PLSC 112 Summer 2015 American Government MW

PLSC 112 Summer 2015
MW 9:00-11:40
Pray-Harrold 419
[CRN 51026]
[Credit Hours: 3]
American Government
Dr. Henschen
601Q Pray Harrold
Hours: MW 12:00-1:00
and by appointment
Phone: 734.487.3113
In this course we will examine American political institutions and processes at the
national level. We will discuss the context of American politics and look at how
individuals and groups participate in the political system. We will also examine the
behavior of political actors in government institutions and explore the making of
public policy.
Book: (Required) Sidlow, Edward and Beth Henschen. GOVT 7. Boston: Cengage
Learning, 2016, 2014.
Students are expected to complete three exams and one directed writing assignment
during the session.
Reading, Assignments, and Exam Schedule
May 4
Politics and the Art of Governing—ch.1
May 6
Creating the Constitution/Enduring Constitutional Principles—ch.2
May 11
Dividing Power in the Political Arena—ch.3; ch.4
May 13
Telling the Story of Civil Rights—ch.5
May 18
Scenes from the Civil Rights Movement / Exam I 50 points
May 20
Mobilizers of Political Participation—ch.6; ch.7
May 25
No class
May 27
People in the Polity—ch.8
Directed Writing Assignment I due*
June 1
The Constant Campaign—ch.9
June 3
Money and the Media —ch.9; ch.10
June 8
Televised Campaign Ads / Exam II
50 points
75 points
June 10
Congress and the Legislative Process—ch.11
Directed Writing Assignment II due*
50 points
June 15
Presidential Roles, Job Descriptions, and the Expansion of Presidential
Power—ch.12; ch.13
June 17
Courts and Judges—ch.14
June 22
Public Policy and the Art of Governing—ch.15; ch.16
June 24
Exam III
125 points
Grading scale:
282-300 points A
DBelow 180
Below 60%
Summary of Graded Exercises:
05/18/15 Exam I (covering the material in chapters 1-5, and class lectures) 50 pts.
05/27/15 Directed Writing Assignment 50 points *
06/08/15 Exam II (covering the material in chapters 6-10, and class lectures) 75 pts.
06/10/15 Directed Writing Assignment 50 points*
06/24/15 Exam III (covering material in chapters 11-16, and class lectures) 125 points
*Note: You will complete one of the writing assignments provided below—you
choose the one you would like to do.
1. Describe the agents of political socialization (see ch.8 in GOVT 7) and discuss the
ways in which they help to shape an individual’s political attitudes, opinions,
knowledge, and beliefs. How have each of these agents of socialization influenced
your own views about politics (this goes beyond political party affiliation) and the
role of government? Be specific; draw on your own experiences. Do some careful
thinking about your own political socialization.
2. Go to and find your member of the House of Representatives. Where
does he or she fall on the leadership and ideology chart? What are your
representative’s most recently sponsored bills and votes on legislation? Go to your
representative’s website. What issues does he or she emphasize? What committees
and subcommittees does he or she serve on? Given what you are able to learn about
your member in the House, how well is he or she “representing” you in Congress?
(see ch.11 in GOVT 7 for a discussion of representation).
Be thoughtful, thorough, and careful as you address the questions while crafting your
response in a well-written essay; it should be 3-5 pages, typed (double-spaced).
Except in extraordinary circumstances, any make up exams that are
necessary/warranted will be given during the last week of the session; you will want
to avoid this circumstance if at all possible, because the exam format may be different
and you will be overloaded with exam preparation.
Class attendance, good note taking, and careful reading are essential to doing well in
this course. It is also important to be present—to be fully engaged during lectures and
in class discussions. Laptops closed, phones put away…
Additional information regarding classroom matters will be discussed in class.
Check your university e-mail frequently for announcements related to class.
This course (PLSC 112) provides students with critical exposure to the methods used by social
scientists in creating knowledge. Political Science 112 provides a thorough grounding in American
government. It also provides a strong introduction to the discipline of political science. In this course,
students gain exposure to how knowledge is generated in the social sciences through the lens of one
content area, that of American government. Through material covered in the course, students gain
practice in asking important questions about the political world and answering them using the methods
practiced in this social science discipline.
Completion of this course fulfills a requirement in the Knowledge of the Disciplines/Social Sciences:
In Knowledge of the Disciplines courses, students will
Acquire introductory knowledge about the discipline.
Develop questions for inquiry that reflect an understanding of the discipline(s) in which they are
Learn how knowledge is developed and disseminated in particular disciplines.
In Social Science courses, students will
Acquire an understanding of social science methods and of how they are used to engage in the
systematic study of society and culture.
Understand and compare formal and informal social and political structures, organizations, and
Explore and understand power relationships and the impact of social change on different groups
and on society in general.
Develop an appreciation of different interpretations of contemporary issues, institutions, or
Use social science methods and content to interpret and analyze data and reports in the media and
to make informed decisions regarding local, national, and international issues.
Use basic social scientific research techniques to examine and present information in a clear and
concise manner.
Understand the relation between qualitative and quantitative research.
These objectives will be addressed through our examination of the historical and
constitutional context of American government, the evolving nature of civil liberties
and civil rights, the mobilization of political participation by interest groups and
political parties, the behavior of individuals in the political arena, the measurement of
public opinion, the role of the media, the power and procedures of national
governmental institutions and agencies, and an assessment of the processes by which
domestic and foreign policy is made.
WWW.EMICH.EDU/STUDENTCONDUCT/INDEX.PHP-Academic dishonesty, including all forms of cheating, falsification, and/or
plagiarism, will not be tolerated in this course. Penalties for an act of academic
dishonesty may range from receiving a failing grade for a particular assignment to
receiving a failing grade for the entire course. Students also may be referred to the
Office of Student Judicial Services for discipline that can result in either a suspension
or permanent dismissal. The Student Conduct Code details definitions of what
constitutes academic dishonesty, but if you are not sure about whether something you
are doing would be considered an act of academic dishonesty, consult with the course