MMJ Volume 21 • Supplement • November 2009 Malta Medical Journal Malta Medical Journal 7th Malta Medical School Conference Volume 21 • Supplement • November 2009 5-7 November 2009 University of Malta Medical School Mater Dei Hospital, Msida, Malta Email: mmj - www.mmj - Organising Committee Co-ordinated, compiled and edited by: Prof C. Mallia Prof A. Xuereb Prof L. Azzopardi Dr B. Ellul Dr T. Piscopo Malta Medical Journal ISSN 1813 - 3339 © MMJ 2009 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission, in writing, of the MMJ Editorial Board. All articles published in the Malta Medical Journal, including editorials, represent the opinion of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of the University of Malta or the institution with which the author is affiliated, unless this is clearly specified. The appearance of advertising in the Journal is not a guarantee or endorsement of the product or the claims for the product by the manufacturer. The Editorial Board disclaims any responsibility or liability for non - compliance of advertising artwork to Regulatory Units. Chairman Prof C. Mallia Vice-Chairperson Prof A. Xuereb Treasurer Dr R. Galea IT Coordinators Dr T. Piscopo, Dr R. Pullicino Members Prof L. Azzopardi, Mr K. Cassar, Dr B. Ellul, Prof A. Felice, Dr P. Ferry, Dr M. Sammut, Dr A. Grech, Dr J. Mamo Secretary Ms E. Buttigieg Scientific Committee Chairman Prof C. Mallia Co-Chairperson Dr B. Ellul Members Prof L. Azzopardi, Prof M. Brincat, Prof J. Cacciottolo, Prof G. Laferla, Prof C. Savona Ventura, Prof J. Vassallo, Dr J. Mifsud, Dr M. Cassar, Dr B. Coleiro Secretary Ms E. Buttigieg Audiovisual Support C. Borg Galea Conference Coordinator Intertravel - destination management Published by: Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta Webdesign and hosting Websigns2000 Design and Production: Contents Front Cover Logo of the 7th Malta Medical School Conference The conference logo features the seal of the Malta Medical School, commemorating the founding of the Medical School (as the School of Anatomy) in 1676. The obverse, as depicted, shows the cotton plant (in reference to the founder of the School, Grand Master Nicholas Cottoner, along with the two serpents, traditionally a symbol of medicine. The inscription reads ‘SCHOLA ANATOMIAE AC CHIRURGIAE CONDITA MDCLXXVI, meaning ‘School of Anatomy and Surgery - Founded 1676’. Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Lists of Participants & Sponsors 2 Foreword by Conference Chairman 3 Welcome by the Dean 5 Guest Speakers 6 Scientific Programme 7 Parallel Sessions 8 Detailed Scientific Programme 9 Oral Presentations: Abstracts 20 Poster Presentations: Abstracts 69 1 The Organizing Committee sincerely thanks the following sponsors for their support: Major Sponsors Gioelleria Zampa United Automobile Vodafone Foundation The Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Sponsors for Guest Speakers Mater Dei Hospital (Dr Sandy Gupta) Department of Geriatric Medicine (Prof Marion McMurdo) Department of Health Care Services (Prof Dame Carol Black) Department of Health Resources and Sustainability (Prof Walter Ricciardi) Medical Association of Malta (Prof Andrea Pietrabissa) European Social Fund/Medical Association of Malta: Prof David Sowden Prof Marion Helme Dr Robert Stevenson Dr Hans Hjelmqvist Named Lectures Arrigo Lecture (2009) Prof Michael Camilleri British Medical Association Dr Johann de Bono (Malta Branch) Exhibitors Abbott Pharma - Cos Actavis Pfizer Janssen Cilag Servier MSD Sanofi Aventis Novartis Wyeth Official Conference Airline AirMalta Prizes Conference Prize for Best Oral Presentation Conference Organizing Committee Best oral presentation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Malta College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Best poster in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Malta College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference Prize for Best Poster Presentation Conference Organizing Committee Best contribution in Surgery Association of Surgeons of Malta Best Contribution in Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy, University of Malta 2 Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Foreword On behalf of the Organizing Committee I wish to extend a very warm welcome to all those participating in the 7th Malta Medical School Conference. This year marks the 20th year since the First Malta Medical School Conference was held, under the direction of Professor Frederick Fenech and