Request for New Course EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR NEW COURSE DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT PHONE: MATHEMATICS________________ COLLEGE: ARTS AND SCIENCE DR. OVIDIU CALIN________________________ 487-1444 REQUESTED START DATE: CONTACT EMAIL: OCALIN@EMICH.EDU TERM__FALL_______YEAR__2012 _ A. Rationale/Justification for the Course We first offered this course as a Special Topics course on stochastic differential and integral calculus in Spring 2011. It attracted a good number of students with majors in both mathematics and economics and was very positively received. The course contains basic notions of probability spaces and random variables, their convergences, and conditional expectations. It also deals with a presentation of basic stochastic processes, such as Brownian motion, Bessel process, Poisson process and their main properties. A short chapter deals with stopping and hitting times of a stochastic process. B. Course Information Math 430 1. Subject Code and Course Number: 2. Course Title: INTRODUCTION TO STOCHASTIC CALCULUS 3. Credit Hours: 3 4. Repeatable for Credit? Yes_______ No__X____ If “Yes”, how many total credits may be earned?_____ 5. Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words.): An introduction to stochastic processes, stochastic integration and differentiation, solving stochastic differential equations, martingale calculus, and martingale measures. 6. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) a. Standard (lecture/lab) On Campus X X Off Campus b. Fully Online c. Hybrid/ Web Enhanced 7. Grading Mode: Normal (A-E) X Credit/No Credit 8. Prerequisites: Courses that MUST be completed before a student can take this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) MATH 223: Multivariable Calculus MATH 325: Differential Equations MATH 370: Probability and Statistics I 9. Concurrent Prerequisites: Courses listed in #5 that MAY also be taken at the same time as a student is taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) None 10. Corequisites: Courses that MUST be taken at the same time as a student in taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) Miller, New Course Sept. 09 New Course Form None 11. Equivalent Courses. A student may not earn credit for both a course and its equivalent. A course will count as a repeat if an equivalent course has already been taken. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title) None 12. Course Restrictions: a. Restriction by College. Is admission to a specific College Required? College of Business Yes No X College of Education Yes No X b. Restriction by Major/Program. Will only students in certain majors/programs be allowed to take this course? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the majors/programs c. Restriction by Class Level Check all those who will be allowed to take the course: Undergraduate Graduate All undergraduates___X____ All graduate students____ Freshperson Certificate Sophomore Masters Junior Specialist Senior Doctoral Second Bachelor__ X______ UG Degree Pending_____ Post-Bac. Tchr. Cert._____ Low GPA Admit_______ Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Restriction by Permission. Will Departmental Permission be required? Yes No (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) 13. Will the course be offered as part of the General Education Program? Yes No X X If “Yes”, attach Request for Inclusion of a Course in the General Education Program: Education for Participation in the Global Community form. Note: All new courses proposed for inclusion in this program will be reviewed by the General Education Advisory Committee. If this course is NOT approved for inclusion in the General Education program, will it still be offered? Yes No Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 2 of 6 New Course Form C. Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department: 14. Will this course will be a requirement or restricted elective in any existing program(s)? Yes X No If “Yes”, list the programs and attach a copy of the programs that clearly shows the place the new course will have in the curriculum. Program mathematics major Required Restricted Elective Program mathematics minor Required Restricted Elective 15. Will this course replace an existing course? Yes No X X X 16. (Complete only if the answer to #15 is “Yes.”) a. Subject Code, Number and Title of course to be replaced: b. Will the course to be replaced be deleted? Yes No 17. (Complete only if the answer #16b is “Yes.”) If the replaced course is to be deleted, it is not necessary to submit a Request for Graduate and Undergraduate Course Deletion. a. When is the last time it will be offered? Term Year b. Is the course to be deleted required by programs in other departments? Contact the Course and Program Development Office if necessary. Yes No c. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Outside the Department: The following information must be provided. Contact the Course and Program Development office for assistance if necessary. 18. Are there similar courses offered in other University Departments? If “Yes”, list courses by Subject Code, Number and Title Yes No X 19. If similar courses exist, do the departments in which they are offered support the proposed course? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support from the affected departments. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. D. Course Requirements 20. Attach a detailed Sample Course Syllabus including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Course goals, objectives and/or student learning outcomes Outline of the content to be covered Student assignments including presentations, research papers, exams, etc. Method of evaluation Grading scale (if a graduate course, include graduate grading scale) Special requirements Bibliography, supplemental reading list Other pertinent information. Page 3 of 6 New Course Form NOTE: COURSES BEING PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY PROGRAM MUST USE THE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF A COURSE IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY FORM. E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the course will require additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total $_________ $_________ $_________ F. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: For ____16______ Against ____0______ Abstentions ____0______ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Department Head/School Director Signature Date 2. College/Graduate School A. College College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Date G. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Date Page 4 of 6 New Course Form Math 430: Introduction to Stochastic Calculus , 3 credit hours Syllabus Catalog Description An introduction to stochastic processes, stochastic integration and differentiation, solving stochastic differential equations, martingale calculus, and martingale measures. Pre requisites: MATH 223, MATH 325, and MATH 370 Course Goals This is a gentle introduction to Stochastic Calculus. All differentiation and integration techniques covered in Math 120 and Math 121 in the deterministic case will be covered here for the stochastic case. Many differentiation rules, such as the product rule or chain rule have an analog in the stochastic environment. The course starts with basic notions of probability spaces and random variables and their convergences, and their conditional expectations. Then it deals with a presentation of basic stochastic processes, such as the Brownian motion, Bessel process, Poisson process and their main properties. The rest of the material deals with the Ito stochastic integral and several techniques of integration. The exposition is elementary, suited to the advanced undergraduate. Topics Covered 1 Basic Notions 1.1 Probability Space 1.1.1 Sample Space 1.1.2 Events and Probability 1.1.3 Random Variables 1.1.4 Distribution Functions 1.1.5 Basic Distributions 1.1.6 Independent Random Variables 1.1.7 Expectation 1.1.8 Radon-Nikodym's Theorem 1.1.9 Conditional Expectation 1.1.10 Inequalities of Random Variables 1.1.11 Limits of Sequences of Random Variables 1.2 Properties of Limits 1.3 Stochastic Processes 2 Useful Stochastic Processes 2.1 The Brownian Motion 2.2 Geometric Brownian Motion 2.3 Integrated Brownian Motion 2.4 Exponential Integrated Brownian Motion 2.5 Brownian Bridge 2.6 Brownian Motion with Drift 2.7 Bessel Process 2.8 The Poisson Process 2.8.1 Definition and Properties 2.8.2 Interarrival times 2.8.3 Waiting times Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 5 of 6 New Course Form 3 Properties of Stochastic Processes 3.1 Hitting Times 3.2 Limits of Stochastic Processes 3.3 Convergence Theorems 3.3.1 The Martingale Convergence Theorem 3.3.2 The Squeeze Theorem 4 Stochastic Integration 4.0.3 Non-anticipating Processes 4.0.4 Increments of Brownian Motions 4.1 The Ito Integral 4.2 Examples of Ito integrals 4.2.1 The case Ft = c, constant 4.2.2 The case Ft = Wt 4.3 The Fundamental Relation 4.4 Properties of the Ito Integral 4.5 The Wiener Integral 4.6 Poisson Integration 4.6.1 An Workout Example: the case Ft = Mt 5 Stochastic Differentiation 5.1 Differentiation Rules 5.2 Basic Rules 5.3 Ito's Formula 5.3.1 Ito's formula for diffusions 5.3.2 Ito's formula for Poisson processes 6 Stochastic Integration Techniques 6.0.4 Fundamental Theorem of Stochastic Calculus 6.0.5 Stochastic Integration by Parts Evaluation Evaluation will be based upon weekly problem sets and exams. A 95-100 % A- 90 - 94 % B+ 85 - 89 % B 80-84 % B- 75 - 79 % C+ 70 -74% C 65 - 70 % D 60 - 64% E below 60 % Textbook The material for this course will be posted in pdf format on the course webpage. Bibliography 1. 2. 3. 4. Basic Stochastic Processes by Z. Brzezniak and T. Zastawniak, Springer Verlag 2000. Stochastic Differential Equations by B. Oksendal, Universitext 1979. Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus by I. Karatzas and S. Shreve, Springer Verlag 1991. Stochastic Processes by S. Ross, Wiley 1995. Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 6 of 6 Mathematics Major Additional Requirements: 3 hours One course from the following: COSC 111 - Introduction to Programming 3 hrs COSC 120 - Computational Principles for Mathematics and the Sciences 3 hrs Major Requirements: 36 hours Required Courses: 24 hours MATH 120 - Calculus I (Gen Ed Area II) 4 hrs MATH 121 - Calculus II 4 hrs MATH 122 - Elementary Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 211 - Introduction to Mathematical Proof 3 hrs MATH 223 - Multivariable Calculus 4 hrs MATH 370 - Probability and Statistics I 3 hrs One course from the following: MATH 411 - Abstract Algebra 3 hrs MATH 416 - Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 420 - Introduction to Real Analysis 3 hrs Restricted Elective Courses: 12 hours Twelve hours from the following: MATH 311W - Mathematical Problem Solving (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs MATH 319 - Mathematical Modeling 3 hrs MATH 325 - Differential Equations 3 hrs MATH 341 - College Geometry 3 hrs MATH 372 - Problems in Actuarial Studies I 2 hrs MATH 407 - Elementary Number Theory 3 hrs MATH 409 - Cryptology 3 hrs MATH 411 - Abstract Algebra 3 hrs MATH 416 - Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 418 - Modeling with Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 419W - Introduction to Stochastic Mathematical Modeling (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs MATH 420 - Introduction to Real Analysis 3 hrs MATH 424 - Introduction to Complex Variables 3 hrs MATH 425 - Mathematics for Scientists 3 hrs MATH 430 – Introduction to Stochastic Calculus 3 hrs MATH 436 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3 hrs MATH 460 - Applied Survey Sampling 3 hrs MATH 461 - Linear Regression Analysis 3 hrs MATH 462 - Design and Analysis of Experiments 3 hrs MATH 468 - Introduction to Biostatistics 3 hrs MATH 469 - Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis 3 hrs MATH 471 - Probability and Statistics II 3 hrs MATH 472 - Problems in Actuarial Studies II 2 hrs MATH 474W - Applied Statistics (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs Minor Requirements: This program requires a minor. Please contact your program adviser for a list of possible minors. Program Total: Students must earn a minimum total of 124 credits at the 100-level or above. Notes: Each student must choose a writing intensive course as part of major completion requirements. Consult your adviser for course options. Mathematics Minor Additional Requirements: 3 hours One course from the following: COSC 111 - Introduction to Programming 3 hrs COSC 120 - Computational Principles for Mathematics and the Sciences 3 hrs Required Courses: 14 hours MATH 120 - Calculus I (Gen Ed Area II) 4 hrs MATH 121 - Calculus II 4 hrs MATH 122 - Elementary Linear Algebra 3 hrs One course from the following: MATH 211 - Introduction to Mathematical Proof 3 hrs MATH 360 - Statistical Methods 3 hrs MATH 370 - Probability and Statistics I 3 hrs Restricted Elective Courses: 6 hours Six credit hours from the following: * MATH 205 - Mathematical Structures for Computer Science 4 hrs MATH 223 - Multivariable Calculus 4 hrs MATH 311W - Mathematical Problem Solving (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs MATH 319 - Mathematical Modeling 3 hrs MATH 325 - Differential Equations 3 hrs MATH 341 - College Geometry 3 hrs ** MATH 360 - Statistical Methods 3 hrs ** MATH 370 - Probability and Statistics I 3 hrs MATH 372 - Problems in Actuarial Studies I 2 hrs MATH 407 - Elementary Number Theory 3 hrs MATH 409 - Cryptology 3 hrs MATH 411 - Abstract Algebra 3 hrs MATH 416 - Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 419W - Introduction to Stochastic Mathematical Modeling (Gen Ed Area I, W) 3 hrs MATH 418 - Modeling with Linear Algebra 3 hrs MATH 420 - Introduction to Real Analysis 3 hrs MATH 424 - Introduction to Complex Variables 3 hrs MATH 425 - Mathematics for Scientists 3 hrs MATH 436 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3 hrs MATH 460 - Applied Survey Sampling 3 hrs MATH 461 - Linear Regression Analysis 3 hrs MATH 462 - Design and Analysis of Experiments 3 hrs MATH 468 - Introduction to Biostatistics 3 hrs MATH 469 - Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis 3 hrs MATH 471 - Probability and Statistics II 3 hrs Minor Total: 23 hours