Innovative biofilm control strategies by Alex Martin Bargmeyer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Alex Martin Bargmeyer (2003) Abstract: The drinking water industry is continually interested in finding new methods for preventing growth and/or eliminating biofilms in the water delivery system. Concern for reducing biofilms in public water distribution systems is due to problems such as undesirable taste and odor, corrosion of the infrastructure, and the possibility for harboring pathogens. These drinking water biofilms may be defined as a modular community of largely benign microorganisms attached to a surface within a microbe-derived hydrated matrix. The biofilm’s basic structure and mode of growth enables resistance to antimicrobial-based removal strategies. The objectives of this research were to screen novel technologies or strategies in the laboratory using annular reactors and mixed population biofilms of drinking water origin and to test the best technology for application in a realistic setting. This research investigated three strategies or technologies to enhance the removal or the prevention of growth of biofilm under drinking water conditions. The first was the use of specific chemical signalling compounds implicated in previous research, to have the ability to cause detachment of an established biofilm. The second, was the use of the bioelectric effect phenomenon in which the efficacy of antibiotics, has been shown to be enhanced through the application of weak electric fields. The final strategy in this investigation is a contact biocide which can be continually replenished by bulk fluid chlorine in the system. The results of the cell signaling compounds did not show a significant effect on an established biofilm. The bioelectric effect proved to be corrosive to metal components in the reactor system and actually provided liberated metal ions that were more conducive for bacterial growth. The final strategy proved to be the best candidate for a drinking water system application. The contact biocide was able to facilitate faster and greater removal of biofilm given typical drinking water chlorine disinfectant concentrations. Experimental data suggests however, that low concentrations of residual chlorine in the system would not be adequate to render the surface biocidal. INNOVATIVE BIOFILM CONTROL STRATEGIES by Alex Martin Bargmeyer A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY Bozeman, Montana August 2003 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Alex Martin Bargmeyer This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, biblio­ graphic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. Dr. Anne K. Camper fyTLyyu? / (Signature) Date Approved for the Department of Environmental Engineering Dr. Brett Gunnink (Signature) Date Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Dr. Bruce R. McLeodv^ A - ^ /z ^ /^ (Signature) Date iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University, I agree th at the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library.. If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a Copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U. S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or in parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Signature Date iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TA B LE S....................................................................................................... vi LIST OF FIGU RES........'............................................................. ............................... viii 1. IN TRO D U CTIO N ................................................................................................. I G o a l s ..................................................................................................................... 2 2. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 3 D rinking W a ter B io film s .............................................................................. C ell S ignaling C om po unds ........................................................................... B io electric E f f e c t ............................................. C ontact B io c id e s ................................................................... D isinfectants.................................................-...................... ■........................... Free Chlorine C hem istry......................................................................... Mono chloramine chem istry.................................... S ummary ............................... 3 6 9 13 17 18 18 19 MATERIALS AND M ETH O D S....................................... 21 A nnular R e a c t o r s ............................... .: ......................................................... S imulation of D rinking W ater C o n d it io n s .......................................... Dilution W ate r................................................................................................. Humic Substances Solution P rep aratio n ..................................................... Nitrogen/Phosphorus Preparation..................................................... j...... C hemical T reatments P repa ra tio n .......................................................... Cell Signaling Com pounds............................................................................. C hlorine.................................................. ■....................i .................................. Monochloramine .............................................................................................. E xperim ental C o n d itio n s .............................................. Signaling Compounds ........................................................ '........................... Bioelectric................................................................................. •...................... Contact Biocide Surface - Laboratory.......................................................... N-halamine Polyurethane A ctivation.................................................... Biofilm R eduction.................................................................................... Biofilm Prevention......... ■......................................................................... Chlorine Uptake By Coating .................................................................. Contact Biocide Surface - Field..................................................................... Southern Nevada Water A uthority........................................................ Seattle Public U tilities..........................................................■.................. 21 23 23 24 26 26 26 27 28 29 29 31 36 36 36 38 39 41 41 44 3. V Sewerage & Water Board of New O rleans....................................'■...... Utility Reactor Operation........................................................................ B iological A nalysis ...................................................... Sampling Laboratory Annular Reactors....................................................... Sampling Field Annular Reactors ............................... ' ............................... ■Heterotrophic Plate C ounts__ : ......................................... ..............•........... Total Direct Counts ................. ...................................................................... D ata A nalysis ................................................... 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 51 4. RESULTS................................................................................................................. 53 S ignaling C o m po u n d s ..........................................................•........................... B io electric E f f e c t ......................................................................................... C ontact B iocide S urface - L a bo ra to ry ................................................ Biofilm Reduction................................................................ Biofilm Prevention............ :............................................................................ Chlorine Uptake By Coating......................................................................... C ontact B iocide S urface - F ield ............................................................. Southern Nevada Water A uthority............................................................... Seattle Public Utilities ................................................................................... Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans .................................................. Statistical Analysis - Field D a ta ................................ 53 58 61 62 73 75 78 78 78 79 80 5. DISCUSSION ...................................... 83 C ell S ignaling C om pounds ............................... B io electric E f f e c t ........................................................................ . : ............. C ontact B iocide S u rfa ce .............................................................................. Chlorine Uptake By Coating......................................................................... Field S tudy...................................................................................: .................. 83 86 87 91 92 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................... 94 REFERENCES C IT E D ............................ ....................................................... : ......... 97 6. APPENDICES.......................................................................................... •................... 103 A P P E N D IX A - B O ZEM A N W A TER Q U A LITY D A T A ......... ■........ 104 A P P E N D IX B - C H L O R IN E U P T A K E D A T A ..................................... 108 A P P E N D IX C - N -H A LA M IN E PO L Y U R E T H A N E M S D S ............ 112 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Problematic Microorganisms in Distribution Systems .............................. 5 2. Signaling molecule reactor configuration..................................................... 32 ■3. Bioelectric reactor configurations..................................................................■ 35 4. Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, I mg/L chlorine treatm ent............................................ 37 Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, 4 mg/L chlorine treatm ent............................................ 38 Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, low residual chlorine and monochloramine treatment 40 7. Average finished water characteristics at participating u tilities.............. 42 5. 6. 8. Average chlorine concentrations during the 1st biofilm reduction treat­ ment period, I m g/L target residual. Mean (Standard Deviation) ........ 65 Average chlorine concentrations during the 2nd N-halamine biofilm reduction treatm ent period, I mg/L target residual. Mean (Standard D eviation)......................................................................................................... 67 10. Two tailed t-test for surfaces comparing treated polycarbonate control to the activated N-halamine surface biofilm HPC density (CFU/cm2) .. 70 9. 11. Average chlorine concentrations during the 5 day treatm ent period experiments I and 2, 4 mg/L target residual. Mean (Standard Deviation) 71 12. Average chlorine concentrations during biofilm prevention treatment period. Mean (Standard D eviation)............................................................. 73 13. Average monochloramine concentrations during biofilm prevention treatm ent period. Mean (Standard D eviation).......................................... 75 14. N-halamine polyurethane surface uptake model sum m ary...................... 77 vii 15. Two-tailed t-test for surfaces comparing polycarbonate control to the activated N-halamine surface biofilm HPC density (CPU/cm2) .............. 82 16. Two-tailed t-test for the average reactor chlorine residual comparing the polycarbonate control to the activated N-halamine surface............. 82 17. Bozeman water quality data for the year 2000 ......................................... 105 18. Bozeman water quality data for the year 2001 ......................................... 106 ' 19. Bozeman water quality data for the year 2002 ......................................... 107 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure • Page 1. Structures of cell signaling molecules........................................................... 8 2. Structure of cyclic N-halamine polymerp o ly lC l.................. 15 3. Preparation of biocidal polyurethane coating.........................;.................. 16 • 4. Activation of biocidal polyurethane........... ................................................ 17 5. Laboratory annular reactor model 1120 L S ............................................. 22 6. Laboratory BAG treatm ent ap p aratu s........................................................ 25 7. 30 General annular reactor configuration for all biotic experiments............ 8. Modified annular reactor with DC electrodes for evaluation of the bioelectric effect.......................... 9. 33 Control and test reactor setup in Wet Training Room of. the Las Vegas Valley Water District, Las Vegas, N e v ad a .................................................. 43 10. Control and test reactor setup at the Carrollton Water Plant, Sewer­ age & Water Board of New Orleans, Louisiana.......................................... 46 11. Modified HPC drop streak m ethod.............................................................. 50 12. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule FOdHSL tre a tm e n t............................ 54 13. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule FOdHSL tre a tm e n t........................ 55 14. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule wrs-I-51 tre a tm e n t........................................................................................... 55 15. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule wrs-I-51 tre a tm e n t........................................................................................... 56 16. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule BHL treatm ent................................................................................................. 56 17. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule BHL treatm ent................................................................................................. 57 18. Comparative planktonic HPC data for the indicated chlorine and cur­ rent treatments ..................................................................... 59 19. Comparative biofilm HPC data for the indicated chlorine and current treatm ents......................................................................................................... 60 20. 0.5 m g/L chlorine treatment and/or bioelectric effluent chlorine con­ centrations......................................................................................................... 61 21. Electrolytic generation of chlorine from reactor input water and feed ... 62 22. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 1 reactor influent and ef­ fluent free chlorine concentrations over the 5 week treatm ent p erio d __ 63 23. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 1 reactor influent and ef­ fluent total chlorine concentrations over the 5 week treatm ent period... 64 24. Biofilm reduction experiment # 1 reactor planktonic HPC concentra­ tions over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L chlorine tre a tm e n t.............. 65 25. Biofilm reduction experiment # 1 surface biofilm HPC densities over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L chlorine treatm en t................................. 66 26. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 2 reactor planktonic HPC CFU concentrations over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L target residual 68 27. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 2 biofilm HPC CPU den­ sities over the 10 week experiment, I m g/L target resid u al..... ............... 68 28. Picture of annular reactor slides comparing surface abnormalities be­ tween biofilm reduction experiment I and 2. (A) Polycarbonate, (B) N-halamine coated polycarbonate (exp. I), (C) N-halamine coated polycarbonate (exp.2) ................................................................................... 69 29. 4 m g/L biofilm reduction experiment reactors 1-3 biofilm HPC CFU densities over the 10 day treatment p e rio d ................................................ 72 30. 4 m g/L biofilm reduction experiment reactors 4-6 biofilm HPC CFU . densities over the 10 day treatment p e rio d .................... ............. ______; 72 31. 0.2 m g/L (0-14 weeks) and 0.5 mg/L (14-24 weeks) chlorine treatment biofilm prevention experiment, reactors 1-3 biofilm HPC densities over the 24 week treatm ent period............................................. .........., ........... ■. 74 32. 0.2 mg/L (0-14 weeks) and 0.5 m g/L (14-24 weeks) monOchloramine treatm ent biofilm prevention experiment, reactors 4-6 biofilm HPC densities over the 24. week treatment p erio d ............................................... 76 33. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SNW A....................... .'.........: ___ 79 34. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SP U ............................................... 80 35. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for Uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SP U ............................................... 81 36. Theorized N-halamine activation of previously colonized surface biofilm 90 37. I mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve......................... 109 38. 2 mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve. .•...................... HO 39. 4 mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve.......................... • 111 ABSTRACT The drinking water industry is continually interested in finding new methods for preventing growth and/or eliminating biofilms in the water delivery system. Concern for reducing biofilms in public water distribution systems is due to problems such as undesirable taste and odor, corrosion of the infrastructure, and the possibility for harboring pathogens. These drinking water biofilms may be defined as a modular community of largely benign microorganisms attached to a surface within a microbederived hydrated matrix. The biofilm’s basic structure and mode of growth enables resistance to antimicrobial-based removal strategies. The objectives of this research were to screen novel technologies or strategies in the laboratory using annular reactors and mixed population biofilms of drinking water origin and to test the best technology for application in a realistic setting. This research investigated three strategies or technologies to enhance the removal or the prevention of growth of biofilm under drinking water conditions. The first was the use of specific chemical signalling compounds implicated in previous research, to have the ability to cause detachment of an established biofilm. The second, was the use of the bioelectric effect phenomenon in which the efficacy of antibiotics, has been shown to be enhanced through the application of weak electric fields. The final strategy in this investigation is a contact biocide which can be continually replenished by bulk fluid chlorine in the system. The results of the cell signaling compounds did not show a significant effect on an established biofilm. The bioelectric effect proved to be corrosive to metal components in the reactor system and actually provided liberated metal ions th a t were more con­ ducive for bacterial growth. The final strategy proved to be the best candidate for a drinking water system application. The contact biocide was able to facilitate faster and greater removal of biofilm given typical drinking water chlorine disinfectant con­ centrations. Experimental data suggests however, th at low concentrations of residual chlorine in the system would not be adequate to render the surface biocidal. I CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Drinking water distribution system biofilms are an inevitable fact of our infras­ tructure. These biofilms 1are for the most part benign and pose ho direct health threat. However, there are a number of problems associated with these biofilms that can arise if their growth is left unchecked. The problems th at are associated with drinking water microorganisms and their biofilms are taste and odor, corrosion of metal structures and the potential for harboring pathogens. Taste and odor primarily relates to the general aesthetics of the water and can be an indication of maintenance and operational problems of the treatment and/or distribution system. Corrosion of the infrastructure can reduce the systems efficiency and invoke costly repairs. Recently, it has been shown th at distribution systems th a t have predominantly iron pipe have the greatest potential for biofilm regrowth. [1] The persistence of pathogens in these biofilms presents the most important concern. This is because biofilms are inherently resistant to disinfection by conventional means. Harbored pathogens within these biofilms may then be released into the system posing a possible public health threat. [2] Current methods employed to combat nuisance biofilms include the use of disin­ fectants, reduction of organic material in the water, pipe materials th at reduce the 2 amount of biofilm accumulation and modification of plant operations to discourage biofilm growth. In addition to these practices, other strategies or technology applied to the management of distribution systems may result in greater biofilm reduction and prevention or stalling regrowth events. Continuing research into the nature of biofilm growth/development and emerging technologies to enhance biofilm control may present additional strategies for this problem. Goals The goal of this research is to investigate and provide the drinking water industry with novel biofilm control strategies. Recommendations for application of promising technologies to distribution systems is not the intent of this study but rather to provide an exploratory look at possible complementary solutions to current biofilm control measures. 