Compute a Fourier Series Exercise. We warm up with a reminder of how one computes the Fourier series of a given periodic function using the integral Fourier coefficient for­ mulas. Compute the Fourier series for the period 2π continuous sawtooth func­ tion f (t) = |t| for −π ≤ t ≤ π. Answer. π −2π −π 2π Figure 1. Graph of the period 2π continuous sawtooth function. The period is 2π, so the half-period L = π. Since f (t) = |t| for −π ≤ t ≤ π, it is an even function we know the Fourier sine coefficents bn must be zero. Computing the cosine coefficients we get: For n �= 0: 2 π t cos(nt) dt π 0 −π � � � − n24π 2 t sin(nt) cos(nt) ��π 2 n = + = ((− 1 ) − 1 ) = π n n2 � 0 n2 π 0 an = 1 π � π � |t| cos(nt) dt = For n = 0: � � 2 π 1 π a0 = |t| dt = t dt = π. π −π π 0 Thus, f (t) has Fourier series � � π 4 cos(3t) cos(5t) f (t) = − cos t + + +··· 2 π 32 52 = π 4 − 2 π cos(nt) n2 n odd ∑ for n odd for even MIT OpenCourseWare 18.03SC Differential Equations�� Fall 2011 �� For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: