1.021, 3.021, 10.333, 22.00 Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Part I – Continuum and particle methods Review session—preparation quiz I Lecture 12 Markus J. Buehler Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 Content overview I. Particle and continuum methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Atoms, molecules, chemistry Continuum modeling approaches and solution approaches Statistical mechanics Molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo Visualization and data analysis Mechanical properties – application: how things fail (and how to prevent it) Multi-scale modeling paradigm Biological systems (simulation in biophysics) – how proteins work and how to model them II. Quantum mechanical methods 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Lectures 2-13 Lectures 14-26 It’s A Quantum World: The Theory of Quantum Mechanics Quantum Mechanics: Practice Makes Perfect The Many-Body Problem: From Many-Body to SingleParticle Quantum modeling of materials From Atoms to Solids Basic properties of materials Advanced properties of materials What else can we do? 2 Overview: Material covered so far… Lecture 1: Broad introduction to IM/S Lecture 2: Introduction to atomistic and continuum modeling (multi-scale modeling paradigm, difference between continuum and atomistic approach, case study: diffusion) Lecture 3: Basic statistical mechanics – property calculation I (property calculation: microscopic states vs. macroscopic properties, ensembles, probability density and partition function) Lecture 4: Property calculation II (Monte Carlo, advanced property calculation, introduction to chemical interactions) Lecture 5: How to model chemical interactions I (example: movie of copper deformation/dislocations, etc.) Lecture 6: How to model chemical interactions II (EAM, a bit of ReaxFF—chemical reactions) Lecture 7: Application to modeling brittle materials I Lecture 8: Application to modeling brittle materials II Lecture 9: Application – Applications to materials failure Lecture 10: Applications to biophysics and bionanomechanics Lecture 11: Applications to biophysics and bionanomechanics (cont’d) 3 Lecture 12: Review session – part I Check: goals of part I You will be able to … Carry out atomistic simulations of various processes (diffusion, deformation/stretching, materials failure) Carbon nanotubes, nanowires, bulk metals, proteins, silicon crystals, … Analyze atomistic simulations Visualize atomistic/molecular data Understand how to link atomistic simulation results with continuum models within a multi-scale scheme 4 Topics covered – part I Atomistic & molecular simulation algorithms Potential/ force field models Property calculation Applications 5 Lecture 12: Review session – part I 1. 2. Review of material covered in part I 1.1 Atomistic and molecular simulation algorithms 1.2 Property calculation 1.3 Potential/force field models 1.4 Applications Important terminology and concepts Goal of today’s lecture: Review main concepts of atomistic and molecular dynamics, continuum models Prepare you for the quiz on Thursday 6 1.1 Atomistic and molecular simulation algorithms 1.2 Property calculation 1.3 Potential/force field models 1.4 Applications Goals: Basic MD algorithm (integration scheme), initial/boundary conditions, numerical issues (supercomputing) 7 Differential equations solved in MD 8 Basic concept: atomistic methods G d ri dU ( r ) mi 2 = − G dt dri 2 PDE solved in MD: (ma = F ) G r = {rj } i = 1.. N Results of MD simulation: G G G ri (t ), vi (t ), ai (t ) i = 1.. N 9 Complete MD updating scheme (1) Initial conditions: Positions & velocities at t0 (random velocities so that initial temperature is represented) (2) Updating method (integration scheme - Verlet) ri (t0 + Δt ) = −ri (t0 − Δt ) + 2ri (t0 )Δt + ai (t0 )(Δt ) + ... 2 Positions at t0-Δt Positions at t0 Accelerations at t0 (3) Obtain accelerations from forces f j ,i = m j a j ,i a j ,i = f j ,i / m j ∀j = 1.. N (4) Obtain force vectors from potential (sum over contributions from all neighbor of atom j) d φ (r) F =− dr f j ,i = F x j ,i r ⎛ ⎡ σ ⎤12 ⎡ σ ⎤ 6 ⎞ ⎟ Potential φ ( r ) = 4ε ⎜ − ⎢⎣ r ⎥⎦ ⎟ ⎜ ⎢⎣ r ⎥⎦ ⎝ ⎠ 10 Algorithm of force calculation 6 … 5 for i=1..N for j=1..N (i ≠ j) [add force contributions] i j=1 2 4 3 rcut 11 Summary: Atomistic simulation – numerical approach “molecular dynamics – MD” Atomistic model; requires atomistic microstructure and atomic positions at beginning (initial conditions), initial velocities from random distribution according to specified temperature Step through time by integration scheme (Verlet) Repeat force calculation of atomic forces based on their positions Explicit notion of chemical bonds – captured in interatomic potential Loop 12 Scaling behavior of MD code 13 Force calculation for N particles: pseudocode Requires two nested loops, first over all atoms, and then over all other atoms to determine the distance for j=1..N (i ≠ j): determine distance between i and j Δt1~NΔt0 calculate force and energy (if rij < rcut, cutoff radius) Δt0 Δttotal~N·NΔt0=N2Δt0 for i=1..N: add to total