------- 10/30/12 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT HRM 120 World Cuisine Basic Cooking Skills WINTER 2005 INSTRUCTOR: E-MAIL: OFFICE HOURS: COURSE TIME: COURSE LOCATION: REQUIRED TEXT: Ms. Carmela McTyre, MS, CC, CHE cmctyre@emich.edu by appointment Tuesday 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM 5 Roosevelt On Cooking 3rd edition by Sarah Labensky and Alan Hause, Prentice Hall Publishing COURSE DESCRIPTION: This lab course is a hands-on cultural perspective of how foods are prepared, taste and served around the world. Class will consist of the study of basic food preparation, sanitation, food selection and menu planning from a world prospective. Through the use of lecture, demonstration and development of hands-on kitchen skills students will learn to apply skills necessary to prepare food in their own homes that reflect a global perspective. This course is for non Hotel & Restaurant Majors/Minors only COURSE GOALS: Upon successful completion of this class each student will: 1. Demonstrate basic food preparation skill. 2. Students will be exposed to difference spices, herbs and cooking styles reflected in world cuisines. 3. Use proper safety and sanitation guidelines to provide a safe working environment for all persons involved. 4. Explain selection criteria for produce, meat, fish and dairy. 5. Be able to prepare meals based on pre-determined menus and recipes. 6. Ability to follow a standard recipe in creating a dish from beginning to end. 7. Create a menu with complimenting food and drink. 8. Selection and care of kitchen equipment and small wares GRADING CRITERIA: 30% 40% 30% Mid term and Final Exam Attendance and participation: Because attendance is very important to your success. You will be evaluated each day on your class participation, preparation (reading, proper tool use and uniform) cleaning of the kitchen and proper storage of food products. YOU MUST ATTEND LECTURE IN ORDER TO GET CREDIT FOR LAB. Assignments Lecture: Each class will start with about 1 hour of lecture on the type of food we will be preparing that day, and the cooking techniques and terms used. You do not need to be in uniform for this part of the class. We will take a break and change into our uniforms and get cooking. Uniform: The uniform for this class is as follows: clean white chef’s coat, chef’s cap, no long or fake nails, flat comfortable closed toed shoes and long pants. If you are not properly in uniform you will be asked to leave and will not get credit for any part of class. Lab Participation: There are 10 labs and your participation grade will be based on how well you demonstrate safety practices, teamwork shown, following mise en place, peer evaluations and product tasting. You will work with different people each week to form different teams and your final dinner teams will be selected in a random fashion.. Final Grade Calculation 100-94 A 93-90 A89-87 B+ 86-83 B 82-80 B- 79-77 76-73 72-70 69-60 50- Below Date Reading Week Topic C+ C CD F Homework/Questions 1/7 1 Introduction Course syllabus Survey 1/14 2 Professionalism Ch. 1 Food safety and Sanitation Ch.2 Tools and Equipment Ch.5 Worksheet Short Essay Due 1/21 3 Knife Skills Mise En Place Menus and Recipes Worksheet Ch.6 Ch.9 Ch.4 1/28 4 Nutrition Ch. 3 Kitchen Staples Ch.7 Principles of Cooking Ch.10 Worksheet 2/4 5 Stocks and Sauces Soups Dairy Ch.11 Ch.12 Ch.8 Worksheet 2/11 6 Principles of meat Beef Veal Ch.13 Ch.14 Ch.15 Worksheet 2/18 7 Lamb Pork Poultry Ch.16 Ch.17 Ch.18 Worksheet 2/25 8 Mid Term Game Fish Ch.19 Ch.20 Worksheet Discuss second essay 3/4 Recess (no class) 3/11 9 3/18 10 3/25 Vegetables Ch.22 Potatoes, Grains Ch.23 Salads and Dressing Ch.24 Worksheet Fruits Sandwiches Hors D’Oeuvre Ch.25 Ch.26 Ch.28 Worksheet Recess (no class) 4/1 11 Bakeshop Quick Breads Yeast Breads Ch.29 Ch.30 Ch.31 Worksheet 4/8 12 Pies, Pastries Cakes and Frosting Custards Ch.32 Ch.33 Worksheet 4/15 13 Essay due Final dinner 4/22 14 Final