EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OUTLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS TO REVISE PROGRAMS Use this outline to prepare proposals to revise existing programs, including undergraduate majors and minors and graduate degree programs and certificates. Proposals for revising programs should be submitted in narrative form, using the following outline. Guidelines are on the following page. PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE: SECONDARY EDUCATION HISTORY MAJOR (HSTT) REVISED PROGRAM NAME AND SUBJECT CODE (IF APPLICABLE): SECONDARY EDUCATION HISTORY MAJOR /GEOGRAPHY MINOR DEGREE: BA OR BS DEPARTMENT(S)/SCHOOL(S): CONTACT PERSON: H ISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY R OLWELL & Z. MOORE COLLEGE(S): CONTACT PHONE: CONTACT EMAIL: REQUESTED START DATE: TERM SUMMER YEAR CAS 7-3090 ROLWELL@EMICH.EDU 2012 I. Rationale New state requirements in the teaching of social studies have been mandated by the Michigan Department of Education. These include requirements for greater academic work in geography and world history, as well as interdisciplinary coursework. In order to meet these new standards, this History Major/Geography minor for secondary education was developed. II. Description of Current Program Major Requirements: 33-36 hours Required Courses: 21-24 hours HIST 123 - The United States to 1877 (Gen Ed Area IV) 3 hrs HIST 124 - The United States, 1877 to the Present (Gen Ed Area IV) 3 hrs HIST 300W - Researching and Writing History (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs One course from the following: GEOG 107 - Introduction to Geography (Gen Ed Area IV) 3 hrs GEOG 110 - World Regions (Gen Ed Area III) 3 hrs One course from the following: See History adviser for more options. ECON 375 - Economic History of the United States 3 hrs HIST 471 - Social and Intellectual History of 19th-Century Europe 3 hrs One option from the following: Option I: HIST 109 - World History to 1500 3 hrs HIST 110 - World History since 1500 (Gen Ed Area III) 3 hrs Option II: Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 HIST 101 - Western Civilization to 1648 (Gen Ed Area IV) 3 hrs HIST 102 - Western Civilization, 1648 to World War I (Gen Ed Area IV) 3 hrs HIST 103 - 20th-Century Civilization (Gen Ed Area III) 3 hrs Elective Courses: 12 hours Six hours of history courses 300-level or above in one of the following areas and three hours in each of the remaining areas: United States and Canada Europe (includes Russia and ancient Greece and Rome) Africa, Asia and Latin America (includes Middle East and ancient Near East) For a current list of classes that count for each area, consult the History Section website or a History undergraduate adviser. Minor in Economics, Geography, History or Political Science: 20-24 Hours III. Proposed Revision Combined major/minor in history and geography for secondary education. These cannot be taken separately in any way and form a single integrated program of study. Economic History American Government The United States to 1877 The United States, 1877 to the Present World History to 1500 World History since 1500 Researching and Writing History American Environmental History The Dynamic Earth System Human Geosciences or Intro to GIS Introduction to Geography World Regions Geography US and Canada Cultural Geography History and geography of the modern world Geography of Michigan ECON375 PLSC 112 HIST 123 HIST 124 HIST 109 HIST 110 HIST 300 HIST 416 ESSC 110 GEOG 100 or GEOG 276 GEOG 107 GEOG 110 GEOG 320 GEOG 360 HIST/GEOG 316 GEOG 313 One elective at 300+ level Geography or Earth System Science class Three upper level history classes (3 credits each, 300-level or above), one in United States or Canada (Area A), one in Europe (Area B), and one in Africa, Asia, or Latin America (Area C). IV. Impact This program will provide students with a far more straightforward means of pursuing a career in social studies education, and will provide a strong double endorsement for their job search. Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 V. Budget No implications expected VI. Action of the Department/College 1. Department/School: Vote of HIST faculty: For 15 Against 0 (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Abstentions 0 Vote of Geography& Geology faculty: For 18 Against 0 (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Abstentions 0 I support this proposal. The proposed revision can x cannot Department(s)/School(s) without additional College or University resources. be implemented within the affected Kate Mehuron Department Head/School Director Signature 11/15/2011 Date Richard Sambrook Department Head/School Director Signature 2/10/2012 Date 2. College/Graduate School: A. College I support this proposal. The proposed program can without additional University resources. cannot College Dean Signature be implemented within the affected College Date B. Graduate School (Graduate Program Revisions ONLY) Graduate Dean Signature Date VII. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 Date VIII. Appendices A. Market Analysis/Needs Assessment B. Mandates C. Request for New/Revised Course Forms D. Letters of Support from Impacted Departments E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the revision cannot be implemented without additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total Miller, Program Revision Guidelines Sept. 09 $_________ $_________ $_________