Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology HST.508: Quantitative Genomics, Fall 2005 Instructors: Leonid Mirny, Robert Berwick, Alvin Kho, Isaac Kohane Biomolecular Forces and Energies PROTEINS CH Protein CH CH CH CH CH3 CH3 CH C Amino-acid sequence L V D L E W V L E L L D V L 50..500 amino acids in length 20 Types of amino acids STRUCTURE Figure by MIT OCW. Amino Acids R C� , C O-H H - N C H - N H O H GLY , R ALA R O � , C , O LEU Hydrophobic , εC H H - N H H O , , N ε, � � C γ O TRP , C , , �, O H C � , R GLU Acidic LYS Basic Figure by MIT OCW. Amino Acids Name (Residue) 3-letter code Single Code Relative abundance (%) E.C. MW pK VdW volume( A3 ) Charged, Polar, Hydrophobic 67 H 148 C+ 96 P 91 C­ 86 P 109 C­ 128 114 P 7.8 57 48 - H 0.7 137 118 P, C+ ILE I 4.4 113 124 H Leucine LEU L 7.8 113 124 H Lysine LYS K 7.0 129 135 C+ Methionine MET M 3.8 131 124 H Phenylalanine PHE F 3.3 147 135 H Proline PRO P 4.6 97 90 H Serine SER S 6.0 87 73 P Threonine THR Tryptophan TRP T W 4.6 1.0 101 186 93 163 P P Tyrosine TYR Y 2.2 163 141 P Valine VAL V 6.0 99 105 H Alanine ALA A 13.0 71 Arginine ARG R 5.3 157 Asparagine ASN N 9.9 114 Aspartate ASP D 9.9 114 Cysteine CYS C 1.8 103 Glutamate GLU E 10.8 128 Glutamine GLN Q 10.8 Glycine GLY G Histidine HIS Isoleucine 12.5 3.9 4.3 6.0 10.5 10.1 Figure by MIT OCW. INTERACTIONS Figure removed due to copyright considerations. Review of Protein Structure Secondary Structure: β-sheets Figure removed due to copyright reasons. Please see: Figure 6-9 in Voet, Donald, Judith G. Voet, and Charlotte W. Pratt. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2002, p. 130. ISBN: 0471417599. Secondary Structure: β-sheets Figure removed due to copyright reasons. Secondary Structure: α-helices Figure removed due to copyright reasons. Please see: Figure 6-7 in Voet, Donald, Judith G. Voet, and Charlotte W. Pratt. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2002, p. 129. ISBN: 0471417599. Secondary Structure: α-helices Figure removed due to copyright reasons. DOMAIN STRUCTURE Many proteins consists of several domains Many proteins are dimers or oligomers which consist of several polypeptide chains. Figure by MIT OCW. X-ray Crystallography X-rays 2φ Crystal Detector Protein Crystal Diffraction Electron Density Protein Structure MOLECULAR DYNAMICS used to: 1) Fit structure into density 2) Refine the structure Figure by MIT OCW. X-ray Crystallography X-ray Crystallography X-ray Crystallography X-ray Crystallography Protein Strcutures • Protein Data Bank http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/ • Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/ Forces BONDED INTERACTIONS NON-BONDED INTERACTIONS • van der Waals • Hydrogen bonds • Hydrophobic • Electrostatic (with screening) Amino acids R R C� , , C O-H H - N C H - N H O H R O � , H H - N , O O , , N ε, ε C� , C , H � C γ H O C H , C , , �, O H C � , R Two Steric Forms : L and D COOH H C R NH2 COOH R NH2 Figure by MIT OCW. POLYPEPTIDE UNIT C� O C' C� N H O cis: C' C� H N C� All but PROLINE Figure by MIT OCW. POLYPEPTIDE UNIT C� O trans : C' N C� H O H N C' cis: C� C� All but PROLINE 90% O trans Pro: C' C� 10% C' C� C cis Pro: N C C C' C� C C O N C� C C' Figure by MIT OCW. POLYPEPTIDE UNIT IS FLAT C� O C' trans: N C� Sp2 Hybridization LI C + N H = C Figure by MIT OCW. N Vibration of covalent bonds • IR spectra of C-H : ν~ 7x1013 s-1 wave length λ = c/ν = 5 µm • IR spectra of CH3 - CH3 : ν~ 2x1013 s-1 wave length λ = c/ν = 15 µm • Thermal fluctuations: ν~ 7x1012 s-1 insufficient to excite covalent bonds Vibration of covalent angles • IR spectra of X-Y-Z angle : ν~ 1012 - 1013 s-1 Thermal fluctuations: ν~ 7x1012 s-1 Sufficient to excite covalent angles, but fluctuations are small ~5o ROTATION AROUND BONDS O C' ϕ trans: C� C� χ N H Figure by MIT OCW. ROTATION AROUND BONDS Relative Energy 3 2 �E = 2.9 kcal/mol 1 0 0 0 0 60 0 120 0 0 0 0 240 180 360 300 Dihedral angle between Ha and Hb Ha Hb Ha Hb Hb Hb Ha Ha a a O' 5.3 Ψ O" Ψ O c c Figure by MIT OCW. ROTATION AROUND BONDS ϕ,χ 1kcal/mol kT 0 60 120 180 240 C + N = 3600 C 15 kcal/mol kT 300 0 60 120 C 180 240 300 3600 N Figure by MIT OCW. N Forces • Van der Waals “London forces" (after Fritz London) α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ Original temporary Induced dipole dipole V(r) α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ α− α+ Repulsive, exchange energy V(r) = c β r A _ B r12 r6 -0.2 kcal/mol at 4A Attractive, dispersion energy -C/r6 Figure by MIT OCW. Van der Waals interactions Interaction E0 kcal/mol r0,A ~ ~ rmin,A Atomic radii (A) ~ ~ 6 12 r0 r0 A B V (r) = 12 − 6 = E 0 − r r r r Forces Hydrogen Bonds -Anisotropic lone pairs δ+ N H δ− Hδ+ δ+ H δ− δ+ H O H δ+ δ+ δ− F δ− δ+ H O δ+ H H δ− δ+ hydrogen bonds H O δ+ H Figure by MIT OCW. SOLVENT: Hydrogen bonds Figure removed due to copyright considerations. sions from studies of protein stability Forces ence changes at buried sites almost always have much larger effects on stability sequence changes at exposed sites. The small sing given that these residues are likely to havechange at exposed sites is not similar environments (ie, largely ted) in both the denatured and native states. (See previous figure??repressor) on ged residues and to a lesser extent polar residues are disfavored at buried sites. is expected given the large energetic cost of burying a charge. ence changes which reduce the amount of hydrophobic burial are destabilizing. • Hydrophobic interactions Walter Kauzmann energetic (<1nm) and entopic (>1nm) Substitution ��G (kcal/mol) Number of examples Low High Average �Gtr (kcal/mol) Ile Val 9 0.5 1.8 1.3 0.4 0.80 Ile Ala 9 1.1 5.1 3.8 0.7 2.04 Leu Ala 17 1.7 6.2 3.5 1.1 1.90 Val Ala 11 0.0 4.7 2.5 0.9 1.24 -CH2­ 46 0.0 2.3 1.2 0.4 0.68 Met Ala 4 2.1 4.6 3.0 0.9 1.26 Phe Ala 4 3.5 4.4 3.8 0.3 2.02 ~10 cal/mol/A2 Figure by MIT OCW.