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW Drinking Water Biofilms Drinking water biofilms may be defined as a modular community of microorgan­ isms embedded within a microbe-derived hydrated matrix of extracellular polymers, th at exists at an interface. This interface may be between the aqueous phase and a solid support such as polycarbonate, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ductile iron and coated ductile iron pipe. It can also be between two different fluid phases such as air and water, or between two liquids of differing densities like oil and water. [3] Biofilms in drinking water are typically in environments th at do not provide op­ timum growth conditions, yet their persistence may lead to the problems mentioned previously. A distribution system’s pipe network is the common interface for biofilm growth. [4] Conditions within these systems have variations in temperature, disinfec­ tant residual, flow and chemical conditions such as pH, organic carbon, and nutrient levels. These variations may produce biofilm sloughing events' which can increase the number of planktonic bacteria. [1] Therefore distribution system biofilm maintenance can be an arduous task. • Distribution systems can be colonized by a number of microorganisms that cause 4 a variety of problems. Organisms such as Actinomycetes or fungi can result in taste' and odor problems. [5, 6, 7] Bacteria may grow on ferrous metal surfaces [8] and result in the presence of iron particulate in finished water. [9]' Corrosion of distribution system pipe materials may be enhanced due to the presence of bacterial biofilms. [10] Coliform bacteria present in treated water may be an indicator of the prior growth and release of these organisms within distribution system biofilms. [11, 12, 13] Coliform regrowth events are generally proclaimed to be a regulatory nuisance rather than a hazard to public health. However, it has been noted that opportunistic pathogens, including Aeromonas spp., Mycobacterium spp., and Legionella spp. can and do grow in drinking water distribution system biofilms. These and other problematic microorganisms associated with distribution system biofilms are summarized in Table 1[14], The biofilm mode of growth enables resistance to antimicrobial-based removal strategies. Previous research indicates that in order for disinfectants and antibiotics to be as effective against biofilm bacteria, concentrations of 500 to 5000 times greater than those required for killing planktonic strains of the same bacterial species are required. [15] One of the mechanisms by which inherent resistance to antimicrobial factors is mediated in biofilms is through very low metabolic levels and dramati­ cally downregulated rates of cell division of the deeply embedded microbes. [16] Thus the strategies, for disinfecting agents th at depend upon robust and actively divid­ ing microbes are often ineffective. [17] Another is th at these structures demonstrate a 5 Table I. Problematic Microorganisms in Distribution Systems. Type of Microorganism_________ ■Infrastructure or Water Quality Problem Coliforms Positive samples may be a violation of the To­ tal Coliform Rule. Actinomycetes, Molds and Fungi Produce earthy-musty-moldy taste and odor compounds and are commonly found in sur­ face waters. Iron Bacteria Oxidize soluble iron to precipitate forms in­ creasing the mass of corrosion products on pipe walls and pump casings. Excessive iron deposits cause increased pipe friction and lower pump efficiency. Sulfate Reducing Bacteria Reduces sulfate to hydrogen sulfide gas (rotten egg odor) and increases corrosion rates. Nitrifying Bacteria Oxidize ammonia to nitrate and consume al­ kalinity, which may result in pH reduction. Protozoans May reside in biofilms posing a health risk (Abernathy, 1998) physical barrier to penetration of the antimicrobial agents. [18] It has been previously shown th a t the polymeric matrix that encompasses the majority of biofilms retards the inward diffusion of a number of antimicrobial agents. [19, 18, 20] Also, biocides com­ posed of common chlorine compounds used in water treatment such as hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide,, mono chloramine as well as other antimicrobial / antifouling agents may be deactivated in the outer layers of the biofilm faster than they can diffuse into the lower layers. [21, 22] Lastly, a number of studies have shown th a t the gene ex­ pression within biofilms is altered due to the physical action of attachment. [23] This 6 change in gene expression is a biologically programmed response to attachment and not due to nutrient deprivation. However, the link between antimicrobial resistance and altered gene expression is presently being studied. [24] Cell Signaling Compounds Research in bacterial biofilms has just begun to yield information about the com­ plex nature of its survival strategies. One. of these strategies increasingly studied since the 1960’s, is the mechanism of cell-to-cell signaling or quorum sensing. This phenomenon was initially believed to be unique to bioluminescent marine bacteria such as Vibrio fischeri and Vibrio harveyi. In these organisms the exhibition of bi­ oluminescence corresponds to high cell densities within high nutrient conditions in the light emitting organs of their aquatic hosts. The specific mechanism responsible for activation of bioluminescence was discovered to be the production and accumu­ lation of a signaling molecule or ” autoinducer” which is accumulated in response to high bacterial cell densities. [25] Since then there have been numerous other bacte­ rial species identified to possess a quorum sensing system. [26] This mechanism for cellular communication has been implicated as instrumental in the cycle of bacterial attachment, biofilm formation/ maturation and detachment. [27, 28] Quorum sensing compounds associated with specific detachment signals for biofilm bacteria may be of value to the drinking water industry. If cells are chemically stimu­ lated to detach from the biofilm mode of growth, it could potentially make them more 7 susceptible to disinfection by residual disinfectants. Furthermore, if cellular response to attachment and the formation of biofilm could be interrupted through the use of cell signaling compounds, biofilm could be stalled or prevented. A comprehensive review by Shirliff et al. [24] covers the current understanding of molecular interactions within bacterial biofilms and the impact it has on biofilm development and phenotype.- From the review there were three specific molecules th a t displayed properties th at could applied to drinking water biofilms. These three potential cell-to-cell signaling molecules were evaluated (Figure I. for structures) for their ability to promote biofilm detachment from mixed species drinking water biofilms. The first of these molecules was 1,2 fluorodecal acyl homoserine lactone (FOdHSL), which had previously demonstrated efficacy in the prevention of Pseudomonas aerug­ inosa biofilm development. [29] This is a synthetic molecule and acts as a’non-specific antagonist to bacterial signaling molecules th a t have previously been implicated in the formation of the fully mature biofilm phenotype. Therefore, by applying the bacterial signal antagonist FOdHSL to the biofilm, the hope is to disrupt this mature phenotype and promote biofilm detachment. [30, 31] Ideally, biofilm detachment would facilitate flow-mediated removal, and microbial death in the presence of residual disinfectants without the protective structure of the biofilm. Another signaling molecule antagonist th a t was tested, wrs-I-51, was designed by 8 FOdHSL (1,2 fluorodecal acyl homoserine lactone) wrs-l- 51 BHL (N-butyryl homoserine lactone) Figure I. Structures of cell signaling molecules. organic chemists at the Montana State University Chemistry Department as an irre­ versible inhibitor of the quorum sensing systems of microbes. These antagonists were used at greater than 100 times the concentration of the bacterial signaling molecules in biofilm environments. This molar excess of antagonist has been previously shown 9 to effectively inhibit quorum sensing in biofilms. [29] The last signaling molecule that was evaluated was not an antagonist, but a na­ tive autinducing signaling molecule from the P. aeruginosa quorum sensing system, butyryl homoserine lactone (BHL) [32, 33, 34]. BHL has also been implicated as a more freely diffusible compound within a biofilm compared to the other HSL signaling compounds. The physiological BHL concentration at which quorum sensing-activated genes are upregulated is approximately 40 - 60 nM[35]. This signaling molecule has been implicated as a possible'biofilm size limiting or detachment signal for P. 'aerugm osa[24]. Therefore, we tested the ability of BHL at 60 nM to promote detachment from mixed population biofilms in annular reactors. In addition, we evaluated the role of BHL to promote biofilm detachment at a concentration above (6000 nM) the physiological BHL concentration due to the effectiveness of the first BHL experiment. Bioelectric Effect The problem of biofilm-mediated resistance to disinfectants may be circumvented through the application of weak direct current fields. This “bioelectric effect” Was initially discovered by Blenkinsopp et al.[36] and also by Costerton, et al.[37, 38] in which the efficacy of antibiotics was shown to be increased through the application Of weak electric fields. In one particular study, biofilms were grown on dialysis tub­ ing and immersed within a. minimal media filled chamber. These membranes Were either left untreated, treated with a weak electric field alone, treated with antibiotic • 10 alone, or treated with a combination of antibiotic and electric field. In order to avoid the electrochemical generation of toxic products through electrolysis (discussed later), biofilms were formed in minimal salts medium th at excluded chloride-containing com­ pounds. The biofilms th at were untreated, treated with a weak electric field alone, or treated with antibiotics alone were not affected. However, when an electric field was applied to the minimal salt medium containing antibiotics, the researchers found a dramatic effect on biofilm structure and bacterial concentration. It has also been found th a t the concentrations of antibiotics needed to be effective against biofilm bac­ teria in a weak electric field fell to only 1.5 - 4.0 times those necessary for planktonic bacteria. [39] Another study conducted by Stewart et al. [40] found similar results of enhanced efficacy of applied antibiotics when coupled with a weak DC electric current. These experiments utilized P. aeruginosa biofilms grown on a polycarbonate substratum. When the biofilm was exposed to the antibiotic tobramycin the effective reduction in biofilm was 2.88 logs which was increased to 5.58 logs in the presence of the weak electric field. Because these experiments require an electric potential (not indicated) and current flow (2 mA) they realized th at the potential electrolysis of water can create species such -as oxygen and oxygen intermediates. These electrolysis reactions are shown in equations 2.1 through 2.3. Other electrolytically-generated oxygen compounds possible are super oxide anion, peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. 11 2H20 O2 + AH+ + 4e™ ' AH2O + 4e“ =» 2H2 + 4 0 f T (2.1) (2.2) The overall net reaction becomes: 2H20 =v- O2 + H 2 (2.3) Oxygen did enhance the ability of tobramycin to reduce the biofilm by 4.68 logs. However, biofilm reduction was enhanced further by the addition of the electric cur­ rent (5.58 logs), which implies the claimed bioelectric effect did have a synergistic effect on antibiotic effectiveness in this study. Electrolysis or iontophoresis of other constituents when applying an electric po­ tential to an electrolyte are also possible. It was found th at the application of small electric currents in solutions that contain chloride ions can create chlorine gas shown in equation 2.4 .[41] 2NaCl + 2H20 => 2 N a O H .+ Cl2 + H 2 (2.4) Chlorine gas quickly dissolves in water and forms hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite. These observations lead to the conclusion th at in situations where there is a significant number of chloride ions present, antimicrobial efficacy is due to the iontophoretically produced chlorine based substances and not a synergistic bioelectric effect. [41] Electric fields in direct contact with biofilm have been observed to dramatically change the structure of the biofilm. Biofilms grown on an electrode wire where the 12 electrical current could pass directly through the bacterial structure displayed syn­ chronous expansion and contraction of the biofilm thickness with alternating current. This has been attributed possibly to the localized change in pH due to the change in current flow and charge reversal and also charged groups within the biofilm and the S charge of the electrode. It was also thought th a t this induced structural “effect” may present a possible mechanism for the increasing the efficacy of biocides when com­ bined with an electric field. Prom this research conjecture for the bioelectric effect’s usefulness to reduce biofilms in industry has been made; but only if growing on a conductive surface in an aqueous environment and a counter electrode. [42] Continued research by McLeod et al. in the bioelectric effect created a dose response curve for the effectiveness of applied electric, current and antibiotic. [43] A current density within their system of 360 /jlA / cm2 yielded consistent effectiveness for 5 times the minimum inhibitory concentration or MIC of tobramycin at 5 mg/L. These findings served as a starting point for drinking water biofilm experiments utilizing this strategy. In review of the bioelectric effect, a number of possible explanations for the en­ hancement of antimicrobial efficacy have been proposed. These include electrophoreticallymediated augmentation of antimicrobial transport, cell membrane permeabilization, electrolytic generation of oxygen and potentiating oxidants, increased convective transport of antimicrobials due to contraction and expansion of the biofilm, and pH alterations in solutions to which current is applied. This portion of the study 13 evaluated the phenomenon of the bioelectric effect as a strategy to enhance the an­ timicrobial properties of chlorine against mixed population biofilms of drinking water origin. Contact Biocides The most promising novel strategy or technology for the reduction of biofilm within distribution systems is the contact biocide. Traditionally, reduction of bacte­ rial growth in a water system is achieved through maintaining a residual concentration of disinfectant in the system. These disinfectants, mainly chlorine or monochloramine must then diffuse through the biofilm to effectively kill the cells. As mentioned pre­ viously, biofilms are resistant to disinfection, which is often due to the resulting mass transfer limitations of the disinfectant.[44] The effectiveness of typical chlorinated drinking water may be enhanced if the surface were to be inhospitable to the pro­ liferation of microbial growth. A contact biocide which has been made available to this study comes from Vanson-HaloSource Inc. and is based on a group of organic compounds called N-halamines. These N-halamines and their derivatives' have the ability to bind oxidative/ reactive chlorine, thereby rendering a biocidal property. A study of the comparative antimicrobial activities of these N-halamine deriva­ tives was first published in 1976 by Kaminski et al.[45] The comparison evaluated a number of water soluble N-halamine compounds for their bacterial inactivation efficiencies. It was determined that these compounds could provide an alternative 14 stabilization method of the active Cl+ ion and their subsequent use as a disinfectant. More recently the application of this technology for the disinfection of water became apparent. [46] The compounds used in this study are similar to the N-halamine compounds described above but contain a heterocyclic carbon nitrogen or oxygen ring structure which has limited solubility in water. Again these compounds have a unique property th at stabilizes the active chlorine or bromine species th a t makes it useful as a soluble disinfectant. In this study some of the chlorinated compounds tested were able to remain stable as an effective disinfectant over a period of 15 weeks. Later development of insoluble polymeric N-halamine compounds suggested an application as a biocidal water filter. [47] This polymer has the same heterocyclic ring structure as previously described and is a derivative of a polystyrene hydantoin (polylCl, Figure 2). The chlorinated structure exists in solid form as pale yellow granules. In these filter experiments the solid granules were loaded into columns and challenged with water containing four bacterial species with concentrations greater than IO6 colony forming units (CPUs) per mL. The filter’s capacity for complete dis­ infection was about 160 mL contaminated water per gram of polylCl for E. coli at contact times of 1-2 s/mL.[48] The disinfectant properties of this filter could be re­ newed when flushed with a strong bleach solution to clean and reactivate the polylCl. Other work in this area included coating various substrates with a poly-N-halamine compound.[49] Substrates used in these experiments were glass, plastic, cotton and a cotton polyester blend. The hard surfaces coated with the polymer achieved 6-log 15 ( H2C ------ CH ) X' O C-------- N X1X1= H 1CI1Br Figure 2. Structure of cyclic N-halamine polymer polylCl. inactivation of S. aureus in 5-10 minutes. The textiles were tested for their zone of inhibition which was 0.5 mm for the cotton and 0.1mm for the cotton blend. Once again the unique properties of the poly N-halamine compounds is the ability to retain a stabile active N-Cl moiety until there is a collision or hit by a reactant i.e. bacterial cells, organic compounds, etc. The active chlorine is then used or donated from the structure. The antimicrobial properties can be regenerated by repeated exposure to Cl2 or NaOCl. A recently developed coating that incorporates an N-halamine hydantoin monomer into the backbone of a polyurethane polymer has promise for testing in drinking wa­ ter surface applications. This particular coating is prepared by copolymerizing a 16 X CH2CH2OH CH1— N \ CH2CH2OH + OCN ....................NCO Hydantoin modified Diol Monomer Polyisocyanate Figure 3. Preparation of biocidal polyurethane coating. previously disinfection-proven, water-soluble, N-halamine derivative with commer­ cially available polyurethane. The N-halamine used to create a diol monomer used in copolymerization is a l,3-dihalo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin combined with diethanolamine and a methanol formaldehyde solution. The modified diol monomer is then combined with polyisocyanate (Figure 3) to create a surface active polyurethane . The coating is cured at room temperature and activated by exposure to a strong bleach solution (10% by volume) for 3-12 hours (Figure 4).