Dr. Joseph L. Pace, who were then the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and Chairman of the Postgraduate Medical Committee respectively. The success of the conference surpassed all expectations with such gratifying comments as ‘…the scientific programme reached a very high degree of excellence…’ by the late Dr. John Richmond, then President of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, who was present for the meeting. The Conference has been held regularly every three years and has maintained its success and popularity thanks to the hard work of several people. My Committee felt that it was appropriate to acknowledge the contribution to the Conference of the previous Deans of the Faculty as well as the previous Chairmen of the Medical School Conference by presenting them with a memento at the opening ceremony. Quite appropriately this ceremony is being held in the historical Aula Magna at the Old University Campus in Valletta The Conference follows the same lines as the previous ones - it is multidisciplinary including as wide a spectrum of the medical specialities as possible. For the first time we are devoting a session each to Family Medicine and the Allied Health Professions. Because of the popularity of the plenary talks, the committee decided to increase the number to thirteen. Of these, five are by Maltese doctors working abroad - some are well established and others who are making a good name for themselves at an early stage in their career. Two named lectures will be delivered during the conference: the BMA (Malta Branch) Lecture will be delivered by Dr Johann De Bono, while the Ralph Arrigo Lecture will be delivered by Prof Michael Camilleri. The Ralph Arrigo Lecture has become a regular feature of this conference, since it started at the Third Maltese Medical School Conference in 1995. This is the second time that it is being delivered by a Maltese graduate, the first one having been Sir Alfred Cuschieri in 1999. I would also like to thank our distinguished foreign guests for finding time in their very busy schedules and accepting to participate in the conference. To those who have already been to Malta I say ‘Welcome back’; to those who are visiting for the first time I hope that this will be the first of several visits to Malta. I hope that during the conference you will also be able to discover some of the attractions of our country. The effects of the current global recession have had a major negative impact on conference sponsorship which has been significantly less than in previous editions. It is sad to note that several traditional sponsors have backed out and the number of pharmaceutical firms taking exhibiting stands has dropped by about a half. We are extremely grateful to all those firms who, despite current difficulties, still decided to support us. I would like to thank them all. I wish to mention, in particular our major sponsors - United Automobile, Vodafone Foundation and Sergio Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Zampa Jewellers, as well as Air Malta, once again the official conference airline, and all the firms and departments who sponsored the plenary speakers. I wish to make special mention of Mr Remo Mifsud, medical representative for Servier, whose recent unexpected death shocked us all. An exceptionally kind and pleasant man he was always there to help and encourage - he was one of the first to offer his support for this conference. The success or otherwise of any conference depends on its scientific content and we hope that the oral presentations and posters will complement the plenary lectures. We have had an exceptional response to our call for abstracts for the conference, having received just over 450 abstracts, the highest number so far to be submitted to any Malta Medical School Conference. Such a massive response is very gratifying and attests to the growing popularity of the Conference. At the same time it has made the task of adjudicating the abstracts extremely difficult. Requests for oral presentations were three times as many as could be accommodated. We have done our best to produce a programme to attract all participants. Posters have been allotted a more prominent place in the conference, and senior clinicians and academicians will be available to discuss the posters during the two hour long poster sessions. During this conference we are holding a symposium on Medical Education. Aspects relating the quality of postgraduate education, accreditation standards and inter - professional training will be discussed by four eminent speakers. I am sure there will be a lot to learn from this symposium. We have an important duty to ensure the continued success that our Medical School has achieved over the past three centuries since its foundation by Grand Master Cottoner. We can only achieve this by being able to address the difficult and ever - changing challenges posed by the complex needs of modern medical education and training. I wish to thank the Medical Association of Malta for providing funds from the European social fund to sponsor the speakers taking part in this symposium. I wish to thank all my colleagues who formed part of the Organizing Committee for all their work and support, as well as Ms Estelle Buttigieg, Conference Secretary, other supporting staff at the Medical School, as well as many other individuals for their commitment and their patience including Charles Borg Galea, Hilary Caruana, Michela Serra and Afton Bugeja. A special word of thanks goes to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery for his constant support and encouragement. To all participants and registrants I wish you a pleasant and educational time at the Conference. Professor Carmel Mallia MD, FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Ed), KM Chairman, Organizing and Scientific Committees 3 Welcome from the Dean It is a matter of privilege for me to welcome all participants to the Seventh Malta Medical School Conference. The University of Malta Medical School moved from St Luke’s Hospital to Mater Dei Hospital in November 2007. Whilst St Luke’s holds nostalgic memories for most of us, the adventure of working and learning in the Mater Dei environment is a challenge not to be missed. As can be seen from the varied programme, the move has not in any way affected the academic nature of the papers submitted locally. A special warm welcome to our international guests. Their expertise in a large variety of fields benefits the local Medical community, who, given the geographic restrictions that our tiny island imposes, take every opportunity to exchange the skills and ideas through the wide spectrum of medical and surgical specialties that this Conference has brought together. Such an event would not be possible without the professional and unstinting input by all the members of the Organising Committee who have worked long and hard to ensure a successful outcome. Thanks must also go to the sponsors without whose support such a Conference would not have been possible, as well as to all the Medical community without whose loyalty such events would not be possible. On behalf of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, I thank them all. I wish the Seventh Malta Medical School Conference every success. Prof Godfrey LaFerla PhD, MD, MRCS, LRCP, FRCS (Ed.), FRCSRCPS (Glas.), FRCS (Eng.) Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Surgery Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 5 Guest Speakers Dr Connie Bezzina Associate Professor, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Professor Dame Carol Black Director for Health and Work, United Kingdom; Past President, Royal College of Physicians of London (Sponsored by the Department of Health Care Services) Professor Nick Phin Head, Influenza Unit, Health Protection Agency, London. Professor Michael Camilleri Professor of Medicine and Physiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United States of America (Arrigo Lecturer 2009) Professor Andrea Pietrabissa Associate Professor, Department of Oncology, Transplants and New Technologies in Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy. (Sponsored by the Association of Surgeons of Malta) Dr Joseph Coleiro Consultant Ophthalmologist, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom. Professor Walter Ricciardi Professor, Institute of Hygiene, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy (Sponsored by the Department of Health Resources and Sustainability) Dr Johann de Bono Consultant Medical Oncologist, Royal Marsden Hospital and Institute of Cancer Research, London, United Kingdom (BMA Malta Branch Lecturer 2009) Dr Sandy Gupta Consultant Cardiologist, Whipps Cross and St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom (Sponsored by Mater Dei Hospital) Dr Marion Helme Project Manager, Higher Education Academy Health Sciences and Practice Subject Centre, King’s College, London (Sponsored by the Medical Association of Malta/European Social Fund) Professor Hans