Nanomaker Lab$#11:$Silicon$Photovoltaics$(PV)$ Photograph and illustration of BigBelly smart trash can removed due to copyright restrictions. 1 Solar Energy Fabrication Material Defect Efficiency 2 Solar Energy SUN% EARTH% D%(Distance%to%Sun)% Rsun% Total%radia:ve%power%of%sun% (Stefan>Boltzmann%law,%T=5762±50K)% Psun Radia:ve%power%of% sun%per%unit%area% (5.961x107%W/m2)% ⇥T 4 = 2 4πRsun Surface%area%of%Sun% Ra:o%of% surface%area% Pearth 2 Rsun = Psun 2 D Average%power% (1366%W/m2)% 3 Solar Spectrum (1366%W/m2)% (1000%W/m2)% Image created by Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art. Used with permission. Nearly%~50%%of%the%solar%irradiance%is%in%the%visible%spectrum%% Lots%of%solar%power%is%in%the%form%of%IR%light% 4 Atmospheric Effects Atmospheric%effects%have%several%impacts%on% the%solar%radia:on%at%the%Earth's%surface.%The% major%effects%for%photovoltaic%applica:ons%are:% •%A%reduc:on%in%the%power%of%the%solar% radia:on%due%to%absorp:on,%sca_ering%and% reflec:on%in%the%atmosphere;% •%A%change%in%the%spectral%content%of%the%solar% radia:on%due%to%greater%absorp:on%or% sca_ering%of%some%wavelengths;% •%The%introduc:on%of%a%diffuse%or%indirect% component%into%the%solar%radia:on;%and% •%Local%varia:ons%in%the%atmosphere(such%as% water%vapor,%clouds%and%pollu:on)%which%have% addi:onal%effects%on%the%incident%power,% spectrum%and%direc:onality% Courtesy of PVCDROM, Christiana Honsberg and Stuart Bowden. Used with permission. 5 Insolation Insola:on:%Incoming%Solar%Radia:on% Energy'per'Unit'Area'per'Unit'Time'(kWh/m2/day)% © NREL. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see 6 Solar Energy Fabrication Material Defect Efficiency 7 Silicon Crystal Growth Single%Crystal%Si%Boule% Silicon%Wafers% Both images are in the public domain. Czochralski%growth% This image is in the public domain. Polycrystalline%Silicon%Solar%Cell% This image is in the public domain. Ribbon%growth% © source unknown. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see 8 Silicon Crystal Grain boundary Each silicon atom is bonded to four neighbouring atoms. Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Width$ (cm)$ Growth$rate$ (mm/min)$ Throughput$ (m2/day)$ Energy$use$ (kWh/m2)$ Best$ efficiency$ Czochralski$ 15% 0.6%>%1.2% 30% 21%>%48% 20%% Ribbon$Silicon$ 8>80% 15%>%20% 20% 20% 18%% 9 Why Purple? 70 60 Reflectance (%) 50 40 30 20 10 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 This image is in the public domain. Wavelength (nanometer) Before ARC After ARC Image by MIT OpenCourseWare. Reflectance%curve%of%a%polycrystallinesilicon%solar% cells%before%and%ager%silicon%nitride%coa:ng% 10 Low-Cost: Roll-to-Roll Vacuum Coating Photographs of the vaccuum coating process removed due to copyright restrictions. Amorphous$Silicon$Solar$Cell$ Nine%miles%of%solar%cells%in%three%days%% Photo courtesy of US Army Africa on Flickr. 11 Solar Energy Fabrication Material Defect Efficiency 12 Polycrystalline Silicon This image is in the public domain. Metal%Impuri:es% Disloca:ons% Edge,%Screw,%Mixed,%Loops% % Iron, Titanium, Nickel, Chromium, Copper % Non>Metal%Impuri:es% Grain%boundaries% Small>angle,%Large>angle% % % Oxygen, Nitrogen Carbon % 250m Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% 13 High Quality Materials "$ %" '! % "$ %" !! !% !)) +!!,' Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 14 Low Quality Materials " # + $-"%(- $* "" / "0($ " "%* " # ! &!! #)*. #&((&! &! !!!/( Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 15 "% (1)% "% (2)% # # '!$ & ) -!& # % & , ++)++)+#+) +)')657665175592+ "% (3)% "% (4)% # # $ %# (% %(% # ./* **(** "*#( *)((344325.4228/* "% # # "*"" $ ' ## '" " *!!!# "& !! )% ! "' " "% !% Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 16 Lock-in Thermography Courtesy of Elsevier, Inc., Used with permission. DC% Lock>in% # Ribbon>Si%Device% # 100%Hz%lock>in%frequency% # 0.6%V%bias% 17 Solar Energy Fabrication Material Defect Efficiency 18 IV Characterization h p-type eV Ec h Ev Load R IL:%excita:on%due%to%photon%short% circuit%current% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 19 Efficiency MPP:$Maximum$Power$Point$ Quadrant$flipped!% Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 20 Adopted%from%Prof.%Buonassisi%% Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 21 Conclusions Single%Crystal% Polycrystalline% Crystal% 1%Sun%=%(1000%W/m2)% This image is in the public domain. Image created by Robert A. Rohde / Global Warming Art. Used with permission. Metal Iimpurities Metal mpuri:es Iron, Titanium, Nickel, Iron, Titanium, Nickel Chromium, Copper Chromium, Copper Non-metals Non-­‐Metal Impuri:es Oxygen, Nitrogen Oxygen, N Carbonitrogen Carbon Dislocations Disloca:ons This image is in the public domain. 250m Edge, Screw, Edge, Screw, Mixed, % Mixed, Loops... Loops Grain Grain boundaries boundaries CSL, Small-angle, Small-­‐angle, Large-angleLarge-­‐ angle % Courtesy of Tonio Buonassisi. Used with permission. 22 MIT OpenCourseWare 6.S079 Nanomaker Spring 2013 For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: