policy document. Implications for future research are also discussed. Key words: cultural and social capital Region: Pakistan Irina Berezhnaya Professor Voronezh State University Voronezh, Russia Individualized Instructional Approach in Russian Higher Education One of the most important problems of Russian higher education nowadays is the transition to more individualized specialist professional training. It is defined by intensively developing Russian economy on the one hand and objective processes of internationalization and globalization of the modern world on the other hand. The objective analysis of other countries‘ experiences, including the USA, is becoming urgent, as their meaningful experience of pupils and students‘ individualization teaching is stored up. ~ 56 ~ The complexity of the problem is caused by Russian higher education conservatism. There is a tradition of collaborative teaching enforced by strictly established rules by university authority, which is the main unit of educational process organization. The professional training is carried out within the scope of the traditional paradigm oriented at getting academic knowledge in a particular professional area and to a lesser extent at forming professional skills and abilities. The volume of the knowledge, skills, and abilities is established by educational programs, standards, and curricula which are worked out at the Department of Education and Science and compulsory for all universities. This problem can be solved at the following three levels: 1. Governmental level. There are several attempts to create new governmental standards ―of the third generation‖ which shift the responsibility for quality of professional specialist training onto universities giving them great independence. 2. Managerial level. Changing of educational process organization is possible at the university management level under the conditions that there are additional financial investments and educational systems providing individual trajectory of student professional development realization and taking into consideration the peculiarities of Russian traditions as well as university and professional training specificity. Unfortunately, such projects are not numerous. Authority‘s psychological readiness for change is also important. 3. Core level. For effective teaching of different subjects, module systems are worked out giving students the right to choose; new testing forms demanding self-dependence and creativity from students are introduced; and new active teaching methods such as business games, trainings, discussions, group work, collaborative teaching, etc. aimed at cognitive student activity are applied in educational process. But not all these active teaching forms are used by all instructors. Most of them prefer conducting lectures and seminars in a traditional question-answer form. That is why there is a problem of interconnection and complementarity of these levels of educational process organization. There used to be a system: the main guidelines were worked out at the governmental level, while they were executed at the managerial and core levels. The traditional link is destroyed today. New links must be created with the basic third level. The problems of educational process organization must be solved at the second and first levels on the basis of students‘ and instructors‘ interests. Key words: individualization of higher education, professional training, governmental level, managerial level, core level, professional skills and abilities. Region: Russia Please note: This abstract was not edited in order to avoid altering the original meaning. Kaori Takano Doctoral Student, Dissertation Fellow Department of Educational Leadership University of Dayton 451 Orchard Dr. Apt 2 Oakwood OH 45419 (937) 229-4006 Are Japanese Schools becoming an Economic Market Battleground in the Era of Globalization? The Japanese government established the current educational system in order to realize the principle of equal opportunity for education (MEXT, 2009). However, globalization forces pushed a deregulation movement and national education reforms encouraged schools to tap into the business community as a strategy towards teacher quality (MEXT, 2005). The food industry in Japan started to provide corporate curriculum to address the importance of healthy diets of school-aged children in concerted effort with governmental policy. Using qualitative research, the author examines action and inaction of Japanese teachers who have the power to limit corporate influences. The author finds that many teachers failed to examine unexpected consequences of corporate curriculum whereas, critical teachers remain guarded and pay attention to potential exploitative commercial activities. The author argues that corporate curriculum fosters greater inequality for education and recommends that teacher educators should provide training to future teachers regarding both basic concepts of business ethics and critical examination of business involvement in public schools. Otherwise, as concerned American philosophers (Boyles, 1998, 2008; Molnar, 2005; Saltman, 2000) complain that corporate America turned schools into markets, similarly the public schools in Japan will soon become economic market battlefields due to these corporate efforts with educators. Keywords: educational policy, corporate curriculum, ethics Region: Japan ~ 57 ~ Cheryl Hunter Assistant Professor Department of Education Hiram College Hiram, OH 44234 (330) 569-6151 “I felt like a child being talked about.” Student Teachers‟ Insights in Learning to be Literate in Another Language