Exploring linkages between floodplains and riparian vegetation in small mountain watersheds by Denine Michelle Schmitz A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Montana State University © Copyright by Denine Michelle Schmitz (2003) Abstract: no abstract found in this volume EXPLORING LINKAGES BETWEEN FLOODPLAINS AND. RIPARIAN VEGETATION IN SMALL MOUNTAIN WATERSHEDS by . Denine Michelle Schmitz A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Land Resources and Environmental Sciences MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana April 2003 N 31? ScL 5 -5 k s ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Denine Michelle Schmitz This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. W P//6 7 Dr. Clifford Montague (Co-chair) (Signature) Date Dr. Duncan T. Patten (Co-chair) (Signature) 6ate 1 Approved for the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Dr. Jeffrey Jacobsen (Signature) Zz Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Date STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University, I agree that, the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. •If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the • copyright holder. ' Signature _ Date // T iv TABLE OF CONTENTS !.INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... ........... ,.....I Study Ar e a ........................................................................ 7 2. METHODS................................................................................................................... 15 Site Selection....... -.................. 15 Sampling M ethodology............................................................................................ 15 Parameter Selection................................................................................................ ;.15 Data Collection........................................................................................................ '19 Hydrogeomorphology........................................................................................... 20 Vegetation............................................................................................................. 21 Soil........................................................................................................................ 23 Data Analysis................................................................. ..24 3. RESULTS/DISCUSSION....................................................................................,....... 28 Basin Summaries........................................................................................................ 28 Cross Section Analysis .............................................................................................32 Hydrogeomorphology...............................................................................................32 Vegetation Communities.......................................................................................... 38 Univariate Analysis........................................................... 42 Zone Distinction - Vegetation.....................................:........................................ 48 Zone Distinction - Hydrogeomorphology............................................................. 55 Soils..................................................................................................................-.......59 Hydrogeomorphology and Vegetation..................................................................... 60 Canonical Correlation Analysis............................................................................ 60 Detrended Correspondence Analysis.................................................................... 69 4. SYNTHESIS................................................................................... 78 5. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS.............................................. 85 REFERENCES CITED.................................................................................................... 87 APPENDICES.............................................................'.................................................... 94 APPENDIX A: S0RENSEN indices.................................................... 95 APPENDIX B: CORRELATIONS.............;...................................................................... 99 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Basin characteristics for sample watersheds in the Upper Yellowstone River basin........................................................................................................... 12 2. Sample site characteristics..................................................................................... 17 3. Vegetation, hydrogeomorphic and soil variables used to characterize riparian ecosystems........................................................................................................... 18 4. Wetland indicator status definitions and attributed scores adapted from USDA National Plant Database (2002)............................................................... 23 5. Composition and structure data collected in each quadrat.................................... 23 6. Riparian physical and vegetation properties averaged by basin for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks......................................................... 29 7. Soil properties for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and CacheCreeks.............................. 32 8. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 2-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks............................. 40 9. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 5-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks............................. 41 10. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 10-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks........................... 41 11. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 100-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks......................... 42 12. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Tom Miner Basin . for 2-, 5-, and 10-yr zones..............................................................................•.... 49 13. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Soda Butte Creek for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones..........................................................................50 14. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Cache Creek for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones......................................................................... 50 15. Sorensen indices between patches inundated in 2-, 5-, and 10-yr zones in Tom Miner Basin.........i............ .......................... ..........................................56 V ll LIST OF TABLES - Continued 16. Sorensen indices for patches 2-, 5-, 10-, 100-yr zones in Soda Butte Creek. Shaded values indicate dissimilarity between the compositions of the patches compared.................................. ,............................................................ 57 17. Sorensen indices for patches inundated at zones 2, 5, 10, and 100 in Cache Creek....................................................................................................................58 18. Vegetation, hydrogeomorphology variable definitions used in canonical correlation and regression analyses...............'..................................................... 62 19. Canonical variable coefficients for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Tom Miner Basin...................................................... 63 20. Canonical variables for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Soda Butte Creek.................................................................................................66 21. Canonical variable coefficients for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Cache Creek.........................................................................................................68 22. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA Axis I scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Tom Miner Basin.........70 23. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr recurrence intervals in Soda Butte Creek.......72 24. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Cache Creek.......................... ...76 25. Basin level indicators of mountain streams of the Northern-Range of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem..........................................................................79 26. Indicators of riparian connectivity...................................................................... 80 27. Sorensen indices between patches in terms of functional groups in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 2 years...................... 96 28. Sorensen indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 5 years....................................97 29. Sorensen1indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 10 years.................. ............... 97 viii LIST OF TABLES - Continued 30. Sorensen indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 10 years..................................98 31. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 2-yr zone....................................................................100 32. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 5-yr zone.................................................................... 101 33. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for . Tom Miner Basin at the 10-yr zone.................................................................. 102 34. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone................................................................103 35. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 2-yr zone..................................................................... ................. 104 36. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 5-yr zone........................................................................ ........ ..... 105 37. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone.....................................................................................106 38. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone....................................................................................107 39. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 2-yr zone........................................................................*........................ 108 40. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 5-yr zone.......... ........................................................................................ 109 41. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 10-yr zone................................................................................................ HO 42. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone................................................................:.........,.................. I l l 43. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for TOm Miner Basin at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones.............................................112 ix LIST OF TABLES - Continued 44. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones.............................................113 45. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones.....................................................114 46. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Torn Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone.....................115 47. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone.....................116 48. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone.....................117 49. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone.....................118 50. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone.............................119 51. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone.............................120 52. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 2-yr zone...............................................121 53. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 5-yr zone...............................................121 54. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner B asin at the 10-yr zone.............................................122 55. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone...........................................122 56. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 2-yr zone...............................................123 57. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 5-yr zone...............................................123 X LIST OF TABLES - Continued 58. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone......................... ................... 124 59. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone....................................... ..... 124 60. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 2-yr zone.........................;............................ 125 61. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 5-yr zone.......................................................125 62. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 10-yr zone.....................................................126 63. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone...................................................126 64. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone................................................................127 65. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone................................................................128 66. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone........................................................................129 67. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone........................................... 130 68. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone..................................... ..... 131 69. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone...................................................132 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Map of study area modified from Legleiter et al. (in press) courtesy of Karen Wynn Fonstad............................................................................................. 8 2. Tom Miner Basin (top), Soda Butte Creek (middle) and Cache Creek (bottom) taken 2000.............................................................................................10 3. Hydrograph of the Upper Yellowstone River at Corwin Springs, Montana (USGS, 2003)....................................................................................... 11 4. Longitudinal profiles show the overall basin shape of Tom Miner Basin to be convex, of Soda Butte Creek to be concave to linear and of Cache Creek to be slightly concave................................................................................14 5. Three cross sectional transects were randomly placed along a geomorphologically homogenous 100 m reach................................................... 19 6. Average patch type composition expressed as a percentage of terrestrial transect length found in tributaries to the Upper Yellowstone R i v e r . ............30 7. Soil features compared among Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks......... 34 8. Stream power of a 100-yr flood at each zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks................................................................................................ 35 9. Height above the thalweg for patches in 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks............. .'....................... ....36 10. Representative channel cross sections................................................................ 37 11. Patch type distribution for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks........... :......................................................... ...... 38 12. Number of canopy layers for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks......................................................... 44 13. Herbaceous, shrub and tree cover for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks..........................................45 14. Richness for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache watersheds....................................................................... 46 xii LIST OF FIGURES - Continued 15. Soil organic matter, clay and carbon: nitrogen levels for zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks.........................................................61 16. The relationship between scaled biotic and abiotic canonical variables within the 100-yr floodplain for Tom Miner Basin shows that floodplain . morphology influences spatial and vertical community structure......................64 17. The relationship between abiotic and biotic canonical variables within the 2-yr floodplain for Soda Butte Creek shows that floodplain morphology and flood magnitude influence spatial and vertical community structure as well as composition......................................................66 18. Distribution of patch types in a DCA plot for patches in Tom Miner Basin 2-yr zones based upon herbaceous cover.................................................. 71 19. Distribution of Tom Miner Basin 2-yr floodplain patch types along an environmental gradient model of canopy layers, total canopy cover and channel width..................................................................................................... 71 20. Detrended correspondence analysis plot of Axis I and 2 patch scores for patches in Soda Butte Creek 100-yr floodplain................ ............................ 73 . 21. Regression plot of Soda Butte Creek 100-yr floodplain DCA Axis I scores along an environmental gradient of floodplain shape and patch width.............. 73 22. Detrended correspondence analysis plot of Axis I and 2 patch scores for patches in Cache Creek 10-yr floodplain......................................... ............ 75 23. Regression plot of Cache Creek 10-yr floodplain DCA Axis I scores along an environmental gradient of vegetation composition, basin and flood magnitude variables...................................................................................76 I INTRODUCTION Riparian zones are linear areas adjacent to streams and, therefore, differ from other landscape features. While riparian zones occupy only 1-5% of the landscape area, (Hansen et ah, 1995) the ecosystem functions attributed to riparian zones reach far beyond their boundaries. Riparian zones are considered ‘integrators’ of watersheds responding hydrologically, topographically, chemically and biologically to reach scale influences as well as to watershed scale ecological processes. Basin characteristics and regional climate drive watershed hydrology and generate variable stream flow characteristics—peak time, duration, rate of change, magnitude and frequency (Homberger et ah, 1998; Poff et ah, 1997). Natural flow regimes drive spatial and temporal variability in biotic and abiotic components of riparian environments. The hydrologic environmental variability common to riparian zones yields a mosaic of vegetation patches that characterizes the riparian community (Baker, 1989; Bendix, 1994; Bendix & Hupp, 2000; Everett,; 1968; Friedman et ah, 1996; Gumell & Gregory, 1995; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1996; Johnson, 1976; Piegay, 1997; Sigafoos, 1961). Riparian processes vary geographically in response to elevational, latitudinal and hydrological gradients (Patten, 1998). As these factors differ among basins, they create basin-specific hydrological environments (Hewlett, 1982; Homberger et ah, 1998). Consequently, the response of riparian vegetation to basin-specific hydrologic environments may produce riparian systems that, although related to broader geographic similarities, are representative of their individual basins. 2 Riparian ecosystems along single rivers have been the target of much attention due to potential loss or alteration resulting from human impacts such as development, flow regulation or changes in water quality or quantity (Johnson, 1976, 1994; Patten, 1998; Poff et ah, 1997). Examples include, the Platte River in Nebraska (Johnson, 1994), the Animas in Colorado (Baker & Walford, 1995), the Provo River in Utah (Stromberg et ah, 1999), the Snake River in Idaho (Merigliano, 1996), and the Missouri River in Montana (Scott et ah, 1996). These studies focus on single large rivers or streams because replicating large watersheds is unrealistic. However, riparian studies of single streams or rivers can miss much of the regional variability in current and antecedent environmental conditions as well as associated vegetational responses. Regional studies of smaller watersheds do exist. Examples include investigations in the Great Basin of Nevada (Chambers et ah, 1998; Miller et ah, 2001) and the Upper Colorado River basin of Colorado (Baker, 1989, 1990). Studies of multiple smaller basins having common climate and geology capture potential variability in physical conditions and biotic responses of riparian zones. Regional studies offer a better understanding of withinregion variability in riparian vegetational processes. Information on riparian processes operating in large river systems may lose applicability when scaled to small streams. Physical and biological properties of fluvial and aquatic environments influence riparian environments through overland flows, channel migration, woody debris deposition and reworking of the channel and floodplain. Discharge, width, velocity and suspended sediment load generally increase while slope and bed sediment size tend to decrease with increasing basin size, distance downstream 3 and basin position (Knighton, 1998; Thome, 1997). Fluvial geomorphic processes change from a stream’s headwaters to mouth. The upper third (smaller basin area) tends to be erosional, the lower third (larger basin area) depositional and the middle third a mix. Thus, the riparian zones in the upper third respond to predominantly erosional processes and those of the lower third to depositional processes. The mixture of aggrading and degrading processes drives yet another set of riparian responses along the middle reaches. While hillslope processes, glaciation, and tectonic activity add variation the longitudinal trend of erosional upper reaches to depositional lower reaches persists (Knighton, 1998). Thus, riparian ecosystems of large watersheds may have a different character than those of small watersheds due to associated scale-dependent processes. Several examples of research in small watersheds (basin areas less than 500 km2) illustrate both what is being learned and its limited extent. Geographically, small watershed riparian studies have been conducted in humid regions such as Virginia, USA (Hupp, 1983; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1985) and New Forest, Englandil (Gumell Sc Gregory, 1995) as well as arid regions like Southern California, (Bendix, 1994, 1997, 1999) and the Great Basin, Nevada (Castelli et ah, 2000; Chambers et ah, 1999; Miller et ah, 2001). The small watersheds in the semi-arid northern Rocky Mountains are relatively unexamined (Patten, 1998). Basin level variables such as elevation, fire history, landscape cover types and valley width integrate with reach level variables such as elevation above the thalweg of a floodplain position, substrate type and stream gradient to form an array of riparian habitats (Baker, 1989; Bendix, 1994). Further, any change causing a shift in the 4 distribution of basin'or reach controls elicits change in the composition and structure of the vegetation mosaic (Bendix, 1994). Because the distribution of basin and reach level variables is dependent on basin size and position, riparian communities will likely reflect these changes, The influence of hydrologic and sedimentologic conditions creates spatial and temporal diversity in riparian areas of both large and small watersheds. Temporally, seasonal and annual patterns in physical processes form a variety of patch histories across the floodplain (Baker, 1988; Bendix, 1994; Chambers et ah, 1998; Sigafoos, 1961). Spatially, species composition and structure develop in relation to the effects of hydrological processes as they vary across the floodplain. For example, flood-tolerant species occur near the channel while those, sensitive to the effects of flooding tend to grow higher on the floodplain (Gumell & Gregory, 1995; Hupp, 1983; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1985, 1996). Woody debris creates safe sites for establishing vegetation and potentially stabilizes portions of the floodplain. Time and space work synergistically in that the influence of time-dependent variables has a spatial component (Bendix, 1994). For instance, the spatial structure of riparian woody vegetation is influenced by the spatial diversity of pre-flooding conditions, duration of inundation and time since the last major flood event (Chambers et ah, 1998; Miller et ah, 2001). .Further, species composition and structure are functions of floodplain topography and substrate properties such as water table depth, soil texture and redox potential (Bendix, 1999; Castelli et ah, 2000; Gregory & Gumell, 1998; Stromberg et ah, 1996). While these processes exist in small and large basins, their nature varies with basin size and position (i.e. erosional vs. 5 depositional). Thus, the spatial and temporal effects of physical processes on riparian vegetation operating in small watersheds will likely differ from those in large basins. Autogenic, or internal, processes also alter the environment through shading, competition, facilitation, nitrogen fixation, etc. Allogenic, or external, changes such as early ground water level decline, burial by coarse or fine sediment, herbivory, litter accumulation, woody debris deposition, etc. can cause varying plant responses and alter successional trajectories. Depending on the phenological phase of a plant, these changes can cross environmental thresholds causing different plant responses (Chambers, 2000; Chambers et ah, 1998). By increasing root mass, hindering shoot growth, inducing self­ thinning or dying (these are just a few of the possible responses) the responses of plants across the floodplain create an array of patch communities, all of which are on successional trajectories specific to the history of ecological conditions for a locale. Thus, patch diversity is variable in a given zone. Ranging from predominantly allogenic to predominantly autogenic, the mechanisms shaping riparian vegetation within and among basins are diverse (Amoros et ah, 1987). As floods of different magnitudes and frequencies physically alter the floodplain environment within biological limits, associated plant communities respond accordingly. Below biological thresholds, allogenic influences elicit little vegetation response. This allows autogenic influences to predominate in such forms as competition, nitrogen fixation, and litter formation (Malanson, 1993). Thus, sensitivity of riparian plant composition and structure reflects the influence of allogenic factors associated with fluvial dynamics. 