www.sciencemag.org/content/343/6176/page/suppl/DC1 Supplementary Materials for Lethal Interactions Between Parasites and Prey Increase Niche Diversity in a Tropical Community Marty A. Condon,* Sonja J. Scheffer, Matthew L. Lewis, Robert Wharton, Dean C. Adams, Andrew A. Forbes *Corresponding author. E-mail: mcondon@cornellcollege.edu Published 14 March 2014, Science 343, xxx (2014) DOI: 10.1126/science.1245007 This PDF file includes Materials and Methods Figs. S1 to S9 Tables S1 to S10 References 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS Organisms Host-plants of Blepharoneura are functionally dioecious, highly sexually dimorphic vines in the subtribe Guraniinae of the Cucurbitaceae (22). Male flowers are borne on a series of inflorescences produced on actively climbing branches. Female flowers are borne at the terminal nodes of pendulous branches (23). Sex ratios in populations of Gurania are typically highly male-biased (15, 22). The male-biased sex ratio is a consequence of both size-related sex expression and differences in flowering phenology of male-phase and female-phase plants. Small vines are male and large vines are female (22); males usually produce flowers continuously for several months, but female branches produce flowers for ~7-10 days and then set fruit. Female branches can resume flowering anew after each set of fruit mature. Male inflorescences bear multiple flowers; typically, just one flower matures (opens) every other day. Flowers (both male and female) are open for just a few hours on a single day, and then close. Closed male flowers of Gurania acuminata and G. spinulosa (= G. lobata L.) abscise and fall to the ground the day after opening. Female flowers generally remain attached to the plant. Blepharoneura is a species-rich neotropical genus of tephritid fruit flies in the subfamily Blepharoneurinae, which is the sister-group to the rest of the Tephritidae; all known hosts of flies in the Blepharoneurinae are plants in the Cucurbitaceae (24). Most species of Blepharoneura that have been analyzed genetically (15) are morphologically cryptic, but have distinctive and highly complex courtship displays (25). The Braconidae is one of the largest families in the Hymenoptera (26). Nearly all braconid species are parasitoids (27). All braconid parasitoids of Blepharoneura are members of the subfamily Opiinae, which includes 1981 named species (26). Bellopius is a neotropical subgenus of Opius (28, 29), a large genus within the family Braconidae. Prior to this work, Bellopius included 11 valid species. Hosts are known for only two of these described species, and both attack flies in the family Tephritidae. Sampling and Rearing We collected flowers from inflorescences of two species of vines (Gurania acuminata, G. spinulosa, Cucurbitaceae). Most of the readily accessible vines (N= 298) were growing along the perimeter of a ~1km long airstrip at Los Amigos Biological Station (also known as CICRA- Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Rio Los Amigos). The airstrip’s location is defined by the following four corners: north-west 12°33'12.48"S 70° 6'30.42"W; north-east 12°33'12.21"S 70° 6'28.92"W; south-west 12°33'39.35"S 70° 6'17.38"W; south-east 12°33'38.46"S 70° 6'16.21"W. We also collected from three female G. acuminata, five male G. acuminata, and four male G. spinulosa plants growing within 1.5 km of the airstrip. We labeled and assigned a number to each branch bearing inflorescences (Gurania acuminata: male branches N= 200, female branches N=3; G. spinulosa: male branches N= 84, female branches N= 11), and recorded the precise 2 location of each branch using GPS. From accessible plants around the airstrip, we picked flowers daily from 4-16 October 2008. Fresh (pre-abscission) flowers that contain eggs or larvae cannot be distinguished from un-infested flowers. To assess infestation rate, we placed each flower in a separate, uniquely numbered clear plastic 1oz cup capped with a tightly fitting lid, and recorded the species, sex, and maturation state of each flower. Cups were checked daily for emergence of larvae and puparia. Puparia found in cups on 7-8 October, 11 October, 13 October, and 19-20 October, and a haphazardly chosen subset of puparia found on 17 October, were placed directly in ethanol. To rear remaining puparia to adulthood, we gently buried each puparium in moist media in a separate individually labeled cup. Cups containing specimens (in all stages of development) were transported in sealed cases carried with us in canoes on rivers in the Amazon, and in baggage compartments of jets flying over the Andes and from Peru to Iowa. Cups were held in facilities without climate control: the Los Amigos Biological Station, hotel in Lima, and in USDA approved containment facilities at Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. Cups were checked daily for emergence of adults. Most adults emerged within 10-21 days. Adult braconid wasps, together with the puparia (“postemergence puparia”) from which they eclosed, were placed in labeled vials filled with ethanol and frozen in a -80o freezer within a day of emergence. After one year in the containment facility, puparia from which neither wasps nor flies emerged were considered to be dead. We have no evidence suggesting that rearing conditions have different effects on different species. Molecular Methods Extraction We used the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) to extract total nucleic acids from all individuals in the study. For adult flies and wasps, genomic extractions were performed using two legs from each specimen without maceration. Postemergence puparia were also extracted