International and global education research provides valuable insights in teaching pre-service teachers about literacy, specifically in teaching English language learners (ELL). Methods courses in teaching literacy must address the needs of ELLs, acknowledging and valuing home language and home culture, while research supports a bilingual approach for children learning an additional language. While American children remain monolingual, the benefits of bilingualism are apparent through comparative and international research. At Hiram College, early education students rarely experience either language or cultural immersion in a significantly different culture; even fewer are bilingual or minor in a second language. In a survey of local school districts, administrators and in-service teachers supported cultural immersion experiences but were divided regarding the value of requiring a second language for pre-service education students. Using an ethnographic approach, this research explores the potential value of both a language and cultural immersion experience for pre-service early education students. Data was gathered from direct observations, interviews, and reflective student journals during a one month language and cultural immersion experience. Findings illustrate what early education students discovered about learning a language and applications for teaching literacy. Key words: teacher education, language immersion, English Language Learners (ELL) Region: USA Room 320 (2:30 – 3:50) GLOBAL NEEDS AND LOCAL CHANGES Duishon Shamatov Research Fellow University of Central Asia Toktogul str. 138-138 A 720001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan +996 (312) 910 822 Issues of Curriculum Reform in Kyrgyzstan: Matching Local Needs with International Standards After the break-up of the USSR, Kyrgyzstan started facing serious problems in the field of education. It has become difficult to sustain the level of education achieved during the USSR. To sustain and improve education quality, various attempts were made since 1990s. Michael Fullan, a leading specialist of educational change and reform, analyzing the history of successful and unsuccessful reforms, had identified that most reforms fail because those who push for reforms do not involve everyone in change and also they do not recognize that problems are complex, but instead they try to adopt superficial and quick solutions. Moreover, failure to institutionalize an innovation underlies the disappearance of many reforms. Similar to other Central Asian countries, the contours of post-Soviet education reforms in Kyrgyzstan have been increasingly set by international donors, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, United Nation‘s agencies, USAID, and international NGOs. While the contributions of the donor agencies are praiseworthy and much needed, often there seems to be a mismatch between the discourse of donors and the local needs. It is still not clear whether the initiatives of donor agencies truly reflect the local needs and bring sustainable improvement. This paper contributes to the extensive discussion about the interaction between international donors and governments in educational agenda setting and will examine concrete cases of alignment/conflict between aid providers and aid recipients in education. This paper attempts to analyze the educational reforms in Kyrgyzstan since the break-up of the USSR as there have been many curriculum reform initiatives in Kyrgyzstan with an aim to shift from content-based, Soviet style curriculum to competency-based curriculum. This paper describes how the curriculum reform is being conceptualized and designed, how different stakeholders are (or not) involved in the process of curriculum development, with eventual implications for implementation and assessment. In addition to being rather top-town and borrowed from abroad models of curriculum reforms, there is a sense that things are happening in quite a chaotic ad hoc fashion, and different international organizations are involved in different aspects of curriculum reform (e.g., curriculum framework, subject curriculum, assessment, teacher development, textbook development) with little or no coordination. There is also lack of strong local capacity of curriculum developers. ~ 58 ~ Keywords: curriculum reform, international donors Region: Kyrgyzstan Michael Cottrell Associate Professor Educational Administration, College of Education University of Saskatchewan #28 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK, S7N 0X1, Canada (306) 966–9690 The Intersection of Globalization, Modernity, and Indigeneity: A View from Saskatchewan Schools This paper reports on two research projects conducted on behalf of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (Canada) to investigate ways of improving educational outcomes for Indigenous students in that province‘s public schools (Cottrell, Preston, Pearce, & Pelletier, 2009; Cottrell, Pearce, Pelletier, Cunningham and Rohr, 2010). Part of our mandate in that research was to examine what school divisions in other jurisdictions with large Indigenous populations, such as Australia, New Zealand and parts of the United States, were doing to ensure equitable educational outcomes for those students. These insights led us to consider the wider implications of what is happening in Saskatchewan schools and the result is the following attempt to theorize the current state of education in Saskatchewan. In developing this analysis we employ a multidisciplinary approach to social theory, engaging with the concepts of globalization, modernity, indigeneity and