6.976 High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems Lecture 15 Integer-N Frequency Synthesizers Michael Perrott Massachusetts Institute of Technology Copyright © 2003 by Michael H. Perrott Integer-N Frequency Synthesizers in Wireless Systems Zin From Antenna and Bandpass Filter PC board trace Zo RF in Package Interface Mixer IF out To Filter LNA LO signal VCO Reference ref(t) Frequency v(t) Frequency Synthesizer ref(t) e(t) Charge PFD Pump out(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N Design Issues: low noise, fast settling time, low power M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Overview of Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer ref(t) PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N VCO M.H. Perrott produces high frequency sine wave MIT OCW Overview of Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer ref(t) PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N VCO Divider M.H. Perrott produces high frequency sine wave divides down VCO frequency MIT OCW Overview of Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer ref(t) PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N VCO Divider PFD M.H. Perrott produces high frequency sine wave divides down VCO frequency compares phase of ref and div MIT OCW Overview of Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer ref(t) PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N VCO Divider PFD Loop filter M.H. Perrott produces high frequency sine wave divides down VCO frequency compares phase of ref and div smooths phase error signal MIT OCW Overview of Integer-N Frequency Synthesizer Fref ref(t) Fout = N Fref PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO div(t) Divider N VCO Divider PFD Loop filter produces high frequency sine wave divides down VCO frequency compares phase of ref and div smooths phase error signal VCO frequency locks to ref. frequency multiplied by N M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Popular VCO Structures LC oscillator VCO Amp -Ramp Vout C Vin L Rp Ring oscillator Vout Vin -1 LC Oscillator: low phase noise, large area Ring Oscillator: easy to integrate, higher phase noise M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Model for Voltage to Frequency Mapping of VCO LC oscillator VCO Amp -Ramp Vout C Vin L Rp Fvco Ring oscillator Vout Vin -1 VCO Frequency fc Fout slope=Kv v vin Vbias Input Voltage M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Model for Voltage to Phase Mapping of VCO Time-domain frequency relationship (from previous slide) Time-domain phase relationship Intuition of integral relationship between frequency and phase: 1/Fvco= α out(t) out(t) M.H. Perrott 1/Fvco= α+ε MIT OCW Frequency-Domain Model for VCO Time-domain relationship (from previous slide) Corresponding frequency-domain model Laplace-Domain v(t) out(t) VCO M.H. Perrott v(t) 2πKv s VCO Φout(t) Frequency-Domain v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) VCO MIT OCW Divider Implementation N Counter count value out div(t) out(t) out(t) div(t) Time-domain model N=6 - Frequency: - Phase: M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Frequency-Domain Model of Divider Time-domain relationship between VCO phase and divider output phase (from previous slide) Corresponding frequency-domain model (same as Laplace-domain) out(t) Divider div(t) Φout(t) 1 N Φdiv(t) Divider M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Phase Detector (PD) XOR structure - Average value of error pulses corresponds to phase error - Loop filter extracts the average value and feeds to VCO ref(t) e(t) div(t) ref(t) div(t) e(t) 1 -1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Modeling of XOR Phase Detector Average value of pulses is extracted by loop filter - Look at detector output over one cycle: W 1 e(t) -1 T/2 Equation: M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Relate Pulse Width to Phase Error Two cases: 0 < Φref − Φdiv < π −π < Φref − Φdiv < 0 T/2 T/2 ref(t) ref(t) div(t) div(t) e(t) 1 e(t) -1 1 -1 W W=- M.H. Perrott Φref − Φdiv T/2 π W W= Φref − Φdiv T/2 π MIT OCW Overall XOR Phase Detector Characteristic 0 < Φref − Φdiv < π −π < Φref − Φdiv < 0 T/2 T/2 ref(t) ref(t) div(t) div(t) e(t) 1 e(t) -1 1 -1 W W=- W Φref − Φdiv T/2 π W= Φref − Φdiv T/2 π avg{e(t)} gain = -2/π −π gain = 