without maceration. This procedure allowed us to preserve specimens for future morphological analyses. Pre-emergence puparia were homogenized with disposable microfuge pestles and total nucleic acids purified using the Qiagen Supplementary Protocol (“purification of total DNA from insects using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit”). AFLP genotyping We genotyped a panel of AFLP loci for 111 of the reared adult wasps. AFLP methods could not be used for wasp DNA in pre-emergence puparia because Bellopius loci would be intermixed with Blepharoneura loci. Genomic DNA from 111 adult Bellopius wasps was digested with EcoRI and MseI (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MD), and ligated to cut-site specific adaptors (Applied Biosciences, Foster City, CA). Restriction-ligated samples were then amplified using preselective primers Eco+C (5’GACTGCGTACCAATTCC-3’) and Mse+C (5’-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAAC-3’). Two 3 independent selective amplifications were performed on preselective amplicons with a fluorescently labeled forward primer Eco+CAG (5’-GACTGCGTACCAATTCCAG-3’) and each of two different reverse primers: Mse+CAA (5’GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACAA-3’) and Mse+CGA (5’GATGAGTCCTGAGTAACGA-3’). Selective amplification reactions were genotyped on an ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). A panel of all 155 loci between 100 and 450 bp was assembled using GeneMarker v. 2.20 (Softgenetics, State College, PA). Loci were first called automatically for all individuals, and then checked visually. All samples were genotyped twice to ensure repeatability of AFLP data. Loci that did not amplify in both genotyping runs for any single individual (<1% of fragments) were discarded from the panel. Estimations of allele frequencies were generated in the program AFLP-SURV (30) using a Bayesian method assuming a nonuniform prior distribution of allele frequencies (31). Estimated allele frequencies were used to construct a 1-r distance matrix, which was then converted into a neighbor-joining distance network using the programs NEIGHBOR and CONSENSE in PHYLIP 3.6 (32). The network was bootstrapped using 10000 Nei’s genetic distance matrices (33) between each cluster of individuals. Sequencing PCR amplifications were carried out with a Tetrad 2 thermocycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) with the following “touchdown” program: initial denaturation for 2 min at 92ºC, 12 touchdown cycles from 58ºC to 46ºC (10 s at 92ºC, 10 s at 58-46ºC, 1.5 min at 72ºC), 27 cycles at 10 s at 92ºC, 10 s at 45ºC, 1.5 min at 72ºC, and a final extension for 7 min at 72ºC. Primers for PCR and DNA sequencing are listed in table S1. PCR products were cleaned for sequencing using ExoSAP-IT (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA) or gel purification using the QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). To identify selective priming sites that would amplify only fly or wasp mtCOI sequences, we collected mtCOI sequences from reared (adult) opiinae parasitoids and compared them to adult Blepharoneura sequences (15). Such comparisons allowed us to design taxon-specific primers that exclusively amplify only Blepharoneura or opiine wasp mtCOI even in the presence of the other. Opiine wasp-specific primers were designed within the COI barcode region widely used for species identifications and in the Barcode of Life Data System (34). Blepharoneura-specific primers were designed to amplify the 3’ end of mtCOI to allow comparison with previously identified Blepharoneura (15). The same Blepharoneura-specific primers were used to PCR and sequence mtCOI for all flies (adults, pre-emergence puparia, and post-emergence puparial exuviae of flies killed by wasps) in this study. We were careful to confirm amplification efficiency and specificity of primers by testing with DNA from reared (adult) fly and wasp specimens. Wasp amplifications were also confirmed by amplifying DNA from two sources for each adult specimen: DNA extracted from adult wasps; and DNA extracted from the post-emergence puparial exuviae (“empty puparia”) remaining after the adult wasp emerged. We could amplify both the fly and 4 wasp DNA from 100% of those empty puparia. Wasp sequences from empty puparia matched sequences of DNA extracted from adult wasps that emerged from those puparia. Sequencing reactions were carried out using Big Dye Terminator v3.1 Sequencing kits (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and analyzed on an ABI 3730XL automated DNA sequencer. Contigs were assembled for each gene region with the software package Sequencher (Gene Codes Corp., Ann Arbor, MI). For all flies, we sequenced mtCOI (504bp , N= 569 adults; 393 pre-emergence puparia; 163 post-emergence fly puparia that yielded adult wasps). For all wasps (except figitids), we sequenced mtCOI (610 bp, N= 142 adults; N= 109 pre-emergence puparia). We also sequenced two nuclear genes from adult Bellopius wasps: EF1-α copy F1 (excluding intron 1): 985bp (112 specimens); 28S D2: 560bp (114 specimens). We used 28S D1-D3 region (1100bp) to identify adult figitids. To identify figitids in pre-emergence puparia we developed a parasitoid specific 28S reverse primer to screen puparia (824 bp, D1-D2 region). All final contigs used in the study have been deposited in GenBank (Accession nos. KF473465 - KF475237). Wasp sequences will also be deposited in BOLD: Barcode of Life (34). Contigs were assembled and aligned with Sequencher (Gene Codes Corp., Ann Arbor, MI). Alignment of 28S was accomplished by eye. Alignments for mtCOI and EF1α were checked against predicted amino acid sequences. Genetic diversity levels were determined by calculating absolute and corrected P distances in PAUP* 4.0 (35). Phylogenetic analysis of sequences: flies and wasps Neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses and maximum parsimony (MP) analyses were conducted in PAUP* 4.0b10 (35) using uncorrected “p” distances and treating gaps as missing data. The percent bootstrap values were generated by analyzing 100 pseudoreplicated datasets (with random input order of specimens for each replicate) using the neighbor-joining method in PAUP*. A member of the Blepharoneura femoralis group (36) was used as an outgroup for NJ analyses of the Blepharoneura mtCOI dataset. Bellopius bellus was used as an outgroup for NJ and MP analyses of all braconid parasitoid datasets. Species delimitation Flies To delimit Blepharoneura fly species, we used the same highly conservative criteria as used previously with Blepharoneura: reciprocally monophyletic groups differing by at least 4% mtCOI sequence divergence (15). To identify Blepharoneura species in our sample, we used fly mtCOI sequences (N= 1107) from our sample of adult flies, preemergence puparia, and those post-emergence puparia from which wasps had emerged, to construct a NJ tree (fig. S1) and to identify clusters of sequences >4% divergent from other sequences. We compared our sample of Blepharoneura mtCOI sequences with mtCOI sequences of flies representing 49 Blepharoneura species from other neotropical sites (15).We discovered two previously undetected Blepharoneura species (nsp1 and 5 nsp2) and identified twelve Blepharoneura species previously found at other sites (fig. S1, table S2). Wasps Our goal for this study was to discover patterns of parasitoids’ host-specificity. We did not a priori assume that any of the parasitoids were specialists. Consequently, we used several approaches that allowed us to identify distinct lineages (potential species) independently of host-information. First, we used morphology to determine whether wasps belonged to any recognized taxa. We then sorted female adult specimens into “morphospecies”. Because many parasitoids are highly host-specific, best-practice for parasitoid systematists is to use as much biological information as possible in the diagnosis of species. To avoid such a priori bias toward recognition of specialists (albeit often biologically justified), we carried out morphological analysis of adult wasps without reference to host-information or genetic information. Because most surveys of tropical parasitoid diversity are still largely based on morphological identifications (not molecular evidence), our assessment of morphospecies diversity also allows comparison with previous ecological surveys based solely on morphology, without molecular data (3, 37). Molecular evidence often reveals morphologically cryptic species with distinct ecologies (15, 19, 20). We used independent analysis of both morphological and molecular evidence to determine whether any of the parasitoids attacking Blepharoneura are members of cryptic species. Morphology Wharton identified adult wasps as members of two genera in the Braconidae (Opius and Utetes) and one member of the Figitidae. Within Opius, two subgenera were recognized: Thiemanastrepha and Bellopius. M. L. Buffington identified figitids and described them as a new species based on molecular and morphological data (38). To assess morphological diversity of Bellopius, Wharton first assessed morphological variation of intact female specimens arranged in unit trays by specimen ID number, without any reference to other collection data. Male specimens were excluded because they usually lack morphological characters useful for separating species. Original descriptions and keys to described species (39-41) provided an initial set of characters. Most of those characters were invariant in the sample, leaving body color and ovipositor length as the main criteria for sorting specimens into groups. Previous descriptions noted major color differences among Bellopius species, but specimens from Los Amigos included only a few specimens that differed in minor ways from the more uniformly colored majority. To verify ovipositor length differences, which were the most obvious morphological differences among the Los Amigos specimens, Wharton and graduate student Lauren Ward dissected ovipositors to measure the full length of the fused dorsal valves, the base 6 of which is nearly always concealed on intact specimens. Wharton also measured wings, hind legs, and mesosomal length as a proxy for body size. Using ovipositor length and mesosoma length, both as absolute values and as ratios of ovipositor to mesosoma length, he then looked for gaps in distributions. Using those characters, he separated nine morphospecies (table S3), two of which were supported primarily by minor color differences. Morph 9 was further divided into three groups. Molecular evidence from Los Amigos 2008 specimens To rigorously evaluate species limits within our sample of Bellopius, we assessed corroboration among analyses of four independent molecular datasets: AFLPs and DNA sequence data from one mitochondrial and two nuclear genes. First, we used AFLPs to analyze 155 independent loci from 111 adult wasps (fig. S2) to categorize Bellopius groups into Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs) defined as reciprocally monophyletic groups with > 50% bootstrap support in a neighbor joining network. We identified 12 MOTUs representing provisional Bellopius species (spA, spB, spC, spD, spE1, spE2, spF, spG, spI [a singleton], spK, spL, & spM; fig. S2). AFLP-defined MOTU groups are especially important because