Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology HST.525J: Tumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena, Fall 2005 Course Director: Dr. Rakesh Jain BMDCs and Cancer Therapy Therapy 1. BMDCs for cell-based therapies Engineered embryonic EPCs for tumor targeting Images removed for copyright reasons. See: Fig. 1 and 8 in Wei, et al. "Embryonic endothelial progenitor cells armed with a suicide gene target hypoxic lung metastases after intravenous delivery." Cancer Cell 5 (2004): 477-488. Homing kinetics after cell infusion Cell homing after a lineage negative cell delivery, local and systemic, in tumor bearing mice (mammary carcinoma in CW) Images removed for copyright reasons. 90 minutes, x6.25, IVM 10 minutes, x20, MPLSM Courtesy of Nature Publishing Group. Source: Stroh, M., J. P. Zimmer, D. G. Duda, T. S. Levchenko, K. S. Cohen, E. B. Brown, D. T. Scadden, V. P. Torchilin, M. G. Bawendi, D. Fukumura, and R. K. Jain. "Quantum dots spectrally distinguish multiple species within the tumor milieu in vivo." Nature Medicine 11 (2005): 678-682. Cell cytoplasm labeling using Quantum dots micelle and tat bioconjugate Mammary carcinoma in CW 100µm 2-photon image of Q-dots labeled progenitor cells (red) Vessel enhancement by Q-dots (blue) infusion Courtesy of Nature Publishing Group. Source: Stroh, M., J. P. Zimmer, D. G. Duda, T. S. Levchenko, K. S. Cohen, E. B. Brown, D. T. Scadden, V. P. Torchilin, M. G. Bawendi, D. Fukumura D, R. K. Jain "Quantum dots spectrally distinguish multiple species within the tumor milieu in vivo." Nature Medicine 11 (2005): 678-682. 2. Role of BMDCs in tumor relapse after treatment reatment BMDC targeting delays tumor growth 500 Images removed for copyright reasons. See: Fig. 6 in Lyden, Rafii et al. "Impaired recruitment of bone-marrow-derived SURFACE AREA (mm2) 400 endothelial and hematopoietic precursor cells blocks tumor angiogenesis and WT (5) WT + mF - 1 (5) 300 200 WT + DC 101 (5) WT + mF - 1/DC 101 (5) 100 0 0 2 4 6 DAYS 8 10 12 Neutralizing the BMDCs with antibodies to both murine VEGFR1 (mF-1) and VEGFR2 (DC101) blocks tumor angiogenesis and thus blocks tumor growth. Figure by MIT OCW. growth." Nature Medicine 7 (2001): 1194 ­ 1201. Tumor response to radiation is BMDC-dependent Data point Asmase -/- 200 Data point Donor Recipient Asmase +/+ Asmase +/+ (10) Asmase +/+ (9) Asmase -/- 200 Asmase +/+ (10) 150 150 100 100 50 50 00 00 00 10 15 20 25 15Gy 00 30 10 15 20 25 Days after tumor implantation 800 20 Asmase +/+ Asmase -/- 15 10 5 0 0 4 8 10 24 Time after radiation (hours) Tumor Volume (mm3) per field (X400) Apoptotic Endothelial Cells Tumor Volume (mm3) Recipient Asmase +/+ Asmase +/+ (10) 250 Images removed for copyright reasons. See: Fig. 2 in Garcia-Barros, et al. "Tumor Response to Radiotherapy Regulated by Endothelial Cell Apoptosis." Science 300, (May 16, 2000): 1155-1159. Donor Bax +/+ Bax -/­ 600 400 200 0 0 10 12 14 16 18 20 Days after tumor implantation Figure by MIT OCW. 30 Mammary tumor relapse after 25 Gy irradiation Tie2-GFP Tie2-GFP-BMT Images removed for copyright reasons. Wild-type-BMT-Tie2-GFP BMDC infiltrate during LLC recurrence after local irradiation using a single dose of 50Gy Images removed for copyright reasons. Antiangiogenic therapy by VEGFR2 blockade for LLC tumors implanted in Actb-GFP/BMT 4 50 CD11b + CD45 + GFP + CD31 + Sca1 + CD45 - GFP + CD31 + Sca1 + CD45 - GFP ­ 40 3 % 30 2 20 1 0 10 DC101 Figure by MIT OCW. IgG 0 DC101 IgG Tumor targeting using genetically engineered MSCs Mean Lung Weight (grams) 1.2 1.0 Images removed for copyright reasons. See: Figs. 2 and 4 in Studeny, et al. "Mesenchymal stem 0.8 0.6 cells: potential precursors for tumor stroma and targeted- 0.4 delivery vehicles for anticancer agents." JNCI 96 (2004): 0.2 1593-1603. 