Kevin Garrett, Eric Maddy and Krishna Kumar Riverside Technology, Inc., JCSDA Yingtao Ma AER, Inc, JCSDA Sid Boukabara NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, JCSDA 20th International TOVS Study Conference - Lake Geneva, WI - October 30, 2015 Motivation: Increase the number and types of satellite radiometric observations assimilated in NWP **CrIS** **IASI** Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR S-NPP ATMS Inversion Process MetOp-A AMSU/MHS MetOp-B AMSU/MHS Inversion/algorithm consistent across Benefits Consistent Quality Control Characterization of surface state NOAA-18 AMSU/MHS Characterization of atmospheric NOAA-19 AMSU/MHS state Linearization of state vector elements / background adjustment MIIDAPS TRMM TMI GPM GMI all sensors All parameters included in state vector Uses CRTM for forward and Jacobian operators Valid over all surfaces/all-sky DMSP F16 SSMI/S conditions DMSP F17 SSMI/S UseDMSP forecast, fast regression or F18 SSMI/S climatology as first guess/background GCOM-W1 AMSR2 **MIIDAPS extended to the hyperspectral Infrared for IR only or IR+MW 1DVAR analysis ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 2 Quick overview of MIIDAPS 1DVAR Development status Preliminary analysis and forecast impacts Future work ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 3 Quick overview of MIIDAPS 1DVAR Development status Preliminary analysis and forecast impacts Future work ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 4 Solution [X] Reached Convergence Observed TBs (processed) Bias Correction Compare No Convergence Compute ∆X Simulated TBs Covariance Matrix [B] Obs Error [E] Retrieval mode Climatology Assimilation mode Forecast Initial State Vector [X] K Update State Vector [X] CRTM Iterative Processes T 1 1 T J( X) = (X − X 0 ) × B −1 × (X − X 0 ) + Y m − Y( X) × E −1 × Y m − Y( X) 2 2 ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 ( ) ( ) 5 1DVAR Analysis Fields and Derived Parameters State Vector [X] ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 6 Quick overview of MIIDAPS 1DVAR Development status Preliminary analysis and forecast impacts Future work ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 7 Extended state vector with hyperspectral IR covers trace gases / surface emissivity 1DVAR Analysis Fields and Derived Parameters CO CO2 O3 CH4 N2O Extended to IR IR expansion State Vector [X] ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 8 • MIIDAPS atmospheric state vector extended to trace gas profiles • MIIDAPS emissivity state vector expanded to IR channels (AIRS, CrIS, IASI) • ATMS/CrIS brightness temperatures simulated using ECMWF analysis (T, Q, CLW), trace gas climatologies, and various IR/MW emissivity models • MIIDAPS applied to simulated data to retrieve state vector elements for MW only, IR only and combined IR+MW ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 9 Temp WV WV MW+IR 94% Conv. MW Only 94.5% Conv. MW Only Temp IR+MW IR Only ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 ECMWF 10 Use the same MIIDAPS interface MIIDAPS package is freely available! MIIDAPS Standalone Mode Data preprocessing Optional NWP collocation/guess CRTM Initialization Call MIIDAPS Post processing DA Interface (GSI) MIIDAPS Package MIIDAPS Library Ingest readers FM FM/ averaging Guess Colloc/ regress CRTM initialization Collocate guess to obs MIIDAPS 1DVAR Call MIIDAPS Driver Call CRTM for background calc Call quality control subroutines Post gridding Bias correction process Gross error check figures Primary arguments are Tb, guess fields, Diagnostic file output geometry, qc/geophysical output ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 Ancillary Data Covariance Matrix [B] Obs Error [E] Bias Coefficients 11 Quick overview of MIIDAPS 1DVAR Development status Preliminary analysis and forecast impacts Future work ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 12 • GSI r46725, T670/254 (GFS/GDAS) – PRCN: GDAS/GFS Operational configuration – PR1D: PRCN + MIIDAPS applied to ATMS only • Summer season – August 1, 2014-September 10, 2014 • MIIDAPS Applied to ATMS only – ATMS QC based on MIIDAPS output – SSMI/S QC still being tuned – Use of 1DVAR Geophysical outputs still being explored ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 13 MIIDAPS-based QC Scheme: Sounders O-B MIIDAPS-based (all observations) GSI QC forFlags LEFT:for SNPP LEFT: ATMS SNPP Channel ATMS Channel 5 (52 GHz) 5 (52 and GHz)RIGHT: and RIGHT: Channel Channel 7 (547GHz) (54 GHz) ChiSq > 5 Remove: Points Passing MIIDAPS QC but Failing Operational QC All Channels GWP/RWP > 0.05 Remove : 19-53 Ghz, 89-190 GHz With 1DVAR GSI QC Heritage ATMS 52.8 GHz CLW > 0.2 Remove: 19-51 GHz 89-190 GHz ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 With Heritage QC 1DVAR QC QC Flags for LEFT: SNPPWith ATMS Channel 5 (52 GHz) and RIGHT: Channel 7 (54 GHz) ATMS 54.5 GHz With Heritage QC 14 500 hPa Height AC (NH) 200 hPa Wind RMSE (TRO) Summary of Impacts • MIIDAPS applied to just ATMS has neutral impact on traditionally important metrics • Exploitation of MIIDAPS on all MW, or all MW+IR, will show true utility for QC application 500 hPa Height AC (SH) ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 850 hPa Wind RMSE (TRO) • Further impact expected from utilizing MIIDAPS for hydrometeor and surface characterization, background adjustment 15 FCST: 00Z 8/4/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN FCST: 00Z 8/5/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN FCST: 00Z 8/7/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 1. PR1D 2. PRCN FCST: 00Z 8/8/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN FCST: 00Z 8/6/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN FCST: 00Z 8/9/2014 1. PR1D 2. PRCN 16 Quick overview of MIIDAPS 1DVAR Development status Preliminary analysis and forecast impacts Future work ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 17 • Finalize QC implementation for current sensors and extend to new sensors a) b) c) d) – ATMS, SSMI/S, AMSU/MHS, GMI, AMSR2, SAPHIR, IR sensors Figure. MIIDAPS retrieved liquid water path and GFS 6hr forecast valid 12Z Jul • Use of 1DVAR geophysical fields 3, 2014, for Hurricane Arthur event off the U. S. Southeast coast. a) Displacement of MIIDAPS 1DVAR analysis and GFS forecast; b) 1DVAR liquid water path; c) GFS 6hr liquid water path; and d) MIIDAPS-GFS liquid water path. GFS forecast is collocated in space/time to GPM GMI observation points. – Surface emissivity, hydrometeors • Explore use of 1DVAR analysis as background and all-sky radiance assimilation – Resolve displacement errors – Linearization ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, October 28-November 3, 2015 18