they reflect relationships revealed by many loci within the nuclear genome. We then tested AFLP-based MOTUs for congruence with mtCOI sequences. We considered mtCOI divergence of 1% or greater between AFLP-defined MOTUs to be strong independent corroborating evidence for provisional species (table S4). We chose the 1% criterion as an arbitrary, but comparatively conservative criterion. Previous work using total evidence (including patterns of host-specificity, which we explicitly ignore) recognized cryptic species of skipper butterflies differing by as little as 0.32% mtCOI divergence (42), and recognized cryptic species within a group of braconid parasitoids that showed an average of only 0.15% sequence divergence (19). Our 1% threshold was met by seven Bellopius MOTUs (spA, spB, spC, spD, spF, spG, spI) and identified two additional singletons (spH and spJ) not present in the AFLP dataset because they were represented only by pre-emergence puparia (fig. S3). The following sets of species shared no mtCOI haplotypes, but included some mtCOI sequence divergences below our 1% threshold: Bellopius spp E1 and E2 (0.8-1.3%); spM, spK, and L (0.6-1.3%). To find out if nuclear sequences corroborated patterns revealed by AFLP loci and mtCOI, we constructed both neighbor-joining (NJ) trees and maximum parsimony (MP) trees for the nuclear genes ef1-α and 28S. Because AFLP and nuclear data are available only from adult specimens, singleton Bellopius species H and J (represented only in pre-emergence puparia) are omitted from these analyses. Trees generated from both nuclear genes have very short branch lengths, suggesting that nuclear genes ef1-α and 28S D evolve more slowly than mtCOI; such differences in rates of evolution of mtCOI and nuclear genes are not uncommon (15, 43-45). Nevertheless, trees supported 7 MOTUs: spA, spB, spC, spD, spE2, spI [singleton], and spM. Bellopius spF was supported by the 28S tree but no ef1α sequence data were available for spF. Because branch lengths in NJ trees were short, we generated MP trees with numbers of 7 base-pair differences plotted on branches because MP trees more clearly show relationships between individual DNA sequences found in each MOTU (figs. S4, S5). Relationships between MOTUs in NJ and MP trees were identical in topology. In the ef1α tree (fig. S4), MOTUs spC and spD were not reciprocally monophyletic, in contrast to the AFLP and mitochondrial results; however, in the 28S tree (fig. S5) spC did form a clade independent of all spD individuals. Two pairs of provisional species, spE1/spG and spL/spK shared identical 28S and ef1α sequences. Placement of spE1 in a separate clade from spE2 supports our decision to recognize those lineages as distinct provisional species. Although slowly evolving nuclear genes failed to separate spE1/spG and spL/spK, AFLP data representing 155 independent nuclear loci support monophyly of each of those four provisional species, and we found no shared mtCOI haplotypes among those four groups. We used mtCOI sequences to generate NJ trees for Thiemanastrepha wasps (fig. S6). Thiemanastrepha mtCOI grouped into two discrete clusters differing by 4.4% sequence divergence. For the purposes of this paper, we call these provisional species T. spA and T. spB. We found only one Utetes species; the two specimens we collected of this genus were genetically identical at mtCOI. All figitid parasitoids had identical 28S D1-D3 sequences and have been described as a single species (Tropideucoila blepharoneurae). Results of molecular analysis of figitids are published elsewhere (38). Molecular evidence (mtCOI) from broad geographic sample of wasps Because members of two pairs of lineages (L/K and E1/G) shared identical nuclear sequences, we sought additional evidence to increase our confidence that the Bellopius parasitoids from Los Amigos (identified by AFLP, mtCOI, and two nuclear genes) represent distinct lineages worthy of provisional species status. We compared mtCOI sequences with a sample of wasps reared to adulthood from flies collected at diverse geographic sites (table S2) or during a different year (2007) at Los Amigos (fig. S7). Collections from geographically distant sites (100- 3500 km) included specimens of Bellopius with mtCOI haplotypes identical or nearly identical to Bellopius spp A, B, C, F, H, I, L and M (fig. S7). Bellopius spp H, I, and J were represented by single specimens (singletons) in our 2008 Los Amigos sample, but clearly group with specimens either found elsewhere (spH, spI) or at Los Amigos in 2007 (spJ). Five species were not found at other sites: Bellopius spp D, E1 (narrowly defined as E1b, see fig. S7), E2, G, and K. All provisional species (with the exception of the K/L/M group) were supported by bootstrap values > 98%. The K/L/M group (77% bootstrap support) includes two lineages with 100% bootstrap support: spM and lineage K/L. The K/L lineage includes provisional spK (81% bootstrap support) and spL (55% bootstrap support). Bellopius “spE1” (n=5) was the only species of Bellopius at Los Amigos for which adult wasp and puparial samples revealed non-overlapping patterns of parasitoid- fly associations (Fig. 3). Comparison with adults from diverse localities (fig. S7) suggests that Bellopius “spE1” is actually a complex of recently diverged host-specific lineages: three monophyletic groups- species E1a, E1b, E1d) and one “group” (labelled E1c) with no bootstrap support. Bellopius spE1b includes three specimens, all from Los Amigos, 8 all reared from flies found in male flowers of Gurania acuminata (two adults pBpup537, 532 reared from fly sp28; one- pBpup416- from pre-emergence puparium of fly sp3). Bellopius