postcolonialism to illuminate the complex interactions between Indigenous people and the broader Saskatchewan and Canadian society within which the dynamics of educational and social policy formation operate. Our first premise is that public education in Saskatchewan is a contested site in the wider intersection of the forces globalization, modernity, Indigeneity and postcoloniality. We further argue that the tensions within Saskatchewan schools are local manifestations of a global phenomenon: contradictions within modernity between the novel and the traditional, the global and the local. Indigeneity, while posing a serious challenge to existing educational policy and practice, is also the chief manifestation of the local or particular and hence the main dynamic mediating the forces of globalization in the province‘s schools. Additionally we suggest that current education policy in Saskatchewan, which seeks to combine universalistic School Improvement theory with a locally oriented culturallycongruent curriculum, is best understood as a manifestation of the hybridities typical of the globalization process. We contend that these educational developments in Saskatchewan have global relevance, because the educational landscape in Saskatchewan closely parallels international jurisdictions such as New Zealand, Australia and parts of the U.S. which have similar Indigenous histories and demographic imperatives. We conclude by claiming that educational stakeholders in these jurisdictions would benefit from a deeper understanding of what is being accomplished provincially, nationally, and internationally in the endeavour to ensure equitable educational outcomes for Indigenous students. Key words: education, globalization, indigeneity Region: Canada Margaret M. Remstad Doctoral student International Comparative Education Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department Indiana University, Bloomington 1610 S. Dorchester Dr. Apt. 29 Bloomington, IN 47401 (303) 319 3061 Active Engagement with Global Trends: An Analysis of the Influence of Globalization on Chilean Education The reach of global forces and influences is clearly identifiable in current trends in Chilean educational policy and practice. Chile makes a particularly interesting case study due to its recent accession as the first South American member state of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which has served as an impetus for the nation‘s policymakers to actively engage in various educational reforms. This paper examines the impact of globalization on K-12 schooling in Chile as evidenced by national programs of technology integration and advancement, expansion of teaching and learning in world languages deemed to be of economic importance, and emphasis on participation in standardized assessments to measure student performance. Through a review of ~ 59 ~ the existent scholarly literature and Ministry of Education documents, this paper critically analyzes these trends and their link to international economics and politics as well as contemplates the consequences on Chilean society and culture. Among the questions considered are: How have global influences been appropriated to meet the particularities of the local context? How do these transformations in policy, practice, and rhetoric respond to or serve to exacerbate prevalent issues regarding equity in Chilean education? Key words: Chile, globalization, equity Region: Chile Rohit Setty Doctoral Student Teaching and Teacher Education University of Michigan, School of Education (734) 645-1445 "Borrowing" Against the Rising Tide of Privatization: India's New National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education This presentation addresses a teacher education reform which seeks to stem the tide of privatization. In India, the number of private teacher education institutions has increased from 3000 to over 12,000 in four short years, while the number of government affiliated institutions has remained the same. This paper explores a rich case which examines the way in which a nationalized system articulates the new curriculum and new structures necessary for transformative reform efforts. In this paper I begin to conceptualize ways in which ―borrowed‖ ideas can support attunement -, a process of finding balance between continuity and change. Somehow the teacher educator needs to bring together the policy makers‘ agenda – represented by the policy document –, and the teacher‘s agenda – represented by the teacher‘s personal practical knowledge. There are two levels of interrelated problems of interest to me. The first problem is an institutional one: what are the design features of a professional learning opportunity that are necessary to account for practicing teachers‘ personal practical knowledge? The second is an individual problem: what would a teacher educator need to do to teach in a way that leverages the teachers‘ personal practical knowledge while advocating for transformative change? These are some of the questions to be explored in this presentation. Key words: Teacher Education, Policy Reform Region: India Room 330 (2:30 – 3:50) ASSESSMENT OF PRESERVICE TEACHERS DURING A STUDY ABROAD EXPERIENCE (Panel) Presenters: Dr. Sherie Williams (Chair) Associate Professor (269) 731-2788 Dr. Sandra L. Miller Associate Professor (616) 844-2629 Katie Holder Student Rachael Gonsior Student Grand Valley State University College of Education 920 Eberhard Center 301 W. Fulton Grand Rapids, MI 49504 ~ 60 ~ Research supports the notion of education becoming more culturally diverse for teachers and students with teachers needing the