Evaluation of a model for simulating biofilm processes in porous media reactors by Warren Thomas Sharp A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Montana State University © Copyright by Warren Thomas Sharp (1996) Abstract: Biofilms are ubiquitously present in many natural and manmade porous media systems. Natural and engineered biofilm systems are important to bioremediation and biofiltration and include both one-fluid-phase flow and two-fluid-phase flow systems. Complex interactions exist between net biomass accumulation, porous media characteristics, and the rates of biofilm/biological processes. This complexity requires a systematic approach to analyzing experimental results. The dynamic behavior of biofilms in porous media is encapsulated in the rates of the biofilm/biological processes contributing to net biomass accumulation. The key to understanding and predicting biofilm/biological processes in porous media is modeling. The goal of this research is to evaluate a biofilm process model in porous media systems for the prediction of experimental results. Most porous media biofilm models in the literature pertaining to both one-fluid-phase and two-fluid-phase flow porous media systems utilize insufficient biofilm models. The mixed-culture biofilm model (MCB) overcomes many limitations of the former. Combining the MCB model with the appropriate reactor transport models give a porous media biofilm reactor model that has the capability to simulating many types of porous media biofilm systems. Experimental data from four separate systems, including two one-fluid-phase and two two-fluid-phase, were analyzed in order to evaluate the MCB model coupled with the appropriate reactor transport model. Predicted results from the model for which experimental data exists give a good fit. However, the model can predict more than what is available experimentally; therefore, a full evaluation of model capabilities is not possible at this time. A simulation-experimentation framework which can elucidate necessary experimental data for further model evaluation is provided. EVALUATION OF A MODEL FOR SIMULATING BIOFILM PROCESSES IN POROUS MEDIA REACTORS by Warren Thomas Sharp A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY - BOZEMAN Bozeman, Montana May 1996 ii APPROVAL of a thesis submitted by Warren Thomas Sharp This thesis has been read by each member of the thesis committee and has been found to be satisfactory regarding content, English usage, format, citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and is ready for submission to the College of Graduate Studies. / 2 / 9U Dr. John Sears D atej/ Dr. Al Cunningham Approved for the Department of Chemical Engineering Dr. John Sears Approved for the College of Graduate Studies Robert L. Brown (Signature) Date iii STATEMENT OF PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Montana State University - Bozeman, I agree that the Library shall make it available to borrowers under rules of the Library. If I have indicated my intention to copyright this thesis by including a copyright notice page, copying is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this thesis in whole or parts may be granted only by the copyright holder. Signature Date iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ' Page INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ I Relevance of Biofilms in Porous Media........................................................................ I Complexity of Biofilms and Biofilm Processes in Porous Media................................. I Relevance of Modeling Biofilm/Biological Processes in Porous M edia......................3 Porous Media Biofilm Reactor Models.........................................................................4 Porous Media Groundwater Biofilm Models............................................ 4 Biofilter Models....................................................................................................... 5 The Extended Mixed-Culture Biofilm Model..................... 5 Research Goal................................................................................................................6 MODELING........................................................................................................................8 One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor................................................................9 Two-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor............................................................. 10 Biofilm......................................................................................................................... 11 Biological Reactions......................... 14 Biological Process Stoichiometry Matrices........................................................... 15 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS......................................................................................—17 One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Experiments........................................ 17 Case I - Microbial transport experiment............................................................... 17 Case 2 - Biofilm detachment experiment............................................................... 18 Two-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Experiments....................................... 18 Case 3 - Flat plate VPBR experiment.................................................................... 18 Case 4 - Bench-scale VPBR experiment................ 20 SIMULATION.... .............................................. 21 Aquasim........ ......................................:.......................................................................21 One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Simulations Case I and Case 2 .....................................................................................................21 Two-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Simulations Case 3 and Case 4 .....................................................................................................24 RESULTS..........................................................................................................................28 Case 1...........................................................................................................................28 V TABLE OF CONTENTS - continued Page Case 2 ...........................................................................................................................29 Case 3 ............................................................................................................... 30 Case 4 ................................................................................................................ 30 DISCUSSION....................................................................................................................52 Case 1...........................................................................................................................52 Case 2 ........................................................................................................................... 53 Case 3 ........................................................................................................................... 54 Case 4 ........................................................................................................................... 55 Overall.......................................................................................................................... 56 Simulation-Experimentation Integration......................................................................56 CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................59 Case I .......................................................................................................................... -59 Case 2 ........................................................................................................................... 59 Case 3........................................................................................................................... 60 Case 4 ...........................................................................................................................60 Overall..........................................................................................................................60 Simulation-Experimentation Integration......................................................................61 RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................................................62 REFERENCES CITED......................................................................................................63 APPENDICES...................................................................................................................65 Appendix A - Materials and methods for Case 2 - MSU biofilm detachment experiment............................................................................................66 Appendix B - Tables of Results...................................................................................70 BT - Case 1............................................................................................................71 B.2 - Case 2 ............................................................................................................78 B.3 - Case 3............................................................................................................86 B. 4 - Case 4 .........................................................................................................89 Appendix C - Aquasim data files................................................................................. 96 CT - Case I .................................................................................. 97 C. 2 - Case 2 .......................................................................................................108 C.3 - Case 3.......................................................................................................... 118 C.4 - Case 4.......................................................................................................... 135 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Biological process stoichiometry matrix for general growth processes............................................................................................... 15 2. Biological stiochiometry matrix for Cases I and 2........................ .................22 3. Summary of parameters for Case I ........... ...................................................... 23 4. Summary of parameters for Case 2..................................................................23 5. Biological process stoichiometry matrix for Cases 3 and 4.............................................................................................................-26 6. Summary of parameters for Cases 3 and 4 ............................. ........................27 7. Time series aje values for Case I ...... .....................................:........................29 8. Time series ade values for Case 2 ...... :............... 30 9. Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration results for Case 3...................................................................... 31 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Complexity of biofilms in porous media.............................................................2 2. Conceptual model of integrated biofilm and reactor models.......................................................................................................... -......8 3. Diagram of experimental setup for the flat plate VPBR.................................... 19 4. Diagram of experimental setup for the bench scape VPBR.......... ......................................... 