[50] The chemical structure of the N-halamine hydantoin is the key to the superior stability of the active nitrogen-chlorine bond. The electron donating alkyl groups adjacent to the nitrogen-chlorine moieties prevent significant release of chlorine into an aqueous solution. It has been shown that the coating is able to retain its biocidal 17 Polyurethane o Activated Polyurethane O O Il Il o Il Il .....HNCO .OCNH.... HNCO OCNH- N + Bleach Figure 4. Activation of biocidal polyurethane. properties for up to 6 months. [50] Disinfectants While traditional water treatment may employ a variety of disinfectants to re­ duce or eliminate the growth of microorganisms in drinking water, only secondary disinfectants th at are used to produce a residual will be be considered here. Once biofilm has detached from a pipe surface it becomes more susceptible to disinfection by these residual disinfectants in the system. Free chlorine and monochloramine are the only practical types for this application. Chlorine dioxide is also an active chlo­ rine species that is used in drinking water applications. However this disinfectant was 18 not considered due to it’s potentially explosive properties and time allowed for the experiments. Free Chlorine Chemistry. Chlorine is the most common secondary disinfectant used in distribution sys­ tems today. It is added in sufficient quantities to create a residual in the system to discourage microbial growth and prevent recontamination from system maintenance, backflow and break events. It can be added as a gas (CI2 ), liquid sodium hypochlo­ rite (NaOCl), or calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)Z) in solid form. Once in water, the chemistry is basically similar for all, creating hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite. The concentration of dissociated species is dependant upon the pH of the Water (see equation 2.5) where hypochlorous acid is the more active disinfectant. # #+ + ocz- (par* = 7.6) - (2.5) Typical concentrations of available free chlorine are maintained between 0.20 4.0 mg/1 depending on existing organic carbon concentration in the finished water. Evaluation of the efficacy of free chlorine coupled with the bioelectric and coating strategies presented here used chlorine doses within this range. Monochloramine chemistry. Monochloramine is becoming more widely used as a secondary disinfectant. This is mainly because it does not create as many disinfectant byproducts as free chlorine. 19 It does require higher concentrations and longer contact time to obtain the same disinfection efficacy. However it does have the capacity to maintain a residual in the system longer than chlorine. Monochloramine also does not leave a detectable residual taste and odor which is common with chlorine. In these experiments ammonia is mixed with chlorine to create monochloramine shown in equation 2.6. N H t + HO Cl => N H 2Cl + H 2O + H + (2.6) Monochloramine was used in the later experiments testing the contact biocide. It was not known by previous research of the N-halamine compounds whether they could be effectively charged by chloramines. Summary The use of signalling compounds to prevent the attachment of cells to form biofilm or promote detachment could be a useful maintenance tool for utilities. Providing the necessary information about the toxicity or health concerns of adding these chemicals to drinking water was not considered in this study. The Environmental Protection Agencies approval would be the final step for the application of such treatments. Using the bioelectric effect as a control measure for biofilm growth has a host of engineering problems associated with it. Delivering a uniform current flux throughout a pipe network presents a very significant challenge. This strategy may be of use in this type of application but only if the system is free of metals susceptible to electrochemical corrosion. Anodic protection of ductile iron pipes is one possible 20avenue of the application of the bioelectric effect, but may not produce the current needed to be effective. The use of alternating current has had little attention in this area but may present a mechanical means of enhanced biocide delivery or diffusion into biofilm [42] and should not be overlooked for future experimentation in this area. Based on work in the laboratory with the bioelectric effect, this strategy did not demonstrate significant efficacy for application to distribution systems, but may be useful in other areas. ' The coating of drinking water distribution system pipe networks is used as a strat­ egy to reduce the amount of corrosion and prolong system integrity. If the N-halamine technology can be combined with these coatings it could provide added protection to the system. From a practical standpoint, implementation of this technology to cur­ rent coatings would be relatively simple. Adding the N-halamine compounds could easily become part of the mixing process of polymer coatings. Furthermore, the cost of adding this technology to current coatings would be low given that these Nhalamines are inexpensive to create. The N-halamine contact biocide has shown very good efficacy in the application of vinyl pool liners against bacteria and algae growth (Jeff Williams, personal communication). While pools generally operate with higher chlorine concentrations than drinking water, it is evident that the technology needs attention to enhancing the rate of activation of the contact biocide. A high rate of chlorine uptake at the surface in the presence of a low residual chlorine concentration would present a viable solution to the problem herein. 21 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS Annular Reactors To model drinking water conditions annular reactors manufactured by Biosurface Technology Corporation in Bozeman, Montana, were used for laboratory biotic,, ki­ netic abiotic and field study experiments (see Figure 5). The annular reactors used in these experiments consisted of a glass outer cylinder and an inner rotating cylinder driven by a variable speed motor. The inner cylinder holds 20 flush-mounted slides th at can be removed for sampling biofilm. Each reactor contains inlet ports for di­ lution water, substrate/nutrients and addition of disinfectants. Outflow leaves the bottom of the reactor via a standpipe and vent system to maintain the correct water level in the reactor. The liquid space within the reactor has been found by others to be completely mixed, and therefore the system model for growth kinetics in the reactor is a continuous flow stirred tank reactor (CFSTR). The fluid in the annular space inside the reactor is I liter and for these experiments a total inflow of 8.33 mL/s was used to achieve a 120 minute hydraulic residence time. The rotational speed of the inner cylinder was set at 60 revolutions per minute. This correlates to a hydraulic shear stress at the sample slides’ surface equivalent 22 Continuous Flow (Once Through) Laboratory Regrowth Monitor System Schematic Pertstaltic Pum p Dilution Vteter R ow Pertstaltic P u m p Breaks O) A it Vent -fr * icfc Slide Removal Port Knurled Nuts (4) Nutrient Solution Motor R eactor Slides (20) Threaded Rod (4) Inner Cylinder Draft Mixing Tubes (4) Figure 5. Laboratory annular reactor model 1120 LS. Air Vent 23 to I foot per second flow velocity in a 4-inch diameter pipe. The inner cylinder has 4 vertical offset draft tubes to assist in mixing of the reactor fluid. Substrate, nutrients and dilution water were pumped to each reactor using peristaltic pumps and Norprene®/silicone tubing (Cole-Parmer, Masterflex, Vernon Hills, IL). Simulation of Drinking Water Conditions To simulate drinking water for the laboratory experiments, Bozeman tap water was treated and used for the bulk dilution, water. The dilution water also served to provide a continuous source of indigenous, mixed species population of organisms acclimated to Bozeman tap water. Soil-derived humic substances served as the pri­ mary organic carbon supplement or substrate for the mixed species drinking water biofilms. Nitrogen, from potassium nitrate, and phosphorus, from dibasic potas­ sium phosphate, were added to the humic substances feed solution in stoichiometric amounts to ensure th at carbon would be the limiting growth factor in the reactors. The carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus concentration ratio used in these experiments was 100:10:1. All laboratory experiments received feed concentrations th at resulted in a final reactor inflow concentration of 1.5 mg/1 total organic carbon (TOC), 0.15 mg/L nitrogen and 0.015 m g/L phosphorus. Dilution Water - Bozeman tap water was pumped through two parallel upflow granular activated 24 carbon (GAC) columns to remove residual chlorine. The dechlorinated water then passed though another column which contained a biologically activated carbon (BAG) media originally "from a water treatment facility in Laval, Quebec. This media has acclimated to Bozeman tab water for a period greater than 6 years. The BAG col­ umn served to remove easily degradable organic carbon from the water and provide the inoculation of drinking water microorganisms to the reactors. A similar BAG filter system operated at the CBE measured 1014±394/ug dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and 32±38)Ug biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) in a previous study[51]. The BDOC level of the dilution water from these systems is very low, so th at any carbon added to this water will dominate. The laboratory scale filter treatm ent system is illustrated in figure 6. Water quality data for the Bozeman’s tap water from the start of the experiments is shown in Appendix A. The dilution water was periodically checked to assure there was no chlorine in the effluent of the two GAC columns. The temperature of the dilution water system was passively warmed to laboratory temperature (21-24°C) with a pH range of 6.8-9.1 throughout the ex­ perimental period.. Continuous feed of disinfectant solutions were added directly to the dilution water 0.6 m upstream of the reactors to allow for mixing and dilution. All flowrates were adjusted accordingly to maintain a hydraulic residence time of «120 min. 25 Untreated Bozeman tap water reservoir Treated dilution water reservoir for distribution to reactors Peristaltic pump Figure 6. Laboratory BAC treatment apparatus. Humic Substances Solution Preparation Humic substances are high molecular weight, largely unidentifiable, polymeric, organic compounds commonly found in soil and were used as the substrate for biofilm growth in these experiments. Bulk Elliot Silt Loam Soil for extraction of humic substances was obtained from the International Humic Substances Society in St. Paul, MN. This material has been utilized in previous studies at the Center for Biofilm Engineering in similar drinking water studies. A stock solution of humic substances was prepared by adding 120 g of soil to I L of sterile 0.1 N NaOH, and mixing vigorously for at least 48 hours. This mixture 26 was then centrifuged at 10,OOOxg at 4°C for 20 minutes to separate the Soil particles. TOC analysis of the humic stock solution was performed on a Dohrman DC-80 TOC analyzer with an average concentration of approximately 1300 mg/L. The stock so­ lution was stored in the dark at 4°C. To prepare the feed to the reactors, the stock solution was diluted in sterile reverse osmosis (RO) water to a final concentration th at resulted in the TOC level indicated previously (1.5 mg/L). The pH of the feed solution is adjusted from «10 to 7.204=0.05 pH units using pure hydrochloric acid before connection to the system. • Nitrogen/Phosphorus Preparation The nitrogen/phosphorus stock solution was prepared by dissolving potassium nitrate and dibasic potassium phosphate into NANOpure Diamond Ultrapure Water (Barnstead/Thermolyne, Dubuque, Iowa). The stock solution concentrate was deter­ mined so th at 0.1 mL of stock nitrogen/ phosphorus solution added, to I L of humic feed solution would result in the desired ratio of 100C:10N:1P stated previously. The solution was then filter sterilized with a 0.2 fim syringe filter into a sterile bottle and stored in the dark at 4°C. Chemical Treatments Preparation . Cell Signaling Compounds The previously described signaling molecules FOdHSL and wrs-I-51 which are non-specific antagonist to biofilm formation, and BHL, an analog signaling molecule 27 to promote detachment were individually diluted in 95% ethanol. The final annular re­ actor concentrations of both the antagonist signaling molecules FOdHSL and wrs-I-51 (10 yuM) was 100 times the concentration of signaling molecule levels found in biofilm environments. A BHL concentration of OOnM is equal to the upper limit in which quorum sensing-activated genes are upregulated. Therefore, OOnM and 0000nM(100x the physiological level) concentrations were prepared in 95% ethanol. Dilutions of the concentrates were chosen so the addition of 200 pL of the ethanol-diluted solution produced a final concentration of lO/zM, lO/rM, GOnM and GOOOnM respectively in the annular reactor. Controls for these treatm ent experiments consisted of the addition of 95% ethanol (200 /rL) alone. Signaling molecule treatment solutions were prepared immediately before treatm ent and sampling of the reactors. Chlorine All chlorine solutions used for cleaning and treatments were derived from house­ hold bleach. The bleach concentrate ranged from 5.25-7.20% by weight as sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). For each batch of bleach solution the concentration was checked and then diluted accordingly to the appropriate level to obtain.the desired concentration for treatm ent within the reactors. All treatment, feed containers were chlorine demand free Pyrex glassware and were mixed using chlorine demand free NANOpure water prior to use. Chlorine levels were checked daily for the treatment 28 feed container, reactor influent and reactor effluent using a DPD colorimetric chlo­ rine method and digital chlorine colorimeter (Model DC1100, LaMotte Company,Chestertown, Maryland). Minor adjustments to the flowrate and feed concentrations were made in order to maintain constant residuals in each reactor. The chlorine feed container, tubing and reactors were covered to prevent UV light degradation. Monochloramine Mono chloramine treatm ent solutions were prepared using two separate techniques. The first protocol used 5.5 mg/L of dibasic potassium phosphate in NANOpure water as a buffer. This solution was adjusted to a pH of 8.9-9.2 using sodium hydroxide. Lastly, enough ammonium chloride was added to achieve a final Cl2:N mass ratio of 4:1 in the concentrate. This amount of ammonium chloride was back-calculated assuming a 100% conversion from chlorine to monochloramine and a desired concen­ tration in the feed of 8 mg/L. Diluted sodium hypochlorite was dripped slowly into this solution at a rate greater than 20/iL per 6 seconds. This technique had vary­ ing success at producing consistent concentrations of monochloramine and another method was proposed based upon similar practice in the drinking water industry. Instead of slowly adding sodium hypochlorite to a solution of ammonium chloride, separate streams of buffered ammonium chloride and sodium hypochlorite solution were combined simultaneously. Each solution was buffered with 5.5 mg/L dibasic potassium phosphate and the pH adjusted to 8.25-8.35. The concentration ratios of 29 ammonium chloride to sodium hypochlorite were.the same as in the first method. The two solutions were pumped at the same flow rate using peristaltic pumps into a 1.5 m length mixing tube allowing sufficient time (%1 minute) for the chlorine-ammonia reaction to occur. According to the EPA, 99% of this conversion occurs in just 0.069 seconds at a pH of 8.3 [52]. This method produced a much more stable and reliable treatm ent solution and was used for the duration of the monochloramine treatment experiment. Monochloramine concentrations were measured using the same method as for free chlorine where the difference between total chlorine and free chlorine mea­ surements were assumed to be the monochloramine concentration. Experimental Conditions The general reactor configuration remained the same throughout the study (Fig­ ure 7). Specific treatments or arrangements of reactors is described in the following. Signaling Compounds These experimental conditions were chosen to reflect field conditions in which a treatm ent solution would be applied to a target water system as a slug dose. This dose of signaling molecules would be applied to a segment of the distribution system that was contaminated and allowed to diffuse and interact with the biofilm. The treated segment would then be flushed to remove the detached microbes and returned to operation. Simulation of this scenario was conducted in the laboratory. TreatmentFeed Humic substances & nutrient feed Dilution W ater — I Control Treatm ent I Figure 7. General annular reactor configuration for all biotic experiments. Treatment 2 Treatm ents I 31 The reactor configuration for testing the signaling compounds is outlined in Table 2. Reactors were allowed to reach steady state prior to addition of the compounds. Steady state was the point in annular reactor biofilm growth where planktonic con­ centrations stabilized for five consecutive days at approximately 1.0 x IO5 — 1.0 x IO6 colony forming units (CFU)/m L and biofilm concentrations reached approximately 1.0 x IO7 — 1.0 x IO8 (C F U )/cm 2. This usually occurred within 5 weeks of operation. One of the three signaling molecules was then added to the mixed population biofilm annular reactor. Following the addition of ethanol alone (Control) or ethanol diluted signaling molecule (FOdHSL, wrsT-51, or BEL), the reactor was allowed to rotate for 2 minutes (60 rpm) to promote mixing, then infeed and rotation in the reactor was paused for two hours. Infeed was then reconnected and reactors were allowed to rotate for 24 hours. Four biofilm samples for each time point were taken (via removable polycarbonate slides (15 cm2)) at 0, 2, 3, 6, and 26 hours after addition of the signaling molecule .and planktonic samples were obtained in triplicate at 0, 2, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 6, and 26 hours post-addition. Bioelectric In previous bioelectric effect experiments reviewed in Chapter 2, the electrodes used were typically composed of platinum'. However, the extremely high expense of platinum makes the use of these electrodes financially prohibitive if they are to be considered for general water system treatment. Therefore, stainless steel was chosen 32 Table 2. Signaling molecule reactor configuration. Reactor # Description of conditions 1 Control-no treatment (200 /rL 95% ethanol only) 2 Treated with FOdHSL (200 /rL 95% ethanol 10 /rM final concen­ tration) 3 Treated with wrs-I-51 (200 jjL 95% ethanol 10 yuM final concen­ tration) 4 . Treated with BHL (200 /iL 95% ethanol 60 nM final concentration)' as the electrode material. The annular reactor system was modified for the delivery of a clamped, direct current and allow for periodic removal of electrodes for corrosion monitoring. The completed reactor modifications in which electrodes (+ and -) were placed against the walls of the reactor at opposite sides of the inner rotating cylinder as shown in Figure 8. Electrodes were connected to a power supply th at provided a constant current of 15.7 mA (70 - 80 V) current flux of 3.7 fj,A/m m 2 through the reactor as determined by a multi-test ammeter connected in series. This current flux was previously shown to be effective in producing a significant bioelectric effect as noted in the Chapter 2. While previous experiments evaluating the bioelectric effect have utilized chloridefree media, this system has measurable levels of chloride ions like standard water de­ livery systems (also contained in Appendix A). The chloride ions in this system are derived from the tap water th a t is combined with the pH-adjusted humic concentrate. 33 Figure 8. Modified annular reactor with DC electrodes for evaluation of the bioelectric effect. 