Winter 2008 Personal and Professional Growth – The HR Professional’s Quest

MSHROD Newsletter
Personal and Professional Growth –
The HR Professional’s Quest
By Dr. Linda Isenhour, GPHR - MSHROD Co-Director
Inside This Issue:
Message from the Co-Director
Graduate Research Fair
Focus on an Alumna
Student News/Announcements
2007 Graduates
Practicum Course
Course Offerings
New Students
Practicum Projects
Alumni & Student Updates
Focus on a Student
Focus on Faculty & Lecturers
EMU SHRM Student Chapter
HRCI Certification
SHRM Annual Conference
SHRM State Conference
MSHROD Development Fund
MSHROD Alumni Association
Edited by: Dr. Linda Isenhour, GPHR,
Dr. Eric Schulz, and Rebecca Clark de
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
One of the issues that is enthusiastically discussed in
Practicum is your “entry” plan for the first phase of your
career after completing your MSHROD degree. One of the
challenges we all face, however, is how to maintain that
enthusiasm and personal growth that we experienced while
pursuing our degree and grappling with our first jobs. We in
HR particularly understand the need to remain lifelong
learners, pursuing personal and professional growth. After
all, we help others in our organizations map careers, select
training and development opportunities, and establish
succession plans as part of our jobs. How, then, can this
possibly be an issue for us as HR professionals?
That’s easy! We are human, and our day-to-day lives,
balancing work and family commitments, fill our waking—
and sometimes sleeping—hours. It is common for us to
ignore or defer activities that appear to benefit us alone,
whether its regular exercise or personal development.
Nevertheless, such activities are essential to our personal
and professional well-being.
For example, taking time to lunch informally with one or two
colleagues outside the HR department can become the
source of innovative approaches to problems. Taking 20
minutes to view the latest SHRM webinar may help you
provide the strategic focus your company needs.
Challenging yourself to study for SHRM certification can
renew your interest in the larger profession of which you
are a member. Reaching out via email or cell phone to your
network of friends and colleagues established during your
MSHROD studies, maybe even your favorite professor, can
renew your spirit and enthusiasm.
To get started on your personal and professional growth,
focus on how you can “squeeze in” the growth opportunities
that present themselves on a regular basis. You are worth
the effort! You are no stranger to these opportunities
because you regularly assist others in seizing them. Now it
is time to think about how to seize a few for yourself!
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2008 Graduate Research Fair
By Rebecca Clark de Castillo
The Graduate Research Fair will be held Monday, March 24th, from 9a.m.-8p.m. in the EMU Student
Center. This annual event showcases outstanding research and creative projects by EMU graduate
students. Both morning and afternoon sessions will include presentations or poster/display sessions
relating to dissertation/thesis research, independent study projects, capstone experiences or special
projects, art, music and theatrical performances, and outcomes from practicum and internship
This year there will be an awards luncheon. A raffle will take place for Fall tuition awards -- one current
graduate student and a current undergraduate student!
Please come and support your fellow students!
The Management Department has nominated the following students/groups to participate:
Sue Baker, Amber Gwynn-Powell, and Nicole Johnson’s course project for MGMT 610, Diagnostic
Techniques and Research Methods with Dr. Sanjib Chowdhury, will be presented at the Graduate
Research Fair.
The project dealt with “Individuals’ Positive Perception of Diversity, Task
Interdependence, and Goal Interdependence and Its Effect on Developing and Implementing Innovative
Rebecca Clark de Castillo was nominated by Dr. Eric Schulz and Dr. Megan Endres for her MGMT 699
independent study article, “Averting the Retirement Savings Crisis in the U.S.: Determinants of Pension
Allocation and Investment Strategies”.
Katarzyna Czajka, Carrie Fontana, Emily Sutherland, and Kim Thomas were nominated by Dr. Sanjib
Chowdhury for their MGMT 610 course project. The group will present “Organizational Commitment and
Intention to Quit in a Contemporary Organization”.
Focus on an Alumna: Jennifer Mack
Jennifer Mack is a 2004 graduate of the MSHROD program and current President of the MSHROD
Alumni Association. She received her bachelor’s degree in Management and Marketing from Eastern
Michigan before coming to the MSHROD program. She is currently employed as a Senior HR Generalist
for AVL Corporation. AVL serves as an automotive supplier focusing on powertrains and is
headquartered in Austria. Jennifer operates from AVL’s USA headquarters in Livonia, Michigan.
Among the duties that Jennifer has performed for AVL are to start an intern program for its prospective
engineers, attend career fairs for start-up positions, conduct a talent review for purposes of establishing
succession planning, conduct sexual harassment avoidance training, conduct employee climate surveys,
and perform a training needs assessment. Prior to working for AVL, Jennifer worked as a Human
Resource Development Consultant for McKinney and as a Staffing Specialist for TRW.
Jennifer entered the Eastern Michigan MSHROD program because of the convenience of the schedule,
the reputation of the program and because she enjoyed the administrators whom she met before entering
the program. She enjoyed the fact that she was continually challenged during the program, the high
standards of the program, and the amount of group work provided. Her favorite professor while enrolled
was Dr. Richaurd Camp.
Specific advice that Jennifer offers for all current MSHROD students is to get a clear understanding of
what you expect from the program, seek mentors, choose group members carefully when working on
projects and get involved with the MSHROD Alumni group as you become practicum-eligible.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Student News and Announcements
2007 MSHROD Graduates
Spring 2007
Jamie Tomlinson
TaQia Witherspoon
Summer 2007
Hassana Tabch
Fall 2007
Deedra Bass
Dawn Elgas
Katherine Geary
Tanesha Martin
Zachary Menges
Leslie Myszkier
Delmeer Oliver
Gaye Ozdemir
Molly Prater
Randolph Samoy
Janet Shepherd
Melanie Stack
Susan Stokes
Alicia Thomas
Tiffany Wilson
Seeking Practicum Opportunities:
Do you have an opportunity for a practicum
student? The Practicum course is being offered
both Fall and Winter semesters.
enrolled in this course are expected to complete
an individual consulting project with a client.
Recently, students have completed a variety of
projects for both large and small businesses,
profit and non-profit organizations.
If you or someone you know would be interested
in working with a graduate student, please
at or Dr. Mary Vielhaber
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
2007 HR Certificate Graduates
Spring 2007
Kesha Hobley
Nicole Johnson
• Summer 2007
Robert Buehler
David Dietz
Joseph Dipzinski
Laura Saperstein
• Fall 2007
Valerie Tchorz
Michael Wright
Practicum Orientation (MGMT 688):
If you plan on taking the Practicum course
during Fall 2008, please attend one of the
following orientation meetings:
Wednesday, April 16, 2008, from 5:15-6:15 pm
in COB 431. (Refreshments will be served.)
Saturday, April 19, 2008, from 8-9 am at
Livonia. (Refreshments will be served.)
A course syllabus and important information
will be given to help prepare for the course.
If there are questions or you are unable to
attend, please contact Dr. Jean McEnery at
MGMT688 are all MSHROD core courses and
two MSHROD electives. Also, before you can
register you must have finished any needed
GMAT/GRE to be admitted into the MSHROD
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Course Offerings
Spring 2008 Course Offerings
Core Classes
MGMT505 (Organizational Behavior and Communications) – Ypsilanti, Tuesday/Thursday (Knechtges)
MSHROD Pre-approved Electives
MGMT618 (Staffing Organizations) – Livonia (Camp)
MGMT648 (Communication and Organizational Development) – Ypsilanti, Monday/Wednesday
MGMT696 (Strategic Management) – Livonia, (Chowdhury); Ypsilanti, Monday/Wednesday (Banerji)
LAW540 (Employment Law) – online (Defenbaugh)
Summer 2008 Course Offerings
Core Classes
MGMT509 (Strategic Human Resource Management) – online (Milner)
MSHROD Pre-approved Electives
MGMT613 (Leadership in Business Organizations: Theory and Practice) – Ypsilanti, Monday/
Wednesday (Tubbs)
MGMT620 (Compensation Management) – Livonia (Schulz)
MGMT681 (Global Human Resource Management) – Traverse City, July 12-18th (Day)
Spring/Summer 2008 Livonia: Times and days may differ with each course, please check
schedule on my emich webpage
Summer MGMT 681 Special Topic Course Descriptions
Global Human Resource Management
Meeting Time: Saturday, July 12th - Friday, July 18th
Professor: Dr. Christine Day
The Summer 2008 Traverse City Class (#681 Special Topics) will focus on international human
resource management, specifically HRM strategies for a borderless world.
After hours, previous students have enjoyed Traverse City in the summertime by participating in
such activities as walking, running, golfing, bicycling, sailing, strolling downtown, cheering at
baseball games, watching sunsets across the lake, and visiting the sites on the peninsula.
There is usually lots of eating too! Students can choose to stay in dorms, rent a condo from a
local resident, bunk with relatives, stay in a hotel, or camp at a local park.
Watch for more information regarding the Summer 2008 Traverse City class. You may want to
join this unique learning opportunity.