20 5. Case I - Predicted and experimental acetate concentration profiles............................... 32 6. Case I - Predicted and experimental nitrate concentration profiles........................................................ 32 I. Case I - Predicted and experimental biomass concentration profiles........................................................................................33 8. Case I - Predicted and experimental biofilm thickness profiles................................................................................................... 33 9. Case I - Predicted detachment velocity profiles................................................34 10. Case I - Predicted attachment velocity profiles.................................................34 II. Case I - Predicted temporal biofilm thickness profiles,....................................35 12. Case 2, Run I - Experimental flow rate................................................ 36 13. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental glucose concentration profiles..................................................... 36 14. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental effluent biomass concentration profiles...............................................................................................................37 viii LIST OF FIGURES - continued Figure Page 15. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental effluent TOC profiles...............................................................................................................37 16. Case 2, Run I - Predicted biofilm thickness at steady state....................................................................................................................38 17. Case 2, Run I - Predicted detachment velocity profiles:..................................38 18. Case 2, Run 2 - Experimental flow rate............................................................39 19. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent glucose concentration profiles...........................................................................39 20. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent biomass concentration profiles..........................................................................40 21. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent TOC profiles......................................................................................................40 22. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted biofilm thickness at steady state............................................................................................... 41 23. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted detachment velocity profiles....................................41 24. Case 3, Run I - Concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen and intermediates in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8.............................................................. 42 25. Case 3, Run I - Volume fraction profiles of X++, X+' and X" phenotypes in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8 .................................,...43 26. Case 3, Run 2 - Concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen and intermediates in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8....................... 44 27. Case 3, Run 2 - Volume fraction profiles OfX4+, X+" and X" phenotypes in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8 .................................... 45 28. Case 4, Run I - Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles....................... 46 LIST OF FIGURES - continued Figure Page 29. Case 4, Run I - Predicted and experimental toluene degradation rate.............46 30. Case 4, Run I - Concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen and intermediates in the biofilm at day 50................................. •'.........47 31. Case 4, Run I - Volume fraction profiles O f X 4+, X+" and X" phenotypes in the biofilm at day 5 0 .............................................. ........48 32. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles............................................ 49 33. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental toluene degradation rate..................................................................................................49 34. Case 4, Run 2 - Concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen and intermediates in the biofilm at day 50........................................... 50 35. Case 4, Run 2 - Volume fraction profiles of X4+, X+" and X" phenotypes in the biofilm at day 5 0 ...................................................... 51 36. Simulation-experimentation framework outline................................................57 ABSTRACT Rinfilms are ubiquitously present in many natural and manmade porous media systems. Natural and engineered biofilm systems are important to bioremediation and biofiltration and include both one-fluid-phase flow and two-fluid-phase flow systems. Complex interactions exist between net biomass accumulation, porous media charactersistics, and the rates of biofilm/biological processes. This complexity requires a systematic approach to analyzing experimental results. The dynamic behavior of biofilms in porous media is encapsulated in the rates of the biofilm/biological processes contributing to net biomass accumulation. The key to understanding and predicting biofilm/biological processes in porous media is modeling. The goal of this research is to evaluate a biofilm process model in porous media systems for the prediction of experimental