Constrained Bias Correction for Satellite Radiance Assimilation in Limited Area Model Wei HAN NWPC/CMA,Beijing,China Email : ABSTRACT Radiance bias correction is crucial to the successful assimilation of satellite radiance observations which are typically affected by biases that arise from uncertainties in the absolute calibration, the radiative transfer modeling, or other aspects. These biases have to be removed for the successful assimilation of the data in NWP systems. There are several issues in the implementation of the bias correction method in limited area models (LAMs) which was originally developed for global models. One of these important issues is how to separate the observation bias from the innovations if there are obvious model diurnal biases in LAMs using adaptive bias correction in 3D-Var. In this study, the constrained bias correction scheme is proposed and tested considering the estimate of radiometric uncertainties and the relative model diurnal bias. Enhanced cooperation between NWP and other ITWG groups are recommended for the validation and characterization of satellite radiance bias estimation. 1. Motivation 4. Validation of Bias Correction Bias correction is essential for successful use of satellite radiance δJ = -FSO view: BC could change the impact sign[1] H ( xb − ε b ) = o − o b ∂J , y − Hxb − b ∂y − Hε b = o − Hxb − ob -No absolute calibration in radiance Collocated independent unbiased obs. -Bias dependence on scene temperature -map the background error to radiance space Bias correction issues in LAMs[6] Tobin et al,2013, Fig8:On-orbit RU estimates for a typical warm Earth view spectrum collected on 24 February 2013. -Limit samples -Model diurnal bias AA917A Using observation operater H Dropsonde observations at 00Z Oct. 27,2012 Progress in RT and calibration uncertainty estimation[7] 18 Pressure[hPa] Before_BC After_BC −H(Te+Qe) −H(Qe) 2. Methodology 16 Constrained Bias Correction[4] Channel -Background term for bias estimation -Use of uncertaity information of RT and calibration 2J (x, β) = (xb − x)T B−x1 (xb − x) + (β − βb )T B−β1 (β − βb ) 14 200 Pressure[hPa] 200 500 700 700 1000 1000 0 12 500 5 10 15 Humidity[g/Kg] 20 −6 −4 −2 0 Humidity O−B [g/Kg] 2 10 O-B of F16 SSMIS CH14(22GHz,V) passed QC + [y − H (x) − b(x, β)] T R−1 [y − H (x) − b(x, β)] 8 −10 + γ 2[b(x, β) − b0 ]T Rb−1[b(x, β) − b0 ] −5 0 O−B 5 10 15 Constraints -Physical based bias model -Priori uncertainty estimate of observation bias -The time evolution of bias (cycle period of bias coefficients) -Consideration of model bias [2,5] 5. Results and Discussion -Background term for observation bias estimation 3. Case Study: Bias correction of SSMIS imager channels[3] Black: before bias correction Red: after bias correction Bias model for SSMIS imager channels -Scan bias (Ascending and Descending) All the data passed QC over the period 23-29 October 2012 -Bias predicor: LWP (liquid water contribution) CH01 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 0 20 40 Scan Position 60 CH03 0.4 CH02 4 0.4 3 0.3 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.4 20 40 Scan Position 2 1 −0.2 −0.4 0 20 40 Scan Position 60 CH05 0.5 −0.4 0 0.8 20 40 Scan Position 60 −0.4 0 -Validation of bias estimation and correction 60 CH15 -collocated independent unbiased observations -inter-comparison among operational NWP centers 1 0 20 40 Scan Position 60 −1 0 20 40 Scan Position 60 CH16 Ascending: black Descending:Blue Solid: O-B before bias correction Time evolution of LWP coefficients Dotted: bias correction in Hurricane Sandy Experiments. Dashed: O-B aftre bias correction Grey bar: assimilated obs. number 0.5 USING ALL 0.0 −0.2 0.0 0 (β − β b )T B −β1 (β − β b ) 20 40 Scan Position 2 1.0 0.0 0.1 5 1.5 0.2 0.2 0 −1 0 3 2.0 0.4 0.3 60 4 CH06 0.6 0.4 20 40 Scan Position CH14 −1 0 60 -Adaptive update of the bias correction coefficients 1 0 20 40 Scan Position - pre-lauch and on-orbit CH13 2 3 0.0 20 40 Scan Position −0.5 0 60 20 40 Scan Position Spin-up of the bias coefficients 60 1st loop 3.5 4000 2.5 26/10 Time 27/10 28/10 NWP+CLIMATE 3.Han W. and Weng F.,2013: Impact of SSMIS imager channels on hurricane analyses and forecasts, 2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 16-20 Sept., Vienna 5.McNally, A.P. (2007), The assimilation of uncorrected AMSU-A channel 14 to anchor the VarBC system in the stratosphere. Research Department Memorandum, ECMWF, R43.8/AM/0715. 29/10 The background variance of coefficient of LWP predictor for F16 SSMIS channel 12 during the spin-up. 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Meteorol.Soc., 135, 239-250 2000 2.0 -NWP,CLIMATE, RT and Calibration GROUP Reference 3000 Observation Number Variance 3.0 24/10 AVAILABLE INFORMATION B x = α B x , α = 0.1 23/10 - channel, scene temperature 3 CH04 0.2 0.0 6 5 4 −1 0 60 0.2 −0.2 CH12 5 0.5 γ 2 [b( x, β) − b 0 ]T R b−1[b(x, β) − b 0 ] -Uncertainty of observation operator and calibration Spin-up of the bias coefficients 6.Randriamampianina R, et al., 2014:Radiance data assimilation in HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia -Recent developments, 19th International TOVS Study Conference, 6 March - 1 April 2014,Jeju Island, South Korea. 7.Tobin, D., et al. (2013), Suomi-NPP CrIS radiometric calibration uncertainty, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 10,589–10,600, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50809. Acknowledgements This study was supported by funding from the International S&T Cooperation Program of China(ISTCP) under Grant no. 2011DFG23210. 8. 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