For more information, contact Dr. Day at
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Fall 2008 Course Offerings
Core Classes
MGMT505 (Organizational Behavior and Communications) – Ypsilanti, Tuesday (Frye); Livonia, Saturday
(Milner); online (Bush-Bacelis)
MGMT509 (Strategic Human Resource Management) – Ypsilanti, Tuesday (Tanguay)
MGMT602 (Theory and Technique of Organizational Development) – Ypsilanti, Wednesday (Wong)
MGMT610 (Diagnostic Techniques and Research Methods) – Ypsilanti, Thursday (Huszczo); Livonia,
Saturday (Endres)
MGMT628 (Human Resource Development) – Livonia, Saturday (Blanchard)
MGMT688 (Practicum Human Resource Management/Organizational Development) – Ypsilanti, Tuesday
MSHROD Pre-approved Electives
MGMT611 (HR and Technology) – Livonia, Saturday (Isenhour)
MGMT616 (Negotiation and Influence Strategies: Applications for Business) – Ypsilanti, Wednesday
MGMT620 (Compensation Management) – Ypsilanti, Thursday (Isenhour)
MGMT621 (Benefits Administration) – online (Schulz)
MGMT622 (Current Issues: Human Resource Management) – online (Camp)
MGMT638 (Building Continuous Improvement Teams) – Ypsilanti, Tuesday (Huszczo)
MGMT648 (Communication and Organizational Development) – Livonia, Saturday (Vielhaber)
MGMT696 (Strategic Management) – Ypsilanti, Monday (Chowdhury); Ypsilanti, Thursday (Banerji)
Graduate Assistantship Positions Available
If you are interested in applying for a GA position in our department, please send your resume
and application to the Management Department, 466 Owen. You must also fill out the online
application for the Graduate School. GA positions in the Management Department require 1015 hours per week during the Fall and Winter semester and a commitment to work either Spring
or Summer terms. Full-time GA positions include the payment of 18 tuition credit hours plus a
stipend. For more information, contact Dr. Fraya Wagner-Marsh, SPHR, GPHR at (734) 4873240 or at
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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New MSHROD and Graduate Certificate Students
Javiera Aguirre
International Bachelors from the Universidad Católica de Chile
Nawaf Al Shammari
International Bachelors degree from King Saud University
Amie Anderson
BS degree from Eastern Michigan University
Rebecca Ankeny
BA from Columbia College
Ariel Black
Bachelor of Science from University of Michigan
Michael Blue
BBA from Eastern Michigan University
Cherida Boyles
BS degree from Central Michigan University
Lakishia Dinkins
Bachelor of Arts from Morris College
Melody Dye
BS from Eastern Michigan University
Melanie Ferren
Doctorate in Education from Eastern Michigan University
Donald Fields
Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University
Carrie Fontana
BBA degree from Eastern Michigan University
Amanda Fritz
Bachelor of Science from Central Michigan University
Dorothea Game
BS degree from Eastern Michigan University
Deborah Geromette
BBA from Eastern Michigan University
Ana Grbic
Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Toronto
Michelle Hartung
Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University
Kesha Hobley
BBS degree from Eastern Michigan University
Aniseh Issa
BBA from Eastern Michigan University
Daniel Jackson Conley
BBA degree from Western Michigan University
Alicia Jester
Bachelor in Business Administration from Eastern Michigan University
Kathy Jividen
Bachelor in Business Administration degree from Eastern Michigan University
Kelli Johnston
BBA degree from Eastern Michigan University
Ruchi Kapoor
International Bachelors from Panjab University
Kristen Kern Beaver
BS degree from Ferris State University
Shanila Khan
BBA degree from Eastern Michigan University
Judy Kingery
BA from the University of Michigan-Dearborn
Julie Koch
BBA degree from Cleary College
Cathryn Latinen
Bachelor of Arts from Alma College
Alaina Martin
BA degree from Central Michigan University
Lisa McGuire
Bachelor of Arts from University of Toledo
Alexandria Noll
BS degree from Eastern Michigan University
Keyona Owens
Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University
George Przygodski
MA degree from Eastern Michigan University
Amanda Reynolds
BS degree from Eastern Michigan University
Laura Sigarto
Bachelor of Science from Eastern Michigan University
Kristin Smith
BBA degree from University of Toledo
Tara Sutton
BA degree from Michigan University
Candice White
Bachelor in Science degree from Eastern Michigan University
Jeanette Williams
BBA from Eastern Michigan University
Natasha Williams
BBA degree from Eastern Michigan University
Pornwipa Yurungruangsak
Bachelor in Business Administration from Assumption University
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Practicum Projects Provide HR/OD Consulting Skills to the
Rebecca Ankeney is working with EMU Credit Union to create a job description that will lead to the
development of a performance evaluation tool as well as an interview process for a specific position
within the office.
Tina Bestehorn is working with MetoKote Corporation in Lima, Ohio, and her Practicum Project entails
the design of an on-boarding process. She is conducting extensive literature research, review of existing
materials, as well as an employee survey.
Teertha S. Bhandary is completing a project for Variant Partners, a recruiting firm based out of Ann
Arbor. The project is to provide job descriptions and job postings for three of the company’s internal
positions. Behavioral-based interview guides for the same three internal jobs will be provided for better
selection of candidates.
Ari Black is conducting an organizational diagnosis for Allergy & Immunology Associates of Ann Arbor
(AIA). The project will result in recommendations to improve the overall organizational effectiveness and
to help AIA capitalize on their organizational strengths.
