Arts Committee
5 May 2011
15:30, Room 310 King
Present: Monteiro-Ferreira (AAS), Sacksteder (ART), Hammill (CMTA), Yaya (ECON), Mehuron (HIST/PHIL), Peavler (MAD),
Ensor (SAC), Coykendall (WGST), Vosteen (WL)
Ex-Officio: Winder (CAS Dean’s Office)
Guests: Richard Rubenfeld and Tom Suchan (ART), Whitney Prince (MAD), Arnold Fleischmann (PLSC)
I. Call to Order: 15:30
II. Minutes of the Meeting of 7 April 2011: Motion to Approve: 7 for, 0 against, 1 abstention
III. Old Business: College of Arts and Sciences
Proposal for New Graduate Certificate
Interdisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Cultural Museum Studies (Originally proposed as Interdisciplinary Graduate
Certificate in Museum Studies)
Tabled at 3 February 2011 meeting for discussion with ART and CMTA (Art Management) to explore inclusion of their courses to achieve the
interdisciplinary scope suggested by the title of for a title change). Tabled again at the 10 March 2011 meeting for a title change to better reflect the
specific focus (suggesting as a potential option “Museology”) - to facilitate the initiation of the certificate with that focus - and for a discussion with Arts
Management (specifically Ken Stevens and Susan Badger-Booth). For the April 7 meeting, the revised proposal was not received by the Arts Committee
chair until the night before this meeting, and was not submitted through CAS, which prevented the committee from reviewing it. Therefore, there was a
Motion to Amend the Agenda to remove this item for consideration at the May 2011 meeting: Unanimous.
With the title change and removal of Art references, there was a Motion to Approve: Approved Unanimously
IV. New Business: College of Arts and Sciences
The ART guests described the package of revisions as an effort to align programs allowing students to better pass from one to
another, to develop a new seminar and cognate courses, and to offer more global and gendered content. They were questioned about
potential AAS content and having discussions with WGST on cross-listing the seminar. Motion to Approve as a Package the
following ART course revision, two new courses, and two program revisions: Approved Unanimously.
1. Request for Course Revision
ARTE458 Interpreting Art in Visual Art Education (number/code, description, pre-/corequisite, restriction)
2. Requests for New Courses
ARTH361W Art History Seminar
ARTH476 Art of China
3. Proposals to Revise Programs
Art History
BFA with K-12 Teacher Certification (ARTE, ARTH, ARTS)
CTAC265 was separated from the package (unanimous). Motion to Approve as a Package the following CMTA three course
revisions, request for one new course (CTAR535), and the program revision: Approved Unanimously.
1. Requests for Course Revisions
CTAR501 Studies in Creative Drama and Role Play (title, description)
CTAR522 TIE: Theatre-in-Education (title, hours, description
CTAR658 Theatre for Children (title, description, pre-/corequisite)
2. Requests for New Courses
CTAC265 Communicating and LGBT Community: Tabled Unanimously to allow discussion with WGST (specifically Diana
Dmihaly) on potential cross-listing.
CTAR535 Youth Theatre Theory and Practice
3. Proposal to Revise Program
D/TFY Drama Theatre for the Young
The MAD guest described the package: to expand jazz to General Education; to return MUSC100 to General Education; and to
change co/pre-requisites, update catalog descriptions, and to correct problems with Banner interaction. Motion to Approve as a
Package the MAD three course revisions, two new courses, and three program revisions: Approved Unanimously.
1. Requests for Course Revisions
MUSC100 Introduction to Music Theory (title, description)
Arts Agenda, 5-5-11 / 2
MUSC226 Guitar Skills with Special Populations (pre-/corequisite, restriction)
MUSC303 Music Therapy Clinical Approaches (pre-/corequisite)
2. Requests for New Courses
MUSC1xx Appreciating Jazz: America’s Music
MUSC250 Jazz Combo
3. Proposals to Revise Programs
Music Major—Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
Music Performance Major (Instrumental) –With specialization in guitar, keyboard, strings, winds or percussion
Music Performance Major (Vocal)
The PLSC guest described the revision to PLSC222 as a response to the level of difficulty and discussed the two new courses. The
guest agreed to table PLSC346 (for discussion with ECON) and PLSC360 (for discussion with CMTA).
1. Request for Course Revision
PLSC 222 War and Peace in the Nuclear Age (number, code) Approved Unanimously
2. Requests for New Courses
PLSC 346 Introduction to International Political Economy Tabled Unanimously for discussion with ECON.
PLSC 360 American Politics and the Media Tabled Unanimously for discussion with CMTA.
Motion to Approve as a Package the following six SAC course revisions: Approved Unanimously
Requests for Course Revisions
GERT 212 Introduction to Gerontology (description)
GERT 488 Gerontology Practicum/Seminar (title, description)
GERT 489 Gerontology Practicum/Seminar (title, description)
GERT 688 Gerontology Practicum (description)
GERT 689 Gerontology Practicum (description)
SOCL 311 Social Gerontology (title, description)
Motion to Approve as a Package the following WL course revision and two program revisions: Approved Unanimously.
1. Request for New Course
FRNH 111 Introduction to French and the French-speaking World
2. Proposals to Revise Programs
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)—MA
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)—Thesis
V. Chair’s Remarks: None
VI. Adjournment: 16:12
Respectfully Submitted,
Bradley Ensor, Recording Secretary