Zazaki notes Fonts: Times New Roman, SILDoulos IPA93 I didn’t do the numbering for isolated vocab items, so it starts up a couple of pages along. The initial /t/ in second-person singular pronouns is always aspirated – I didn’t indicate that in transcription. Random stuff from the start of class rÔ?nd(D), tÔ sDnD?na? (I’m) fine, and you well? dina?rD se?bi? What happened to them? memanda?r id ima?nD ramaza?n (ya)xøzÔr a job – a person who likes guests holiday faith, religion Ramadan ?Alevi, god or angel(s) Dz khuna?r? a rakhyut-D?nD rauRt-D?nD ra?vazD I am sleeping to sleep, sleeping to wake up Wake up! (imperative) bÔ mbarD?k bo blessed Phonological rules: 1) H ‚ i / __ ki 2) D ‚ e / __ C i cf. tRHm ‘eye’ ‚ tRHmi, *tRimi unless C is q. cf. hDq ‘god’ ‚ hDqi, *heqi Rule 1 feeds Rule 2. No regression past previous vowel. We concluded that what we had previously thought were two rhotic phonemes were really just one rhotic trill, which is devoiced in final position. There is also a flap. We have not been consistently distinguishing between the two in transcription – but the flap is far more common, so that is what /r/ represents unless otherwise noted. Words with trilled r bÔr(i) forest(s) mar(i) snake(s) mer(i) mice also mor(i) We also confirmed the existence of a voiced uvular fricative. barda?Õ xaÕ qax khaÕ xeÕ(i) xer(i) bDq qDbul glass waist, ?muscle dried apple weed crazy person (people) favor(s) frog favor to you zaf very xe?r-i favor-pl hDq god xe?r-e favor-ez to you hD?q-i bD?q-i a?rde god-pl frog-pl brought gawa?n Ru^anD? bDrxva?n varDk bÔz bÔzDk bDran mi?D mu?yD phÔrtR mi?ya phÔrtRÔ?nD qantÔrD va?rÔk tRutRÔ?k tRÔtRÔ?k dDwD? dewi?D dD?wD khyD?rdi did You did a lot of favors. qDbu?l ?present khyD?r-o do-optative dina? world Gods created frogs. May God accept your favor. cowherd shepherd lambherd (bDrx ~Kurmanji ‘lamb’) lamb kid baby goat (smaller than kid?) ram ewe strand of hair wool woolbearing sheep Ô?n(D) adjectivizing suffix mule rooster, 1 or 2 years old chick breast male camel pl – dewi? she-camel pl – dewi? village pl – de?wi Contrastive stress – it falls on last stem vowel, but not on feminine suffix. Hiatus resolution: dDwD? + i ‚ dewi? camel pl Dz I dDwD? + D ‚ dewi?D camel fem dDwD? hern-D?na camel buy-pres/fut I will buy a male camel. dDwD? da camel bit me?rik-i man dewi?-D camel-fem vi?lÔkD wD?rdD flower ate The female camel ate the flower. dew-i? camel-obl vi?lÔkD wD?rdD flower ate The male camel ate the flower. dD?w-a village-ez gÔ?rs-D big-fem hDga? field gÔ?rs-o big-masc ra on The male camel bit the man. dewi?-a gÔ?rsD camel-ezfem big dDw-o gÔrs camel-ezmasc big The field is big. Stress retraction to avoid clash? Cf. hDga? rÔndD?ko “the field is nice” hDga?-o gÔrs field-ezmasc big a big field hDga?-i hDga?-D field-ezpl gÔ?rs-i big-pl fields big fields hDga?-i field-pl gÔ?rs-e big The fields are big. ramD?no “lead” I plow the field. Dz I hDga? field Dz I dDwra?nD xo happy, free (orig. ‘timespan’) self 52) tRDnD?k-a girl-ez rÔndD?k-D pretty-fem ama left The pretty girl left. 53) tRDnD?k-a girl-ez rÔndD?k-D pretty-fem vi?lÔkD wD?rdD flower ate The pretty girl ate the flower. ramD?no lead 54) layik-i-e boy gÔ?rsi big 55) layÔk-a?-n-D gÔ?rs-a boy-obl-n-ez big-obl vi?lÔkD wD?rdD flower ate The big boy ate the flower. vi?lÔkD wD?rdD flower ate The big boys ate the flower. Why epenthetic /n/ here? Cf. hDga?D ‘fields’ above, same context, none. 56) qDlDm-i-ne pen-pl 57) mÔ me kÔta?b da book gave tRDnD?k-D/a girl-fs/fpl 58) mÔ me kÔta?b da book gave tRDnD?k-a girl-ez rÔndD?k-D pretty-f I gave the pretty girl a book. 59) mÔ me kÔtha?b da book gave layikie boy rÔndD?k-i pretty I gave the pretty boy a book. 60) layÔk boy xo-sD?ra-o self-on-is (~upright, handsome) 61) kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez kÔtha?b-e book-ez 62) 63) 64) 65) 66) 67) tRDnDk-a?-n-e girl-oblpl-n-are mÔ?-n-o me-n-ez tu?^y-o you(sg)-ez de?-o him-ez da?-o her-ez ma?-o us-ez Rima?-o you(pl)-ez dina?-o they-ez gÔrs big gÔrs big gÔrs big gÔrs big gÔrs big gÔrs big gÔrs big The pens, they’re of the girls. I gave the girl(s) a book. The boy is handsome. has reflexive, so can’t be attributive? my big book mÔ your (sg) big book to his big book de her big book da?D our big book ma your (pl) big book Rima? their big book dina? When two identical vowels are adjacent, the first one raises: dDwD + D ‚ dewiD tho + o ‚ thu?