34 Also, the base-extracted humic substance concentrate (0.1M NaOH) is pH-adjusted with concentrated hydrochloric acid to a final pH of 7.2. Therefore, the passage of cur­ rent through a solution containing these ions has enough potential to create reactive chlorine based substances such as free chlorine (e.g. Cl2, OCl- , and HOCl), chlorine dioxide (ClO2), chlorite (C lO j), monochloramine (NH2Cl), dichloramine (NHCl2), and trichloramine (NCl2) due to electrolysis. Preliminary experiments were per­ formed in which significant concentrations of these reactive chlorine products were measured in annular reactors. Other initial experiments also noted corrosion of the stainless steel electrodes in the annular reactor systems. After three days of constant current-application, moder­ ate corrosion was noted on the electrodes which warranted replacement after five days. Significant iron corrosion products were also noted after seven days of current applica­ tions resulting in elevated iron concentrations (approximately 2-3 mg/L) as measured by Hach Ferrozine method (Hach, Loveland, Colorado) • on a Spectronic Genesys 5 spectrophotometer (Spectronic Genesys, Rochester, New York). The source of the excess corrosion was from the annular reactor’s internal stainless steel components in contact with the fluid of electrically-treated reactors. The reactors that had no current applied to the fluid space did not display these corrosion products or iron con­ centrations. Therefore, the metal surfaces of all reactors were sealed from the fluid component with silicon sealant. Once these surfaces were appropriately sealed, the corrosion products and iron concentrations were reduced to negligible levels. These 35 sealed reactors were used for the remainder of the studies. Evaluation then began of the bioelectric effect to enhance the antimicrobial properties of free chlorine against mixed population biofilms of drinking water origin. Table 3. Bioelectric reactor configurations. Reactor # Description of conditions I Untreated control-No current or free chlorine was applied to the reactor. 2 Treated by current application (15.7 mA) proportional to a cur­ rent flux of 3.7 /JlA fm m 2. 3 Treated with a constant free chlorine supply of 0.5 mg/L. 4 Treated with free chlorine (0.5 mg/L - administered at the same rate as Reactor 3) and by current application (15.7 mA) propor­ tional to a current flux of 3.7 /j A fm m 2. 5 Treated with a constant free chlorine supply of approximately 5.0 •mg/L. 6 Treated with free chlorine (administered at the same rate as Re­ actor 5) and by current application (15.7 mA) proportional to a current flux of 3.7 /iA fm m 2. Biofilms were grown in the modified annular reactors until they had attained steady state and then evaluated with the control and experimental groups as shown in Table 3. Free and total chlorine concentrations were determined at 0, I, 2, 3, 4, 24, 48 and 168 hours following initiation of current application in the annular reactors. Free and total chlorine concentrations were determined using a DPD col­ orimetric method. The two infeed free chlorine concentrations, 0.5 mg/L and 5.0 mg/L, provided residual chlorine concentrations of approximately 0.06 mg/L and 1.5 36 mg/L, respectively, within the annular reactors. Biofilm and planktonic samples were obtained at 0, 6, 12; 24, 48, and 168 hours after initiation of the experiment. The stainless steel electrodes were monitored daily for visible corrosion. Contact Biocide Surface - Laboratory N-halamine Polyurethane Activation. The N-halamine polyurethane coating was provided and applied by VansonHaloSource to clean polycarbonate annular reactor slides. The N-halamine coating used in the following experiments was received in an uncharged state without biocidal properties. In all of the following experiments (except one test reactor in the first I mg/L chlorine test series) the coating was activated or charged with 100% household chlorine bleach (5-7% NaOCl by weight). The coated annular reactor slides were immersed in the bleach for 2 hours then removed and rinsed with chlorine demand free NANOpure water. The slides were then allowed to dry in th,e dark overnight before inserting into the reactors. This was the activation protocol recommended by the manufacturer, Vanson-HaloSource Inc. ■ Biofilm Reduction. Much research has been done previously by the manufacturer and other re­ searchers in the area of challenging the contact biocide coating with bacteria once fully charged. The focus of the enclosed study was to see if this coating could be effectively charged in the presence of typical drinking water chlorine residuals. Mixed 37 species drinking water biofilms were grown in the annular reactors until they reached steady state and then chlorine treatments were administered. Table 4 outlines the experimental conditions for the first experiment. Table 4. Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, I mg/L chlorine treatment. Reactor # Description of conditions 1 Polycarbonate slides, 1.0 m g/L residual chlorine treatment. 2 Polycarbonate slides coated with non-chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 1.0 m g/L residual chlorine treatment. 3' polycarbonate slides coated with chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 1.0 mg/L residual chlorine treatment. 4 Polycarbonate slides, untreated control. Annular reactor 3 contained the chlorine activated N-halamine polyurethane coated slides at the start of the experiment while reactor 2 contained inactivated N-halamine slides. Reactor inputs, flow, and shear conditions were set up as described previously, and the reactors were allowed to run for a period of 10 weeks. Once per week, two slides from each reactor and triplicate planktonic samples (10 ml) were obtained. Once the biofilm attained steady state, chlorine was administered' to reactors 1-3 at an influent concentration of 2.5 mg/1 (+ /- 0.08). This influent concentration of free chlorine results in approximately 1.0-1.2 mg/1 free chlorine in the effluent of the annular reactors. Reactor 4 received no treatm ent of chlorine and served as an un­ treated control. Planktonic and biofilm samples were taken at 3 days, I, 2, 3, and 5 38 weeks after the start of chlorine treatment to the reactors. Chlorine concentrations were monitored daily and chlorine delivery adjusted if needed to maintain the de­ sired residual of I mg/L. A replicate of this experiment was performed without the non-chlorinated slide reactor (#2). Table 5. Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, 4 mg/L chlorine treatment. Reactor # Description of conditions ' 1 Polycarbonate slides, 4.0 m g/L residual chlorine treatment. 2 3 Polycarbonate slides coated with chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 4.0 m g/L residual chlorine treatment. Polycarbonate slides, untreated control. 4 Polycarbonate slides, 4.0 mg/L residual chlorine treatment. 5 Polycarbonate slides coated with chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 4.0 mg/L residual chlorine treatment. Polycarbonate slides, untreated control. 6 Another group of these reduction experiments was performed using the maxi­ mum allowable residual free chlorine for drinking water distribution systems of 4.0 mg/L (disinfectant byproduct rule, EPA). All experimental conditions except the chlorine treatm ent and reactors containing previously chlorinated (uncharged) coat­ ings remained the same. The configuration of this experiment is outlined in Table 5. Reactors 4-6 were an identical replicate group for this experiment. Biofilm Prevention. 39 In addition to testing the coating’s ability to reduce biofilm it was also evalu­ ated for its ability to prevent biofilm development in the presence of a low chlorine concentration. This experiment started with clean reactors and a low chlorine and monochloramine treatm ent of 0.20 m g/I/ effluent concentration. There were three reactors in each group; a treated reactor with polycarbonate slides, another treated reactor with the contact biocide coated slides as in the reduction experiment, and an untreated control with polycarbonate slides. The contact biocide coated slides were charged or activated with bleach prior to insertion into the reactor. Planktonic and biofilm samples were taken every two weeks over a 24 week period. After week 14, the chlorine and monochloramine effluent concentration was adjusted to 0.5 mg/L for the remainder of the experiment. Chlorine and mono chloramine concentrations were monitored routinely. The reactor configuration is shown in Table 6. Chlorine Uptake By Coating. Throughout collection of the data with the N-halamine contact biocide surface it was apparent th at exploration of the coating’s ability to bind free chlorine needed attention. It was hypothesized that the uptake rate of the coating is quite slow and is competing with other chlorine demand factors in the water. Chlorine uptake ex­ periments were performed to determine the rate and a kinetic model for the coating’s chlorine uptake. The uptake experiments used a clean and virtually chlorine demand free annular 40 Table 6. Contact biocide reactor configuration with different polycarbonate slide compliments, low residual chlorine and monochloramine treatment. Reactor # Description of conditions 1 Polycarbonate slides, 0.2(14 weeks)-0.5(remaining 6 weeks) mg/L residual chlorine treatment. 2 Polycarbonate slides coated with chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 0.2(14 weeks)-0.5(remaining 6 weeks) m g/L residual chlorine treatment. Polycarbonate slides, untreated control. 3 4■ Polycarbonate slides, 0.2(14 weeks)-0.5(remaining 6 weeks) mg/L residual monochloramine treatment. 5 Polycarbonate slides coated with chlorinated N-halamine polyurethane-based coating, 0.2(14 weeks)-Q.5(remaining 6 weeks) mg/L residual monochloramine treatment. Polycarbonate slides, untreated control. 6 reactor to test the coating. The chlorine solution was prepared with diluted bleach in chlorine demand free water and chlorine measurements were made using the same DPD colorimetric method described previously. The temperature of all experiments ranged from 22-24°C. A minimum of three experiments for each concentration were completed for a polycarbonate control and the contact biocide coating.. The con­ tact biocide was prepared by activating with chlorine using the protocol described previously. The slides were then deactivated for 2 hours with 0.02 N sodium thiosul­ fate solution to quench the adsorbed active chlorine, then rinsed and dried overnight before beginning isotherm experiments. The reactors were operated in batch mode with the same mixing/shear conditions 41 as all other experiments. Chlorine measurements were taken at various time points throughout each experiment and the disappearance of chlorine was assumed to be the adsorbed quantity. The polycarbonate control for each concentration was used to determine the chlorine demand of the annular reactor system. Contact Biocide Surface - Field Long-term testing was conducted at three participating utilities to determine the ability of surfaces containing N-halamines to resist and/or control the growth of biofilm in distribution systems using free chlorine and chloramine residuals to recharge the surfaces. Two annular reactors were installed at each utility - one re­ actor contained polycarbonate slides as the control and the test reactor contained polycarbonate slides coated with the N-halamine polyurethane. All of the physical parameters for the reactors are as previously described for the laboratory experiments with the exception of the substrate/ nutrient feed and disinfectant treatments. Two of the utilities operate with free chlorine residuals (Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada and Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle, Washington) and one util­ ity uses chloramine residuals (Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, Louisiana). The annular reactors were exposed to finished water at each site and operated by the utilities during the test period from August 2002 through May 2003. Each utilities finished water characteristics for this study are summarized in Table 7. : Southern Nevada Water Authority. 42 Table 7. Average finished water characteristics at participating utilities. U tility pH T em p A lk (°C) (m g /L TOC as D i s i n f e c t a n t R e s id u a l (m g /L ) CaCOg) S o u th e r n W a te r N evada 7 .9 18 132 2 -3 1 .0 - 1 .5 m g / L C L (free) 7.82 1 4 .5 1 6 -2 1 0 .6 8 -1 .1 0 .9 2 m g / L C l2 (free) 8 .8 1 22 92 3 .1 0 .1 0 A u t h o r it y , L as V egas, N ev a d a S e a ttle U tilitie s , P u b li c S e a t t le , W a s h in g to n S e w e r a g e & W a te r B oard o f N ew O r­ m g /L C l2 (fr e e ); 2 .9 0 m g / L C l2 ( t o t a l) le a n s , N e w O r le a n s , L o u is ia n a The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) serves a population of approx­ imately 1.5 million and purifies water diverted from Lake Mead, which is supplied by the Colorado River as its primary source. SNWA operates two water treatment plants with total system capacity of 750 million gallons per day (mgd). At the Alfred M erritt Smith Water Treatment Facility, treatment includes coagulation (1.6 mg/L ferric chloride), flocculation, sedimentation, and disinfection with chlorine (2.5 mg/L for final concentration of 1.5 m g/L). Additional treatment at the plant includes zinc orthophosphate (2.0 mg/L) and fluoride (final concentration of 0.8 mg/L) additions prior to filtration, clear well storage, and pumping into the distribution system. The two annular test reactors were placed side by side on a table in the Operations Building at Las Vegas Valley Water District (Figure 9). The reactors were connected by plastic tubing and brass fittings to a line th at services the wet training room with normal distribution system water. The test reactors were indoors, protected from the 43 Figure 9. Control and test reactor setup in Wet Training Room of the Las Vegas Valley Water District, Las Vegas, Nevada. elements, wrapped with aluminum foil to protect from direct and indirect sunlight. The ambient temperature of the room was maintained between 16-25 °C. For the duration of this field-testing program, the Treatment Facility operated normally, but the water feeding into the Operations Building was either a blend of groundwater from LVVWD Wells and treated surface water from AMSWTP (8/21/02 - 10/3/02 and from 5/5/03 to the end of the project) or surface water (10/4/03 - 5/4/03). There was no ozone treated water during these periods. The test reactors were kept in the Operations Building Wet training room from August 21, 2002 until February 24, 2003 and were allowed to function undisturbed. Due to painting that had to be 44 done in the Wet Training room the reactors had to be moved (February 24, 2003) and were carefully relocated to the Operations Building Water Quality Laboratory where conditions were very similar to the Wet training room Seattle Public Utilities. Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) serves a population of approximately 1.3 million and purifies water diverted from the Tolt and Cedar Rivers. SPU operates two water treatm ent facilities with a combined capacity of approximately 300 mgd. Currently, at the Cedar River Facility water treatment includes screening, corrosion control and a final disinfection with chlorine (target dosage 1.3 mg/L). Additional treatment at the Cedar River Facility includes the addition of lime (1-3 mg CaO/L) and fluoride (1.0 mg/L) prior to gravity feed into the distribution system. The two annular reactors were placed side by side on a laboratory bench near a sink in the Water Quality Laboratory. The reactors were connected by plastic tubing and brass fittings to a line connected to a sink providing distribution system water. They were protected from direct/indirect sunlight within the laboratory and exposed to ambient temperature conditions. For the first 13 weeks of operation, the test reactors were allowed to function undisturbed. During the weekend of December 21-22, 2002, the feed tubing from the sink began to leak, potentially impacting the flow to the reactors. The problem was discovered immediately on Monday morning, and the reactors remained full despite the water leak. Thus, the feed line was replaced 45 and sampling continued according to schedule. Sewerage k. Water Board of New Orleans. The Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans (S&WBNO) serves a population of approximately 497,000 and purifies water diverted from the Mississippi River. S&WBNO operates two water treatment plants with total system capacity of 280 mgd. At the Carrollton Water Plant, conventional treatment includes coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, disinfection and filtration. The coagulants used are ferric sulfate (30-60 mg/L) and a cationic polymer (2-5 mg/L). Calcium oxide (25-50 mg/L) is added near the point of coagulant addition for corrosion control, and this also aids in the coagulation process. Disinfection is accomplished by the addition of chlorine followed by ammonia to produce chloramine at a target level of 3.0 mg/L. Additional I treatm ent at the Carrollton Plant includes sodium hexametaphosphate (0.6 mg/L) and fluoride (1.0 mg/L) additions prior to filtration, clear well storage, and pumping into the distribution system. The two annular test reactors were placed side by side on a table in a corridor at the Carrollton Plant outside of the operator’s office (Figure 10). The reactors were connected by plastic tubing and brass fittings to a line th at normally provides Continuous sampling from the clear well at the outlet of the dual media filters.. The test reactors were protected from rain, but they were not covered and they were exposed to indirect sunlight and ambient temperature.conditions. For the duration 46 Figure 10. Control and test reactor setup at the Carrollton Water Plant, Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, Louisiana. of this field-testing program, the Carrollton Plant operated normally and the test reactors were kept in the same location and allowed to function undisturbed. Utility Reactor Operation. 1. Daily (or near-daily) inspection for leaks, spin rate, and bulk-water feed rate with adjustments as necessary, plus associated record keeping on a Reactor Operations Log sheet. 2. Measurement of chlorine residual, pH, and temperature of the bulk water influ­ ent to the reactors. Frequency varied from daily to once-a-week depending on operator’s availability and was mandatory for each sampling event. Tasks also included associated record keeping on a Water Quality Log sheet. 47 3. Sampling of slides for analysis were accomplished at the Center for Biofilm En­ gineering (CBE), Montana State University at Bozeman. Sampling frequency was once every two weeks except for a single 3-week period during late Decem­ ber. Sampling involved transfer of one coupon from each reactor to a test tube filled with 0.02M sodium thiosulfate solution and placement of a new “blank” coupon into the vacant coupon seat within the reactor (to avoid introducing turbulence due-to rotor slide void). Conclusion of sampling included record keeping on a Sample Identification Log sheet. 4. Shipping of coupons was in cushioned and insulated test-tube containers. Three freshly prepared tubes were provided to each utility just before each scheduled sampling date. The third tube was provided as a back up' in the event one of the three tubes was broken during shipment to the utilities. The two couponcontaining tubes and the Sample Identification Log were placed in the shipping container and shipped overnight back to the CBE. ■ Biological Analysis Sampling Laboratory Annular Reactors Triplicate 10 mL planktonic and two biofilm samples were taken- for each sample period. Planktonic samples from chlorine/monchloramine treated reactors received 0.1 mL of 2 M sodium thiosulfate to remove residual disinfectant. Biofilm samples were harvested by removing a slide from the reactor and scraping the growth from 48 the surface into 10 mL of sterile reverse osmosis water in a petri dish. The suspended biofilm was then transferred to a sterile test tube. The water for the removed biofilm samples from treated reactors contained 0.1 mL of sodium thiosulfate. A sterile rubber policeman was used to scrape the biofilm from the slides in order to minimize surface damage of the contact biocide coating. All samples were then homogenized with a Janke & Kunkel tissuemiser (model T 25 SI, IKA Labortechnik, Germany) for 50 seconds at 20,500 rpm to break up biofilm and suspended cell conglomerates before serial dilution. The homogenizer probe was autoclaved before use and rinsed with sterile RO water between samples. Samples were then serially diluted and plated for heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) as described below. Sampling Field Annular Reactors Field study reactor samples were transported via overnight delivery to the CBE lab for analysis (see above, Biofilm Prevention - Field). Only biofilm was sampled from the field reactors. Upon arrival the slide was removed from the test tube and placed into a sterile 100 mL beaker where the suspension water from the test tube was emptied. Accurate volume of the sample was accounted for by weight, see equation 3.1. . Sample Vol. = (Beaker & Sample W t. — D ry Beaker W t.) Ig H 2 O (3.1) The biofilm was then harvested and homogenized as described above. The homoge­ nized sample was then transferred to a sterile 30 mL test tube before serial dilution 49 and plating. Heterotrophic Plate Counts Serially diluted samples were plated using a modified drop streak method (see Figure 11). This method allows for triplicate plating of the sample for each nutrient agar plate (R2A nutrient agar). The plated samples were then placed upside down at room temperature for 7 days, after which colony forming units (CFUs) were counted on each plate. The average number of CFUs were calculated for each sample period (3 samples for planktonic and 2 samples for biofilm). Heterotrophic planktonic bacteria were calculated using equation 3.2. C FU s _ Average Plate Count mL Plated Volume x 10(Dilution Series (3.2) biofilm bacteria were calculated using equation 3.3. C FU s _ Average Plate Count Sample Volume cm2 Plated V olume x 10(DlluUon Senes #1 S lid eA rea (3.3) Selected original samples were then fixed with 0.2 mL of filter sterilized 37 % formaldehyde and refrigerated at 4°C for total direct Counts. Total Direct Counts Only biofilm samples were used for total direct counts in these experiments. The fixed samples' for total direct counts were sonicated using a probe sonicatOr at 50% power for 30 seconds to disaggregate the cells. The sample was then vortexed briefly 50 Three 20 drops at one end of the plate (from same sample) Petri dish with R2A nutrient agar. The plate is then tilted in the indicated direction to allow the drops to streak down the plate. When the streak nears the other end of the plate the plated is then tilted in the opposite direction momentarily to allow the streak to travel about half Figure 11. Modified HPC drop streak method. 