results. Most porous media biofilm models in the literature pertaining to both one-fluidphase and two-fluid-phase flow porous media systems utilize insufficient biofilm models. The mixed-culture biofilm model (MCB) overcomes many limitations of the former. Combining the MCB model with the appropriate reactor transport models give a porous media biofilm reactor model that has the capability to simulating many types of porous media biofilm systems. Experimental data from four separate systems, including two one-fluid-phase and two two-fluid-phase, were analyzed in order to evaluate the MCB model coupled with the appropriate reactor transport model. Predicted results from the model for which experimental data exists give a good fit. However, the model can predict more than what is available experimentally; therefore, a full evaluation of model capabilities is not possible at this time. A simulation-experimentation framework which can elucidate necessary experimental data for further model evaluation is provided. I INTRODUCTION Relevance of Riofilms in Porous Media Biofilms are ubiquitously present in many natural and manmade porous media systems. Rittmann maintains that “[biofilms] play crucial roles in the biodegradation of contaminants and the clogging of porous media ...” [8] Many natural and engineered biofilm systems utilize porous media as a support for biofilm formation. Natural biofilms in subsurface porous media formations can be used in the field of bioremediation in order to degrade contaminants. Engineered biofilm systems can be used in industrial processes such as biofiltration and drinking water treatment. Together, these examples constitute two types of porous media systems: one-fluid-phase and two-fluid-phase. The two primary measureable activities of importance in porous media biofilm systems are biomass accumulation and biotransformation. Complexity of Biofilms and Biofilm/Biological Processes in Porous Media The complexity of biofilms and biofilm processes in porous media stems from the relationship between net biomass accumulation, changes in porous media characteristics, and rates of biofilm/biological processes. Figure I summarizes the complexity of biofilms in porous media systems. 2 Net biomass accumulation © Porous media characteristics Biofilm/biological process rates Figure I. Complexity of biofilms in porous media. One level of complexity of biofilms in porous media, shown as relationship I in Figure I, is the effect of biomass accumulation on the characteristic properties of a porous medium, such as porosity, permeability, and dispersivity. These effects have been quantified by Taylor, Milly, and Jaffe: increasing biomass accumulation in a porous medium will decrease the porosity and permeability, and increase the dispersivity. [12] Conversely, a second level of complexity, shown as relationship 2 in Figure I, relates the changes in porous medium characteristics to the transport of substrates to the biofilm. Again, this has been quantified and understood to some extent through computational fluid dynamics. The third level of complexity, shown by relationship 3, explains how the rates of biofilm/biological processes, which depend on the transport of substrates and biomass, contribute to net biomass accumulation. The complexity of this relationship depends on the large variety of potential biological reactions. Rittmann says that the net accumulation of biomass is controlled by 4 biofilm/biological processes: growth and decay (biological), and deposition and detachment (biofilm). [8] The issue of biofilm/biological process complexity becomes very important 3 when multispecies biofilms are considered. Biological processes of growth alone need to be considered for m bacterial species utilizing n substrates, the totality of which contributes to net biomass accumulation. One final consideration is that the effect of net biomass accumulation on transport depends on the ratio of overall biofilm thickness to pore volumes. For email ratios that are usually seen for packed beds, the effect on transport will be minimal. However, for sand packed systems, the effect may be significant. Relevance of Modeling Biofilm/Biological Processes in Porous Media The dynamic behavior of biofilms in porous media is encapsulated in the rates of all pertinent biofilm/biological processes contributing to net biomass accumulation. Little work . has been done with respect to modeling biofilm processes complexity other than the work done by Wanner, Guyer and Reichert [9,10,11,15]. Applications of complex biofilm models to porous media biofilm systems has been sparse. Therefore, the key to quantifying and understanding biofilms in porous media systems to effectively utilize biofilms is modeling the biofilm/biological processes. The potential complexity of the problem requires a systematic approach to analyzing experimental data. The modeling process gives a framework in which educated decisions can be made about both the experimental design and results and the accuracy of the simulations. As a result, the capability to predict biotransformation and biomass accumulation in a porous media will allow for better understanding, control, and design of porous media biofilm systems. Additionally, regulatory acceptance of a biofilm process used to degrade or transform contaminants is hindered by a lack of understanding On the part of the regulators. Successful 4 modeling and simulation of biofilms and biofilm processes in porous media may speed acceptance of biofilm processes in industrial applications. Porous Media Biofilm Reactor Models In the literature there is a definite distinction between one-fluid-phase and two-fluidphase models for porous media biofilm systems. Generally, one-fluid-phase models are found in the porous media groundwater modeling literature while two-fluid-phase models