EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF ACADEMIC AND STUDENT AFFAIRS Proposal Review Form Complete and return this form to G-04 Halle Library by the Review Deadline. Failure to return the form by the Review Deadline signifies a recommendation to Approve the proposal. Distribution Date: December 12, 2013 College of Health Sponsoring and Human College: Services Type of Proposal: Department: School of Health Sciences New Course: X Course Title & Number: New Program: Program Title: New Certificate: Course Revision: Program Revision: Academic Level: Review February 12th, 2014 Deadline: HLAD 313 – Health Care Quality Certificate Title: Course Title & Number: Program Title: Undergraduate Recommendation of the Reviewing Council (Check one of the following.) ___________Approve ___________Approve with Comments ___________Do Not Approve If Recommendation other than Approve is selected above, please explain. Council Chair Signature Date Action of Dean I concur do not concur College Dean (or designate) Signature with the above recommendation. Date