51 and a selected volume filtered through 0.22 /um polycarbonate filter (Osmonics, Inc., material #1215609). The filtered cells were then covered with ssO.5 mL of 100 mg/L DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, Sigma) intercalating stain for 20 minutes. The filter was washed with filter sterilized (0.2 /rm pore size) RO water, then mounted on a microscope slide with oil and a coverslip and observed under UV light at 100x objective magnification (Nikon elcipse, model e800). Ten randomly selected fields were selected and counted. The cell counts from these fields were averaged. The number of cells for biofilm samples were calculated using equation 3.4. Cells cm* A vera g eF ield C o u n t F ilteredV olum e F iltefed A re a ' Sample Volume, (3.4) M icroscopeF ieldA rea S lid eA rea Total direct count data for biofilm samples are not included in the results due to the extreme variability which makes the data useless for interpretation. Addition­ ally, the mature biofilm samples contained very large amounts of debris which made accurate bacterial counting extremely difficult, only the HPC data was used to show trends and for the data analysis. Data Analysis All chlorine data for biotic experiments were combined for each reactor once the effluent concentration stabilized. The average and standard deviation was computed for each reactor throughout the treatm ent period. This analysis was adequate to indicate any differences between reactors of the same treatment concentration. HPC data for surface biqfilm comparison was graphed over the respective time 52 period of each -experiment to show trends or whether there was significant differences between surface types for the given treatment. Each data point for the given sample time was calculated from duplicate biofilm Samples from each reactor and triplicate HPC for each sample (6 total). Each point on the graphs represent the average count with y-axis error bars th at indicate =Lone standard deviation. D ata or trends that indicate possible significant difference between treatments or strategies were tested using a Student’s t-test with Microsoft Excel’s Data Analysis Tools. The paired ttest compared the means of the control surface (polycarbonate) to the test surface (N-halamine polyurethane coating) for the given treatment regiment. A t-test value of zero indicates th a t there is no difference between the two calculated means, t-test values th a t lie within the 95% confidence interval with 2 tails indicate there is no significant difference between the means where a t-test value outside of this interval does. A two-tailed distribution was used over a one-tailed for increased stringency. r 53 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS This chapter encompasses the results of the three biofilm control strategies exper­ iments. It continues in the same order as outlined in methods and materials starting with results from the signaling compounds, the bioelectric effect and finally the con­ tact biocide surface experiments. More attention was directed toward the contact biocide surface experiments due to promising results that may have application to the drinking water industry and the possible reduction of biofilms. Initial laboratory experiments using the contact biocide surface tested the ability of the coating to re­ duce an established biofilm compared to a non-chlorine reactive surface using typical drinking water chlorine residuals. Other laboratory experiments tested the ability of the N-halamine coating to resist biofilm growth in the presence of a very low chlorine concentration. The last biotic experiments included field study results of the coat­ ing technology followed by kinetic experiments of the surfaces chlorine adsorption characteristics. Signaling Compounds It was found th a t the antagonist signaling molecules, FOdHSL and wrs-I-51, did not demonstrate a statistically significant reduction of biofilm bacteria or an 54 1E -06 — Control - Planktonic — F Od H S L - Planktonic 1E+04 Time (hrs) Figure 12. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule FOdHSL treatment. increase in the number of detached bacteria when compared to controls (see Figures 12, 13, 14 and 15). While effective in promoting detachment in Pseudomonas aerug­ inosa biofilms [29], these antagonist molecules were not effective in mixed population biofilms of drinking water origin. However, BHL at a final annular reactor concentration of 60 nM was able (in a transient manner) to significantly increase the concentration of planktonic bacteria and decrease biofilm concentrations (see Figures 16 and 17). This signaling molecule (at 60nM) promoted an order of magnitude increase and decrease in planktonic and biofilm bacterial concentrations, respectively. However, this change in biofilm and planktonic bacterial concentrations was transient and once the BHL was subsequently 55 1 E+07 ----- I E 5 1 E + 06 Control - Biofilm FO dH SL - Biofilm I E+05 O 5 10 15 20 25 30 T im e (hrs) Figure 13. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule FOdHSL treatment. 1 E+06 Control - Planktonic * wrs-l-51 - Planktonic I E+04 Time (hrs) Figure 14. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule wrs-I-51 treatment. 56 1E+07 I F--— 11' ---- g I 5— —g m T E =J 1E +06 Li- O — Control - Biofilm « - wrs-I-51 - Biofilm 1E +05 0 5 10 15 20 25 3 Time (hrs) Figure 15. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule wrs-I-51 treatment. — Control - Planktonic » BHL - 60 nM - Planktonic * BHL - 6000 nM - Planktonic 1E+04 Tlme(hrs) Figure 16. Comparative planktonic HPC data for control and signaling molecule BHL treatment. 57 I E »07 ...... .......... ............................ .................... * “s 5 1E+06 U- O —• —Control - Biofilm * B H L - 60 nM - Biofilm — B H L - 6000 n M - B iofilm I E+05 T-------------------------------------------- 1-------------------------------------------- 1------------------------------------------ 1— - 0 6 12 18 24 30 Time (hrs) Figure 17. Comparative biofilm HPC data for control and signaling molecule BHL treatment. washed out of the reactor (120 minute residence time), the biofilm recovered within 25 hours. These results incited further testing of the ability of BHL to promote de­ tachment from mixed population biofilms in annular reactors at concentrations above (60 nM) the physiological BHL concentration to 6000 nM . The resulting increased concentration of BHL, did not affect biofilm levels and did not significantly affect annular reactor planktonic bacterial concentrations. The antagonists and the one analog signaling molecule did not show any apparent increased efficacy on biofilm detachment from mixed species biofilms of drinking water origin. While some increased detachment was noted using BHL, the transient effect would not be effective for biofilm control in a long term application. Therefore, the 58 utilization of signaling compounds to promote biofilm detachment was not effective in this experimental system. Bioelectric Effect These experiments evaluated the application of current and chlorine in annular reactors with an established biofilm as a novel treatment method. All chlorine treat­ ments had a control reactor that did not receive the application of current for testing the bioelectric effect. Figure 18 shows planktonic bacterial concentrations in the ex­ perimental and control reactors during the seven day study. Planktonic bacteria were detected at concentrations between IO5 - IO6 CFU/m l for all groups studied with the exception of reactors treated with 5.0 mg/L free chlorine influent with and without current application. When compared to one another, these last two groups did not display a significant difference in planktonic bacterial concentrations. Therefore, the application of current had no effect on planktonic bacterial kill rates when applied alone to the reactor system or in combination with free chlorine administration. These trends were also noted in the biofilm bacterial numbers as demonstrated in Figure 19. As one can see, the addition of current to the reactor systems did not result in a reduction in the numbers of biofilm bacteria when applied alone and did not have an additive or synergistic bactericidal action when coupled with free chlorine administration. In fact the application of current increased the number of biofilm bacteria when applied alone and reduced the bactericidal efficacy of the infused 59 I E +05 *■ " C o n t r o l b i o e l e c t r i c I E +00 “ Control —* — b i o e l e c t r i c + 0 . 5 mg/I Cl “ 0 . 5 mg/I Cl — * — B i o e l e c t r i c + 5.0 m g /I Cl “ 5 . 0 mg/I Cl T im e (d a y s ) Figure 18. Comparative planktonic HPC data for the indicated chlorine and current treatments. free chlorine. This may have been due to the generation of nutrients such as soluble iron beneficial to the growth of some organism’s, such as iron oxidizing bacteria. The residual chlorine concentrations in the annular reactors were determined for each group (Figure 20). Residual chlorine concentrations for reactors that received an influent of 5.0 mg/L free chlorine (with or without bioelectric application) are not provided in this figure. However, the concentrations in these reactors ranged between 1.0 - 2.0 m g/L and the bioelectric-treated and non-treated reactors did not show any notable difference in the detected total chlorine concentrations when compared. All chlorine residuals in the four experimental and control groups where the dose 60 I E+09 " C o n tro l b io e le c tric * " C o n tr o l B io e le c tric + 0 .5 m g/l Cl ™ 0.5 m g/l Cl — * — B io e le c tric + 5 .0 m g/l Cl ~ 5 .0 mg/1 Cl I E +08 I E +07 I E +06 I E +05 T im e (d a y s ) Figure 19. Comparative biofilm HPC data for the indicated chlorine and current treatments. was 0.5 m g/L (Figure 20), are less than 0.06 mg/L. Specifically, 90% of the 0.5mg/L chlorine influent was used to satisfy the chlorine demand of the reactors as shown in the detection of only 0.06 mg/L of residual chlorine. There was also a demonstrable lack of measurable current-generated reactive chlorine products in. the reactor systems. In fact when current was applied to the reactor receiving 0.5 mg/L chlorine influent, the observed residual chlorine concentrations were less than those reactors that received 0.5 mg/L influent alone. To determine if the presence of the humic substances was responsible for low pro­ duction of chlorine, an additional set of experiments was performed. Using cleaned 61 Bioelectric & 0 5 mg/I Cl Treatm ent — 0. 5 mg/I Q Treatment "Bioelectric & No Cl Treatment "No CITreatment Time (days) Figure 20. 0.5 mg/L chlorine treatment and/or bioelectric effluent chlorine concen­ trations.. reactors (i.e. no biofilm or carbon adsorbed to the internal surfaces), the same cur­ rent flux was applied to reactors with BAC treated water supplemented with the humic/nutrient solution and residence time as previous experiments. Free and total chlorine were then measured (see Figure 21). The applied current was readily able to generate reactive chlorine products to levels of almost 2.5 mg/L within minutes. Therefore, the low residual chlorine levels in the biofilm-containing reactors (Figure 20) may be due to the reaction between chlorine products and the biofilm or reactor surface adsorbed organic carbon. 62 a Total Time(min) Figure 21. Electrolytic generation of chlorine from reactor input water and feed. Contact Biocide Surface - Laboratory Biofilm Reduction These first experiments were designed to evaluate the biofilm reduction capability of the HaloSource N-halamine coating. Chlorine treatment began after verifying a steady-state biofilm in all reactors. Influent and effluent chlorine measurements were made on a daily basis following initiation of treatment. Figure 22 shows the free chlorine concentrations and Figure 23 the total chlorine concentrations for both the influent and effluent of all reactors during the I O-week period. Initially the chlorine demand of the mature biofilms was high resulting in low effluent concentrations, but 63 these residuals stabilized after about 7 days. — + - • Influent —■ — P o ly c a r b o n a te A U n c h a r g e d N -h alam in e — e — C h a r g e d N -h alam in e T im e ( d a y s ) Figure 22. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment #1 reactor influent and effluent free chlorine concentrations over the 5 week treatment period. A summary of the chlorine data after reactor effluent residual stabilization is shown in Table 8 indicating the mean concentration with the standard deviation in parenthesis. There were minor fluctuations in the effluent concentrations which were most likely due to disturbance of the biofilm during sampling, increasing the chlorine demand of the system. The total effluent chlorine concentrations were slightly higher than free chlorine concentrations in the system due to reaction of the free chlorine with humic substances, nitrates, and other organic complexes in the dilution water. Figure 24 shows the planktonic bacterial concentrations throughout the I O-week study. The data indicates that the planktonic bacteria in all reactors remained >105 64 — + - • Influent E. 1 .5 ® P o ly c a r b o n a te A U n c h a r g e d N -h alam in e — C h a r g e d N -h alam in e T im e ( d a y s ) Figure 23. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 1 reactor influent and effluent total chlorine concentrations over the 5 week treatment period. CFU/mL during the first 5-week period. While the planktonic concentrations re­ mained high in the untreated control reactor, the reactors that received chlorine after week 5 demonstrated a 2-3 log reduction in bacterial numbers. However, there was no significant difference in bacterial concentrations between the different treated re­ actors. Figure 25 shows the HPC data from the biofilm samples taken over the I O-week period. The results from the first five weeks of the study demonstrate that that there was no apparent difference between the polycarbonate and the N-halamine surfaces to grow and maintain a biofilm without chlorine treatment residuals. Even the reactor containing slides coated with the N-halamine polyurethane that was initially charged 65 Table 8. Average chlorine concentrations during the 1st biofilm reduction treatment period, I mg/L target residual. Mean (Standard Deviation). Influent (mg/L) R eactor# 1 2 3 Free 2.50 (0.08) 2.50 (0.08) 2.50 (0.08) Effluent (mg/L) Total Free 2.51 (0.07) 1.04 (0.15) 2.51 (0.07) 1.01 (0.18) 2.51 (0.07) 1.07 (0.13) Total 1.20 (0.14) 1.17 (0.17) 1.23 (0.12) 1 .E + 0 7 1 .E + 0 6 1 .E + 0 5 I , r / i ‘ 1 .E + 0 4 & "Y . gL 1 E + 0 3 I I .E + 0 2 I T — ♦— P o ly c a r b o n a te T —■ — U n c h a r g e d N -h a la m in e 1.E +01 a — x- C h a r g e d N -h a la m in e P o ly c a r b o n a te C o n tro l (N o C I2) I E+00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T im e ( w e e k s ) Figure 24. Biofilm reduction experiment #1 reactor planktonic HPC concentrations over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L chlorine treatment. with chlorine did not show appreciable resistance to biofilm formation in the begin­ ning of the experiment. There was a significant reduction in the numbers of HPC bacteria. However, the subsequent sample periods after starting chlorine treatment shows that the N-halamine surface seemed to have an increased effect in reducing 66 N o C l2 -4-------- 1---------► C l2 I .E+OS I E+07 „ 1E+06 -y ^ 1.E+05 U o. x ,-------------------^ I I -E+OA — • — P o ly c a r b o n a te ,------------------- — ' —■— U n c h a r g e d N -h a la m in e I .E+03 —* — C h a r g e d N -h a la m in e — X r- P o ly c a r b o n a te C o n tro l (N o C I2) 1.E+02 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T im e ( w e e k s ) Figure 25. Biofilm reduction experiment # 1 surface biofilm HPC densities over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L chlorine treatment. the numbers of HPC bacteria when compared to the chlorine treated polycarbonate surface (see Figure 25). By the 8th week there was almost a 2 log difference between the polycarbonate and the initially charged N-halamine polyurethane slides and a I log difference between the polycarbonate and uncharged slides. By the end of the 10-week time period the N-halamine surface samples did not show an appreciable change in biofilm. There was still about a I log difference between the polycarbonate and charged N-halamine surfaces by the end of the experiment. A replicate of this first experiment with I mg/L chlorine residual treatment was performed in order to verify these initial findings. Chlorine measurements were made in the same manner as in the previous experiment and a summary of the chlorine 67 effluent concentrations once stabilized (in %6 days) are shown in Table 9. The efflu­ ent concentrations throughout the 5 week sample period indicate th at all treatment reactors were operating within similar effluent limits when compared to the first ex­ periment (Table 8). Sampling of the reactors was completed using the same time intervals (as in the first experiment) for planktonic and biofilm HPC analysis. Re­ sults of this experiment, are shown in Figures 26 and 27. Table 9. Average chlorine concentrations during the 2nd N-halamine biofilm reduction treatm ent period, I mg/L target residual. Mean (Standard Deviation). Influent (mg/L) R eactor# 1 2 3 Free 2.47 (0.08) 2.47 (0.08) 2.47 (0.08) Total 2.48 (0.11) 2.48 (0.11) 2.48 (0.11) Effluent (mg/L) Free 1.05 (0.05) 1.02 (0.05) 0.98 (0.07) Total 1.17 (0.05) 1.15 (0.04) 1.11 (0.07) The same trends are noted in this experiment except the N-halamine coating’s performance is not as dramatic as the first experiment. The coating displays increased reduction of biofilm densities but only about a I log difference between the polycar­ bonate surface once chlorine treatment is administered. The difference in the results from this replicate experiment may be attributed to the poor condition of the coating. The slides displayed visible surface blistering of the coating from the polycarbonate possibly due to inadequate surface preparation or application of the polyurethane (see Figure 28). The data from this experiment also shows that there are slightly lower 68 1 .E + 0 7 N o C l2 1 .E + 0 6 1 .E + 0 5 I 1 .E + 0 4 1 .E + 0 3 1 .E + 0 2 - — • — P o ly c a rb o n a te —» — U n c h a r g e d N -h a la m in e 1 .E + 0 1 A C h a r g e d N -h a la m in e — x - • P o l y c a r b o n a t e C o n tro l (N o C L 2 ) 1 .E + 0 0 T im e ( w e e k s ) Figure 26. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 2 reactor planktonic HPC CFU concentrations over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L target residual. 