Document 13557533

 CAC Science Meeting September 17, 2015 Meeting Called to order at 3:00 pm In attendance: Steve Pernecky, Jeff Guthrie, Mike Angell, Gabriella Dumitrascu, Diane Jacobs, Rusty McIntyre, Katherine Ryker Minutes approved from April meeting (Vote: 3-­‐0-­‐3) I – Election of officers -­‐ Angell self nominated for Chair -­‐ Jacobs self nominated for Vice Chair -­‐ Guthrie accepted Jacobs’ nomination for Secretary -­‐ Slate approved by acclimation II -­‐ Course Proposals A. CAS -­‐ CHEM 457 – Medicinal CHEM and drug design a. Suggestions for the clarification of the syllabus i. Assessment – Clarify what the papers are. ii. Last sentence on syllabus, needs the ‘additional page.’ iii. Course objectives could be re-­‐written so that they are testable. b. Motion to approve (Jacobs, McIntyre) c. Motion passes (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) B. COE -­‐ Post-­‐Baccalaureate Certificate in Speech and Language Pathology a. Comments i. It should be made clear that students can receive the certificate without being admitted to the graduate program. b. Motion to approve with above-­‐mentioned condition (Jacobs, McIntyre) c. Motion passes (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) C. COT -­‐ CNST 220 – Design Manage Build a. Comments regarding the course syllabus i. Assessment seems to be lacking. ii. Appears to be internship without pre-­‐requisites. iii. Getting points for not getting hurt – possibly reword. iv. No summary of what they learn in the course. v. What is done in lab for 60 hrs over the semester? What is expected? b. Motion to table the proposal and ask for clarification of how the 60 hrs of lab work for the semester are used and assessed, and clarification of the context and purpose of the safety points other than not getting hurt. (Jacobs, Ryker) c. Proposal tabled (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) D. COT -­‐ CNST 537 – Environmental Construction Contracting a. Comments regarding the syllabus i. Case studies and exams not in syllabus. ii. Missed exams info listed twice. iii. Students with Special Circumstances (SDO) -­‐ out dated information is provided. iv. Suggestion to indicate that if taken 438 should not also get credit for 537 (section 11). v. Sections 18 and 19 of the proposal are not answered. b. Motion to approve with above comments (McIntyre, Dumitrascu) c. Motion passes (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) E. COT -­‐ CNST 538 – Fundamentals of Land Development a. Motion to approve with same comments as CNST 537 (Ryker, McIntyre) b. Motion passes (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) F. COT -­‐ Master of Science in Technology Studies and TS 696 – Research Seminar Capstone a. Motion to table pending submission of syllabus (Katherine, Rusty) b. Proposal tabled (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) G. HHS -­‐ HLAD 200 – Introduction to Epidemiology a. Motion to table pending submission of a syllabus (Jacobs, Ryker) b. Proposal tabled (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) H. HHS -­‐ Sport Management, Master of Science a. Comments i. Impact of starting the program seems incomplete (more faculty needed?). ii. What is the need for this program (rationale). iii. What are the job prospects? iv. Ask to meet with contact person, need to have questions. b. Motion to table pending visit of program representative (Rusty, Katherine) c. Proposal tabled (Vote: 5-­‐0-­‐0) I. Meeting Adjourned – 4:40 pm Respectfully submitted, 