OR HEO/Ex:3 A1J00030 4479736 OREGON PNW 259 / January 1988 STATE LIfW Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g - Buying and Selling Based on Moisture Content G.L. Schneider and M . J. Gamroth Moisture content is important when you buy or sell forage as silage, haylage, or green chop. The price must be adjusted to compensate for different amounts of dry matter. It's the dry matter of the forage plant that provides nutrients for animal growth and milk production. Table 1 compares the dry-matter content of various feeds to that of hay and converts each to a relative drymatter value. (Air-dry hay, which is 90% dry matter, is used as the base value for determining prices of highermoisture forages). You can use this value (column 3) to calculate an equivalent price per unit or to convert weight to a hay basis. As you would with hay, consider also quality factors like protein and fiber content when you buy or sell the higher-moisture forages. You can calculate relative values (RV) for forages that don't fit the listed moisture levels with this formula: RV = 100% °/o moisture in forage 90% Example: RV= 100% -67% haylage 90% TH = .366 Knowing the moisture content of forages assures the buyer of its nutritional value and the seller of its fair market value. A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication Oregon Idaho Washington Gary L. Schneider, Extension agent (dairy), Malheur County, and Michael J. Gamroth, Extension dairy specialist, Oregon State University. This publication prepared in cooperation with Extension specialists at the University of Idaho and Washington State University. OR HEO/ExE: - 4Fl :259 ':. :3 Sc h ri e i d e r L Ga r Bu1ins arid sell iris fc'rases based c.r moisture content Table 1 .Relative values of forages with different dry-matter contents Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g To determine the equivalent price for your wet forage, simply multiply the appropriate relative value factor by the going price for similar quality hay. Example: Assume a stored hay price of $70 per ton and a 30% dry-matter silage, which has a relative value of .333. $70.00/ton hay x Relative value (stored hay = 1) % Dry matter Feed Stored hay 90 1.000 Freshly baled hay 84 .933 Wilted silage 40 30 .444 .388 .333 25 .277 20 .222 35 Direct cut silage or green chop $23.31/ton value of silage Consider harvesting and storage losses when you price forages. Drymatter content at harvest directly affects dry-matter losses (figure 1). Field losses increase, but storage losses decline, as the forage dry matter increases. Field-cured hay has the highest harvest dry-matter loss, but the lowest storage loss. If you sell the crop as dry hay, you absorb the dry matter losses that occur at harvest. If you sell as green chop, haylage, or silage, the buyer absorbs the losses that occur during storage Both buyer and seller should consider in losses when pricing 50 40 J Storage loss Harvest loss L 'Field-cured' I I I I Wilted 30 Direct-cut silage, : silage 20 Haylage Barn-dried hay _ I : ha ' : -' j .d-- 10 Sampling and testing forages for moisture 2030405060708090 Dry matter at harvest Figure 1.Estimated total field and harvest loss and storage loss when legume-grass forages are harvested by varying methods and at varying moisture levels TH It's important to collect a representative sample from the crop you're pricing on dry matter. Several samples will help overcome the variation in moisture within a truckload. Collect and transport samples in airtight plastic containers. Buyer and seller should agree on the sampling, testing, and pricing methods. The two parties should agree on paying the cost of testing, too. A number of commercial feedtesting laboratories will rush the results of a moisture test back to the sender if the sender requests it. Nutritional analyses done on the same samples can be sent later. Your Extension agent can recommend several forage testing labs to use. 0 2 Figure 2.After you place your forage in the bog, weigh it again. Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g You can do quick moisture analyses in your kitchen with a good scale and a microwave oven. For green chop, haylage, or silage, follow this procedure: 1. Weigh a paper bag large enough to hold 4 ounces of your forage. Write down the weight as value "A". 2. Place about 4 ounces or 100 grams of your forage in the paper bag and weigh again (figure 2). Write this down as value "B". 3. With a cup of water in the corner of the oven, begin drying the sample with the medium power setting of the oven (figure 3). Dry for 3 minutes, remove the sample, and stir gently. Dry for another 1 ½ minutes, stir, and dry for 1 minute. 4. The sample should be getting dry and crisp. Weigh the sample and bag (figure 4), stir again gently, and dry for 30 seconds. Continue the 30-second drying and weighing until the weight doesn't change. If the sample begins to char, use the last weight. Record this final weight as "C". 5. Calculate the dry matter using this formula: Wo Dry matter = C-A B-A X 100 Figure 3.Dry your sample for 3 minutes, medium power setting. TH Experiment with drying times before running an "official" sample. Some ovens don't heat uniformly. Dry the sample in different places in the oven. Some discoloration is normal, but blackened forage indicates you have burned off some of the dry matter. A small dietetic or kitchen scale that weighs in grams will serve your weighing needs. They sell for $25-$30. A little moist feed will improve animal intake, but don't pay for moisture you don't need. A few quick tests and calculations will keep forage producers and users happy with their farms' production. Figure 4.Weigh your sample again. Repeat the drying and weighing till your sample's weight doesn't change. Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed A u/ TE ca . ta lo g WASHINGTON ifr TH OREGON Pacific Northwest cooperative Extension bulletins are joint publications of the three Pacific Northwest statesOregon, Washington, and Idaho. Similar crops, climate, and topography create a natural geographic unit that crosses state lines. Since 1949 the PNW program has published more than 300 titles. Joint writing, editing, and production has prevented duplication of effort, broadened the availability of faculty specialists, and substantially reduced costs for the participating states. Published and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, by the Oregon State University Extension Service, O.E. Smith, director; Washington State University Cooperative Extension, F.L. Poston, director; the University of Idaho Cooperative Extension Service, H.R. Guenthner, director; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. The three participating Extension Services offer educational programs, activities, and materialswithout regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disabilityas required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Oregon State University Extension Service, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, and the University of Idaho 25/25/25 Cooperative Extension Service are Equal Opportunity Employers.