0 Treatment: None Lungs: Normal Figure by MIT OCW. MSC-IFN-β IV IFN-β MSC-Gal IV None MDA 231 Tumors MDA 231 Tumors MDA 231 Tumors MDA 231 Tumors Reference: Andreeff and collab., JNCI 2004 3. BMDCs as surrogate markers s for antiangiogenic therapies therapies Bevacizumab: Bevacizumab: A blocking VEGF-specific antibody antibody •• Bevacizumab monotherapy significantly prolonged the time to progression in a Phase II trial for metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients (Yang et al., New Engl J Med 2003) •• Bevacizumab (5mg/kg) + IFL (Irinotecan-5-FU-Leucovorin)- increased the overall survival in a Phase III trial for metastatic colorectal cancer patients (Hurwitz et al., New Engl J Med 2004) •• Based on these results, bevacizumab was the first antiangiogenic drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (February 2004) •• Bevacizumab (5mg/kg) + FOLFOX4 (oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin) increased overall survival in a Phase III trial for recurrent colorectal cancer patients* •• Bevacizumab + paclitaxel and carboplatin increased progression-free survival in a Phase III trial for lung cancer patients* patients* •• Bevacizumab + paclitaxel increased progression-free survival in a Phase III trial for breast cancer patients* patients* *NCI Newcenter Background Proposed Normalization Window Dose Image removed for copyright reasons. Avastin (cancer therapeutic) advertisement. Normalization Window Excessive Pruning Toxicity to Normal Tissue No Effect on Vessels Time Figure by MIT OCW. The unprecedented success of Avastin in the clinic was explained by its antivascular effects and by the ability to “normalize” normalize” tumor vasculature. The latter may improve the delivery of cytotoxic treatments. To date, no established, valid surrogate marker exists in the clinic to guide the optimal dosing and scheduling of Avastin to achieve these effects Protocol of Clinical Trial 50.4Gy EBRT / 5-FU* Surgery Avastin 5 or 10 mg/kg Day Blood/urine -3 √ 1 3 √ 12 15 √ Tumor Biopsy √ √ IFP √ √ Imaging √ √ 29 32 √ 43 93 103 √ √ √ *Daily Radiation Therapy (50.4 Gy/ 28 Fx) and continuous infusion of 5-Fluorouracil (225 mg/m2/day) Tumor Response: FDG Uptake (PET) 15 Sagittal PET scans: Patient #1-6 4 5 Reference Corrected SUV (Rectal ROI) 1 Pt #1 2 Day 12 PrePre-Tx Day 12 PreSurgery Surgery Pt #5 9 Pt #6 6 3 Baseline Day 12 Pre-Surgery Patient Reference Corrected SUV (Colorectal ROI) Pre-Tx 6 Pt #3 Pt #4 0 3 Pt #2 12 7 8 9 10 11 Pre-Treatment Reference: Willett et al, Nat Med 2004 (1), Willett et al, Nat Med 2004 (2), Willet et al, J Clin Oncol 2005 Day 12 Pre-Surgery Figure by MIT OCW. Tumor Response: Biopsy Tissue Histological Analyses Microvascular Density Number of vessels per field field After 1 BV Before BV 80 60 40 20 0 Pt #1 Pt #2 Pt #3 Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #8 Pt #9 Pre-Tx Day 12 16 30 20 8 10 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 2 Pt #3 Figure by MIT OCW. Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #8 Patient # 9 Patient # 11 6 4 Figure by MIT OCW. Pericyte Coverage Pre-Tx Day 12 25 Pt #2 Patient # 8 Patient 6 Pt #1 After 1 BV Before BV 40 12 Apoptosis of Epithelial Cells 8 0 20 Pt #11 Pt #9 Pt #11 % α-SMA α-SMA+ vessels % of Apoptotic Nuclei % of Proliferating Nuclei Proliferation of epithelial cells 20 60 15 40 10 20 5 0 After 1 BV Before BV 0 0 1 2 3 4 Patient 6 Patient # 8 Patient # 9 Patient # 11 Figure by MIT OCW. Functional Tumor Vascular Parameters after Avastin Treatment 90 10 Blood Volume 80 70 60 50 40 30 Pre-Tx 8 7 6 5 4 1 Pre-Tx 17 Day 12 3 4 5 c 16 15 14 13 Figure by MIT OCW. 12 11 10 9 Pre-Tx 6 IFP (mm Hg) IFP During Before B V BV (Day12) # 3 (5mg/kg) 16.0 ± 7.0, 5.0* 5.0 # 4 (5mg/kg) 15.0 ± 1.4, 1.0 1.0 ± 1.5, 0.9 # 5 (5mg/kg) 16.5 ± 5.0, 3.5 4.0 ± 3.7, 2.1 # 6 (5mg/kg) 12.0 ± 5.0, 3.5 6.0 ± 9.0, 4.5 # 7 (10mg/kg) 8.0 ± 2.1, 1.5 10 ± 9.2, 6.5 # 8 (10mg/kg) 15.0 ± 2.5, 1.8 5.5 ± 3.9, 2.8 # 9 (10mg/kg) 22.0 ± 20.0, 14.3 -1.5 ± 0.7, 0.5 # 10 (10mg/kg) 5.0 ± 0.6, 