Rebecca Clark de Castillo is working with Goodwill Industries of SE Michigan to plan and produce a
training manual guide for light manufacturing jobs for its ISO 9001:2000 certification process. The project
entails review of ISO certification and organizational documents and workplace settings to determine
process procedures and recommendations.
Jeff Cohu is serving as a process consultant for the Lake Orion Church of Christ in their strategic
planning process. The strategic planning team, consisting of several church members and chosen paid
staff, are using an Appreciative Inquiry process to develop a long-term strategic plan to fulfill the
organizational mission and vision.
Rebecca Curry is working with Nurses Stat in Saginaw, Michigan to design and develop an Employee
Handbook as well as conduct an information session to present the handbook to the current employees.
Kasia Czajka is working with one of the Fortune 500 companies, a supplier to the Big Three automakers.
She will assess the organization’s current retention practices and develop recommendations to address
employee turnover. The final project will encompass a review of best HR practices derived from a
literature review, analysis of an employees’ satisfaction survey and their suggestions for improvement of
the current retention tools.
Connie Elliott is developing a performance management manual for a non-profit start-up in San
Francisco, California, called Project Headstand. She will recommend proven tools and strategies to
leverage employees' talents, maintain long-term commitment, and provide quality feedback to all
Brian Fischer is conducting a complete benefits analysis that includes health, long-term and short-term
disability, life, dental, and vision benefits along with a wage survey for State Wire and Terminal Inc. in
Davisburg, Michigan.
Carrie Fontana is working with American Axle & Manufacturing to develop an administrative manual for
plant training coordinators and representatives. The project includes identification of the strengths and
weaknesses within job responsibilities and training policies and procedures to provide training
consistency at various AAM plant locations.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Michelle Hartung is conducting a safety training needs analysis for the Lakeshore Group in Detroit. She
will be determining the training, certification and recertification needs for all job titles and site locations in
the Engineering Division. This consulting project will include a detailed training needs analysis,
recommendations for training and current safety compliance for all engineering associates.
Kathy Jividen is working with Advanced Communications, Inc. to improve the company- wide applicant
selection process. She will provide regional recruiters with diverse recruiting sources and prepare a
standardized interview guide based on behavioral competencies. The project will include implementation
of an applicant tracking system and the development of a training manual guide.
Darrin Johnson is working with the Washtenaw County Organizational Development Director. He will
conduct research on counties across the US to compare core competencies based on intended outcomes
and interview OD professionals who consult mainly in local government sectors. Core competencies
should align with and contribute to the organization, group and individual effectiveness.
Nicole Johnson is creating a three-day On-Boarding Program (OBP) for new EMU Department Heads to
complete upon appointment to position. The objective of the OBP is to provide participants with the
information needed for them to successfully transition into their new roles.
Ellen Keeler is working with the Washtenaw County Organizational Development Director to evaluate
and if necessary establish new core competencies for the county. Ellen will develop a survey tool to
administer to a cross section of county employees and she will facilitate focus groups within the
Shannon Kribbs is working with The Industry Source, based in Farmington Hills, to address the problem
of employee turnover. To gather data, she will conduct interviews and distribute a survey questionnaire.
After an organizational analysis is conducted, she will provide recommendations to increase retention.
Alaina Martin is working with Fitness Things, Inc. to redesign the job description and training program for
its retail sales people. The project will include an in-depth training needs assessment that will be used as
the basis for both the new training program and the redesigned job description.
Kathy Metta is working with St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center in Detroit to assess how the non-profit
organization can efficiently conduct the Development (fundraising) activity. The project includes research
into the KSAs necessary for Development and a skills assessment to identify the KSAs of the current
administrative staff. The deliverable will include recommendations on how the organization should be
structured so that the appropriate resources can be dedicated to Development.
Rina Sandhu is working with Contech Steel Products, a heavy-duty truck manufacturing plant, to develop
a comprehensive job description and a behavioral interview guide for a position within the company that
has a history of high turnover.
Amanda Scroi is working with Paychex, Inc. to develop an internship job description, interview questions,
and training agenda for their Human Resources Outsourcing Department.
Sally Sivrais will be working to develop a case for job reclassification for the grants and research office at
the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan. In order to build a case, job analyses will be
conducted, job market titles and descriptions will be obtained, and benchmarking data will be gathered.
Marla Slocum is working with Advanced Medical Solutions developing a behavioral/strategic interview
guide for two specific job positions within the organization.
Emily Sutherland is working with Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan to update its performance
management system. The core values of Make- A-Wish will be implemented into performance reviews.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Corbin Todd is working with Henry Ford Health Systems, providing process consultation to help identify
actions they can take to increase the contribution of wellness programs to organizational
effectiveness. He will assist with the creation and administration of a survey. The survey will gather
information from employees regarding past efforts of the wellness program, as well as identifying the
current wellness needs of employees.
Candice White will create a New Hire Orientation for servers at Irie Caribbean Cuisine. In addition to the
orientation, she will also develop a new hire packet for servers that includes of the required documents for
employment, as well as information from the orientation to reference to whenever needed.