force vector / energy time ~ N2: computational disaster 14 Strategies for more efficient computation Two approaches 1. Neighbor lists: Store information about atoms in vicinity, calculated in an N2 effort, and keep information for 10..20 steps Concept: Store information of neighbors of each atom within vicinity of cutoff radius (e.g. list in a vector); update list only every 10..20 steps 2. Domain decomposition into bins: Decompose system into small bins; force calculation only between atoms in local neighboring bins Concept: Even overall system grows, calculation is done only in a local environment (have two nested loops but # of atoms does not 15 increase locally) Force calculation with neighbor lists Requires two nested loops, first over all atoms, and then over all other atoms to determine the distance for i=1..Nneighbors,i: Δttotal~NΔt0 for j=1..N (i ≠ j): determine distance between i and j Δt1~NΔt0 calculate force and energy (if rij < rcut, cutoff radius) Δt0 add to total force vector / energy time ~ N: computationally tractable even for large N 16 Periodic boundary conditions Periodic boundary conditions allows studying bulk properties (no free surfaces) with small number of particles (here: N=3), all particles are “connected” Original cell surrounded by 26 image cells; image particles move in exactly the same way as original particles (8 in 2D) Particle leaving box enters on other side with same velocity vector. Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. After Buehler. 17 Parallel computing – “supercomputers” Images removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see http://www.sandia.gov/ASC/images/library/ASCI-White.jpg Supercomputers consist of a very large number of individual computing units (e.g. Central Processing Units, CPUs) 18 Domain decomposition Each piece worked on by one of the computers in the supercomputer Fig. 1 c from Buehler, M., et al. "The Dynamical Complexity of Work-Hardening: A Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation.” Acta Mech Sinica 21 (2005): 103-11. © Springer-Verlag. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. 19 Modeling and simulation 20 Modeling and simulation What is a model? What is a simulation? Modeling vs Simulation • Modeling: developing a mathematical representation of a physical situation •Simulation: solving the equations that arose from the development of the model. © Google, Inc. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. © Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. 21 Modeling and simulation M S M S M 22 Atomistic versus continuum viewpoint 23 Diffusion: Phenomenological description Physical problem Ink dot © source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t 2nd Fick law (governing equation) Tissue BC: c (r = ∞) = 0 IC: c (r=0, t = 0) = c0 24 Continuum model: Empirical parameters Continuum model requires parameter that describes microscopic processes inside the material Need experimental measurements to calibrate Time scale Continuum model Microscopic mechanisms ??? “Empirical” or experimental parameter feeding Length scale 25 How to solve continuum problem: Finite difference scheme d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t Concentration at i at old time i= j= space time “explicit” numerical scheme δt ci , j +1 = ci , j + 2 D (ci +1, j − 2 ci , j − ci −1, j ) (new concentration directly from δx concentration at earlier time) Concentration at i at old time Concentration at i at new time Concentration at i-1 at old time Concentration at i+1 at old time 26 Other methods: Finite element method Atomistic model of diffusion Diffusion at macroscale (change of concentrations) is result of microscopic processes, random motion of particle Atomistic model provides an alternative way to describe diffusion Enables us to directly calculate the diffusion constant from the trajectory of atoms Follow trajectory of atoms and calculate how fast atoms leave their initial position Concept: follow this quantity over time Δx 2 D = −p Δt 27 Atomistic model of diffusion G G d ri dU ( r ) r = {rj } i = 1.. N mi 2 = − G dt dri 2 Images courtesy of the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University. Used with permission. Δr 2 Trajectories Particles Mean Squared Displacement function Δr 2 (t ) = 1 N Average squares of displacements of all particles G G 2 ( ) r ( t ) − r ( t = 0 ) ∑ i i i 28 Calculation of diffusion coefficient 1 Δr (t ) = N 2 ∑ (r (t ) − r (t = 0)) 2 i i i Position of atom i at time t Position of atom i at time t=0 (nm) Einstein equation Δr 2 slope = D 1 d D= lim (Δr 2 (t ) ) 2d t →∞ dt (ps) 1D=1, 2D=2, 3D=3 29 Summary Molecular dynamics provides a powerful approach to relate the diffusion constant that appears in continuum models to atomistic trajectories Outlines multi-scale approach: Feed parameters from atomistic simulations to continuum models Time scale Continuum model “Empirical” or experimental parameter feeding MD ??? Length scale 30 1.1 Atomistic and molecular simulation algorithms 1.2 Property calculation 1.3 Potential/force field models 1.4 Applications Goals: How to calculate “useful” properties from MD runs (temperature, pressure, RDF, VAF,..); significance of averaging; Monte Carlo schemes 31 Property calculation: Introduction Have: G G G ri (t ), vi (t ), ai (t ) i = 1.. N “microscopic information” Want: Thermodynamical properties (temperature, pressure, ..) Transport properties (diffusivities, shear viscosity, ..) Material’s state (gas, liquid, solid) 32 Micro-macro relation T (t ) Which to pick? 1 1 T (t ) = 3 Nk B Images courtesy of the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University. Used with permission. G2 ∑ mi vi (t ) N t i =1 Specific (individual) microscopic states are insufficient to relate to 33 macroscopic properties Ergodic hypothesis: significance of averaging < A >= ∫ ∫ A( p, r ) ρ ( p, r )drdp p r Ergodic hypothesis: property must be properly averaged Ensemble (statistical) average = time average All microstates are sampled with appropriate probability density over long time scales 1 1 A(i ) =< A > Ens =< A >Time = ∑ N A i =1.. N A Nt Monte Carlo Average over Monte Carlo steps NO DYNAMICAL INFORMATION ∑ A(i ) i =1.. N t MD Average over time steps34 DYNAMICAL INFORMATION Monte Carlo scheme Concept: Find convenient way to solve the integral < A >= ∫ ∫ A( p, r ) ρ ( p, r )drdp p r Use idea of “random walk” to step through relevant microscopic states and thereby create proper weighting (visit states with higher probability density more often) Monte Carlo schemes: Many applications (beyond what is discussed here; general method to solve complex integrations) 35 Monte Carlo scheme: area calculation Method to carry out integration (illustrate general concept) Want: A= ∫ G f ( x ) dΩ Ω E.g.: Area of circle (value of π) AC = πd 2 4 AC = π 4 d =1 Ω 36 Monte Carlo scheme G Step 1: Pick random point xi in Ω Step 2: Accept/reject point based on criterion (e.g. if inside or outside of circle and if in area not yet counted) G Step 3: If accepted, add f ( xi )G = 1 to the total sum otherwise f ( xi ) = 0 AC = ∫ G f ( x ) dΩ Ω N A : Attempts d = 1/ 2 made G 1 AC = f ( xi ) ∑ NA i Courtesy of John H. Mathews. Used with permission. See also: http://math.fullerton.edu/mathews/n2003/MonteCarloPiMod.html 37 Area of Middlesex County (MSC) 100 km 100 km ASQ = 10,000 km2 y x Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Fraction of points that lie within MS County AMSC = ASQ G 1 f ( xi ) ∑ NA i Expression provides area of MS County 38 Detailed view - schematic NA=55 points (attempts) 12 points within AMSC = ASQ 12 G 1 2 2 f ( x ) = 10000 ⋅ 0 . 22 km = 2181 . 8 km ∑ i 39 NA i Results U.S. Census Bureau 823.46 square miles = 2137 km2 (1 square mile=2.58998811 km2 ) Taken from: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/25/25017.html Monte Carlo result: AMSC = 2181.8 km2 40 Analysis of satellite images Spy Pond (Cambridge/Arlington) Image removed due to copyright restrictions. Google Satellite image of Spy Pond, in Cambridge, MA. 200 m 41 Metropolis Hastings algorithm Images removed due to copyright restrictions. Images removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see: Fig. 2.7 in Buehler, Markus J. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure. Springer, 2008. Please see: Fig. 2.8 in Buehler, Markus J. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure. Springer, 2008. < A >= ∫ ∫ A( p, r ) ρ ( p, r )drdp p r 42 Molecular Dynamics vs. Monte Carlo MD provides actual dynamical data for nonequilibrium processes (fracture, deformation, instabilities) Can study onset of failure, instabilities MC provides information about equilibrium properties (diffusivities, temperature, pressure) Not suitable for processes like fracture 1 1 A(i ) =< A > Ens =< A >Time = ∑ N A i =1.. N A Nt ∑ A(i ) i =1.. N t 43 Property calculation: Temperature and pressure Temperature N G2 1 1 T= < ∑ mi vi > 3 Nk B i =1 G2 G G vi = vi ⋅ vi T ~ v2 v~ T 44 Temperature control in MD (NVT ensemble) Berendsen thermostat ri (t0 + Δt ) = 2 ri (t0 ) − ri (t0 − Δt ) + ai (t0 )Δt 2 + ... Calculate temperature N G2 1 1 T= < ∑ mi vi > 3 Nk B i =1 v~ T Calculate ratio of current vs. desired temperature Rescale velocities 45 Interpretation of RDF 46 Formal approach: Radial distribution function (RDF) The radial distribution function is defined as Density of atoms (volume) g (r ) = ρ (r ) / ρ Local density Provides information about the density of atoms at a given radius r; ρ(r) is the local density of atoms Number of atoms in the interval r ± Δr 2 < N ( r ± Δ2r ) > 1 g (r) = Ω( r ± Δ2r ) ρ Volume of this shell (dr) g (r )2πr 2 dr = Number of particles that lie in a spherical shell of radius r and thickness dr 47 Radial distribution function: Solid versus liquid versus gas 5 5 4 4 3 g(r) g(r) Solid Argon 2 Gaseous Ar (90 K) Liquid Ar (90 K) 3 Gaseous Ar (300 K) 2 Liquid Argon 1 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 distance/nm 0.6 0.8 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 distance/nm Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Note: The first peak corresponds to the nearest neighbor shell, the second peak to the second nearest neighbor shell, etc. In FCC: 12, 6, 24, and 12 in first four shells 48 RDF and crystal structure 1st nearest neighbor (NN) 5 3rd NN 4 g(r) Solid Argon 2nd NN … 3 2 Liquid Argon 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 distance/nm Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Peaks in RDF characterize NN distance, can infer from RDF about crystal structure 49 http://physchem.ox.ac.uk/~rkt/lectures/liqsolns/liquids.html Images courtesy of Mark Tuckerman. Used with permission. 