spE1a is represented by two adult specimens, both reared from female flowers of G. spinulosa, one from Los Amigos in 2007 (Bwsp778 ex. fly sp30) and one from the Pto. Maldonado-Infierno transect in Peru (Bwsp753 Pe05). Bellopius spE1d is represented by two adult specimens reared from male flowers of G. spinulosa, one from Los Amigos in 2007 (Bwsp774 ex. fly sp12) and one from French Guiana (Bwsp1166). We suspect that specimens labeled as “E1c” do not represent a single species, but we are unable to place them with confidence given our currently limited geographic sample. All of the E1c specimens emerged from flies in male flowers of G. spinulosa: two are adults from the Guianan Shield (Bwsp77-Suriname, Bwsp1118-French Guiana) and two specimens are from ethanol-preserved pre-emergence puparia from our Los Amigos 2008 collection (pBup68 in puparium of fly sp30 and pBpup276 in puparium of fly sp8). Comparison of morphological and molecular evidence from wasps We compared Bellopius morpho-species groups with MOTU provisional species (table S5). The three Bellopius singleton MOTUs (H, I, J) were not represented in the morphological sample: spH and spJ were only found in pre-emergence puparia, and spI was represented by a male specimen. Three MOTU species (Bellopius spp E1, E2, and F) formed clearly morphologically distinct groups, each with increasingly long ovipositors. Thus, morphological evidence (though based on a single female specimen) provides further support for Bellopius E1 as a provisional species distinct from spG. Morphological evidence also sheds some light on the Bellopius spp K, L, and M groups. All spK analyzed morphologically (N=4) fell into Morph 9c, together with 13 of 17 specimens of spM, and two of five specimens of spL (tables S4, S5), providing additional evidence that the three lineages are closely related, but show different patterns of morphological variation. Most MOTU species fell into morphological groups that included members of other MOTU (molecular) lineages. All Bellopius MOTU sp D clustered together in Morph8; however, Morph8 also includes an individual of MOTU spG. MOTU spC (N=1) was placed in Morph5, but Morph5 also includes multiple MOTU spG individuals. All Bellopius MOTU spK clustered in Morph9c along with individuals of MOTU spA, B, L, and M. Bellopius MOTU species A sorted into two Morph9 groups (9b, 9c) and spB fell into three separate morphological groups (Morph4, 6, and 9c) based on color and ovipositor length. Individuals of MOTU spM were sorted into four groups (Morph4, 7, 9a, 9c), and spL was placed into two groups (Morph4, 9c, which both included spM). This preliminary morphological assessment suggests that all but three of the eleven species of Bellopius included in morphological analyses are cryptic species. Based on our experience with morphologically cryptic species of flies (25) we expect that future morphological analysis of new character-sets (using morphometrics and other methods) will reveal morphological differences among these Bellopius species. 9 Summary of wasp species delimitation We find compelling support for 14 provisional species of Bellopius at Los Amigos. Table S6 summarizes the different independent types of evidence used to define provisional species representing distinct genetic lineages that maintain their distinction in sympatry. Our provisional species assignments are consistent with the “unified species concept” (46). AFLPs represent a coarse but informative snapshot of genome-wide divergence (155 independent loci) and reveal clearly differentiated sympatric clusters. Importantly, AFLP-based MOTUs were checked with information from single gene sequences (COI, 28S, and ef1α). Evidence from mtDNA provides strong support for our hypothesis of 14 provisional Bellopius species. Nuclear data (with the exception of the E1/G group) are also consistent with AFLP/mtCOI data: the more slowly evolving nuclear genes do not distinguish more recently diverged lineages (e.g., K/L/M). Only the nuclear genes failed to distinguish Bellopius spE1 and G, but all other molecular data (figs. S2, S3, S7) and morphological data (tables S4, S5) strongly support E1 and G as distinct groups. Had we included ecological data to identify provisional parasitoid species, as is not only common but also “best practice” among parasitoid systematists (19, 29, 47), our ecological data would further support these fourteen provisional species. All Bellopius species (except K/L) are lethal to just one species of Blepharoneura. Furthermore, Bellopius spK and L, which appear to be quite closely related and overlap in their patterns of host-use (Fig. 3), nonetheless differ significantly in the proportions of each host-fly attacked (Fisher’s exact test: successful adult wasps p= 0.0005; adults and preemergence puparia: p< 0.0001). Ecological patterns We evaluated patterns of host-plant-part infestation by counting the number of flowers in which we found at least one puparium (Fig. 1). Most flowers were not infested. Of the flowers that were infested, most yielded a single puparium, but a few yielded as many as four or five (table S7). These patterns of infestation are typical in this system, even for very rare host-plants (15, 25). Using species identified by molecular methods (see Species Delimitation), we evaluated patterns of species abundance and rates of parasitism (fig. S8) and host-specificity (Figs. 2-4; figs. S2-S6, S9). We tested the null hypothesis that patterns of associations (Fig. 3) between wasps and fly-hosts revealed by adult versus pre-emergence puparia are the same. This hypothesis was evaluated both by a Fisher’s Exact Test (table S8), as well as a resampling