Lindsay Waksmundzki has contracted with American Axle and Manufacturing to create an on-boarding
process for College Co-ops and Summer Interns. In addition to creating the on-boarding process, a
consulting report with final recommendations for existing College Co-ops will be provided.
Kathy Waltz is working with the Michigan Districts (Church of the Nazarene) in designing and presenting
two workshops for their annual TEAM Day event, which provides continuing education for pastors, lay
ministers, and church administrators. The workshops are titled "Continuous Improvement Teams" and
"Leadership and Emotional Intelligence".
Alumni & Student Updates!!!
Sally Ann Cooke (‘06) and Molly Shelton both delivered new additions to their families.
Sue Gerten reported that she competed in the Honolulu Marathon on 12/9/2007, completing the 26.2
mile course in 7.5 hours!
Jennie Johnson completed her Ph.D. at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and is now on
the faculty of the University of Texas at Brownsville.
Jennifer Knowles is Talent Development Manager at DFS-Duty Free Shops in downtown San Francisco.
Jennifer is responsible for the career development of the 200+ people. Since DFS is an international
company, Jennifer has worked in Hong Kong and Hawaii.
Amy Michael at Ford Training & Development is a regular participant in our Management undergraduate
assessment program. We appreciate her participation and urge other MSHROD graduates to join us any
semester. Dr. Megan Endres ( is available to discuss dates and times!
Thom Moore (’03) is the Director of HR for Dynamic Edge, recently named as one of the top 50 Coolest
Places to Work by Crain’s Detroit Business.
Rick Opland, who is completing his dissertation on labor and industrial relations at Michigan State
University, was offered a faculty position at California State University at Long Beach.
Susan Simmerman (’92) has accepted a position as Assistant Director of Career Services at Arizona
State University. She will be providing leadership, resources, and support to experiential education
program coordinators throughout the university’s four campuses in the greater Phoenix area.
Jim Topel (‘01) has spent 3 1/2 years serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Philippines as an Air Force
officer. He is presently a business manager for VITAS Healthcare Corp. Atlantic, in the Washington,
D.C., suburb of Reston, Virginia, with his wife Anne, who he met while serving in the Philippines. Jim is
actively pursuing PHR accreditation from SHRM.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Focus on a Student: Michelle Hartung
Michelle Hartung is finishing up her MSHROD degree this semester after being a full-time student in the
program over the last two years. Her educational background includes an undergraduate degree with a
major in Art History and a minor in General Business from Eastern Michigan University. Her passionate
interest in art history has touched on areas of museum studies focused on Ruth Weisberg, an American
artist whose work focuses on Jewish culture and the feminist movement, period art from the 19th and 20th
centuries, African art, Baroque styles, and Greek and Roman art. She hopes to combine this interest with
her MSHROD degree to work in an art museum or to work as a trainer after graduation.
Her professional background has been in managerial positions in retail over the last 15 years with various
retailers, including GapKids, Ann Taylor, the Gap, Limited Brands and J. Crew. Michelle was the manager
of single and multi-unit locations for these organizations. She worked as a “cleaner upper,” someone who
goes into stores facing difficulties to turn them around and make them profitable. Michelle measured her
achievements and successes by how her employees grew, developed and succeeded by using their
strengths to become successful. Within her retail managerial positions, she was district assistant
manager, trainer, and district new store coordinator. She also worked as an accounts receivable
manager for profit and not-for profit organizations.
Michelle is currently a Graduate Assistant in EMU’s Art Department and is putting her managerial skills to
work in the process. Michelle has been Curatorial Assistant, Co-Curator and Curator of Exhibitions;
collaborated with departments regarding speaker/gallery events; participated in gallery and
speaker/faculty meetings; collaborated and created publicity for exhibitions; researched exhibitionists’
artwork; and cataloged and updated the electronic library
Michelle joined the MSHROD program because of her interest in change processes. Due to her retail
experience involving “clean-up processes, she wanted to learn the technical side of change processes.
Courses that have had an impact on Michelle are MGMT 602-Theory and Techniques of Organizational
Development, MGMT 648-Communication and Organizational Development, MGMT 628-Human
Resource Development, and MGMT 638-Building Continuous Improvement Teams. Although Michelle
found the MGMT 602 course to be a challenge, it was at the end that it all connected! The
Communication and Organizational Development course was an opportunity to use what she learned
previously and reapply it. Human Resource Development was a learning opportunity for putting together
her experiences from retail training with the how-to application of training development. Her most
valuable experience from the MSHROD program has been learning to work within teams. The course,
Building Continuous Improvement Teams has been put to use extensively by Michelle while in the
program. While working in retail, she did work in teams within stores, districts, regions. It was
departmentalized and isolated. Working within teams of equals on course projects has been challenging.
She has worked with some great people, and others have taught her when to lead and when to step back
and follow and even what to do when the team was dysfunctional.