6 The research described above documents how vegetation dynamics, watershed hydrology and floodplain environment influence riparian vegetation. However, the degree to which these linkages affect riparian composition and structure is not well explored, especially for the herbaceous stratum. Herbaceous species compose the majority of species in riparian zones of the intermountain west. These species are more indicative of water table levels than woody species (Stromberg et ah, 1996). Herbaceous roots tend to be fibrous and lend more stability to riparian soils than woody species (Dunaway et ah, 1994; Kleinfelder et ah, 1992). Because the herbaceous layer represents an important component of the vertical structure of the riparian community, farther research is needed on its response to hydrogeomorphic processes and landforms. The goals of this research are designed to address the role of herbaceous plants in the riparian communities in the Northern Rocky Mountains by examining floodplain dynamics of intraregional small mountain basins. Components of the small mountain riparian systems explored in this study are: 1) differences in hydrogeomorphic environments 2) basin-specific characteristics in riparian plant community composition and structure, emphasizing understory vegetation 3) differences in the set of biotic and abiotic (see Table 3 in Methods) variables that best predict herbaceous understory composition at target recurrence intervals This thesis addresses the goals above with three objectives. Using three basins in the Upper Yellowstone River Watershed this project will: 7 1) describe the hydrogeomorphic environments and the corresponding riparian vegetation composition and structure, with detailed characterization of the herbaceous community. This description will serve as a baseline for understanding ecological responses to future land use changes in subwatersheds of this basin. 2) compare the between-basin relationships of biotic and abiotic factors that contribute to riparian plant community composition and structure. 3) document and predict changes across the floodplain in the herbaceous uhderstory based upon other vegetation and hydrogeomorphic parameters. ■ Study Area The study included private and public lands in the Upper Yellowstone River watershed (Figure I). The Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park (YNP) marked the southern limits of the study area. Outside YNP, the northern boundary lay at the mouth of Yankee Jim Canyon where Tom Miner Basin confluences with the Yellowstone. River and included Tom Miner and Cinnabar basins (Figure I). Watersheds studied within YNP were Soda Butte, Pebble and Cache Creek basins (Figure 2). Outside the park, Tom Miner and Cinnabar Creeks were considered one watershed and will be referred to as Tom Miner Basin hereafter. Soda Butte and Pebble Creeks were treated similarly and will be referred to as Soda Butte Creek hereafter. Cache Creek will simply be referred to as Cache Creek. 8 Figure I. Map of study area modified from Legleiter et al. (in press) courtesy of Karen Wynn Fonstad. Geologic environments are similar among the three basins. All three basins are glaciated valleys with over-steepened valley sides and shallow surficial deposits and soils making them prone to flash flooding during summer convective storms (Meyer, 2001). The dominant bedrock geology of Tom Miner Basin includes Archean metamorphic, Eocene volcanics and Paleozoic sedimentary (Vandeberg, 1993). Soda Butte and Cache Creeks bedrock geology encompasses Tertiary Volcanics and Paleozoic sedimentary rocks (Meyer, 2001; Prostka et al., 1975). Basin floor surficial geology in all three basins 9 is dominated by glacial alluvium and local flood and debris flow alluvium. Tom Miner Basin also shows evidence of postglacial tectonism (Vandeberg, 1993). All basins have similar land cover types including alpine plant communities, coniferous forests, deciduous groves, mesic meadows, shrublands and riparian areas (Marston & Anderson, 1991). Coniferous forests consisted of Picea engelmannii, Pinus coniorta, Pseudotsuga mensizii, and Abies lasiocarpa. Populus tremuloides dominate the deciduous groves. Shrublands were found on low elevation, south facing slopes and included Rosa woodsii, Rubus spp., Lonicera spp., Symphoricarpos spp., Artemisia spp., Vaccinium Spp., and Ribes spp. Riparian plant associations ranged from Coniferous Salix spp. in the upper reaches to Populus trichocarpa/Salix spp. in the lower portions of the basins. The climate is semi-arid with cold winters, mild summers and 75-. 85% of the moisture comes as snow or rain on snow (Despain, 1987). Average winter daily high temperatures range from -I S0C to -4°C while those of summer vary from 30C to 230C (Vandeberg, 1993). Precipitation falls all year long with two peaks - one in winter and one in early summer. Mean annual precipitation of the valley floors is -30-45 cm (Meyer, 2001). The majority of runoff occurs from snowmelt in late spring (Figure 3). Pacific maritime weather mixes with Great Plains weather over mountain-valley topography to create precipitation distribution that varies with elevation (Despain, 1987; Hansen et ah, 1995). In 1996 and 1997, large magnitude floods occurred in the Upper Yellowstone River watershed, each estimated at 100-yr return intervals (Figure I). These floods caused much channel reworking. While these were wide spread disturbance events, some tributaries were affected more than others. 10 Figure 2. Tom Miner Basin (top). Soda Butte Creek (middle) and Cache Creek (bottom) taken 2000. Cache Creek still shows the effects of 1988 fires. DAILY MEAN STREAMFLOH, IN CUBIC FT PER SE 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 1900 20 1940 I960 DATES: 08/01/1889 to 09/30/2001 Figure 3. Hydrograph of the Upper Yellowstone River at Corwin Springs, Montana (USGS, 2003). Data were lacking between 1894 and 1911. 12 Despite similar geology, climate, surface processes and land cover types among the three study basins; there are differences among some basin characteristics (Table I). Tom Miner Basin (combined with Cinnabar Creek) is lower in elevation than Soda Butte Creek (combined with Pebble Creek) and Cache Creeks. Public lands dominate in the upper reaches of the Tom Miner Basin while private lands sit in the lower reaches. On the public lands, there is a short history of logging during the 1950’s. Currently, public land uses include grazing, recreational hiking and hunting. Agricultural practices dominate the land uses on private lands including water diversion for ranching and small scale haying operations. The majority of Soda Butte Creek lies in Yellowstone National Park. Outside YNP, land uses affecting Soda Butte Creek include a history of mining, the “urban” impacts of Cooke City and Silver Gate (towns which sit along the creek) and recreational activities. Cache Creek lies completely within YNP. About 15% of the Soda Butte Creek and 57% of the Cache Creek basin areas were burned in the fires of 1988 (Legleiter et al., in press). Table I. Basin characteristics for sample watersheds in the Upper Yellowstone River basin. Adapted from Legleiter et al. (2003).______________________ Channel Slope (Avg) Area Burned Tom Miner Basin Cinnabar Pebble Soda Butte Creek Cache Creek Total (Z) .S 15 m # 14 km" 171 1543-2048 2.8 0 4 3 8 30 62 151 1929-1964 2097-2354 2085-2244 2.8 2.5 0.8 0 15 13 10 210 2049-2345 1.6 57 39 ° 3 Basin I Elevation N 13 Basin level hydrology varies among basins (Figure 4). Tom Miner Basin has several convex sections and variable channel slope in the longitudinal profile indicating a varied hydrologic environment from headwaters to mouth (Bendix, 1997; Schumm et ah, 1987; Wohl, 2000). Steeper reaches are more resilient to seasonal changes in discharge and sediment supply (Montgomery & Buffington, 1997). The convexities follow' confluences with tributaries where increases in sediment load occur. The associated decrease in channel slope creates reaches that show prolonged response to sediment supply and discharge (Montgomery & Buffington, 1997). However, depending on the scale of observation, variability in slope can occur in response to tectonic activity or inherited valley slope or, on a shorter time scale, to changes in sediment load, sediment size and discharge induced by hillslope processes or confluences (Knighton, 1998). Longitudinal profiles for Soda Butte and Cache Creeks are smoother than that of Tom Miner Basin and slightly concave. While there are a few convexities in these profiles introducing hydrologic variability, (Bendix, 1997) the hydrologic environments in Soda Butte and Cache Creek are somewhat uniform at this scale. The relatively constant slope suggests that decreases in sediment size offset increases in discharge with distance downstream (Knighton, 1998). Elevation (m) 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.30 -i r 2400 Soda Butte Creek M iller Cr. 0.25 - - 2300 Republic Cr. « 0.15 - P ebble Cr. Cha Icebox Canyon - 2200 - 2100 - 2000 A m phitheater Cr. Elevation (m) 0 - 1900 0.30 i Channel Slope 0.25 0.20 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 i- 2400 N orth C ache Cr. Cache Creek - 2300 U nnam ed Trib. - 0.15 0.10 5 South C ache Cr. L a m a r R iver - 0.05 - - 2200 - 2100 - 2000 - 1900 ion (m) 0 Distance Downstream (m) Figure 4. Longitudinal profiles show the overall basin shape of Tom Miner Basin to be convex, of Soda Butte Creek to be concave to linear and of Cache Creek to be slightly concave. Variability in channel slope corresponds to that in basin shape. 15 METHODS Site Selection Study reaches and sites were selected based on sub-watershed type, accessibility, geomorphic and geologic homogeneity, lack of local impact and riparian vegetation representative of the Upper Yellowstone River watershed. A combination of wide and narrow valleys was selected spanning montane and subalpine vegetation zones. Local impacts included cattle grazing and stream diversion in Tom Miner and Cinnabar basins and wildlife grazing in YNP basins. Study sites were located near confluences because they presented access to three sites with different sets of basin characteristics (i.e. mainstem sites above and below a tributary and on the tributary). The upstream contributing areas at confluences meant that each of the three sites had different basin areas, basin positions and channel slopes (Table 2). Thirty-nine sites were sampled. Sampling Methodology Parameter Selection Several hydrogeomorphic, vegetation and soil variables were employed (Table 3). Basin characteristics gave an indication of the watershed level processes acting on each site. Basin size and elevation above sea level at each site were the only basin characteristics documented. Floodplain morphology, flow magnitude and flood frequency variables characterized the fluvial environment at the cross section level. Floodplain morphology variables included channel width, width: depth, channel 16 roughness and hydraulic radius (area/wetted perimeter) at a given discharge (Knighton, 1998). Width: depth is a measure of entrenchment or incision. Estimates of channel roughness reflected the affect of the floodplain surface on moving waters. Hydraulic radius is an approximation for depth as well as a numerical way of describing the overall shape of the channel. Variables associated with flood magnitude included floodplain position, channel slope and flow properties such as shear stress and stream power. Floodplain morphology and flow magnitude are related through water depth at various positions during variously sized floods. Distance and elevation above the thalweg described floodplain position and, hence, flow magnitude. Topographic maps were used to determine channel slope. Shear stress is a calculated variable that characterizes the erosional force of flowing water. Stream power, also calculated, is the ability of flowing water to do work (i.e. move an object some distance). Estimated recurrence intervals functioned as measures of disturbance frequency at each vegetation patch (plant association). The gradient of recurrence intervals ranged from I to 100 years including I, 2.33, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100. Emphasis placed on the higher frequencies targeted variability in establishing vegetation. Mean annual flood (2.33-yr frequency, hereafter noted as 2-yr for simplicity) and the 100-yr frequency were chosen because of there use as reference points in other hydrologic research (Knighton, 1998). Vegetation composition and structure potentially indicates differences in the physical environment of different sites throughout a basin and of different patches across a floodplain. Field data gathered on plant species diversity, cover by species, wetland indicator score, density and biomass characterized riparian vegetation composition. 17 Wetland indicator scores reflect soil moisture during the growing season of a particular species. Density and biomass was measured on woody plants, only. Vertical community structure was assessed using age classes and cover at each stratum. Height classes served as surrogates for age classes of woody vegetation. Patch width was the only horizontal structure variable measured. 8 6.3 P13 00 m km2 62 7.1 2097 Site n I Channel Slope M S? km2 i I ^ F 1 Basin Area m 1951 Site 3 m Channel Slope Channel Slope w oS CN3 II ^ Site Soda Butte Creek Elevation Tom Miner Basin 8 JjT Table 2. Sample site characteristics. Cl 2049 210 1.5 57 2.8 1.5 CN3A 1964 16 3.6 P13.16A 2280 50 1.3 CU 2134 CN3B 1934 29 3.1 P13.33A 2354 32 1.3 C llA 2134 121 CN3BB 1929 30 2.4 SB 15 2098 24 5.0 C llB 2121 180 1.5 TM0.8 1543 171 1.7 SB15A 2098 126 1.4 C23 2220 28 3.9 TM 10.1 1903 13 2.8 SB15B 2085 151 1.4 C23A 2220 73 5.6 TM ll 1915 72 1.2 SB41 2220 85 5.0 C23B 2220 102 2.2 2220 5 0.8 C37 2345 23 2.1 TM 12.05 2048 12 3.1 SB41A TM 13 2012 55 1.1 SB41B 2220 91 0.8 C37A 2345 18 2.9 TM 13.09 2024 45 1.4 SB46 2244 31 2.8 C37B 2345 41 2.1 TM 13 .1 2073 6 5.6 SB46B 2238 47 1.3 A vera g e 2213 85 2.6 A verage 2/P6 64 2.6 TM 14.01 2036 21 2.9 TM 14.1.01 2048 8 4.6 TM 14.1.1 2048 8 4.6 TM 5 1758 137 2.2 TM7.01 1794 27 7.1 TM7.1 1939 19 1.8 TM 8 1879 96 2.9 A vera g e 1933 43 3.2 18 Table 3. Vegetation, hydrogeomorphic and soil variables used to characterize riparian ecosystems.___________________________________________________________ Hydrogeomorphology Vegetation Soil B asin C h aracteristics C om position P h y sic a l p ro p erties Basin size Richness Depth to coarse gravels Elevation above sea level Wetland Indicator Score A horizon thickness M a gnitude Elevation above thalweg Distance from thalweg Herbs Structure Shrubs Texture Trees % Coarse fragments Cover Channel slope Tree by species Shear stress Shrub by species Stream power Herb by species Density o f woody species F lo o d F requency Recurrence interval at each patch M orp h o lo g y Total Per size class C hem ical p ro p erties Electrical conductivity Total PH Tree Cation exchange capacity Shrub Total C Tree biomass Total N Channel width Total C: N Hydraulic radius (area/perimeter) By species Phosphorus Roughness Width: depth Structure Age class Tree Shrub # Canopy layers Total cover Herb Shrub Tree Patch width Soil environment characterization focused on the A horizon to determine the amount of soil development that occurred since the most recent major disturbance. Physical properties closely tied to vegetation composition and productivity included A horizon depth, soil texture (fine and coarse fractions) and structure. Chemical properties focused on nutrient availability and decomposition. The nutrient environment was 19 documented using pH, cation exchange capacity, electrical conductivity and total phosphorus. Total C, total N and C: N depicted the decomposition environment. Data Collection At each of the 39 sites, three random cross-sectional transects spanning the width of the 100-yr floodplain were placed along a 100 m geomorphologically homogenous reach (Figure 5). The 108 transects were topographically surveyed in summer 2001 for use in analyzing the hydrological environment of each patch (plant association) across the floodplain. Vegetation and soil development data were taken at each of 329 vegetation patches intersected by transects. Vegetation was sampled during summer 2000 and soils during summer 2001 with the exception of Cinnabar basin in which both vegetation and soils data were collected during the 2001 season. Figure 5. Three cross sectional transects were randomly placed along a geomorphologically homogenous 100 m reach. 20 Hydrogeomorphology. The hydrologic environment was assessed at basin and reach scales. Basin level hydrologic parameters included site elevation and basin size. Basin size for each site was acquired from digital elevation models. Topographic maps were used to access site elevations above sea level. Morphological and magnitude data were determined through topographic surveying techniques using a stadia rod and transit. A hand level was used in backcountry locations (Pebble and Cache Creeks). Points measured included breaks in floodplain topography and vegetation plots. Channel slope was estimated using 7.5-minute topographic quadrangles. Hydrologic analysis was conducted on each cross section using WinXSPro. Roughness was estimated using the Jarrett equation, which was the best choice for small mountain streams (Marcus et ah, 1992). This estimate of Manning’s n was developed under conditions similar to those of this study—non-uniform flows, high gradients and irregularly shaped channels (Jarrett, 1984). From the WinXSPro output, channel width, roughness and hydraulic radius (floodplain shape complexity) were used to quantify morphology while velocity and shear stress were used to quantify flow magnitude. Stream power was calculated from the estimated discharge at the target recurrence intervals, channel slope, and specific weight (assumed to be I). Stream power was calculated by using the equation co = yDSo Eq. I where to is unit stream power in watts per square meter, y is the specific weight of the water-sediment mixture in newtons per cubic meter, D is the average depth of flow in 21 meters at the target discharge, S is channel slope, and v is velocity in meters per second at the target discharge. With the exception of Soda Butte Creek, study area streams were ungaged. Therefore, a regional flood hydrology equation was developed for the Northern GYE to estimate at-a-site discharges for floods of different frequencies (Fonstad, 2001). Fourteen •gages with 5 to 57 years of record were used to develop the equations. Discharges with 1-, 2- (2.33), 5-,TO-, 25-, 50- and lOO'-yr flood return intervals were calculated from the following power function Qx = CiDAp Eq. 2 where Qx is the discharge at the target recurrence interval, DA is the upstream drainage area at the sample site, and a and P are empirically derived constants (Fonstad, 2001). Vegetation. Patches were categorized into, seven patch types - coniferous, deciduous, mixed-coniferous/deciduous, mixed-coniferousASa/zx, shrub, grass, and edge. Coniferous patches were dominated by Picea engelmannii, Pseudotsuga menziesii or Pinus contorta. Deciduous patches were dominated by Alnus incana, Populus trichocarpa, and P. tremuloides. A. incana, although multi-stemmed, was treated as a tree species due to its high canopy. Two mixed patch types were observed. Mixed-coniferous/deciduous (Mixed-con/dec) patches were composed of coniferous species codorninated with deciduous. Mixed-coniferousASb/zx (Mixed-con/sal) patches were composed of coniferous species codominated with Salix spp. Shrub patch types were most often dominated by Salix spp. but were occasionally dominated by one or more of the following; Cornus stolonifera, Symphoricarpos alba, Lonicera involucrata, Ribes 22 oxyacanthoides, and Shepherdia canadensis. Grasses and other graminoids (including sedges and rushes) dominated grass patch types. Edge patch types generally occurred within the bankfull zone, were dominated by bare gravels and cobbles and were sparsely vegetated with colonizing species. Vegetation community composition and structure were assessed for each patch along a cross sectional transect following methods adapted from Shaffoth and others (Shafroth et ah, 1998). Nested quadrats were used to capture the differences in scale of woody and herbaceous vegetation. Trees were sampled in 5 x 10 m quadrats, shrubs in 2 x 4 m and herbs in I x I m. All quadrats were oriented perpendicular to transects. Composition parameters included total cover, cover per species, wetland indicator score, as well as biomass of tree species based on diameter at breast height and density of tree and shrub species. Nomenclature of vascular plants followed Dom, 1984. Total tree cover was measured using a concave densiometer. Visual cover estimates were employed for young trees, shrubs and herbs. Wetland indicator scores for each species were acquired from USDA National Plants Databaise (2002). The wetland indicator scores used here appear in Table 4. Stem diameters of multi-stemmed species were measured individually then converted to total basal area. For trees and shrubs, height classes were used as surrogates for age class structure. Trees and shrubs under 0.5 m were considered seedlings; between 0.5 and I m saplings; trees between I and 3 m poles; shrubs between I and 3 m mature; and trees above 3 m mature. Table 5 summarizes data I collected at each quadrat level. 23 Table 4. Wetland indicator status definitions and attributed scores adapted from USDA National Plant Database (2002). Status UPLUPL UPL+ FACUFACU FACU+ FACFAC FAC+ FACWFACW FACW+ UPLUPL UPL+ Definition Obligate upland Facultative upland Facultative Facultative wetland Obligate wetland Rank 5.0 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.3 Table 5. Composition and structure data collected in each quadrat. Tree (5 x 10 m) # Trees 1-3 m tall per species # Trees over 3 m tall per species Diameter at breast height Total cover Cover per species Shrub (2 x 4 m) # Shrubs 0.5-1 m tall per species # Shrubs 1-3 m tall per species # Tree saplings 0.5-1 m per species Total cover Cover per species Herb (I x I m) # Trees and shrubs under 0.5 m per species Total cover Cover per species Soils. Soils were sampled at three random locations within each 5 x 1 0 m vegetation plot to account for spatial variation in soil properties. A total of 856 soil samples were collected and composited into 296 patch soil samples. Soil pits were dug to 50 cm or to coarse gravels, which ever came first. Horizonation, structure, % coarse fragments in each size class, and presence of roots in each size class were described in the field. These data were used to determine soil order and degree of soil development. The coarse fragment size classes estimated included fine gravel, medium gravel, coarse gravel and cobbles. Root size classes included very fine, fine, medium, coarse and very coarse. A 500 g sample was taken from throughout the A horizon from each pit and slowly dried at 48°C to prevent volatilization of ammonia. Soils were then stored in 24 airtight containers and kept refrigerated at 8°C to reduce nutrient conversions until processing and analysis. Soils from the same quadrat were passed through a 2 mm sieve and composited. Soils were analyzed by MDS Harris Agronomic Services for texture, electrical conductivity, pH, cation exchange capacity, C: N and phosphorus. Texture was done using the Bouyoucos hydrometer method (Day, 1965). Electrical conductivity and pH were measured on 1:1 solutions. Cation exchange capacity was conducted using the ' ammonium acetate method. Carbon: nitrogen was calculated from total carbon based on loss on ignition and total nitrogen using the Kjeldahl method (Bremner, 1996). Data Analysis Analyses at basin and cross section levels were used to describe differences in hydrogeomorphic, vegetation and soil environments. Basin level summary statistics were performed on hydrogeomorphic, vegetation and soil variables to provide a coarse characterization of riparian environments. ■Summary statistics included averages,, standard deviations, ranges and frequency analysis. At the cross section level, data were stratified in two ways—by zone and by floodplain. A zone refers to the terrestrial distance between two recurrence intervals. The entire cross section for a given recurrence interval was referred to as the floodplain. Note: a given floodplain includes all zones of higher frequencies. For example, the 5-yr floodplain includes patches in the 1-, 2- and 5-yr zones as they all are affected by a discharge that occurs every 5 years, on average. This approach is justified because the fluvial environment associated with flood magnitude, channel morphology and flood 25 frequency at each floodplain position will vary with changes in discharge. Recurrence intervals for each patch in a given cross section were used to determine zones. At the cross section level, a univariate analysis included summary statistics that . compared the hydrogeomorphic, vegetation and soil environments between zones for a given basin. This allowed for comparison of patches and associated environments within similar disturbance regimes. Zones included 1-, 2- (mean annual flood), 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-years. Deeper analysis was done on vegetation at the cross section level. Three approaches were taken to determine if vegetation composition was distinct between zones. Two Way Indicator SPecies ANalysis (TWINSPAN) applied to understory cover was used to determine if patch composition was different between zones for each basin. ■ I TWINSPAN was applied to 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones to capture early and late serai processes. Dominant species for each zone in each basin were determined by selecting the top 5-7 species with a combination of the highest average cover and constancy (Youngblood et ah, 1985). Constancy is the percentage of plots in the zone of interest in which a particular species exists. Lastly, a Sorensen similarity index was used for comparison of functional group composition among zones for each basin as well as between basins for a given zone. All plant species were categorized into tree, shrub or herb functional groups. A second level of functional groups was used where the shrub group was further split into willow and non-willow groups and the herb group into forb, grass, and sedge (including sedge-like species) groups. The Sorensen similarity index was calculated using Eq. 3. 26 PS = 2a 2a + b + c Eq. 3 PS is the percent similarity, a is the number of shared species, b is the number of species found only in the first group and c is the number of species found only in the second (Jongman et ah, 1995). This measure of similarity gives double weight to similarity between patches relative to dissimilarity. To characterize the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors the data was stratified by floodplain (the entire cross-section inundated at the stated recurrence interval). Sets of biotic and abiotic variables were identified, scaled and placed into a canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The criterion used to detect the most explanatory environmental and vegetation variables was the Pearson-moment correlations between two variables. A correlation matrix at the 0.05 significance level was created using all combinations of vegetation, soil and hydrogeomorphic variables for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr recurrence intervals for each basin. The hydrogeomorphic group of variables was selected from those with the highest number of significant vegetation correlates. The vegetation group of variables was chosen from those vegetation variables with the highest number of significant hydrogeomorphic correlates. A CCA was applied to the two groups of variables—vegetation and hydrogeomorphic—for each floodplain in each basin. The results were interpreted by categorizing the variables present and their respective contributions as indicated by their coefficients. Relationships between herbaceous cover and environmental variables were determined using data stratified by floodplain, also. Biotic-abiotic relationships were characterized by regressing ordination scores of herbaceous cover on other scaled 27 vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables. Ordination was performed with PC Ord using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) where only the first axis was retained. Stepwise regression was performed using S-Plus where variables with individual p-values less than 0.05 were retained and models having overall p-values of less than 0.01 were reported. In summary, comparisons of hydrogeomorphology, vegetation and the relationships between the two were made between basins. A comparison of summary statistics was made of the hydro geomorphology in each basin at each zone. Vegetation comparisons were made using both dominant species (based on average cover and constancy) and Sorensen similarity indices of functional groups at common zones. The relationships between hydrogeomorphology and vegetation as determined through canonical correlation analysis were compared among basins at each floodplain. Lastly, the response of herb cover DCA scores to hydrogeomorphic and vegetational variables were compared among basins at each floodplain. 