50 Interpretation of RDF 1st nearest neighbor (NN) 2nd NN 3rd NN copper: NN distance > 2 Å X not a liquid (sharp peaks) 51 Graphene/carbon nanotubes RDF Images of graphene/carbon nanutubes: http://weblogs3.nrc.nl/techno/wpcontent/uploads/080424_Grafeen/Graphene_xyz.jpg http://depts.washington.edu/polylab/images/cn1.jpg Graphene/carbon nanotubes (rolled up graphene) NN: 1.42 Å, second NN 2.46 Å … 52 Summary – property calculation Property Definition Temperature N G 1 1 T= < ∑ mi vi2 > 3 Nk B i =1 MSD 1 < Δr (t ) >= N RDF 2 Application G2 G G vi = vi ⋅ vi ∑ (r (t ) − r (t = 0)) Direct 2 i i Diffusivity i N ( r ± Δ2r ) > g ( r ) =< Δr Ω( r ± 2 ) ρ Atomic structure (signature) 53 Material properties: Classification Structural – crystal structure, RDF Thermodynamic -- equation of state, heat capacities, thermal expansion, free energies, use RDF, temperature, pressure/stress Mechanical -- elastic constants, cohesive and shear strength, elastic and plastic deformation, fracture toughness, use stress Transport -- diffusion, viscous flow, thermal conduction, use MSD, temperature 54 Bell model analysis (protein rupture) 55 Bell model analysis (protein rupture) a=86.86 pN f (v; xb , Eb ) = a ⋅ ln v + b b=800 pN kB T a= (1) xb kB=1.3806505E-23 J/K ⎛ E b ⎞⎞ kb T ⎛ b=− ln⎜ω 0 x b exp⎜ − ⎟⎟ (1) xb ⎝ ⎝ kb T ⎠⎠ ω0 = 1 × 1013 1 / sec Get a and b from fitting to the graphs Solve (1) for a, use (2) to solve for Eb a=(800-400)/(0-(-4.6))) pN =86.86 pN Æ xb=0.47 Å 56 Determining the energy barrier ⎛ Eb ⎞ ⎞ kbT ⎛⎜ kbT ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ln⎜ ω0 xb exp⎜ − =− b=− ⎟ ⎟ xb ⎝ xb ⎝ kbT ⎠ ⎠ Eb bxb − = ln(ω0 xb ) − kbT kbT ⎡ Eb ⎤ ⎥ ⎢ln(ω0 xb ) − kbT ⎦ ⎣ bxb Eb = ln(ω0 xb ) + kbT kbT ⎡ bxb ⎤ Eb = ⎢ln(ω0 xb ) + ⎥ kbT kbT ⎦ ⎣ b=800 pN Æ Eb≈9 kcal/mol 1 kcal/mol=6.9477E-21 J Possible mechanism: Rupture of 3 H-bonds (H-bond energy 3 kcal/mol) 57 Scaling with Eb : shifts curve f ( v; xb , Eb ) = a ⋅ ln v + b Eb ↑ kB ⋅ T a= xb kB ⋅ T b=− ⋅ ln v0 xb ⎛ Eb ⎞ ⎟⎟ v0 = ω0 ⋅ xb ⋅ exp⎜⎜ − kb ⋅ T ⎠ 58 ⎝ Scaling with xb: changes slope f (v; xb , Eb ) = a ⋅ ln v + b xb ↓ kB ⋅ T a= xb kB ⋅ T b=− ⋅ ln v0 xb ⎛ Eb ⎞ ⎟⎟ v0 = ω0 ⋅ xb ⋅ exp⎜⎜ − kb ⋅ T ⎠ 59 ⎝ 1.1 Atomistic and molecular simulation algorithms 1.2 Property calculation 1.3 Potential/force field models 1.4 Applications Goals: How to model chemical interactions between particles (interatomic potential, force fields); applications to metals, proteins 60 Concept: Repulsion and attraction Electrons Energy U r 1/r12 (or Exponential) Core Repulsion r Radius r (Distance between atoms) e Attraction 1/r6 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. “point particle” representation Attraction: Formation of chemical bond by sharing of electrons Repulsion: Pauli exclusion (too many electrons in small volume) 61 Generic shape of interatomic potential φ Energy U r Effective interatomic potential 1/r12 (or Exponential) Repulsion Radius r (Distance between atoms) e r0 Harmonic oscillator ~ k(r - r0)2 Attraction r 1/r6 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Many chemical bonds show this generic behavior Attraction: Formation of chemical bond by sharing of electrons Repulsion: Pauli exclusion (too many electrons in small volume) 62 Weaker bonding Atomic interactions – different types of chemical bonds Primary bonds (“strong”) Ionic (ceramics, quartz, feldspar - rocks) Covalent (silicon) Metallic (copper, nickel, gold, silver) (high melting point, 1000-5,000K) Secondary bonds (“weak”) Van der Waals (wax, low melting point) Hydrogen bonds (proteins, spider silk) (melting point 100-500K) Ionic: Non-directional (point charges interacting) Covalent: Directional (bond angles, torsions matter) Metallic: Non-directional (electron gas concept) Know models for all types of chemical bonds! 63 How to choose a potential 64 How to calculate forces from the “potential” or “force field” Define interatomic potentials, that describe the energy of a set of atoms as a function of their coordinates “Potential” = “force field” G r = {rj } j = 1.. N U total = U total (r ) G Fi = −∇ rKiU total ( r ) Position vector of atom i Depends on position of all other atoms i = 1.. N ⎛ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⎞ ⎟ ∇ rGi = ⎜⎜ , , ⎟ ∂ ∂ ∂ r r r ⎝ 1,i 2,i 3,i ⎠ Change of potential energy due to change of position of 65 particle i (“gradient”) Force calculation Pair potential Note cutoff! 