procedure (fig. S10). For the latter, we carried out a permutation test. We simulated adult distributions from those observed in pre-emergence puparia. We asked: do wasp-fly associations differ between adult wasps and pre-emergence puparia? To answer that question, we simulated patterns observed in adults, using the observed frequencies of associations between wasps and flies in pre-emergence puparia. This method tests the null hypothesis that the wasp-fly associations do not differ between adult wasps and pre-emergence puparia, while taking the observed frequencies of wasps and 10 sample sizes into account. The observed odds-ratio of adult wasps and pre-emergence puparia was obtained from the observed data. Next, the adult wasp data were resampled (with replacement) in proportion to the observed frequencies of wasp-fly associations in our pre-emergence sample. We obtained an odds-ratio for these data. This process was repeated 9,999 times to generate a distribution of expected patterns relative to the frequency and sample sizes of pupae, from which the observed pattern of adult wasps was compared. Based on both statistical procedures we reject the hypothesis. Specifically, Fisher’s exact test revealed a significant difference in the proportion of each host-fly attacked (P = 0.0075), which was confirmed by the resampling distribution (Odds = 0.0458; Prand = 0.0001: fig S10). Thus, we see a distinct pattern: all but one species of wasp (10/11, excluding singletons) emerges from just one species of fly, but puparia reveal that the majority of wasp species actually attack >1 species of fly. We also evaluated patterns of “mistakes” made by Bellopius parasitoids. We consider “mistakes” to be vulnerable Bellopius (i.e., those Bellopius that lay eggs in a species of Blepharoneura but never emerge as adults). To assess patterns of mistakes, we first evaluated the number of flower-bearing branches that bore flowers infested with Blepharoneura (table S9). Two Blepharoneura species was the average number of fly species associated with branches bearing female flowers of both species, and male flowers of G. acuminata. Three Blepharoneura species was the average number of fly species found on branches of G. spinulosa bearing male flowers (table S9). For each Bellopius parasitoid that made a mistake, we determined whether the mistake was made on branches with flowers infested by the “correct” species of Blepharoneura (table S10). Patterns are striking: all but one wasp (a member of the problematic “E1c” group; fig. S7) made a mistake only when the “correct” species of Blepharoneura was present (“correct species” = a species of fly from which an adult wasp can emerge). That one wasp (pBpup276), which we scored as the single “exception to the rule” (i.e., the “rule” that mistakes are made only when the “correct” host is present; table S10), actually may not be an exception. The wasp (pBpup276) recovered in a fly sp8 puparium belongs to the problematic lineage Bellopius spE1c, not to spE1b (fig. S7). The “correct” host of spE1b is Blepharoneura sp28, which lays its eggs exclusively in male flowers of G. acuminata, but pBpup276 was reared from a male flower of G. spinulosa (table S10). Although we do not yet have data on susceptible Blepharoneura hosts for “E1c”, we identified Bellopius spE1c in a pre-emergence puparium of Blepharoneura sp30, a widespread species that mainly attacks male flowers of G. spinulosa (15). If fly sp30 is the “correct” host of Bellopius spE1c, then its “mistake” (like the mistakes made by all other wasps) did occur on a branch with its “correct” host. Five specimens of sp30 were reared from male flowers on a single branch (branch 29) of G. spinulosa (tables S9, S10). 11 fig. S1. Left: Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree of Blepharoneura fly species identified by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (mtCOI) gene (504 bp) sequences matching previously identified species (15) –or appearing as species apparently endemic to the Los Amigos region (nsp1, nsp2). Colors associated with Blepharoneura species labels correspond to colors identifying fly-hosts of wasps in Figs. 2-4. Branch tips bear labels of “placer specimens”: blue m= male flower, red f= female flower, gold GA= Gurania acuminata, purple GS= G. spinulosa; Pe08 = representative specimen from our Los Amigos collection. Other sites (table S2): Bo= Bolivia; EcB= Ecuador- Bilsa Biological Station (western Ecuador); EcJS= Ecuador, Jatun Sacha Biological Station (eastern Ecuador); FG= French Guiana; Pe87= Explorer’s Inn, Tambopata National Reserve, Peru. Right: Pie charts show patterns of host-plant use by Blepharoneura at Los Amigos. Sample size (our Los Amigos collection) is indicated to the right of each pie chart. Blepharoneura species’ geographic distributions are indicated by letters associated with previously sampled sites (15). Note that “P” represents a roadside transect between Pto. Maldonado and Infierno in Madre Dios, Peru (table S2) not the Los Amigos site. Bootstrap values are indicated above branches. 12 fig. S2. AFLP network based on analysis of 155 independent loci for 111 adult Bellopius wasps reared from Blepharoneura flies. Colors denote host fly species (as in Figs. 2-4 and fig. S1). Numbers at nodes represent bootstrap support of >50%. 13 fig. S3: Neighbor joining (NJ) tree for Bellopius wasps based on mtCOI sequences (610 bp). Bellopius species identified using AFLP loci (fig. S2) are indicated by vertical bars and boldface letters. Colors in specimen labels correspond to host-plant sex (blue m= male flower, red f= female flower), host-plant species (gold= Gurania acuminata; purple = G. spinulosa), and host-fly species (colors as in Figs. 2-4 and fig. S1.). Samples with a picture of a puparium represent DNA extracted from ethanol-preserved pre-emergence puparia. Samples with a picture of a wasp represent DNA extracted from adult wasps that emerged from Blepharoneura puparia. Bootstrap values are indicated above branches. 