Information Technology Advisory Committee TO: Information Technology Advisory Committee [Jim Brown (Chair), Mike Cerveny, Jean Donham, RJ Holmes, Paul Miller, Dee Ann Rexroat, Jackie Stewart, Ellen Whale, Jim White, Todd White FR: Jim Brown, Chair RE: Minutes of meeting of 19 April, 2007 1. Report from Web Redesign Task Force. Dee Ann reported that mStoner representatives were on campus April 10 showing three preliminary visual designs more-or-less oriented to young audiences, one of which was preferred. They’ve been tweaked, and a draft survey about them has been critiqued on campus and is being revised before going out next week: Admissions provided 2500 names. Feedback from current students will be provided via focus groups. Content pages from mStoner are almost done and our page-writing work on campus is progressing. Navigation is vastly improved. Dee Ann is concerned about having enough highquality photographs to meet the needs of a large number of pages. • Blog software is being evaluated for use next year, aimed at students demonstrating extraordinary opportunities for recruits to see. For example, there are 9 Cornell Fellows this summer who could be blogging about their experiences. • Google Mini will be purchased as the site search engine. • The full-time permanent position for a web content writer will be advertised next week. • A plan for migrating all offices and departments to the new design is proceeding, with a goal of completion within a year. mStoner thinks two years is more likely, but we’re going to move as fast as we can. About half of academic departments have responded to Dee Ann’s inquiry, and she will move on contacting administrative offices as well. She is working on a communications strategy regarding the rollout of the new design. 2. Subcommittee reports 1. Report from the Web Policy Committee. Dee Ann reported that the committee is meeting every other week but that there is still a long way to go; they are not ready to report out yet. 2. Report from Instructional Technology Subcommittee. Ellen Whale reported on a large number of recommendations from the instructional technology subcommittee. • IT is working on providing administrative access to assignments folders to improve access by academic media consultant Annette Beck. • The subcommittee noted that faculty have no electronic space for sharing work and work assignments with student workers; IT will find a solution. • The subcommittee also critiqued the college’s one-size-fits-all allocation of resources for email and web storage, noting that different faculty use various resources to differing degrees and have different resource needs. IT will investigate options for a more flexible allocation strategy. • The subcommittee strongly recommended that all plausible classrooms be equipped with basic teaching technology before using limited resources for supplying more advanced technology to selected classrooms, so additional classrooms will be equipped with computer, projector, screen, VCR/DVD players, and sound systems. Classroom technology to be pursued after all classrooms have basic equipment include, 2- and 3dimensional viewers [Elmo’s], smart boards, tablet P.C.’s, student response devices, etc. • • The library [Annette, Jean] are writing a grant to get enough of the latter to begin trial use. The subcommittee requested more thorough communication with Academic Affairs about priorities for purchasing equipment during the annual capital request period. The subcommittee noted that many faculty are unaware of the teaching technology available for use on campus. Ellen will work with Annette Beck on an announcement for faculty summarizing currently available technology and where to find it; Ellen will arrange with Jean for a future Conversations About Teaching session on using teaching technology; and Jean will discuss with Bren Tooley the addition of information about teaching technology to new faculty orientation programming. 3. Proposed charge for ITAC. Version approved to be taken to the president, with a copy to Committee on Committee chair. 4. Proposed changes in the Web Policy Subcommittee. Version approved to be taken to the president, with a copy to Committee on Committee chair. 5. Mass email policy. Version approved to be taken to the president.