66 Pair potentials: energy calculation Pair wise interaction potential Simple approximation: Total energy is sum over the energy of all pairs of atoms in the system φ ( rij ) Pair wise summation of bond energies r12 r25 avoid double counting U tot = N 1 2 N ∑ ∑φ (r ) ij i =1,i ≠ j j =1 N rij = distance between particles i and j Energy of atom i U i = ∑ φ ( rij ) j =1 67 Total energy of pair potential Assumption: Total energy of system is expressed as sum of the energy due to pairs of atoms U total = r12 r23 N 1 2 N ∑ ∑φ (r ) i =1,i ≠ j j =1 ij φij = φ ( rij ) with U total =0 1 = (φ12 + φ13 + φ21 + φ23 + φ31 + φ32 ) 2 =0 beyond cutoff 68 Force calculation – pair potential Forces can be calculated by taking derivatives from the potential function Force magnitude: Negative derivative of potential energy with respect to atomic distance F =− d φ ( rij ) d rij To obtain force vector Fi, take projections into the three axial directions Component G i of vector rij xi fi = F rij G rij = rij j rij i f f1 x2 f2 x1 x2 x1 69 Force calculation – pair potential Forces on atom 3: only interaction with atom 2 (cutoff) 1. Determine distance between atoms 3 and 2, r23 2. Obtain magnitude of force vector based on derivative of potential 3. To obtain force vector Fi, take projections into the three axial directions Component G i of vector rij d φ ( r23 ) F =− d r23 xi fi = F r23 G r23 = r23 70 Interatomic pair potentials: examples φ ( rij ) = D exp(− 2α ( rij − r0 ) ) − 2 D exp(− α ( rij − r0 ) ) ⎡⎛ σ ⎞12 ⎛ σ ⎞6 ⎤ φ ( rij ) = 4ε ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ rij ⎠ ⎥ ⎢⎝ rij ⎠ ⎝ ⎦ ⎣ ⎛σ ⎞ ⎛ rij ⎞ φ ( rij ) = A exp⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ − C ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎝ σ⎠ ⎝ rij ⎠ Morse potential Lennard-Jones 12:6 potential (excellent model for noble gases, Ar, Ne, Xe..) 6 Buckingham potential Harmonic approximation 71 Lennard-Jones potential – example for copper 0.2 φ (eV) 0.1 0 σ6 2=r ε -0.1 -0.2 0 2 r0 3 4 5 o r (A) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. LJ potential – parameters for copper (e.g.: Cleri et al., 1997) 72 Derivative of LJ potential ~ force 0.1 dφ(r) = -φ' F=_ dr ο -dφ/dr (eV/A) 0.2 0 Fmax,LJ -0.1 -0.2 φ(r) 2 r0 3 4 5 o r (A) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. EQ r0 73 Cutoff radius N U i = ∑ φ ( rij ) j =1 6 … i j=1 Ui = 5 4 ∑φ (r ) j =1.. N neigh φ ~σ 2 ij LJ 12:6 potential 3 rcut ε0 rcut Cutoff radius = considering interactions only to a certain distance Basis: Force contribution negligible (slope) r 74 Derivative of LJ potential ~ force rcut 0.1 ο -dφ/dr (eV/A) 0.2 dφ(r) F = _ _____ dr 0 force not zero Potential shift -0.1 -0.2 2 r0 3 4 5 o r (A) Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Beyond cutoff: Changes in energy (and thus forces) small 75 Crystal structure and potential The regular packing (ordering) of atoms into crystals is closely related to the potential details Many local minima for crystal structures exist, but materials tend to go to the structure that minimizes the energy; often this can be understood in terms of the energy per atomic bond and the equilibrium distance (at which a bond features the most potential energy) 2D example LJ 12:6 potential N=4 bonds φ N=6 bonds per atom ~σ ε r Square lattice 76 Hexagonal lattice Example Initial: cubic lattice Images courtesy of the Center for Polymer Studies at Boston University. Used with permission. Transforms into triangular lattice time http://polymer.bu.edu/java/java/LJ/index.html 77 All bonds are not the same – metals stronger + different bond EQ distance Surface Bulk Pair potentials: All bonds are equal! Reality: Have environment effects; it matter that there is a free surface! 78 Embedded-atom method (EAM): multi-body potential new 1 φi = ∑ φ ( rij ) + F ( ρ i ) j =1.. N neigh 2 Pair potential energy ρi ρi = Embedding energy as a function of electron density Electron density at atom i based on a pair potential: ∑ π (r ) j =1.. N neigh ij Models other than EAM (alternatives): Glue model (Ercolessi, Tosatti, Parrinello) Finnis Sinclair 79 Equivalent crystal models (Smith and Banerjee) Effective pair interactions: EAM potential Can describe differences between bulk and surface 1 Effective pair potential (eV ) EAM=Embedded atom method Bulk 0.5 Surface 0 -0.5 2 3 4 r (A) o Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Pair potential energy Embedding energy as a function of electron density 1 U = ∑∑ φ ( rij ) + ∑ F ( ρ i ) 2 i ,i ≠ j j i Embedding term: depends on environment, “multi-body” 80 Effective pair interactions: EAM r Effective pair potential (eV ) 1 ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ Bulk 0.5 Surface Change in NN distance r 0 -0.5 2 3 4 r (A) o Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Can describe differences between bulk and surface Daw, Foiles, Baskes, Mat. Science Reports, 1993 ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ 81 Model for chemical interactions Similarly: Potentials for chemically complex materials – assume that total energy is the sum of the energy of different types of chemical bonds U total = U Elec + U Covalent + U Metallic + U vdW + U H − bond 82 Concept: energy landscape for chemically complex materials U total = U Elec + U Covalent + U Metallic + U vdW + U H − bond Different energy