Faculty members who have influenced her are many, but she has highlighted Dr. Greg Huszczo and Dr.
Nick Blanchard. She has enjoyed their teaching style which she classifies as interactive and dependent
on the class. They modeled their teachings to fit the needs of the class and of the individual.
Michelle feels that the specific order for taking MSHROD courses within the degree program would be
beneficial to students. She gave the example of MGMT 610, Diagnostic Techniques and Research
Methods, as a pre-requisite course for MGMT 602, Theory and Techniques of Organizational
Development. What she learned in her MGMT 610 course would have greatly enhanced her MGMT 602
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Focus on Faculty and Lecturers
Dr. Kunal Banerji and Professor Len Sholtis participated in the Presidential Scholars
competition, helping to attract top EMU scholars to the College of Business.
Dr. Jean Bush-Bacelis, Dr. Nick Blanchard, and MSHROD graduate Kostas Voutsas had
their article entitled “Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Diversity: A study of Current
Perspectives” published in December, 2007, in the Global Education Journal.
Dr. Rick Camp, Dr. Mary Vielhaber, and Dr. Jack Simonetti had their book, Strategic
Interviewing: How to Hire Good People, translated into its fourth foreign language, Croatian,
joining the versions in Polish, Spanish, and Chinese! The Chinese version of the text is used in
our MSHROD program in China.
Dr. Rick Camp and Dr. Mary Vielhaber had their chapter, “Managing the Interview Process,”
published in Management Skills: A Jossey-Bass Reader.
Dr. Christine Day completed the Hay Group Emotional Intelligence Competence Inventory and
Assessment training. The ECI is a comprehensive 360 degree feedback instrument that
provides the user with a feedback report on their EQ competencies and how the competencies
are critical for outstanding leadership. It is also an effective tool in leadership development
Dr. Raymond Hill, who retired from EMU in December, 2007, has been nominated for
Professor Emeritus status. He is taking some time to enjoy “retirement” before beginning the
next phase of his life, which may include teaching a course in Thailand.
Dr. Greg Huzcszo has returned from his Fall sabbatical and reports that he has great pictures
from the 25th MSHROD anniversary in May, 2007. His next book, Making a Difference by Being
Yourself: Putting Your Personality Type to Good Use, will be published in November, 2008. Dr.
Huzcszo spoke at the Association for Psychological Type International conference last summer
and taught an intensive course, “Leadership and Dispute Resolution,” for Southern Methodist
University’s master’s program in the fall. His upcoming speaking engagements include the Ann
Arbor Kiwanis Club (“Change” ) in February, Michigan Labor-Management Association (“Turning
the Blame Game into Problem Solving”) in April, the Scanlon Leadership Network (“Solving
Complex Problems in Four Simple Steps”) in May, and the Muskegon Labor-Management
Association (“Teams, Leadership, Change and Stress”) also in May. Dr. Huzcszo advises that
“Life is good” and would love to hear from you about how you are doing
( ).
Dr. Linda Isenhour and co authors Dr. Dianna Stone and Dr. Kim Lukaszewski had their
chapter, “A Model of the Influence of Cultural Values on Job Application Intentions and
Behaviors,” published in The Influence of Culture on Human Resource Management Processes
and Practices in December, 2007.
Professor Antoinette Knechtges was one of three judges of the more than 800 entries in the
Detroit Media Partnership (Detroit Free Press) program on “Why I love my job.” In addition,
Professor Knechtges will speak at the Institute for Continuing Legal Education at its April,
2008, conference on “Social Networking Trends: Useful Tools or HR Nightmare” and will
complete her second, and final, year as Director of the Michigan Council of SHRM.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Dr. Jean McEnery and MSHROD graduate Bal Channe-Lall had their paper entitled “Use of
the Global Marketplace Simulation in Assessing Business Student Competencies” accepted for
presentation at the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conferences. In
February, Dr. McEnery will be a member of the Higher Learning Commission accreditation
team visiting a university in Ohio and will attend the Higher Learning annual conference in
Dr. Stu Tubbs has published the 6th edition of Keys to Leadership: 101 Steps to Success with
McGraw-Hill’s Solutions Division. In addition Dr. Tubbs, with coauthor Sylvia Moss, has also
published the 11th edition of their text Human Communication: Principles and Contexts with
McGraw-Hill in New York.
Dr. Stu Tubbs and coauthors, former EMU MBA students Erin Ottenbreit (Er-One in Livonia)
and Sean Falk (JP Morgan Chase Vastera in Southfield), have been advised that their paper
“Gender Bias in Automotive Negotiations” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of
American Academy of Business, Cambridge, for September, 2008.
Fraya Wagner-Marsh, SPHR, GPHR is serving as the Interim Department Head for the
Marketing Department at EMU from 2007-2008 as well as continuing with her normal duties.