0.3 7.0 ± 1.5, 0.9 # 11 (10mg/kg) 29 6.0 ± 5.5, 3.2 Patient (dose) Endoscopy: Endoscopy: IFP measurements 9 3 Day 12 Patient: b PS (ml/min per 100g tissue) 11 a (ml per 100g tissue) Blood Flow CT Scan (ml/min per 100g tissue) 100 Day 12 Solid line, p<0.05 *Mean IFP ± SD, SEM Reference: Willett et al, Nat Med 2004, Willet et al, J Clin Oncol 2005 The Need for Surrogate Markers for Treatment Treatment In summary, •• A d d itio n o f A v a s tin a s n e o a d ju v a n t t o c h e m o th e r a p y w a s d e m o n s tr a te d in th e c lin ic a l tr ia ls to increase survival in cancer patients (for three tumor types) •• W e h a v e s h o w n th a t A v a s tin a lo n e h a s r a p id a n d p o te n t e ffe c ts o n tu m o r v a s c u la r s tr u c tu r e a n d function •• In c r e a s in g e v id e n c e s u p p o r ts th e c o n c e p t th a t th e m e c h a n is m o f a c tio n o f A v a s tin is to p r u n e abnormal vasculature and fortify and improve the function of the remaining vasculature in tumors •• To date, no surro rrogate marker has been established in the clinic to evaluate the anti-vascular effects and no marker has been proposed for the normalizing effects of Avastin •• B a s e d o n th e in c r e a s in g p r e c lin ic a l e v id e n c e th a t b lo o d m a r k e r s m a y b e u s e fu l fo r th e e v a lu a tio n o f antiangiogenic drugs’ drugs’ efficacy, we investigated the: i) kinetics of circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and progenitor cells (CPCs ); and (CPCs); and ii) changes plasma protein protein in rectal cancer patients before and during Avastin treatment. treatment. Characterization of Peripheral Blood Cells’ Phenotype by Four-color Flow Cytometry Images removed for copyright reasons. Sources: Duda, D. G., K. S. Cohen, E. di Tomaso, P. Au, R. Klein, D. Scadden, C. G. Willett, and R. K. Jain. "Differential CD146 expression on circulating versus tissue endothelial cells in cancer patients: Implications for circulating endothelial cells as biomarker for antiangiogenic therapy." J Clin Oncol 24 (2006): 1449-53. Kinetics of Circulating Cells in Response to Avastin Treatment Alone in Cancer Patients by Flow Cytometry 2 0 Viable CECs 4 2 2 3 0 Base- 3 days 12 days line Patient: Baseline 5 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 0.10 Percent of PC/WBC Percent of PC/WBC 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 3 days 12 days Baseline 3 days 12 days 4 6 0 CPCs 3 0.06 2 0.04 1 0.02 0 0 7 3 9 Non-viable CECs 10 0.06 11 0.04 Viable CECs 2 1 0.02 0 Baseline CPCs N = 5 patients 1 5 Non-viable CECs 8 0.08 0.00 5 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 2 Percent 4 6 Percent 6 Percent of CEC/WBC Percent of CEC/WBC Viable CECs 3 days 12 days Figures by MIT OCW. Baseline Day 3 Day 12 Kinetics of plasma proteins after Avastin treatment 180 600 140 VEGF 500 100 400 80 300 60 200 Concentration (pg/ml) bFGF 120 40 100 0 20 Pt #1 Pt #2 Pt #3 Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #7 Pt #8 Pt #9 Pt #10 0 Pt #11 Pt #2 Pt #3 Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #7 Pt #8 Pt #9 Pt #10 Pt #11 Pt #8 Pt #9 Pt #10 Pt #11 Before BV 400 3 days after BV sFlt1 350 12 days after BV 300 250 40 35 PLGF 30 25 200 20 150 15 100 10 50 0 Pt #1 5 Pt #1 Pt #2 Pt #3 Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #7 Pt #8 Pt #9 Pt #10 Pt #11 0 Pt #1 Pt #2 Pt #3 Pt #4 Pt #6 Pt #7 Figure by MIT OCW. Effects of VEGF on Bone Marrow Precursor Cells Cells VEGF mobilizes precursors/stem cell for hematopoiesis and and vasculogenesis vasculogenesis VEGF is a survival factor for hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial endothelial cells cells VEGFRs are present on hematopoietic precursors/stem cells, cells, endothelial cells and mesenchymal stem cells cells Bevacizumab blockade of VEGF may affect bone marrow precursor precursor cells cells Surrogate marker