skills and dispositions necessary to effectively teach in these classrooms. According to Cushner and Brennan (2007): There are several compelling reasons for teacher-education programs to include field experiences in intercultural or international settings in the preservice curriculum. Schools of education today are preparing professionals to teach in a world that is much flatter, interconnected and more complex than in the past – and these professionals will serve an increasingly diverse population of learners. Therefore, graduates of education schools must be equipped to address a range of needs in their classrooms, and they must have the necessary disposition, knowledge and skill to prepare their pupils to function in a global society (p. 4). Some programs are finding challenges in effectively evaluating student performance due to culture differences and expectations of teachers. Grand Valley State University is included in this population and is finding difficulties in evaluating pre-service teachers in a consistent manner due to the different expectations of teachers in other countries. Therefore, preparing students to meet the expectations of their overseas placements is crucial to their success. Consequently, the importance of pre-departure area specific training is coming to the forefront. Key words: Study abroad, assessment Region: USA Room 350 (2:30 – 3:50) DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVES AT THE INTERSECTION OF GLOBALIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Panel) Presenters: Pradeep Chowdhry, Ph.D. Professor of Management Eastern Michigan University 300 W. Michigan Avenue 511 Gary M. Owen Building Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-4419 Addressing Global Sustainable Development Issues through a University-wide Interdisciplinary Experiential Curriculum Carol Haddad, Ph.D. (chair) Professor of Technology Studies Eastern Michigan University School of Technology Studies 122 Sill Hall Ypsilanti, MI. 48197 (734) 487-1161 Appropriate Technology and Sustainable Development: a Multidisciplinary Values Framework Diana Wong, Ph.D. Professor of Management Eastern Michigan University 511 Gary M. Owen Building 300 W. Michigan Ypsilanti, MI 48197 (734) 487-6823 Conceptual Approaches and Pedagogical Practices for Curriculum Designs on Environmental Sustainability ~ 61 ~ Jiang Lu, Ph.D. Professor of Interior Design Eastern Michigan University School of Engineering Technology 206 Roosevelt Hall Ypsilanti, MI. 48197 (734) 487-2285 Challenge and Change of the Traditional Sustainable Building in China within a Globalization Framework Panel Abstract: Faculty members from a variety of disciplines will discuss the ways in which they integrate comparative perspectives in their courses on sustainable development, sustainable technology, and sustainable business practices. Their presentations will focus on: sustainable development concepts and values, the development of curricular frameworks for teaching sustainable development, promotion of student engagement pertaining to sustainable development, integration of cross-national research on sustainable development into teaching, challenges and opportunities for global sustainability awareness at a Midwestern university, and pedagogical approaches to the teaching of comparative sustainable development. Key words: sustainable development, sustainable technology, sustainable business practices, interior design, China, globalization, appropriate technology, women and sustainable development, interdisciplinarity, curriculum development, instructional pedagogy, experiential learning, student engagement Region: USA, China Room 352 (2:30 – 3:50) TEACHER QUALITY AND WORKING CONDITIONS IN POST-YUGOSLAV COUNTRIES (Panel) Presenters: Latika Young (Presentation #1) Candidate for Ed.M. in International Educational Development Teachers College, Columbia University New York, New York (850) 570-5700 Ghazala Mehmood (Presentation #2) Candidate for M.A. in International Educational Development Teachers College, Columbia University New York, NY (508) 245-9691 Amritpal K. Sandhu (Presentation #3) Candidate for M.A. in International Educational Development Teachers College, Columbia University New York, NY (347) 453-4555 Kate Munro (Panel chair; Presentation #4) Candidate for M.A. in International Educational Development Teachers College, Columbia University New York, NY (319) 651-5287 Panel Abstract: Teacher Quality and Working Conditions in Post-Yugoslav Countries presents an overview of initiatives to globalize teacher education and teaching practice in two Post-Yugoslav countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYRoM). While both countries share many existing educational ~ 62 ~ practices, a legacy of their Yugoslav past, both are also instituting numerous educational reforms in an attempt to align their systems more closely with the European Union and the Bologna Process. Specifically, this panel examines challenges both countries face in terms of teacher attraction and retention, teacher pre-service training and continued professional development, the heavy reliance on part-time or contract teachers, the declining status of the teaching profession, and the existence of negative selection. The panel then analyzes specific reforms currently being implemented, including a move toward standardization, nine-year primary education, and the institution of the Bologna Process at university-level, as well as recommendations for other reforms that would continue to address the aforementioned challenges, including the adoption of more rigorous mentoring systems and the implementation