1 E+09 1 E+08 — --------------- 1 .E + 0 7 « 1 .E + 0 6 O 1 .E + 0 5 — ♦— P o ly c a r b o n a te 1 .E + 0 4 - —■ — U n c h a r g e d N -h a la m in e 1 .E + 0 3 - - A C h a r g e d N -h a la m in e — x - • P o ly c a r b o n a te C o n tro l (N o C I2) 1 .E + 0 2 T im e ( w e e k s ) Figure 27. Biofilm reduction N-halamine experiment # 2 biofilm HPC CFU densities over the 10 week experiment, I mg/L target residual. 69 Figure 28. Picture of annular reactor slides comparing surface abnormalities between biofilm reduction experiment I and 2. (A) Polycarbonate, (B) N-halamine coated polycarbonate (exp. I), (C) N-halamine coated polycarbonate (exp. 2). planktonic bacteria in the reactor that contained the activated biocidal coating. To determine the significance of the N-halamine coating’s ability to reduce biofilm when compared to the polycarbonate surface, a paired t-test was performed on the data collected in both of these biofilm reduction experiments. The comparison began after chlorine treatm ent commenced and the samples reached quasi-steady state (1-2 weeks). Table 10 shows the results of the t-test comparing the treated polycarbonate 70 Table 10. Two tailed t-test for surfaces comparing treated polycarbonate control to the activated N-halamine surface biofilm HPC density (CPU/cm2). Experiment I Log Mean R eactorl 5.41 Variance # Obs df t Stat P (T < t) t Critical Experiment 2 ReactorS 4.18 0.44 Reactorl 4.39 0.20 Reactor2 4.71 0.21 0.19 Reactor2 4.22 0.23 22 22 22 21 24 24 21 5.15 . 4 .1 7 x l0 -5 Reactor3 3.56 0.13 24 23 8.01 8.02x10-8 23 1.54 7.33 0.14 L 8 4 x l0 -7 2.08 2.07 2.07 2.07 R e a c t o r I , p o ly c a r b o n a t e s u r f a c e R e a c t o r 2 , u n c h a r g e d N - h a la m in e s u r fa c e R e a c t o r 3 , c h a r g e d N - h a la m in e s u r fa c e control reactor (I) to the uncharged and charged treated N-halamine surface reactors (2 and 3). Comparisons of the t-statistic show that there is a significant difference between the polycarbonate and the previously charged N-halamine surfaces (boldface numbers, p< IO-5). This is also true for the previously uncharged surface in the first experiment, but was not in the second which had a p-value equal to 0.14 and the t statistic within the critical t value for the distribution. The final surface mediated reduction experiment used a treatm ent dose of 4 mg/L residual after the biofilm had formed to see if the N-halamine surface was enhanced by a greater chlorine residual. The data was combined for each reactor after the chlorine effluent concentrations stabilized, after about I day of treatment. Each reactor’s average and standard deviation was then calculated for the treatm ent period. A 71 summary of the chlorine data over the 5 day treatm ent period is shown in Table 11. Reactors 4 and 5 are replicates of I and 2 with the same respective surfaces and treatment. Table 11. Average chlorine concentrations during the 5 day treatm ent period - ex­ periments I and 2, 4 mg/L target residual. Mean (Standard Deviation). ■ Influent (mg/L) R eactor# I 2 Effluent (mg/L) Total 5.39 (0.34) Free 3.99 (0.14) 5.58 (0.48) 3.88 (0.15) Total ■ 4.12 (0.14) 4.06 (0.12) 4 Free 5.34 (0.36) 5.54 (0.48) 5.15 (0.43) 5.18 (0.42) 3.70 (0.20) 3.85 (0,18) 5 5.21 (0.32) 5.25 (0.33) 3.70 (0.24) 3.83 (0.23) Planktonic HPC data (not shown) did not display a notable difference between the treated reactors. The HPC biofilm data from these experiments are shown in Figures 29 and 30. After steady state growth was achieved, a chlorine treatment of ~ 4 m g/L was administered. The treatment period lasted for 5 days, where planktonic and biofilm data were collected. After 5 days the chlorine treatm ent was stopped and the biofilm allowed to regrow. This regrowth period was also sampled. Initially after chlorination there was a sharp drop in biofilm and some slight divergence between the polycarbonate surface biofilm and the N-halamine surface biofilm. However the differ­ ence was not great enough to tell in the shoft period of time whether the N-halamine surface was more effective. There was also a noticeable inconsistency between biofilm results from the two identical experiments which prevents coming to any conclusion. 72 1 .E + 0 6 1 E +04 1 .E + 0 1 T im e ( d a y s ) P o ly c a r b o n a te t r e a t e d (# 1 ) — — N -h a la m in e t r e a t e d (# 2 ) —▲— P o ly c a r b o n a te co n tro l (#3) Figure 29. 4 mg/L biofilm reduction experiment reactors 1-3 biofilm HPC CFU densities over the 10 day treatment period. 1 E +08 1 E +07 1 E +06 a 1 .E + 0 5 O 1 E +04 1 .E + 0 3 1 .E + 0 2 1 .E + 01 T im e ( d a y s ) — - P o ly c a r b o n a te t r e a t e d (# 4 ) —m — N -h a la m in e tr e a t e d (# 5 ) —A — P o ly c a r b o n a te co n tro l (#6) Figure 30. 4 mg/L biofilm reduction experiment reactors 4-6 biofilm HPC CFU densities over the 10 day treatment period. 73 Biofilm Prevention . These experiments were designed to represent dead end line conditions that might be encountered in a distribution system. Low residual chlorine concentrations (resid­ ual goal of 0.2 and 0.5 mg/L) were administered to evaluate the ability of the Nhalamine surface to prevent the growth of biofilm. Monochloramine was also used (also at 0.2 and 0.5 m g/L target residuals) to see if it would be effective in the same setting. The sampling period for this part of the study took place over a 24 week period. - Reactors I and 2 were treated with chlorine with reactor 3 serving as a control. Again, the difference in effluent and influent concentrations indicate the chlorine demand of the system. After 14 weeks the concentration was increased to ~0.5 mg/L for the duration of the experiment. Table 12. Average chlorine concentrations during biofilm prevention treatment pe­ riod. Mean (Standard Deviation). Influent (mg/L) Treatment Goal 0.2 mg/L (0-14 weeks) R eactor# I 2 0.5 mg/L (14-24 weeks) I 2 Free 0.83 (0.07) Total 0.85 (0.07) 0.89 (0.07) 1.34 (0.09) 1.38 (0.10) Effluent (mg/L) 0.91 (0.07) Free 0.19 (0.05) 0.18 (0.04) Total 0.28 (0.04) 0.30 (0.10) 1.37 (0.09) 0.46 (0.09) 0.58 (0.08) 1.41 (0.09) 0.47 (0.08) 0.59 (0.08) The planktonic data is not shown for this experiment because it did not display a notable difference between the treated reactors. Biofilm data shown in Figure 31 74 also indicates th at there was no marked difference between the surfaces when treated with a low residual chlorine concentration. Even after increasing the concentration to 0.5 mg/L for the remaining 10 weeks there was no change in biofilm density on either of the treatm ent reactor’s surfaces. The steep rise in biofilm density by the 24t/l week is due to a chlorine feed malfunction which happened about 24 hours before the last sample was taken. i E+oe I E +08 — — J ir . — — 1 E +07 I E +06 1 .E + 0 5 1 .E + 0 4 0 .2 m g /L C l2 0 .6 m g /L Cl2 1 E +03 T im e ( w e e k s ) ♦ — P o ly c a r b o n a te tr e a t e d (# 1 ) —■ — N -h alam in e t r e a t e d (# 2 ) —A — P o ly c a r b o n a te co n tro l(# 3 ) Figure 31. 0.2 m g/L (0-14 weeks) and 0.5 mg/L (14-24 weeks) chlorine treatment biofilm prevention experiment, reactors 1-3 biofilm HPC densities over the 24 week treatm ent period. Reactors 4 and 5 were treated with monochloramine with the same concentration residuals as the chlorine treated reactors where reactor 6 served as a control. The monochloramine concentrations in each of the treated reactors are summarized in 75 Table 13. Table 13. Average monochloramine concentrations during biofilm prevention treat­ ment period. Mean (Standard Deviation). Treatment Goal R eactor# Influent (mg/L) Effluent (mg/L) 0.2 mg/L 4 0.27 (0.05) 0.18 (0.04) 5 4 , 0.26 (0.05) 0.19 (0.03) 0.53 (0.07) 0.55 (0.07) (0-14 weeks) 0.5 mg/L (14-24 weeks) 5 0.63 (0.10) 0.65 (0.09) Planktonic data from reactors 4-6 (not shown) did not display a notable difference in bacterial concentrations between the treated reactors. Biofilm surface densities in reactors 4-6 over the 24 week treatment period are shown in Figure 32. Again the low residual treatm ent of monochloramine represents findings similar to those of the chlorine treated reactors. The presence of the N-halamine polyurethane coating did not show enhanced prevention of biofilm growth when compared to the polycarbonate surface exposed to low residual mono chloramine treatment. Chlorine Uptake By Coating Representative drinking water concentrations of chlorine were used in the uptake experiments to determine a constant th at describes a 1st order decay rate at which free chlorine reacts or binds to the N-halamine polyurethane surface. The initial concentration groups consisted of I, 2 arid 4 mg/L free chlorine. A minimum of 3 timed batch runs were performed for each initial concentration group. The time 76 1 .E + 0 9 -I 1 .E + 0 8 "fe 1 .E + 0 7 I E +06 1 .E + 0 5 0 .2 m g /L C l2 0 .5 m g /L C l2 1 E+04 T im e ( w e e k s ) — P o ly c a r b o n a te tr e a t e d (# 4 ) —■ — N -h a la m in e t r e a t e d (# 5 ) — P o ly c a r b o n a te co n tro l (#6) Figure 32. 0.2 mg/L (0-14 weeks) and 0.5 mg/L (14-24 weeks) monochloramine treatment biofilm prevention experiment, reactors 4-6 biofilm HPC densities over the 24 week treatment period. span for sampling was between 0 and 600 minutes. Only the degradation of bulk fluid chlorine in the system was measured with the assumption that most of the disappearing chlorine was binding to the N-halamine moieties in the polyurethane. The proposed model to describe these observations was an equilibrium concentration degradation model (1st order), equation 4.1: C = (Cinit —Cequu) • e k 1+ Cequn (4 .1) where the concentration at a given point in time is governed by the initial concentra­ tion, Cinit, the system’s equilibrium concentration with the bulk fluid, CequiI and the rate constant of degradation or disappearance of chlorine, k. The chlorine demand of the system alone was negligible. 77 The data and regression curves for each initial concentration group are contained in Appendix A. Nonlinear regression analysis was accomplished using TableCurve™ software (SPSS Inc.) for each concentration. The regression curve is indicated by the central curve with progressive curves radiating outward indicating the prediction in­ terval (inside) and 90% confidence interval (outside). A summary of the experimental conditions and regression parameters are contained in Table 14. Table 14. N-halamine polyurethane surface uptake model summary. ________ Model P aram eter_________ Cmit (mg/L) Gequil (mg/L) k (min - Initial Gone. (mg/L) Ave. Temp. (0C) I 2 4 22.43 20.40 0.99 1.99 0.26 22.35 3.79 0.69 0.28 . 0.0086 0.0033 0.0052 The initial chlorine concentration parameters correlate well with the observed data. There was no definitive way to measure the equilibrium concentration in this system. While degradation in this system was considered negligible, the time needed to measure the equilibrium concentration would affect the outcome of this measure­ ment. However, the increasing trend of this equilibrium parameter correlating to an increase in initial concentration lends credibility to this prediction as the surface approaches chlorine saturation. The variability in the rate constant predictions may 78 be due to the small fluctuations in the temperature when the experiments were per­ formed; the lower temperatures correspond to a lower rate constant which may be kinetically valid. This is not entirely conclusive due to the difference between the I and 4 m g/L experiments. Although there is a notable amount of variability in the rate constant the resulting numbers indicate th at the surface is not “charged” at a rapid rate under these low chlorine concentrations. In fact these results infer that the coating would take >10 hours to reach an equilibrium state with the bulk fluid concentration, providing th at there were no other competing reactions taking place. Contact Biocide Surface - Field Southern Nevada Water Authority SNWA began operating the reactors on August 21, 2002, initiated sampling on September 23, 2002, and continued sampling every two weeks through May 28, 2003. HPC data are shown in Figure 33. In general, HPC data ranged from IO4 to IO6 (CFU)'/cm2 and chlorine residuals ranged from 0.2 to 0.8 mg/L. Results indicate no preferential control of biofilm growth on polycarbonate surfaces coated with Nhalamine materials compared to non-coated surfaces during this study period. The statistical evaluation of all field study date is presented later in this section. Seattle Public Utilities . SPU began operating the reactors on September 19, 2002, initiated sampling on October 7, 2002, and continued sampling every two weeks through^ May 28, 2003. 79 1 .E + 0 7 1 E+06 U 1 .E + 0 4 >—P o ly c a r b o n a te s u r f a c e i—N h a la m in e s u r f a c e 1 .E + 0 2 S a m p l e D a te Figure 33. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SNWA. HPC data are shown in Figure 34. Similar to SNWA, HPC data generally ranged from IO4 to IO6 (CFU)/cm2 and indicate no preferential control of biofilm growth on surfaces coated with N-halamine materials compared to control samples. Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans S&fWBNO began running their reactors on September 3, 2002, initiated sampling on September 23, 2002, and continued sampling every two weeks through May 28, 2003. HPC data are shown in Figure 35. S&WBNO began running their reactors on September 3, 2002, initiated sampling on September 23, 2002, and continued sam­ pling every two weeks through May 28, 2003. HPC data exhibited greater variability compared to SNWA and SPU, but the average counts for all three utilities were 80 1E+07 1 E +06 £ I E +05 1 E +04 P o ly c a r b o n a te s u r f a c e N -h alam in e s u r f a c e 1 E 4-03 S a m p l e D a te Figure 34. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SPU. comparable within an order of magnitude. Statistical Analysis - Field Data A statistical comparison of the two HPC data sets was performed for each of the three participating utilities using a paired t-test. Statistical comparisons were performed at the 95th percentile level (a = 0.05). A two-tailed t-test was used to determine if the two reactors produced data sets with mean HPC levels which differed significantly (test hypothesis). This analysis is the same method used for the laboratory biofilm reduction experiments # I and 2. The results of the statistical analysis shown in Table 15, determined that for all utilities, t Stat (in bold) is less than t Critical and the null hypothesis (the two data sets do not vary significantly) 81 1E+08 n 1E+07 1E+06 I E+04 1 E+03 1E+02 P o ly c a r b o n a te s u r f a c e N -h alam in e S u rf a c e I E +01 S a m p le D a te Figure 35. Comparative biofilm density HPC data for uncoated polycarbonate slides and N-Halamine coated slides at SPU. should be retained. A statistical comparison of the reactor disinfectant residual data sets was per­ formed for each of the three participating utilities using a paired t-test. The statis­ tical comparisons here were also performed at the 95th percentile level (a = 0.05). The t-test was again used to determine if the two reactors produced data sets with mean disinfectant levels which differed significantly (test hypothesis). The results of the statistical analysis are shown in Table 16, and indicate that for all utilities the t Stat is less than t Critical; therefore the two data sets do not vary significantly and the null hypothesis is retained. 82 Table 15. Two-tailed t-test for surfaces comparing polycarbonate control to the acti­ vated N-halamine surface biofilm HPC density (CPU/cm2). Log'Mean Variance # Obs df t Stat P(T<t) t Critical Las Vegas_____ ______ Seattle______ ____New Orleans^ Control Test Control Test Control Test 7.72 x IOb 9.19xlOb 6.55x10* 1.22x10* 1.61x10* 1.55x10* ■•2.20xl012 3.79xl0i2 1.18 x IO12 2.26xl012 7.16xl012 1.44xl012 18 18 16 16 18 18 17 ' 15 17. -0.81 -1.23 0.06 0.22 0.12 0.48 1.74 1.75 1.74 Table 16. Two-tailed t-test for the average reactor chlorine residual comparing the polycarbonate control to the activated N-halamine surface. __Las Vegas__ ____ Seattle___ .________ New Orleans ________ Free CL FYee CL FYee CL Total CL Control Test Control Test Control Test Control Test Mean (mg/L) 0.17 0.25 0.18 0.26 0.13 0.13 2.25 2.87 Variance (mg/L) 0.014 0.012 ■ 0.108 0.102 0.001 0.001 0.264 0.060 61 61 17 17 4 4 4 # Obs 4 df 60 60 16 17 3 3 3 3 t Stat -0.78 -0.43 -0.27 -1.95 0.22 0.34 0.07 0.40 P(T<t) 2.12 t Critical 2.00 3.18 ■ 3.18 83 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION The prevention of drinking water biofilms is virtually impossible where the prac­ ticed control of these biofilms is adequate. None of the strategies investigated pre­ sented a clear solution to the problem through promotion of detachment using sig­ naling compounds or the enhancement of disinfectants through a bioelectric effect. The moderately enhanced control of biofilm growth found with the N-halamine coat­ ing presents a possible solution, but only if the coating is exposed to high chlorine residuals. Low chlorine residuals appear to be ineffective in maintaining the coatings biocidal properties. Cell Signaling Compounds Drinking water can contain many different species of bacteria th a t either inhabit or comprise a biofilm in a distribution system. When compared to pure culture biofilms grown in the laboratory there may be some correlative properties between the two given similar environments. Apart from the similar environment of which these biofilms persist, the quorum sensing system within a mixed species community may have an inherent complexity that is beyond existing understanding of cell signaling. The effective use of signaling molecules in a pure culture biofilm setting is apparently 84 not reciprocated in a mixed species biofilm of drinking water origin possibly due to this undefined complexity. It has been suggested th at the development and maintenance of a fully mature P. aeruginosa biofilm phenotype was under the direction of it’s intrinsic quorum sensing system. [53] A m utant used in this particular study formed biofilm with cell clusters th at were only 20% of the wild type P. aeruginosa biofilm thickness and were sensitive to detergent removal. These m utant biofilms were homogenous sheets of cells without any indication of the highly developed and differentiated structure observed in the wild type strain. The mutant deficient in the ability to produce the signalling molecules associated with the biofilm phenotype was re-exposed to these signaling compounds, it restored the ability to form complex biofilms. The signalling antagonist molecules FOdHSL and wrs-I-51 were applied to this reactor system in anticipation th at they would disrupt the mature biofilm phenotype and promote detachment. However, both antagonists were unable to promote detachment in the mixed species drinking water biofilms. In another study the properties of a BHL-deficient P. aeruginosa mutant were evaluated. [54] They found th at the biofilms were much thicker, contained 10 x as many cells, detached as large conglomerates, and were very sensitive to shear. From these findings it was thought th a t this smaller homoserine lactone may be responsible for either limiting the size of the biofilm or upregulating detachment. The experiments using this molecule to mediate detachment in drinking water biofilms at a 60 nM 85 concentration have shown th at some moderate detachment was occuring. The results, however, indicated only a transient reduction of biofilm which was most likely due to the dilution of initial BHL concentrations once flow was restored to the system. The increased concentration of BHL to IOOx physiological concentrations did not have an effect on these biofilms. A possible explanation for this result may be th at these high concentrations of signalling analogs actually abrogate their effect on biofilm (Dave Davies - personal communication). The physical structure of biofilms also present a barrier th at m ay slow or pre- \ vent significant mass transfer of the signaling molecules in this reactor system. Mass transfer limitations based on molecular size However have not presented a notable dif- • ference in diffusivity in water between the larger (FOdHSL and wrs-I-51) and smaller (BHL) molecules (Steve Hunt - personal communication). However, the permeabil­ ity of cell membranes by these-molecules has been shown to be different. The BHL molecule is freely permeable where FOdHSL and wrs-L51 which are antagonistic to the autoinducer molecule (similar size and structure), S-oxo-Cig-HSL, implicated in biofilm formation and maintenance is not. [24] The permeation of this larger autoinducing molecule is largely due to the activation of efflux pumps in the cell membrane. •Antagonists and analog signaling molecules have not shown applicable efficacy on biofilm detachment from mixed species biofihns of drinking water origin, with the arguable exception of BHL at 60 nM. I t’s use