Fraya also served as an external reviewer for the Program Review of the Masters in Labor and
Employee Relations at the University of Cincinnati during the Fall term. She also completed the
development of the Instructor Manual materials for the Mathis and Jackson Human Resource
Management textbook and was selected as a subject matter expert for SHRM to review the
SHRM Learning System materials for 2009. In January she was a presenter for a workshop on
“Hispanic-American Entrepreneurs: Research Opportunities and Challenges” at the USASBE
(United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) 2008 Conference in San
Antonio in January. Other colleagues from EMU on the panel included Dr. Stephanie Newell,
Dr. Kunal Banerji, Dr. Sanjib Chowdhury, and Dr. Megan Endres.
Dr. John Waltman and coauthor Dr. Ingrid Rose-Neiger had their article, “Recognizing and
Overcoming Communication Barriers between Auditors and Clients: A German Perspective,”
accepted for publication in Global Education Journal.
Our Undergraduate Management Students Need Your Feedback!
Undergraduate Assessment gives our Management seniors feedback on their skills in
communications, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.
We invite you to be an assessor and give students feedback from the perspective of a
professional in the field!
As an assessor, you would work with faculty in interviewing students in small groups, and
observing their discussion of a case study. Assessors give verbal and written feedback to the
students. It is an experience that is rewarding for both students and assessors.
“It’s an opportunity to see students apply what they have learned and to see how they have
grown.” - Dr. Linda Isenhour, Assistant Professor
When: Fall, Winter, Spring terms
One 3-hour time frame (TBA)
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
Where: COB classroom
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Review of 2007-2008 for the EMU Student SHRM Chapter
By Rebecca Clark de Castillo
The 2007-2008 academic year has been busy for Eastern Michigan University’s Student Chapter of the
Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM). Chapter members have been involved in the
following events:
Student members volunteered at the Michigan Collegiate Job Fair in November 2007. As volunteers,
students were able to attend for free with an extra opportunity to meet with recruiters before other job
seekers arrived.
The Student Chapter reviewed information gathering processes for the COB Career Day Conference and
presented recommendations and created several online surveys for Eastern Michigan University’s Career
Services to utilize.
The Chapter collected books in December to donate to the “Give the Gift of Reading” project for
underprivileged children in the Detroit community. Our Student Chapter collected over 100 books for this
Detroit Free Press Charity.
The Chapter worked on a community service project for Crossroads of Michigan, collecting warm coats
and blankets for families around SE Michigan during the winter months. The collection was well received
in January of this year. The Greater Ann Arbor Society for Human Resource Management (GAASHRM)
and the Human Resource Association of Greater Detroit (HRAGD) sponsored our Mentoring Program.
Student mentees were matched with their mentors based upon their specific interests in the HR/OD field.
Our student members were able to attend several EMU SHRM organized company visits. The Student
Chapter visited Bayloff Stamping and the Chelsea Milling Company (Jiffy) in the Fall semester. The Ford
Rouge Factory tour was the first of several company tours in the Winter semester. The Chapter is
planning another company visit in the Ann Arbor area this March.
EMU SHRM’s speaker meetings included presentations relating to “Compensation and Its Administration”
by Angela Cruz, CCP, GRP of American Axle & Manufacturing; “HR at the Detroit Zoo” presented by
Richard Duane, Jr., PHR from the Detroit Zoological Society; “Benefit Programs” given by Jeanette
Hassan of Eastern Michigan University; “Affirmative Action and Diversity” by Sharon Abraham, also of
Eastern Michigan University; “Downsizing Jobs: Theirs and Yours” given by Christine Day, a Management
Department lecturer at Eastern Michigan University; “PHR/SPHR/GPHR Certification presented by Toni
Knechtges, SPHR of Eastern Michigan University; “HR Practitioner as Partner and Coach” by Karen
Andrews, SPHR, of McKinley Associates; and “Negotiating for a New Job” by Dr. Stu Tubbs of Eastern
Michigan University. During the month of March, “Recruiting” will be given by Keith Larson, CCP of the
American Society of Employers. Our student chapter would like to thank all the presenters who have
taken the time to contribute to making our chapter meetings successful.
Our Student Chapter was a co-sponsor with Career Services for the EMU College of Business Career
Day Conference Panelist discussions on “Careers in Human Resources” and “Careers in Management”
with panelists participating from Quicken Loans, Target, Sears, Penske, and Comerica.
Student members contributed to the EMU SHRM Resume Book that was finalized and sent out to the
Executive Boards of both GAASHRM and HRAGD.
Our student members had the opportunity to participate in a pilot testing session for a critical reasoning
test during the Winter semester to establish test reliability.
Our Student Chapter presented an HR and Consulting workshop to discuss consultation practices within
the HR field with Barbara Allushuski of Mercer and Mim Munzel of The Arbor Consulting Group in early
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Student members frequently attended local Professional meetings of GAASHRM and HRAGD. Students
find these meetings to be excellent opportunities for networking with HR Professionals and discussing
current topics outside of the classroom. Our student members have also taken advantage of other
professional organizations throughout the year which include the Ann Arbor Association of Training and
Development (ASTD).
