Technology Policy Advisory Committee Tuesday March 11, 2008 Library Room 326

Technology Policy Advisory Committee
Tuesday March 11, 2008
Library Room 326
3:15 to 4:32 PM
DRAFT Minutes
Present: White, Whale, Cerveny, Holmes, Rexroat, Donham
Minutes of January 15 meeting approved for posting to the website.
Web Policy Revisions—Dee Ann Rexroat
Several recommendations were made for the policy draft presented. Major suggestions included:
Add departmental operations to the mission and purposes of the website
Item 3.2.1: rewrite mission to state that the website enhances the teaching and
learning processes at Cornell College
Item 3.2.2: replace Moodle with the College’s course management software
Item 3.2.4: Dee Ann will explore the question of intellectual property to help
determine the appropriateness of the Cornell identifier requirement
3.2.5: Change official pages to course-related pages
Add affiliate pages (Mortar Board/ Phi Beta Kappa) to Official pages
Item and all places where appropriate: If the college discovers. . .contacted
by the Office of College Communications. . .
Revise the statement regarding free speech. Consult the Compass for more
appropriate language.
Replace Information Provider with Content Provider
The policy will be referred to the web policy subcommittee for further work.
Staff workshops for Computer, Web, Excel, Outlook by IT—Dee Ann Rexroat
Cerveny indicated that the IT Department is aware of the need for staff workshops, and is
reviewing what the department can provide given their personnel and the current demands on
them. At the point of a rollout of Office 2007 in the future, workshops will undoubtedly be
Screen saver security policy—Ellen Whale
Whale asked about time settings for the screen saver; Cerveny indicated that the recommended
time setting meets the expectations of auditors for appropriate network security standards.
Whale asked whether classroom/lab computers will be exceptions so that presentations are not
disrupted by screen saver settings; Cerveny indicated that they would be treated exceptionally.
Whale asked whether there might be different settings based on the degree of sensitivity of the
office. Cerveny indicated that when the new administrative software is launched access will not
be differentiated, and therefore the network security risks will not either.
Google Apps—Mike Cerveny
Cerveny indicated that IT is examining the option to move student email accounts to Google
Applications. While there are some downsides (e.g., lack of global addresses and calendar
sharing), there are benefits to freeing up bandwidth and providing students more server space.
Holmes suggested that most students use the college directory rather than the global address
feature anyway. Email will appear to come from Cornell.
Printing Default—two-sided—Mike Cerveny
Student groups have approached IT to set the default on printers to two-sided in the interest of
saving paper. White indicated that most printing for Admissions must be one-sided. Holmes
indicated that the p-copiers on campus frequently jam when duplexing. These inconveniences
suggest that the default may not be a good idea.