is not likely at this time because of the limited effect and high post of this compound. Consideration for the molecules 86 safe use in this setting is another more daunting task to overcome. Only pending all of the necessary evaluation and approval of the chemicals safety for use in drinking water by the EPA and FDA could this become a possible non regulatory strategy for biofilm control. Bioelectric Effect Results from the experiments testing the efficacy of the bioelectric effect run contrary to previous studies th at describe the synergistic effect between weak current fields and antimicrobial agents. [37, 38, 43, 40, 39] However, these investigators used pure culture biofilms under well-defined media conditions and reactor systems that do not have metals which corrode under the influence of an electrical current. The bioelectric experiments described in this thesis more accurately reflect the results expected given the complex; nature of drinking-water delivery systems. These studies may also call into question the validity of the synergistic biocidal nature of the bioelectric effect when current was combined with antibiotics. As re­ viewed in these earlier studies when current was passed through a chlorine-free buffer, no biocidal effect was noted. [37, 38, 43] However, when antibiotics were added to the buffer, the efficacy of the antibiotic to reduce bacterial populations was enhanced. The bioelectric effect may have well been due to unintended chloride contamina­ tion of solutions upon the addition of the saline diluted (NaCl solution) antibiotics to the “chloride-free” solutions, resulting in the electrolytic generation of reactive 87 chlorine species. While the reactor system used in this study had the potential for generation of these reactive chlorine species, it was not observed in the biotic exper­ iments. This could be th a t oxygen generated by electrolysis of water reacted with electrolytically-generated metal ions to create metal oxides which then readily react with any electrically generated chlorine. Barring any further conjecture about the reasons why the bioelectric effect did not work in this system, a more relevant question exists as to how to apply this technology to a distribution system. The implications of applying an electrical current to a water system which is composed largely of ferrous metals (e.g. ductile iron, steel, or stainless steel) could be catastrophic. Although anodic protection (corrosion control) of some systems does imply th at there is an electrical current involved it does not apply the needed current flux required for the bioelectric effect as described in previous studies. This may be an area of exploration to see if there is an added benefit of reduced biofilm on a system th a t uses this type of corrosion control. This may be a better approach to the application of this strategy to distribution systems. Regardless,, the bioelectric effect did -not demonstrate a synergistic effect on drinking water biofilm reduction when coupled with typical chlorine disinfectant concentrations found in distribution systems. Contact Biocide Surface The last innovative strategy or technology investigated was believed to be the 88 most promising for application to the drinking water industry. A surface coating th at can be continually replenished by bulk water chlorine residuals to maintain a biocidal property is of obvious value. The N-halamine technology has demonstrated its effectiveness as a contact biocide in a number of studies. [46, 47, 48, 49, 50], In all of these studies the contact biocide was activated with a very strong bleach solution and then challenged with a potent bacterial culture (> IO6 cells/mL). The result is nearly always total kill when the culture contacts the biocidal surface. The efficacy of this technology is dependant upon how much reactive chlorine is bound to the surface, but is finite and in these studies was always theoretically at saturation. The primary goal of the experiments presented in this part of the enclosed thesis was to test the ability of the" N-halamine coating to effectively remain biocidal in the presence of low chlorine concentrations typically found in drinking water distribution systems. The first experiments were designed to see if the N-halamine coating would grow a typical drinking water biofilm compared to a non-reactive surface when no residual chlorine was present. Then chlorine treatm ent was started to determine its effects on biofilm development. Polycarbonate surfaces continued to be used throughout all of the experiments as controls because a polyurethane coating without N-halamine was not available for the study. These experiments demonstrated th at there was no apparent difference in the N-halamine’s surface ability to support 'culturable biofilm when compared to a plain, non-reactive polycarbonate surface. Once the reactors 89 were treated with a I m g/L residual concentration of chlorine, there was a statisti­ cally significant difference in the biofilm between the N-halamine and polycarbonate surfaces. This biofilm reduction experiment was reproduced to verify these initial findings. The same trends were observed in the N-halamine coatings ability to reduce the biofilm more readily and to a larger degree after 5 weeks of treatment. The sur. faces ability to facilitate reduction of biofilm even though the coating began with the same cellular density from the initiation of chlorine treatment may have been due to its ability to increase the diffusion of chlorine to the surface through a chemical affinity or concentration gradient from the active binding sites' of the N-halamine. Another may be that the coating may be charged through eroded “holes” within the biofilm th at allow uninhibited passage of free chlorine to the surface. These hypothesized mechanisms may be further described by Figure 36. The observed enhanced biofilm removal by the N-halamine surface in the first reduction experiments was not as pronounced when a higher chlorine residual was used in a subsequent experiment. Both experiments with the 4.0 m g/L treatment showed similar trends in the first hours of sampling however, subsequent samples displayed inconclusive results. A possible explanation for this observation is that the chlorine at the higher concentration (4.0 mg/L) simply works so fast on the biofilm (e.g. through killing and oxidation reactions) th at any notable difference between the two surfaces could not be determined. The HPC method for analysis used in this study was approaching the limit of detection for these organisms and conditions (4 90 Bulk Fluid Bulk Fluid Blofllm Polycarbonate substratum coated substratum Chlorine diffusion vector Chlorine charged N-halamine Polycarbonate substratum Uncharged N-halamine Figure 36. Theorized N-halamine activation of previously colonized surface biofilm. mg/L free chlorine). Contamination of the sample when scraping the slides is also a notable concern. The N-halamine coating was only applied to the exposed surface of the slide rendering the bevelled edges un-coated and susceptible biofilm growth (Figure 28). Also, if sampling were conducted similar to the first experiments (I mg/L treatments) with a longer treatment period, more conclusive evidence for the coating performance at the higher residual may have been presented. In most distribution systems, the location of the lowest residual in the system is also the location with the highest microbial growth. Experiments planned to test a minimum chlorine as well as monochloramine concentration (0.2-0.5 mg/L, goal) to represent a worst case scenario. If the N-halamine can resist growth in a low 91 residual environment compared to other surfaces this would truly be a viable strat­ egy. The data however, from the laboratory experiments did not show any sign of increased resistance to biofilm growth at 0.2 mg/L, nor were differences seen when the concentration was increased to 0.5 mg/L. The ability of mono chloramine to charge the N-halamine surface is not well defined at this time. Difficulties in measuring mono chloramine accurately prevented studies of this kind. It may be th at the similar nitrogen-chlorine bond between activated N-halamine moieties and the chloramine species may prevent significant reactions with the surface. Chlorine Uptake By Coating Prior research with the N-halamine technology has been with high chlorine con­ centrations to load or activate the surface. The experimental data obtained from this study implies th a t the coating is not adequately activated when exposed to low chlorine concentrations. The first question to be answered was to measure a rate of activation of the N-halamine moieties within the coating. From the measured data a proposed model th a t describes a mechanism associated with this rate could also be hypothesized. Second, surface chlorine/ solution chlorine isotherm experiments would be appropriate to describe the affinity of the surface. Surface chlorine density measurements were not feasible because the method (iodometric titration) lacked the sensitivity to directly measure bound chlorine at low concentrations. The approach of this part of the study looked at the disappearance of chlorine in the bulk fluid with 92 the assumption th at all of the missing chlorine mass was reacting with the surface active sites of the N-halamine polyurethane. This was a crude but effective method in this case because the chlorine demand of the system was negligible. The results from these chlorine uptake experiments, have shown that the rate of charging the N-halamine surface is quite slow, with more than 10 hours required to reach surface/liquid equilibrium. From these observations it can be said that the rate of charging of the surface is slow compared with other competing reactions in the water, such as bulk fluid reactions with cells, humic substances and other constituents of the dilution water. All of these elements in the bulk fluid are in random motion within the liquid where each impact with the N-halamine surface could relinquish the stored reactivity of each N-halamine moiety impacted. At the same time the surface is constantly being recharged by bulk fluid chlorine but at a rate that is not .able to overcome the other surface interactions (e.g. adsorption of organic carbon and attachment of planktonic cells). Therefore the use of the N-halamine coatings is probably not an effective maintenance strategy for biofilm control in a distribution system at this time. The rate of activation of the N-halamine surface requires a more rapid rate in order to maintain sufficient biocidal properties. Field Study Annular reactors were used to perform long-term testing at the three participating utilities to determine the ability of surfaces containing N-halamines to resist and/or 93 control the growth of biofilms in distribution systems. Reactors were installed at each utility and used to test finished waters for a period of approximately 8 months. Two of the utilities use free chlorine and one utility uses chloramines as the residual disinfectant in the distribution system. For all three utilities, results indicate no preferential control of biofilm growth on surfaces coated with N-halamine materials > compared to control samples. It is possible th at the N-halamine materials failed to perform as expected because adequate free chlorine residuals could not be maintained within the test or control reactors for both Las Vegas and Seattle. Thus, adequate chlorine was not present to maintain a. charged state in the N-halamine material. If surface charging were occurring, there should have been some indication from the HPC analysis. Results from New Orleans indicate th at chloramines were apparently not able to recharge the N-halamine material, even at reactor effluent total chlorine concentrations of 2.3 - 2.9 mg/L there should have been some indication (HPC data) of biofilm reduc­ tion/prevention if the N-halamine surface was activated by chloramines. The field study findings complement the laboratory results in this case and also conclude th at the use of the N-halamine coatings is probably not an effective maintenance strategy for biofilm control in a distribution system at this time. Continued research and development of the N-halamine technology may present a possible solution in the future. 94 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of this research: 1. Introduction of cell signaling compounds to the model drinking water systems did not present an applicable solution to management of biofilm. 2. The bioelectric effect as employed in this study did not reduce the amount of biofilm in the model drinking water systems. 3. In laboratory experiments the N-halamine contact biocidal coating did show some indication th a t it could be used as a biofilm control strategy at chlorine residual concentrations of I mg/L, but the results at low and high chlorine residuals were inconclusive. A positive effect was not clearly demonstrated in the field studies. The rate of activation of the N-halamine surface at chlorine concentrations used in drinking water does not appear to be great enough to maintain the biocidal properties of the coating. Any application of this control strategy would require additional exploration and development. While the cell signalling and bioelectric strategies evaluated in this research did not present results th at incite further exploration into the validity of the previous re­ search claims, the particular experimental system in which each was tested should be 95 considered. Organisms grown in a pure culture- with defined media behave differently than a mixed population within undefined media. These experiments Were designed to model drinking water which is inherently complex and considered a, natural mi­ crobial system. Natural systems are difficult to predict or control. However, these experimental conditions were representative of an actual drinking water distribution system and this form of testing is the most fitting for these prospective strategies. The N-halamine technology demonstrated the most viable solution to the problem presented here. Although results have shown that, the coating does not work as effi­ ciently in this type of system, future work with the coating should not be overlooked. The N-halamine compounds are cost effective and can easily be manufactured for the application of new installations or retrofitting an existing distribution system’s infras­ tructure. The N-halamine compounds do not leach significantly into the surrounding bulk fluid and are not toxic. These coatings may have more application within plant processes where chlorine residuals are higher, or are exposed to shock loads of disin­ fectant chlorine. This could also be true for the portions of the distribution system which are in close proximity of the treatm ent plant where the chlorine residuals are higher, or in the installation of new lines following a main break, when the new lines are super chlorinated prior to use. N-halamine coatings however, may have more application in a setting where they are not continually challenged by their surrounding environment. Food preparation surfaces and hospital surfaces may be more fitting applications. These settings have 96 the ability to be continually re-expOsed to much higher concentrations of chlorine to restore the biocidal properties where drinking water rarely has this opportunity. Similar coatings may have application to surgical implants as well, where the implant ■ would retain sterility throughout pre-op and operative installation. Maybe future work in the coating technology will present a solution for the application to drinking water distribution systems. 97 REFERENCES CITED 98 REFERENCES CITED [1] E. Vanderwende, W. G. Charaoklis, and J. Grochowski, “Bacterial-growth in water distribution-systems,” Water Science and Technology 20(11-12), pp. 521' 524,1988. [2] M. Warnecke and A. 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Bozeman water quality data for the year 2000. B O Z E M A N W A T E R Q U A L IT Y IN F O R M A T IO N MCL Alkalinity Chlorine residual, free (>0.2) Fluoride (add to = 1.0) Hardness, calcium Calcium Harness, magnesium Magnesium Harness, total Harness, total pH Sodium Sulfate Iron Total dissolved soils Turbidity (daily average) Total coliforms Units 2000 Range 2000 Average ppm . N /A 83.73 5 0 -1 0 3 .8 4 ppm 1.17-1.92 1.54 4 ppm 0.00 -1.38 1.01 ppm N /A 38-73 59.29 ppm N /A 15. - 29.2 23.71 ppm 17.5 - 42.8 ■ N /A 29.45 ppm N /A 4.27 -10.45 7.35 ppm N /A 56.8 -110.4 8 8.74' N /A grain/gal 3.32 - 6.46 5.19 6.5 - 9.3 Units .7.41 - 8.97 8.45 20 ppm 1.32 - 7.94 3.5 '500 ppm 0.00-9,30 0.95 ppm 0.3 0.01 - 0.21 0.04 ppm 56.2 -111.4 500 92.44 0.5 NTU 0.03 - 0.18 0.06 There were no positive samples in Bozeman’s drinking water after treatment. (Source: The C ity of Bozeman’s annual water quality report.) Table 18. Bozeman water quality data for the year 2001. B O Z E M A N W A T E R Q U A L IT Y IN F O R M A T IO N MCL Alkalinity Chlorine residual, free (>0.2) Fluoride (add to = 1.0) Hardness, calcium Calcium Harness, magnesium Magnesium Harness, to ta l Harness, total pH Sodium Sulfate Iron ' Total dissolved soils Turbidity (daily average) Total coliforms Units 2001 Range 2001 Average ppm 63.20 - 100.00 N /A 80.28 ppm 4 1.28 -1.93 1.56 4 ppm 0.00 -1.29 1.03 ppm N /A 42.80 - 74.00 56.95 ppm 17.12 - 29.60 N /A 22.78 ppm N /A 12.00 - 44.00 27.37 ppm N /A 2.93 -10.74 6.68 ppm N /A 58.80 -116.00 84.33 grain/gal 3.43 - 6.77 N /A 4.93 units 6.5 - 9.3 7 .9 6 -8 .9 4 8.63 ppm 0.37 -16.44 20 4.24 ppm 500 0.00 -14.20 2.84 0.3 ppm ■ -0.01 - 0.08 0.03 500 ppm 64.60 - 119.10 87.92 0.5 NTU 0.02 - 0.11 0.05 There were no positive samples in Bozeman’s drinking water after treatment. (Source: The C ity of Bozem an’s annual water quality report.) Table 19. Bozeman water quality data for the year 2002. B O Z E M A N W A T E R Q U A L IT Y IN F O R M A T IO N MCL Alkalinity Chlorine residual, free (>0.2) Fluoride (add to = 1.0) Hardness, calcium Calcium Harness, magnesium Magnesium Harness, total Harness, total pH Sodium Sulfate Iron Total dissolved soils Turbidity (daily average) Total coliforms Units 2002 Range 2002 Average N /A ppm. 55.60 - 116.80 89.01 4. ppm 1.35 - 2.30 ■ 1.65 4 ppm 0.64 - 3.36 1.07 N /A - ppm 33.20 - 75.00 57.59 ppm N /A 13.30 - 30.00 23.04 ppm N /A 18.40 - 53.60 33.6 ppm 4.49 -13.09 N /A , 8.06 N /A ppm 91.19 52.80 -120.40 grain/ gal N /A 3.09 - 7.04 5.33 units 7.76 - 8.99 6.5 - 9.3 8.69 20 ppm 2.51 - 17.86 5.88 ppm 500 0.00 - 10.40 3.33 0.3 ppm 0.00 - 0.09 0.02 ppm ' 500 62.40 - 120.20 93.33 0.5 NTU 0.03 - 0.12 0.05 ■There were no positive samples in Bozeman’s drinking water after treatment. (Source: The C ity of Bozeman’s annual water quality report.) 108 APPENDIX B CHLORINE UPTAKE DATA C hlonne D egradation Rank 1 Eqn 8 1 4 3 [Equii ConcJ y=(a-b)exp(-cx) +b r = 0 .9 6 7 4 3 7d D F A djf2=O 949S692S FitStdErr=0.043929575 Fstat=137.1271 0. 7~ ..... 0.5 0 .5 - ....................... 200 Time (min) Figure 37. I mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve. Concentiation (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) a = 0.98834753 b=0 25642022 c=0.0086439396 Chlorine Degradation Rank 3 Eqn 8143 [Equii Cone]y=(a-b)exp(-cx)+b Concentration (mg/L) ^=O 97257997 DF AdjI^=O 97000934 FitSidErr=0.078572125 Fstaf=585.24982 a= 1.985938 7 5=0.28153458 c=0.0032872319 Time (min) Figure 38. 2 mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve. C hfotine D egradation R a n k l Eqn 8 1 4 3 [Equil Cone] y= (a-b) exp(-cx)+b r = 0 .d 3 d 1 1 4 9 3 D F A d jk = 0 .9 3 2 3 4 9 9 2 FitStdErr=O.2 8448313 Fstat=215.94144 3 .5 - * ^ \ Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) a=3. 7886719 5=0 69457229 c=0.0051511507 400 Time (min) Figure 39. 4 mg/L Chlorine degradation data and regression curve. APPENDIX C N-HALAMINE POLYURETHANE MSDS 113 010151706-00 PAGE FOR COATINGS, RESINS, AND RELATED MATERIALS (APPROVED B Y THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AS 'ESSENTIALLLY SIMILAR' TO FORM OSHA-20) (MEETS REQUIREMENTS OF GFR 29 PART 1910.1200, OSHA1S HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD) 3 NPCA 1-84 SECTION I - MANUFACTURER AND PRODUCT INFORMATION CHEMICAL PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: PRODUCT I D ......................... .. F475-0475B QT PRODUCT C L A S S ......................... : WB ISOCYANATE TRADE NAME . . . : TRITON CONVERTER CONVERTS FORMULA VERSION N U M B E R ............ : 5 MSDS PREPARATION D A T E .................. : 07/12/2002 MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION: N A M E ................................. : TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. A D D R E S S ............................. .. 