Request for New Course EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR NEW COURSE DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: _COMMUNICATION, MEDIA & THEATRE ARTS______COLLEGE: ARTS & SCIENCES CONTACT PERSON: ___MELANIE SCHUESSLER___________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE: 7-0032 CONTACT EMAIL: MSCHUESS@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM_____FALL________YEAR____2011_______ A. Rationale/Justification for the Course The Arts, Entertainment and Recreation industry is predicted to grow 15% by 2018 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (second only to the field of Healthcare and Social Assistance). The impetus for creating this class in the Department of Communication, Media and Theatre Arts is, quite simply, to capitalize on the growth of this field and create a multidisciplinary program of study that will give students a solid foundation to work in today’s entertainment industry. Design for the entertainment industry in all of its many forms has largely moved to a digital format. Theatrical scene and lighting design have relied on digital formats for a number of years, and costume design is not far behind. Other types of entertainment and show design, such as industrials, concerts, and theme parks, use many of the same processes as theatrical design and have taken advantage of the efficiencies and expanded capabilities of digital design. While traditional design on paper has not disappeared, the widespread use of digital design makes it a critical skill set for our students to acquire. This course, tailored to the specific needs of designers for the entertainment industry, will give them the basic skills and knowledge they need to compete effectively in the field. B. Course Information 1. Subject Code and Course Number: CTAR 353 2. Course Title: Digital Design for Theatre and the Entertainment Industry 3. Credit Hours: 3 4. Repeatable for Credit? Yes_______ No___X___ If “Yes”, how many total credits may be earned?_______ 5. Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words.): Methods and techniques for the use of digital tablets and pixel-based and vector-based software, tailored for design in the theatre and entertainment industries. 6. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) a. Standard (lecture/lab) X On Campus X b. Fully Online c. Hybrid/ Web Enhanced X Miller, New Course Sept. 09 Off Campus New Course Form 7. Grading Mode: Normal (A-E) X Credit/No Credit 8. Prerequisites: Courses that MUST be completed before a student can take this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) CTAR 150 or CTAR 152 or CTAR 153 or permission of instructor 9. Concurrent Prerequisites: Code, Number and Title.) Courses listed in #5 that MAY also be taken at the same time as a student is taking this course. (List by Subject 10. Corequisites: Courses that MUST be taken at the same time as a student in taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) 11. Equivalent Courses. A student may not earn credit for both a course and its equivalent. A course will count as a repeat if an equivalent course has already been taken. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title) 12. Course Restrictions: a. Restriction by College. Is admission to a specific College Required? College of Business Yes No X College of Education Yes No X b. Restriction by Major/Program. Will only students in certain majors/programs be allowed to take this course? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the majors/programs c. Restriction by Class Level Check all those who will be allowed to take the course: Undergraduate Graduate All undergraduates____X___ All graduate students____ Freshperson Certificate Sophomore Masters Junior Specialist Senior Doctoral Second Bachelor________ UG Degree Pending_____ Post-Bac. Tchr. Cert._____ Low GPA Admit_______ Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 2 of 8 New Course Form Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Restriction by Permission. Will Departmental Permission be required? Yes No (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) 13. Will the course be offered as part of the General Education Program? Yes No X X If “Yes”, attach Request for Inclusion of a Course in the General Education Program: Education for Participation in the Global Community form. Note: All new courses proposed for inclusion in this program will be reviewed by the General Education Advisory Committee. If this course is NOT approved for inclusion in the General Education program, will it still be offered? Yes No C. Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department: 14. Will this course will be a requirement or restricted elective in any existing program(s)? Yes * It will be a restricted elective in the proposed new program Entertainment Design and Technology (attached). No X* If “Yes”, list the programs and attach a copy of the programs that clearly shows the place the new course will have in the curriculum. Program Required Restricted Elective Program Required Restricted Elective 15. Will this course replace an existing course? Yes No X 16. (Complete only if the answer to #15 is “Yes.”) a. Subject Code, Number and Title of course to be replaced: b. Will the course to be replaced be deleted? Yes No 17. (Complete only if the answer #16b is “Yes.”) If the replaced course is to be deleted, it is not necessary to submit a Request for Graduate and Undergraduate Course Deletion. a. When is the last time it will be offered? Term Year b. Is the course to be deleted required by programs in other departments? Contact the Course and Program Development Office if necessary. Yes No c. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Outside the Department: The following information must be provided. Contact the Course and Program Development office for assistance if necessary. 18. Are there similar courses offered in other University Departments? Yes No X* * Two courses are offered that seem similar but do not meet our needs. One is ART 330 (Computer Imaging), which has prerequisites that require prerequisites that are only open to art majors. The other is CMT 131 (Introduction to Computer Graphic Systems), in which the students choose which vector and paint applications they would like to learn. The result is that each semester a different set of software may be taught. It is important for our students to learn a particular application that is standard in our field and that they learn how best to use it for entertainment design. If “Yes”, list courses by Subject Code, Number and Title Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 3 of 8 New Course Form 19. If similar courses exist, do the departments in which they are offered support the proposed course? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support from the affected departments. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. D. Course Requirements 20. Attach a detailed Sample Course Syllabus including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Course goals, objectives and/or student learning outcomes Outline of the content to be covered Student assignments including presentations, research papers, exams, etc. Method of evaluation Grading scale (if a graduate course, include graduate grading scale) Special requirements Bibliography, supplemental reading list Other pertinent information. NOTE: COURSES BEING PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY PROGRAM MUST USE THE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF A COURSE IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY FORM. E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the course will require additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Based upon current enrollment trends, our instructional resources (faculty, staff, full/part-time lecturers), equipment, and established course offering patterns are sufficient to add this course to the theatre curriculum. Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total $_________ $_________ $_________ F. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: For ____29______ Against _____0_____ Abstentions _____0_____ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) 8/21/12 Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 4 of 8 New Course Form Department Head/School Director Signature Date 2. College/Graduate School A. College College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Date G. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Date Page 5 of 8 New Course Form Computer Applications in Design CTAR 353 Professor Melanie Schuessler Quirk 102 487-0032 Office Hours MW 11-12 T 9-10:30 or by appointment Text and Supplies Teach Yourself Photoshop CS4 in 24 Hours by Kate Binder a flash drive Course Description In this class, you will learn various methods and techniques for the use of digital tablets and pixel-based and vector-based software, tailored for design in the theatre and entertainment industries. Course Objectives Students will gain proficiency in using digital drawing tablets and Adobe Photoshop and become familiar with Adobe Illustrator to create both raster and vector images and modify scanned drawings and existing images. Projects are designed to further students’ design skills as well as proficiency in software and technology. Assignments and Grading Each assignment has a point value; the total of all assignments added together is 1000. The total of your points at the end of the semester divided by ten will be your semester grade. Points 100 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 200 1000 points Assignment Class Participation Selections and color modes assignment Image adjustment assignment Shapes and text assignment Colors and painting assignment Painting II assignment Layers assignment Masks assignment Filters assignment Patterns assignment Vector assignment Final Exam Class participation covers your preparedness for class, your participation in class when appropriate, your willingness to persevere, and your overall attitude. Assignments are due by the beginning of class on the due date. Late assignments will be worth half of their original point value if turned in within one week of due date. Assignments later than one week will not be accepted. This class will move very quickly, and you will have little time to complete assignments. Please make every effort to prepare for class and to not fall behind. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated in this class and will result in a failing grade on the assignment in question. If you are in doubt about what constitutes plagiarism and cheating in the context of any given assignment, please do not hesitate to ask. Lateness/Absence Policy I expect you to be present and on time for this class. When you are late to class, it disrupts the class and distracts everyone, including me. I also expect basic courtesy and focus from you while you are in my class. Stay awake, turn off your phone, and take notes instead of answering your email. Due to the nature of the subject matter and the amount of in-class hands-on work, regular attendance is necessary for success in this class. You get two unexcused absences “free” with no penalty, though if an assignment is due that day and you turn it in late because you are absent, your assignment will be counted late (see the previous section regarding late assignments). For each unexcused absence after two, your final grade Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 6 of 8 New Course Form will be dropped three percent. To get credit for excused absences, you must bring documentation to the next class attended. Allowable reasons for excused absences are illness, death in the family, religious holidays, and official school functions. An explanation ↑ an excuse. Special Needs Accommodations If you wish to be accommodated for your disability, you must first register with the Students with Disabilities Office (SDO) in 240 EMU Student Center (734-487-2470), then bring SDO documentation to the professor. No retroactive accommodations are possible. Schedule WEEK 1 W 1/6 Introduction to the class, how to use digital tablets read Hours 1 and 2 for next class WEEK 2 M 1/11 Intro to Photoshop read Hours 3 and 4 for next class W 1/13 Making selections and color modes WEEK 3 M 1/18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—no classes W 1/20 Selections and color modes lab time read Hour 5 for next class WEEK 4 M 1/25 Adjusting images Selections and color modes assignment due W 1/27 Adjusting images lab time read Hours 7 and 18 for next class WEEK 5 M 2/1 Shapes and text Image adjustment assignment due W 2/3 Shapes and text lab time read Hours 6 and 8 for next class WEEK 6 M 2/8 Colors and painting Shapes and text assignment due W 2/10 Colors and painting lab time read Hour 9 for next class WEEK 7 M 2/15 More painting Colors and painting assignment due W 2/17 More painting lab time read Hour 11 for next class WEEK 8 M 2/22 Layers Painting II assignment due W 2/24 Layers lab time read Hour 12 for next class WEEK 9 M 3/8 Masks Layers assignment due W 3/10 Masks lab time read Hours 14 and 15 and scan 16 and 17 for next class Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 7 of 8 New Course Form WEEK 10 M 3/15 Filters Masks assignment due W 3/17 Filters lab time WEEK 11 M 3/22 Patterns Filters assignment due W 3/24 Patterns lab time WEEK 12 M 3/29 Applications for digital images Patterns assignment due W 3/31 Applications for digital images WEEK 13 M 4/5 Intro to Illustrator W 4/7 Drawing with vectors WEEK 14 M 4/12 Color in a vector-based world W 4/14 catch-up day or more vector fun Vector assignment due at end of class FINAL EXAM Monday, 4/19 11:30-1:00 Bibliography Aldrich, Winifred, ed. CAD in clothing and textiles : a collection of expert views. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1994. Armstrong, Jemi, Lorrie Ivas, and Wynn Armstrong. From Pencil to Pen Tool: Understanding and Creating the Digital Fashion Image. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 2006. Baron, Cynthia L. Designing a Digital Portfolio. Berkley, CA: New Riders Press, 2009. Bennet, James. Design Fundamentals for New Media. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Learning, 2005. Block, Bruce. The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV, and Digital Media. Boston: Focal Press/Elsevier, 2008. Bowles, Melanie and Ceri Isaac. Digital Textile Design. London: Laurence King, 2009. Caplin, Steve. Art and Design in Photoshop: How to simulate just about anything from great works of art to urban graffiti. Boston: Focal Press/Elsevier, 2008. Chakkour, Mario Henri. Virtual Pose 3. Rockport, MA: Hand Books Press, 2004. Chapman, Nigel and Jenny Chapman. Digital Media Tools. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2007. Lazear, Susan. Adobe Illustrator for Fashion Design. Columbus, OH: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008. Lea, Derek. Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques. New York: Focal Press, 2009. Leung, Linda. Digital Experience Design: Ideas, Industries, Interaction. Chicago: Intellect, 2008. Lupton, Ellen and Jennifer C. Phillips. Graphic Design: the New Basics. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008. Seegmiller, Don. Digital Character Painting using Photoshop CS3. Hingham, MA: Charles River Media, 2008. Miller, New Course Sept. ‘09 Page 8 of 8