Sample Bibliography.

Sample Bibliography.
ARTICLE: Abbass, D. Katherine. "Horses and heroes: the myth of the importance of the
horse to the conquest of the Indies." Terrae Incognitae 18 (1986).
BOOK CHAPTER IN EDITED VOLUME: Adamson, J.S.A. "Chivalry and Political
Culture in Caroline England.” In Culture and Politics in Early Stuart England.
Edited by Kevin Sharpe and Peter Lake. London, 1994.
MULTI-VOLUME WORK: Alden, John, and Dennis C. Landis, eds. European
Americana : a chronological guide to works printed in Europe relating to the
Americas, 1493-1776. 6 vols. New York, 1980-1998.
BOOK: Axtell, James. After Columbus: Essays in the Ethnohistory of Colonial North
America. Oxford, 1988.
ANOTHER WORK BY SAME AUTHOR: __________. "The Exploration of
Norumbega.” In American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography
in the Land of Norumbega. Edited by Emerson W. Baker et. al. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1994.
References in text: (Abbass 197) or (Axtell 1994, 17) or (Alden I: 209).
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