123 WEST 23RD AVENUE T E L E P H O N E ........................... .. ^ 7 ^ "U6-3064 TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY.............. : 800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC) SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS CAS# 28182-81-2 HEXAMETHYLENE DIISOCYANATE (HDD POLYMER PCT BY MT: >90 EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: 0000.500 MG/M3 MFG REC ACGIH TLV/STEL: 0001.000 MG/M3 MFG REC This product contains no reported carcinogens or suspected carcinogens. Contains.isocyanate monomer. If subject to spray application, engineering and administrative controls must be instituted to maintain an exposure level below .OOSppm. If these controls are not adequate, the use of an air-supplied respirator is mandatory. SECTION 3 - HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: EYE: Redness, tearing, blurred vision. SKIN: Allergic skin responses. INHALATION - OVEREXPOSURE TO SOLVENT VAPORS OR SPRAY MIST: INHALATION - OVEREXPOSURE TO FREE PIGMENT DUST: INGESTION: Gastrointestinal irritation. CHRONIC EFFECTS: Prolonged contact or repeated exposure to isocyanate concentrations greater than the recommended TLV may result in permanent respiratory and skin sensitization. Once diagnosed as being sensitized to isocyanates, no further exposure can be permitted. TARGET ORGANS: Can cause eye damage. Can cause respiratory tract irritation. Can cause lung damage. Can be corrosive to gastrointestinal tract. Can cause skin sensitization. Can cause respiratory tract sensitization. OTHER: This product when mixed with other components acquires the hazards of all components. PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Dermal and Inhalation. PROPOSITION 65: Pigments and/or other raw materials present in this product contain trace amounts of a chemical or chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Flush immediately with large amounts of clean water under low I kinsCONTACT•at least 15 nunuteS• Consult a physician. Wash affected area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clotbinq. Dispose of or launder aoorvrdi nrrl v , r o n a u i <- * , , W o i ^■i an 114 010151706-00 F475-0475B PAGE QT 4 TMEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TRITON CONVERTER CONVERTS if skin irritation persists. INHALATION: Remove affected individual to fresh air. Treat eat symptom, tomatically. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen, __ If breathing has stopped give artificial respiration. Consult a physician. phy INGESTION: Drink I or 2 glasses of water to dilute, te. Do not induce vomiting. Consult a physician or poison control center IMMEDIATELY. Treat symptomatically. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Exposure to isocyanate products may aggravate persons with asthmatic type conditions, chronic bronchitis, other chronic respiratory diseases, s k i n eczema, ----— --or skin sensitization. SECTION 5 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES OF THE CHEMICAL: Flammabilitv Classification ........ : F l a s h p o i n t ........................... : -N/A Explosion L e v e l ...................... : Low - -N/A High - -N/A Flammability Limits ................ : Lower - -N/A Higher - -N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENTS: For closed containers, pressure build-up followed by possible rupture or explosion might occur due to extreme heat exposure. Product will not burn, but may splatter if temperature exceeds boiling point. Once water has evaporated, combustion can occur. Small traces of HCN may be evolved under fire conditions. Water may be used to cool unruptured containers. Wear self-contain­ ed breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in pressuredemand or other positive pressure mode to prevent inhalation of hazardous decomposition products. Use appropriate extinguishing media to control fire. Water may cause violent frothing if sprayed directly into containers of burning liquid. SECTION 6 - SPILL CR LEAK PROCEDURES CLEAN-UP: Remove all sources of ignition. Spills may be collected with inert, absorbent material for proper disposal. Use non-sparking tools, protective gloves, goggles and clothing, adequate ventilation, avoid the breathing of vapors and use respiratory protective devices. Transfer absorbent material to suitable containers for proper disposal. Remove containers to a safe place and cover loosely until carbon dioxide has finished evolving. SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in dry area. Keep closures tight and upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in high temperature areas or near fire or open flame. Refer to product data sheet for recommended storage temperatures. SPECIAL COMMENTS: Prevent prolonged breathing of airborne contaminants such as vapor, spray mists, or dusts. Prevent contact with skin and eyes. Do not take internally. Keep out of reach of children. Do not reuse or alter containers without proper industrial cleaning. Do not weld or flame cut empty, uncleaned containers due to potential fire and explosion hazard. Consult product data sheet for proper application instructions. SECTION 8 - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands and other contaminated skin areas with warm soap and water before eating. EYE PROTECTION: Use chemical resistant splash type goggles. 115 010151706-00 F475-0475B PAGE 5 TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET QT TRITON CONVERTER CONVERTS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Respiratory,protective devices must be used when engineering and administration^contro^-s ^re_not_adequate_tg maintain Threshold Limit Values,(TLV) and Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) of airborne contaminants below,the listed values for those hazardous ingredients identified in Section II of this MSDS. Observe OSHA regulations for respirator use (CFR 29, 1910.134) whenever a respirator is used. Particulate, chemical cartridge, air purifying half-mask respirators can be used within certain limitations; consult the respirator manufacturer for specific uses and limitations. Where airborne contaminant concentrations are unknown, the use of a NIOSH/MSHA O^Er^pTECTIONt" respirator is mandatory. Use Chemical resistant gloves. Use chemical resistant coveralls or apron to protect against skin and clothing contamination. Use protective cream where skin contact is likely. VENTILATION: Sufficient ventilation, in volume and pattern, should be provided through . both local and general exhaust to keep the air contaminant concentration below current applicable OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) and ACGIH1s Threshold Limit Values (TLV). Appropriate ventilation should be employed to remove hazardous decomposition products formed during welding or flame cutting operations of surfaces coated with this product. SECTION S - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Vapor Pressure ........ Vapor Density .......... Boiling Range .......... Formula Weight per Volume VOC IN LBS PER GALLON . . Evaporation Rate . . . . % Volatile by Weight . . . . . .. . : -N /A .. . : -N/A .. . : Lower - - N / A °F Higher - -N/A °F . . . . : 9.6039 LB/C L . .. . : .000 . : .000 (Ether = I ) . . . . : . 00 0 SECTION 10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INCOMPATIBILITIES: Water, alcohols, amines, strong bases, metal components, surface active materials. DECOMPOSITION: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon fragments Nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide Trace amounts of HC N . CONDITIONS TO AVOID: POLYMERIZATION3 under uncontrolled conditions. Will not occur. STABILITY: Stable. SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION OTHER: Consult various toxicology references such as NIOSH's "Registry of !rasm samwssm: tsiss StsessLtmmu regarding hazardous ingredients. SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL: 2i?:?2!?_Sf_i?1?5??Ed'an::e with Federal, state, and local regulations 116 010151706-00 F475-0475B PAGE QT 6 TNEMSC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TRITON CONVERTER CONVERTS SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT HAZARD CLASS ..................... ; TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE: Contact Tnemec1a Traffic department S (816) 474-3400. SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION FEDERAL REGULATIONS: There are no SARA reportable materials in this product. .This product contains NONE of the substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 ot Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. STATE REGULATIONS: SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by . . . Date of issue . . Last Revision Date NONE MSDS Prepared for VANSON-HALOSOURCE, INC ATTN: FRANK LI 14716 NE 87TH STREET REDMOND WA 98052 MSDS Last P r e p a r e d .................: 02/18/2002 HMIS Information: HealthReactivity- 3* I Flammability- I For specific information regarding occupational safety and health standards, please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Part 1910. To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the Tnemec Company or any of its subsidiaries assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy of completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown health hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist. 117 010151706-00 PAGE FOR COATINGS, RESINS, AND RELATED MATERIALS (APPROVED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AS 'ESSENTIALLLY SIMILAR' TO FORM OSHA-20) (MEETS REQUIREMENTS OF CFR 29 PART 1910.1200, OSH A 1S HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD) 3 NPCA 1-84 SECTION I - MANUFACTURER AND PRODUCT INFORMATION CHEMICAL PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: PRODUCT I D ......................... : 0475-WHITE IG PRODUCT CLASS ....................... : ACRYLIC POLYOL TRADE NAME . . . TRITON WHITE BASE FORMULA VERSION N U M B E R ............ : 6 MSDS PREPARATION D A T E .................: 07/12/2002 MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION: N A M E ................................: TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. A D D R E S S ..............................: 123 WEST 23RD AVENUE NORTH KANSAS CITY, MO. 64116-3064 TELEPHONE ........................... : 816-474-3400 TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY............ : 800-535-5053 (INFOTRAC) SECTION 2 - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS 1 CAS# 13463-67-7 TITANIUM DIOXIDE (TOTAL DUST) PCT BY WT': 21-30 EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: 0010.000 MG/M3 OSHA PEL/TWA: 0010.000 MG /M3 2 CLAY CAS# 8031-18-3 FULLER'S EARTH (TOTAL DUST) PCT BY W T : 1-5 EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: 0010.000 MG /M3 OSHA PEL/TWA: 0015.000 MG/M3 3 ACETIC ACID BUTYL ESTER CAS# 123-86-4 N-BUTYL ACETATE PCT BY W T : 1.9470 VAPOR PRESSURE: EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: 0150.000 PPM ACGIH TLV/STEL: 0200.000 PPM OSHA PEL/TWA: 0150.000 PPM OSHA STEL: 0200.000 PPM 10.000 MMHG ® 68F 4 CAS# 64742-95-6 AROMATIC PETROLEUM DISTILLATE PCT BY W T : 1-5 5 2 -BUTOXYETHANOL CAS# 111-76-2 ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER (SKIN) PCT BY W T : 2.3170 VAPOR PRESSURE: EXPOSURE LIMIT: ACGIH TLV/TWA: 0025.000 PPM OSHA PEL/TWA: 0025.000 PPM .600 MMHG S 68F This suDstance contains a material classified as a hazardous air pollutant. This product contains no reported carcinogens or suspected carcinogens. This product contains pigment dusts which may be releases when subjected to abrasive blasting, sanding, or arinding. SECTION 3 - HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: EYE: Redness, tearinc, blurred vision. Severe irritation. SKIN: Moderate irritation, drying of skin, defatting and possible dermatitis. INHALATION - OVEREXPOSURE TO SOLVENT VAPORS OS SPRAY MIST: Nasal and 1respiratory irritation, anesthetic effects, dizziness, mkDc Cs i r"vI o 1c* a z**i s o v\ o c? a o » r*V --V -*-t r - v n -t w>> /-% — I^ —— 118 010151706-00 PAGE 4 TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 0475-WHITE IG TRITON WHITE BASE fatigue, nausea, and headache. INHALATION - OVEREXPOSURE TO FREE PIGMENT DUST: Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, restricted nasal passages, lung injury. INGESTION: Gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, death, aspiration into the lungs which can be fatal. CHRONIC EFFECTS: NOTICE: Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling the vapors may be harmful or fatal. Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether may cause blood damage based on animal data. TARGET ORGANS: Can cause eye irritation. Can cause respiratory tract irritation. Can cause skin irritation. Can cause gastrointestinal tract irritation. Can cause nervous system effects. Can cause liver damage. Can cause kidney damage. Can cause blood disorders. This product when mixed with other components acquires the hazards of all components. PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: Dermal and Inhalation. PROPOSITION 65: . , , Pigments and/or other raw materials present in this product contain trace amounts of a chemical or chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Flush immediately with large amounts of clean water under low pressure for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician. SKIN CONTACT: Wash affected area with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Dispose of or launder accordingly. Consult a physician if skin irritation persists. Remove affected individual to fresh air. Treat symptomatically. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If breathing has stopped give artificial respiration. Consult a physician. INGESTION 'ink I or 2 glasses of water to dilute. Do not induce vomiting. Consult Drink a physician or poison control center IMMEDIATELY. Treat symptomatically. NO'!TE TO PHYSICIAN: SECTION 5 - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FIRE AND EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES OF THE CHEMICAL: Flammability Classification.......... : „ „ Flashpoint . ......................... : 125.0 Explosion L e v e l .......................: Low -1.1 High - -N/A Flammability Limits ................. : Lower - -NZA Higher - -N/A EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: , , Foam, carbon dioxide, and dry chemical. FIRE-FIGHTING PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENTS: and areas where static Euild-up and possible explosion might occur due to extreme heat exposure. Solvent vapors are heavier than air and may travel considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. ' ■ --- *---- -=---*------Wear self-contain__ _ pressureinhalation of 119 010151706-00 0475-WHITE PAGE IG 5 TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TRITON WHITE BASE hazardous decomposition products. Use appropriate extinguishing media to control fire. Water may cause violent frothing if sprayed directly into containers of burning liquid. SECTION 6 - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES CLEAN-UP: Remove all sources of ignition. Spills may be collected with inert, absorbent material for oroper disposal. Use non-sparking tools, protective gloves, goggles and clothing, adequate ventilation, avoid the breathing of vapors and use respiratory protective devices. Transfer absorbent material to suitable containers for proper disposal. Remove containers to a safe place and cover loosely until carbon dioxide has finished evolving. SECTION 7 - SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store in dry area. Keep closures tight and upright to prevent leakage. Do not store in high temperature areas or near fire or open flame. Refer to product data sheet for recommended storage temperatures. SPECIAL COMMENTS: Prevent prolonged breathing of airborne contaminants such as vapor, spray mists, or dusts. Prevent contact with skin and eyes. Do not take internally. Keep out of reach of children. Do not reuse or alter containers without proper industrial cleaning. Do not weld or flame cut empty, uncleaned containers due to potential fire and explosion hazard. Consult product data sheet for proper application instructions. SECTION S - SAFE HANDLING AND USE INFORMATION HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands and other contaminated skin areas with warm soap and water before eating. EYE PROTECTION: Use chemical resistant splash type goggles. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Respiratory protective devices must be used when engineering and administration controls are not adequate to maintain Threshold Limit Values,(TLV) and Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) of airborne contaminants below the listed values for those hazardous ingredients identified in Section II of this MSDS. Observe OSHA regulations for respirator use (CFR 29, 1910.134) whenever a respirator is used. Particulate, chemical cartridge, air purifying half-mask respirators can be used within certain limitations; consult the respirator manufacturer for specific uses and limitations. Where airborne contaminant concentrations are unknown, the use of a NIOSH/MSHA approved fresh-air supplied respirator is mandatory. OTHER PROTECTION: Use Chemical resistant gloves. Use chemical resistant coveralls or apron to protect against skin and clothing contamination. Use protective cream where skin contact is likely. VENTILATION: Sufficient ventilation, in volume and pattern, should be provided throuch both local and general exhaust to keep the air contaminant concentration below current applicable OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) and ACGIH': Threshold Limit Values (TLV). Appropriate ventilation should be employed to remove hazardous decomposition products formed during welding or"flame cutting operations of surfaces coated with this product. Heavier than air solvent vapors should be removed from lower levels of work area due to potential explosion hazard and all ignition sources (non-explosion proof equipment) should be eliminated if flammable mixtures will be encountered. SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Veper Pressure 10, CD 120 010151706-00 0475-WHITE PAGE TKEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IG TRITON WHITE BASE Vapor Density .......... Boiling Range .......... Formula Weight per Volume VOC IN LBS PER GALLON . . Evaporation Rate .... % Volatile by Weight . . : -N/A : Lower - 244.0 °F Higher - 343.0 cF : 11.6570 LB/GL : 1.581 : 7.800 (Ether = I) : 7.408 SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INCOMPATIBILITIES: Strong oxidizing agents. Caustics. DECOMPOSITION: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbon fragments CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Heat, sparks, open flames. POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. STABILITY: Stable. SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION OTHER: Consult various toxicology references such as NIOSH's "Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances" or Sax's "Dangerous Properties of Industrial Chemicals" for specific toxicity information regarding hazardous ingredients. SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with Federal, state , and local regulations regarding pollution. SECTION' 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT HAZARD CLASS ..................... : TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE: Contact Tnemec1s Traffic department SI (816) 474-3400. SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION FEDERAL REGULATIONS: ^ ^ „, . . v . . ,. _ _ This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right -To-Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372: ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOBUTYL ETHER (SKIN) CAS# 111-76-2 PCT BY W T : 2.3170 STATE REGULATIONS: SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by . . . Date of issue . . Last Revision Date Kevin Settles 07/12/2002 NONE MSDS Prepared for VANSON -HALOSOURCE, INC ATTN: FRANK LI 14716 NE 87TH STREET 6 121 PAGE 010151706-00 7 TNEMEC COMPANY, INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 0475-WHITE IG TRITON WHITE BASE REDMOND WA 98052 MSDS Last P r e p a r e d ................. : NONE HMIS Information: HealthReactivity- 2 I Flammability- I For specific information regarding occupational safety and health standards, please refer to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the Tnemec Company or any of its subsidiaries assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy of completeness of the information contained herein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the use r . All materials may present unknown health hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - BOZEMAN 3 1762 10388402 7