are located in the biofilter modeling literature. Porous Media Groundwater Biofilm Models Much work was done by Taylor, Milly, and Jaffe [12] to measure and quantify the effect of biofilm growth on the physical properties of a porous medium, which include porosity, permeability, and dispersivity. The strong effort of their biofilm porous media model was to describe transport of biomass and substrates. [13] The biofilm in their model was described by a single Monod growth expression. However, they do acknowledge that more complex kinetics could be incorporated into their model. Baveye and Valocchi [2] provide an evaluation of three different representations of spatial distributions of biomass within a porous medium. Their biofilm is described by a single Monod growth expression. While both of these papers discuss methods to model changes in porous media characteristics due to biomass accumulation, neither provides an evaluation of the importance of the rates at which the processes of biofilm growth and substrate utilization take place. These processes define the dynamic behavior of porous media biofilm systems. < 5 Biofilter Models Recently, Deshusses, Hamer, and Dunn [3] offered a biofilter model for waste air treatment. Their description of a biofilter included gas and biofilm phases as well as a sorption volume. The biofilm was modeled as a homogeneous, monoculture system. Monod kinetics are used to describe growth and degradation kinetics, but the biofilm is assumed to be at steady state and the degraders are assumed to be evenly distributed throughout the biofilm. Diks and Ottengraf [4] created a model to describe the degradation of dichloromethane in a trickling filter. Their assumptions included steady state thickness, zero order kinetics, and constant volume fraction of the degraders in the biofilm. Baltzis and Shareefdeen [1] give a model for a packed-bed biofilter. The biofilm is modeled as an effective biolayer. More complex kinetics, such as substrate competition, are considered, but only one bacterial species is considered. The drawback to each of these biofilm models is the usage of oversimplified biofilm models, especially when there may be more biological processes than degradation/growth that can affect biofilter degradation performance. Biofilm thickness, volume fraction of cells, and kinetics are not always constant. These models lack the flexibility to describe more complex biofilm processes. The Extended Mixed-Culture Biofilm Model Most current groundwater porous media models are of the advection-dispersionreaction or advection-reaction type. Some models consider the biofilm to be a “sink” for given substrates while others estimate fluxes into the biofilm using Monod expressions and biofilm thicknesses. Biofilter models utilize more complex biofilm models than do the groundwater models, but most still lack the flexibility to consider many important biological/biofilm processes. The potential complexity of biofilm processes, including detachment, multiculture and multisubstrate biofilms requires a flexible, dynamic biofilm model. The important issue is not only the relationship between biofilm thickness, porous media characteristics, and transport, but also how the rates of biofilm/biological processes are dynamically integrated into the behavior of biofilms in porous media systems. The most recent biofilm model capable of modeling multiculture, multisubstrate biofilms is the mathematical mixed-culture one-dimensional biofilm (MCB) model discussed by Wanner and Reichert [15]: . Basically, the MCB model consists of a set of one-dimensional mass balance equations by which the progression of the biofilm thickness and the spatial distribution and development in time of various dissolved components (nutrients, electron donors, and electron acceptors) and particulate components (microbial cells, extracellular polymeric substances, organic and inorganic particles) in a biofilm can be modeled as a function of transport and transformation processes. These mass balance equations are generally valid and can be applied to almost any microbial system if the appropriate stoichiometry and kinetics are provided. Coupled with the appropriate reactor transport models, the resulting porous media biofilm reactor model has the capability to simulate a large variety of experimental geometries and biofilm/biological processes. Research Goal The goal of this research is to evaluate the capability of the extended mixed-culture biofilm process model for modeling porous media biofilm processes in porous media systems for prediction of experimental results. The objectives required to reach this goal are: O Evaluate the mixed-culture biofilm (MCB) model with the appropriate reactor transport model as a complete porous media biofilm process model with I experimental data from both one-fluid-phase flow and two-fluid-phase flow porous media reactors. o Determine the limit of behavioral complexity of biofilm/biological processes in porous media reactors that can be modeled with the extended mixed-culture biofilm process model. 8 MODELING There are three parts to the porous media biofilm reactor model to be analyzed herein: reactor, biofilm and biological processes. The reactor part of the model is either a one-fluid-phase or two-fluid-phase reactor. The biofilm is represented by the mixedculture biofilm (MCB) model which can consider an arbitrary number of bacterial and substrate species. Figure 2 shows the conceptual model for the integration of the MCB and reactor models for both one-fluid-phase and two-fluid-phase porous media biofilm reactors. Biological processes can occur in the biofilm, bulk liquid, and bulk gas phases, and area described via appropriate kinetics and stoichiometry. Bulk liquid-biofilm Interface Bulk gas-bulk liquid Interface L tA / / / / / / / / / / / / C ctDi C itDi CptDi CptPi ; c LPi — A LF Vf PPi Epi Lf y B u lk G as FL, B ulk L iq u id Biofilm — ; -- > J g A GL / > A ........K1' .......... Vg i Ql Qg CcOtDi : ClOtDi C u tPi Bulk Liquid Boundary Layer Bulk Gas Boundary Layer & & Figure 2. Conceptual model of integrated biofilm and reactor models. 