Tracking of U.S. Olympic Boxers Justin Brewer April 28, 2014

Tracking of U.S. Olympic
Justin Brewer
April 28, 2014
Project Goals
• Segment the boxers and the referee and
determine there position on the boxing ring.
– Origin taken to be bottom left corner of the ring.
• Produce X & Y plots vs. time for each target.
• Produce overlaid and individual heat maps for
each person.
• Aim for a position accuracy of 20cm.
What does the data look like.
X: 145
565-145 = 420 pix/23 ft. => 0.5991pix/ft.
X: 565
20 cm = 12pixels
• User input captures initial position of each
corner of the ring, boxers and referee.
• Use the motion of the boxers against a
stationary background to aid in segmentation.
• Apply Morphological Operators
• In trouble locations use mean-shift or
CAMshift along with previous boxer location .
• Create requested plots from position data.
“Basic” Background Subtraction
Improved Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for
Background Subtraction
• The value of a pixel at time t in RGB space denoted by
• Pixel-based background subtraction involves decision if pixel belongs to
background (BG) or some foreground (FG) object by the Bayesian decision
• For the general case we assume nothing is known about the foreground.
• Decide if a pixel belongs to the foreground if:
is a threshold value.
Z.Zivkovic, Improved adaptive Gausian mixture model for background subtraction,
International Conference Pattern Recognition, UK, August, 2004.
Improved Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for
Background Subtraction
is the background model.
• The background model is modeled by a Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
components estimated by a training set of images denoted as
• Training set is chosen for a reasonable set of images and is continually
updated adding and discarding new images from the video.
• The GMM is modeled by:
Covariance Matrix
Mixing Weights
Shadow Detection
• Using the mean and the variance vector. Chrominance of a pixel
the difference between expected color of a pixel and value in current
• Pixel is then classified.
Segmentation Results
Tracking Referee (Proof of concept)
Heat Map (Proof of concept)
What to finish this week
• Implement CAMshift or Mean-shift and
expand tracking to account for merging blobs.
• Quantify accuracy.
Thank you to the U.S. Olympic committee for
supplying the boxing videos and project goals.
Thank you Dr. Hoff for your support on this
project so far.