28 RESULTS/DISCUSSION Basin Summaries The northern portion of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) supports a diversity of riparian communities. Study tributaries to the Upper Yellowstone River (UPR) ranged from the foothills of Tom Miner Basin at 1500 m elevation to the subalpine of Cache Creek at 2350 m (Table 6). These are small alluvial watersheds carved by glaciers leaving steep-walled valleys through which flow steep to low gradient streams. Multiple canopy layers and a mosaic of patch communities characterize northern GYE riparian vegetation. Patch type composition varies from predominantly pioneer species to willow thickets to coniferous forests (Figure 6). Native plants dominate this species-rich environment (Table 6). Weighted averages of wetland indicator scores for herbaceous species suggest dry to moist topsoil environments while those Of shrubs indicate wet subsoil conditions. The soils at the study sites are predominantly thin, sandy loams and loamy sands (Table 6). Diversity in environmental and community characteristics is common at the regional scale (Baker, 1990). Tom Miner Basin sites occur at the low end of the elevation range. On average Tom Miner Basin sites drain smaller basin areas, and have steeper channel slopes and narrower 100-yr floodplains than Soda Butte and Cache Creeks, although much variability exists (Table 6). Tom Miner Basin has multiple convexities along its longitudinal profile indicating a varied hydrologic environment from headwaters to mouth (Bendix, 1997; Schumm et ah, 1987; Wohl, 2000) (Figure 4). 29 Longitudinal profiles of Soda Butte and Cache Creeks are smooth and tending toward concave in shape. The relatively constant slope in YNP basins suggests that decreases in sediment size offset increases in discharge with distance downstream (Knighton, 1998). Table 6. Riparian physical and vegetation properties averaged by basin for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Symbols for texture are S=sand, SL=Sandy loam, LS=Ioamy sand. * Denotes a weighted average of all plots at a site._______________ Texture Topsoil depth § Native species 5? Species per site % * # Patch types / site 23 210 85 67 I WIS Shrub* 5 151 64 45 i WIS Herb* 5.60 47.73 21.54 13.12 Patches / site % E 6 171 43 48 Canopy Layers % Slope Floodplain width E Tom Miner Basin Minimum 1543 Maximum 2073 Average 1933 S.D. 131 Soda Butte Creek Minimum 2085 Maximum 2354 2196 Average S.D. 89 Cache Creek Minimum 2049 Maximum 2345 Average 2213 S.D. 106 Drainage Area Jj Elevation Name I 0.011 3 0.071 4 0.032 4 0.018 0 3 1.00 FAC 13 4.33 UPL 8 2.57 FACU 3 0.88 FACW+ FACU FACW- I 6 3 I 20 52 38 7 55 86 72 8 3.0 21.3 14.5 5.1 S SL SL 12.07 141.17 41.57 36.71 0.013 0.050 0.026 0.022 2 4 4 I 6 13 8 2 OBL FACU FAC+ I 5 3 I 8 57 32 15 63 89 80 8 6.0 27.8 14.7 6.4 SL LS SL 18 118 44.08 32.93 0.015 0.056 0.026 0.013 2 4 3 I 6 2.00 FAC OBL 16 5.33 FACU+ FACU 10 3.33 FACFACW3 1.05 I 5 3 I 20 50 36 10 80 89 84 3 8 41 20.2 11.4 S SL SL 2.00 FAC 4.33 UPL 2.82 FACU 0.72 In Tom Miner Basin, abrupt changes in channel slope, or nick points, follow the introduction of sediment at confluences with tributaries (Figure 4). Coniferous, shrub and deciduous community patch types dominate this watershed. Coniferous patch types are indicative of steep sloped, narrow valleys found at higher elevation sites. Deciduous and shrub patch types are characteristic of wider floodplains with gently sloped valley bottoms found at lower elevation sites (Hansen et al., 1995). The combination of “steepslope” and “gentle-slope” patch types corresponds with the variability in channel slope 30 along the length of the valley (Figure 4). In Tom Miner Basin, the edge patch type is present to a moderate degree. Grass, mixed-con/sal and mixed-con/dec make rare appearances. Tom Miner Basin species composition has a higher proportion of non­ natives than Soda Butte or Cache Creeks (Table 6), although statistical significance is questionable. 100% i 90% 80% □ %Coniferous 70%- □ %Mixed-Con/Dec 60% - □ %Mixed-Con/Sal E %Deciduous « 40% - □ %Shrub 30% - Q %Grass 20% □ %Edge - 10% - Tom Miner Soda Butte Cache Figure 6. Average patch type composition expressed as a percentage of terrestrial transect length found in tributaries to the Upper Yellowstone River. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks lack deciduous community types and have more edge communities than Tom Miner Basin (Figure 6). Soda Butte Creek shows comparable amounts of edge and coniferous communities but also includes shrub community types. The consistent nature of the spatial distribution of edge and coniferous community types may be due to the consistent channel slope throughout the length of the stream. Edge types dominate while grass communities are present to a moderate degree in Cache Creek. The grass community types in Cache Creek may be early-mid serai 31 stages following the 1988 fires, which greatly affected this basin in both severity and intensity. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks sites possess higher ratios of native to non-native plant species than Tom Miner Basin (Table 6). The soil environment of the three sampled basins is similar as well as homogenous within each basin with respect to soil development, profile characteristics and physical and chemical properties (Table I). Figure 7 shows key physical and chemical soil characteristics averaged for each basin. Soil orders in each basin are indicative of disturbance-laden ecosystems, which include entisols, inceptisols and poorly developed mollisols. Soils in Tom Miner Basin are generally more developed than those in Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. A small number of observed soils in Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks have B horizons, most have A over C horizonation characteristic of riparian soils (Youngblood et ah, 1985). Topsoil depths appear to be greater in Cache Creek due to an under representation of streamside community soil samples. Soil structures are more developed in Tom Miner Basin than Soda Butte and Cache Creeks, which is consistent with higher amounts of clay and greater soil development seen in Tom Miner Basin. Soils in all three basins are coarse textured. Organic matter content appears higher in Tom Miner Basin than in Soda Butte or Cache Creeks. Soils in all three basins have low nutrient status given the low CEC values and relatively high C: N values. However, the range of C: N values in Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks bridge the threshold between net production and consumption of ammonium by microorganisms, 20:1 (Sylvia et ah, 1998). Ofthe sites sampled in Cache Creek, none 32 drop below this threshold. Generally, C: N values above 20:1 indicate N-Iimited environments (Sylvia et ah, 1998). Table 7. Soil properties for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Symbols for I K Oi E I ^ "O % 2 £ Z CEC a? Soluble Salts Roots % 5? § § 0C Total % CF Texture Structure Gravel Depth Topsoil Depth Name Tom Miner Basin Min. 3.0 3.0 Max. 21.3 42.3 Avg. 14.5 23.6 S.D. 5.1 10.2 Soda Butte Creek Min. 6.0 6.0 Max. 27.8 25.0 Avg. 14.7 15.5 6.4 S.D. 6.2 Cache Creek Min. 7.7 7.7 Max. 41.0 41.0 Avg. 20.2 20.2 S.D. 11.4 11.4 I 5S Q 3 p Z % Single grain Mod. gran. Wk. gran. 6 S 18 SL 12 SL 3 3.6 13.2 8.3 3.0 0 vf-m 62 vf-vc 14 vf-vc 16 2.100 10.414 6.600 2.300 6.09 6.80 6.50 0.20 0.200 0.560 0.300 0.100 12.167 31.671 21.500 5.200 0.043 15.2 0.439 44.0 0.200 22.3 0.100 8.4 Single grain Mod. gran. Single grain 5 LS 15 SL 10 SL 4 1.7 13.0 7.1 3.6 3 vf-m 31 vf-vc 19 vf-c 10 1.667 4.720 2.870 1.248 6.49 7.95 7.34 0.51 0.230 0.427 0.317 0.061 14.529 24.025 20.192 2.967 0.030 0.175 0.075 0.054 16.3 42.0 316 10.8 Single grain Wk. gran. Single grain 8 S 28 SL 14 SL 7 1.5 7.3 5.4 1.5 I vf-m 23 vf-vc 13 vf-vc 7 1.000 3.300 2.330 0.750 6.33 7.18 6.65 0.32 0.233 0.313 0.284 0.026 14.450 20.100 18.371 1.904 0.010 0.090 0.055 0.026 23.0 57.5 36.6 11.9 Cross Section Analysis Hydrogeomorphology Channel morphology parameters are associated with flood magnitude (Leopold et ah, 1964). At sampled floodplain locations stream power decreased with increased elevation above the thalweg (decreased water depth) for all three basins. This follows as zones higher on the floodplain experience shallower water depths than zones lower on the floodplain. Depth is directly proportional to stream power, Eq. I. Stream power varies across the floodplains of each basin in different ways (Figure 8). In the 1-yr zone Cache Creek has the lowest stream power and Soda Butte and Tom Miner Creeks have similar 33 stream power values. At the 2- and 5-yr zones Soda Butte Creek has the lowest stream power while Cache and Tom Miner Creeks have higher, yet comparable, stream power values. Stream power values for zones 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-yr are similar for all three basins Average values for height above the thalweg were similar for all basins at frequencies of I - 50 years (Figure 9). However, at the 100-yr return interval average values for height above the thalweg for each basin ranked as follows, Soda Butte Creek > ■Tom Miner Basin > Cache Creek. Cross section profiles show Tom Miner Basin to be somewhat entrenched while Soda Butte and Cache Creeks have wide, shallow channels characteristic of braided streams (Figure 10). Multiple convexities in the longitudinal profile indicate that Tom Miner Basin has greater tendency toward entrenchment than Soda'Butte and Cache Creeks (Schumm et ah, 1987). Average width: depth for Tom Miner Basin is 17 where 61% of the sampled cross sections have width: depths of < 15. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks average width: depths are 34 and 28, respectively. Only 24% of Cache Creek and 20% of Soda Butte Creek cross-sections have width: depths <15. Further, Tom Miner Basin has the narrowest channels and an overall triangular floodplain shape based on the hydraulic radii. When values within a given zone are averaged for Tom Miner Basin, channel widths range from 16-33 m and hydraulic radii 0.397-0.566 m across the floodplain. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks have wide stream channels with rectangularand trapezoidal-shaped floodplains, respectively. Soda Butte Creek channels span 33-59 m widths and hydraulic radii vary from 0.460-0.773 m. Cache Creek channel widths range 29-43 m with hydraulic radii 0.524-0.692., 34 Texture 100% i Soil Volume 90% 80% 70% - DSilt 60% - D Sand a Clay 50% 30% 20% - 10% Tom M iner Soda Butte Cache Coarse Fragments 100% 90% Coarse Fragments D Stones 70% 60% - D Cobbles 50% - D MGrav 40% 30% - □ FGrav 20% □ CGrav - 10% Soda Butte Cache __ Tom Miner OH • CEC D Na OCa OMg DK Tom Miner Soda Butte Cache Figure 7. Soil features compared among Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Graphed values are averages of each feature for the specified basin. 35 500 450 - □ Tom Miner Creek □ Soda Butte Creek □ Cache Creek 400 350 ^ 300 CS B 250 £ £200 E E 150 55 100 - 50 IE 0 I 2 5 10 25 Q iil 50 100 Figure 8. Stream power of a 100-yr flood at each zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Bars represent standard deviation. Interpreting these results leads to an exploration of the interdependencies among flood magnitude, floodplain morphology and vegetation as they relate to stream power and velocity. Stream velocities respond to floodplain roughness. The variety of vegetation patch types in each basin (Figure 6) and the diverse range of floodplain shapes create varied degrees of roughness. Greater roughness slows flow velocity therefore varied roughness translates into a varied velocity and stream power (Bendix, 1999; Leopold et al., 1964). Further, floodplain shape diversity has an affect on flow depth at each floodplain position within each floodplain, which, in turn, affects stream power. Thus, stream power will vary, as well. 36 Tom Miner ^ 16 I 1.2 _L_ Mean+/-SD I___I Mean+/-SE D Mean .5P 0.4 ° Outliers * Extremes Soda Butte Cache 2.0 E, 1.6 "I 1.2 H V j 08 < S 0.4 U X 0.0 2 5 10 25 50 100 Zone (years) Figure 9. Height above the thalweg for patches in 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Torn Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Note the x-axes are temporal not distance scales. Some patches in 2-yr zones appear higher than lower frequency zones because each floodplain does not have distinct patches in each zone recorded. 37 Tom Miner Soda Butte S 0.8 : Cache S 0.8 : Horizontal Distance (m) Figure 10. Representative channel cross sections. Tom Miner Basin channels are triangular-shaped. Channels of Soda Butte Creek are rectangular-shaped. Channels of Cache Creek are trapezoidal-shaped. Stage levels are shown for 1-, 2.33-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50- and 100-yr floods. Vertical exaggeration = 15. 38 Vegetation Communities Basin Cross-Section Comparison. Comparisons of community composition using patch type distribution, dominant species and species similarity were made among basins at each target zone—2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr. Tom Miner Basin showed two patch types in the 2-yr zone, 2A and 2B (Figure 11). Group 2A consisted of primarily shrub and deciduous patch types while 2B was dominated by coniferous, deciduous and shrub patch types. Zones inundated at the 5-, 10- and 100-yr intervals were predominantly occupied by coniferous, deciduous and shrub patch types in Tom Miner Basin. Soda Butte Creek patch types were similarly distributed in all four target zones. They consisted of coniferous and edge patch types with higher proportions of the shrub patch type in the 5and 10-yr zones. Edge was the dominant patch type in Cache Creek in all target zones. □ %Coniferous □ %M ixed-Con/Dec CJ CL □ %M ixed-Con/Sal H -C □ %Deciduous CS CL. ■ %Shrub s? D 0ZoGrass D 0ZoEdge 2A 2B 5 10 100 Tom Miner 2 5 10 100 Soda Butte 2A 2B 5 10 100 Cache Flood Plain Zone (Years) Figure 11. Patch type distribution for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. 39 The subtle shifts in patch type distribution across zones appear unrelated to disturbance frequency. The limited areas occupied by patches, as seen by average patch widths, maybe restricting the expression of more distinct patch boundaries seen in larger systems such as the mainstem of the Upper Yellowstone River (Boggs & Weaver, 1994; Merigliano & Polzin, 2003). While the patch type distribution varies little across the floodplains of any of the three basins, the dominant patch type(s) is basin specific. Dominant species results for each zone appear in Table 8, Table 9, Table 10 and Table 11. In the 2-yr zones of Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks several tree and shrub species play dominant roles whereas in Cache Creek only one woody species played a dominant role (Table 8). Further, herbaceous species composition varies among basins in terms of species’ presence and associated abundances in the 2-yr zone. Zones inundated, on average, every 5 years have dominant species that are basin specific (Table 9). Species composition in Soda Butte Creek differs at every level, tree, shrub and herb. Alnus incana dominates the tree group in both Cache and Tom Miner Creeks but dominant shrub and herbaceous species strongly differ between the two basins. Dominant species in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks differ at the 10-yr zone in terms of tree, shrub and herb species (Table 10). Few patches lay at the 100-yr zone. Of those plots in the 100-yr zone, none supported woody species that met the constancy and average cover criteria for dominant species. The herbaceous communities in Soda Butte and Cache Creeks differ.in species’ presence and abundances (Table 11). Only one site lay at this stage in Tom Miner. Basin making comparisons inappropriate. 40 Table 8. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 2-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Two distinct patch types occur in Tom Miner and Cache Creeks and are distinguished by “A” and “B.” Average cover is noted for each species in each basin.__________________________ Criteria Constancy/ Avg Cover N Trees P icea en gelm annii Shrubs Tom Miner Basin Patch A Patch B 0.2/1.6 0.3/1.8 56 38 35 A ln u s incana 8 S a lix d rum m ondiana 3 Herbs 7 7 2 Sym p h o rica rp o s albus 3 Moss 4 13 E quisetum arvense 5 4 14 4 2 2 I 2 3 A ste r subspicatus 5 3 I F ragaria virginiana G lyceria striata 6 7 R ibes o xyacanlhoides Taraxacum officinale 0.25/1.0 24 Cache Creek Patch A Patch B 0.2/1.50 0.2/0.9 13 12 16 S a lix fa r r ia e S a lix tw eedyi Soda Butte Creek 2 2 3 4 E pU obium angustifolium A ste r cam pestris 2 A g o seris aurantiaca I E pilobium ciliatum I P hleum p reten se I I M archantia po lym o rp h a C arex m icroptera 2 Trifolium hybridum 7 G alium aparine 2 G eranium richardsonii 2 H eracleum sphondylium 5 41 Table 9. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 5-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Average cover is noted for each species in each basin._______________ Criteria Trees Constancy/ Avg Cover N Tom Miner Basin 0.3/1.7 9 A ln u s incana S a lix drum m ondiana Equiseturn arvense 17 6 4 14 4 A ste r subspicatus E pilobium angustifolium G lyceria striata M im u lu s Iew isii Moss L uzula p a rvijlo ra Senecio triangularis G eranium richardsonii Taraxacum o fficinale Trifoliurn hybridurn 3 5 3 6 4 11 I 2 2 3 C icuta rnaculata F ragaria virginiana C ynogIossum officinale Cache Creek 0.35/3.0 8 7 3 P icea en gelm annii P in u s contorta Shrubs Herbs Soda Butte Creek 0.3/1.3 12 2 3 4 2 Table 10. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 10-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Average cover is noted for each species in each basin._______________________________________ Criteria Constancy/ Avg Cover N Trees P icea en gelm annii Tom Miner Basin 0.3/2.5 10 S a lix tw eedyi 11 Moss G lyceria striata E quisetum arvense 7 3 8 2 3 E pilobiurn angustifolium E ragaria virginiana 6 3 A ste r su b sp ica tu s P hleum p ra te n se P oa p ra ten sis Taraxacum officinale Trifoliurn hybridurn 6 16 11 4 8 A g o seris aurantiaca A lopeciirus p ra ten sis Cache Creek 0.4/3.0 4 13 3 A ln u s incana Shrubs Herbs Soda Butte Creek 0.4/2.2 3 5 6 5 42 Table 11. Comparison of dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species present in the 100-yr zone for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Average cover is noted for each species in each basin.__________ Tom Miner Basin Criteria Constancy/ Avg Cover N Herbs G lyceria striata Taraxacum o fficinale I I site Soda Butte Creek 0.5/3 2 11 8 A rtem isia cam pestris C arex m icroptera A ste r su b sp ica tu s A gropyron trachycaulum Cache Creek 0.4/1.5 4 2 2 2 3 4 4 Tables of Sorensen similarity values between basins for functional groups at each target zone appear in Appendix A. Sorensen similarity index values above 0.50 indicate similarity in composition (Barbour et ah, 1986; Pavlik, 1989). Sorensen indices show both similarities and differences among tree species composition in the three sampled basins, however, the number of tree species is quite low. Shrub composition, as a whole, indicates dissimilarity between Tom Miner and Cache Creeks as well as between Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks appear similar in terms of willow species, which is the basis for similarity between these two basins in the shrub and woody species groups. With the exception of sedges, herbaceous functional groups differ in composition between Tom Miner and Cache Creeks. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks are similar in herb, forb and grass compositions. Overall, Tom Miner Basin is dissimilar to Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Soda Butte and Cache Creeks are similar in most functional groups surveyed in the 2- and 5-yr zones, yet are similar in tree and grass groups only in the 10-yr zone. Univariate Analysis. In Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks, no single vegetation variable measured shows a discernible pattern across the floodplain. Community 43 structure is variable horizontally and vertically. Vertical structure in terms of number of canopy layers as well as percent cover at each canopy layer (herb, shrub and tree) appears homogenous across the floodplain (Figure 12 and Figure 13). Average patch widths for Tom Miner Basin range from 6-13 m while those in Soda Butte Creek span 7-27 m. There is no change in richness from younger to older surfaces of the Tom Miner Basin floodplain (Figure 14). In Soda Butte Creek, there are slight changes in richness at the 2-yr and 50-yr zones. With few exceptions, Tom Miner Basin shows the highest average cover at each canopy layer - herb, shrub and tree (Figure 13). In Cache Creek, patterns in vegetation composition and structure across the floodplain are more detectible than those in Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks. Patch widths in Cache Creek are the smallest, 7-10 m. The number of canopy layers and average cover for each canopy layer appear to peak in the 10-, 25- and 50-yr zones with low values in the youngest and oldest zones. Species richness shows a similar, yet subtle, pattern. While the intermediate disturbance hypothesis applies specifically to species richness (Connell, 1978), the pattern of a peak community structure at zones of intermediate disturbance frequency suggests a similar mechanism. One limitation to this hypothesis is the nebulous idea of “intermediate” (Bendix & Hupp, 2000). Here both the low and high limits are visible. Thus, “intermediate” disturbance frequency in the context of this study could very well be between 10 and 50 years. 44 Tom Miner I I □ i— Mean+/-SD I Mean+ASE D Mean ° Outliers * Extremes I Soda Butte 2 5 10 25 50 100 25 50 100 Cache 5 4 I £ U -I 2 5 10 Zone (years) Figure 12. Number of canopy layers for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Note the x-axes are temporal scales not distance scales. Tom M iner Soda Butte Cache 100 10 25 Zone (years) 5 10 25 Zone (years) Zone (years) Figure 13. Herbaceous, shrub and tree cover for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Note the x-axes are temporal scales not distance scales. 46 Tom Miner 16 Richness (# s U Soda Butte 24 Richness (# species) 20 16 12 8 4 0 2 5 10 25 50 100 ichness (# species) Cache Floodplain Zone (years) Figure 14. Richness for 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-yr zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache watersheds. 47 The box plots in Figure 12,Figure 13 and Figure 14 show little statistical difference between zones for each vegetation parameter. Larger sample sizes in zones 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 may lend strength to this data set. The lack of discernible pattern could be explained in several ways. 1) There is little or no connection between these vegetation communities and the current (100-year scale) fluvial processes. The width: depths and multitude of convexities in the longitudinal profile indicates that Tom Miner Basin is incised (Schumm et ah, 1987). Incised channels tend to strand riparian zones disconnecting them from groundwater surface water interactions and fluvial processes (Friedman et ah, 1996; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1996; Johnson, 1994). This is not the case for Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. 2) There is little connection between the measured vegetation variables (number of canopy layers, percent cover at herb, tree and shrub layers and plot richness) and the hydrologic environment although connections may exist with other variables. Vegetation parameters such as frequency of indicator species, evenness and diversity indices may illustrate floodplain position differences. Additionally, analysis of data stratified by functional group may show sensitivity to fluvial environmental factors. Both approaches are worthy avenues of further research yet are beyond the scope of this work. 3) The zones examined have similar vegetational composition. The riparian habitat type supports similar vegetation within which various phases or serai stages emerge throughout the successional process (Hansen et ah, 1995). 48 4) The vegetation communities are responding to an interaction of several variables, both biotic and abiotic. 5) Lumping the parameters by watersheds disguises the within-site and site-to-site variability. This is another target of further research and will not be specifically addressed in this work. Option 3 will be addressed in the following paragraphs. Options I and 4 will be explored in the Hydrogeomorpholqgy and Vegetation section. Zone Distinction—Vegetation. Because few vegetation variables in the univariate analysis showed differences between zones, three different approaches were taken to determine the level of floristic and hydrogeomorphic distinctiveness between zones. Applying Two Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) to herbaceous cover by species in Tom Miner Basin detected two floristically distinct patches in the 2-yr ,zone and single patches in the 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Single patches exist at each zone for Soda Butte Creek. In Cache Creek, 2 patches were found in the 2-yr zone and single patches in zones inundated every 5, 10, and 100 years. Patch distinctions based on the presence of uncommon species in a few plots were disregarded. These results suggest that environmental conditions in topsoil may vary within the 2-yr zone. This may also be true of the 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones but variability is masked by small sample sizes from these zones. Varied conditions instigate varied successional trajectories (Hansen et ah, 1995; Johnson, 1994; Wright & Chambers, 2002) leading to the mosaic of plant communities that are characteristic of riparian zones. 49 Dominant species in terms of constancy and abundance (aerial cover by species averaged across all plots in a basin at each zone) for each basin at target zones appear in Table 12, Table 13 and Table 14 for Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks, respectively. Major overstory species in Tom Miner Basin included Picea engelmannii and Alnus incana whose average aerial cover, when present, ranged from 4-35% and 8-16%, respectively. Salix tweedyi and S. drummondiana comprised the major willow species while other dominant shrub species include Ribes oxyacanthoides and Symphoricarpos album. Average cover for Tom Miner Basin willow species ranged from 3-15% compared to 2-3% for non-willow shrub species. Table 12. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Tom Miner Basin for 2-, 5-, and 10-yr zones. Wetland indicator status for each species and the weighted (by cover) average WIS for herbaceous species are shown for each patch. An “x” indicates presence. Only I plot lay in the 100-yr zone.______________________________ WIS Criteria Constancy / Avg Cover N Avg WIS for dominant herbs Trees P icea en gelm annii A ln u s incana Shrubs Herbs FAC FACW Q2-A 0.2/1.6 56 FAC Q2-B 0.3/1.8 38 FACU+ Q5 0.3/1.7 9 FACU+ QlO 0.3/2.5 10 FAC- X X X X S a lix d rum m ondiana S a lix tw eedyi R ibes oxyacanthoides S ym p horicarpos albus FACW F AC W + Taraxacum o fficinale E q u isetw n arvense FACU FAC X X X X X X X X Trifolium hybridum F AC U + X X X C arex m icroptera G lyceria striata G alium a parine H eracleum sphondylium C ynoglossum officinale A lo p ecu ru s p ra ten sis P oa pra ten sis F AC U + X X X X F AC U + FAC O BL FACU NI NO FACW X X NO FACU Moss G eranium richardsonii X X X X X X X X X X X 50 Table 13. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Soda Butte Creek for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Wetland indicator status for each species and the average WIS for herbaceous species are shown for each patch. An “x” indicates presence. WIS Criteria Constancy / Avg Cover N Avg WIS for dominant herbs Trees P icea en g elm a n n ii Q2 0.25/1.0 24 FACU+ Q5 0.3/1.3 12 FAC QIO 0.4/2.2 7 FAC+ X X FAC FACFACW X P in u s co ntorta A ln u s incana Shrubs S a lix fa r r ia e O BL X X Herbs A ste r su b sp ica tu s F ragaria virginiana FACW UPL X X X X X X Moss Taraxacum officinale G lyceria striata M a rch a n tia p o lym o rp h a C icuta m aculata L u zu la p a rviflo ra S enecio triangularis E quisetum arvense P h leu m p ra te n se A g ro p yro n trachycaulum QlOO 0.5/3 2 FAC+ X X FACU O BL NO NI F AC FACW + FAC X X X X X X X X X X X FACU FAC X X Table 14. Dominant tree, shrub and herbaceous species found in Cache Creek for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Wetland indicator status for each species and the average WIS for herbaceous species are shown for each patch. An “x” indicates presence._______ WIS Criteria Constancy / Avg Cover N Avg WIS for dominant herbs Trees A ln u s incana FACW Shrubs S a lix d rum m ondiana FACW Herbs G lyceria striata E pilobium angustifolium F ragaria virginiana F AC U + UPL FAC FACW Q2-B 0.2/0.9 12 FAC Q10 0.4/3.0 4 FAC- QlOO 0.4/1.5 4 FAC+ X X X X X Q5 0.35/3.0 8 FACWX X OBL Moss E quisetum arvense Q2-A 0.2/1.50 13 FAC- X X X X X X X X X X A ste r sub sp ica tu s A g o seris aurantiaca A ste r cam pestris E pilobium ciliatum FAC NO FACW - P hleum p ra te n se M im u lu s Iew isii F AC U + F AC W + A rtem isia cam pestris C arex m icroplera T araxacum officinale NO X FAC F AC U + X X X X X X X X X X 51 At first glance, herbaceous species composition in Tom Miner Basin appears to vary little between zones, 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr. However, the two herbaceous species common to all zones, T. officinale and Equisetum arvense, are listed as invasive (USDA & NRCS, 2002). Further, the wetland indicator scores for these two species are in the facultative range. Thus, these species are generalists and serve as poor indicators of variation within the 100-yr floodplain. Herbaceous composition does vary across the Tom Miner Basin floodplain when T. officinale and E. arvense, are excluded from analysis. In decreasing order of average aerial cover, herbs with the highest combination of constancy and aerial cover in the Tom Miner Basin 2-yr zone for patch A consisted of Trifolium hybridum, moss, Equisetum arvense, Taraxacum officinale, Glyceria striata and Carex microptera (Table 12). Average aerial cover for these species ranged from 2-7%. Patch B in the 2-yr zone supported moss, Heracleum sphondylium, E. arvense, T officinale. Geranium richardsonii and Galium aparine, in decreasing order. Aerial cover for patch B dominant species varied between 2-13%. In the 5-yr zone, herbaceous species ranked as follows in terms of aerial cover; E. arvense > T officinale > G. richardsonii > T hybridum > Cynoglossum officinale and ranged from 2-4% in average aerial cover. Ranking for herbs in the 10-yr zone was T officinale > T hybridum > Poa pratensis > E. arvense > Alopecuruspratensis and ranged from 3-7%. Only one plot was found in the 100-yr zone making comparisons inappropriate. Dominant overstory species for Soda Butte Creek include P. engelmannii, Pinus contorta and A. incana whose average aerial cover spanned 3-13% when present. Salix 52 farriae was the only willow species whose average aerial cover and constancy met the criteria listed in Table 13. Its average aerial cover ranged from 7-20%. Soda Butte Creek supported a variety of herbaceous patches across the floodplain. Major herb species, in terms of average aerial cover and constancy, in the 2-yr zone rank as follows; moss > Aster subspicatus > T. officinale > Fragaria virginiana - Marchantia polymorpha. Average aerial cover for these species ranged from 1-14%. The 5-yr zone' patch consisted of A. subspicatus > Senecio triangularis > F. virginiana > Luzula parviflora > Cicuta maculata whose average cover ranged from 1-4%. Herbaceous species found in the 10-yr zone include moss, A. subspicatus, Phleum pratense, E. arvense and Glyceria striata, in decreasing order of average aerial cover which varied from 2-8%. Ranking for herbs in the 100-yr zone was Glyceria striata > T. officinale > Agropyron trachycaulum > A. subspicatus where average aerial cover varied from 4-11%. Cache Creek supported only one overstory species that met the dominance criteria—A. incana in,the 5-yr zone at 14% average aerial cover (Table 14). S. drummondiana was the sole dominant willow species found at 7% average aerial cover in the 2-yr zone. No non-willow shrub species met the dominance criteria. Major herbaceous species found in Cache Creek in 2-yr zones fell out into two patches. Species in patch A ranked as follows; moss > Epilobium angustifolium > E. arvense > Aster campestris > F. virginiana in terms of average aerial cover and range from 2-5%. Patch B species included Glyceria striata > Aster campestris > P. pratense > Agoseris aurantiaca - E. angustifolium = F. virginiana ranging from 1-3% in average 53 aerial cover. The 5-yr zone consisted of moss > Glyceria striata > A. subspicatus > Mimulus lewisii > E. angustifolium = E. arvense and varied from 3-11%. Average aerial cover varied from 4-11% at the 10-yr zone and ranked as follows; Glyceria striata > A. aurantiaca > F. virginiana > moss > E. angustifolium. Herbaceous species found in the 100-yr zone included C. microptera > A. campestris > Glyceria striata = T. officinale where average aerial cover ranged from 2-3%. Table 12, Table 13 and Table 14 also display wetland indicator status (WIS) for each dominant species as well as the average WIS for dominant herbaceous species for each zone. Woody species tend toward wetland environments while the herbs tend toward drier environments. The predominantly sandy loam and loamy sand soils are well drained and have little capillary fringe (Chambers et al., 1999). Thus, plants that cannot reach the water table must adapt to drought conditions late in the growing season or during dry years. The deep-rooted woody species can reach the water table, which places them in wetter conditions while the herbaceous species generally reach shallower depths and drier conditions. Plants such as P. contorta andP. engelmannii are facultative species that opportunistically grow in riparian zones. The distribution of herbaceous wetland species in Tom Miner Basin is sporadic. Type A patches in the 2-yr zone and patches in the 10-yr zone support species indicative of moist areas. Type B patches in the 2-yr zone and patches in the 5-yr zone support species found in dry conditions. The two different environments within the 2-yr zone, patch type A and patch type B, indicate stratification into xeric and mesic patch communities. This stratification corresponds with the variable hydrologic environment 54 controlled by the longitudinal profile described previously (Figure 4). Average channel slope at patch type A sites is 2.3% while that at patch type B sites is 3.9%. Increased canopy density in steep reaches provides shade, which maintains higher soil moisture levels. Conditions in a 2-yr zone on a steep reach compared to those on a less steep reach may be different enough to support two distinctly different patch types. In Cache and Soda Butte Creeks, dominant herbaceous composition is ■homogenously facultative. Patches in the 2-yr zones are scoured or buried often, receive large amounts of sun, experience high surface temperatures and have permeable substrates. These are drought-like conditions (Johnson, 1994) favoring upland and facultative upland species. ' Plant species in the 100-yr zone are often unable to reach groundwater sources. While these soils have higher organic matter contents and greater water holding capacities, (Chambers et ah, 1999) they are reliant on seasonal precipitation as a water source. Thus, species in this zone must adapt to more upland conditions for the majority of the growing season. However, the moisture received early in the growing season and periodic mid-summer rains allow more wetland species to survive in moist pockets. Thus, there is a homogenous moisture gradient across the 100-yr floodplains of Soda Butte and Cache Creeks riparian ecosystems: The results from comparing the dominant species at each canopy layer (herb, shrub and tree) refute option 3 from page 48, that zones are floristically similar. Indeed, they are different beyond successional variability. Dominant species lists within each zone have different compositions. Thus, both the TWINSPAN results on herbaceous 55 cover and the dominant species data indicate that patches occurring in 2-, 5- 10- and 100-yr zones support distinctly different vegetation communities. Option 3 stipulates that the hydrogeomorphic environment is distinctly different across the floodplain, also. The following section addresses this point. Zone Distinction—Hydro geomorpholo gy. Sorensen similarity indices for tree, shrub, willow, non-willow, woody, herb, forb, grass and sedge functional groups Were used to indicate the degree of similarity of environmental conditions between zones in each basin. Values of 0.50 and above indicate similarity while values below 0.50 indicate dissimilarity. In Tom Miner Basin, woody species show much homogeneity across the floodplain (Table 15). Non-willow shrubs in 2- and 5-yr zones are more similar to each other than to patches flooded every 10 years. Herbaceous functional groups also showed much similarity between zones. Sedges responded to flood frequency in an indiscernible pattern. These data correspond with the univariate analysis results in that there is little distinction among vegetation responses to floodplain environments disturbed at 100 years and more frequently in Tom Miner Basin. Yet, these results contradict the groupings made by TWINSPAN. This discrepancy is due to the use of species’ presence and abundance in TWINSPAN where only presence is used in Sorensen making TWINSPAN the more sensitive comparative tool. However, the Sorensen results indicate which guilds possess the most similarity (and dissimilarity) between zones. 56 Table 15. Serensen indices between patches inundated in 2-, 5-, and 10-yr zones in Tom Miner Basin. Shaded values indicate dissimilarity between the compositions of the patches compared. Only I plot lay in the 100-yr zone.___________________ # Species Q2-A Q2-B Q5 QlO Tree # Species Q2-A Q2-B 05 QlO H erb Q2-A Q2-B Q5 QIO 6 6 4 3 — 0.67 0.67 0.67 Q2-A Q2-B Q5 QlO 18 19 10 10 — 0.65 0.50 0.64 Q2-A Q2-B 9 7 5 7 — 0.75 0.57 0.88 — — — — — 0.80 0X4 0.57 — — — — S h rub 91 61 42 37 — 0.53 0.54 0.50 — — — — — — 0.60 0.51 — 0.66 --- F orb — — — — — — 0.55 0.55 — -- 0.50 — W illow 58 48 26 21 — 0.60 0.52 0.46 — — — — — — 0.65 0X9 — 0.60 — — G rass Q5 QlO — — — — — — 0.50 0.71 — 0.50 — — N o n -w illo w Q2-A Q2-B Q5 QIO 18 9 9 9 — 0.44 0.52 0.59 — — — — — — 0.56 0.56 — — 0.78 — S edge 10 13 6 3 0.61 0.50 0.31 24 25 14 13 0.65 0.58 0.64 — — " — — — -- — 0.63 0.38 0.44 — — 14 3 6 6 — 0.12 0.60 0.50 — — 0.22 0.44 — — — — — — 0.67 — W oody Q2-A Q2-B Q5 QlO — — — — — — — — 0.52 — 0.62 0.53 — Sorensen index values for Soda Butte Creek functional groups in target zones were different from those in Tom Miner Basin. Shrubs and sedges showed differences among 2-, 5- and 10-yr zones while homogeneity appeared among the remaining functional groups (Table 16). Because only one woody species occurred in 100-yr zones no interpretations are made. The same is true for non-willow species in 5- and 10-yr zones. However, differences between 100-yr and 2-, 5-, and 10-yr patches occurred in each of the herbaceous functional groups. The number of values indicating dissimilarity implies that herbaceous functional groups, as a whole and individually, are more 57 responsive to 100-yr events than to 10-yr and more frequent events in Soda Butte Creek. Thus, vegetation responds to flooding frequency to varying degrees in Soda Butte Creek. Table 16. Sorensen indices for patches 2-, 5-, 10-, 100-yr zones in Soda Butte Creek. Shaded values indicate dissimilarity between the compositions of the patches compared. # Species # 02 OS QlO Tree Species 02 54 52 34 20 — — 0.57 0.52 0.41 -- — 0.53 0.42 0.52 — — — QS QlO H erb Q2 Q5 QlO QlOO 4 2 3 0 Q2 Q5 QlO QlOO 6 5 5 I — — — 0.67 0.86 na — 0.80 na — — — — — — — na S h rub — — F orb 0.36 0.54 0.00 0.40 0.33 41 39 25 13 — 033 W illow 0.58 0.55 0.37 — 0.50 0.38 — — 0.47 G rass Q2 Q5 QlO QlOO 3 4 4 I — 0.57 0.57 0.00 — — — — 0.50 0.00 0.00 — N o n -w illo w 7 7 4 3 0.71 0.55 0.40 5 5 4 3 0.20 0.22 0.50 — — — — — 0.55 0.40 — 0.88 S edge Q2 Q5 QlO QlOO 3 I I 0 — 0.00 0.50 na — — — — 0.00 na na Q2 QS QlO QlOO 10 7 8 I — — — 0.47 0.67 0.00 — — — — — — — — 0.67 0.50 — 0.29 W oody 0.53 0.25 — 0.22 Functional groups in Cache Creek followed similar trends to those in Soda Butte Creek. Homogeneity among woody species within the 10-yr floodplain indicates little patch distinction (Table 17). Woody species, as a whole, in Q2-B patches stand out as responsive to disturbance frequency due to lack of shrub species. Patches flooded every 100 years supported only two woody species making interpretation moot. Patches within the 5-yr zone were similar to those in the 2-yr zone for all four herbaceous functional 58 groups. The 10-yr and 100-yr floodplains supported different herb, forb and sedge functional groups. No differences in grasses occur among the zones. Thus, similar to Soda Butte Creek, herbaceous vegetation in Cache Creek responds to the 100-yr zone more strongly than to the 10-yr or more frequent zones given the number of comparisons indicating dissimilarity. Table 17. Sorensen indices for patches inundated at zones 2, 5, 10, and 100 in Cache Creek. # Species Q2 A Q2 B QS QlO Tree # Species Q2 A Q2 B OS QlO H erb Q l-A I Q2-B 3 I Q5 QlO — 0.50 1.00 0.50 — — 0.50 QlOO 3 I Q2-A 4 Q2-B 0 Q5 QlO 6 0.80 — na 4 0.75 na QlOO I 0.00 na 0.00 0.33 0.50 — — 42 — — 0.50 — — — 32 40 18 0.62 0.68 24 0 52 29 0.00 0.00 S h rub — 0.47 — — 0.58 Ojg 0.46 — — — 0.41 0.59 — — — — 0.38 F orb — na — — — — — 19 — 0.58 — — 25 0.59 0.50 0.60 -- 14 0.47 0.32 0.44 0.00 0.00 15 0.45 0.38 0.42 8 7 — 0.67 0.57 0.67 W illow — — — — — — — — — 0.30 G rass Q2-A 2 Q2-B 0 Q5 QlO 3 0.80 na I 0.67 na QlOO 0 na na — na — — — — — — — — 10 0.89 0.50 na — 4 0.67 — — 0.71 0.54 5 0.77 0.67 4 — 0.67 — — 0.75 na 0.67 na 0.50 022 na — — — — — — — 0.67 S edge N on-w illow Q2-A Q2-B 2 0 Q5 QlO 3 QlOO — na — — — — — — — 0.80 — na 3 0.80 na 0.67 -- I 0.00 na 0.00 0.00 Q2-A 5 — — 3 — 0.25 — Q2-B — QS QlO 7 0.20 0.83 0,67 I 0.20 — — 7 — — 0.57 QlOO 2 0.00 W oody OjO 0.00 -0.00 5 4 0 4 — — — — na — — 0.50 — na 59 Each basin shows more dissimilarity among herbaceous than woody functional groups. Thus, depending on the scale of observation, the results from the similarity index and dominant species either refute or support option 3 from page 48; that the vegetation is similar among zones. Taking a large area view, focusing on woody vegetation, the data show homogeneity among zones. Taking a small area view focusing on herbaceous vegetation, heterogeneity among zones becomes apparent. Woody vegetation is often the focus of riparian vegetation studies (Baker, 1988; Everett, 1968; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1985; Johnson, 1994; Merigliano & Polzin, 2003; Scott et ah, 1996). However, the understory of small mountain streams can be more indicative of hydrogeomorphic variability (Hansen et ah, 1995; Malanson, 1993). The above data support further exploration of the role of herbaceous vegetation in the floodplain ecosystem. Soils Soils may help explain species composition across the floodplain; however the floodplain soils environment is relatively homogenous for all three basins. The suite of physical and chemical properties used to assess soil development and fertility showed little if any statistically significant variation zones within a given basin. For example, low organic matter, coarse textures and high C: N values (Figure 15) all indicate that little soil development has occurred and that fertility remains low across all zones within the 100-yr floodplain. Soils found in riparian areas of the Toiyabe Mountain Range showed similar trends (Chambers et ah, 1999). Carbon: nitrogen values in Tom Miner Basin often drop below the 20:1 threshold indicating that net ammonium production occurs on 60 all target zones (Sylvia et al., 1998). In Soda Butte and Cache Creeks, C: N values are consistently above 20:1. These data indicate that nitrogen is less limited in Tom Miner Basin than in Soda Butte or Cache Creeks. More available nitrogen and organic matter is likely associated with the increased cover in herb, shrub and tree layers in Tom Miner Basin. Increased litter fall, root biomass and warmer temperatures associated with lower elevation potentially increase decomposition rates. These patterns do not vary with floodplain position. Hydrogeomorphology and Vegetation Canonical Correlation Analysis. Data were stratified by floodplain (the entire cross section for a flood of a given frequency) to determine the relationships between biotic and abiotic riparian factors. Significant correlations within and between vegetation, hydrogeomorphic and soil variables are numerous and varied (Appendix B). The vegetation variables with the highest number of statistically significant hydrogeomorphic correlates were placed in a canonical correlation analysis (CCA) with hydrogeomorphic variables that had the highest number of statistically significant vegetation correlates. Soil variables were not included in the canonical correlation analysis due to a high degree of homogeneity at the basin and cross section scales. Definitions for vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables used in CCA appear in Table 18. 61 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 25 50 100 2 5 10 5 10 25 25 50 100 Tom Miner 2 50 100 Zones (Years) Soda Butte 2 5 10 25 50 100 Cache Figure 15. Soil organic matter, clay and carbon: nitrogen levels for zones in Tom Miner, Soda Butte and Cache Creeks. Error bars represent standard deviations. Note the x-axes are temporal scales not distance scales. 62 Table 18. Vegetation, hydrogeomorphology variable definitions used in canonical correlation and regression analyses.____________________________________ Variable Names Description V egetation variables HERBcovQ Total herb cover for quadrat LAYERSq # Structural layers per quadrat NATIVEq Ratio of native/non-native spp for quadrat PATCHWIDTH Width of patch, m RICHq # Spp per quadrat SHRUBalIDENtot Density of shrubs in all age classes, #/hectare SHRUBcovQ Total shrub cover for quadrat SHRUBsapDEN Density of shrubs in sapling age class, #/hectare TOTALcovQ Canopy density for quadrat TREEsapDEN Density of trees in sapling age class, #/hectare WISherbQ Weighted average wetland indicator score for herbs for quadrat WISTreebaQ Weighted average wetland indicator score for trees for quadrat H y d ro g e o m o rp b ic variables BA Basin area at site DISTTh Distance to thalweg for quadrat Elevation Site elevation above sea level ELEVTh Elevation above thalweg for quadrat POWER Stream power at quadrat at specified return interval discharge R Hydraulic radius of floodplain inundated at the specified recurrence interval SHEAR Shear stress at quadrat at specified return interval discharge SLOPE Channel slope for the reach WIDTH Channel width at 1-yr specified return interval discharge The relationship between riparian vegetation communities and local hydrogeomorphology is strong and complex. Canonical variables show that vegetation composition and structure are highly associated with flood frequency, magnitude and floodplain morphology in all three basins. When interpreting canonical variable coefficients, the actual number and sign of each coefficient as it relates to those of the other variables in the model is of importance. Coefficients should not be compared between models. The relationships in Tom Miner Basin are strong and relatively consistent among all floodplains (Table 19). The correlations between biotic and abiotic canonical 63 variables range between 0.670 and 0.742. For the 2-, 5- and 100-yr floodplains, patches with high cover in the understory, open canopies and wide patch widths are highly correlated with wide channels. Thus, vertical and spatial community structures are correlated with floodplain shape (Figure 16). More specifically, wide channels are associated with wide open-structured vegetation patches. The lack of influence by SHRUBcovQ in the 5-yr floodplain and TOTALcovQ in the 10-yr floodplain corresponds with the drop in these cover variables reported in Figure 13. Table 19. Canonical variable coefficients for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Tom Miner Basin, r - correlation. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. p < 0.01._____ Biotic Variables Structure I m £2 Z 7= H o < O 8 < -O 8 < O 0.027 -0.030 -0.030 H O Magnitude ~0 > H n S S E I5 Rl 2 5 10 100 N 93 102 111 122 r 0.742 0.670 0.679 0.718 0.040 0.049 0.050 0.029 0.033 0.021 -0.047 Abiotic Variables Morphology H K 0.072 0.067 0.066 0.045 m < Sr -o OO m 73 > 73 I S r O -o m I H ad -0.003 -0.004 0.047 -0.025 0.102 0.100 0.062 0.076 In Tom Miner Basin, flood magnitude parameters influence the 10- and 100-yr floodplain models more than the 2- and 5-yr floodplain models (Table 19). Slope makes a small yet significant contribution to the 2-yr model. In the IO- and 100-yr models, elevation above the thalweg, shear stress and stream power make sizeable and significant contributions to their respective models. The presence of these variables supports the concept that flood magnitude plays a role in vegetation community development. However, the role of flood magnitude for each recurrence interval in Tom Miner Basin is best described by the morphological parameter WIDTH given the size of the WIDTH 64 coefficients compared to those of other abiotic variables in their respective models. This relationship can be stated as wide channels with low magnitude flows are correlated with wide vegetation patches on the terrestrial floodplain. O O o O OO WIDTHQ100, POWERQ100 Figure 16. The relationship between scaled biotic and abiotic canonical variables within the 100-yr floodplain for Tom Miner Basin shows that floodplain morphology influences spatial and vertical community structure. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. The relationships between biotic and abiotic factors in Tom Miner Basin are further supported by relationships between fluvial processes and riparian vegetation in small to medium sized streams in western Colorado where channel width strongly influenced spatial structure of woody species (Baker, 1989). Also, in the Transverse Range of southern California flood magnitude was shown to influence spatial community structure as well as community composition transversely (across the floodplain) and longitudinally (down the valley) (Bendix, 1994, 1999). The fact that no community 65 composition variables play significant roles in the CCA models corroborates with the • homogeneity found in the univariate and zone distinction analyses for Tom Miner Basin. This suggests that the Tom Miner Basin riparian vegetation is primarily driven by autogenic rather than allogenic succession. The relationships between vegetation and hydrogeomorphology in Soda Butte Creek vary with flood frequency more than in Tom Miner Basin. However, Soda Butte Creek canonical correlations are stronger and contain more variables the Tom Miner Basin models (Table 20). Elements of community composition and structure as well as those of flood magnitude are present in models for all floodplains yet influence the bioticabiotic relationships differently. For example, patch width and canopy density consistently make contributions to the models, although the magnitude and direction of these contributions varies among the models for each floodplain. In the 2-yr floodplain, narrow patches with dense canopies, lower richness, and species that occur in drier environments are highly correlated with steeply sloped, deeper channels that are influenced to lesser extents by elevation and stream power (Figure 17). The 5-yr model represents the opposite end of the spectrum where wide patches with open canopies are associated with wide, shallow channels. In the 10- and 100-yr floodplain models, wider patches with low richness, sparse herbaceous cover, and closed canopies are highly correlated with low elevation sites that experience higher stream powers. 66 Table 20. Canonical variables for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Soda Butte Creek, r = correlation. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. p < 0.01.__________________ Biotic Variables Composition Structure 0.138 0.128 0.007 -0.050 -0.033 WIDTH R SLOPE -0.020 SHEAR 0.108 -0.059 -0.006 -0.060 0.121 -0.074 0.030 0.044 -0.135 -0.083 0.036 0.037 -0.119 POWER Elevation PATCHWIDTH 0.013 TOTALcovQ 0.088 0.029 HERBcovQ r 0.920 -0.043 0.901 0.744 -0.054 0.675 -0.038 WISherbQ N 25 38 45 55 NATIVEq 2 5 10 100 RICHq RI Abiotic Variables Magnitude Morphology Basin 0.124 0.051 0.049 Figure 17. The relationship between abiotic and biotic canonical variables within the 2-yr floodplain for Soda Butte Creek shows that floodplain morphology and flood magnitude influence spatial and vertical community structure as well as composition. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. The temporal and spatial variability among biotic and abiotic factors in Soda Butte Creek indicates a dynamic environment where the riparian vegetation responds to changes in fluvial hydrology. The major changes in biotic-abiotic relationships between 67 the 2-, 5- and I O-yr floodplains suggest that the changes in environment between these flood frequencies cross biological thresholds for the species present. Thus, changes in community structure and, to a lesser extent, composition in Soda Butte Creek reflect the disturbance regime. A system where the floodplain vegetation responds to the fluvial environment creates a riparian ecosystem where fluvial processes act across the floodplain at multiple temporal scales. Thus, the relationships between vegetation and ' hydrogeomorphology can take many forms over time and space (Baker, 1988; Bendix, 1997; Friedman et al., 1996; Poff et al., 1997; Scott et ah, 1996). In Cache Creek, the relationship between vegetation and hydrogeomorphology is strong where correlations range from 0.706 to 0.845 (Table 21). The biotic variables present are consistent among Cache Creek models yet the abiotic are somewhat different. Vegetation variables associated with vertical and horizontal community structure change very little from one model to the next (Table 21). However, the associated abiotic canonical variable for each floodplain differs. In the 2-yr floodplain, spatial and vertical community structure are correlated with flood magnitude variables, only. In the 5-, 10and 100-yr floodplains, morphology variables make significant contributions to the models. The influence of morphology is greater in the 5- and I O-yr floodplains than in the 100-yr. The varied relationships illustrate the dynamic nature of the riparian ecosystem in Cache Creek; one where the stream influences the floodplain vegetation by introducing heterogeneous conditions to which vegetation responds. 68 Table 21. Canonical variable coefficients for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Cache Creek, r = correlation. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. p < 0.01.___________ Biotic Variables Structure -0.077 -0.046 -0.040 -0.013 0.060 0.083 WIDTH 0.169 Morphology R 0.161 0.155 0.140 0.095 SLOPE 0.105 0.060 0.060 0.079 POWER r 0.845 0.799 0.789 0.706 DISTTh N 26 34 38 61 PATCHWIDTH 2 5 10 100 HERBcovQ RI Abiotic Variables Magnitude -0.058 0.147 0.090 0.043 The biotic variables contributing to canonical correlations for floodplains in Cache Creek are limited to herbaceous cover and patch width (Table 21). However, the correlated abiotic canonical variables are quite varied. For example, in all models floodplains with wide patches and high herbaceous cover are highly correlated with low flow magnitude fluvial environments. However, the abiotic variables indicating a low magnitude are quite different. And those that are the same influence the models to varying degrees. Distance to the thalweg is the primary influence in the 2-yr model. Channel width dominates the 5-yr model. Channel width and distance to the thalweg codominate the 10-yr model. And distance to the thalweg and hydraulic radius codominate the 100-yr model. The presence of this suite of abiotic variables undoubtedly indicates the influence of a low magnitude environment. However, the character of the low magnitude flows likely varies across the 100-yr floodplain. The absence of higher structural layers, shrub cover and canopy density in Cache Creek CCA models likely relates to the simpler vertical structure in Cache Creek compared to Tom Miner and Soda Butte Creeks (Figure 12 and Figure 13). The 1988 69 fires that swept through Cache Creek were intense and severe. The uplands and riparian zones are sparsely vegetated even 14 years later, (personal observation). The low number of canopy layers (Figure 12), and the biotic canonical variables reflect juvenile communities in recovery from these fires. Shrub cover and canopy density will likely influence biotic-abiotic relationships of Cache Creek riparian zones with further recovery from the 1988 fires. Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Of the plant species sampled in this study up to 90% are herbaceous . Herbaceous species are more indicative of water table levels than woody species (Stromberg et ah, 1996). Herbaceous roots lend more stability to shallow riparian soils than woody species (Dunaway et ah, 1994; Kleinfelder et ah, 1992). Although the herbaceous layer represents an important component of the vertical structure of the riparian community, little research has been done on its response to hydrogeomorphic processes and landforms. Results from dominant species, Sorensen similarity index and canonical correlation analyses indicate that the herbaceous layer is most responsive to fluvial environments. Further analysis was carried out on herbaceous cover using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) to detect gradients to which riparian herbaceous species respond. Regression analysis was performed on the DCA Axis I scores of herbaceous species cover to determine the environmental drivers of these gradients. In Tom Miner Basin, herbaceous cover appear to respond to the same gradient of biotic and abiotic variables at each recurrence interval sampled across the 100-yr floodplain, (Table 22). Patch types appear clustered in the Axis I vs. Axis 2 plot 70 suggesting that the gradient detected is driven by autogenic processes e.g., shading, litter formation and decomposition (Figure 18). Regression models for each floodplain in Tom Miner Basin indicate that high herbaceous DCA scores are positively influenced by communities along narrow channels that had multi-layered vertical structure and dense canopies (Figure 19). This relationship held true for all recurrence intervals across the 100-yr floodplain. Additionally, at the 100-yr stage, native species and tree sapling density had a strong positive influence, while species that occur in wet environments had a slight negative influence on herbaceous species. The dominant influence of vegetation structure variables and the homogeneity of the predicting models across 100-yr floodplain suggest that autogenic processes are the primary drivers of herbaceous community development. Further, the spatial and temporal homogeneity of autogenic drivers suggests that the fluvial environment is less influential on the understory stratum. Further research is needed into the influence of other environmental factors such as hillslope related groundwater changes. Table 22. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA Axis I scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Tom Miner Basin. R2 = coefficient of multiple determination; A.= eigenvalue. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. Individual variables, p<0.05; whole model, p< 0.01.________ _____________ Composition RI 2 5 10 100 N 93 102 111 122 I 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.64 R2 0.39 0.47 0.46 0.49 Abiotic Variables Morphology Biotic Variables Structure I I I i I S 19.45 -O -6.03 31.73 32.47 33.44 21.43 34.28 33.60 32.64 21.18 17.08 I -29.79 -38.18 -35.21 -23.44 71 o Edge Grass • Shrub * Deciduous o Mixed-Con/Sal + Mixed-Con/Dec ■ Coniferous 500 a 450 400 350 M I "A 300 V 0 * + »* ** + 250 200 •a * A jA # I. % 150 100 50 4 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Axis I Figure 18. Distribution of patch types in a DCA plot for patches in Tom Miner Basin 2-yr zones based upon herbaceous cover. 700 -I 600 500 - A Grass * Shrub a 300 - 200 Deciduous M ixed-Con/Dec M ixed-Con/Sal - Coniferous p <0.001 -150 850 1850 2850 3850 4850 34280 LAYERSq + 31.728 TOTALcovQ - 29.789 WIDTH Figure 19. Distribution of Tom Miner Basin 2-yr floodplain patch types along an environmental gradient model of canopy layers, total canopy cover and channel width. Environmental gradient was established through a multiple linear regression of DCA Axis I scores on herbaceous cover. 72 The DCA scores of Soda Butte Creek herbaceous cover were driven by a combination of autogenic and allogenic variables (Table 23). While there is more separation apparent along Axis 2 (Figure 20), the rescaling and detrending functions in DCA often cause enough mean displacement that its ecological meaning is nebulous, at best (van Groenewoud, 1992). Regressions on herbaceous DCA Axis I scores from Soda Butte Creek are statistically significant for the 2- and 100-yr floodplains, only (Table 23). The drivers of herbaceous composition in the 2-yr floodplain are balanced between community composition and flow magnitude variables. In the 100-yr floodplain, herbaceous cover by species was strongly influenced by patch width and, to a lesser degree, floodplain morphology (Figure 21). Table 23. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr recurrence intervals in Soda Butte Creek. R2 = coefficient of multiple determination; X= eigenvalue. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. Individual variables, p<0.05; whole model, p< 0.01.________ Biotic Variables Composition Structure CZ) -o ICO N X R2 I 2 25 0.64 0.66 57.43 5 38 0.75 10 45 0.74 100 55 0.69 RI I Abiotic Variables Magnitude Morphology CZ) 3 S 3.20 40.76 N o m odel. H igh p-va lu es N o m odel. H igh p-va lu es 0.48 50.08 -25.08 73 400 n 350 300 250 (N ♦♦ .52 200 4♦ X < ♦ ♦♦♦♦ # $ 150 ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 100 r 50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Axis I Figure 20. Detrended correspondence analysis plot of Axis I and 2 patch scores for patches in Soda Butte Creek 100-yr floodplain. R = 0.478 p <0.001 #♦ ♦ ♦ 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 -25.084 R +50.078 PATCHWIDTH Figure 21. Regression plot of Soda Butte Creek 100-yr floodplain DCA Axis I scores along an environmental gradient of floodplain shape and patch width. 74 In Soda Butte Creek, the response of floodplain herbaceous vegetation to the fluvial environment is indicated by the contributions made by autogenic and allogenic variables to the DCA regression models. The. major influencing variables in the 2-yr regression model for Soda Butte Creek are slope - a flow magnitude variable - and density of shrub saplings - a community composition variable. The 2-yr floodplain experiences the highest stream power levels during floods with recurrence intervals greater than 2 years due to increased depth at these higher flood stages (Figure 8). Thus, hydrologic factors associated with flow magnitude and microclimate changes associated with establishing woody vegetation appear to affect herbaceous composition. In the 100-yr floodplain, patch width and hydraulic radius are influential on herbaceous cover. The microtopography of the higher zones of the 100-yr floodplain affects the depth to ground water and duration of inundation. Further, patch width is a product of floodplain morphology. Depth to groundwater and substrate texture are functions of the fluvial landfprms of which they are a part (Hupp, 1983; Hupp & Osterkamp, 1996; Malanson & Butler, 1990). Thus, the environmental conditions associated with a particular landform determine the width of the associated patch community. Stream power in 10-100-yr zones is often much lower than in frequently disturbed zones due to shallower water depths and boundary effects of floodplain vegetation (Bendix, 1999; Sigafoos, 1964). Thus, the influence of hydrologic factors associated with magnitude on frequently inundated portions of the floodplain and that of floodplain morphology on less frequently inundated portions are expected. 75 Figure 22 indicates some structure to the DCA Axis I scores of herbaceous cover by species in Cache Creek. The variables explaining herbaceous cover gradients are different for each floodplain (Table 24). The models for the 2- and 5-yr floodplains were positively influenced by community composition and structure. However, different variables represent composition and structure in each model. In contrast, magnitude variables dominate the 10-yr model by negatively influencing the DCA Axis I scores (Figure 23). The balanced influence of autogenic and allogenic variables on the 100-yr model indicate yet another set of herbaceous composition drivers where basin factors exert an influence. 350 , 300 250 M 200 .22 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < 150 ♦ V 100 - ♦ ♦ 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Axis I Figure 22. Detrended correspondence analysis plot of Axis I and 2 patch scores for patches in Cache Creek 10-yr floodplain. 76 Table 24. Multiple linear regression coefficients predicting herbaceous cover DCA scores for 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr floodplains in Cache Creek. R 2 = coefficient of multiple determination; A.= eigenvalue. Variable definitions appear in Table 18. Individual variables, p<0.05; whole model, p< 0.01.__________________________________ Biotic Variables Composition Structure SLOPE BA Elevation PATCHWIDTH SHRUBallDENtot R2 0.40 0.60 0.67 0.59 HERBcovQ X 0.67 0.56 0.55 0.55 WISTreebaQ N 26 34 38 61 NATIVEq 2 5 10 100 RICHq RI Abiotic Variables Basin Magnitude 47.55 62.00 55.65 46.06 40.96 -37.14 66.10 -29.99 21.43 -122.44 -93.21 -34.87 -33.66 -21.52 500 450 400 350 300 250 - 200 - 150 - 100 - R2 = 0.290 p < 0 .0 0 1 46 NATIVEq - 30 WISTreeba -122 Elevation - 93 BA -34 SLOPE Figure 23. Regression plot of Cache Creek 10-yr floodplain DCA Axis I scores along an environmental gradient of vegetation composition, basin and flood magnitude variables. A number of unusual patterns arise when interpreting the Cache Creek data. First, herbaceous vegetation responds to changes in the fluvial environment in Cache Creek but only in the less frequently inundated 10- and 100-yr floodplains. Second, basin variables play a minor yet statistically significant role in the environmental gradients of herbaceous 77 cover by species in Cache Creek but are absent in Soda Butte and Tom Miner Creeks. Third, the community composition and structure are the most influential variables in the most frequently flooded floodplains. The variability in.vegetation response suggests a biological threshold (or set of biological thresholds) was crossed between the 5- and 10-yr floodplains for the respective species present. A possible explanation for these variations relative to the other creeks may be that 57% of the Cache Creek basin,, measured at the mouth, was burned in the 1988 fires (Legleiter et ah, in press). More analysis is needed to establish if this link exists and, if so, to what degree. 78 SYNTHESIS This study has shown that the interaction between fluvial processes and floodplain vegetation varies in character and degree even among basins of similar geologic and ecological settings. The concept of connectivity provides a useful framework in which to synthesize these findings. The dictionary definition of “connectivity” is the state or quality of being in relationship. To be hydrologically “connected” is merely a function of the frequency of influence (i.e., flood frequency) (Ward et ah, 2002). Further, in terms of floodplain environment alteration, connectivity is the exchange of energy, matter or species between aquatic and terrestrial systems (Junk et ah, 1986). The results of this study detected responses of riparian vegetation to varying floodplain environments. Accordingly, the term “riparian connectivity” can be coined as a particular type of connectivity that reflects the degree of responsiveness of riparian vegetation to the fluvial environment. Thus, the sensitivity of riparian plant composition and structure to the allogenic influence of fluvial dynamics becomes a measure of riparian connectivity. The results of this study can be used to indicate varying degrees of riparian connectivity at basin and patch levels. Basin level riparian connectivity can be assessed by relating basin level vegetation composition and structure to catchment characteristics (Table 25). Basin level floodplain characteristics vary from basin to basin as do dominant patch types, although community structure variables do not. In Tom Miner Basin, low elevation, wide-ranging channel slopes and confluence-associated convexities (Figure 4) may be related to the patch type distribution dominated by coniferous, shrub 79 and deciduous types (Figure 11). Soda Butte and Cache Creeks have similar elevation ranges, smooth longitudinal profiles and channel slope distributions (Figure 4). Coniferous and edge patch types codominate in Soda Butte Creek while the edge patch type is most abundant in Cache Creek (Figure 11). The dominant patch types of Cache Creek differ from those of Soda Butte Creek because of the slow recovery of Cache Creek vegetation from the basin-wide wildfires of 1988. Differences in basin level dominant patch types correspond with differences in elevation, longitudinal profile shape and channel slope. Thus, changes in patch type distribution may be used as indicators of riparian connectivity at the basin level in the Northern Range of the GYE. Dominant Patch types % Patches per site Tom Miner Basin 1500-2000 Convex 3.2 Coniferous, Shrub, Deciduous 8 3 Soda Butte Creek 2000-2400 Linear 2.2 Coniferous, Edge 8 3 Cache Creek 2000-2400 Concave 2.6 Edge 10 3 3 Basin Basin shape § I Elevation S? Channel Slope Table 25. Basin level indicators of mountain streams of the Northern Range of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.___________________________________ s. S # Comparisons of vegetation composition, relationships between biotic and abiotic factors, and herbaceous composition drivers were used to assess riparian connectivity at the patch level (Table 26). Composition variables included dominant species and functional group composition. Comparisons of dominant species showed differences between zones within a basin (Table 8, Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11). Dominant species differences were most often seen in the herbaceous layer. Differences in 80 functional group composition between zones within the same basin detected using the Sorensen similarity index yielded varying results for each basin, also. Only two functional groups in Tom Miner Basin showed differences in composition (Table 15) compared to the five groups in Soda Butte Creek (Table 16) and four groups in Cache Creek (Table 17 and Table 26). The variable composition between zones within a basin indicates that diversity in vegetation response varies throughout the floodplain environment. Thus, differences dominant species and functional group composition can be used to detect degrees of riparian connectivity. Responsive functional groups Biotic-abiotic character Type of herbaceous cover drivers Basin Tom Miner Basin Soda Butte Creek Cache Creek Responsive stratum Table 26. Indicators of riparian connectivity. Responsive stratum entries indicate the stratum with the greatest dominant species variability between zones. Responsive functional group entries indicate groups showing dissimilarity between zones. Bioticabiotic character entries describe groups of biotic and abiotic factors as they varied between floodplains. Types of herbaceous cover driver entries describe the dominant type of factors influencing herbaceous cover.________________________________ Herb Sedge*, Non-willow Homogenous/Homogenous Autogenic Herb Sedge*, Shrub, Herb, Forb, Grass Forb*, Woody, Herb, Sedge Heterogeneous/Heterogeneous Mixed Autogenic/Allogenic Homogenous/Heterogeneous Allogenic/Autogenic Herb * D e n o te s th e f u n c t i o n a l g r o u p w ith th e g r e a t e s t n u m b e r o f d iffe r e n c e s b e tw e e n z o n e s Compositionally, the herbaceous layer showed the most responsiveness to variations within the floodplain environment. Variability in dominant species among zones of a given basin was largely in the herbaceous layer. The responsive dominant species and functional groups were predominantly herbaceous, even though herbaceous groups only represented four of nine functional groups tested. Thus, the dominant 81 species and Sgrensen similarity data suggest that there is potential for herbaceous composition to be used as an indicator of varying levels of riparian connectivity. The relationships between biotic and abiotic factors as well as the drivers of herbaceous cover (DCA scores of herbaceous cover) can be used to assess the character of riparian connectivity. In Tom Miner Basin, neither the biotic-abiotic relationships nor the drivers of herbaceous cover varied between floodplains. The most influential biotic and abiotic factors of the CCA and DCA regression models were homogenous among floodplains and indicated that patches with dense understories were highly correlated with wide channels and that the primary successional processes for the herbaceous stratum were autogenic (Table 19 and Table 22). The dominance of autogenic herbaceous cover drivers suggests that fluvial environmental conditions are below biological thresholds for the species present in Tom Miner Basin due to channel entrenchment. Changes in the floodplain environment would have to take place before allogenic factors would alter current successional trajectories. Riparian connectivity is present in Tom Miner Basin as indicated by the consistency of the vegetation response to the fluvial environment. However, the character of the riparian connectivity is autogenic and uniform across the 100-yr floodplain. The uniform vegetation response is likely due to channel incision. The biotic-abiotic relationships and drivers of herbaceous cover of Soda Butte Creek were temporally and spatially dynamic. The variables present in the CCA differed among each floodplain indicating heterogeneity among abiotic as well as among biotic factors (Table 20 and Table 23). Canonical correlation results implied that biological 82 thresholds were crossed between the 2- and 5-yr and between the 5- and 10-yr floodplains. While the DCA regressions included only 2- and 100-yr'models, the results potentially corroborate CCA findings. The responsiveness of Soda Butte Creek vegetation to changes in floodplain environment indicates the presence of riparian connectivity while varied relationships indicate a spatially, temporally and successionally dynamic character to the riparian connectivity. All relationships between biotic and abiotic factors in Cache Creek involved the same set of biotic factors—herbaceous layer cover and patch width (Table 21). While all sets of abiotic factors indicated that the present vegetation is associated with a low magnitude fluvial environment, the heterogeneous nature of contributing variables suggests that the character of the low magnitude environment varied between floodplains. The drivers of herbaceous vegetation varied from primarily autogenic in the high frequency floodplains to primarily allogenic in the low frequency floodplains (Table 24). The homogenous vegetation response to a somewhat heterogeneous fluvial environment as well as the switch from autogenic to allogenic drivers of herbaceous cover at the 10-yr flood frequency indicates a low to moderate level of riparian connectivity that varies in character (Table 26). Because the vegetation of Cache Creek is only in the early stages of recovery from the 1988 fires there is potential for change in the degree of riparian connectivity. Further monitoring is needed to determine the level of riparian connectivity once the system approaches dynamic equilibrium. The potential for the herbaceous stratum to be used as an indicator of riparian connectivity is shown above. Variability among floodplain positions for a given basin 83 was pronounced in the herbaceous stratum. Herbaceous functional groups showed more differences in composition between floodplain zones of a given basin than woody functional groups. In the CCA results, ten of the twelve models included herbaceous cover as a contributing variable. And, the sensitivity of herbaceous cover to changes in floodplain environment is evident in the regression models predicting DCA scores of herbaceous cover by species. Thus, focusing on the herbaceous component when monitoring riparian condition may be worthy. Disconnection between floodplains and streams often occurs due to human imposed changes in hydrologic regimes such as dams, diversions and inputs. However, the basins studied here have little, if any, flow regulation. Thus, varying degrees of connectivity occur naturally. Geologic controls on longitudinal profiles of streams are dominant. Tectonics, glacial remnants and inherited valley configurations impose changes in base levels to which streams must respond (Knighton, 1998; Wohl, 2000). Changes in channel slope cause corresponding changes in channel pattern, channel configurations and floodplain processes which, in turn, produce reach specific hydrologic regimes, floodplain topography and floodplain soil texture. Riparian connectivity is indicative of the floodplain environment and its controls. Riparian vegetation and floodplain hydrology are inextricably linked. The temporal variability of the hydrologic regime imparts a basin-specific dynamic nature to the hydrogeomorphic environment in small mountain riparian systems. The multi-scale spatial and temporal processes that coincide at a given floodplain location create innumerable floodplain environments to which existing, or establishing, vegetation can 84 respond. The ecological response to this heterogeneity is a mosaic of patch types where the understory vegetation is most indicative of riparian connectivity. I 85 MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Management of riparian ecosystems requires a full understanding of the connection between the river and the floodplain vegetation. The degree of riparian connectivity and its character indicates the dependence of riparian vegetation on the floodplain hydrologic environment. Identifying vegetation composition and structure differences between regions of the floodplain inundated at different frequencies can be used to indicate the degree of connectivity. The character of riparian connectivity can be determined by identifying those factors that have maximum influence on a particular responsive vegetation stratum, functional group, or group of species and by classifying the relationships between biotic and abiotic factors. The current degree and character of riparian connectivity along streams within a watershed can be used as baseline condition prior to a land use or flow regime change. Monitoring for changes of riparian connectivity can then be used to evaluate watershed and riparian condition. To determine the character of riparian connectivity, relationships between biotic and abiotic factors across the 100-yr floodplain must be classified. For example, if the group of biotic factors for each flood frequency is relatively the same, the factors are said to be homogenous. If they are different, then they are heterogeneous. The same holds for the group of abiotic factors. This approach indicates the influence of flood frequency on the biotic-abiotic relationships across the floodplain. Placed in the context of the controls on flood frequency (e.g. flow regulation, bank stabilization, climate change, beaver populations, etc.), the nature of biotic-abiotic relationships becomes a measurable I ' 86 quality that responds to changes in these controls and thus can be used as an indicator of riparian condition. 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O O NJ # Species n XD W to > H H XD NJ X D to > Cd # Species Tree O X D to O X D to H H X D to > Cd > XD V Dd H erb CQ2a I C Q2b 3 0.5 T Q2a 6 0.29 T Q2b 6 SQ 2 4 — — — C Q2a 42 — — — — — — C Q2b 32 0.62 — — — 0.67 — T Q2a 91 0.41 0.29 — — 0.29 0.22 — T Q2b 61 0.37 0.22 — — 0.4 0.57 S Q2 54 0.54 0.37 — C Q2a 29 C Q2b 19 0.6 0.4 S h rub 0.43 0.45 F orb CQ2a 4 — C Q2b 0 0 — — T Q2a 18 0.18 0 — T Q2a 58 0.44 0.26 T Q2b 19 0.26 0 — T Q2b 48 0.39 0.21 SQ2 6 0.6 0 S Q2 41 0.55 0.3 CQ2a 2 — C Q2a 8 — 0.25 0.32 W illow — 0.58 — — — — — — — — — 0.46 — 0.49 G rass — — C Q2b 0 0 — — C Q2b 7 0.67 — — T Q2a 9 0.18 0 — T Q2a 18 0.38 0.4 — — T Q2b 7 0.22 0 — T Q2b 9 0.12 0.13 — — SQ2 3 0.8 S Q2 7 0.53 0.57 — C Q2a 4 5 0.67 0.22 0.21 0 0.33 0.4 0.4 0.25 S edge N o n -w illo w C Q2a — 2 — — — — — — — — — — — C Q2b 0 — — C Q2b T Q2a 10 0.17 0 — T Q2a 14 T Q2b 13 0.27 0 — T Q2b 3 0.57 0.25 — — SQ2 3 0.4 0 0.15 S Q2 5 0.44 0.4 0.21 0.25 0 0.25 W oody C Q2a 5 — — — — C Q2b 3 0.25 — — — T Q2a 24 0.21 0.22 — — T Q2b 25 0.27 0.07 — — SQ2 10 0.53 0.31 0.35 0.34 97 Table 28. Sorensen indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 5 years. # Species CQ5 TQ5 Tree # Species CQ5 TQ5 H erb CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 I 4 2 — 0.40 0.00 — — 0.33 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 6 10 5 — 0.38 0.55 — — 0.13 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 3 5 4 — 0.25 0.86 — — 0.22 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 3 6 I — 0.44 0.00 — — 0.00 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 7 14 7 — 0.38 0.43 — — 0.19 Shrub CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 40 42 52 — 0.41 0.50 — — 0.40 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 25 26 39 — 0.47 0.50 — — 0.40 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 10 9 7 — 0.32 0.47 — — 0.38 CQ5 TQ5 SQ5 4 6 5 — 0.20 0.44 — — 0.36 Forb W illow G rass N o n -w illo w Sedge W oody Table 29. Sorensen indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 10 years. # Species CQlO TQlO # Species CQlO TQlO H erb Tree CQlO TQlO SQlO 3 3 3 — 0.67 0.67 — — 0.67 CQlO TQlO SQlO 4 10 5 — 0.14 0.00 — — 0.27 CQlO TQlO SQlO 18 37 34 — 0.25 0.38 — — 0.45 CQlO TQlO SQlO 14 21 25 — 0.29 0.36 — — 0.43 CQlO TQlO SQlO 4 9 4 — 0.31 0.75 — — 0.46 CQlO TQlO SQlO 0 6 4 — 0.00 0.00 — — 0.40 F orb Shrub G rass W illow CQlO TQlO SQlO 0.00 0.00 — — 0.36 3 I — 0.33 0.00 — — 0.00 7 13 8 — 0.30 0.27 — — 0.38 I 7 4 — Sedge N on-w illow CQlO TQlO SQlO 3 W oody CQlO TQlO SQlO 98 Table 30. Serensen indices between patches in Tom Miner Basin (T), Soda Butte Creek (S) and Cache Creek (C) inundated every 10 years. # Species CQ100 H erb CQ100 TQ100 SQ100 24 0 20 — 0.41 F orb CQ100 TQ100 SQ100 15 0 13 .. — 0.43 APPENDIX B Correlation SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ 0.389 -0.218 0.164 0.150 0.068 0.211 0.519 0.252 0.384 0.267 -0.282 -0.042 0.304 HERBcovQ -0.145 1.000 0.265 -0.240 0.039 0.429 0.308 0.225 0.265 -0.006 0.222 0.038 -0.090 -0.149 0.129 0.085 LAYERSq 0.426 0.265 1.000 0.412 -0.157 0.380 0.531 0.442 0.500 0.402 0.228 0.252 0.264 -0.161 0.326 0.457 NATIVEq 0.389 -0.240 0.412 1.000 -0.195 0.134 0.121 0.082 0.221 0.467 0.116 0.203 0.255 0.075 0.164 0.365 -0.218 0.039 -0.157 -0.195 1.000 -0.013 -0.017 0.036 -0.059 -0.371 -0.055 -0.145 -0.108 0.002 -0.033 -0.360 RICHq 0.164 0.429 0.380 0.134 -0.013 1.000 0.275 0.181 0.320 0.047 0.204 0.262 0.010 0.030 0.218 0.217 SHRUBallDENtot 0.150 0.308 0.531 0.121 -0.017 0.275 1.000 0.512 0.648 0.074 0.073 -0.057 0.131 -0.046 0.017 0.147 SH RUBcovQ 0.068 0.225 0.442 0.082 0.036 0.181 0.512 1.000 0.415 -0.015 -0.006 -0.121 0.036 -0.017 0.275 0.208 SHRUBsapDEN 0.211 0.265 0.500 0.221 -0.059 0.320 0.648 0.415 1.000 0.173 0.162 -0.002 0.176 -0.079 0.021 0.207 TOTALcovQ 0.519 -0.006 0.402 0.467 -0.371 0.047 0.074 -0.015 0.173 1.000 0.189 0.402 0.441 -0.197 -0.062 0.483 TREEallDEN 0.252 0.222 0.228 0.116 -0.055 0.204 0.073 -0.006 0.162 0.189 1.000 0.391 0.099 -0.105 -0.102 0.138 TREEsapDEN 0.384 0.038 0.252 0.203 -0.145 0.262 -0.057 -0.121 -0.002 0.402 0.391 1.000 0.169 - 0.111 0.036 0.173 TREEtotBA 0.267 -0.090 0.264 0.255 -0.108 0.010 0.131 0.036 0.176 0.441 0.099 0.169 1.000 -0.048 -0.134 0.264 WISherbQ -0.282 -0.149 -0.161 0.075 0.002 0.030 -0.046 -0.017 -0.079 -0.197 -0.105 0.111 -0.048 1.000 0.212 -0.180 WISShrubQ -0.042 0.129 0.326 0.164 -0.033 0.218 0.017 0.275 0.021 -0.062 -0.102 0.036 -0.134 0.212 1.000 0.069 WISTreeQ 0.304 0.085 0.457 0.365 -0.360 0.217 0.147 0.208 0.207 0.483 0.138 0.173 0.264 -0.180 0.069 1.000 PATCHWIDTH - WISTreeQ RICHq 0.426 PATCHWIDTH NATIVEq -0.145 HERBcovAltmcn HERBco vQ 1.000 Q2.33 HERBcovAItmcn LAYERSq Table 31. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.__________________________________________________________________ SHRUBaIlDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ 0.354 -0.281 0.179 0.142 0.061 0.249 0.557 0.255 0.351 0.322 -0.193 -0.054 0.344 HERBcovQ -0.172 1.000 0.221 -0.249 0.053 0.449 0.300 0.210 0.246 -0.043 0.200 -0.025 -0.161 -0.157 0.151 0.056 LAYERSq 0.449 0.221 1.000 0.336 -0.196 0.400 0.534 0.436 0.485 0.417 0.262 0.268 0.277 -0.075 0.321 0.458 NATIVEq 0.354 -0.249 0.336 1.000 -0.181 0.043 0.062 0.042 0.194 0.409 0.104 0.091 0.265 0.022 0.105 0.329 -0.281 0.053 -0.196 -0.181 1.000 -0.039 -0.046 0.028 -0.074 -0.391 -0.089 -0.132 -0.140 -0.025 -0.026 -0.383 RICHq 0.179 0.449 0.400 0.043 -0.039 1.000 0.338 0.187 0.331 0.071 0.230 0.247 -0.040 0.080 0.247 0.229 SHRUBallDENtot 0.142 0.300 0.534 0.062 -0.046 0.338 1.000 0.491 0.594 0.127 0.158 0.074 0.081 -0.022 0.025 0.121 SHRUBcovQ 0.061 0.210 0.436 0.042 0.028 0.187 0.491 1.000 0.414 0.003 0.002 -0.073 0.005 0.009 0.272 0.202 SHRUBsapDEN 0.249 0.246 0.485 0.194 -0.074 0.331 0.594 0.414 1.000 0.183 0.166 0.053 0.145 -0.055 0.024 0.237 TOTALcovQ 0.557 -0.043 0.417 0.409 -0.391 0.071 0.127 0.003 0.183 1.000 0.240 0.305 0.456 -0.161 -0.057 0.480 TREEallDEN 0.255 0.200 0.262 0.104 -0.089 0.230 0.158 0.002 0.166 0.240 1.000 0.329 0.123 -0.087 -0.104 0.147 TREEsapDEN 0.351 -0.025 0.268 0.091 -0.132 0.247 0.074 -0.073 0.053 0.305 0.329 1.000 0.106 -0.009 0.009 0.169 TREEtotBA 0.322 -0.161 0.277 0.265 -0.140 -0.040 0.081 0.005 0.145 0.456 0.123 0.106 1.000 -0.026 -0.127 0.264 WISherbQ -0.193 -0.157 -0.075 0.022 -0.025 0.080 -0.022 0.009 -0.055 -0.161 -0.087 -0.009 -0.026 1.000 0.222 -0.125 WISShrubQ -0.054 0.151 0.321 0.105 -0.026 0.247 0.025 0.272 0.024 -0.057 -0.104 0.009 -0.127 0.222 1.000 0.059 0.344 0.056 0.458 0.329 -0.383 0.229 0.121 0.202 0.237 0.480 0.147 0.169 0.264 -0.125 0.059 1.000 PATCHWIDTH WISTreeQ WISTreeQ RICHq 0.449 PATCHWIDTH NATIVEq -0.172 HERBcovA I (men HERBcovQ 1.000 QS HERBcovAltmcn LAYERSq Table 32. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.____________________________________________________________________ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA 0.191 0.154 0.047 0.269 0.577 0.268 0.349 0.301 -0.258 -0.054 0.328 HERBcovQ -0.176 1.000 0.209 -0.278 0.090 0.377 0.275 0.170 0.235 -0.062 0.193 -0.032 -0.163 -0.139 0.123 0.052 LAYERSq 0.442 0.209 1.000 0.362 -0.147 0.384 0.524 0.400 0.485 0.402 0.263 0.264 0.274 -0.064 0.327 0.450 NATIVEq 0.407 -0.278 0.362 1.000 -0.191 0.109 0.089 0.064 0.212 0.417 0.119 0.098 0.259 0.015 0.145 0.338 -0.310 0.090 -0.147 -0.191 1.000 -0.066 -0.076 0.060 -0.100 -0.428 -0.074 -0.146 -0.152 0.053 0.029 -0.344 RICHq 0.191 0.377 0.384 0.109 -0.066 1.000 0.345 0.203 0.322 0.091 0.237 0.240 -0.036 0.054 0.260 0.204 SHRUBallDENtot 0.154 0.275 0.524 0.089 -0.076 0.345 1.000 0.448 0.598 0.165 0.169 0.083 0.088 -0.058 0.015 0.118 SHRUBcovQ 0.047 0.170 0.400 0.064 0.060 0.203 0.448 1.000 0.351 -0.036 0.003 -0.084 -0.008 0.058 0.312 0.177 SHRUBsapDEN 0.269 0.235 0.485 0.212 -0.100 0.322 0.598 0.351 1.000 0.218 0.173 0.064 0.153 -0.088 0.007 0.237 TOTALcovQ 0.577 -0.062 0.402 0.417 -0.428 0.091 0.165 -0.036 0.218 1.000 0.247 0.311 0.452 -0.212 -0.083 0.452 TREEallDEN 0.268 0.193 0.263 0.119 -0.074 0.237 0.169 0.003 0.173 0.247 1.000 0.319 0.117 -0.102 -0.090 0.140 TREEsapDEN 0.349 -0.032 0.264 0.098 -0.146 0.240 0.083 -0.084 0.064 0.311 0.319 1.000 0.117 -0.021 -0.005 0.179 TREEtotBA 0.301 -0.163 0.274 0.259 -0.152 -0.036 0.088 -0.008 0.153 0.452 0.117 0.117 1.000 -0.034 -0.135 0.276 WISherbQ -0.258 -0.139 -0.064 0.015 0.053 0.054 -0.058 0.058 -0.088 -0.212 -0.102 -0.021 -0.034 1.000 0.255 -0.098 WISShrubQ -0.054 0.123 0.327 0.145 0.029 0.260 0.015 0.312 0.007 -0.083 -0.090 -0.005 -0.135 0.255 1.000 0.042 WISTreeQ 0.328 0.052 0.450 0.338 -0.344 0.204 0.118 0.177 0.237 0.452 0.140 0.179 0.276 -0.098 0.042 1.000 PATCHWIDTH WISTreeQ SHRUBcovQ -0.310 WISShrubQ SHRUBallDENtot 0.407 WISherbQ RICHq 0.442 PATCHWIDTH NATIVEq -0.176 HERBcovAltmcn HERBcovQ 1.000 QlO HERBcovAltmcn LAYERSq Table 33. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._____________________________________________________________________ SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ 0.450 -0.277 0.194 0.145 0.024 0.268 0.548 0.300 0.381 0.298 -0.233 -0.083 0.322 HERBcovQ -0.232 1.000 0.190 -0.299 0.077 0.360 0.278 0.192 0.239 -0.085 0.178 -0.037 -0.158 -0.153 0.148 0.031 LAYERSq 0.435 0.190 1.000 0.356 -0.145 0.411 0.525 0.347 0.485 0.375 0.287 0.293 0.283 -0.067 0.281 0.478 NATIVEq 0.450 -0.299 0.356 1.000 -0.212 0.130 0.090 -0.007 0.220 0.422 0.128 0.122 0.256 0.026 0.089 0.369 -0.277 0.077 -0.145 -0.212 1.000 -0.066 -0.088 0.098 -0.104 -0.434 -0.062 -0.124 -0.155 0.002 0.052 -0.328 RICHq 0.194 0.360 0.411 0.130 -0.066 1.000 0.344 0.208 0.326 0.081 0.247 0.238 -0.029 0.023 0.260 0.214 SHRUBallDENtot 0.145 0.278 0.525 0.090 -0.088 0.344 1.000 0.425 0.592 0.162 0.170 0.073 0.100 -0.055 0.003 0.136 SHRUBcovQ 0.024 0.192 0.347 -0.007 0.098 0.208 0.425 1.000 0.335 -0.023 0.009 -0.072 -0.021 -0.011 0.308 0.112 SHRUBsapDEN 0.268 0.239 0.485 0.220 -0.104 0.326 0.592 0.335 1.000 0.214 0.195 0.119 0.150 -0.124 0.000 0.260 TOTALcovQ 0.548 -0.085 0.375 0.422 -0.434 0.081 0.162 -0.023 0.214 1.000 0.242 0.300 0.438 -0.153 -0.114 0.420 TREEallDEN 0.300 0.178 0.287 0.128 -0.062 0.247 0.170 0.009 0.195 0.242 1.000 0.356 0.121 -0.114 -0.094 0.156 TREEsapDEN 0.381 -0.037 0.293 0.122 -0.124 0.238 0.073 -0.072 0.119 0.300 0.356 1.000 0.108 -0.072 -0.036 0.201 TREEtotBA 0.298 -0.158 0.283 0.256 -0.155 -0.029 0.100 -0.021 0.150 0.438 0.121 0.108 1.000 -0.019 -0.141 0.286 WISherbQ -0.233 -0.153 -0.067 0.026 0.002 0.023 -0.055 -0.011 -0.124 -0.153 -0.114 -0.072 -0.019 1.000 0.198 -0.104 WISShrubQ -0.083 0.148 0.281 0.089 0.052 0.260 0.003 0.308 0.000 -0.114 -0.094 -0.036 -0.141 0.198 1.000 0.012 WISTreeQ 0.322 0.031 0.478 0.369 -0.328 0.214 0.136 0.112 0.260 0.420 0.156 0.201 0.286 -0.104 0.012 1.000 PATCHWIDTH WISTreeQ RICHq 0.435 PATCHWIDTH NATIVEq -0.232 HERBcovA I (men HERBcovQ 1.000 O lO O HERBcovAltmcn LAYERSq Table 34. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.______________________________________________________________________ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ -0.018 0.496 0.209 0.470 0.171 0.042 -0.039 0.549 0.068 -0.057 0.095 HERBcovQ -0.193 1.000 0.254 0.420 0.134 0.721 0.422 0.414 0.272 -0.233 0.023 0.469 0.172 0.357 0.241 0.141 LAYERSq 0.312 0.254 1.000 0.637 -0.245 0.229 0.579 0.507 0.500 0.265 0.385 0.457 0.573 -0.034 0.545 0.908 NATIVEq 0.375 0.420 0.637 1.000 0.294 0.578 0.431 0.412 0.411 -0.288 0.172 0.239 0.510 0.238 0.424 0.545 PATCHWIDTH 0.394 0.134 -0.245 0.294 1.000 0.204 0.050 0.014 -0.001 -0.324 -0.160 0.028 0.124 -0.036 -0.328 -0.334 -0.018 0.721 0.229 0.578 0.204 1.000 0.193 0.257 0.328 -0.456 0.234 0.131 0.041 0.494 0.237 0.126 SHRUBallDENtot 0.496 0.422 0.579 0.431 0.050 0.193 1.000 0.570 0.622 0.345 -0.022 0.399 0.432 0.148 0.186 0.338 SHRUBcovQ 0.209 0.414 0.507 0.412 0.014 0.257 0.570 1.000 0.579 0.090 -0.029 0.298 0.368 0.182 0.469 0.412 SHRUBsapDEN 0.470 0.272 0.500 0.411 -0.001 0.328 0.622 0.579 1.000 0.200 -0.024 -0.093 0.467 0.334 0.278 0.362 TOTALcovQ 0.171 -0.233 0.265 -0.288 -0.324 -0.456 0.345 0.090 0.200 1.000 -0.046 0.109 0.197 -0.224 -0.198 0.261 TREEallDEN 0.042 0.023 0.385 0.172 -0.160 0.234 -0.022 -0.029 -0.024 -0.046 1.000 0.213 0.017 0.050 0.187 0.384 TREEsapDEN -0.039 0.469 0.457 0.239 0.028 0.131 0.399 0.298 -0.093 0.109 0.213 1.000 0.337 -0.128 0.035 0.303 TREEtotBA 0.549 0.172 0.573 0.510 0.124 0.041 0.432 0.368 0.467 0.197 0.017 0.337 1.000 -0.020 0.062 0.480 WISherbQ 0.068 0.357 -0.034 0.238 -0.036 0.494 0.148 0.182 0.334 -0.224 0.050 -0.128 -0.020 1.000 0.120 -0.160 WISShrubQ -0.057 0.241 0.545 0.424 -0.328 0.237 0.186 0.469 0.278 -0.198 0.187 0.035 0.062 0.120 1.000 0.470 WISTreeQ 0.095 0.141 0.908 0.545 -0.334 0.126 0.338 0.412 0.362 0.261 0.384 0.303 0.480 -0.160 0.470 1.000 RICHq WISTreeQ SHRUBcovQ 0.394 WISShrubQ SHRUBallDENK 0.375 TREEsapDEN PATCHWIDTH 0.312 RICHq NATIVEq -0.193 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ 1.000 Q2.33 HERBcovAlsbp LAYERSq Table 35. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________________________________ SHRUBallDENtc SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WlSTreeQ -0.052 -0.004 0.030 -0.174 -0.118 -0.197 -0.146 0.074 0.079 0.025 -0.053 -0.197 -0.075 HERBcovQ -0.051 1.000 0.199 0.276 -0.250 0.774 0.405 0.610 0.429 -0.224 -0.038 0.322 0.107 0.424 0.413 0.014 LAYERSq -0.064 0.199 1.000 0.573 -0.007 0.208 0.574 0.350 0.390 0.221 0.278 0.432 0.584 -0.047 0.464 0.799 NATIVEq -0.052 0.276 0.573 1.000 0.362 0.379 0.395 0.371 0.406 -0.297 0.091 0.122 0.422 0.165 0.344 0.472 PATCHWIDTH -0.004 -0.250 -0.007 0.362 1.000 -0.185 0.111 -0.094 -0.187 -0.290 -0.183 -0.055 -0.018 -0.131 -0.225 0.181 0.030 0.774 0.208 0.379 -0.185 1.000 0.209 0.491 0.400 -0.374 0.121 0.067 0.004 0.467 0.369 0.063 SHRUBallDENtot -0.174 0.405 0.574 0.395 - 0.111 0.209 1.000 0.477 0.607 0.313 -0.069 0.337 0.491 0.176 0.288 0.261 SHRUBcovQ -0.118 0.610 0.350 0.371 -0.094 0.491 0.477 1.000 0.641 -0.062 0.111 0.143 0.186 0.278 0.491 0.196 SHRUBsapDEN -0.197 0.429 0.390 0.406 -0.187 0.400 0.607 0.641 1.000 0.197 -0.100 -0.131 0.384 0.266 0.368 0.248 TOTALcovQ -0.146 -0.224 0.221 -0.297 -0.290 -0.374 0.313 -0.062 0.197 1.000 -0.050 0.132 0.270 -0.303 -0.256 0.228 TREEallDEN 0.074 -0.038 0.278 0.091 -0.183 0.121 -0.069 0.111 -0.100 -0.050 1.000 0.194 -0.021 0.128 0.027 0.135 TREEsapDEN 0.079 0.322 0.432 0.122 -0.055 0.067 0.337 0.143 -0.131 0.132 0.194 1.000 0.318 -0.155 -0.022 0.209 TREEtotBA 0.025 0.107 0.584 0.422 -0.018 0.004 0.491 0.186 0.384 0.270 -0.021 0.318 1.000 -0.046 0.081 0.414 WISherbQ -0.053 0.424 -0.047 0.165 -0.131 0.467 0.176 0.278 0.266 -0.303 0.128 -0.155 -0.046 1.000 0.195 -0.202 WISShrubQ -0.197 0.413 0.464 0.344 -0.225 0.369 0.288 0.491 0.368 -0.256 0.027 -0.022 0.081 0.195 1.000 0.294 WISTreeQ -0.075 0.014 0.799 0.472 0.181 0.063 0.261 0.196 0.248 0.228 0.135 0.209 0.414 -0.202 0.294 1.000 RICHq - - TOTALcovQ PATCHWIDTH -0.064 • NATIVEq -0.051 HERBcovAlsbp RICHq LAYERSq 1.000 05 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ Table 36. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________________________________ - TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ 0.013 -0.118 -0.122 -0.200 -0.014 0.114 0.147 0.012 -0.073 -0.174 -0.100 HERBcovQ -0.014 1.000 0.221 0.258 -0.263 0.704 0.496 0.616 0.468 -0.189 -0.053 0.298 0.091 0.444 0.447 -0.002 LAYERSq -0.042 0.221 1.000 0.542 -0.066 0.272 0.472 0.295 0.313 0.310 0.255 0.428 0.530 0.008 0.499 0.798 NATIVEq -0.217 0.258 0.542 1.000 0.344 0.390 0.271 0.353 0.370 -0.263 0.095 0.122 0.422 0.168 0.341 0.469 PATCHWIDTH -0.217 -0.263 -0.066 0.344 1.000 -0.198 -0.154 -0.084 -0.173 -0.306 -0.173 -0.088 -0.004 -0.153 -0.254 0.126 0.013 0.704 0.272 0.390 -0.198 1.000 0.176 0.418 0.321 -0.318 0.101 0.080 0.011 0.456 0.393 0.176 SHRUBallDENtot -0.118 0.496 0.472 0.271 -0.154 0.176 1.000 0.449 0.594 0.221 -0.090 0.258 0.315 0.251 0.352 0.123 SHRUBcovQ -0.122 0.616 0.295 0.353 -0.084 0.418 0.449 1.000 0.669 -0.081 -0.107 0.117 0.184 0.292 0.480 0.127 SHRUBsapDEN -0.200 0.468 0.313 0.370 -0.173 0.321 0.594 0.669 1.000 0.123 -0.101 -0.132 0.348 0.291 0.372 0.143 TOTALcovQ -0.014 -0.189 0.310 -0.263 -0.306 -0.318 0.221 -0.081 0.123 1.000 -0.031 0.163 0.243 -0.238 -0.163 0.272 TREEallDEN 0.114 -0.053 0.255 0.095 -0.173 0.101 -0.090 -0.107 -0.101 -0.031 1.000 0.191 -0.008 0.107 0.016 0.132 TREEsapDEN 0.147 0.298 0.428 0.122 -0.088 0.080 0.258 0.117 -0.132 0.163 0.191 1.000 0.262 -0.114 0.014 0.232 TREEtotBA 0.012 0.091 0.530 0.422 -0.004 0.011 0.315 0.184 0.348 0.243 -0.008 0.262 1.000 -0.071 0.061 0.378 WISherbQ -0.073 0.444 0.008 0.168 -0.153 0.456 0.251 0.292 0.291 -0.238 0.107 -0.114 -0.071 1.000 0.265 -0.142 WISShrubQ -0.174 0.447 0.499 0.341 -0.254 0.393 0.352 0.480 0.372 -0.163 0.016 0.014 0.061 0.265 1.000 0.320 WISTreeQ -0.100 -0.002 0.798 0.469 0.126 0.176 0.123 0.127 0.143 0.272 0.132 0.232 0.378 -0.142 0.320 1.000 RICHq TOTALcovQ SHRUBcovQ -0.217 SHRUBsapDEN SHRUBallDENtc -0.217 RICHq -0.042 PATCHWIDTH NATIVEq -0.014 HERBcovA I sbp HERBcovQ 1.000 QlO HERBcovAlsbp LAYERSq Table 37. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._____________________________________________________________________ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ 0.028 0.109 -0.070 -0.139 -0.154 0.095 -0.078 0.061 0.221 HERBcovQ -0.212 1.000 0.246 0.220 -0.238 0.717 0.294 0.527 0.323 -0.148 -0.015 0.320 0.249 0.321 0.440 -0.011 LAYERSq 0.103 0.246 1.000 0.523 -0.107 0.310 0.417 0.290 0.218 0.345 0.279 0.452 0.413 -0.034 0.516 0.779 NATIVEq 0.488 0.220 0.523 1.000 0.324 0.345 0.227 0.342 0.331 -0.229 0.107 0.147 0.263 0.188 0.350 0.443 PATCHWlDTH 0.647 -0.238 -0.107 0.324 1.000 -0.195 -0.112 -0.061 -0.100 -0.306 -0.154 -0.134 -0.064 -0.118 -0.229 0.057 -0.129 0.717 0.310 0.345 -0.195 1.000 0.115 0.322 0.137 -0.278 0.143 0.244 0.334 0.307 0.352 0.173 SHRUBallDENtot 0.020 0.294 0.417 0.227 -0.112 0.115 1.000 0.436 0.568 0.141 -0.063 0.112 0.057 0.253 0.373 0.064 SHRUBcovQ 0.028 0.527 0.290 0.342 -0.061 0.322 0.436 1.000 0.679 -0.058 -0.057 0.019 0.024 0.355 0.506 0.094 SHRUBsapDEN 0.109 0.323 0.218 0.331 -0.100 0.137 0.568 0.679 1.000 0.101 -0.114 -0.156 0.039 0.390 0.384 -0.011 TOTALcovQ -0.070 -0.148 0.345 -0.229 -0.306 -0.278 0.141 -0.058 0.101 1.000 -0.016 0.174 0.150 -0.232 -0.094 0.309 TREEallDEN -0.139 -0.015 0.279 0.107 -0.154 0.143 -0.063 -0.057 -0.114 -0.016 1.000 0.192 0.075 0.088 0.051 0.175 TREEsapDEN -0.154 0.320 0.452 0.147 -0.134 0.244 0.112 0.019 -0.156 0.174 0.192 1.000 0.597 -0.146 0.039 0.298 0.095 0.249 0.413 0.263 -0.064 0.334 0.057 0.024 0.039 0.150 0.075 0.597 1.000 -0.130 0.076 0.277 -0.078 0.321 -0.034 0.188 -0.118 0.307 0.253 0.355 0.390 -0.232 0.088 -0.146 -0.130 1.000 0.281 -0.151 WISShrubQ 0.061 0.440 0.516 0.350 -0.229 0.352 0.373 0.506 0.384 -0.094 0.051 0.039 0.076 0.281 1.000 0.295 WISTreeQ 0.221 -0.011 0.779 0.443 0.057 0.173 0.064 0.094 -0.011 0.309 0.175 0.298 0.277 -0.151 0.295 1.000 RICHq TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISherbQ 0.020 TREEtotBA SHRUBsapDEN -0.129 TREEsapDEN SHRUBcovQ 0.647 TREEallDEN SHRUBallDENtt 0.488 TOTALcovQ PATCHWIDTH 0.103 RICHq NATIVEq -0.212 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ 1.000 O lO O HERBcovAlsbp LAYERSq Table 38. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. _____ ______________________ _ WISTreebaQ WISShrubQ WISherbQ TREEtotBA TREEsapDEN TREEallDEN TOTALcovQ SHRUBsapDEN SHRUBcovQ SHRUBallDENK RICHq PATCHWlDTH NATIVEq LAYERSq HERBcovQ Q2.33 HERBcovAIc Table 39. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._________________________________________________________________ HERBcovAlc 1.000 0.372 0.235 0.205 -0.129 0.522 0.393 0.249 0.178 -0.033 0.106 -0.046 0.015 0.417 0.405 -0.129 HERBcovQ 0.372 1.000 0.372 0.233 0.099 0.802 0.068 0.008 0.124 0.249 0.024 -0.005 0.266 -0.017 0.386 0.391 LAYERSq 0.235 0.372 1.000 0.104 -0.276 0.180 0.656 0.387 0.849 0.781 0.146 0.126 0.733 0.055 0.679 0.268 NATIVEq 0.205 0.233 0.104 1.000 0.196 0.349 0.163 0.117 -0.043 -0.081 0.051 0.007 -0.133 0.496 0.142 0.052 -0.129 0.099 -0.276 0.196 1.000 0.291 -0.343 -0.301 -0.320 -0.242 0.335 0.100 -0.276 0.005 -0.378 -0.118 -0.034 -0.124 0.009 0.078 -0.034 0.231 0.068 0.192 0.287 0.083 PATCHWIDTH RICHq 0.522 0.802 0.180 0.349 0.291 1.000 SHRUBallDENtot 0.393 0.068 0.656 0.163 -0.343 -0.034 1.000 0.624 0.648 0.247 -0.066 -0.070 0.257 0.059 0.634 -0.061 SHRUBcovQ 0.249 0.008 0.387 0.117 -0.301 -0.124 0.624 1.000 0.224 -0.027 -0.065 -0.019 -0.017 0.059 0.637 -0.126 SHRUBsapDEN 0.178 0.124 0.849 -0.043 -0.320 0.009 0.648 0.224 1.000 0.866 -0.050 -0.068 0.860 -0.097 0.428 0.090 TOTALcovQ -0.033 0.249 0.781 -0.081 -0.242 0.078 0.247 -0.027 0.866 1.000 -0.046 -0.070 0.953 -0.117 0.245 0.346 TREEallDEN 0.106 0.024 0.146 0.051 0.335 -0.034 -0.066 -0.065 -0.050 -0.046 1.000 -0.032 -0.031 0.309 -0.090 -0.066 TREEsapDEN -0.046 -0.005 0.126 0.007 0.100 0.231 -0.070 -0.019 -0.068 -0.070 -0.032 1.000 -0.059 0.030 0.413 -0.085 TREEtotBA 0.015 0.266 0.733 -0.133 -0.276 0.068 0.257 -0.017 0.860 0.953 -0.031 -0.059 1.000 -0.173 0.317 0.282 WISherbQ 0.417 -0.017 0.055 0.496 0.005 0.192 0.059 0.059 -0.097 -0.117 0.309 0.030 -0.173 1.000 0.048 0.038 WISShrubQ 0.405 0.386 0.679 0.142 -0.378 0.287 0.634 0.637 0.428 0.245 -0.090 0.413 0.317 0.048 1.000 -0.002 WISTreebaQ -0.129 0.391 0.268 0.052 -0.118 0.083 -0.061 -0.126 0.090 0.346 -0.066 -0.085 0.282 0.038 -0.002 1.000 SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTA LcovQ TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ 0.467 0.558 -0.151 -0.059 -0.258 -0.108 -0.286 0.069 -0.279 -0.335 -0.052 -0.401 -0.265 -0.224 1.000 0.241 0.076 0.106 0.829 0.198 0.077 0.214 0.120 -0.030 0.046 0.184 -0.101 0.286 0.223 -0.433 0.207 0.440 0.532 0.571 0.680 0.101 0.287 0.536 0.169 0.798 0.499 0.026 -0.157 -0.295 0.387 0.083 0.029 -0.327 0.241 1.000 0.081 TREEalIDEN SHRUBallDENti -0.327 PATCHWIDTH -0.224 NATIVEq RICHq LAYERSq LAYERSq HERBcovQ 1.000 HERBcovAlc 05 HERBcovAIc HERBcovQ Table 40. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._________________________________________________________________ NATIVEq 0.467 0.076 0.081 1.000 0.052 0.124 0.058 0.126 0.071 -0.141 PATCHWIDTH 0.558 0.106 -0.433 0.052 1.000 0.185 -0.152 -0.345 -0.189 -0.325 0.264 -0.193 -0.341 -0.185 -0.519 -0.301 RICHq -0.151 0.829 0.207 0.124 0.185 1.000 0.173 -0.017 0.234 0.090 0.001 0.185 0.065 0.042 0.258 0.129 SHRUBallDENtot -0.059 0.198 0.440 0.058 -0.152 0.173 1.000 0.663 0.922 -0.042 -0.059 -0.034 -0.040 0.229 0.413 -0.054 SHRUBcovQ -0.258 0.077 0.532 0.126 -0.345 -0.017 0.663 1.000 0.596 -0.028 -0.090 -0.052 -0.060 0.217 0.665 -0.043 SHRUBsapDEN -0.108 0.214 0.571 0.071 -0.189 0.234 0.922 0.596 1.000 0.137 -0.074 0.052 0.076 0.213 0.471 0.155 1.000 -0.070 0.374 0.764 -0.140 0.396 0.574 TOTALcovQ -0.286 0.120 0.680 -0.141 -0.325 0.090 -0.042 -0.028 0.137 TREEallDEN 0.069 -0.030 0.101 0.026 0.264 0.001 -0.059 -0.090 -0.074 -0.070 1.000 -0.010 -0.036 0.281 -0.118 -0.083 TREEsapDEN -0.279 0.046 0.287 -0.157 -0.193 0.185 -0.034 -0.052 0.052 0.374 -0.010 1.000 0.472 -0.187 0.429 0.362 TREEtotBA -0.335 0.184 0.536 -0.295 -0.341 0.065 -0.040 -0.060 0.076 0.764 -0.036 0.472 1.000 -0.288 0.360 0.373 WISherbQ -0.052 -0.101 0.169 0.387 -0.185 0.042 0.229 0.217 0.213 -0.140 0.281 -0.187 -0.288 1.000 0.101 0.022 WISShrubQ -0.401 0.286 0.798 0.083 -0.519 0.258 0.413 0.665 0.471 0.396 -0.118 0.429 0.360 0.101 1.000 0.314 0.155 0.574 -0.083 0.362 0.373 0.022 0.314 1.000 WISTreebaQ -0.265 0.223 0.499 0.029 -0.301 0.129 -0.054 -0.043 SHRUBallDENK SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ 0.504 0.509 -0.121 -0.059 -0.213 -0.169 -0.328 0.048 -0.034 -0.071 -0.019 -0.206 -0.318 HERBcovQ -0.117 1.000 0.336 0.061 0.226 0.778 0.168 0.143 0.149 0.143 -0.031 0.332 0.422 -0.173 0.394 0.198 LAYERSq -0.253 0.336 1.000 0.070 -0.386 0.225 0.458 0.557 0.613 0.707 0.059 0.109 0.571 -0.007 0.762 0.546 NATIVEq 0.504 0.061 0.070 1.000 0.047 0.118 0.051 0.104 0.040 -0.136 0.025 -0.088 -0.063 0.374 0.085 0.020 PATCHWIDTH 0.509 0.226 -0.386 0.047 1.000 0.229 -0.181 -0.309 -0.253 -0.345 0.255 0.156 -0.098 -0.152 -0.388 -0.330 RICHq -0.121 0.778 0.225 0.118 0.229 1.000 0.170 0.027 0.195 0.098 -0.001 0.235 0.124 0.003 0.288 0.127 SHRUBallDENtot -0.059 0.168 0.458 0.051 -0.181 0.170 1.000 0.669 0.853 0.041 -0.066 -0.068 0.083 0.157 0.375 0.027 SHRUBcovQ -0.213 0.143 0.557 0.104 -0.309 0.027 0.669 1.000 0.644 0.078 -0.097 0.075 0.085 0.092 0.613 0.058 SHRUBsapDEN -0.169 0.149 0.613 0.040 -0.253 0.195 0.853 0.644 1.000 0.294 -0.083 -0.060 0.174 0.020 0.377 0.301 TOTALcovQ -0.328 0.143 0.707 -0.136 -0.345 0.098 0.041 0.078 0.294 1.000 -0.079 0.077 0.428 -0.216 0.371 0.626 TREEallDEN 0.048 -0.031 0.059 0.025 0.255 -0.001 -0.066 -0.097 -0.083 -0.079 1.000 -0.008 -0.042 0.282 -0.125 -0.090 TREEsapDEN -0.034 0.332 0.109 -0.088 0.156 0.235 -0.068 0.075 -0.060 0.077 -0.008 1.000 -0.003 -0.135 0.403 0.058 TREEtotBA -0.071 0.422 0.571 -0.063 -0.098 0.124 0.083 0.085 0.174 0.428 -0.042 -0.003 1.000 -0.259 0.385 0.282 WISherbQ -0.019 -0.173 -0.007 0.374 -0.152 0.003 0.157 0.092 0.020 -0.216 0.282 -0.135 -0.259 1.000 0.007 -0.061 WISShrubQ -0.206 0.394 0.762 0.085 -0.388 0.288 0.375 0.613 0.377 0.371 -0.125 0.403 0.385 0.007 1.000 0.283 WISTreebaQ -0.318 0.198 0.546 0.020 -0.330 0.127 0.027 0.058 0.301 0.626 -0.090 0.058 0.282 -0.061 0.283 1.000 TREEallDEN RICHq -0.253 PATCHWIDTH -0.117 NATIVEq LAYERSq 1.000 OlO HERBcovAlc HERBcovAlc HERBcovQ Table 41. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._________________ SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTA LcovQ TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ 0.505 -0.156 -0.140 -0.143 -0.195 -0.160 0.070 0.017 -0.050 -0.120 -0.092 -0.194 HERBcovQ -0.165 1.000 0.393 0.079 0.186 0.795 0.354 0.091 0.208 0.202 -0.044 0.417 0.307 -0.116 0.282 0.235 LAYERSq -0.135 0.393 1.000 0.080 -0.338 0.304 0.455 0.532 0.591 0.669 0.095 0.274 0.459 0.043 0.720 0.585 NATIVEq 0.487 0.079 0.080 1.000 0.084 0.145 -0.030 0.102 0.025 -0.059 0.032 -0.035 -0.041 0.305 0.111 0.068 PATCHWIDTH 0.505 0.186 -0.338 0.084 1.000 0.155 -0.099 -0.296 -0.238 -0.254 0.199 0.152 -0.054 -0.212 -0.328 -0.307 RICHq -0.156 0.795 0.304 0.145 0.155 1.000 0.291 0.041 0.203 0.123 -0.017 0.267 0.070 0.000 0.273 0.165 SHRUBallDENtot -0.140 0.354 0.455 -0.030 -0.099 0.291 1.000 0.455 0.713 0.031 -0.047 0.197 0.001 0.141 0.353 0.006 0.017 0.037 0.133 0.642 0.099 TREEsapDEN SHRUBallDENK 0.487 TREEallDEN RICHq -0.135 PATCHWIDTH -0.165 NATIVEq LAYERSq 1.000 QlOO HERBcovAlc HERBcovAlc HERBcovQ Table 42. Pearson moment correlations among vegetation variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________________________________ SHRUBcovQ -0.143 0.091 0.532 0.102 -0.296 0.041 0.455 1.000 0.681 0.108 0.012 SHRUBsapDEN -0.195 0.208 0.591 0.025 -0.238 0.203 0.713 0.681 1.000 0.286 0.002 0.042 0.115 0.099 0.416 0.280 TOTALcovQ -0.160 0.202 0.669 -0.059 -0.254 0.123 0.031 0.108 0.286 1.000 -0.016 0.202 0.458 -0.148 0.291 0.665 TREEallDEN 0.070 -0.044 0.095 0.032 0.199 -0.017 -0.047 0.012 0.002 -0.016 1.000 0.010 -0.036 0.307 -0.042 -0.022 TREEsapDEN 0.017 0.417 0.274 -0.035 0.152 0.267 0.197 0.017 0.042 0.202 0.010 1.000 -0.036 0.003 0.327 0.198 TREEtotBA -0.050 0.307 0.459 -0.041 -0.054 0.070 0.001 0.037 0.115 0.458 -0.036 -0.036 1.000 -0.272 0.258 0.244 WISherbQ -0.120 -0.116 0.043 0.305 -0.212 0.000 0.141 0.133 0.099 -0.148 0.307 0.003 -0.272 1.000 0.059 0.024 WISShrubQ -0.092 0.282 0.720 0.111 -0.328 0.273 0.353 0.642 0.416 0.291 -0.042 0.327 0.258 0.059 1.000 0.245 WISTreebaQ -0.194 0.235 0.585 0.068 -0.307 0.165 0.006 0.099 0.280 0.665 -0.022 0.198 0.244 0.024 0.245 1.000 112 Table 43. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN POWER R SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH Q2.33 BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN POWER R SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH 1.000 0.477 -0.858 0.700 0.017 0.084 0.801 -0.106 • -0.476 0.536 0.477 1.000 -0.370 0.441 -0.003 -0.276 0.180 -0.858 -0.370 1.000 -0.595 0.024 -0.201 0.700 0.441 -0.595 1.000 0.507 1.000 0.084 -0.276 -0.201 -0.542 0.953 0.084 0.084 1.000 0.493 -0.291 -0.262 0.051 0.590 -0.348 0.740 0.121 -0.146 -0.407 -0.566 0.452 -0.103 0.516 0.004 -0.539 -0.420 0.477 -0.542 -0.024 0.002 0.649 -0.099 0.041 0.446 0.170 0.030 -0.334 -0.149 0.417 1.000 -0.315 -0.836 -0.315 1.000 0.446 -0.560 -0.560 1.000 0.170 -0.334 0.030 -0.149 0.444 -0.384 0.121 -0.566 -0.003 0.452 -0.106 -0.345 -0.053 -0.539 0.313 1.000 -0.376 -0.487 1.000 -0.487 -0.468 0.647 0.801 0.180 -0.638 0.516 0.004 0.507 -0.376 -0.638 -0.053 0.237 -0.407 -0.345 0.017 -0.003 0.024 0.313 0.953 -0.476 -0.468 0.237 -0.420 -0.024 0.536 0.647 -0.407 0.477 0.002 0.493 -0.291 -0.262 0.590 1.000 -0.641 -0.348 -0.641 1.000 0.051 Q5 BA DISTTh Elevation 1.000 0.417 ELEVTh -0.836 0.649 INUN -0.099 POWER R 0.041 SHEAR 0.740 -0.146 -0.407 SLOPE -0.459 -0.444 0.170 WIDTH 0.510 0.584 -0.349 0.510 -0.003 -0.459 -0.444 0.170 0 584 -0.349 -0.558 -0.444 -0.368 0.079 0.403 -0.008 0.951 0.531 -0.216 -0.368 -0.009 -0.405 0.444 -0.384 1.000 -0.408 -0.103 -0.408 1.000 0.358 -0.558 -0.444 0.951 -0.368 0.403 0.079 0.531 -0.216 0.625 0.625 1.000 -0.008 -0.368 -0.009 -0.405 -0.633 -0.633 1.000 0.682 -0.011 -0.186 -0.470 0.450 -0.461 0.007 -0.426 0.165 -0.243 -0.404 0.436 -0.074 0.358 1.000 0.107 0.107 1.000 QlO BA 1.000 0.328 -0.831 0.602 -0.043 -0.002 DISTTh 0.328 1.000 -0.192 0.481 0.474 Elevation -0.831 0.602 -0.192 1.000 -0.489 0.075 -0.389 -0.138 0.481 0.474 -0.489 1.000 0.531 -0.417 -0.536 0.347 0.075 0.531 1.000 -0.391 -0.144 -0.593 -0.437 -0.389 -0.138 0.594 0.421 0.421 1.000 0.950 -0.536 0.007 -0.391 -0.144 1.000 0.011 -0.461 -0.417 0.347 0.241 -0.454 0.169 -0.140 -0.108 -0.470 0.450 -0.426 0.165 -0.593 -0.404 -0.437 -0.074 0.950 0.594 0.169 -0.140 1.000 0.683 1.000 -0.483 -0.665 0.579 -0.243 0.436 0.241 -0.454 -0.108 0.683 -0.483 -0.665 1.000 BA 1.000 0.294 -0.843 0.557 0.053 -0.081 0.639 -0.232 0.294 1.000 -0.179 0.445 0.154 -0.397 -0.017 -0.450 -0.469 -0.407 0.403 DISTTh Elevation -0.843 -0.179 1.000 -0.461 -0.067 -0.071 -0.468 0.046 0.178 -0.228 ELEVTh 0.557 0.445 -0.461 1.000 0.490 -0.449 0.154 -0.067 0.490 1.000 -0.058 0.118 -0.081 -0.397 -0.071 -0.449 0.330 -0.017 0.330 1.000 SHEAR -0.232 -0.450 -0.407 -0.308 -0.058 0.968 0.690 0.125 0.759 -0.495 -0.469 0.403 0.326 -0.585 -0.384 0.690 -0.165 SLOPE -0.468 0.046 0.178 0.968 0.125 1.000 -0.472 0.639 -0.276 0.066 -0.276 1.000 -0.585 -0.308 0.400 0.053 0.326 0.066 -0.384 INUN -0.165 0.759 1.000 0.572 -0.228 0.400 0.118 -0.472 -0.108 -0.495 -0.628 -0.628 1.000 ELEVTh INUN POWER R SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH -0.043 -0.002 0.682 -0.186 - 0.579 QlOO POWER R WIDTH 0.572 -0.108 113 Table 44. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh Q2.33 BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN -0.509 0.608 -0.121 0.541 POWER -0.040 -0.535 R -0.164 SHEAR -0.048 SLOPE WIDTH QS BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN POWER 1.000 0.270 0.270 1.000 0.056 0.605 -0.509 0.056 1.000 -0.003 1.000 POWER R SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH -0.121 -0.040 -0.164 -0.048 0.158 0.752 0.541 0.293 -0.535 -0.443 -0.548 -0.603 -0.140 -0.561 -0.474 0.536 -0.344 -0.133 -0.266 -0.638 -0.550 -0.293 43.652 -0.204 0.438 1.000 0.979 0.336 0.336 1.000 0.621 -0.529 -0.248 0.290 0.553 0.553 1.000 -0.603 -0.561 -0.443 -0.140 -0.548 -0.133 -0.486 -0.266 -0.474 -0.550 0.438 0.979 0.158 0.752 -0.293 0.536 -0.652 -0.344 -0.638 -0.204 0.509 -0.297 0.074 0.611 -0.269 -0.529 0.621 -0.248 1.000 -0.259 -0.259 1.000 1.000 0.665 1.000 -0.387 0.703 -0.699 -0.387 1.000 0.744 0.302 -0.231 -0.220 -0.243 -0.129 0.854 0.703 -0.378 1.000 0.717 0.542 -0.159 -0.433 -0.207 -0.579 -0.348 -0.049 -0.186 -0.465 -0.211 0.769 -0.572 -0.670 -0.416 -0.340 -0.387 -0.484 -0.179 -0.559 -0.412 0.665 -0.699 0.744 0.302 -0.003 0.293 0.608 0.605 INUN -0.378 -0.159 0.717 1.000 -0.486 1.000 -0.297 0.611 0.290 0 509 0.074 -0.269 0.700 0.404 -0.344 -0.231 0.542 -0.433 -0.207 -0.579 -0.484 1.000 R -0.220 -0.348 -0.049 -0.186 -0.179 0.437 0.437 1.000 0.976 0.344 0.636 0.158 SHEAR -0.243 -0.465 -0.211 -0.670 -0.559 0.976 0.344 1.000 0.663 -0.347 SLOPE -0.129 -0.340 -0.387 -0.412 -0.572 0.700 0.404 -0.488 0.663 -0.347 1.000 0.854 0.636 -0.344 0.158 WIDTH -0.416 0.769 -0.368 -0.368 1.000 QlO BA 1.000 0.599 -0.613 -0.349 0.714 0.233 -0.259 -0.087 -0.288 -0.240 0.800 0.623 0.365 -0.378 -0.179 -0.419 -0.381 1.000 -0.424 -0.309 -0.135 -0.118 -0.122 -0.331 0.627 -0.461 -0.407 -0.262 0.596 0.167 DISTTh 0.599 1.000 Elevation -0.613 -0.488 ELEVTh 0.714 -0.349 0.623 -0.424 1.000 0.709 -0.582 -0.006 -0.694 INUN 0.233 0.365 -0.309 0.709 1.000 -0.441 0.109 -0.528 0359 1.000 0.970 0.591 41.339 0.245 0.021 -0.441 POWER -0.259 -0.378 -0.135 -0.582 -0.441 1.000 R -0.087 -0.179 -0.118 -0.006 0.109 SHEAR -0.288 -0.419 -0.122 -0.694 -0.528 -0.262 0.359 0.970 0.245 1.000 0.021 0.625 0.625 1.000 -0.343 0.591 -0.406 -0.240 -0.381 -0.331 -0.407 0.800 0.627 -0.461 0.596 0.167 -0.339 -0.441 -0.343 -0.406 1.000 0.604 1.000 0.622 0.597 0.109 0.190 -0.258 -0.362 -0.373 -0.170 -0.167 -0.420 -0.159 -0.432 -0.296 -0.073 -0.159 -0.127 -0.310 -0.521 -0.521 -0.296 1.000 -0.303 DISTTh Elevation 1.000 0.604 -0.367 0.767 0.624 -0.374 ELEVTh 0.622 0.597 -0.373 1.000 0.590 -0.504 0.021 -0.634 -0.416 0.528 0.109 0.190 -0.170 0.590 1.000 -0.250 0.147 -0.317 -0.157 0.029 SLOPE WIDTH QlOO BA INUN POWER -0.258 -0.362 -0.167 -0.504 -0.250 1.000 0.483 0.968 0.571 -0.372 R -0.073 -0.159 -0.127 0.021 0.147 0.483 1.000 -0.005 -0.402 SHEAR -0.303 -0.420 -0.159 -0.634 -0.317 0.968 0.629 0.629 1.000 -0.397 0.571 0.383 -0.005 0.383 1.000 -0.372 -0.402 -0.397 -0.462 1.000 SLOPE -0.310 -0.432 -0.367 -0.416 -0.157 WIDTH 0.767 0.624 -0.374 0.528 0.029 -0.462 114 Table 45. Pearson moment correlations among hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at 2-, 5-, 10- and 100-yr zones. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN POWER R SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH Q2.33 BA DISTTh Elevation I ELEVTh 1.000 0.458 -0.862 0.458 1.000 -0.547 -0.862 -0.547 1.000 INUN 0.445 0.190 0.398 0.286 -0.446 -0.296 POWER 0.013 R SHEAR 0.652 -0.241 -0.436 -0.112 0.135 -0.357 -0.515 0.335 0.153 -0.647 SLOPE WIDTH -0.360 -0.284 0.809 0.155 -0.107 -0.693 0.595 0.445 0.398 -0.446 1.000 0.762 -0.514 0.190 0.286 -0.296 0.762 1.000 0.013 -0.436 0.135 -0.514 -0.567 -0.057 -0.567 1.000 0.415 0.475 -0.643 0.129 0.437 0.944 0.178 -0.460 -0.869 0.380 -0.114 0.099 -0.551 1.000 0.384 0.091 0.040 -0.390 -0.008 0.512 1.000 -0.467 -0.629 1.000 0.652 -0.112 -0.357 0.153 -0.057 0.415 1.000 0.136 -0.241 -0.360 -0.284 -0.515 0.335 -0.647 0.155 -0.107 -0.643 0.944 0.129 0.178 0.136 1.000 -0.337 0.285 1.000 0.595 0.809 -0.693 0.475 0.437 -0.460 -0.161 -0.530 -0.213 1.000 -0.337 -0.161 0.285 -0.530 0.636 -0.064 -0.163 -0.329 -0.463 0.202 -0.288 0.122 0.556 0.750 -0.605 -0.564 -0.080 0.217 0.491 0.083 0.039 0.210 -0.222 -0.355 -0.225 -0.213 Q5 BA 1.000 DISTTh 0.492 Elevation ELEVTh -0.869 0.380 -0.114 -0.551 0.384 0.099 -0.390 -0.064 INUN POWER R 0.636 0.492 1.000 0.091 -0.358 0.040 -0.008 -0.358 1.000 0.512 -0.467 -0.418 0.202 0.089 -0.629 -0.122 -0.564 0.122 -0.080 -0.418 0.089 -0.122 0.381 1.000 -0.687 0.914 -0.687 0.381 0.914 0.039 1.000 0.265 -0.342 0.217 0.210 -0.222 1.000 -0.285 -0.285 1.000 0.563 0.712 SHEAR -0.163 SLOPE -0.329 -0.463 -0.288 WIDTH 0.556 0.750 -0.605 0.491 0.083 -0.355 -0.225 0.265 -0.342 1.000 0.491 -0.884 0.483 0.079 0.007 0.629 -0.215 -0.367 0.384 -0.443 1.000 0.096 -0.399 0.039 -0.490 -0.592 -0.034 -0.472 0.222 -0.308 -0.076 QlO BA DISTTh 0.491 1.000 -0.557 Elevation -0.884 -0.557 1.000 ELEVTh INUN 0.483 0.079 0.384 0.096 POWER 0.007 -0.399 -0.034 -0.443 -0.076 0.039 RQlO SHEAR 0.629 -0.215 -0.472 -0.437 0.568 -0.490 0.568 1.000 -0.592 0.213 0.018 1.000 0.291 0.213 0.018 0.291 1.000 0.222 -0.603 -0.655 -0.018 0.935 0.394 0.005 -0.184 -0.437 -0.603 -0.655 0.175 -0.171 -0.018 0.394 -0.610 0.499 0.141 -0.184 -0.379 -0.216 1.000 0.422 -0.377 0.422 1.000 -0.346 0.935 0.005 SLOPE -0.367 -0.308 0.175 -0.171 WIDTH 0.563 0.712 -0.610 0.499 0.141 -0.379 -0.216 -0.377 -0.346 1.000 1.000 0.545 1.000 -0.855 0.406 0.424 0.044 -0.005 -0.148 -0.400 0.067 -0.379 0.099 0.608 -0.024 -0.431 -0.411 0.220 -0.311 0.193 0.623 0.735 -0.579 0.070 -0.458 -0.065 -0.672 -0.491 -0.165 0.063 QlOO BA DISTTh Elevation ELEVTh INUN POWER R SHEAR 0.545 -0.855 0.406 0.044 -0.538 -0.538 1.000 -0.469 -0.137 0.424 -0.469 1.000 0.518 1.000 -0.625 0.477 -0.005 -0.379 0.099 -0.579 -0.458 1.000 0.963 0.443 0.608 -0.024 -0.411 0.070 -0.065 0.384 0.384 1.000 0.075 -0.365 0.179 -0.152 -0.175 -0.148 -0.431 0.220 -0.672 -0.491 0 963 0.179 1.000 0.463 -0.371 0.463 1.000 -0.405 -0.371 -0.405 1.000 0.067 -0.137 0.518 SLOPE -0.400 -0.311 0.193 -0.165 0.063 0.443 -0.152 WIDTH 0.623 0.735 -0.625 0.477 0.075 -0.365 -0.175 115 % Sand 1.000 -0.925 -0.431 A Temperature % Organic Matter A Depth Depth to Gravels % Cobbles % Coarse Gravels % Medium Gravels % Fine Gravels % Coarse Fragments % Clay % Silt % Sand Table 46. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.554 0.513 0.533 0,497 0.412 -0.443 -0.261 -0.526 0.004 % Silt -0.925 1.000 0.056 -0.491 -0.433 -0.468 -0.463 -0.376 0.397 0.280 0.485 -0.096 % Clay -0.431 0.056 1.000 -0.289 -0.318 -0.289 -0.205 -0.190 0.220 0.020 0.232 0.219 1.000 0.911 % Coarse Fragments 0.554 -0.491 -0.289 % Fine Gravels 0.513 -0.433 -0.318 0.911 0.964 0.916 0.721 -0.593 -0.434 -0.561 1.000 0.844 0.722 0.581 -0.556 -0.397 -0.545 0.208 1.000 0.890 0.626 -0.558 -0.410 -0.517 0 J 1 0 % Medium Gravels 0.533 -0.468 -0.289 0.964 0.844 % Coarse Gravels 0.497 -0.463 -0.205 0.916 0.722 0.890 % Cobbles 0.412 -0.376 -0.190 0.721 0.581 1.000 0.576 -0.528 -0.385 -0.517 0.192 0.626 0.576 1.000 -0.432 -0.344 -0.381 Depth to Gravels -0.443 0.397 0.220 -0.593 -0.556 -0.558 -0.528 -0.432 A Depth -0.261 % Organic Matter -0.526 0.485 0.232 -0.561 -0.545 -0.517 -0.517 -0.381 A Temperature 1.000 0.238 -0.263 0.410 0.238 % Carbon -0.526 0.485 0.230 -0.560 -0.544 -0.516 -0.517 -0.380 0.412 0.238 % Nitrogen -0.553 C: N 0.395 -0.327 -0.263 0.491 1.000 -0.174 0.208 0.210 0.192 0.042 -0.183 -0.263 -0.174 0.485 0.301 -0.543 -0.528 -0.499 -0.497 -0.375 0.042 1.000 0.579 0.410 -0.183 0.280 0.020 -0.434 -0.397 -0.410 -0.385 -0.344 0.579 0.004 -0.096 0.219 0.201 0.201 1.000 1.000 -0.174 0.429 0.233 0.905 -0.064 0.525 0.412 0.448 0J10 -0.363 -0.292 -0.431 0.139 Cation Exchange Capacity -0.664 0.537 0.471 -0.640 -0.631 -0.614 -0.558 -0.413 0.653 0.383 0.666 -0.063 Ca (%CEC) -0.085 0.165 -0.170 0.077 0.019 0.100 0.074 0.111 0.112 0.197 0.076 -0.091 H (%CEC) 0.070 -0.086 0.021 -0.227 -0.179 -0.236 -0.238 -0.152 0.138 0.009 0.220 -0.223 K (%CEC) 0.223 -0.242 -0.010 0.196 0.154 0.180 0.231 Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) -0.042 -0.025 0.171 0.104 -0.330 -0.201 -0.318 O JlI 0.181 0.192 0.168 0.192 0.055 -0.251 -0.199 -0.322 0 J 4 6 0.078 -0.110 0.057 -0.015 -0.028 -0.022 -0.006 0.028 -0.055 -0.075 -0.097 0.021 pH -0.060 0.033 0.080 0.330 0.316 0.295 0.290 0.299 -0.157 -0.068 -0.277 0J06 Electrical Conductivity -0.577 0.433 0.490 -0.556 -0.561 -0.538 -0.460 -0.364 0.542 0.287 0.601 Ca ppm -0.607 0.524 0.351 -0.540 -0.541 -0.511 -0.476 -0.332 0.608 0.400 0.602 -0.077 K ppm -0.333 0.203 0.391 -0.319 -0.349 -0.312 -0.231 -0.214 0.171 Mg ppm -0.575 0.416 0.524 -0.406 -0.412 -0.394 -0.307 -0.304 0.348 0.165 0.302 0.169 Na ppm -0.153 0.078 0.217 -0.254 -0.276 -0.246 -0.204 -0.129 0.196 0.062 0.171 -0.065 P ppm 0.062 -0.017 -0.125 0.007 -0.064 0.025 0.033 0.050 -0.076 -0.003 0.219 -0.190 0.045 0.125 0.223 0.231 % Sand % Silt % Clay % Coarse Fragments % Fine Gravels % Medium Gravels % Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature % Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) PH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm -0.526 0.485 0.230 -0.560 -0.544 -0.516 -0.517 -0.380 0.412 0.238 1.000 -0.174 1.000 0.905 -0.429 0.665 0.076 0.221 -0.318 -0.322 -0.097 -0.278 0.600 0.601 0.222 0.300 0.171 0.218 -0.553 0.485 0.301 -0.543 -0.528 -0.499 -0.497 -0.375 0.429 0.233 0.905 -0.064 0.905 1.000 -0.566 0.737 0.201 0.093 -0.224 -0.310 -0.179 -0.141 0.687 0.711 0.369 0.356 0.114 0.236 0.395 -0.327 -0.263 0.491 0.525 0.412 0.448 0.310 -0.363 -0.292 -0.431 0.139 -0.429 -0.566 1.000 -0.531 -0.125 -0.069 0.143 0.206 0.103 0.134 -0.482 -0.498 -0.324 -0.311 -0.128 -0.078 -0.664 0.537 0.471 -0.640 -0.631 -0.614 -0.558 -0.413 0.653 0.383 0.666 -0.063 0.665 0.737 -0.531 1.000 0.159 0.100 -0.343 -0.253 -0.069 -0.112 0.890 0.931 0.468 0.610 0.307 0.008 -0.085 0.165 -0.170 0.077 0.019 0.100 0.074 0.111 0.112 0.197 0.076 -0.091 0.076 0.201 -0.125 0.159 1.000 -0.640 -0.003 -0.303 -0.110 0.470 0.141 0.497 0.116 -0.125 -0.046 0.346 0.070 -0.086 0.021 -0.227 -0.179 -0.236 -0.238 -0.152 0.138 0.009 0.220 -0.223 0.221 0.093 -0.069 0.100 -0.640 1.000 -0.348 -0.526 -0.134 -0.849 -0.026 -0.152 -0.238 -0.326 -0.060 0.046 0.223 -0.242 -0.010 0.196 0.154 0.180 0.231 0.104 -0.330 -0.201 -0.318 0.311 -0.318 -0.224 0.143 -0.343 -0.003 -0.348 1.000 0.285 -0.068 0.229 -0.267 -0.293 0.634 -0.054 -0.205 0.148 -0.042 -0.025 0.171 0.181 0.192 0.168 0.192 0.055 -0.251 -0.199 -0.322 0.346 -0.322 -0.310 0.206 -0.253 -0.303 -0.526 0.285 1.000 0.264 0.545 -0.085 -0.318 0.068 0.591 0.120 -0.493 0.078 -0.110 0.057 -0.015 -0.028 -0.022 -0.006 0.028 -0.055 -0.075 -0.097 0.021 -0.097 -0.179 0.103 -0.069 - 0.110 -0.134 -0.068 0.264 1.000 0.126 0.111 -0.099 -0.121 0.147 0.910 -0.098 -0.060 0.033 0.080 0.330 0.316 0.295 0.290 0.299 -0.157 -0.068 -0.277 0.306 -0.278 -0.141 0.134 -0.112 0.470 -0.849 0.229 0.545 0.126 1.000 0.024 0.082 0.116 0.316 0.038 -0.137 -0.577 0.433 0.490 -0.556 -0.561 -0.538 -0.460 -0.364 0.542 0.287 0.601 0.045 0.600 0.687 -0.482 0.890 0.141 -0.026 -0.267 -0.085 0.111 0.024 1.000 0.832 0.469 0.659 0.440 0.046 -0.607 0.524 0.351 -0.540 -0.541 -0.511 -0.476 -0.332 0.608 0.400 0.602 -0.077 0.601 0.711 -0.498 0.931 0.497 -0.152 -0.293 -0.318 -0.099 0.082 0.832 1.000 0.460 0.493 0.248 0.133 -0.333 0.203 0.391 -0.319 -0.349 -0.312 -0.231 -0.214 0.171 0.125 0.223 0.231 0.222 0.369 -0.324 0.468 0.116 -0.238 0.634 0.068 -0.121 0.116 0.469 0.460 1.000 0.436 0.048 0.208 -0.575 0.416 0.524 -0.406 -0.412 -0.394 -0.307 -0.304 0.348 0.165 0.302 0.169 0.300 0.356 -0.311 0.610 -0.125 -0.326 -0.054 0.591 0.147 0.316 0.659 0.493 0.436 1.000 0.358 -0.365 -0.153 0.078 0.217 -0.254 -0.276 -0.246 -0.204 -0.129 0.196 0.062 0.171 -0.065 0.171 0.114 -0.128 0.307 -0.046 -0.060 -0.205 0.120 0.910 0.038 0.440 0.248 0.048 0.358 1.000 -0.059 P ppm MU Na ppm H Mg ppm CL K ppm X Ca ppm Na (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) K (%CEC) H (%CEC) Ca (%CEC) Cation Exchanj Capacity I C: N % Nitrogen % Carbon Table 47. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.__________________________________ 0.062 -0.017 -0.125 0.007 -0.064 0.025 0.033 0.050 -0.076 -0.003 0.219 -0.190 0.218 0.236 -0.078 0.008 0.346 0.046 0.148 -0.493 -0.098 -0.137 0.046 0.133 0.208 -0.365 -0.059 1.000 117 % Sand 1.000 -0.915 -0.518 0.465 % Silt % Clay -0.518 0.128 A Temperature % Organic Matter A Depth 0.462 0.510 0.400 -0.030 -0.417 -0.287 -0.641 1.000 0.128 -0.455 -0.486 -0.525 -0.380 0.095 -0.915 Depth to Gravels % Cobbles % Coarse Gravels % Medium Gravels % Fine Gravels % Coarse Fragments % Clay % Silt % Sand Table 48. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________ 0.168 0.502 0.373 0.595 -0.282 1.000 -0.177 -0.104 -0.139 -0.176 -0.126 -0.040 -0.087 0.315 0.185 1.000 0.880 0.945 0.892 0.440 -0.670 -0.647 -0.403 0.427 % Coarse Fragments 0.465 -0.455 -0.177 % Fine Gravels 0.462 -0.486 -0.104 0.880 % Medium Gravels 0.510 -0.525 -0.139 0.945 0.907 1.000 0.773 0.210 -0.612 -0.595 -0.416 0.432 % Coarse Gravels 0.400 -0.380 -0.176 0.892 0.615 0.773 1.000 0.907 0.615 0.112 -0.501 -0.496 -0.391 1.000 0.577 -0.665 -0.637 -0.305 0.281 1.000 -0.342 -0.316 -0.080 0.278 % Cobbles -0.030 0.095 -0.126 0.440 0.112 0.210 0.577 Depth to Gravels -0.417 0.502 -0.040 -0.670 -0.501 -0.612 -0.665 -0.342 1.000 0.829 0.335 -0.352 A Depth -0.287 0.373 -0.087 -0.647 -0.496 -0.595 -0.637 -0.316 0.829 % Organic Matter -0.641 A Temperature 0.595 0.315 -0.403 -0.391 -0.416 -0.305 -0.080 0.335 0.168 -0.282 0.185 0.466 0.427 0.466 0.432 0.281 1.000 0.265 -0.306 0.265 1.000 -0.452 0.278 -0.352 -0.306 -0.452 1.000 1.000 -0.450 % Carbon -0.640 0.592 0.317 -0.397 -0.384 -0.410 -0.300 -0.080 0.329 0.261 % Nitrogen -0.598 0.599 0.200 -0.324 -0.327 -0.349 -0.216 -0.067 0.356 0.197 0.947 -0.500 C: N 0.081 -0.103 0.019 0.003 0.047 0.012 -0.081 Cation Exchange Capacity -0.304 0.363 -0.024 -0.430 -0.454 -0.438 -0.361 Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K(%CEC) Mg (%CEC) 0.136 -0.157 -0.134 -0.323 0.353 0.023 0.387 0.356 0.532 -0.358 0.236 -0.030 -0.514 0.056 0.043 0.017 0.063 0.057 0.158 -0.215 0.175 0.158 -0.180 -0.151 -0.114 -0.182 -0.147 0.165 -0.325 -0.203 -0.021 0.283 0.096 0.103 0.123 0.145 -0.023 -0.206 0 086 0.174 0.206 -0.077 0.044 0.006 -0.394 -0.332 -0.422 0.378 0.543 0.030 0.029 0.038 0.036 -0.010 -0.209 -0.261 0.004 0.225 0.154 0.168 -0.397 0.339 Na (0ZoCEC) 0.060 0.032 -0.215 -0.031 -0.061 -0.093 -0.079 0.361 pH 0.224 -0.119 -0.299 0.318 0.274 0.236 0.307 0.314 -0.083 -0.143 -0.213 0.148 Electrical Conductivity -0.170 0.276 -0.167 -0.442 -0.448 -0.447 -0.402 0.069 0.510 0.571 Ca ppm -0.130 0.246 -0.202 -0.313 -0.334 -0.330 -0.259 0.027 0.352 0.330 0.397 -0.329 Kppm Mgppm Na ppm P ppm 0.009 -0.116 0.223 -0.077 -0.110 -0.064 -0.101 0.287 -0.231 0.100 -0.265 -0.204 -0.231 0.459 -0.146 -0.489 0.339 0.484 -0.325 -0.359 -0.338 -0.251 0.045 0.154 0.041 0.072 -0.232 -0.079 -0.139 -0.143 -0.105 0.404 0.171 0.200 -0.267 0.033 -0.352 0.289 0.251 -0.338 -0.376 -0.337 -0.287 -0.109 0.170 0.276 0.041 -0.014 0.269 -0.267 % Sand % Silt % Clay % Coarse Fragments % Fine Gravels % Medium Gravels % Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature % Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) pH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm -0.640 0.592 0.317 -0.397 -0.384 -0.410 -0.300 -0.080 0.329 0.261 1.000 -0.450 1.000 0.945 -0.318 0.524 -0.026 0.206 -0.421 0.009 -0.402 -0.215 0.277 0.390 -0.235 0.457 -0.274 0.272 -0.598 0.599 0.200 -0.324 -0.327 -0.349 -0.216 -0.067 0.356 0.197 0.947 -0.500 0.945 1.000 -0.485 0.533 0.069 0.130 -0.486 -0.050 -0.460 -0.095 0.257 0.428 -0.294 0.429 -0.327 0.176 0.081 -0.103 0.019 0.003 0.047 0.012 -0.081 0.136 -0.157 -0.134 -0.323 0.353 -0.318 -0.485 1.000 -0.271 -0.221 0.099 0.255 0.136 0.484 -0.216 -0.095 -0.291 0.135 -0.107 0.384 0.222 -0.304 0.363 -0.024 -0.430 -0.454 -0.438 -0.361 0.023 0.387 0.356 0.532 -0.358 0.524 0.533 -0.271 1.000 0.381 0.007 -0.536 -0.410 0.016 0.266 0.788 0.928 -0.079 0.426 0.274 0.021 0.236 -0.030 -0.514 0.056 0.043 0.017 0.063 0.057 0.158 0.145 -0.023 -0.206 -0.026 0.069 -0.221 0.381 1.000 -0.561 -0.615 -0.852 0.190 0.718 0.399 0.689 -0.422 -0.522 0.263 -0.535 -0.215 0.175 0.158 -0.180 -0.151 -0.114 -0.182 -0.147 0.086 0.174 0.206 -0.077 0.206 0.130 0.099 0.007 -0.561 1.000 0.115 0.067 -0.118 -0.553 -0.046 -0.244 0.190 0.103 -0.125 0.357 0.165 -0.325 0.283 0.096 0.103 0.123 0.044 0.006 -0.394 -0.332 -0.422 0.378 -0.421 -0.486 0.255 -0.536 -0.615 0.115 1.000 0.557 0.001 -0.460 -0.453 -0.654 0.837 0.070 -0.103 0.336 -0.203 -0.021 0.543 0.030 0.029 0.038 0.036 -0.010 -0.209 -0.261 0.004 0.225 0.009 -0.050 0.136 -0.410 -0.852 0.067 0.557 1.000 -0.261 -0.524 -0.445 -0.635 0.277 0.628 -0.330 0.431 0.060 0.032 -0.215 -0.031 -0.061 -0.093 -0.079 0.361 0.154 0.168 -0.397 0.339 -0.402 -0.460 0.484 0.016 0.190 -0.118 0.001 -0.261 1.000 0.295 0.373 0.083 0.085 -0.245 0.954 -0.247 0.224 -0.119 -0.299 0.318 0.274 0.236 0.307 0.314 -0.083 -0.143 -0.213 0.148 -0.215 -0.095 -0.216 0.266 0.718 -0.553 -0.460 -0.524 0.295 1.000 0.177 0.494 -0.337 -0.292 0.366 -0.739 -0.170 0.276 -0.167 -0.442 -0.448 -0.447 -0.402 0.069 0.510 0.571 0.287 -0.231 0.277 0.257 -0.095 0.788 0.399 -0.046 -0.453 -0.445 0.373 0.177 1.000 0.769 -0.076 0.214 0.549 -0.107 -0.130 0.246 -0.202 -0.313 -0.334 -0.330 -0.259 0.027 0.352 0.330 0.397 -0.329 0.390 0.428 -0.291 0.928 0.689 -0.244 -0.654 -0.635 0.083 0.494 0.769 1.000 -0.239 0.131 0.316 -0.202 0.009 -0.116 0.223 -0.077 -0.110 -0.064 -0.101 0.100 -0.265 -0.204 -0.231 0.170 -0.235 -0.294 0.135 -0.079 -0.422 0.190 0.837 0.277 0.085 -0.337 -0.076 -0.239 1.000 0.202 0.097 0.389 -0.489 0.339 0.484 -0.325 -0.359 -0.338 -0.251 0.045 0.154 0.041 0.459 -0.146 0.457 0.429 -0.107 0.426 -0.522 0.103 0.070 0.628 -0.245 -0.292 0.214 0.131 0.202 1.000 -0.109 0.467 0.033 0.072 -0.232 -0.079 -0.139 -0.143 -0.105 0.404 0.171 0.200 -0.267 0.276 -0.274 -0.327 0.384 0.274 0.263 -0.125 -0.103 -0.330 0.954 0.366 0.549 0.316 0.097 -0.109 1.000 -0.246 P ppm Na ppm Mg ppm K ppm CL Ca ppm X Electrical Conductivity Na (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) K (%CEC) H (%CEC) Ca (%CEC) Cation Exchan] Capacity C: N % Nitrogen % Carbon Table 49. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the IQO-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________ -0.352 0.289 0.251 -0.338 -0.376 -0.337 -0.287 -0.109 0.041 -0.014 0.269 -0.267 0.272 0.176 0.222 0.021 -0.535 0.357 0.336 0.431 -0.247 -0.739 -0.107 -0.202 0.389 0.467 -0.246 1.000 119 % Sand 1.000 -0.976 -0.670 0.690 0.584 0.637 0.691 % Silt -0.976 % Clay -0.670 0.494 A Temperature % Organic Matter 0.590 -0.559 -0.559 -0.844 0.637 1.000 0.494 -0.683 -0.579 -0.635 -0.683 -0.572 0.525 1.000 -0.430 -0.364 -0.382 -0.435 -0.408 1.000 0.894 0.950 0.921 A Depth Depth to Gravels % Cobbles % Coarse Gravels % Medium Gravels % Fine Gravels % Coarse Fragments % Clay % Silt % Sand Table 50. Pearson moment correlations among physical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.__________________________________ 0.525 0.802 -0.618 0.448 0.448 0.644 -0.439 % Coarse Fragments 0.690 -0.683 -0.430 % Fine Gravels 0.584 -0.579 -0.364 0.894 % Medium Gravels 0.637 -0.635 -0.382 0.950 0.741 % Coarse Gravels 0.691 -0.683 -0.435 0.921 0.696 0.910 _1.000 0.671 -0.686 -0.686 -0.575 0.533 % Cobbles 0.590 -0.572 -0.408 0.821 0.760 0.719 0.671 1.000 0.741 0.821 -0.737 -0.737 -0.613 0.615 0.696 0.760 -0.644 -0.644 -0.576 0.612 1.000 0.910 0.719 -0.719 -0.719 -0.539 0.524 1.000 -0.570 -0.570 -0.524 0.586 Depth to Gravels -0.559 0.525 0.448 -0.737 -0.644 -0.719 -0.686 -0.570 1.000 1.000 0.554 -0.562 A Depth -0.559 0525 0.448 -0.737 -0.644 -0.719 -0.686 -0.570 1.000 1.000 0.554 -0.562 % Organic Matter -0.844 0.802 0.644 -0.613 -0.576 -0.539 -0.575 -0.524 0.554 0.554 A Temperature 0.637 -0.618 -0.439 0.615 0.612 0.524 0.533 0.586 -0.562 -0.562 -0.609 % Carbon -0.844 0.804 0.637 -0.613 -0.577 -0.537 -0.575 -0.527 0.553 % Nitrogen -0.778 0.763 0.511 -0.587 -0.541 -0.523 -0.565 -0.485 C: N 0.656 -0.657 -0.382 0.637 0.579 0.599 0.631 H (%CEC) 1.000 0.553 0.999 -0.612 0.459 0.459 0.906 -0.538 0.407 -0.504 -0.504 -0.610 0.640 Cation Exchange Capacity -0.898 0.866 0.639 -0.664 -0.609 -0.602 -0.604 -0.602 Ca (%CEC) 1.000 -0.609 0.519 0.519 0.849 -0.653 0.568 4.523 -0.489 0.448 0.460 0369 0.400 0 399 -0.537 -0.537 -0.488 0.495 -0.694 0.641 0.590 -0.579 -0.567 -0.500 -0.515 -0.526 0.628 0.628 0.715 -0.619 K (%CEC) 0.317 -0.250 -0.416 0.176 0.128 0.175 0.177 0.181 -0.236 -0.236 -0.207 0.118 Mg (%CEC) 0.656 -0.617 -0.518 0.604 0.566 0.549 0.532 0.553 -0.570 -0.570 -0.808 0.639 Na (%CEC) 0.221 -0.207 -0.180 0.136 0.204 0.048 0.117 0.139 -0.210 -0.210 -0.456 0.152 pH 0.684 -0.659 -0.488 0.599 0.673 0.464 0.494 0.541 -0.658 -0.658 -0.778 0.729 Electrical Conductivity -0.884 0 859 0.605 -0.651 -0.575 -0.612 -0.592 -0.599 0.485 Ca ppm -0.744 0.738 0.459 -0.536 -0.463 -0.514 -0.488 -0.493 0.296 0.296 0.728 -0.495 K ppm -0,190 0.246 -0.079 -0.216 -0.230 -0.187 -0.178 -0.171 0.063 0.063 0.253 -0.259 Mg ppm -0.563 0.570 0.307 -0.313 -0.274 -0.294 -0.293 -0.280 0.165 0.165 0.273 -0.251 Na ppm -0.191 0.196 0.095 -0.158 -0.077 -0.213 -0.136 -0.149 0.035 -0.106 -0.157 P ppm -0.312 0362 0.035 0.485 0.762 -0.641 0.013 -0.411 -0.424 -0.340 -0.361 -0.360 0.214 0.214 0.376 -0.524 % Sand % Silt % Clay % Coarse Fragments % Fine Gravels % Medium Gravels % Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature % Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) pH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm -0.844 0.804 0.637 -0.613 -0.577 -0.537 -0.575 -0.527 0.553 0.553 0.999 -0.612 1.000 0.908 -0.610 0.846 -0.487 0.716 -0.208 -0.811 -0.455 -0.779 0.760 0.726 0.251 0.265 -0.107 0.376 -0.778 0.763 0.511 -0.587 -0.541 -0.523 -0.565 -0.485 0.459 0.459 0.906 -0.538 0.908 1.000 -0.713 0.721 -0.350 0.576 -0.068 -0.732 -0.362 -0.660 0.663 0.668 0.334 0.194 -0.059 0.438 0.656 -0.657 -0.382 0.637 0.579 0.599 0.631 0.407 -0.504 -0.504 -0.610 0.640 -0.610 -0.713 1.000 -0.585 0.334 -0.438 0.066 0.469 0.188 0.582 -0.547 -0.520 -0.276 -0.342 -0.089 -0.481 -0.898 0.866 0.639 -0.664 -0.609 -0.602 -0.604 -0.602 0.519 0.519 0.849 -0.653 0.846 0.721 -0.585 1.000 -0.633 0.789 -0.418 -0.745 -0.286 -0.741 0.953 0.811 0.138 0.581 0.151 0.289 0.568 -0.523 -0.489 0.448 0.460 0.369 0.400 0.399 -0.537 -0.537 -0.488 0.495 -0.487 -0.350 0.334 -0.633 1.000 -0.918 0.544 0.513 0.153 0.722 -0.602 -0.067 0.220 -0.314 -0.114 0.066 -0.694 0.641 0.590 -0.579 -0.567 -0.500 -0.515 -0.526 0.628 0.628 0.715 -0.619 0.716 0.576 -0.438 0.789 -0.918 1.000 -0.479 -0.803 -0.300 -0.839 0.725 0.322 -0.056 0.194 0.004 0.074 0.317 -0.250 -0.416 0.176 0.128 0.175 0.177 0.181 -0.236 -0.236 -0.207 0.118 -0.208 -0.068 0.066 -0.418 0.544 -0.479 1.000 0.104 -0.134 0.237 -0.428 -0.114 0.836 -0.449 -0.290 0.543 0.656 -0.617 -0.518 0.604 0.566 0.549 0.532 0.553 -0.570 -0.570 -0.808 0.639 -0.811 -0.732 0.469 -0.745 0.513 -0.803 0.104 1.000 0.368 0.745 -0.676 -0.569 -0.329 0.090 0.111 -0.343 0.221 -0.207 -0.180 0.136 0.204 0.048 0.117 0.139 -0.210 -0.210 -0.456 0.152 -0.455 -0.362 0.188 -0.286 0.153 -0.300 -0.134 0.368 1.000 0.524 -0.013 -0.235 -0.295 0.090 0.880 -0.262 0.684 -0.659 -0.488 0.599 0.673 0.464 0.494 0.541 -0.658 -0.658 -0.778 0.729 -0.779 -0.660 0.582 -0.741 0.722 -0.839 0.237 0.745 0.524 1.000 -0.628 -0.421 -0.163 -0.217 0.204 -0.376 -0.884 0.859 0.605 -0.651 -0.575 -0.612 -0.592 -0.599 0.485 0.485 0.762 -0.641 0.760 0.663 -0.547 0.953 -0.602 0.725 -0.428 -0.676 -0.013 -0.628 1.000 0.783 0.106 0.618 0.417 0.249 -0.744 0.738 0.459 -0.536 -0.463 -0.514 -0.488 -0.493 0.296 0.296 0.728 -0.495 0.726 0 668 -0.520 0.811 -0.067 0.322 -0.114 -0.569 -0.235 -0.421 0.783 1.000 0.361 0.531 0.139 0.437 -0.190 0.246 -0.079 -0.216 -0.230 -0.187 -0.178 -0.171 0.063 0.063 0.253 -0.259 0.251 0.334 -0.276 0.138 0.220 -0.056 0.836 -0.329 -0.295 -0.163 0.106 0.361 1.000 -0.138 -0.202 0.762 -0.563 0.570 0.307 -0.313 -0.274 -0.294 -0.293 -0.280 0.165 0.165 0.273 -0.251 0.265 0.194 -0.342 0.581 -0.314 0.194 -0.449 0.090 0.090 -0.217 0.618 0.531 -0.138 1.000 0.449 0.085 -0.191 0.196 0.095 -0.158 -0.077 -0.213 -0.136 -0.149 0.035 0.035 -0.106 -0.157 -0.107 -0.059 -0.089 0.151 -0.114 0.004 -0.290 0.111 0.880 0.204 0.417 0.139 -0.202 0.449 1.000 -0.097 P ppm Na ppm Mg ppm K ppm Cl Ca ppm X Electrical Conductivity Na (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) K (%CEC) H (%CEC) Ca (%CEC) Cation Exchani Capacity I C: N % Nitrogen % Carbon Table 5 1. Pearson moment correlations among chemical and between physical and chemical soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._____________________________________________ -0.312 0.362 0.013 -0.411 -0.424 -0.340 -0.361 -0.360 0.214 0.214 0.376 -0.524 0.376 0.438 -0.481 0.289 0.066 0.074 0.543 -0.343 -0.262 -0.376 0.249 0.437 0.762 0.085 -0.097 1.000 121 HERBcovAltmcn HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBaIlDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEalIDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ -0.140 0.338 0.221 -0.091 0.094 0.043 0.296 0.435 0.234 0.004 -0.027 -0.090 0.179 -0.005 -0.059 0.077 -0.236 0.251 -0.016 -0.114 0.455 0.017 0.026 0.180 0.045 -0.241 -0.027 -0.148 -0.144 0.074 -0.023 -0.207 0.218 -0.358 -0.170 0.081 0.040 0.022 40 325 -0.432 -0.276 -0.069 0.093 0.190 -0.162 0.112 0.137 -0.154 -0.140 0.451 0.202 -0.154 0.239 0.143 0.230 0.321 0.204 -0.088 0.091 0.063 0.066 -0.196 -0.057 0.024 0.033 0.252 0.142 -0.026 0.093 0.191 -0.019 -0.013 -0.091 0.035 0.233 0.255 -0.049 -0.267 0.053 0.124 0.284 -0.166 0.133 0.174 -0.263 -0.094 0.274 0.085 0.253 0.360 0.000 -0.119 0.155 -0.084 -0.205 0.183 0.101 0.232 0.280 0.102 -0.171 0.097 0.377 0.306 0.280 0.189 0.008 0.034 0.146 -0.039 -0.056 0.150 0 280 -0.276 0.044 0.143 -0.279 -0.170 0.155 -0.007 0.144 0.328 -0.026 -0.114 0.149 -0.030 -0.212 0.153 0.411 -0.239 0.143 0.356 -0.337 0.026 0.103 -0.162 0.134 0.432 0.168 0.206 0.185 -0.195 -0.224 0.329 WIDTH SLOPE Ph SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh CO Elevation < 0 2 .3 3 DISTTh Table 52. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________ -0.386 0.352 -0.005 -0.396 0.610 0.010 0.069 0.276 0.056 -0.402 -0.064 -0.275 -0.069 0.057 0.065 -0.236 -0.084 0.300 0.181 -0.077 0.104 0.003 0.238 0.430 0.221 -0.008 -0.042 -0.100 0.140 -0.010 -0.076 0.062 -0.303 0.276 -0.119 -0.050 0.455 -0.016 -0.025 0.119 0.036 -0.277 -0.071 -0.157 -0.184 -0.035 -0.023 -0.224 0.164 -0.344 -0.169 0.098 0.046 -0.009 -0.338 -0.434 -0.281 -0.081 0.064 0.080 -0.114 0.104 0.143 -0.152 -0.115 0.444 0.179 -0.112 0.241 0.144 0.236 0.289 0.191 -0.122 0.085 0.081 0.029 -0.203 -0.054 -0.006 -0.036 0.215 0.102 0.041 0.057 0.167 0.126 -0.082 -0.066 -0.023 0.175 0.262 0.007 -0.210 0.061 -0.002 0.356 -0.202 0.144 0.194 -0.291 -0.059 0.242 0.046 0.288 0.395 0.040 -0.022 0.140 -0.070 -0.232 0.226 0.242 0.124 0.251 0.108 -0.157 0.054 0.349 0.271 0.268 0.163 0.026 0.026 0.132 -0.025 -0.075 0.085 0.321 -0.288 0.073 0.168 -0.306 -0.106 0.128 -0.024 0.178 0.367 0.012 -0.026 0.129 -0.018 -0.217 0.229 0.420 -0.225 0.211 0.286 -0.355 0.108 0.226 -0.123 0.165 0.477 0.244 0.295 0.198 -0.143 -0.201 0.336 WIDTH SLOPE 04 SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh CQ Elevation < OS HERBcovA Itmcn HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ DISTTh Table 53. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. -0.481 0.361 -0.065 -0.311 0.551 -0.044 -0.007 0.222 0.039 -0.395 -0.106 -0.235 -0.144 0.024 0.056 -0.204 122 -0.301 0.216 -0.111 -0.062 0.484 -0.005 -0.084 0.163 -0.048 -0.340 -0.037 -0.171 -0.192 0.096 0.099 -0.231 0.410 -0.220 0.179 0.243 -0.339 -0.012 0.299 -0.018 0.336 0.439 0.076 0.072 0.178 -0.104 -0.257 0.265 0.283 0.091 0269 0.144 -0.151 0.023 0.318 0.216 0.286 0.202 0.049 0.069 0.162 -0.088 -0.139 0.159 0 369 -0.305 0.111 0.222 -0.366 -0.047 0.194 -0.093 0.226 0.422 0.045 0.069 0.166 -0.053 -0.229 0.263 0.446 -0.220 0.192 0.280 -0.391 0.117 0.250 -0.158 0.196 0.517 0.258 0.292 0.198 -0.203 -0.221 0.298 WIDTH -0.129 0.157 -0.011 -0.109 0.230 0.048 -0.028 0.097 -0.123 -0.198 0.101 0.020 -0.095 0.014 0.145 -0.171 SLOPE -0.177 0.433 0.139 -0.170 0.318 0.096 0.161 0.315 0.118 -0.218 0.068 0.031 -0.016 -0.109 0.003 -0.064 0=2 SHEAR 0.149 -0.342 -0.177 0.086 0.045 0.006 -0.332 -0.392 -0.284 -0.082 0.072 0.071 -0.121 0.101 0.151 -0.165 POWER INUN -0.098 0296 0.193 -0.064 0.125 -0.008 0.221 0.416 0.208 -0.033 -0.055 -0.098 0.139 0.021 -0.057 0.078 ELEVTh < CO Elevation OlO HERBcovAltmcn HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShmbQ WISTreeQ DISTTh Table 54. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. -0.486 0.314 -0.069 -0.269 0.528 -0.016 -0.042 0.222 -0.030 40.475 -0.133 -0.244 -0.193 0.222 0.207 -0.256 HERBcovAltmcn HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ -0.113 0.310 0.195 -0.083 0.100 -0.002 0.254 0.423 0.214 -0.029 -0.063 -0.115 0.141 0.013 -0.062 0.071 -0.279 0.229 -0.146 -0.074 0.461 -0.007 -0.100 0.158 -0.072 -0.335 -0.058 -0.179 -0.197 0.064 0.129 -0.245 0.187 -0.363 -0.176 0.105 0.061 0.000 -0.356 -0.398 -0.282 -0.070 0.086 0.094 -0.121 0.104 0.145 -0.152 -0.175 0.404 0.069 -0.207 0.299 0.079 0.135 0.362 0.120 -0.193 0.046 0.043 -0.053 -0.154 0.021 -0.130 -0.034 0.088 -0.122 -0.178 0.129 -0.001 -0.038 0.300 0.007 -0.045 -0.009 0.044 -0.112 -0.154 0.077 -0.202 0.396 -0.243 0.208 0.264 -0.332 0.012 0.338 -0.089 0.314 0.426 0.137 0.114 0.214 -0.045 -0.270 0.281 0.240 0.062 0.233 0.126 -0.109 -0.011 0.307 0.196 0.276 0.173 0.055 0.090 0.120 -0.026 -0.124 0.082 0.358 -0.292 0.158 0.254 -0.358 0.000 0.264 -0.148 0.240 0.414 0.115 0.098 0.212 -0.010 -0.246 0.288 W S CZD 0.425 -0.227 0.179 0.286 -0.373 0.113 0.234 -0.172 0.183 0.492 0.255 0.276 0.196 -0.196 -0.216 0.296 WIDTH Cd SHEARQ POWER INUN ELEVTh DQ Elevation < QlOO DISTTh Table 55. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. -0.489 0.300 -0.131 -0.321 0.549 0.018 -0.032 0.273 -0.067 -0.513 -0.145 -0.276 -0.214 0.176 0.195 -0.273 123 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ 0.544 -0.299 -0.091 0.018 0.397 -0.342 0.147 -0.196 -0.004 -0.045 -0.221 0.099 0.389 -0.073 -0.470 -0.178 0.398 0.347 -0.165 0.255 0.702 0.431 0.263 0.014 0.213 -0.316 -0.132 -0.081 0.173 0.205 -0.201 -0.330 -0.291 0.560 0.148 0.472 -0.024 0.616 0.138 0.372 0.314 -0.304 -0.270 0.049 -0.108 0.440 0.442 0.091 0.239 0.171 -0.327 -0.060 0.392 0.006 0.259 0.064 0.191 -0.182 -0.498 0.030 0.167 0.218 -0.353 -0.443 -0.180 0.384 -0.265 -0.083 0.154 0.318 0.060 0.190 0.196 -0.358 -0.242 -0.251 -0.216 0.307 0.193 -0.300 -0.052 -0.403 0.036 -0.381 -0.221 -0.503 -0.176 -0.193 -0.163 0.302 0.118 -0.090 -0.126 -0.524 0.027 0.135 -0.439 -0.242 -0.169 -0.562 -0.530 -0.551 -0.134 -0.084 -0.145 0.481 -0.335 -0.034 -0.164 -0.459 -0.155 -0.012 WIDTH OC SLOPE SHEAR POWER INUN < CO ELEVTh DISTTh 02.33 Elevation Table 56. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________ -0.015 -0.440 0.113 -0.288 -0.227 -0.471 -0.200 -0.213 -0.176 0.268 0.276 -0.081 -0.102 -0.510 0.074 0.219 0.235 -0.333 0.218 -0.358 -0.205 -0.520 0.174 -0.037 0.046 0.693 0.227 0.088 0.159 -0.505 -0.155 0.269 0.488 -0.107 -0.203 0.155 0.574 -0.011 -0.061 -0.211 -0.128 -0.411 -0.093 0.017 0.276 0.177 -0.304 -0.329 -0.034 -0.003 -0.189 0.199 0.692 -0.056 0.066 0.040 0.061 -0.289 -0.402 -0.095 0.009 0.154 -0.223 0.012 -0.021 0.241 -0.089 0.246 0.481 0.245 -0.019 0.295 0.159 -0.422 -0.101 -0.238 -0.208 0.387 0.138 0.071 -0.025 -0.340 -0.053 -0.555 -0.285 -0.434 -0.191 -0.257 -0.236 0.379 0.121 -0.025 -0.084 -0.478 -0.076 -0.055 WIDTH 0.010 0.660 0.100 0.159 -0.547 0.639 0.217 0.515 0.419 -0.117 -0.190 0.068 -0.055 0.323 0.470 -0.121 SLOPE -0.034 0.002 -0.028 0.346 0.810 0.054 0.013 0.050 -0.023 -0.362 -0.232 -0.110 -0.010 0.001 -0.009 0.148 SHEAR POWER -0.111 -0.283 -0.005 0.195 -0.195 -0.320 0.213 INUN -0.023 -0.428 -0.004 0.202 0.769 -0.399 -0.007 -0.288 -0.167 ELEVTh HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ < 03 Elevation QS DISTTh Table 57. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.011 -0.045 -0.131 -0.379 -0.286 0.040 -0.460 -0.706 -0.306 -0.376 -0.304 -0.422 -0.190 -0.238 -0.239 -0.283 -0.241 -0.245 0.369 0.383 -0.191 0.257 -0.040 -0.005 -0.195 -0.042 - 0 .2 1 18 -0.482 -0.030 -0.209 -0.098 0.017 0.021 -0.345 0.150 -0.342 -0.304 -0.460 0.141 -0.167 -0.005 0.667 0.326 0.127 0.174 -0.413 -0.246 0.080 -0.071 -0.274 -0.034 0.360 0.876 -0.186 -0.107 -0.161 -0.193 -0.405 -0.190 -0.061 0.107 -0.031 -0.161 0.091 cC 124 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ -0.197 -0.338 0.003 0.154 0.697 -0.339 0.083 -0.266 -0.139 -0.126 -0.280 -0.015 0.158 -0.209 -0.295 0.145 -0.159 -0.012 -0.159 0.214 0.660 -0.037 0.023 -0.003 -0.038 -0.365 -0.228 -0.157 -0.042 -0.060 -0.099 -0.037 0.077 0.620 0.066 0.163 -0.464 0.558 0.192 0.535 0.442 -0.164 -0.168 0.001 0.006 0.291 0.423 -0.132 -0.176 0.051 -0.083 0.143 0.531 0.006 0.191 -0.016 0.021 -0.191 -0.386 -0.031 -0.065 0.160 -0.134 0.036 -0.042 0.200 0.105 0.099 0.106 0.224 0.242 0.055 0.021 -0.076 -0.112 0.009 -0.238 0.302 0.198 0.130 0.110 -0.331 -0.142 -0.588 -0.241 -0.424 -0.241 -0.222 -0.222 0.303 0.130 -0.073 -0.071 -0.460 -0.139 -0.120 0.122 -0.118 -0.220 -0.664 -0.348 -0.254 -0.165 -0.254 -0.284 0.294 -0.195 0.022 -0.260 -0.240 -0.173 -0.103 0.141 -0.369 -0.064 -0.480 -0.256 -0.412 -0.258 -0.237 -0.220 0.280 0.293 -0.064 -0.023 -0.455 -0.105 -0.062 0.141 -0.383 0.099 -0.292 -0.269 -0.424 -0.073 -0.177 -0.057 0.601 0.322 0.138 0.160 -0.362 -0.240 0.096 WIDTH SLOPE OS SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh CQ Elevation < OlO DISTTh Table 58. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level.___________________________________________ -0.284 -0.203 -0.042 0.353 0 846 -0.122 -0.021 -0.116 -0.134 -0.416 -0.182 -0.098 0.112 0.000 -0.138 0.052 HERBcovAlsbp HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreeQ 0.527 -0.249 -0.063 0.090 0.667 -0.307 -0.072 -0.249 -0.113 -0.108 -0.277 -0.067 0.019 -0.245 -0.306 0.061 0.346 0.007 -0.187 0.130 0.599 -0.066 -0.004 0.023 -0.028 -0.350 -0.213 -0.217 -0.141 -0.082 -0.118 -0.089 -0.244 0.573 0.080 0.189 -0.397 0.488 0.115 0.526 0.414 -0.133 -0.115 0.038 0.115 0.286 0.443 -0.130 0.195 0.138 -0.151 0.041 0.429 0.049 0.059 -0.043 0.013 -0.206 -0.357 -0.032 -0.017 0.117 -0.124 -0.098 -0.180 0.229 -0.052 -0.098 -0.012 0.179 0.117 -0.039 0.050 -0.082 -0.099 0.074 0.124 0.015 0.004 -0.173 -0.226 -0.330 -0.191 -0.641 -0.234 -0.405 -0.225 -0.231 -0.219 0.337 0.105 -0.088 -0.117 -0.390 -0.168 -0.124 -0.448 -0.081 -0.270 -0.677 -0.338 -0.213 -0.262 -0.301 -0.252 0.266 -0.184 -0.051 -0.189 -0.256 -0.222 -0.177 -0.219 -0.383 -0.119 -0.539 -0.253 -0.410 -0.240 -0.253 -0.228 0.330 0.274 -0.086 -0.113 -0.382 -0.134 -0.065 -0.132 -0.414 0.107 -0.239 -0.269 -0.381 0.011 -0.199 -0.106 0.535 0.278 0.094 -0.008 -0.284 -0.223 0.144 WIDTH SLOPE Cd SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh CO Elevation < QlOO DISTTh Table 59. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.624 -0.150 -0.073 0.299 0.800 -0.087 0.003 -0.076 -0.081 -0.431 -0.155 -0.091 0.057 0.031 -0.117 -0.005 125 -0.090 0.133 -0.005 -0.183 0.297 0.111 -0.183 -0.036 -0.051 -0.011 0.137 0.366 -0.003 -0.155 0.018 -0.051 -0.121 0.521 -0.034 0.200 0666 0.517 -0.201 -0.162 -0.124 0.005 -0.014 0.079 -0.087 -0.084 -0.193 0.208 0.345 -0.075 0.055 0.054 -0.549 -0.028 0.293 0.147 0.122 -0.006 -0.164 -0.297 0.015 0.210 0.126 -0.069 -0.071 0.158 0.150 -0.154 0.359 0.097 -0.102 0.056 0.144 0.197 0.448 -0.055 0.231 -0.014 -0.054 0.070 -0.199 0.246 0.298 -0.074 0.099 -0.033 -0.015 0.142 0.254 0.354 0.264 -0.158 0.361 -0.295 0.047 0.320 0.059 -0.312 -0.155 -0.264 -0.464 -0.244 0.004 -0.188 -0.054 -0.139 -0.137 0.170 -0.125 0.010 -0.037 -0.235 0.043 -0.180 0.062 -0.384 -0.286 -0.106 -0.040 0.208 0.082 0.038 -0.060 0.437 0.068 -0.044 0.243 -0.196 0.123 -0.299 -0.160 -0.111 -0.469 -0.225 0.066 -0.190 -0.076 -0.177 -0.132 0.057 -0.175 0.106 -0.049 -0.230 -0.109 0.024 0.106 0.184 -0.243 -0.143 -0.003 -0.071 0.154 0.263 -0.138 -0.153 0.332 -0.090 -0.216 na WIDTH SLOPE Cd SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh < m Elevation 02.33 HERBcovAlc HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBco vQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ DISTTh Table 60. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 2-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. -0.167 0.462 -0.020 0.043 0.651 0.288 -0.194 -0.192 -0.137 -0.021 0.244 -0.019 -0.073 -0.259 -0.224 0.216 HERBcovAlc HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ 0.215 -0.007 -0.115 -0.165 0.355 -0.014 -0.142 -0.145 -0.135 -0.028 0.194 0.096 0.013 -0.216 -0.108 -0.108 0.331 0.434 -0.109 0.065 0.643 0.383 -0.023 -0.162 -0.037 -0.013 -0.034 0.002 -0.104 -0.245 -0.217 0.074 -0.454 0.023 0.142 0.032 -0.508 0.023 0.220 0.258 0.191 0.003 -0.221 -0.118 -0.030 0.278 0.195 -0.023 -0.053 0.195 0.234 -0.106 0.301 0.222 0.050 0.064 0.145 0.233 0.475 0.024 0.188 0.036 0.018 0.149 -0.175 0.368 0.610 0.084 -0.073 0.464 0.343 0.280 0.513 0.431 0.201 0.352 0.255 0.035 0.424 0.505 -0.128 -0.376 -0.322 -0.226 -0.367 -0.415 -0.239 -0.227 -0.330 -0.139 -0.202 -0.092 -0.018 -0.038 -0.164 -0.284 -0.133 -0.325 0.100 -0.319 -0.235 -0.234 -0.068 0.118 0.024 0.157 -0.132 0.127 0.096 -0.089 0.196 0.017 -0.112 -0.330 -0.391 -0.090 -0.347 -0.414 -0.255 -0.272 -0.366 -0.209 -0.175 -0.172 -0.083 0.041 -0.242 -0.323 -0.245 0.073 0.189 0.025 -0.366 -0.002 -0.056 -0.091 0.032 0.382 -0.164 0.467 0.513 -0.203 -0.065 na WIDTHQ5 SLOPE SHEARQ5 RQ5 POWERQ5 INUN ELEVTh CD Elevation < QS DISTTh Table 61. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 5-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.381 0.329 -0.207 0.029 0.727 0.203 -0.110 -0.248 -0.177 -0.175 0.443 -0.075 -0.106 -0.198 -0.344 -0.121 126 0.229 -0.079 -0.148 -0.148 0.302 -0.029 -0.147 -0.110 -0.107 -0.083 0.170 0.204 -0.192 -0.176 -0.047 -0.151 0.311 0.383 -0.134 0.061 0.647 0.389 -0.046 -0.140 -0.075 -0.059 -0.031 0.177 -0.115 -0.219 -0.163 0.020 -0.422 0.072 0.188 0.028 -0.462 0.031 0.231 0.225 0.183 0.075 -0.202 -0.226 0.188 0.224 0.131 0.050 0.003 0.151 0.209 -0.087 0.250 0.203 0.048 0.128 0.163 0.169 0.385 0.279 -0.017 -0.013 0.153 0.094 -0.009 0.427 0.602 0.052 -0.015 0.347 0.265 0.362 0.470 0.349 0.062 0.479 0.442 -0.172 0.547 0.352 -0.244 -0.395 -0.303 -0.220 -0.401 -0.389 -0.227 -0.245 -0.282 -0.050 -0.186 -0.186 -0.157 0.026 -0.219 -0.156 -0.093 -0.388 0.104 -0.209 -0.283 -0.219 -0.020 0.177 0.166 0.199 -0.167 0.011 -0.183 -0.085 0.176 0.096 -0.240 -0.371 -0.387 -0.136 -0.384 -0.408 -0.245 -0.312 -0.336 -0.139 -0.152 -0.246 -0.170 0.091 -0.316 -0.217 -0.293 0.036 0.151 0.024 -0.355 -0.015 -0.050 -0.112 0.014 0.364 -0.154 0.096 0.181 -0.177 -0.052 0.109 WIDTH SLOPE Cd SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh < 03 Elevation QlO HERBcovAIc HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBalIDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ DISTTh Table 62. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 10-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.330 0.320 -0.234 -0.018 0.715 0.225 -0.144 -0.215 -0.230 -0.254 0.478 0.266 -0.131 -0.124 -0.245 -0.224 0.443 -0.103 -0.138 0.005 0.377 -0.144 -0.132 -0.156 -0.150 -0.049 0.114 0.207 -0.096 -0.204 -0.047 -0.113 0.390 0.367 -0.009 0.130 0.548 0.340 0.041 -0.132 -0.080 -0.007 -0.054 0.257 -0.048 -0.218 -0.057 0.089 -0.537 0.071 0.155 -0.088 -0.469 0.066 0.210 0.274 0.260 0.069 -0.116 -0.232 0.115 0.280 0.133 0.065 0.279 0.208 0.239 -0.015 0.281 0.212 0.142 0.061 0.067 0.128 0.179 0.339 -0.044 -0.139 0.100 0.089 0.080 0.157 0.049 0.012 0.093 0.110 0.214 -0.049 0.028 -0.053 -0.087 0.045 -0.052 -0.130 -0.164 -0.018 -0.339 -0.371 -0.190 -0.163 -0.383 -0.375 -0.216 -0.163 -0.133 0.069 -0.109 -0.139 -0.037 0.069 -0.047 -0.006 0.074 -0.432 -0.069 -0.180 -0.131 -0.362 -0.110 0.034 0.061 0.083 -0.155 -0.072 -0.154 -0.105 0.033 -0.017 -0.358 -0.352 -0.242 -0.094 -0.369 -0.380 -0.225 -0.197 -0.169 0.003 -0.080 -0.171 -0.030 0.120 -0.090 -0.051 -0.411 -0.006 0.124 -0.093 -0.386 0.034 0.095 -0.126 -0.012 0.150 -0.141 -0.017 0.088 -0.112 -0.101 0.376 WIDTH SLOPE Cd SHEAR POWER INUN ELEVTh CO Elevation < QlOO HERBcovAlc HERBcovQ LAYERSq NATIVEq PATCHWIDTH RICHq SHRUBallDENtot SHRUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN TOTALcovQ TREEallDEN TREEsapDEN TREEtotBA WISherbQ WISShrubQ WISTreebaQ DISTTh Table 63. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and hydrogeomorphic variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. 0.445 0.303 -0.041 0.130 0.586 0.188 -0.054 -0.181 -0.202 -0.060 0.349 0.378 -0.007 -0.118 -0.077 -0.058 SHRUBcovQ -0.165 0.146 0.086 -0.309 -0.231 -0.279 -0.357 -0.235 0.190 0.143 0.243 -0.043 0.242 0.155 -0.134 0.195 -0.058 0.133 -0.198 -0.067 -0.100 -0.085 0.082 0.167 -0.033 0.084 -0.047 -0.145 -0.177 0.212 -0.037 -0.276 -0.262 -0.262 -0.255 -0.183 0.285 0.231 0.209 0.055 0.207 0.170 -0.149 0.264 0.164 -0.119 -0.019 -0.031 0.042 -0.021 0.189 0.303 0.204 0.172 0.107 0.003 -0.339 0.314 0.147 -0.269 -0.262 -0.221 -0.253 -0.204 0.325 0.223 0.229 0.143 0.228 0.226 -0.162 0.392 0.113 -0.074 -0.078 -0.007 -0.183 -0.015 0.325 0.403 0.247 0.279 -0.083 -0.133 -0.099 0.090 0.047 -0.224 -0.198 -0.213 -0.218 -0.151 0.183 0.163 0.214 -0.028 0.211 0.196 -0.115 0.185 0.246 -0.184 -0.045 -0.036 0.081 0.055 0.166 0.269 0.128 0.109 0.108 -0.004 0.082 -0.067 -0.057 -0.070 -0.134 -0.077 -0.012 0.010 0.128 0.072 0.105 -0.387 0.103 0.035 0.053 0.124 0.304 -0.014 -0.072 -0.332 0.089 -0.043 0.110 0.208 0.018 -0.113 0.189 0.354 -0.112 0.096 0.066 -0.178 -0.170 -0.168 -0.159 -0.130 0.135 0.086 0.194 -0.231 0.185 0.119 -0.061 0.135 0.083 0.019 -0.227 -0.075 -0.077 -0.101 0.061 0.149 -0.105 0.075 0.006 -0.005 -0.071 0.010 0.164 -0.159 -0.126 -0.149 -0.167 -0.119 0.105 0.024 0.225 -0.197 0.224 0.155 -0.097 0.146 0.152 0.062 -0.085 -0.248 0.011 -0.106 0.080 0.180 0.059 -0.076 0.075 0.129 -0.058 0.077 -0.033 -0.149 -0.166 -0.151 -0.151 -0.040 0.084 0.074 0.209 -0.173 0.208 0.175 -0.125 0.221 0.197 -0.041 -0.150 -0.157 0.143 -0.030 0.214 0.260 0.052 0.073 0.233 0.167 WISherbQ SHRUBallDENtot -0.096 0.054 0.124 -0.129 -0.043 -0.136 -0.170 -0.119 -0.024 -0.101 0.069 0.187 0.069 0.059 -0.053 0.032 -0.232 -0.039 0.223 0.283 0.014 0.048 0.075 -0.046 0.252 0.239 0.008 -0.133 TREEtotBA RICHq 0.151 -0.189 0.054 0.113 0.013 0.093 0.164 0.184 -0.088 -0.054 0.049 -0.114 0.048 -0.043 0.099 -0.053 -0.010 -0.008 -0.023 0.018 0.150 0.023 0.039 -0.053 -0.085 0.020 0.165 0.065 TREEsapDEN PATCHWIDTH -0.178 0.114 0.198 -0.429 -0.434 -0.386 -0.394 -0.280 0.315 0.172 0.353 -0.165 0.351 0.340 -0.374 0.368 0.158 0.014 -0.204 -0.168 0.056 -0.105 0.285 0.392 0.101 0.180 0.210 0.044 TREEalIDEN NATIVEq -0.212 0.203 0.076 -0.527 -0.450 -0.471 -0.507 -0.466 0.359 0.312 0.266 -0.013 0.264 0.304 -0.353 0.297 -0.030 0.090 -0.051 -0.068 -0.125 -0.143 0.236 0.265 0.205 0.206 -0.022 -0.039 TOTALcovQ LAYERSq 0.013 0.005 -0.046 -0.058 -0.066 -0.074 -0.061 0.035 0.064 0.024 0.196 -0.360 0.196 0.069 0.038 0.079 0.197 0.033 -0.299 -0.223 0.071 -0.068 -0.018 0.139 -0.258 -0.090 0.103 0.051 SHRUBsapDEN HERBcovQ % Sand % Silt % Clay % Coarse Fragments % Fine Gravels % Medium Gravels % Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature % Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) pH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm HERBcovAltmcn Table 64. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._____________________________________________________________ -0.035 0.013 0.061 0.068 0.074 0.090 0.049 0.004 -0.096 -0.175 -0.187 0.375 -0.187 -0.141 0.019 -0.100 -0.201 -0.052 0.178 0.264 0.151 0.060 -0.107 -0.164 0.074 0.101 0.051 -0.322 Table 65. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. CL < § m 2 W X % % % % Sand Silt Clay Coarse Fragments % Fine Gravels % Medium Gravels % Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature % Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) PH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm 0.157 -0.260 0.166 0.039 -0.053 0.133 0.112 -0.122 -0.220 -0.216 -0.111 -0.148 -0.113 -0.122 -0.060 -0.091 0.022 -0.162 0.173 0.065 -0.193 -0.008 -0.121 -0.068 0.161 0.010 -0.179 -0.083 <y § CO Cd M I K Q Cd X M > < U -0.149 0.286 -0.238 -0.151 -0.106 -0.187 -0.090 0.006 0.406 0.312 0.369 -0.336 0.374 0.446 -0.119 0.116 0.348 -0.133 -0.513 -0.267 -0.159 0.147 0.071 0.215 -0.519 -0.121 -0.177 -0.180 -0.060 0.010 0.124 -0.321 -0.289 -0.304 -0.247 -0.288 0.078 0.231 0.194 -0.214 0.193 0.086 0.037 0.167 0.097 0.036 0.038 -0.142 -0.161 -0.112 0.131 0.183 0.090 -0.041 -0.131 0.060 gf > H X Q GT U Z U H < D- -0.016 -0.109 0.270 0.033 -0.016 0.044 0.116 -0.125 -0.255 -0.259 0.064 -0.219 0.066 0.066 -0.079 -0.198 -0.150 -0.011 0.173 0.209 -0.411 -0.048 -0.342 -0.217 0.093 0.066 -0.446 -0.066 0.233 -0.304 0.071 0.158 0.080 0.173 0.232 -0.018 -0.278 -0.308 -0.270 -0.012 -0.267 -0.220 -0.003 -0.352 -0.101 -0.102 0.287 0.161 -0.123 -0.122 -0.323 -0.322 0.113 -0.107 -0.189 -0.075 -0.300 0.386 -0.082 -0.212 -0.162 -0.267 -0.121 -0.031 0.304 0.287 0.397 -0.280 0.401 0.430 -0.210 0.000 0.189 -0.209 -0.364 -0.026 -0.232 0.030 -0.023 0.076 -0.435 -0.007 -0.270 -0.072 < Cd I Cd X (Z) -0.122 0.143 -0.002 -0.184 -0.086 -0.151 -0.196 -0.185 0.024 0.060 0.281 -0.053 0.284 0.196 0.032 -0.025 -0.115 0.191 0.136 0.017 -0.205 -0.170 -0.062 -0.071 0.092 -0.019 -0.201 0.090 W Q WI m D Cd X CZD -0.353 0.421 -0.026 -0.392 -0.276 -0.348 -0.385 -0.273 0.417 0.228 0.526 -0.418 0.522 0.607 -0.177 0.327 0.057 0.125 -0.257 -0.082 -0.361 -0.209 0.274 0.251 -0.099 0.263 -0.300 0.158 D Cd X CZD -0.365 0.404 0.040 -0.274 -0.139 -0.246 -0.287 -0.258 0.223 0.169 0.469 -0.312 0.468 0.477 -0.191 0.303 0.012 0.281 -0.215 -0.140 -0.303 0.007 0.102 0.212 -0.029 0.155 -0.230 0.021 a § g Q < H O H LU Cd H 2 0.089 -0.133 0.065 -0.156 -0.110 -0.166 -0.163 -0.106 0.100 0.237 0.062 -0.079 0.061 -0.093 0.059 0.286 0.125 0.126 -0.001 -0.251 0.065 -0.003 0.246 0.268 0.187 -0.014 0.132 0.233 I -0.198 0.024 0.434 0.124 0.224 0.135 0.045 -0.086 -0.130 -0.066 -0.067 0.318 -0.060 -0.133 0.309 -0.308 -0.259 -0.055 0.138 0.353 -0.004 -0.190 -0.179 -0.311 -0.081 0.022 -0.108 0.087 W Q < LU E- LU LU Cd E- -0.084 0.051 0.098 0.063 -0.060 0.000 0.176 0.224 -0.001 0.084 0.229 -0.089 0.238 0.175 0.115 0.015 0.018 0.076 -0.021 -0.060 -0.097 -0.115 -0.058 0.022 -0.040 -0.042 -0.093 0.179 -0.209 0.162 0.170 -0.138 -0.157 -0.178 -0.118 0.168 0.098 0.229 0.241 -0.208 0.246 0.130 0.103 0.058 0.111 -0.074 -0.104 -0.076 -0.011 -0.002 0.030 0.079 -0.042 0.008 -0.020 0 089 I Cd I I CZD -0.365 0.372 0.109 0.022 0.044 0.065 -0.001 0.082 0.101 0.044 0.243 0.120 0.243 0.248 -0.003 0.062 -0.213 0.277 -0.193 0.128 0.015 -0.084 0.076 -0.045 -0.147 0.206 0.038 0.036 SHRUBalIDENh SH RUBcovQ SHRUBsapDEN 0.013 -0.010 -0.021 0.067 0.130 0.052 -0.007 0.044 -0.182 -0.182 -0.037 0.133 -0.047 -0.103 0.004 0.073 0.067 -0.041 0.090 -0.016 -0.051 0.114 0.051 0.130 0.113 0.070 -0.017 -0.078 0.360 -0.337 -0.291 0.208 0.266 0.100 0.190 0.235 -0.337 -0.337 -0.369 0.507 -0.372 -0.269 0.196 -0.377 0.471 -0.488 0.324 0.343 0.084 0.533 -0.368 -0.133 0.129 -0.177 -0.099 -0.148 -0.418 0.407 0.284 -0.335 -0.292 -0.292 -0.320 -0.361 0.252 0.252 0.432 -0.534 0.442 0.411 -0.489 0.423 -0.274 0.414 -0.013 -0.500 -0.298 -0.451 0.334 0.333 0.223 0.012 -0.189 0.353 -0.307 0.236 0.424 -0.316 -0.258 -0.306 -0.310 -0.271 0.439 0.439 0.364 -0.341 0.369 0.335 -0.228 0.158 -0.023 0.222 0.136 -0.460 -0.238 -0.277 0.129 0.219 0.245 -0.273 -0.174 0.140 -0.159 0.157 0.098 -0.124 -0.127 -0.064 -0.150 -0.135 0.238 0.238 0.184 -0.244 0.191 0.084 -0.192 0.064 -0.034 0.117 -0.001 -0.173 -0.313 -0.271 -0.017 0.074 0.047 -0.102 -0.259 0.020 -0.244 0.230 0.193 -0.288 -0.245 -0.251 -0.278 -0.316 0.369 0.369 0.291 -0.379 0.300 0.257 -0.251 0.156 -0.112 0.255 0.011 -0.374 -0.301 -0.334 0.074 0.144 0.114 -0.175 -0.220 0.083 -0.356 0.367 0.170 -0.346 -0.340 -0.271 -0.345 -0.313 0.427 0.427 0.448 -0.374 0.453 0.561 -0.448 0.327 -0.325 0.383 -0.143 -0.347 -0.146 -0.450 0.280 0.189 0.023 0.125 0.034 0.263 0.209 -0.197 -0.164 0.506 0.577 0.405 0.371 0.501 -0.225 -0.225 -0.194 0.277 -0.200 -0.167 0.221 -0.243 0.156 -0.192 0.071 0.163 0.244 0.261 -0.192 -0.209 -0.080 -0.178 0.087 -0.195 -0.143 0.178 -0.037 -0.227 -0.163 -0.232 -0.245 -0.178 0.221 0.221 0.219 -0.119 0.229 0.392 -0.240 -0.006 0.176 -0.067 0.417 -0.184 -0.013 -0.088 0.015 0.127 0.442 -0.169 -0.005 0.413 -0.150 0.164 0.039 -0.220 -0.213 -0.202 -0.177 -0.214 0.221 0.221 0.192 -0.204 0.195 0.181 -0.059 0.129 -0.383 0.353 -0.006 -0.246 -0.033 -0.271 0.137 -0.098 0.070 -0.071 0.045 0.114 WISherbQ RICHq -0.419 0.414 0.264 -0.356 -0.310 -0.302 -0.407 -0.249 0.573 0.573 0.519 -0.506 0.523 0.495 -0.461 0.295 -0.346 0.449 0.006 -0.483 -0.263 -0.534 0.234 0.140 0.172 -0.089 -0.109 0.301 TREEtotBA PATCHWIDTH -0.487 0.527 0.149 -0.435 -0.377 -0.418 -0.391 -0.399 0.368 0.368 0.574 -0.494 0.582 0.578 -0.454 0.443 -0.158 0.355 0.229 -0.579 -0.352 -0.448 0.387 0.460 0.495 -0.039 -0.196 0.461 < TREEsapDEN NATIVEq 0.504 -0.509 -0.278 0.303 0.349 0.244 0.202 0.330 -0.318 -0.318 -0.387 0.706 -0.392 -0.361 0.358 -0.470 0.462 -0.491 0.240 0.399 -0.030 0.510 -0.511 -0.278 -0.043 -0.264 -0.252 -0.221 ? TREEaIlDEN LAYERSq Sand Silt Clay Coarse Fragments Fine Gravels Medium Gravels %Coarse Gravels % Cobbles Depth to Gravels A Depth % Organic Matter A Temperature %Carbon % Nitrogen C: N Cation Exchange Capacity Ca (%CEC) H (%CEC) K (%CEC) Mg (%CEC) Na (%CEC) pH Electrical Conductivity Ca ppm K ppm Mg ppm Na ppm P ppm HERBcovQ % % % % % % HERBcovAIc Table 66. Pearson moment correlations between vegetation and soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level._____________________________________________________________________ -0.049 0.067 -0.031 0.077 0.064 0.048 0.078 0.143 0.168 0.168 0.102 -0.282 0.094 0.028 -0.163 0.116 -0.114 0.133 0.130 -0.163 0.007 -0.139 0.105 0.070 0.204 -0.005 0.073 0.196 130 WIDTH SLOPE -0.279 -0.297 0.183 -0.335 -0.144 0.126 -0.117 0.178 0.149 -0.220 % Silt 0.196 0.250 -0.156 0.258 0.157 -0.080 0.078 -0.120 -0.081 0.131 % Clay 0.270 0.186 -0.111 0.269 0.006 -0.142 0.122 -0.183 -0.199 0.266 %Coarse Fragments -0.249 -0.225 0.211 -0.369 -0.057 0.185 -0.065 0.231 0.132 -0.158 % Fine Gravels -0.227 -0.146 0.198 -0.255 0.018 0.092 -0.104 0.125 0.060 -0.074 % Medium Gravels -0.222 -0.224 0.183 -0.350 -0.073 0.174 -0.047 0.220 0.112 -0.135 % Coarse Gravels -0.233 -0.241 0.185 -0.372 -0.076 -0.058 0.233 0.165 -0.176 % Cobbles -0.191 -0.208 0.176 -0.378 0.179 f ■■ -0.115 0.288 0.025 0.303 0.148 -0.228 Depth to Gravels 0.367 0.112 -0.385 0.300 0.154 0.073 0.341 -0.029 -0.065 0.017 A Depth 0.157 0.038 -0.263 0.106 0.042 0.059 0.119 0.019 0.047 -0.094 % Organic Matter 0.232 0.262 -0.250 0.323 0.070 -0.022 0.162 -0.095 0.021 0.028 A Temperature 0.216 0.183 -0.169 0,179 0.028 -0.194 0.013 -0.197 -0.346 0.490 % Carbon 0.232 0.262 -0.250 0.325 0.071 -0.023 0.164 -0.096 0.021 0.027 % Nitrogen 0.342 0.281 -0.408 0.353 0.048 -0.043 0.178 -0.120 -0.077 0.101 -0.248 -0.182 0.275 -0.225 -0.022 0 086 -0.072 0.131 0.166 -0.233 Cation Exchange Capacity 0.521 0.236 -0.518 0.384 0.203 -0.008 0.286 -0.095 -0.103 0.126 Ca (%CEC) 0.215 -0.220 -0.412 -0.095 -0.001 0.357 0.242 0.336 0.264 -0.282 H (%CEC) -0.321 0.016 0.264 0.065 0.129 -0.179 -0.225 -0.161 0.055 -0.152 K (%CEC) -0.043 0.071 0.018 0.041 -0.046 -0.103 -0.029 -0.086 -0.139 0.180 Mg (%CEC) 0.192 0.235 0.113 0.031 -0.153 -0.164 0.028 -0.168 -0.359 0.501 Na (%CEC) -0.034 -0.194 0.175| -0.241 -0.200 0.106 -0.029 0.143 -0.001 0.039 pH 0.278 0.029 -0.210 -0,119 -0.126 0.124 0.108 0.125 -0.101 0.176 Electrical Conductivity 0.609 0.263 -0.597 0.396 0.226 -0.047 0.284 -0.121 -0.175 0.240 Ca ppm 0.559 0.138 -0.623 0.325 0.187 0.108 0.351 0.023 -0.009 0.019 K ppm 0.356 0.270 -0.410 0.336 0.122 -0.092 0.147 -0.133 -0.173 0.296 Mg ppm 0.559 0.387 -0.308 0.334 0.016 -0.128 0.251 -0.204 -0.346 0.487 Na ppm 0.125 -0.117 -0.005 -0.088 -0.126 0.113 0.059 0.120 0.009 0.036 P ppm -0.251 -0.092 -0.049 -0.070 0.107 0.129 -0.154 0.182 0.381 -0.294 < m % Sand C: N INUN SHEAR POWER ELEVTh Elevatio n DISTTh Table 67. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Tom Miner Basin at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. Cd 131 Elevation ELEVTh INUN SHEAR SLOPE WIDTH 0.311 0.187 -0.248 -0.007 -0.203 0.073 0.042 0.071 0.083 0.199 % Silt -0.357 -0.186 0.453 0.001 0.246 -0.086 0.065 -0.120 -0.252 -0.224 % Clay -0.006 -0.063 -0.348 0.016 -0.021 0.001 -0.240 0.080 0.331 -0.013 % Coarse Fragments 0.104 -0.052 -0.021 -0.189 -0.277 0.072 -0.131 0.172 0.114 0.058 % Fine Gravels 0.051 -0.041 -0.067 -0.134 -0.148 0.098 -0.119 0.208 0.196 -0.003 % Medium Gravels 0.140 0.027 -0.121 -0.130 -0.249 0.034 -0.164 0.141 0.153 0.121 % Coarse Gravels 0.148 -0.005 0.036 -0.159 -0.314 -0.071 -0.181 0.022 0.004 0.125 % Cobbles 0.007 -0.214 0.187 -0.159 -0.159 -0.035 0.031 -0.003 -0.092 -0.083 Depth to Gravels -0.181 0.116 0.242 0.351 0.516 -0.206 0.246 -0.297 -0.272 -0.184 A Depth -0.125 0.060 0.098 0.286 0.467 -0.126 0.276 -0.229 -0.202 -0.139 % Organic Matter -0.234 -0.154 0.384 0.037 0.051 -0.233 0.041 -0.295 -0.254 -0.196 0.102 -0.103 -0.465 0.084 0.100 -0.015 -0.085 0.107 0.424 -0.062 % Carbon -0.236 -0.156 0.384 0.037 0.051 -0.235 0.038 -0.296 -0.252 -0.195 % Nitrogen -0.241 -0.103 0.512 0.020 0.023 -0.284 -0.016 -0.329 -0.349 -0.173 C: N -0.015 -0.076 -0.262 -0.061 0.057 0.253 0.148 0.257 0.206 -0.051 0.110 0.323 -0.040 -0.085 -0.062 0.324 -0.147 -0.266 -0.216 CO % Sand A Temperature POWER < DISTTh Table 68. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Soda Butte Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. Cation Exchange Capacity 0.043 Ca (%CEC) 0.345 0.041 0.325 0.155 0.018 -0.182 0.176 -0.203 -0.430 0.081 H (%CEC) -0.232 -0.118 -0.033 -0.034 0.140 0.090 0.070 0.034 0.134 -0.136 K (%CEC) -0.016 -0.044 -0.517 -0.126 -0.124 0.285 -0.239 0.314 0.565 0.072 Mg (%CEC) -0.314 0.035 -0.300 -0.175 -0.116 0.123 -0.263 0.182 0.385 -0.032 Na (%CEC) 0.207 -0.044 -0.181 0.183 0.249 0.099 0.317 0.102 -0.080 0.034 pH 0.330 -0.028 0.230 0.071 0.013 -0.255 0.009 -0.159 -0.189 0.007 Electrical Conductivity 0.074 0.001 0.192 0.071 0.011 -0.061 0.305 -0.135 -0.281 -0.103 Ca ppm 0.172 -0.078 0.343 0.031 -0.068 -0.116 0.334 -0.187 -0.358 -0.139 K ppm -0.025 -0.190 -0.264 -0.236 -0.253 0.340 -0.121 0.317 0.461 -0.053 Mg ppm -0.284 -0.016 0.060 -0.204 -0.164 0.040 -0.044 0.022 0.118 -0.205 Na ppm 0.226 -0.093 -0.107 0.136 0.143 0.085 0.381 0.068 -0.135 -0.007 P ppm -0.449 -0.243 0.001 -0.339 -0.143 0.442 0.118 0.336 0.261 -0.262 - 132 SHEAR SLOPE 0.040 -0.219 0.025 -0.061 -0.105 0.176 -0.094 -0.349 0.063 % Silt -0.230 -0.041 0.201 -0.036 0.029 0.137 -0.222 0.131 0.346 -0.021 % Clay -0.086 -0.021 0.191 0.022 0.148 -0.048 0.052 -0.071 0.217 -0.181 0.210 -0.059 -0.131 0.134 -0.043 -0.167 0.081 -0.135 -0.392 0.131 % Fine Gravels 0.350 -0.012 -0.308 0.319 0.039 -0.175 0.169 -0.167 -0.324 0.198 % Medium Gravels 0.138 -0.088 -0.019 0.070 -0.082 -0.134 0.062 - 0 . 1 11 -0.377 0.071 % Coarse Gravels 0.057 -0.085 0.023 -0.088 -0.084 -0.124 -0.013 -0.061 -0.372 0.037 % Cobbles 0.198 0.006 -0.202 0.181 -0.035 -0.209 0.018 -0.172 -0.362 0.228 Depth to Gravels -0.060 0.099 0.153 -0.054 -0.066 0.173 0.094 0.106 0.327 -0.095 A Depth -0.060 0.099 0.153 -0.054 -0.066 0.173 0.094 0.106 0.327 -0.095 % Organic Matter -0.181 -0.005 0.298 0 .0 0 0 0.062 0.032 -0.117 0.004 0.145 -0.059 0.522 0.244 -0.573 0.187 -0.049 -0.071 0.189 -0.084 -0.277 0.388 % Carbon -0.184 -0.010 0.300 0 .0 0 0 0.060 0.032 -0.115 0.003 0.145 -0.065 % Nitrogen -0.041 0.118 0.094 0.119 0.076 0.039 -0.086 -0.010 0.169 0.101 0.122 -0.225 -0.047 -0.026 -0.043 0.061 0.169 0.090 -0.157 -0.106 -0.328 -0.112 0.356 -0.213 -0.060 0.181 -0.189 0.200 0.260 -0.181 Ca (%CEC) 0.275 0.275 -0.384 0.371 0.2711 -0.385 -0.001 -0.383 -0.432 0.342 H (%CEC) -0.306 -0.235 0.446 -0.310 -0.198 0.301 -0.021 0.292 0.339 -0.322 K (%CEC) 0.262 0.322 -0.242 0.313 0.196 -0.424 -0.209 -0.356 -0.368 0.492 Mg (%CEC) 0.250 0.095 -0.380 0.126 0.038 -0.074 0.105 -0.079 -0.109 0.141 Na (%CEC) -0.107 -0.262 -0.174 -0.219 -0.177 0.322 -0.077 0.391 0.318 -0.094 0.358 0.117 -0.546 0.181 0.084 -0.106 0.173 -0.095 -0.206 0.199 Electrical Conductivity -0.361 -0.174 0.322 -0.278 -0.112 0.294 -0.242 0.342 0.387 -0.190 Ca ppm -0.222 0.067 0.179 0 .0 0 0 0.127 -0.057 -0.250 -0.032 0.025 0.021 K ppm 0.085 0.285 -0.057 0.217 0.174 -0.347 -0.340 -0.262 -0.219 0.421 Mg ppm -0.218 -0.056 0.073 -0.157 -0.042 0.205 -0.173 0.225 0.324 -0.114 Na ppm -0.241 -0.280 -0.030 -0.301 -0.191 0.414 -0.147 0.488 0.461 -0.184 P ppm -0.168 0.101 0.085 0.166 0.184 -0.189 -0.304 -0.172 0.041 0.148 % Sand % Coarse Fragments A Temperature C: N Cation Exchange Capacity PH Pd WIDTH POWER 0.218 < CQ DISTTh INUN ELEVTh Elevation Table 69. Pearson moment correlations between hydrogeomorphic and soil variables for Cache Creek at the 100-yr zone. Shaded values are statistically significant to the 0.05 level. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - 762 10382377 7