The Student Chapter is participating once again in the EMU College of Business’ Second Annual Ethos
Week to be held March 10-14, 2008. It was created by students for students to show their commitment to
the six values outlined in the Ethos Statement. Induction into the Ethos Honor Society is to take place at
the Capstone Luncheon at the Eagle Crest Marriot at the end of the week.
Newsletters have been sent out each semester to keep our members, and other who are interested, upto-date on SHRM meetings and other happenings.
Becoming a student member of SHRM is an extremely beneficial way to become involved with the HR
community, and it keeps you current with the HR world. If you are interested in becoming a member, or
are interested in learning more of the benefits of becoming a member, please email us at
SHRM: HCRI Certification Announcement
For more information check online, at
2008 Exam Schedule
Testing Window Duration
1st Testing Window
2nd Testing Window
8 weeks
May 1 -- June 30, 2008 Dec. 1, 2008 -- Jan. 31, 2009
4 weeks
May 1 -- May 31, 2008
Dec. 1 -- Dec. 31, 2008
Application Deadlines
May 1 - June 30, 2008
PHR/SPHR Dec. 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009
Reg. Deadline Date Late Deadline Date
March 14, 2008
April 18, 2008
Oct. 10, 2008
Nov. 14, 2008
May 1 - May 31, 2008
March 14, 2008
April 18, 2008
Dec. 1 - Dec. 31, 2008
Oct. 10, 2008
Nov. 14, 2008
If you have sat for the PHR exam over the last year, the EMU Student SHRM Chapter would like to know!
Please contact Fraya Wagner-Marsh, SPHR, GPHR, at or Rebecca Clark de
Castillo, Student Chapter President, at
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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60th Annual SHRM Conference & Exposition
June 22–25, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
The SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition offers — for the best price in the market today —
the most comprehensive and relevant professional development programs. Attendance will
improve your knowledge, skills and abilities as an HR professional.
SHRM's Annual Conference Keynote speakers will motivate and inspire you.
Sidney Poitier
Patrick Lencioni
Doris Kearns Goodwin Nancy Giles
Here are a few things you can look forward to at the 2008 Annual Conference:
NEW! International Track—sessions will focus on international management strategies.
NEW! Strategic Persuasion & Talent Acquisition—An Executive Education program
presented in partnership with the Wharton School.
NEW! Executive Coaching: Your Tool for Winning the Leadership Development
Challenge—An Executive Education program presented in partnership with LORE
International Institute.
NEW! China’s Economic Rise and its Critical HR Challenges for MNC’s—An
Executive Education program presented in partnership with Tsinghua University, China.
2008 Student Conference on Saturday, June 21, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
More than 300 SHRM student members from dozens of schools will attend this special one-day
event. The 2008 SHRM Student Conference is a terrific opportunity for students and chapter
advisors to network and participate in an educational program geared specifically to their needs.
The Student Conference includes thought-provoking speakers, networking opportunities and an
exciting awards program.
Receive a greatly reduced rate to attend the Annual SHRM Conference & Exposition. All
concurrent and general sessions—plus the one-day Student Conference—are included in the
student/advisor registration fee. For more information about the 2008 SHRM Student
Conference, including session presenters and topics, visit and to register as a student member
or chapter advisor, use the student registration form available at
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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Michigan Council of SHRM 2008 State Conference
“Back to the Future of HR” is the theme of the
2008 Conference in Dearborn on October 15 – 17,
The Michigan Council of the Society for Human
Resource Management (MISHRM) invites Human
Resource professionals, business owners, legal
professionals and others interested in employment
and human resource matters to attend a one-of-akind World Class HR focused Conference in
Information is to be made available online at:
Human Resources Association of Greater Detroit (HRAGD) is the sponsor this year!
The MSHROD Development Fund
Please consider a donation to the MSHROD Development Fund. The money that we receive is
used to help sponsor student and alumni events such as the new student orientation, the
practicum orientation, and the annual alumni speaker event. It is also used to support the
MSHROD newsletter and the annual MSHROD student award. These events and activities help
attract students and help alumni stay in touch. Any amount is welcome! Checks can be made
out to MSHROD Development Fund and mailed to Dr. Fraya Wagner-Marsh, SPHR, GPHR at
Eastern Michigan University, College of Business, Management Department, 300 W. Michigan
Avenue, Room 466, Ypsilanti, MI, 48197. You can also make donations on-line by going to and clicking on Foundation. Be sure to designate the MSHROD Development
Fund. Thanks!!
If you are a MSHROD alumni or current MSHROD student who is practicum eligible and
interested in finding out more about the MSHROD Alumni Association, please contact Jennifer
Mack, President at The officers for the MSHROD Alumni Association are
Jennifer Mack, President and Zachary Fairchild, Vice-President. Positions are open for
Treasurer, Secretary and Activities Director.
Winter 2008 MSHROD Newsletter
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