Information Technology Advisory Committee TO: Information Technology Advisory Committee [Jim Brown (Chair), Mike Cerveny, Jean Donham, RJ Holmes, Paul Miller, Dee Ann Rexroat, Jackie Stewart, Ellen Whale, Jim White, Todd White FR: Jim Brown, Chair RE: Minutes of 15 March, 2007, meeting Minutes 1. Dee Ann reported for the Web Redesign Task Force that mStoner is three weeks behind in its timeline but has rescheduled its work in order to be done on time in mid August. The site architecture draft is here for comment and approval, and the list of pages mStoner will write will be here April 10. 2. Subcommittee reports 1. Report from the Web Policy Committee – Dee Ann reported that the subcommittee is working its way through a long list of items, many of which have come up due to the web site redesign and conversion to the CMS. The subcommittee is still looking for a student member. 2. Report from Instructional Technology Subcommittee – Jim White said there is no report from the subcommittee but that we’d see a bumper crop of material for the next meeting. 3. The ad hoc subcommittee proposal on technology classroom scheduling was approved as distributed and is appended below. 4. Proposed new charge for ITAC: Mike and Jim Brown presented a proposal for a revised charge, name, and membership for our committee. Discussion was positive and corrections were suggested. The modified version will come to the committee at its next meeting for approval. Consultation with Administration Committee and president’s council will follow. 5. Proposed changes in the Web Policy Subcommittee charge were approved pending minor corrections and consultation with Administration Committee and president’s council will follow 6. Jim Brown raised for discussion issues of how to contact students by phone and email, since many students do not use their residence hall phone, either for voice or for voicemail (leading to difficulties when needing to contact students for emergency purposes) and students respond less consistently to email than in the recent past. In consequence of the discussion, Jim will inquire about how to track cell phone numbers on the administrative data base. On the email issue, Mike and Jim covered a number of option, and Mike will pursue questions about the use of Microsoft Live, which would permit students more than a gigabyte of Cornell mail storage. Scheduling Group Lab Use After-hours Computer labs on campus are available for student use when they are not reserved for courses or campus-supported programs or projects. The following labs can be reserved for group use through the building manager: Law Hall 211 (statistics)—building manager Jacque Morningstar Law Hall 406A (psychology)—building manager Jacque Morningstar West Science Lab—building manager Carol Brokel College Hall Humanities Lab—building manager Diane Harrington Labs in the library can be reserved by calling the AV Department (4261) Library 126 Library 127 Typically, labs are not reserved for group use after 4:30 PM, Mondays through Fridays or on weekends during the Block. If a campus-sponsored project or program requires the use of a lab after normal hours: The requesting office submits a formal reservation either through the building manager or through the Library AV Department The building manager is notified and verified availability with the relevant faculty. Access to the lab is arranged through the building manager. The requesting office takes responsibility for posting notices in the labs giving 48-hour notification of the reservation to advise students of the times when the lab will be unavailable for individual use. In addition, the requesting office will submit notice of the lab’s unavailability to Today@ Cornell at least one day prior to the event.