candidates: candidates: i) kinetics of circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and progenitor/stem progenitor/stem cells (CPCs)) ii) changes plasma protein protein Characterization of Endothelial Cell Phenotype Phenotype in Peripheral Blood and in Tumor Tissue in Mice Mice Images removed for copyright reasons. CEC kinetics in Actb-GFP/BMT mice bearing LLC Image removed for copyright reasons. CD31dimCD45- CECs CD31brightCD451.2 PERCENT PERCENT 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 0 0 DC101 IgG DC101 IgG Figure by MIT OCW. Analysis of CD133 (Prominin 1) Expression Expression on Mouse Bone Marrow Cells Cells Images removed for copyright reasons. Expression of CD146 (P1H12, pan-endothelial cell marker) marker) and CD133 (AC133, progenitor/stem cell marker) on on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Cancer Patients Patients Rectal carcinoma patient peripheral blood Images removed for copyright reasons. Source: Duda, D. G., K. S. Cohen, E. di Tomaso, P. Au, R. Klein, D. Scadden, C. G. Willett, and R. K. Jain. "Differential CD146 expression on circulating versus tissue endothelial cells in cancer patients: Implications for circulating endothelial cells as biomarker for antiangiogenic therapy." J Clin Oncol 24 (2006): 1449-53. What Type of Cells Is CD146 Identifying Identifying in Human Tissues? Tissues? Images removed for copyright reasons. Source: Duda, D. G., K. S. Cohen, E. di Tomaso, P. Au, R. Klein, D. Scadden, C. G. Willett, and R. K. Jain. "Differential CD146 expression on circulating versus tissue endothelial cells in cancer patients: Implications for circulating endothelial cells as biomarker for antiangiogenic therapy." J Clin Oncol 24 (2006): 1449-53. Lung carcinoma biopsy Images removed for copyright reasons. Source: Duda, D. G., K. S. Cohen, E. di Tomaso, P. Au, R. Klein, D. Scadden, C. G. Willett, and R. K. Jain."Differential CD146 expression on circulating versus tissue endothelial cells in cancer patients: Implications for circulating endothelial cells as biomarker for antiangiogenic therapy." J Clin Oncol 24 (2006): 1449-53. Glioblastoma biopsy CD146 Images removed for copyright reasons. 1 D45 Conclusions and Future Directions Directions •• The study of VEGF blockade in cancer patients suggested that blood analyses may provide useful surrogate markers for response to bevacizumab therapy •• VEGF withdrawal reduces early after treatment the viable (bone marrow-derived) CECs and progenitor cells, and increases plasma levels of VEGF and PlGF •• The increase and then decline in non-viable CECs after bevacizumab treatment may correlate with the anti-vascular effect effec (at day 3) and normalizing effect effec (at day 12) on tumor vessels Conclusions and Future Directions Directions • U n lik e tis s u e E C s , v ia b le C E C s d o n o t e x p r e s s C D 1 4 6 ; C D 1 3 3 progenitor cells are CD45+; further understanding of biology of CECs and CPCs (markers, viability, differentiation, etc.) is warranted • T h e c h a n g e s in p la s m a le v e ls o f o th e r fa c to r s a ffe c tin g angiogenesis (e.g., TSP1) should also be evaluated and correlated with circulating cell kinetics • W e a r e e v a lu a tin g th e s e m a r k e r s a fte r V E G F - s p e c ifi c b lo c k a d e (bevacizumab) or growth factor receptor TKI treatment in six ongoing trials for five different cancer types • T r a n s la tio n o n a p a tie n t- b y - p a tie n t b a s is o f th e s e m a r k e r s w ill require more sensitive technologies as well as unitary guidelines for CEC and CPC evaluation Acknowledgements Dr. Jain Dr. Jones Dr. Scadden Dr. Seed Dr. Suit Dr. Willett All Steele lab National Cancer Institute, Bethesda (PO1 to RK Jain and R21 to CG Willett) National Cancer Foundation (RK Jain) Cancer Research Institute, New York (DG Duda) American Association for Cancer Research & Genentech-BioOncology (DG Duda)