Request for New Course EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR NEW COURSE DEPARTMENT/SCHOOL: __MATHEMATICS________________COLLEGE: ARTS AND SCIENCES CONTACT PERSON: DR. OVIDIU CALIN___________________________________________________________ CONTACT PHONE: 7-1292 CONTACT EMAIL: OCALIN@EMICH.EDU REQUESTED START DATE: TERM__WINTER_________YEAR__2014_ A. Rationale/Justification for the Course This is a course on computer implementations of financial applications. This fits well into a group of four other graduate courses taught in the Math department (Math 530, Math 534, Math 538, and Math 539), which might be used in the near future as a new graduate concentration in mathematical finance. The course uses basic notions of programming to create financial classes and methods represented by visual libraries, with an emphasis on pricing derivatives and value at risk for financial portfolios software. This course will be useful for students who wish to work in the banking industry as programmers as well as actuarial software developers. B. Course Information Math 540 1. Subject Code and Course Number: 2. Course Title: Modeling Financial Derivatives 3. Credit Hours: 3 4. Repeatable for Credit? Yes_______ No__X____ If “Yes”, how many total credits may be earned?_______ 5. Catalog Description (Limit to approximately 50 words.): An introduction to numerical implementations of financial derivatives, their pricing methods, financial and actuarial models, and portfolio value at risk. Knowledge of object oriented programming as well as an introduction to derivative securities is assumed. 6. Method of Delivery (Check all that apply.) a. Standard (lecture/lab) On Campus lecture X Off Campus b. Fully Online c. Hybrid/ Web Enhanced 7. Grading Mode: Normal (A-E) X Credit/No Credit 8. Prerequisites: Courses that MUST be completed before a student can take this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) None 9. Concurrent Prerequisites: Code, Number and Title.) None Courses listed in #5 that MAY also be taken at the same time as a student is taking this course. (List by Subject New Course Form 10. Corequisites: Courses that MUST be taken at the same time as a student in taking this course. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title.) None 11. Equivalent Courses. A student may not earn credit for both a course and its equivalent. A course will count as a repeat if an equivalent course has already been taken. (List by Subject Code, Number and Title) None 12. Course Restrictions: a. Restriction by College. Is admission to a specific College Required? College of Business Yes No X College of Education Yes No X b. Restriction by Major/Program. Will only students in certain majors/programs be allowed to take this course? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the majors/programs c. Restriction by Class Level Check all those who will be allowed to take the course: Undergraduate Graduate All undergraduates_______ All graduate students__X__ Freshperson Certificate X Sophomore Masters X Junior Specialist Senior Doctoral Second Bachelor__ ______ UG Degree Pending__X___ Post-Bac. Tchr. Cert._____ Low GPA Admit_______ Note: If this is a 400-level course to be offered for graduate credit, attach Approval Form for 400-level Course for Graduate Credit. Only “Approved for Graduate Credit” undergraduate courses may be included on graduate programs of study. Note: Only 500-level graduate courses can be taken by undergraduate students. Undergraduate students may not register for 600-level courses d. Restriction by Permission. Will Departmental Permission be required? Yes No (Note: Department permission requires the department to enter authorization for every student registering.) 13. Will the course be offered as part of the General Education Program? Yes No X X If “Yes”, attach Request for Inclusion of a Course in the General Education Program: Education for Participation in the Global Community form. Note: All new courses proposed for inclusion in this program will be reviewed by the General Education Advisory Committee. If this course is NOT approved for inclusion in the General Education program, will it still be offered? Yes No New Course Form C. Relationship to Existing Courses Within the Department: 14. Will this course will be a requirement or restricted elective in any existing program(s)? Yes No X If “Yes”, list the programs and attach a copy of the programs that clearly shows the place the new course will have in the curriculum. Program Required Program Required 15. Will this course replace an existing course? Yes No Restricted Elective Restricted Elective__ X 16. (Complete only if the answer to #15 is “Yes.”) a. Subject Code, Number and Title of course to be replaced: b. Will the course to be replaced be deleted? Yes No 17. (Complete only if the answer #16b is “Yes.”) If the replaced course is to be deleted, it is not necessary to submit a Request for Graduate and Undergraduate Course Deletion. a. When is the last time it will be offered? Term Year b. Is the course to be deleted required by programs in other departments? Contact the Course and Program Development Office if necessary. Yes No c. If “Yes”, do the affected departments support this change? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. Outside the Department: The following information must be provided. Contact the Course and Program Development office for assistance if necessary. 18. Are there similar courses offered in other University Departments? If “Yes”, list courses by Subject Code, Number and Title Yes No X 19. If similar courses exist, do the departments in which they are offered support the proposed course? Yes No If “Yes”, attach letters of support from the affected departments. If “No”, attach letters from the affected department explaining the lack of support, if available. D. Course Requirements 20. Attach a detailed Sample Course Syllabus including: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Course goals, objectives and/or student learning outcomes Outline of the content to be covered Student assignments including presentations, research papers, exams, etc. Method of evaluation Grading scale (if a graduate course, include graduate grading scale) Special requirements Bibliography, supplemental reading list Other pertinent information. New Course Form NOTE: COURSES BEING PROPOSED FOR INCLUSION IN THE EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY PROGRAM MUST USE THE SYLLABUS TEMPLATE PROVIDED BY THE GENERAL EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. THE TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THE REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF A COURSE IN THE GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: EDUCATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY FORM. E. Cost Analysis (Complete only if the course will require additional University resources. Fill in Estimated Resources for the sponsoring department(s). Attach separate estimates for other affected departments.) Estimated Resources: Year One Year Two Year Three Faculty / Staff $_________ $_________ $_________ SS&M $_________ $_________ $_________ Equipment $_________ $_________ $_________ Total $_________ $_________ $_________ F. Action of the Department/School and College 1. Department/School Vote of faculty: For ____18______ Against ____0______ Abstentions ____0______ (Enter the number of votes cast in each category.) Department Head/School Director Signature Date 2. College/Graduate School A. College College Dean Signature Date B. Graduate School (if Graduate Course) Graduate Dean Signature Date G. Approval Associate Vice-President for Academic Programming Signature Date New Course Form Sample Course Syllabus Eastern Michigan University Math 535: Modeling Financial Derivatives Fall 2013 Student Syllabus Instructor: Dr. Ovidiu Calin Office #: Pray-Harrold, room 516 F email: (a) Course introduction Financial analysts use mathematical models to guide their decisions when trading derivative financial instruments. These algorithms are in general complex and their true power is proved useful only after their computer implementation. This course deals with the implementation of the most important financial models in an Object Oriented Programming environment. (b) Course goals, objectives and/or student learning outcomes The main goal of this course is to present how the Object Oriented Programming be used to model financial derivatives. Students will learn how to model financial securities by creating classes, writing methods and using visual libraries in order to price and hedge derivatives and present the results in a self-containing software. (c) Outline of the content to be covered A. Brief Review of Object Oriented Programming 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Operators, Types, Variables The if, else if and switch statements Classes, Methods, properties Class inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation User interfaces with WPF B. Pricing Derivatives by Exact Formulas 1. Bonds (with constant, predictable and stochastic interest rate) 2. European Options (puts and calls) 3. Perpetual American Options (calls and puts) 4. Asian options on geometric average 5. European Barrier Options 6. Down-Out Call Options 7. Down-Out Put Options 8. Up-Out Call Options 9. Up-Out Put Options 10. Down-In Call Options 11. Down-In Put Options 12. Up-In Call Options 13. Up-In Put Options 14. Double Barrier European Option 15. Knock-Out Call Options 16. Knock-Out Put Options 17. Knock-In Call Options 18. Knock-In Put Options New Course Form 19. Lookback European Options 20. Fixed Lookback Call Options 21. Fixed Lookback Put Options 22. Call On the Maximum 23. Put On the Minimum C. Pricing Derivatives by Approximation Methods 1. Barone-Adesi-Whaley Approximation of the American Put 2. Asian Options on the Arithmetic Average D. Pricing Derivatives by Monte Carlo Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. Pseudo Random Generator European Options Bonds Barrier options E. Finite Difference Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Standard European Options Standard American Options Exotic Options Barrier Options Asian Options F. Tree Methods 1. Binomial trees for European Options 2. Binomial trees for American Options 3. Trees for Barrier Options G. Other topics 4. 5. 6. 7. Greek sensitivities Implied volatility Value at Risk Dynamical Hedging (d) Student assignments including presentations, research papers, exams The lectures will be delivered in a computer lab, where students will work individually on software projects. There are no exams or quizzes in this class. There are several small projects due during the semester and one large project each student has to present in front of their peers at the end of the semester. (e) Method of evaluation Students will be evaluated according to their performance in individual projects. There is a small project due each class and a final larger project due at the end of semester. (f) Grading scale (if a graduate course, include graduate grading scale) The projects during the semester worth 75% of the grade. The final project worth 25% of the grade. The cut-offs for the final grade in this course will be calculated as follows: New Course Form A AB+ B BC+ C 95 % 90 % 85 % 80 % 75 % 70 % 65 % (g) Bibliography, supplemental reading list [1] H.JOHNSON. Options on the maximum of the minimum of several assets. J. of Finance and Quantitative Analysis, 22:227–283, 1987. [2] B.M.GOLDMAN H.B.SOSIN M.A.GATTO. Path dependent options: buy at low, sell at high. J. of Finance, 34:111–127, 1979. [3] E.REINER M.RUBINSTEIN. Breaking down the barriers. Risk, 4:28–35, 191. [4] F.BLACK M.SCHOLES. The pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities. Journal of Political Economy, 81:635– 654, 1973. [5] N.KUNIMOTO N.IKEDA. Pricing options with curved boundaries. Mathematical finance, 2:275–298, 1992. [6 R.STULZ. Options on the minimum or the maximum of two risky assets. J. of Finance, 10:161–185, 1992. [7] A.CONZE R.VISWANATHAN. Path dependent options: the case of lookback options. J. of Finance, 46:1893– 1907, 1992. (h) Prerequisites Students are expected to have a background in derivative pricing and stochastic calculus. Students are expected to have taken an object oriented programming class. The prerequisites for this are either COSC 246 (Introduction to C++) or COSC 514 (Java). (e) Textbook: The following website will be very useful when implementing code: (j) Instructor Information I am a full-time faculty member at Eastern Michigan University in the Department of Mathematics and your education is my primary responsibility. I am happy to meet with you on any issue regarding class activity and to provide help when you do not understand something we have covered. You may see me in my office before the class or after class if time permits. Also, my email address is More information about my teaching and research interests can be found at my webpage at (k) Classroom Etiquette Please silence your cellular phones before class and, under no circumstances may you use a phone for any purposes during class, including text messaging. If you need to make an emergency call, please do it after leaving the class quietly. New Course Form (l) Disabilities Any students needed to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Access Service Office in 203 King Hall, 487-2470. (m) Miscellaneous In the event that you must miss an exam or a quiz due date for a VALID (emergency) AND verifiable (PRESENT PROOF) I must be notified preferably in advance by a phone call or an email message. Examples of unverifiable (or inadequate) reasons: oversleeping, going on a pleasure trip, or just not feeling like coming to class. Weather-related problems that I can verify through the news media are always valid. Do not risk your life to come to class! If school is in session I will most likely be here, because I don't live far away. If you commute and do not feel it is safe to travel, do not come. Give me a call and you will not be penalized for missing the class. Class attendance is essential. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to get any handouts from the professor, notes from a classmate, and complete the assignments. Also, the professor is available during the office hours. Tutorial assistance is available free of charge in the Math Student Help Center (220 Pray-Harrold). Assistance is also available through The Learning center on campus (Bruce T. Halle Library). If you cannot attend the official office hours, I also offer office hours by appointment. Every student will be assigned a number in the first day of class, called lucky number. Please write this number together with your name on all homework assignments and tests for the rest of the semester. When you prepare your homework please write eligibly. The grade is given not only for correctness but also for the presentation and style. During exams students often do mistakes and they need to erase some parts of the solution. It is suggested to write the exam in a black pencil and have an eraser on hand.