Hjelmqvist Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden; Chairman UEMS Working Group on Postgraduate Training; Chairman Swedish Visiting Programme (Sponsored by the Medical Association of Malta/European Social Fund) 6 Professor Marion McMurdo Professor, Division of Medicine and Therapeutics, Section of Ageing and Health, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom (Sponsored by the Department of Geriatric Medicine) Professor Jane Somerville Emeritus Professor of Cardiology, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Professor David Sowden Dean and Director, East Midlands Healthcare, Work Force Deanery, Nottingham, United Kingdom (Sponsored by the Medical Association of Malta/European Social Fund) Dr Robert Stevenson President, European Specialty Accreditation Board - Pulmonary Disease (Sponsored by the Medical Association of Malta/European Social Fund) Professor Peter Valk Department of Haematology and Molecular Diagnostics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Mr Ludvic Zrinzo Consultant Neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, United Kingdom Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Friday 6th November Scientific Programme Plenary Lectures Plenary lecture 1 Other Plenary Lectures Aula Magna, Old University Campus Building, Valletta Grand Masters Suite, Malta Hilton Conference Centre Wednesday 4th November 20:00 - 20:45 Plenary 1 Chair: Dr Charles Mallia Azzopardi Prof Nick Phin Pandemic Influenza - the Story so far Thursday 5th November 08:30 - 09:15 Plenary 2 Chair: Dr Anthony Fiorini Prof Marion McMurdo Maintaining Physical Function in Later Life: Exercise and new Roles for Old Drugs 11:00 - 11:45 Plenary 3 Chair: Dr Bridget Ellul Prof Peter Valk Genome - wide approaches to identify new Subtypes of Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 12:45 - 13:30 Plenary 4 Chair: Prof Alex Felice Dr Connie Bezzina Genetics of Cardiac Arrhythmias 14:45 - 15:30 Plenary 5 Chair: Dr Josanne Aquilina Mr Ludvic Zrinzo Surgical Neuromodulation: Helping Patients, Advancing Knowledge 18:15 - 19:00 Plenary 6 Chair: Dr Robert Xuereb Dr Sandy Gupta Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention anything new in 2010? Operational Programme II - Cohesian Policy 2007 - 2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Project part - financed by the European Union European Social Fund (ESF) Co-financing rate 72.25% EU; 12.75% MT; 15% NGO Investing in your future Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 08:30 - 19:15 Plenary 7 Chair: Mr Gordon Caruana Dingli Prof Andrea Pietrabissa Virtual Reality in General Surgery 11:00 - 11:45 Plenary 8 Chair: Dr Bernard Coleiro Dame Prof Carol Black Work - a Powerful Predictor of Health and Wellbeing 12:45 - 13:30 Plenary 9 - BMA (Malta Branch) Lecture Chair: Dr Stephen Brincat Dr Johann De Bono Changing Cancer Medicine 14:45 - 15:30 Plenary 10 Chair: Prof Victor Grech Prof Jane Somerville Grown - up Congenital Heart Problems a New Medical Responsibility 18:15 - 19:00 Plenary 11 Chair: Prof Godfrey LaFerla Ralph Arrigo Lecture Prof Michael Camilleri Mechanisms and New Treatments of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Saturday 7th November 8:30 8:30 - 9:00 Symposium: Medical Education Chair: Mr Kevin Cassar, Dr Martin Balzan 9:00 - 9:30 Prof Marion Helme Improving collaboration in healthcare: international developments of interprofessional education and current challenges for implementation 9:30 - 9:55 Mr Robin Stevenson Accreditation standards in CME/CMP 9:55 - 10:20 Dr Hans Hjelmqvist Visitation of postgraduate programmes as a means of quality assurance 11:00 - 11:45 Plenary 12 Chair: Mr Thomas Fenech Dr Joseph Coleiro A Spectrum of Corneal Disease 12:45 - 13:30 Plenary 13 Chair: Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat Prof Walter Ricciardi Management and Leadership in Medicine: a Challenge for Quality and Sustainability of Health Services Prof David Sowden The artistry of practice - how can medical education ensure that medical practice remains expert? 