Document 13557532

Eastern Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences College Advisory Council Arts Committee Minutes of September 17, 2015 Meeting Pray Harrold 219 Present: Spolans (ART), Kindred (CMTA), Kim (ECON), Luttrell (ENGL), Dietrle (HIST/PHIL), Ensor (SAC), Higgins (WGST), Garrido (WL), Singh (PLSC), Ferrerra (AAAS), Mehuron (CAS Dean’s Office), Ramsey (DH-­‐ENGL) I. Call to Order 3:35 II. Election of Officers for 2015-­‐2016 (Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary) • Jenny Kindred – unanimously elected Chair • Peter Higgins – unanimously elected Vice Chair • Secretary – the arts committee unanimously approved a system whereby the secretary will rotate meeting by meeting, alphabetically by last name starting with the letter “L.” Regina Luttrell served as secretary during the September 17, 2015 Arts Subcommittee meeting. III. Minutes of the Meeting of 02 April 2015 were approved 7-­‐0-­‐2 IV. Old Business: None V. New Business A. MUSC&DANC • Marilyn Saker from the School of Music was a guest. She was there to answer questions on the program revisions. • Motion to separate MUSC 132, MUSC 416, MUSC 315 from the School of Music’s program revision. Motion was passed 10-­‐0-­‐0. • MUSC 132, MUSC 416, MUSC 315 were approved 10-­‐0-­‐0. o Comment: MUSC 416 12 A and C on the forms were not checked. Please ensure they are checked and completed. • Motion to Table as a Package the remaining MUSC program proposals. Motion passed 10-­‐0-­‐0. o Comment: Specific rationale for each course proposal for the course revisions needs to align with the program revisions. An explanation of each of the changes within the specific courses is necessary. B. SAC Program Revisions • Anthropology minor program revisions were approved 10-­‐0-­‐0 • Sociocultural Perspectives on the Family Interdisciplinary Minor program revisions: Motion to table the proposal passed 10-­‐0-­‐0 o Comment: The title of the program should reflect the disciplinary perspective. o Comment: There are other programs that utilize “family” in other content areas. Changing the name of the minor to “Family Studies” is too broad. C. College of Education, Teacher Education Department, Program Revisions: • Master of Arts in Reading • Graduate Certificate in Academic Advising o Motion to table all the program revisions from the College of Education due to the fact that the courses proposals were hidden and seen by only a minority of the committee. Motion passed 10-­‐0-­‐0 o Comment: References to required credit hours are inconsistent. o Comment: Reading 654, item 11 is mismarked. o Comment: Reading 660 eliminated four (4) prerequisites without a rationale. VI. Chair’s Remarks: No remarks from the Chair. VII. Adjournment: 5:00 pm Respectfully submitted: Regina Luttrell, Recording Secretary 