contributions from different kinds of chemical bonds are summed up individually, independently Implies that bond properties of covalent bonds are not affected by other bonds, e.g. vdW interactions, H-bonds Force fields for organic substances are constructed based on this concept: water, polymers, biopolymers, proteins … 83 Summary: CHARMM-type potential =0 for proteins U total = U Elec + U Covalent + U Metallic + U vdW + U H − bond U Elec : Coulomb potential φ ( rij ) = qi q j ε1rij 1 φstretch = kstretch ( r − r0 ) 2 2 1 φbend = k bend (θ − θ 0 ) 2 U Covalent = U stretch + U bend + U rot 2 1 φrot = k rot (1 − cos(ϑ )) 2 ⎡⎛ σ ⎞12 ⎛ σ ⎞6 ⎤ U vdW : LJ potential φ ( rij ) = 4ε ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥ rij ⎠ ⎥ ⎢⎝ rij ⎠ ⎝ ⎣ ⎦ 12 10 ⎡ ⎛R ⎤ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ R U H − bond : φ ( rij ) = DH −bond ⎢5⎜⎜ H −bond ⎟⎟ − 6⎜⎜ H −bond ⎟⎟ ⎥ cos4 (θ DHA ) rij ⎠ ⎥ ⎢ ⎝ rij ⎠ ⎝ ⎣ ⎦ 84 Summary of energy expressions: CHARMM, DREIDING, etc. δ− Bond stretching δ+ δ+ Angle Bending Bond Rotation Electrostatic interactions δ− vdW Interactions vdW ONLY between atoms of different molecules Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. …. 85 Identify a strategy to model the change of an interatomic bond under a chemical reaction (based on harmonic potential) – from single to double bond φ Energy φ φstretch 1 = kstretch ( r − r0 ) 2 2 Effective interatomic potential r0 Harmonic oscillator ~ k(r - r0)2 r Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. r Energy φstretch focus on C-C bond Transition point sp3 sp2 BO=1 C-C distance BO=2 r sp2 sp3 Solution sketch/concept φstretch kstretch = kstretch (BO) 1 = kstretch ( r − r0 ) 2 2 r0 = r0 (BO) Make potential parameters kstretch and r0 a function of the chemical state of the molecule (“modulate parameters”) E.g. use bond order as parameter, which allows to smoothly interpolate between one type of bonding and another one dependent on geometry of See lecture notes (lecture 7): Bond order molecule potential for silicon Potential energy (eV) 5 0 -5 -10 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 o Distance (A) Fig. 2.21c in Buehler, Markus J. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure. Springer, 2008. © Springer. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. Triple S.C. Double F.C.C. Single Effective pair-interactions for various C-C (Carbon) bonds Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Summary: CHARMM force field Widely used and accepted model for protein structures Programs such as NAMD have implemented the CHARMM force field E.g., problem set 3, nanoHUB stretchmol/NAMD module, study of a protein domain part of human vimentin intermediate filaments 88 Overview: force fields discussed in IM/S Pair potentials (LJ, Morse, harmonic potentials, biharmonic potentials), used for single crystal elasticity (pset #1) and fracture model (pset #2) Pair potential EAM (=Embedded Atom Method), used for nanowire (pset #1), suitable for metals Multi-body potential ReaxFF (reactive force field), used for CMDF/fracture model of silicon (pset #2) – very good to model breaking of bonds (chemistry) Multi-body potential (bond order potential) Tersoff (nonreactive force field), used for CMDF/fracture model of silicon (note: Tersoff only suitable for elasticity of silicon, pset #2) Multi-body potential (bond order potential) CHARMM force field (organic force field), used for protein simulations (pset #3) Multi-body potential (angles, for instance) 89 How to choose a potential ReaxFF EAM, LJ CHARMM-type (organic) ReaxFF CHARMM 90 SMD mimics AFM single molecule experiments G v Atomic force microscope k pset #3 G v x k x f x 91 Steered molecular dynamics (SMD) pset #3 Steered molecular dynamics used to apply forces to protein structures Virtual atom moves w/ velocity f = k (v ⋅ t − x ) G v G v G G v ⋅t − x SMD spring constant f k G x end point of molecule G G G f = k (v ⋅ t − x ) SMD deformation speed vector time Distance between end point of molecule and virtual atom 92 Comparison – CHARMM vs. ReaxFF Covalent bonds never break in CHARMM 93 M. Buehler, JoMMS, 2007 1.1 Atomistic and molecular simulation algorithms 1.2 Property calculation 1.3 Potential/force field models 1.4 Applications Goals: Select applications of MD to address questions in materials science (ductile versus brittle materials behavior); observe what can be done with MD 94 Application – mechanics of materials tensile test of a wire Brittle Stress Ductile Necking Strain Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Brittle Ductile Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. 