7 Parallel Sessions Date Thursday 5th November Time 0915 - 1030 Session Topic Venue A Cardiovascular Grand Masters Suite B Public Health 1 Wignacourt Room C Pharmacy 1 Vilhena Room D Medicine 1 Grand Masters Suite 1530 - 1645 E Paediatrics 1 Wignacourt Room F Obstetrics/Gynaecology1 Vilhena Room G Medicine 2 Grand Masters Suite H Biomedical Sciences Wignacourt Room I Allied Health Professions Vilhena Room Friday 6th November 1715 - 1815 J Gastroenterology Grand Masters Suite 0915 - 1030 K Pharmacy 2 Wignacourt room L Public Health 2 Vilhena Room M Surgery 1 Grand Masters Suite 1530 - 1645 N Medicine 3 Wignacourt Room O Paediatrics 2 Vilhena Room P Surgery 2 Grand Masters Suite Q Oncology Wignacourt Room R Obstetrics/Gynaecology2 Vilhena Room Saturday 7th November 1715 - 1815 S Medical Education Grand Masters Suite T Family Medicine Wignacourt Room U Anaesthesia/ITU Vilhena Room 8 1145 - 1245 Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Detailed Scientific Programme Thursday, 5th November Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Prof Albert Fenech, Mr Alex Manchè Parallel Session B Public Health 1 Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Dr John Cachia, Dr Julian Mamo 0915 - 0925 A1 Plastic surgery of the mitral valve - a single surgeon’s experience Briffa Norman 0915 - 0925 B1 Assessing financial sustainability in the Maltese health services Azzopardi Muscat Natasha 0925 - 0935 A2 Prosthesis - patient match or mismatch effect on transvalvular gradient and diastolic left ventricular function following aortic valve replacement Galea Joseph 0925 - 0935 B2 The cost of obesity Calleja Neville 0935 - 0945 B3 Obesity in children in Malta Sammut Antonella 0935 - 0945 A3 Re - exploration for bleeding after cardiac surgery: its subsequent impact on medium to long - term outcomes West Malcolm 0945 - 0955 B4 Utilization of GP services in private and public sector Gauci Dorothy 0955 - 1005 B5 Mater Dei Hospital survey on patient safety culture Zammit Richard 0945 - 0955 A4 An assessment of quality care in hypertension Tilney Myra 1005 - 1015 B6 Influenza vaccine coverage of Maltese health care workers Zammit Adrian 0955 - 1005 A5 Election stress and mortality from coronary heart disease in the Maltese population Sammut Mark 1015 - 1025 B7 Prevalence of smoking among Maltese pregnant women Agius Andee 1005 - 1015 A6 The management of fast atrial fibrillation in the accident and emergency department of Mater Dei Hospital - are guidelines being followed? Captur Gabriella 1025 - 1030 Discussion 1015 - 1025 A7 Door to balloon time for primary percutaneous coronary intervention: are we fast enough? Micallef Tiziana 1025 - 1030 Discussion Parallel Session A Cardiovascular Diseases Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 9 Parallel Session C Pharmacy 1 Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Dr Claire Shoemake, Prof Anthony Serracino Inglott 0915 - 0925 C1 History of pharmacy in Malta: 1945 - 1950 Abela Gerard 0925 - 0935 C2 0935 - 0945 C3 Trends in areas of practice of pharmacists: a fourteen year analysis Anastasi Alison English - Maltese dictionary of medical and pharmaceutical terms Spiteri Miran 0945 - 0955 C4 Developing a drug information bulletin Brincat Alison 0955 - 1005 C5 Evaluation of pharmacist clinical recommendation in a geriatric hospital Vella Elaine 1005 - 1015 C6 Evaluation of the impact of the rheumatology clinical pharmacist on quality of life and perception of rheumatoid arthritis patients on methotrexate Azzopardi Louise 1015 - 1025 C7 Hospital pharmacist’s intervention in Parkison’s disease Vella Janis 1025 - 1030 Discussion 10 Parallel Session D Medicine 1 Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Prof Josanne Vassallo, Dr Norbert Vella 1530 - 1540 D1 B.I.R.O.: Best Information on Diabetes through Regional Outcomes Azzopardi Joseph 1540 - 1550 D2 Susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy - analysis of phenotypic factors Magri Caroline Jane 1550 - 1600 D3 Presentation, treatment and outcomes in patients with non functioning pituitary adenomas in Malta Gruppetta Mark 1600 - 1610 D4 Health - related quality of life in Maltese patients suffering from acromegaly Farrugia Cecilia 1610 - 1620 D5 A novel AIP Mutation in a Maltese subject with acromegaly - identification and functional analysis in a locally validated pituitary cell culture system Formosa Robert 1620 - 1630 D6 Risk of malignancy in patients with giant cell arteritis: a population based study Warrington Kenneth 1630 - 1640 D7 Adult acne in Females Pace Joseph 1640 - 1645 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Parallel Session E Paediatrics 1 Parallel Session F Obstetrics/Gynaecology 1 Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Prof Victor Grech, Dr John Torpiano Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Prof Charles Savona Ventura, Mr Mark Formosa 1530 - 1540 E1 The effect of smoking on allergic conditions in Maltese children (ISAAC) Montefort Stephen 1530 - 1540 F1 Recurrent miscarriage clinic an analysis of new cases for 2008 Mercieca Deborah 1540 - 1550 E2 Nurse staffing levels on NPICU in Malta Grech Victor 1540 - 1550 F2 Why did your mother reject you - novel concepts on the roles of cytokines in miscarriage Calleja Agius Jean 1550 - 1600 E3 Capsule endoscopy in paediatric patients - safety and diagnostic considerations Attard Thomas 1550 - 1555 Discussion 1600 - 1610 E4 Escorted airline transfers of critical children: Practice review Attard Montalto Simon 1555 - 1605 F3 Obstetric outcomes in women originating from the Sahel belt of the Horn of Africa region Guillaumier Rita Anne 1610 - 1620 E5 Preparedness of hospital emergency services for children in an influenza pandemic Debono Pharrah 1605 - 1615 F4 Lowest threshold values for the 75g oral glucose tolerance test in pregnancy Craus Johan 1615 - 1620 Discussion 1620 - 1630 E6 Trends in paediatric palliative care training in Malta Galea Nathalie 1620 - 1630 F5 Parents’ experience of pregnancy and the first six months postnatal period Borg Xuereb Rita 1630 - 1640 E7 An analysis of paediatric A&E attendances at Mater Dei Hospital, Malta Grixti Cynthia 1630 - 1640 F6 Risk factors for premature births of the Maltese population Guillaumier Rita Anne 1640 - 1645 Discussion 1640 - 1645 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 11 Parallel Session G Medicine 2 Parallel Session H Biomedical Sciences Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Dr Anthony Fiorini, Dr Tonio Piscopo Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Prof Angela Xuereb Anastasi, Prof Alfred Cuschieri 1715 - 1725 G1 An analysis of documented medication errors Fiorini Anthony 1725 - 1735 G2 Delayed discharge from hospital - social case, medically unwell or physically disabled? Abela Stephen 1715 - 1725 H1 The significance of quantitative Hb epidemiology in public health genomics and genetic models of complex disease Alex Felice 1735 - 1745 G3 What makes older people fall during an in - patient rehabilitation programme? Spiteri Danica 1725 - 1735 H2 Igbp 1 protein as a regulator of mTOR pathway and its role in haemopoiesis Borg Neville 1745 - 1755 G4 Audit on the acute management and outcome in adults admitted with community acquired pneumonia Micallef Josef 1735 - 1745 H3 Developmental defects in spontaneously miscarried foetuses Cuschieri Alfred 1755 - 1805 G5 Tuberculosis in Malta an Emerging Problem Farrugia Brian 1745 - 1755 H4 An imaging study of the neuronal subsets in the green fluorescent protein (GFP - M)line of transgenic mice Bajada Claude 1805 - 1815 Discussion 1755 - 1805 H5 Candidate molecular regulators of developmental globin gene switching Borg Joseph 1805 - 1815 Discussion 12 Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Friday, 6th November Parallel Session I Allied Health Professions Parallel Session J Gastroenterology Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Dr Sandra Buttigieg, Dr Donia Baldacchino Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Prof Michael Camilleri, Prof Godfrey LaFerla 1715 - 1725 I1 Personality, stress and spiritual coping of nursing students Baldacchino Donia 1725 - 1735 I2 The relationship between physician - nurse collaboration, job satisfaction and intention to leave employment in the intra operative Setting Mamo Joseph 1735 - 1745 I3 Variables associated to stress in informal carers of older people in receipt of respite care Dimech Joseph 1745 - 1755 I4 Cospicua day centre - a community mental health service Farrugia Maria Daniella 1755 - 1805 I5 The meaning of pre - discharge home visits Vella Stephanie 1805 - 1815 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 0915 - 0925 J1 Audit on management of upper GI Bleeding Azzopardi Neville 0925 - 0935 J2 The prevalence, topography and nature of Helicobacter pylori colonization in a Maltese population Ellul Ernest 0935 - 0945 J3 Non - invasive prediction of oesophageal varices in patients with hepatitis C - related liver cirrhosis: a 2009 audit Gerada Jurgen 0945 - 0955 J4 Pictorial review of occult GI bleeding Gatt Andre 0955 - 1005 J5 Location of adenomatous polyps Camenzuli Christian 1005 - 1015 J6 Minimal access intervention for severe acute pancreatitis - how we do it. Abela Jo Etienne 1015 - 1025 J7 Benign pancreatico - biliary admissions - an audit of presentation, diagnosis and management Sant Kurstein 1025 - 1030 Discussion 13 Parallel Session K Pharmacy 2 Parallel Session L Public Health 2 Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Prof Lillian Azzopardi, Dr Maurice Zarb Adami Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Dr Raymond Busuttil, Dr Frank Laferla 0915 - 0925 K1 Supplementary pharmacy prescribing in Malta Wirth Francesca 0925 - 0935 K2 Anticoagulant monitoring in community pharmacies Buhagiar Kristen 0935 - 0945 K3 Point - of - care anticoagulant monitoring Azzopardi Melanie 0945 - 0955 K4 Point - of - care HbA1c monitoring Azzopardi Stephanie 0955 - 1005 K5 Investigating pancreatic amylase in pancreatic juice Scicluna Giusti Wendy 1005 - 1015 K6 Developing a method for the quantification of gentamicin in human tissue samples Zammit Marie Claire 1015 - 1025 K7 Improving the yield in the production of slow - release pellets Bartolo Nicolette 1025 - 1030 Discussion 14 0915 - 0925 L1 Too much of a good thing: the unreliability of reliability statistics 0925 - 0935 L2 Multilevel modelling and its relevance in public health, epidemiological and health service research Buttigieg Sandra 0935 - 0945 L3 Influenza H1N1 pandemic in Malta - situational analysis of the first three months Melillo Tanya 0945 - 0955 L4 Prevention of MRSA infections following cardiovascular surgery Borg Michael 0955 - 1005 L5 International medical students lifestyle choices Mamo Jonathan 1005 - 1015 L6 Measles in Europe where are we? Muscat Mark 1015 - 1025 L7 National obstetrics information system audit on mode of delivery 2008 Grima Antonella 1025 - 1030 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Parallel Session M Surgery 1 Parallel Session N Medicine 3 Venue: Grandmasters Suite Chairpersons: Mr Karl German, Mr Mark Schembri Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Dr Mario Vassallo, Dr David Cassar 1530 - 1540 M1 Infra - inguinal bypass surgery in a Maltese population Cassar Noel 1530 - 1540 N1 Mental health problems in students at the University of Malta. A longitudinal study. David Cassar 1540 - 1550 M2 Day case lower limb angioplasty is safe Galea Angela 1550 - 1600 M3 Outcomes of lower limb major amputation surgery in Malta Schirò Andrew 1540 - 1550 N2 Measuring outcomes in early intervention for psychosis services Agius Mark 1600 - 1610 M4 Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening in patients with established ischaemic heart disease Abela Rachel 1550 - 1600 N3 Personalized medicine in psychiatry: combining PET imaging and population pharmacokinetics to predict the minimal effective dose of antipsychotic drugs Mamo David 1610 - 1620 M5 Norfloxacin transdermal patches: a novel approach for burn wound healing Kamal Dua 1600 - 1610 N4 Human anatomy in Caravaggio’s paintings Cuschieri Alfred 1620 - 1630 M6 Clinical efficacy and safety of intravesical botulinum - A toxin in patients with refractory non - neurogenic overactive bladder Bugeja Simon 1620 - 1630 N5 Audit of stroke care in Malta Philip Dingli 1630 - 1640 M7 The practice of intra - operative consultation in thyroid surgery: the Maltese scenario. Atttard Jason 1620 - 1630 N6 Patient outcome, graft function and clinical characteristics of 32 renal transplant patients followed up in Malta in a two year period Buhagiar Louis 1640 - 1645 Discussion 1630 - 1640 N7 A time and motion study of patients presenting at the Accident and Emergency Department at Mater Dei Hospital Cauchi Maria 1640 - 1645 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 15 Parallel Session O Pediatrics 2 Parallel Session P Surgery 2 Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Prof Simon Attard Montalto, Dr Paul Vassallo Agius Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Mr F Zammit Maempel, Mr Joe Debono 1530 - 1540 O1 Health needs and services for children with Down’s syndrome in Malta Farrugia John Mary 1715 - 1725 P1 Does bone density play a role in fractures of the human temporal bone? Fenech Anthony J 1540 - 1550 O2 Clinical and genetic characteristics of the Griscelli syndrome Pace David 1725 - 1735 P2 The demographics of water sport related spinal cord injuries in the Maltese Islands Maempel Julian 1550 - 1600 O3 Introduction to cerebral function monitoring in NPICU at Mater Dei Hospital in Malta - a pilot study Attard Stephen 1735 - 1745 P3 Interfascial pressure monitoring and prevention of neck compartment syndrome in head and neck oncology Mejzlik Jan 1600 - 1610 O4 1610 - 1620 O5 Type 1 diabetes mellitus in Maltese children: A snapshot of the current situation Formosa Nancy 1745 - 1755 P4 Endoscopic total extraperitoneal mesh repairs for groin hernias: is it suitable practice for day surgery