^y-o Then /u/ fronts after a coronal. Cf. lu^lÔkD and Ru^RD below (though su?kD seems to be an exception). Doesn’t happen just whenever /u/ and /o/ are brought together by hiatus – see Ss 10, 11 and 15 below, with coordinated pronouns. 61) 62) mÔ?-n-o me-n-and tu?^y-o you-and bra?D xo brother self bra?D xo brother self me and my brother you and your brother Conjoined nouns always in oblique? 63) mÔ I thu^y-o you-and bra?D xo/tho?-re brother self/you-for kÔtha?b herna book bought W/xo: I bought a book for you and my brother. W/to: I bought a book for you and your brother. 64) tu^y-o bra?D xo bere tRD-ma you-and brother self come house-our You and your brother come to my house. xo – subject-oriented. BREAK lu^lÔkD fiRta?n su?kD Ru^RD muskha?r mus thÔrk(i) tu^rki pupil (of eye) dress (noun) city (no /u/-fronting) bottle teacher learn Turk(s) Turkish (language) 1) Dz zDderi suka?-n-e I usually city I usually live in big cities. 2) 3) 4) gyDga?nD qD Dz qD I never sometimes never ne?-Riya no-went gÔrsa? big dD-mD?nda in-live also rodYDrodYDra (restricted use) I never went (double negative). 5) to rodYDrodYDra? mÔ-ra phDrs you never me-for question You never ask how I am. 6) phD?rs-a mÔ D?sta question-ez me is I have a question (lit. my question exists). 7) to rodYDrodYDra? xatÔ?r-D mÔ you never condition-ez me You never ask about my condition. 8) to-re phD?rsa mÔ you-forquestion me I have a question for you. 9) phD?rs-e de to mÔ-?re D?sta question any you me-for is Do you have any questions for me? 10) tu^?y-o bra?D xo vazd-D?ne you-and brother self run-pres You and your brother are running. o o a vazd-D?ne he and she are running 11) mÔ a-u-o me she-and-he I kissed he and she. 12) e-o-a?D Dz pa?tRi khyD?rda him-and-her I kiss did He and she kissed me. 13) mÔ?-n-o-to (ma) o/dD?st-D dina? me-and-you we he/hand-ez their You and I, (we) kissed him/their hand. 14) mÔ-n-o tu^y-o dD ma dD?stD dina? pa?tRi khyD?rd me-and-you-and-him we hand-ez their kiss did Me and you and him, we kissed their hand. 15) o-o-a he-and-she ne neg khyDrd do phDrs question D?sta is pa?tRi khyD?rd kiss did ma-re tRai we-for tea na sDr put on pa?tRi khyD?rd kiss did ne neg khyDrd do He and she put on (~boiled) the tea for us. 16) mÔ-n-o bra?D xu^y-o de ma phya Rime mDktD?bD me-andbrother self-and he we together went school Me and my brother and him, we went to school together. 17) to o pa?tRi khyD?rd you he kiss did You kissed him. NB – no raising of first /o/ in hiatus when a syntactic boundary is present. See also 10, 11, 15. 18) ma Yu^ mÔni pa?tRi khyD?rd we one/each other kiss did We kissed each other. useyni-o mDhDme?di khÔtha?b da Yu^ mÔni Husayn-and Muhammad book gave each other Husayn and Muhammad gave each other books. 19) kha?mi khÔtha?v da to who book gave you Who gave you the book? 20) to tRÔ da mÔ you what gave me What did you give me? 21) tÔ tRÔ dana mÔ you what give me What will you give me? 22) to khÔtha?b da kha?mi you book gave who Who gave you the book? 24) kha?mdYi khÔtha?b tÔ dana mÔ which book you give me Which book will you give me? ‚ Rising intonation on kha?mdYi 25) tÔ kha?mdYi khÔtha?b dana mÔ as above 26) kha?mdYi khÔtha?v-o kD tÔ dana mÔ which book-is that you give me Which book is it that you will give me? 27) tÔ tRÔ dana mÔ ?? tRÔ tÔ dana mÔ What are you giving me? 28) mÔ tai tRi her(i)nai me some things bought I bought some things (non-specific). 29) mÔ tai tRÔ-mi her(i)nai me some things bought I bought some things (specific). 30) mÔ Ri tai tRi her(i)na me went some things bought I went to buy some things (non-specific). 31) mÔ Ri tai tRÔ-mi her(i)nai me went some things bought I went to buy some things (specific). 32) to khÔtha?v da kha?mdYi you book gave which Which girl gave you the book? 33) kha?mdYi tRDnD?k-a *(kD) which girl-is that (oblig) Which girl is it that gave you the book? 34) 35) … to khÔtha?v da dYÔ … to khÔtha?v da da?D … to khÔtha?v da de 36) *no kha?mo kD to khÔtha?v da no kha?m-o kD to this who-is that you Who is it that gave you the book? 37) *khÔtha?be dYD D?sto khÔtha?be de tRÔ + i ‚ tRi thing pl tRDnD?kD girl to khÔtha?v da dYÔ/*da?D you book gave ~resumptive pronoun ‚ rp can be woman or man, but must be singular ‚ rp is f. sg. ‚ rp is m. sg. D?sto khÔtha?v da book gave dYÔ rp book-ez him is He has a book (his book exists). 38) * kha?mdYi cf. 33 tRDnD?kD to khÔtha?v da dYD