14 15 fig. S4. Maximum parsimony (MP) tree for adult Bellopius wasps based on nuclear gene ef1-alpha copy F1 sequences (1006 bp). Color coding and notation of specimens as in fig. S3; adult/puparium icons are absent (only adult specimens are included). Numbers above branches represent number of bp distinguishing groups. 16 17 fig. S5. MP tree for Bellopius wasps based on nuclear gene 28S D2 sequences (560bp). Color coding and notation as in figs. S3-S4. Numbers above branches represent number of bp distinguishing groups. 18 fig. S6. Neighbor joining (NJ) tree for Thiemanestrepha wasps based on mtCOI sequences (610 bp). Color coding and notation as in figs. S3-S5. Bootstrap values are indicated above branches. 19 fig. S7. NJ tree based on mtCOI sequences (610 bp) showing relationships of Bellopius from Los Amigos (star) to Bellopius adults reared from fly pupae from Gurania flowers at other localities (fig. S1, table S2) and wasps collected at Los Amigos in 2007 (Pe07). Triangle = Eastern Ecuador (Napo), circle = Suriname; square= French Guiana; line = Bolivia (Sta. Cruz to Villa Tunari); diamond = Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno). Los Amigos “singletons”, two represented only by puparia (spH, J), all group with wasps collected on different dates or at different sites. Shaded inset: Geographic patterns also reveal patterns within “E1” suggesting that the lineage (an apparent ecological anomaly in our Peru08 collection) may actually include at least four species. Five of the 14 Bellopius species have only been collected at Los Amigos: D, G, K, E2, and E1b. Bootstrap values are indicated above branches. Color coding and notation as in figs. S1 (localities), S3-S6 (wasp specimens and hosts). 20 fig. S8a,b. Fly abundance and patterns of parasitism by Bellopius: A) abundance of Bellopius parasitoids is positively correlated with host-fly abundance (Pearson’s r =0.58). B) Percent of flies attacked is not related to host-fly abundance (Pearson’s r = -0.05). Colors correspond to host-flies (Figs. 2-4; figs. S2-S7). 21 fig. S9. Most species of Blepharoneura are killed by a single species of Bellopius. Pie charts (N= flies killed by Bellopius; i.e. the number of adult wasps reared from each Blepharoneura species) represent the proportion of each Blepharoneura killed by particular Bellopius species. Species of lethal Bellopius are indicated by letters either inside or at the periphery of the pie chart. Letters correspond to provisional Bellopius species (Figs. 3,4; figs. S2, S3). 22 fig. S10. Histogram of odd-ratios for adult wasps and puparial (pre-adult emergence) wasp data obtained from resampling procedure. The observed value (0.0458) is denoted by the asterisk, and is highly significant (Prand = 0.0001). * Randomly generated odds-ratios 23 table S1: Primers used for PCR amplification (*) and DNA sequencing. Most primers were designed for this study (**). Gene Primer Primer sequence 5’-3’ Source fly-COI BpupCOIF* BpupCOIR* BwspCOIF* BwspCOIR* rc28A* HYM28SD2F HYM28SD3R 28C* Bwsp28SD2selR2 BelEF40F* BelEF46F BelEF61AR BelEF53R* TAGGAATAATYTAYGCAATAATRGCAATTG GAAGANCCAATWGTTGARATWACRTTTCAAG GTTTATCWATAAGAWTAATTATTCG CTTTCATTAWAAATAATATGAGA AGCGGAGGAAAAGAAAC CGTGTTGCTTGATAGTGCAGC TCGGAAGGAACCAGCTACTA GCTATCCTGAGGGAAACTTCGG GGTCCTGAAAGTACCCAAAGC GAGAAGGAGGCGCAGGAGAATG CGAAGAAATCAAGAAGGAAG GAYGCTGGGCTGTAGCCRATCTTC GTGAGCAGTATGACAATCCAAAACAG ** ** ** ** (48) (49) (49) (48) ** ** ** ** ** wasp-COI 28S Dloop Ef1a 24 table S2: Los Amigos Blepharoneura species also identified at other geographic localities. Blepharoneura species Sp1 Sp2 Sp3 Sp4 Sp8 Sp10 Sp11 Sp12 Sp21 Sp28 Sp30 Sp44 Localities where species were previously identified (15) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Ecuador- Jatun Sacha (Napo); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno); Venezuela (Guatopo National Park) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Ecuador- Jatun Sacha (Napo); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Ecuador- Jatun Sacha (Napo); Ecuador- Bilsa (Esmeraldas); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno); Venezuela (Guatopo National Park) Ecuador- Jatun Sacha (Napo); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno) Ecuador- Jatun Sacha (Napo) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Ecuador- Bilsa (Esmeraldas); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno); Venezuela (Guatopo National Park) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno) Bolivia (Sta. Cruz- Villa Tunari); Ecuador- Bilsa (Esmeraldas); French Guiana (Cayenne to St. Georges); Peru (Pto. Maldonado to Infierno); Venezuela (Guatopo National Park) Peru (Explorer’s Inn, Tambopata National Reserve) 25 table S3: Morphological analysis of Bellopius identified nine provisional species groups (“morphs”). Morph group Morph1 Morph2 Morph3 Morph6 Size ratios ovip/mesosoma very long > 2.3 long > 2.3 long, slightly longer 1.85-1.95 than Morph2 short 1.21-1.32 long (= Morph3, 1.5-1.6 (except except bwsp533 a 1.41 for bit shorter) bwsp533) medium 1.5 Morph7 medium Morph4 Morph5 Ovipositor traits Morph8 long (= Morph2) Morph9 (three subgroups) Morph9a low end of medium range Morph9b low end of medium range Morph9c medium Color body size pale pale pale large very, very small moderate pale pale moderate large smaller than Morph3 & 4 Very small 