Program Revision Guidelines EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OUTLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS TO REVISE PROGRAMS Use this outline to prepare proposals to revise existing programs, including undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degree programs and certificates. Proposals for revising programs should be submitted in narrative form, using the following outline. Guidelines are on the following page. PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE: EARTH SCIENCE MAJOR (ESC) REVISED PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE (IF APPLICABLE): DEGREE: NA BS DEPARTMENT(S)/SCHOOL(S): CONTACT PERSON: GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY MICHAEL BRADLEY REQUESTED START DATE: TERM FALL YEAR COLLEGE(S): ARTS AND SCIENCES CONTACT PHONE: 7-8592 CONTACT EMAIL: MICHAEL.BRADLEY@EMICH.EDU 2012 I. Rationale Math is an important component in any science major but since calculus is not required for any of the courses in the program of study we would like to add some flexibility into the program by allowing other appropriate math classes in addition to calculus. To maintain high academic standards, we restrict the teaching of classes in the Earth System Science programs to those with expertise in the subject area. When the administration chose not to replace either of the two tenured faculty in our department with expertise in surficial processes, we removed the requirement of these classes from the program. Now, years later, the department once again has a faculty member with expertise in surficial processes so we are reinstating ESSC 325 Geomorphology or ESSC 370 Glacial Geology as a required course. This change will strengthen the program and make our graduates more marketable. Students in the Earth Science major may be equally well served by broader-based knowledge in both rocks and minerals or deep knowledge in minerals so we propose to add flexibility into the program of study by allowing either ESSC 228 Mineralogy or ESSC 229 Rocks and Minerals. Lastly, we are adding the following courses to the restricted elective list: ESSC 422 Environmental Geochemistry, a newly developed class, and both ESSC 430 Petroleum Geology and ESSC 450 Lakes and Coastal Processes since, after several years, these classes are once again being taught. All three of these classes are appropriate electives in the program. Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines II. Description of Current Program General Education Requirements …………………………40 hours Additional Requirements……………………………………12 hours CHEM 121/122 General Chemistry I with lab (4 hrs) PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound, and Heat (4 hrs) MATH 120 Calculus I (4 hrs) Major Requirements…………………………………………30-31 hours Required Courses……………………………..27 hours ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System (4 hrs) ESSC 111 The Earth System Through Time (4 hrs) ESSC 212 Weather, Climate and the Earth System (3 hrs) ESSC 228 Mineralogy (4 hrs) ESSC 300 Introduction to Hydrology (3 hrs) ESSC 320 Oceanography (3 hrs) ESSC 324 Weather (3 hrs) ESSC 425W Severe and Unusual Weather (3 hrs) Restricted Elective Courses…………………3-4 hours ESSC 325 Geomorphology (4 hrs) ESSC 326 Structural Geology (4 hrs) ESSC 327 Soil Science (3 hrs) ESSC 329 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4 hrs) ESSC 330 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4 hrs) ESSC 331 Paleontology (4 hrs) ESSC 370 Glacial Geology (4 hrs) ESSC 424 Climatology (3 hrs) ESSC 448 Hydrogeology (3 hrs) ESSC 466W Global Tectonics (3 hrs) ESSC 497 Independent Study (1 hrs) ESSC 498 Independent Study (2 hrs) ESSC 499 Independent Study (3 hrs) Minor Requirements…………………………………………20 hours University Elective Courses…………………………………21-22 hours Program Total…………………………………………………124 hours III. Proposed Revision Delete from required courses MATH 120 Calculus I Add to required courses (MATH 105 College Algebra or MATH 119 Applied Calculus) and MATH 107 Trigonometry; or MATH 112 Topics in Precalculus; or MATH 120 Calculus I ESSC 325 Geomorphology or ESSC 370 Glacial Geology ESSC 228 Mineralogy (4 hrs) or ESSC 229 Rocks and Minerals(3 hrs) Add to Restricted Electives ESSC 422 Environmental Geochemistry (3 hrs) ESSC 430 Petroleum Geology (3 hrs) ESSC 450 Lake and Coastal Processes (3 hrs) General Education Requirements …………………………40 hours Additional Requirements……………………………………12-13 hours Chem 121/122 General Chemistry I with lab (4 hrs) PHY 221 Mechanics, Sound, and Heat (4 hrs) (MATH 105 College Algebra (3 hrs) or MATH 119 Applied Calculus (3 hrs)) and MATH 107 Trigonometry (2 hrs; or MATH 112 Topics in Precalculus (4 hrs); or MATH 120 Calculus I (4 hrs) Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Program Revision Guidelines Major Requirements…………………………………………34-35 hours Required Courses……………………………..31 hours ESSC 110 The Dynamic Earth System (4 hrs) ESSC 111 The Earth System Through Time (4 hrs) ESSC 212 Weather, Climate and the Earth System (3 hrs) ESSC 300 Introduction to Hydrology (3 hrs) ESSC 320 Oceanography (3 hrs) ESSC 324 Weather (3 hrs) ESSC 425W Severe and Unusual Weather (3 hrs) One course from the following: ESSC 228 Mineralogy (4 hrs) or ESSC 229 Rocks and Minerals(3 hrs) One course from the following: ESSC 325 Geomorphology (4 hrs) or ESSC 370 Glacial Geology (4 hrs) Restricted Elective Courses…………………3-4 hours ESSC 325 Geomorphology (4 hrs) ESSC 326 Structural Geology (4 hrs) ESSC 327 Soil Science (3 hrs) ESSC 329 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4 hrs) ESSC 330 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4 hrs) ESSC 331 Paleontology (4 hrs) ESSC 370 Glacial Geology (4 hrs) ESSC 422 Environmental Geochemistry (3 hrs) ESSC 424 Climatology (3 hrs) ESSC 430 Petroleum Geology (3 hrs) ESSC 448 Hydrogeology (3 hrs) ESSC 450 Lake and Coastal Processes (3 hrs) ESSC 466W Global Tectonics (3 hrs) ESSC 497 Independent Study (1 hrs) ESSC 498 Independent Study (2 hrs) ESSC 499 Independent Study (3 hrs) Minor Requirements…………………………………………20 hours University Elective Courses…………………………………16-18 hours Program Total…………………………………………………124 hours IV. Impact The proposed revision will impact the Earth Science major program only. V. Budget The proposed revision does not have a budgetary impact. VI. Action of the Department/College 1. Department/School: Vote of faculty: Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 For 19 Against 0 Abstentions (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) 0 Program Revision Guidelines I support this proposal. The proposed revision can X cannot Department(s)/School(s) without additional College or University resources. Richard Alan Sambrook Department Head/School Director Signature be implemented within the affected Date 12/12/2011 2. College/Graduate School: A. College I support this proposal. The proposed program can College without additional University resources. cannot College Dean Signature be implemented within the affected Date B. Graduate School (Graduate Program Revisions ONLY) Graduate Dean Signature Date VII. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date VIII. Appendices A. Market Analysis/Needs Assessment B. Mandates C. Request for New/Revised Course Forms D. Letters of Support from Impacted Departments E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the revision cannot be implemented without additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09