EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS TYPE OF REVISION: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.) X Course Number/Subject Code X Course Title REQUEST FOR COURSE REVISIONS Credit Hours X DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: ______CMTA_____________________________COLLEGE: Course Description Prerequisite/Corequisite Restriction ARTS AND SCIENCES CONTACT PERSON: _________JEANNETTE KINDRED____________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE: 487-4225 CONTACT EMAIL: JKINDRED@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM__FALL___________YEAR____2013_______ DIRECTIONS: COMPLETE SECTION A AND SECTIONS B1a, B2a, B3a B4a, B11, B12 AND B13. COMPLETE ONLY THE REMAINING PARTS OF SECTION B THAT CONCERN THE REVISIONS CHECKED ABOVE. FOR ASSISTANCE CONTACT THE COURSE AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT OFFICE. A. Rationale for Revision: This course revision is submitted as part of a package that includes proposed revisions to the Master of Arts in Communication program. Currently, course numbering for CTAC graduate courses are inconsistent, and some titles and descriptions need to be updated and clarified. Creating consistency in numbering, titles and course descriptions complements our current program revision efforts and overall clarifies and strengthens our program for current and future students. In addition, such changes should ultimately assist with outreach and recruitment efforts. The Communication program (CTAC) offers two types of graduate courses: those that are theory based and those which have been identified as service courses. These service courses were originally designed for non-degree graduate students and professional development students, and as graduate Communication offerings for other departments/programs (see program revision for a more specific listing of these service courses). The theory based courses are 3 credit hours, while the service courses are 2 credit hours. All service courses are numbered at the 500level, while numbering is inconsistent among the theory courses (some are numbered at the 500-level and some are numbered at the 600-level). Number change – We propose to change all 3 credit CTAC theory courses that are currently numbered at the 500-level to available numbers at the 600-level. This change will better distinguish theory (600-level) from service (500-level) course offerings within the Communication program. In addition, it is important to clearly distinguish those courses that undergraduates can potentially take (500 level) from those courses that undergraduates cannot take (600 level). The Master of Arts in Communication theory classes are not appropriate nor designed for the undergraduate student. CTAC 572 is a theory course therefore it should be re-numbered to CTAC 648. Title Change – The current title “Studies in Organizational Communication” is too narrow in focus. The title suggests students will only be exposed to “studies,” or research, in the field of organizational communication. The course actually takes a broader approach, and covers the history of the field, theories and theoretical developments, research methods used by organizational communication scholars, and a survey of various research developments in the field. The proposed title “Organizational Communication” is simple and straightforward and better reflects the overall scope of the course Miller, Course Revision, Sept. 09 Course Description – The current course description for CTAC 572 is too narrow, suggesting that the course covers only theory and application in organizational communication. As articulated above, the course takes a broader approach therefore the course description needs to be changed to better reflect the comprehensive nature of theory and research in the field of organizational communication. B. Course Information 1. a) Current Subject Code and Course Number: CTAC 572 b) (If new) Proposed Subject Code and Course Number: 2. a) Current Course Title: CTAC 648 Studies in Organizational Communication b) (If new) Proposed Course Title: Organizational Communication 3. a) Current Credit Hours: 3 b) (If new) Proposed Credit Hours c) (If new) Briefly describe how the increase/decrease in credit hours will be reflected in course content. 4. a) Current Catalog Description: The study of organizations from a communication perspective, focusing on the theoretical views and analytical skills necessary for understanding the role communication plays in the organizing process. b) (If new) Proposed Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words): This course will examine the development of organizational communication as a field of academic study, including the major questions that have guided and challenged research in this area. Students will survey a broad range of organizational communication theories, methods and related research. 5. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) Current Proposed a. Standard (lecture/lab) On Campus X X Off Campus a. Standard (lecture/lab) On Campus b. Fully Online b. Fully Online c. Hybrid c. Hybrid Off Campus 6. Grading Mode Current Normal (A-E) X Proposed Credit/No Credit Normal (A-E) Credit/No Credit 7. (Complete only if prerequisites are to be changed.) List Current and Proposed Prerequisite Courses by subject code, number and title. Students must complete prerequisites before they can take this course. Miller, Course Revision Sept, ‘09 Page 2 of 5 Current: Proposed: 8. (Complete only if corequisites are to be changed) List Current and Proposed Corequisite Courses by subject code, number and title. Students must take corequisite courses at the same time as they are taking this course. Current: Proposed: 9. (Complete only if concurrent prerequisites are to be changed.) List Current and Proposed Concurrent Prerequisite Courses by subject code, number and title. Students must take concurrent prerequisites either before or at the same time as they are taking this course. Current: Proposed: 10. (Complete only if course restrictions are to be changed. Complete only those sections that pertain to the restrictions that are to be changed.) List Current and Proposed Course Restrictions. Course Restrictions limit the type of students who will be allowed to take the course. a. Restriction by College: Check if course is restricted to those admitted to specific college. Current Proposed College of Business: College of Business: College of Education: College of Education: b. Restriction by Majors/Programs: Check if course is restricted to those in specific majors/programs. Current Proposed Yes Yes No No If “Yes”, list the majors/programs c. Restriction by Academic/Class Level: Check all those who will be allowed to take the course as part of their academic program. Undergraduate Current All Undergraduates Miller, Course Revision Sept, ‘09 Proposed All Undergraduates Page 3 of 5 Freshperson Sophomore Junior Senior Second Bachelor Post. Bac. Tchr. Cert. Freshperson Sophomore Junior Senior Second Bachelor Post. Bac. Tchr. Cert. Graduate Current All Graduates X Certificate Master’s Specialist Doctoral UG Degree Pending Low GPA Admit Proposed All Graduates Certificate Master’s Specialist Doctoral UG Degree Pending Low GPA Admit Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Departmental Permission: (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) Current Yes No Proposed Yes No X 11. List all departmental programs in which this course is Required or a Restricted Elective. Program Master of Arts, Communication Program 12. Is this course required by programs in other departments? Required Restricted Elective __X____ Required Restricted Elective ______ Yes No X 13. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. 14. Will the proposed revision increase/decrease credit hours in any program? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the programs and provide an explanation for the increase/decrease, along with a copy of the revised program that includes the new credit hour total. C. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: Miller, Course Revision Sept, ‘09 For ___26_______ Against ____0______ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Abstentions ____0______ Page 4 of 5 4/18/12 Department Head/School Director Signature Date 2. College College Dean Signature Date 3. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Date D. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Miller, Course Revision Sept, ‘09 Date Page 5 of 5