1.5-1.6 somewhat darker on abdomen somewhat darker on abdomen pale pale pale 1.4-1.45 pale 1.35-1.45 pale Low end of medium range moderate 1.65 1.65-1.75 26 moderate small (= Morph6) table S4: Pairwise sequence divergences between mtCOI sequences from adult specimens of the provisional species identified using AFLPs. The same 111 adult wasps are used in this comparison as were used in AFLP work. A (n=3) B (n=4) C (n=4) D (n=8) E1 (n=2) E2 (n=8) F (n=2) G (n=19) I (n=1) K (n=11) L (n=12) M (n=37) A 0 1.92.1 2.93.0 3 5.35.5 5.15.5 5.3 4.54.8 4.54.6 5.15.5 5.5 4.95.3 B C D E1 E2 F G I K L M 0.0-0.2 3.8-4.3 0 3.8-4.0 1.4-1.5 0 6.0-6.4 6.4-6.6 5.8-6.0 0.0-0.2 5.9-6.6 6.1-6.6 5.7-6.0 0.8-1.3 0.0-0.9 6.4-6.6 5.6-6.0 6.4 6.2 5.8 5.6-5.8 2.8-3.2 4.5-5.0 2.7-3.2 0.0-0.2 4.4-4.8 3.6-3.8 0.0-0.2 5.6-5.8 5.6 4.8-4.9 4.1-4.3 3.9-4.3 5.8-6.2 5.5-5.8 5.2-5.7 4.1-4.4 4.0-4.7 5.1-5.3 5.5-5.8 2.8-3.1 0.0-0.8 6.2-6.4 5.3-5.6 5.0-5.3 5.3-5.8 5.8-6.2 5.6-6.2 4.1-4.3 4.9-5.3 4.2-4.7 5.1 5.6-6.0 3 0.6-0.8 0 3.9-4.7 4.9-5.3 5.1-5.6 2.8-3.2 0.6-1.3 0.9-1.3 0.0-0.8 4.3 27 4.1 0 table S5: Comparison of morphologically (Morph group, table S3) and molecularly defined (MOTU) species groups (figs. S2, S3). Specimen numbers listed on the same line are members of the same MOTU group. Colors, boldface, and underlining provided to show match between specimen numbers and MOTU groups MOTU Morph5 Female wasp specimens, each identified by “bwsp” followed by the identification numbers listed below. 505 532 130, 132, 498, 528, 538 122, 113, 139, 475, 516 123, 124, 125, 469, 471, 507 Morph6 Morph7 Morph8 543, 545; 533 542 492 159,119, 480, 526, G C B M D G 495, 522 531, 539 531, 539, 133 121, 491, 497,499, 153, 483, 103, 111, 118, 151, 152, 470, 478, 481, 484, 488, 495, 511, 522 M A A B K L M Morph group Morph1 Morph2 Morph3 Morph4 Morph9 Morph9a Morph9b Morph9c 28 F E1 E2 B M L G table S6: Summary of data used to delineate species of Bellopius. AFLP clusters with >50% support (fig. S2) were used to initially define MOTUs, with single gene sequences and morphological data evaluated independently and used here as supporting elements. Wasp MOTUs were evaluated at mtCOI based on >1% sequence divergence (fig. S3, table S3). Reciprocal monophyly at nuclear loci (figs. S4, S5) was considered as secondary support for MOTUs. Bellopius spH, spI and spJ were all singletons. * = a single individual showed < 1% divergence (0.8%) between E1 and E2 groups at mtDNA COI. **= C was monophyletic in MP trees but not reciprocally monophyletic with respect to D (figs. S4, S5). AFLP A B C D E1 E2 F G No data I No data K L M COI A B C D E1/E2* F G H I J L/K/M EF1α A B 28S A B C/D C/D** E1/G E2 No data E1/G No data I No data E1/G E2 F E1/G No data I No data L/K L/K M M 29 Morphology Morph9b,9c Morph4,6,9c Morph5 Morph8 Morph2 Morph3 Morph1 Morph5,8 No data No data No data Morph9c Morph4,9c Morph4,7,9a,9c Final species name spA spB spC spD spE1 spE2 spF spG spH spI spJ spK spL spM table S7: Numbers of puparia obtained from individual flowers (m= male; f= female) of Gurania acuminata (GA), G. spinulosa (GS) zero p 1p 2p 3p 4p 5p fGA 31 9 5 1 1 0 fGS 219 71 13 2 2 1 30 mGA 943 616 17 0 1 0 mGS 1101 545 41 13 4 0 table S8: Counts of Bellopius species in samples of pre- and post-emergence wasps (excluding singletons, which are spurious “specialists” because they are represented by just a single specimen) reveal different patterns of host-associations (Fisher Exact Test, p=0.0075) Pre-emergence (wasps in puparia) Post-emergence (adult wasps) Number of Bellopius species with only one host-fly species 3 10 Number of Bellopius species with more than one host-fly species 8 1 31 table S9: Number of branches with one or more different Blepharoneura spp (i.e., potential for choice by wasps). Categories: singleton branch (i.e., only one single flower on the branch yielded a fly puparium), and one up to six species of flies on a single branch. Dead/decayed pupae and branches without flies are excluded. #species of flies/branch fGA fGS mGA mGS Singleton branch 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 6 2 3 3 0 0 0 30 26 44 21 5 4 0 10 6 18 14 14 8 3 Total # branches with > 1 infested flower N=3 N=14 N=130 N=73 Average #spp per branch N(all but singleton) 2 2.125 2.17 3.14 N=3 N=8 N=100 N=63 32 table S10: Patterns of “mistakes” by Bellopius parasitoids. This sample includes all branches bearing flowers in which a Bellopius parasitoid made a “mistake” by ovipositing into a “lethal” species of Blepharoneura (i.e., a fly species from which an adult of that species of Bellopius never emerged). Branches were evaluated for the presence of a “correct” host (a host from which an adult Bellopius of that same species emerged as an adult). Only one of 16 mistakes occurred on a branch with flowers not containing the correct host (Fisher’s exact test p= 0.0155). The only “mistake” was made by a fly belonging to poorly defined E1c lineage (fig. S7). Plant species Flower sex G. acuminata G. acuminata G. acuminata G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa G. spinulosa male male male female female female male male male male male male male male male male Branch Bellopius ID specimen and species 34 Bpup24-M 187 Bpup416-E1 204 Bpup323-M 4A Bpup444-C 4B+C Bpup442-C 4B+C Bpup448-C 29 Bpup289-G 21 Bpup265-K 29 Bpup276-E1 29 Bpup264-G 57 Bpup300-D 180 Bpup180-K 299 Bpup283-B 234 Bpup51-L 11 Bpup286-G 11 Bpu288-G * see fig. S7 and discussion of spE1 33 Lethal fly (= mistake) Correct host present Sp30 Sp3 Sp2 sp11 sp11 sp30 Nsp1 Sp30 Sp8 Nsp1 Sp8 Sp30 Sp4 Nsp1 Nsp1 Nsp1 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes No* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes