Volume 15 Issue 02 November 2003 Editorial A year has passed since the Malta Medical Journal returned In this issue we are also fortunate in having received a to circulation, undoubtedly an eventful twelve months both for contribution from Prof Edward de Bono regarding the concept Malta and for the medical profession. As the ramifications of of creative thinking. The application of his novel approach to Malta joining the EU unfold, they will continue to have an thinking about change and development could possibly yield impact on our lives as citizens and on our practices as medical interesting solutions to the problems that plague health care professionals. provision in this day and age. However, issues related to With satisfaction, I note that the number of original articles healthcare provision are not solely products of modern society. submitted for publication is on the increase, the data from these As Dr Giovanni Bonello documents in his excellent and highly articles contributing to the forum for discussion of problems readable historical treatise, even the Grandmasters had to resort relating particularly to the practice of Medicine in Malta. to extraordinary measures to ensure the ongoing provision of Articles dealing with educational and management issues have adequate health care to their subjects at times of war and during also served to enrich the content of the Malta Medical Journal epidemics. and promote further research and development. The th forthcoming 5 Maltese Medical School Conference due to be th In 1943, Winston Churchill in a keynote address at Harvard University said “The empires of the future are the empires of the held between the 4 and 6th of December of this year will mind”. The expression of thoughts and the translation of these undoubtedly attest to ongoing efforts in this respect. thoughts into actions capable of successfully effecting change It is indeed a pleasure and a privilege to include significant ensures success in any enterprise. With this in mind, I sincerely contributions from two prominent family practitioners dealing thank the Chairman and members of the Editorial board for their with various aspects of Family Medicine in Malta. The recent untiring efforts and contributions to the Journal’s development turn of events in the field of Family Medicine led to two articles over the past year. I am also indebted to Mr Hilary Caruana of being submitted to the Journal for publication in response to Outlook Coop for his expert advice in matters relating to our original invitation to the President of the Malta College of publication, and to our sponsors for their generosity. Finally, a Family Doctors for a paper. I thank both Dr Pierre Mallia and word of thanks to those who submitted articles for possible Dr Denis Soler for their invaluable contribution to this issue of publication in the Journal and to our reviewers for dedicating the Malta Medical Journal. I trust that these articles will serve their time and providing invaluable constructive feedback to foster a constructive dialogue between the College and the regarding article content to the authors. The synthesis of all these Academic Department of Family Medicine, to the benefit of factors into the fabric that constitutes the Malta Medical Journal Family Medicine in general. is essential to its continuing existence. Josanne Vassallo Editor Malta Medical Journal Volume 15 Issue 02 November 2003 5