of a step salary pay scale. This panel draws from research gathered during a six-country, UNICEF-sponsored study that examined issues surrounding teacher education and quality in Eastern and Central Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Key words: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, educational reform Presentation #1: The first presentation in this panel provides a general overview of the Post-Yugoslav educational system, situating this presentation historically and geographically. This regional overview outlines many of the features that were maintained from the Yugoslav system while also exploring transformations that have occurred in the past two decades. Many of these educational reforms have been introduced to align the educational systems more closely with the tenets proffered by the European Union and are being instituted in hopes of bolstering these countries‘ accession into the EU. Using the Post-Yugoslav region as a foundational platform, this presentation then highlights two Post-Yugoslav countries, FYR Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the bulk of the research for this panel was performed. Specifically, the presentation examines three particularly significant issues that are undergoing reforms in both countries: salary structure; higher education policies, including the adoption of the Bologna Process; and the abundance of part-time and contract teachers. This presentation concludes by profiling the original UNICEFsponsored study, from which the evidence for this panel is drawn. Keywords: Post-Yugoslav, FYR Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bologna Process, European Union Presentation #2: The second presentation in this panel addresses teacher attraction and retention policies in the region with a focus on Bosnia-Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia. Being able to attract and retain high caliber teachers is very important for providing quality education to children. The presentation discusses characteristics of the teaching profession from both countries, some of which make the teaching profession attractive for young graduates, while others discourage capable young people from joining the profession and result in lowering the morale of the current teaching force. Policies like mentoring young teachers and providing them with career advancement opportunities are in place in both countries but not practiced widely. The lack of practice of these policies results in low job satisfaction among teachers. The presentation also sheds light on the teacher deployment issue in the rural areas of these two countries and the characteristics of the teaching profession that have given rise to it. Keywords: mentoring system, teacher deployment, career advancement Presentation #3: The third presentation in this panel addresses the status of pre-service training and professional development for teachers in the Post-Yugoslav region. Quality pre-service teacher education allows for the development of a qualified, competent teaching force while meaningful, continual professional development aims to ensure the long-term competence of teaching professionals. The lack of a standardized curriculum, limited practical training for candidates, and a general focus on content rather than on methodological approaches are challenges that have been identified with pre-service teacher training programs in the region. These issues will be discussed in detail, drawing upon specific examples from Bosnia-Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia. Further, since the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, the role of international organizations and NGOs has emerged as critical to the development of the educational infrastructure in countries of the region. Impacts of such organizations include provisions for professional development for teachers and administrators, grants to schools for implementing specific programs, and resource grants to individual schools for upgrading physical infrastructure. The important role of these non-traditional actors in the educational arena of this region will conclude the presentation. Keywords: pre-service teacher education, professional development, non-governmental organizations ~ 63 ~ Presentation #4: The final presentation in this panel investigates educational reforms in the region, with a focus on FYR Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Current reforms include a push to train teachers in a wider variety of subjects, a move towards standardized testing, increased monitoring and evaluation of teachers, and a step salary pay scale that provides monetary and career incentives to teachers. While some of these reforms have been established to address country-specific issues, many have been introduced to align the educational systems more closely with standards of the European Union. Due to the low status of the teaching profession and regional recruitment into teaching suffering from negative selection, the presentation will include relevant policy recommendations to improve the teaching profession. The first of these recommendations is to enforce a university scholarship system for prospective teachers. This would assist with current teacher deployment challenges and provide incentives to enter the profession. Secondly, the step salary pay scale should be effectively implemented to create career differentials and incentives for teachers. Keywords: educational reform, standardization, step salary pay scale, policy recommendations Plenary Closing Session 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Room 310 A/B) ~ 64 ~