95 Brittle versus ductile materials behavior 96 Ductile versus brittle materials BRITTLE Glass Polymers Ice... DUCTILE Copper, Gold Shear load Difficult to deform, breaks easily Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Easy to deform hard to break 97 Deformation of materials: Nothing is perfect, and flaws or cracks matter “Micro (nano), local” “Macro, global” σ (r ) r Failure of materials initiates at cracks Griffith, Irwine and others: Failure initiates at defects, such as cracks, or grain boundaries with reduced traction, nano-voids, other imperfections 98 Crack extension: brittle response σ (r ) r Large stresses lead to rupture of chemical bonds between atoms Thus, crack extends 99 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Basic fracture process: dissipation of elastic energy δa Undeformed Stretching=store elastic energy Release elastic energy dissipated into breaking chemical bonds 100 Limiting speeds of cracks: linear elastic continuum theory Mother-daughter mechanism SuperSub-Rayleigh Rayleigh Intersonic Supersonic Mode II Mode I Cr Cs Subsonic Cl Limiting speed v Supersonic Mode III Cs Linear Cl Limiting speed v Nonlinear Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. • Cracks can not exceed the limiting speed given by the corresponding wave speeds unless material behavior is nonlinear • Cracks that exceed limiting speed would produce energy (physically impossible - linear elastic continuum theory) 101 Summary: mixed Hamiltonian approach Wi 100% 0% W1 W2 R-Rbuf ReaxFF R+Rtrans R+Rtrans +Rbuf R Transition layer x Tersoff Transition region Tersoff ghost atoms ReaxFF ghost atoms Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. FReaxFF −Tersoff = (wReaxFF ( x ) FReaxFF + (1 − wReaxFF ) FTersoff ) wReaxFF ( x ) + wTersoff ( x ) = 1 ∀x 102 Atomistic fracture mechanism Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. 103 Lattice shearing: ductile response Instead of crack extension, induce shearing of atomic lattice Due to large shear stresses at crack tip Lecture 9 Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. τ τ τ τ Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. 104 Concept of dislocations additional half plane τ τ τ τ b Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Localization of shear rather than homogeneous shear that requires cooperative motion “size of single dislocation” = b, Burgers vector 105 Final sessile structure – “brittle” Fig. 1 c from Buehler, M., et al. "The Dynamical Complexity of Work-Hardening: A Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation." Acta Mech Sinica 21 (2005): 103-11. © Springer-Verlag. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. 106 Brittle versus ductile materials behavior Copper, nickel (ductile) and glass, silicon (brittle) For a material to be ductile, require dislocations, that is, shearing of lattices Not possible here (disordered) © source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. 107 Crack speed analysis crack has stopped slope=equal to crack speed 108 MD simulation: chemistry as bridge between disciplines MD 109 Application – protein folding Combination of 3 DNA letters equals a amino acid ACGT Four letter code “DNA” E.g.: Proline – .. - Proline - Serine – Proline - Alanine - .. CCT, CCC, CCA, CCG Transcription/ translation Sequence of amino acids “polypeptide” (1D structure) Folding (3D structure) Goal of protein folding simulations: Predict folded 3D structure based on polypeptide sequence 110 Movie: protein folding with CHARMM de novo Folding of a Transmembrane fd Coat Protein http://www.charmm-gui.org/?doc=gallery&id=23 Polypeptide chain Quality of predicted structures quite good Confirmed by comparison of the MSD deviations of a room temperature ensemble of conformations from the replica-exchange simulations and experimental structures from both solid-state NMR in lipid bilayers and 111 solution-phase NMR on the protein in micelles) 2. Important terminology and concepts 112 Important terminology and concepts Force field Potential / interatomic potential Reactive force field / nonreactive force field Chemical bonding (covalent, metallic, ionic, H-bonds, vdW..) Time step Continuum vs. atomistic viewpoints Monte Carlo vs. Molecular Dynamics Property calculation (temperature, pressure, diffusivity [transport properties]-MSD, structural analysis-RDF) Choice of potential for different materials (pair potentials, chemical complexity) MD algorithm: how to calculate forces, energies MC algorithm (Metropolis-Hastings) Applications: brittle vs. ductile, crack speeds, data analysis 113 3. Continuum vs. atomistic approaches 114 Relevant scales in materials λ (atom) << ξ (crystal) << d (grain) << << dx, dy, dz y Ay σyy ny H ,W , D σyx σyz σxz σxy nx σxx x Image from Wikimedia Commons, http://commons .wikimedia.org. Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., http://www.sciencedirect.com. Used with permission. Bottom-up Fig. 8.7 in: Buehler, M. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure. Springer, 2008. © Springer. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. z Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Ax Top-down Atomistic viewpoint: •Explicitly consider discrete atomistic structure •Solve for atomic trajectories and infer from these about material properties & behavior •Features internal length scales (atomic distance) 116 “Many-particle system with statistical properties” Relevant scales in materials Separation of scales λ (atom) << ξ (crystal) RVE << d (grain) y σyx σyz σxz H ,W , D Ay σyy ny Image from Wikimedia Commons, http://commons .wikimedia.org. << << dx, dy, dz σxy nx σxx x Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., http://www.sciencedirect.com. Used with permission. Fig. 8.7 in: Buehler, M. Atomistic Modeling of Materials Failure. Springer, 2008. © Springer. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see http://ocw.mit.edu/fairuse. z Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Ax Top-down Continuum viewpoint: •Treat material as matter with no internal structure •Develop mathematical model (governing equation) based on representative volume element (RVE, contains “enough” material such that internal structure can be neglected •Features no characteristic length scales, provided RVE is large enough 117 “PDE with parameters” Example – diffusion 118 Example solution – 2nd Fick’s law ∂c d 2c =D 2 dx ∂t c0 Concentration c0 x time t c( x, t ) BC: c (x = 0) = c0 IC: c (x > 0, t = 0) = 0 x Need diffusion coefficient to solve for distribution! 119 2. Finite difference method How to solve a PDE ∂c d 2c =D 2 ∂t dx Note: Flux + BCs, ICs dc J = −D dx 120 Finite difference method d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t Idea: Instead of solving for continuous field solve for i= space j= time c(ti , x j ) c(ti , x j ) = ci , j c(t , x ) discrete grid (space and time) i i = 1..Nx t j δt δx 121 Finite difference method d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t Idea: Instead of solving for continuous field solve for c(t , x ) c(ti , x j ) Approach: Express continuous derivatives as discrete differentials ∂c Δc ≈ ∂t Δt 122 Finite difference method d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t Idea: Instead of solving for continuous field solve for c(t , x ) c(ti , x j ) Approach: Express continuous derivatives as discrete differentials ∂c Δc ≈ ∂t Δt ∂c Δc ≈ ∂x Δx ⎛ Δc ⎞ Δ⎜ ⎟ 2 ∂c Δt ⎠ ⎝ ≈ 2 Δx ∂x 123 Forward, backward and central difference ∂c ∂x c Forward difference xi ,t j forward Δc ci +1, j ci , j ci −1, j backward Backward difference x xi −1 xi c Central difference δx xi +1 ci +1, j ci , j ci −1, j central x xi −1 xi xi +1 124 How to calculate derivatives with discrete c differentials ∂c Δc ≈ ∂t Δt d 2c ∂c =D 2 dx ∂t ci , j +1 ci , j ci , j +1 − ci , j ci , j +1 − ci , j ∂c ≈ = t j +1 − t j δt ∂t xi ,t j δt δt Δc (1) discrete time step tj t j +1 ∂c ∂t xi ,t j 125 t How to calculate derivatives with discrete differentials ∂c Δc ≈ ∂x Δx ∂c ∂x ≈ x i+ 1 2 ∂c ∂x x i− 1 2 ,t j ∂c d 2c ⎛ Δc ⎞ ∂t = D dx 2 Δ⎜ ⎟ 2 ∂c Δt ⎠ ⎝ ≈ 2 Δx ∂x ci +1, j − ci , j xi +1 − xi = ci +1, j − ci , j δx ∂c c ∂x x i+ 1 2 ∂c ∂x ,t j x i+ 1 2 ,t j ci +1, j ci , j ci −1, j central x xi −1 xi xi +1 xi + 1 ,t j ci , j − ci −1, j ci , j − ci −1, j ≈ = xi − xi −1 δx 2 xi − 1 2 126 How to calculate derivatives with discrete differentials ∂c 2 ∂c d 2c ⎛ ∂c ⎞ ∂t = D dx 2 Δ⎜ ⎟ 2 ∂c ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ≈ Δx ∂x 2 ∂c Δc ≈ ∂x Δx ∂x ∂c ∂x 2 xi ,t j xi ,t j c 'i + 1 , j 2 ∂c ∂x ≈ x i+ 1 2 ∂c ∂x x i− 1 2 ∂c ∂x 2 ,t j ,t j 2 xi +1 − xi = ci +1, j − ci , j 2 ∂c ∂x x i+ 1 2 ,t j ∂c − ∂x xi − 12 ,t j xi + 1 − xi − 1 2 2 central x δx xi − 1 2 ci , j − ci −1, j ci , j − ci −1, j ≈ = xi − xi −1 δx ≈ xi ,t j ci +1, j − ci , j c 'i − 1 , j = xi xi + 1 2 Apply central difference method again… ci +1, j − ci , j − (ci , j − ci −1, j ) δx 2 (2) = ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j δx 2 127 Complete finite difference scheme ∂c d 2c =D 2 ∂t dx ∂ 2c ∂x 2 ≈ xi ,t j ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j δx 2 ci , j +1 − ci , j ∂c ≈ δt ∂t xi ,t j ci , j +1 − ci , j δt ⎛ ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j ⎞ = D ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 2 δx ⎝ ⎠ 128 Complete finite difference scheme ∂c d 2c =D 2 ∂t dx ∂ 2c ∂x 2 ≈ xi ,t j ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j δx 2 ci , j +1 − ci , j ∂c ≈ δt ∂t xi ,t j Want ci , j +1 − ci , j δt ⎛ ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j ⎞ = D ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 2 δx ⎝ ⎠ δt ci , j +1 = ci , j + 2 D (ci +1, j − 2ci , j − ci −1, j ) δx 129 Complete finite difference scheme ∂c d 2c =D 2 ∂t dx Concentration at i at old time i= j= space time “explicit” numerical scheme δt ci , j +1 = ci , j + 2 D (ci +1, j − 2 ci , j − ci −1, j ) (new concentration directly from δx concentration at earlier time) Concentration at i at old time Concentration at i at new time Concentration at i-1 at old time Concentration at i+1 at old time 130 Summary Developed finite difference approach to solve for diffusion equation Use parameter (D), e.g. calculated from molecular dynamics, and solve “complex” problem at continuum scale Do not consider “atoms” or “particles” 131 Summary Multi-scale approach: Feed parameters from atomistic simulations to continuum models Time scale Continuum model MD “Empirical” or experimental parameter feeding Quantum mechanics Length scale 132 MIT OpenCourseWare http://ocw.mit.edu 3.021J / 1.021J / 10.333J / 18.361J / 22.00J Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2012 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.