COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE ADVISORY COUNCIL Arts Committee MINUTES 19 September 2013, 15:30, Room 219, Pray Harrold Present: Peters (AAAS), Stevens (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Saunoris (ECON), Dionne (ENGL), Ramsey (ENGL – DH), Egge (HIST/PHIL), Merrill (MAD), Singh (PLSC), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Vosteen (WL - chair) Ex-Officio: Mehuron (SAC Dean’s Office) Guests: Kathy Stacey (CMTA), Cheyenne Luzynski and Jacki Tracy (COE – Leadership & Counseling) I. Call to Order: 15:30 II. Elections: Secretary (Ensor by acclamation), Vice Chair (Dionne by acclamation), Chair (by paper ballot: Vosteen 8, Egge 3) III. Minutes of the Meeting of 18 April 2013: Approved Unanimously IV. Old Business College “to be determined” 1. Requests for New Courses: LEAD201 Introduction to Leadership, LEAD301 Emerging as a Culturally Competent Leader, LEAD401 Inventing a Leadership Life, LEAD377-379 Applied Leadership Experience 2. Proposal for New Degree Program: Interdisciplinary Leadership Minor [The above Requests for New Courses and Proposal for New Degree Program were presented at the meeting of 18 April 2013. Claudia Petrescu addressed questions and responded to concerns from WGST, SAC, and HIST/PHIL about potential insensitive messages from the program and LEAD301 proposals in addition to questions about the anthropological expertise of instructors for LEAD301. During the committee’s discussion it became apparent the proposals require more discussion of a number of concerns. For this reason, the requests for new courses and the new program proposal were Tabled Unanimously as a Package.] The guests described a 20 year interest in developing the program, similar programs at peer universities, Student Affairs and Honors interest, the capacity to improve employment opportunities for students, and the Honors College’s need for secondary minors. They responded to questions on where the minor will be housed (A: will shop around); concerns regarding LEAD301 (the ethical concerns over “managing cultures” and anthropological expertise needed [A: will approach anthropology]); on service learning requirements (A: to be determined by instructors); on interdisciplinary representation (A: will seek); on feedback from Provost (A: approves); and treatment of women in LEAD201as a separate topic rather than integrating gender throughout, suggesting WGST210 Gender in a Transnational World (A: would like such input). The Program proposal and 4 New Courses were Passed with Comments (8 for, 2 against, 1 abstention): to correct treatment of gender in LEAD201 and ethical issues with LEAD301, identify the departments providing instruction, edit the course descriptions, and clarify the makeup of the board. V. New Business: A. College of Arts & Sciences CMTA Requests for New Courses: CTAC330 Relational Communication, CTAC652 Health Communication Both CTAC new course proposals were Approved Unanimously as a Package HIST/PHIL Requests for New Course: HIST2xx War, Culture, and Society: A Global History Approved Unanimously MAD 1. Requests for Course Revisions DANC109 Classical Ballet II for Dance Majors/Minors (restr.) DANC110 Modern Dance I for Dance Majors/Minors (restr.) DANC208 Classical Ballet III for Dance Majors/Minors restr.) DANC209 Classical Ballet IV for Dance Majors/Minors (restr.) DANC331 Service Teach Ballet (restr.) DANC333 Service Teach Modern (restr.) DANC354 Methods and Materials of Teaching Dance (restr.) DANC450 Advanced Dance Composition (pre-/corequisite) The above 8 DANC course revisions were Approved Unanimously as a Package, along with the DANC300 new course DANC455 Seminar in Dance (number, subject code, title, pre-/corequisite) DANC455 was separated and Tabled Unanimously : the change from 400 to 100 level is too great for a course revision, requiring a new course proposal for DANC115 (DANC455 could be deleted) and “first year” was suggested as a gender neutral alternative to “freshman”. 2. Request for New Course DANC300 Introduction to Video Dance Approved Unanimously SAC Requests for New Courses: ANTH412 Culture, Tourism, and Anthropology; SOCL616 Advanced Survey Design Both SAC new course proposals were Approved Unanimously as a Package B. College of Technology Request for Course Revision: LEGL211 Introduction to Paralegalism and Legal Terminology (title, description) Not Passed: There was a motion to pass but the committee unanimously voted against. The subject change is too great, requiring a new course proposal, and COT should discuss with PLSC potential impacts to the Public Law Major and Minor. C. College of Health and Human Services Request for New Course: IHHS2xx Reading and Writing in Nursing Studies Passed Unanimously with Comment: as a new required course for a program, a program revision is needed. VI. Chair’s Remarks: none VII. Adjournment: 17:00 Respectfully submitted, Bradley Ensor, Recording Secretary