unit? Chircop Kieran Is 24 hour observation in hospital after stopping antibiotics in neonates justified? Fenech Josella 1755 - 1805 P5 An audit regarding the appropriateness of red cell transfusion in Mater Dei Hospital Borg Aquilina Denise 1620 - 1630 O6 Audit of chest x - rays performed on children presenting with an acute cough at paediatric casualty, Mater Dei Hospital, Malta Buttigieg Mark 1805 - 1815 Discussion 1630 - 1640 O7 Paediatric echocardiography at cardiac laboratory at Mater Dei Hospital. An analysis of the indications and outcomes of urgent echocardiographic studies and a survey of parental understanding of a normal echocardiogram Mercieca Victor 1640 - 1645 Discussion 16 Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Parallel Session Q Oncology Parallel Session R Obstetrics/Gynaecology 2 Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Dr Stephen Brincat, Dr Victor Muscat 1715 - 1725 Q1 PET/CT: Rethinking cancer patient management Aquilina Mark Anthony Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Prof Mark Brincat, Mr Raymond Galea 1715 - 1725 R1 Natural hip protector against postmenopausal hip fracture Muscat Baron Yves Joseph 1725 - 1735 Q2 Preoperative chemoradiation in the management of locally advanced rectal cancer Brincat Stephen 1725 - 1735 R2 The effect of a marine alga Padina pavonica on Maltese menopausal women Galea Raymond 1735 - 1745 Q3 Population uptake and screening tool preference for colorectal cancer screening in the Maltese population Ellul Pierre 1735 - 1745 R3 A haplotype within TNFRSF11b Gene and BMD in Maltese post menopausal women Xuereb Anastasi Angela 1745 - 1755 Discussion 1745 - 1755 Q4 Downstaging of colorectal cancers by UK National bowel cancer screening programme data from first screening centre Ellul Pierre 1755 - 1805 Q5 Erlotinib in advanced small cell lung cancer. A review of patients treated in Malta DeGiovanni Sarah 1755 - 1805 R4 Abnormal smear cytology correlating with HPV DNA testing and incidence of regression and patients’ characteristics Saliba Isabelle 1805 - 1815 Discussion 1805 - 1815 R5 Intermenstrual bleeding patterns in women treated with the levonorgestrel intra - uterine system Muscat Baron Yves Joseph Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 17 Saturday, 7th November Parallel Session S Medical Education Parallel Session T Family Medicine Venue: Grand Masters Suite Chairpersons: Prof David Sowden, Prof Joseph Cacciottolo 1145 - 1155 S1 The final examination in medicine at the University of Malta: candidates’ perspectives Cacciottolo Joseph Venue: Wignacourt Room Chairpersons: Prof Pierre Mallia, Dr Mario Sammut 1145 - 1155 T1 Symptom management by a community palliative care team - a one follow - up evaluation study Abela Jurgen 1155 - 1205 S2 Introduction to anatomy teaching in the clinical phase - analysis of the opinions of medical students and junior doctors Camilleri Brennan John 1205 - 1215 S3 New education policies in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: 2008 - 9 Savona Ventura Charles 1215 - 1225 S4 Assessment of clinical skills among undergraduate medical students Farrugia Jones Cynthia 1225 - 1235 S5 Consistency between examiners in the final anatomy examination 2008 - 2009 Stabile Isabel 1235 - 1245 Discussion 18 1155 - 1205 T2 Translating and testing the reliability of the adult primary care assessment tool into Maltese Azzopardi Fabrizia 1205 - 1215 T3 The prevalence of group A beta haemolytic streptococcal infection in patients presenting with sore throat in the community in Malta Camilleri Noel 1215 - 1225 T4 Primary care in Malta - the patient’s expectations Soler Jean Karl 1225 - 1235 T5 Evidence based medicine in general practice - an exploratory study Agius Dominic 1235 - 1245 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 Parallel Session U Anaesthesia/ITU Venue: Vilhena Room Chairpersons: Dr Carmel Abela, Dr Mario Zerafa 1145 - 1205 U1 Pain management after ambulatory surgery - regional techniques at home Rawal Narinder 1205 - 1215 U2 A Study to compare the incidence of complications between percutaneous tracheostomy and surgical tracheostomy in our local Intensive Care Unite (ICU) Aquilina Andrew 1215 - 1225 U3 1225 - 1235 U4 Morbidity and mortality of ITU admissions in between January 2009 and June 2009 Fenech Cherylin To determine the incidence of peri - operative hypothermia under current theatre practice Camilleri Podesta Anne Marie 1235 - 1245 Discussion Malta Medical Journal Volume 21 Supplement November 2009 19