Organization Management Concentration in MP A Revision 8-2011 EASTERN MICIDGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OurLINE FOR SUBMITTING PRoPOSALS TO REVISE PROGRAMS Use this outline to prepare proposals to revise existing programs, including undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degree programs and certificates. Proposals for revising programs should be submitted in narrative form, using the following outline. Guidelines are on the following page. PROGRAM REVISED NAME AND SUBJECT PROGRAM cODE: -=.:.M~A:!!:S~T~E!:::RS"_I!!.N~P~U:::.!B~L~JC~A:!::D~MlNJ="'"ST~RA=T~I.::::O:..:.N_ ....•P~AD=.!.!M~ NAME AND SUBJECT DEGREE: CODE (IF APPLICABLE): _ -.!.!M~P~A~ DEPARTMENT(S)/SCHOOL(S): CONTACTPERSON: __ _ _--"'P-"'O""L~IT~J""'CAL'-=-"'"SC~I:..!:E""'N""'C"""E __ COLLEGE(S): -"D"",R:.::.-",J-,,,O~E....::O::..!HRE=!.!..N,-- CONTACTPHONE: ....::C"""A"""S~ __ START DATE: TERM ....;::F~AL=L_YEAR _ ---'-7--=2:..:::5:22=-- CONTACTEMAJL: REQUESTED _ JOHREN@EMICH.EDU 2011 Rationale, Description of Current Program, Proposed Revision Proposed changes in the Organization Management Concentration in the MP A Program In consultation with faculty from the Management department, we recommend deleting the required MGMT 610 and permitting students to take an additional elective course. Students in the MP A complete a two-semester sequence in research methods and quantitative analysis, in many ways the equivalent of the MGMT 610. The revised concentration is noted below. Organization Management Concentration MGMT 602 Theory and Technology of Organization Dev. MGMT 610 Diagnostic & Quantitative Methods In Org. Development (3) Select two three of the following courses: MGMT 613 Leadership in Business Organizations MGMT 615 Organization Design and Strategy MGMT 616 Negotiation and Influence Applications in Business MGMT 628 Human Resource Development MGMT 638 Quality of Work-life MGMT 648 Communication and Organization Development Impact nla Budget nla (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) _ Organization Management Concentration in MP A Revision 8-2011 VI. Action of the Department/College 1. Department/School: Vote of faculty: For 11 Against,_-,O,--_ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) _______ Abstentions __ --'O'-__ be implemented within the affected It/Z4t/~ Date 2. College/Graduate School: A. College I support this proposal. The proposed program can, College without additional University resources. cannot, be implemented within the affected College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (Graduate Program Revisions ONLy) Graduate Dean Signature Date VII. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date VIII. Appendices A. Market AnalysislNeeds Assessment B. Mandates C. Request for NewlRevised Course Forms D. Letters of Support from Impacted Departments E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the revision cannot be implemented without additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff s s s s s s s s SS&M Equipment Total $ $ s $