October Newsletter From the Eastern Michigan University Student Chapter of SHRM Scholarship Opportunities The Society of Human Resource Management‘s Student Program was created in 1965 to promote mutually beneficial interaction between HRM students and practitioners. Since the first chapter was chartered more than 40 years ago, the student program has experienced tremendous growth. The program now over 200 affiliated student chapters and more than 15,000 student members. EMU SHRM- THINK PINK Join EMU SHRM team as we participate in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk. Saturday, October 18th 2014 Starting at 09.00 AM At Washtenaw Community College (4800 E Huron River Dr. Ann Arbor) SHRM Foundation Undergraduate & Graduate Scholarships Application Deadline- 1 November, 2014 Take full advantage of your SHRM membership and apply for a chance to be one of this year’s winners! Make your donation today by visiting our page on http://main.acsevents.org/goto/EMUSHRM Every bit helps, please join us in the fight! Note: • Applicants must have active SHRM student memberships as of November 1 to be considered. • A Valid SHRM ID is required to apply If you are interested in joining us on the walk, please contact: Helena Bardakjian HBardakj@emich.edu 734-502-9969 For additional information and the application go to: 2014 SHRM Foundation Scholarship Application. EMU SHRM FALL EVENTS Date Topic Speaker October 8th (WORKSHOP) Ace the Interview Dr. Richaurd Camp October 18th October 21st November 5th November 18th Co- Sponsor with gbSA December 5th Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk at Washtenaw Community College 9AM How to Build Credibility as a HR Professional in Your Organization TBA Tom Gannon, SPHR, Sr. VP of HR at United Bank & Trust Karen Andrews, SPHR, Managing Director, The Andrews Group Danielle Loosbrock How to Successfully Apply to Fortune 500 Companies Company Tour Quicken Loans EMU SHRM Student Officers 2014 - 2015 The Society for Human Resource Management's (SHRM) Assurance of Learning Assessment for graduating HR students is the new universal benchmark for students who are completing an HR degree and who have little to no work experience in HR. It benefits students by showing employers the student has acquired the minimum knowledge required to be a successful HR professional, and it gives recent graduates an important advantage over other entry-level candidates by showing the student has achieved the Certificate of Learning upon passing an exit exam. As part of SHRM's broader academic initiative, the Assessment represents an important step along an HR professional's career development path. It complements both formal classroom knowledge acquired through a degree program and experiential learning gained through internships. http://www2.shrm.org/assuranceoflearning/index.html President Rachel Morrissey Rmorriss@emich.edu VP of Communication Michelle Putri mputri@emich.edu VP of Programs Shante Jackson sjacks31@emich.edu VP of Mentoring Juan Quirindongo juan_quirindongo@yahoo.com Janaki Thekkepat jthekkep@emich.edu VP of Membership Alana Dennis Adennis9@emich.edu VP of Community Outreach Helena Bardakjian Hbardakj@emich.edu Matthew Kauffman matthewkauffman1@gmail.com VP of Social Media Maria Santana-Mendoza msantana@emich.edu VP of Merit Award Laurial Ross Lross11@emich.edu 2014 MI SHRM Conference The 2014 MISHRM Conference will be held on October, 8 – 10, 2014 in downtown Detroit COBO Center (Online registration closed, on site registrations available at the Conference). The conference theme is "HR Amplified: Driven to be... ". The Conference offers you educational sessions designated to provide practical and applicable information to help you be successful. Participants will have the opportunity to brush up on a specific training topic or receive complete end-to-end training through information-packed basic and advanced training sessions. For more information, contact: Conference Committee Conference@mishrm.org SHRM Advisors for 2013-2014 Dr. Fraya Wagner-Marsh GPHR, SPHR fwagnerm@emich.edu Toni Knechtges SPHR, aknechtge@emich.edu Anushri Rawat arawat@emich.edu Website: www.emushrm.com Twitter or Facebook Search: emushrm