2/π 1 −π/2 0 π/2 π Φref - Φdiv -1 phase detector range = π M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Frequency-Domain Model of XOR Phase Detector Assume phase difference confined within 0 to π radians - Phase detector characteristic looks like a constant gain element avg{e(t)} gain = -2/π −π gain = 2/π 1 −π/2 0 π/2 Φref - Φdiv π -1 Corresponding frequency-domain model ref(t) PD div(t) M.H. Perrott e(t) Φref(t) Φdiv(t) 2 π e(t) PD gain MIT OCW Loop Filter Consists of a lowpass filter to extract average of phase detector error pulses Frequency-domain model Laplace-Domain e(t) Loop Filter v(t) e(t) H(s) e(t) H(f) v(t) H(s) VCO v(t) Frequency-Domain VCO First order example e(t) R1 v(t) C1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Overall Linearized PLL Frequency-Domain Model Combine models of individual components Laplace-Domain Model XOR PD Φref(t) Loop Filter 2 π e(t) H(s) VCO v(t) 2πKv s Φout(t) Divider Φdiv(t) 1 N Frequency-Domain Model XOR PD Φref(t) Φdiv(t) M.H. Perrott Loop Filter 2 π e(t) H(f) VCO v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) Divider 1 N MIT OCW Open Loop versus Closed Loop Response Frequency-domain model XOR PD Φref(t) Φdiv(t) Loop Filter 2 π e(t) H(f) VCO v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) Divider 1 N Define A(f) as open loop response Define G(f) as a parameterizing function (related to closed loop response) M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Classical PLL Transfer Function Design Approach 1. Choose an appropriate topology for H(f) Usually chosen from a small set of possibilities 2. Choose pole/zero values for H(f) as appropriate for the required filtering of the phase detector output Constraint: set pole/zero locations higher than desired PLL bandwidth to allow stable dynamics to be possible 3. Adjust the open-loop gain to achieve the required bandwidth while maintaining stability M.H. Perrott Plot gain and phase bode plots of A(f) Use phase (or gain) margin criterion to infer stability MIT OCW Example: First Order Loop Filter Overall PLL block diagram XOR PD Φref(t) Loop Filter 2 π H(f) v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) Divider Φdiv(t) e(t) VCO 1 N Loop filter e(t) R1 v(t) C1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Closed Loop Poles Versus Open Loop Gain Evaluation of Phase Margin Closed Loop Pole Locations of G(f) 20log|A(f)| Open loop gain increased C Dominant pole pair 0 dB B f fp angle(A(f)) Im{s} A C B A Re{s} 0 o -90 A -120o PM = 59o for A PM = 45o for B -150o -180o PM = 33o for C B C Higher open loop gain leads to an increase in Q of closed loop poles M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Corresponding Closed Loop Response Step Response of G(f) Frequency Response of G(f) 1.4 C 5 dB 0 dB C B -5 dB B A A 1 0.6 fp f 0 t Increase in open loop gain leads to - Peaking in closed loop frequency response - Ringing in closed loop step response M.H. Perrott MIT OCW The Impact of Parasitic Poles Loop filter and VCO may have additional parasitic poles and zeros due to their circuit implementation We can model such parasitics by including them in the loop filter transfer function Example: add two parasitic poles to first order filter e(t) R1 Parasitics v(t) C1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Closed Loop Poles Versus Open Loop Gain Evaluation of Phase Margin Closed Loop Pole Locations of G(f) Im{s} 20log|A(f)| Open loop gain increased C Dominant pole pair 0 dB f fp fp2fp3 angle(A(f)) -90 C B A A o o PM = 72 for A PM = 51o for B o -165 o -180 M.H. Perrott -240 o -315 o B Non-dominant poles Re{s} 0 A B PM = -12o for C C MIT OCW Corresponding Closed Loop Response Closed Loop Step Response Closed Loop Frequency Response C 0 dB A B C 1 B A Frequency Time Increase in open loop gain now eventually leads to instability - Large peaking in closed loop frequency response - Increasing amplitude in closed loop step response M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Response of PLL to Divide Value Changes XOR PD Φref(t) Loop Filter 2 π e(t) Kv jf Φout(t) 1 N N+1 N v(t) Divider Φdiv(t) H(f) VCO t Change in output frequency achieved by changing the divide value Classical approach provides no direct model of impact of divide value variations - Treat divide value variation as a perturbation to a linear system PLL responds according to its closed loop response M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Response of an Actual PLL to Divide Value Change Example: Change divide value by one N (Divide Value) Synthesizer Response To Divider Step 93 92.8 92.6 92.4 92.2 92 Output Frequency (GHz) 91.8 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 1.87 1.86 1.85 1.84 1.83 Time (microseconds) PLL responds according to closed loop response! M.H. Perrott MIT OCW What Happens with Large Divide Value Variations? PLL temporarily loses frequency lock (cycle slipping occurs) Synthesizer Response To Divider Step N (Divide Value) 96 95 94 93 Output Frequency (GHz) 92 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 1.92 1.9 1.88 1.86 1.84 Time (microseconds) - Why does this happen? M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Recall Phase Detector Characteristic avg{e(t)} gain = -2/π −π gain = 2/π 1 −π/2 0 π/2 π Φref - Φdiv -1 To simplify modeling, we assumed that we always operated in a confined phase range (0 to π) - Led to a simple PD model Large perturbations knock us out of that confined phase range - PD behavior varies depending on the phase range it happens to be in M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Cycle Slipping Consider the case where there is a frequency offset between divider output and reference - We know that phase difference will accumulate ref(t) div(t) Resulting ramp in phase causes PD characteristic to be swept across its different regions (cycle slipping) avg{e(t)} gain = -2/π −π gain = 2/π 1 −π/2 0 π/2 π Φref - Φdiv -1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Impact of Cycle Slipping Loop filter averages out phase detector output Severe cycle slipping causes phase detector to alternate between regions very quickly - Average value of XOR characteristic can be close to zero - PLL frequency oscillates according to cycle slipping - In severe cases, PLL will not re-lock PLL has finite frequency lock-in range! XOR DC characteristic cycle slipping 1 −π π 3π nπ (n+2)π Φref - Φdiv -1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Back to PLL Response Shown Previously PLL output frequency indeed oscillates - Eventually locks when frequency difference is small enough Synthesizer Response To Divider Step N (Divide Value) 96 95 94 93 Output Frequency (GHz) 92 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 1.92 1.9 1.88 1.86 1.84 Time (microseconds) - How do we extend the frequency lock-in range? M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Phase Frequency Detectors (PFD) Example: Tristate PFD 1 Q D ref(t) up(t) Q R 1 div(t) D R e(t) Q Q down(t) Ref(t) Div(t) Up(t) Down(t) E(t) 1 0 -1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Tristate PFD Characteristic Calculate using similar approach as used for XOR phase detector avg{e(t)} 1 gain = 1/(2π) −2π 2π Φref - Φdiv −1 phase detector range = 4π Note that phase error characteristic is asymmetric about zero phase - Key attribute for enabling frequency detection M.H. Perrott MIT OCW PFD Enables PLL to Always Regain Frequency Lock Asymmetric phase error characteristic allows positive frequency differences to be distinguished from negative frequency differences - Average value is now positive or negative according to sign of frequency offset - PLL will always relock Tristate DC characteristic cycle slipping 1 −2π 0 2π 4π 2nπ Φref - Φdiv lock -1 M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Another PFD Structure XOR-based PFD Q D D ref(t) Q Q D div(t) Q ref/2(t) div/2(t) Q R Q e(t) D SQ Q Divide-by-2 Phase Detector Frequency Detector ref(t) div(t) ref/2(t) div/2(t) e(t) M.H. Perrott 1 -1 MIT OCW XOR-based PFD Characteristic Calculate using similar approach as used for XOR phase detector avg{e(t)} 1 −3π −2π gain = 1/π 0 π 2π 4π 5π Φref - Φdiv −1 phase detector range = 2π Phase errror characteristic asymmetric about zero phase - Average value of phase error is positive or negative during cycle slipping depending on sign of frequency error M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Linearized PLL Model With PFD Structures Assume that when PLL in lock, phase variations are within the linear range of PFD - Simulate impact of cycle slipping if desired (do not include its effect in model) Same frequency-domain PLL model as before, but PFD gain depends on topology used Tristate: α=1 PFD XOR-based: α=2 Φref(t) Φdiv(t) M.H. Perrott α 2π Loop Filter e(t) H(f) VCO v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) Divider 1 N MIT OCW Type I versus Type II PLL Implementations Type I: one integrator in PLL open loop transfer function - VCO adds on integrator - Loop filter, H(f), has no integrators Type II: two integrators in PLL open loop transfer function - Loop filter, H(f), has one integrator Tristate: α=1 PFD XOR-based: α=2 Φref(t) Φdiv(t) M.H. Perrott α 2π Loop Filter e(t) H(f) VCO v(t) Kv jf Φout(t) Divider 1 N MIT OCW VCO Input Range Issue for Type I PLL Implementations DC output range of gain block versus integrator Gain Block 0 Integrator 0 K s K Issue: DC gain of loop filter often small and PFD output range is limited - Loop filter output fails to cover full input range of VCO VDD Output Range of Loop Filter No Integrator Gnd ref(t) PFD e(t) Loop Filter v(t) out(t) VCO Divider M.H. Perrott N[k] MIT OCW Options for Achieving Full Range Span of VCO Type I - Add a D/A converter to provide coarse tuning Adds power and complexity Steady-state phase error inconsistently set Type II - Integrator automatically provides DC level shifting Low power and simple implementation Steady-state phase error always set to zero Type I Course Tune D/A No Integrator e(t) M.H. Perrott C.P. Loop Filter Type II Output Range of Loop Filter Output Range of Loop Filter VDD VDD Contains Integrator Gnd v(t) e(t) C.P. Loop Filter Gnd v(t) MIT OCW A Common Loop Filter for Type II PLL Implementation Use a charge pump to create the integrator Gain of loop filter can be adjusted according to the value of the charge pump current Example: lead/lag network - Current onto a capacitor forms integrator - Add extra pole/zero using resistor and capacitor e(t) Charge Pump i(t) v(t) C1 M.H. Perrott R1 C2 MIT OCW Charge Pump Implementations Switch currents in and out: Single-Ended up(t) Icp Differential Icp Iout(t) Iout(t) e(t) down(t) Icp M.H. Perrott Icp e(t) 2Icp MIT OCW Modeling of Loop Filter/Charge Pump Charge pump is gain element Loop filter forms transfer function Charge Pump e(t) Icp Loop Filter H(s) v(t) Example: lead/lag network from previous slide M.H. Perrott MIT OCW PLL Design with Lead/Lag Filter Overall PLL block diagram Tristate: α=1 PFD XOR-based: α=2 Φref(t) α 2π Charge Pump Loop Filter e(t) Icp H(f) v(t) VCO Kv jf Φout(t) Divider Φdiv(t) 1 N Loop filter Set open loop gain to achieve adequate phase margin - Set f lower than and f z M.H. Perrott p higher than desired PLL bandwidth MIT OCW Closed Loop Poles Versus Open Loop Gain Evaluation of Phase Margin Closed Loop Pole Locations of G(f) Im{s} Open loop gain increased 20log|A(f)| C B 0 dB fz f fp Non-dominant pole C B A o -160 o -180 o BC A o -140 A Re{s} angle(A(f)) 120 Dominant pole pair PM = 54oo for B PM = 53 for A PM = 55o for C 0 A B C Open loop gain cannot be too low or too high if reasonable phase margin is desired M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Impact of Parasitics When Lead/Lag Filter Used We can again model impact of parasitics by including them in loop filter transfer function e(t) Charge Pump i(t) Parasitics C1 v(t) R1 C2 Example: include two parasitic poles with the lead/lag transfer function M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Closed Loop Poles Versus Open Loop Gain Evaluation of Phase Margin Closed Loop Pole Locations of G(f) Im{s} Open loop gain increased 20log|A(f)| C Dominant pole pair B 0 dB fz angle(A(f)) 120 -140 f fp fp2 fp3 Non-dominant poles C B A Re{s} -160 o -180 o BC A o o A 0 A PM = 46o for A PM = 38o for B PM = -7o for C B C Closed loop response becomes unstable if open loop gain is too high M.H. Perrott MIT OCW Negative Issues For Type II PLL Implementations Normalized Amplitude |G(f)| Peaking caused by undesired pole/zero pair fcp fz 1 0 fz fo Frequency (Hz) Step Responses for a Second Order G(f) implemented as a Bessel Filter 1.4 Type II: fz/fo = 1/3 Type II: fz/fo = 1/8 1 Type I 0.6 f 0 1 2 3 Normalized time: t*fo 4 Parasitic pole/zero pair causes - Peaking in the closed loop frequency response A big issue for CDR systems, but not too bad for wireless - Extended settling time due to parasitic “tail” response Bad for wireless systems demanding fast settling time M.H. Perrott MIT OCW