EMU AQIP Action Project Application Form



Action Project Application Form

Instructions: Please complete each of the following sections and submit an electronic copy of your application by June 23, 2008 via email to ann.rentfrow@emich.edu

or deliver one copy to room 344 McKenny Hall. Use the back of the sheets if needed and attach any supplemental material you think the review team should consider. If you have questions or need help, please contact Ann Rentfrow at 487-8288 or email John Dugger at jdugger@emich.edu


Application Submitted by: _______James Gallaher ____________________

Date: _June 23, 2008 Department/Unit: _____Human Resources _________

Project Title: _____EMU Core Competency Model Development __________

1. Describe the proposed project. What do you propose to do? (100 words or less)

The proposed project is to develop a core competency model for EMU. The competency model will describe the functional and behavioral qualities that EMU employees and leaders need to possess in order to help EMU achieve its organizational goals and mission. The competency model will provide a common framework for employee recruitment & hiring, professional development, and succession planning that can be described and discussed using common language and processes across the institution.

The AQIP team will work together to identify and prioritize a list of core competencies and develop an implementation plan to integrate the model into process and systems across the institution.

2. Based on your own criteria, how would you describe the urgency of the project? Explain.

____ Low ____Medium __X__High

3. What are the desired/expected outcomes of the project? (list several)

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 The development of a consistent foundation for all key performance management and development activities: o Recruitment and Selection o Training & Development Programs o Coaching and Discipline o Rewards & Recognition o Succession Planning o Reinforce Organizational Culture and Mission

 Improved Employee Engagement

 Identification of critical behaviors for high performance at EMU

 Reinforce EMU’s mission, vision and strategic direction.

4. How can these outcomes be measured?

 Improved Employee Retention

 Training and professional development offered in alignment with the competency model

 Succession Planning Metrics

 Results from annual Organizational Climate survey

 Integration of the competency model into University processes (i.e. hiring, performance reviews, succession planning, etc.)

5. How much money do you think it will cost and what human resources do you anticipate needing to accomplish this project? (If possible, provide brief details)


$18,000 licensing fee for a research based Competency Model

$ 3,000 for materials to determine


Cross functional team with 1 member from each division and 1-2 faculty representatives.

6. What sort of time commitment will be expected of the participants?

Bi-weekly meetings over a 6 month time period

7. Explain how the project will support Eastern Michigan University’s mission

(provided below).

Eastern Michigan University is committed to excellence in teaching , the extension of knowledge through basic and applied research , and creative and artistic expression . Building on a proud tradition of national leadership in the preparation of teachers, we maximize educational opportunities and personal and professional growth for students from diverse backgrounds through an array of baccalaureate, master's and doctoral programs. We provide a student-focused learning environment that positively affects the lives of students and the community. We extend our

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commitment beyond the campus boundaries to the wider community through service initiatives and partnerships of mutual interest addressing local, regional, national and international opportunities and challenges.

Having a focused competency model will provide organizational cultural anchors that clearly articulate the behaviors that are critical to successfully achieving

EMU’s mission. The Competency model will identify the “how” (manner) we go about accomplishing the “what” (EMU’s mission). The integration of a competency model will also provide a focused approach to recruiting, developing and retaining the high performing and focused workforce responsible for collectively supporting EMU’s mission.

8. Who will take primary responsibility for managing the project? (Name and title)

James Gallaher, Director of Training & Professional Development

9. Who else will be involved in the project? Are those people aware of the project at this time? (Names and titles)

SOC will be involved as key stakeholders and approvers of the final competency model.

The following leaders are aware of the initiative:

Dr. Morell Boone, Dean, College of Technology

Dr. Vernon Polite, Dean, College of Education

Dr. Tom Venner, Dean College of Arts & Sciences

Dr. Robert Neely, Associate Provost

Dr. Connie Schaffer, Interim Chief Information Officer

Karen Simpkins, Interim Associate Vice President for Human Resources

Rhonda Kinney Longworth, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Ted Coutilish, Associate VP, University Marketing and Communications

Freeman Hendrix, Chief Government Relations and Special Projects officer

Gregg O’Dell, Executive Director of Public Safety

John Lumm, Interim CFO

Ken McKanders, General Council Legal Affairs

Other key stakeholders and SOC members will be made aware of the initiative in the coming weeks.

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10. List the divisions, colleges or schools that will be affected by this project?

How will each be impacted?

All divisions will be impacted by this initiative. Every division will be expected to utilize the competency model as the basis for employee recruitment, development, recognition, training, and succession planning activities.

11. How long will it take to accomplish the project?

_X__ 6 months ___ 1 year ____ 1-2 years

12. What criteria will the team use to determine when the project has concluded?

(How will you know when it’s done?)

The project will be complete once the core competency model has been created and agreed upon by key stakeholders and the model has been integrated into key organizational process.

14. What criteria will be used to measure the success of the project?

Integration of the competency model with core people processes (i.e., employee recruitment, professional development, recognition, training, and succession planning activities).

15. Which of the nine AQIP categories does this project address?

Valuing People

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