9 One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Mass transport is described by a one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. The reactor is divided into axial segments, and bulk liquid and biofilm sections are distinguished. The bulk liquid phase is well mixed. The mass balance equation for dissolved and particulate components in the bulk phase, respectively, are 3 b "o Il 'i i p LO1Di L {c LO1Pi - Q dt C ~ l iDi ) + j ^ L F J LF 1Di + ^ L r Di C L 1P i ) + A lf J L F 1Pi + ^ L r Pi (I) (2) where Clo is the segment influent concentration (ML'3), Cl is the bulk liquid concentration (ML3) J l is the mass flux per unit interfacial area across the biofilm-bulk liquid interface (ML2Lx), r is the net production rate (ML3Lx) , Vl is the bulk liquid volume (I?), Ql is the liquid volumetric flow rate (L3Lx), Alf is the biofilm surface area (L2) of the segment, and t is time. The interfacial mass flux of dissolved and particulate components per unit biofilm surface area is given by — cD L tD i i p FL,Di ~ ^ L ,D i) J l iPi ^ L — c^ L 1P i i p F L 1Pi ~ ^ L 1P i ) ^ ^ where Xl is the mass transfer resistance coefficient (L), <Dl is the effective diffusivity (L1Lx) of the dissolved or particulate species in the liquid phase, and Cfl is the concentration (ML3) at the biofilm-bulk liquid interface. The bulk fluid volume, Vl is related to the total segment volume and total biofilm volume by 10 (5) where Vc is the total volume of the segment, and P> is the biofilm volume. Two-fluid phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Mass transport is described by one-dimensional advection-diffiision equation. The reactor is divided into axial segments. Bulk gas, bulk liquid and biofilm sections are distinguished. The bulk gas and bulk liquid phases are well mixed. The mass balance equation for dissolved and particulate components, respectively, in the bulk liquid is = Ql ( c L0 Di —CLDi j + ALFj LDi - A glJ g Dj + VLrDi (6) where Clo is the segment influent liquid phase concentrations (ML'3), Cl is the bulk liquid concentrations (MU3) J l is the mass flux per unit interfacial area across the biofilm-bulk liquid interface (MU2f x), r is the net production rate (ML"3/'1), Vl is the bulk liquid volume (£3), Ql is the liquid volumetric flow rate (I? fx), A lf is the biofilm surface area (I?) of the segment, A ql is the bulk gas-bulk liquid interfacial area (I?), and t is time. The mass balance equation for dissolved components in the bulk gas is A - Qa (Cmjll - Ca a ) + AaJ a a ( 8) where Cgo is the segement influent gas phase concentration (MU3), Co is the bulk gas concentration (MU3), Vq is the bulk gas volume (Ju ) J g is the mass flux per unit interfacial area across the bulk gas-bulk liquid interface (MU2Q), Qg is the gas 11 volumetric flow rate (XY1). The biofilm-bulk liquid interfacial mass flux of dissolved and particulate components, respectively, is (9) J ltDl^L ~ ®L3Di \pFL,Di ^L,Di ( 10) JL,Pi^L ~ cDL,Pi{pFLyPi ~ ^LyPij where Zl is the mass transfer resistance coefficient (L) across the biofilm-bulk liquid interface, (Dl is the effective diffusivity ( lY 1) of the dissolved or particulate species in the liquid phase, and Cfl is the concentration (ML'3) at the biofilm-bulk liquid interface. The bulk gas-bulk liquid interfacial mass flux of dissolved components is J LyDi^O 'GyDi Y, c GyDi /Zn, / (H) where Zq is the mass transfer resistance coefficient (L) across the bulk gas-bulk liquid interface, ®Gis the gas phase molecular diffusivity (Z2Z1)5and H is the dimensionless Henry’s Law coefficient. The bulk liquid volume is given by where Vc is the total volume allowable for biofilm growth in the segment, and Vf is the biofilm volume. The bulk gas volume, Vq, is constant, Biofilm Equations (13)-(26) constitute the MCB model [15] with the one exception that the presented formulation assumes that the volume fraction of water in the biofilm does not change in time or space. The porous media provides support for biofilm growth. The formation of biofilm on the surface of the porous media is described by a one-dimensional mass balance equation for biomass F 1Pi ' F 1Pi dt dy + r Pi (13) where Cp1Pi is the concentration (ML"3) of particulate i in the biofilm, z is the distance (L) perpendicular to the solid surface, and JpiPi is mass flux (MU3T1) of particulate i in the biofilm in they direction. Biofilm mass flux results from biofilm growth in the biofilm interior and is given as J p iPi u F ^ F 1Pi - where uFis the advective velocity (Lf1) of the biofilm matrix due to growth. This velocity is calculated as where si is the volume fraction of the liquid phase in the biofilm and ppt is the specific density (MU3) of particulate i. The relationship between density and concentration is given by C p iPi = P p i e Pi where Spi is the volume fraction of particulate i in the biofilm. The boundary conditions are JF, P i^ = 0 at the biofilm-substratum interface and ( 1 ? ) 13 ( 18) JptPi \y=LF = JLtPi at the biofilm-bulk liquid interface, where J f and J l are the interfacial mass fluxes (ML'2/'1) of particulate i in the biofilm and bulk liquid phases, respectively, and Lp is the biofilm thickness. The mass flux_/> is given by uJeCptPj UatCPLtPi JptPi y-LF (19) where Uje is the velocity (L f i) at which biomass is detaching from the biofilm and into the bulk liquid and ual is the velocity (Lf1) at which biomass is attaching to the biofilm from the bulk liquid. Progression of the biofilm thickness is modeled by dLp (20) UF\y=LF- Ude + Ual Dissolved components in the biofilm are modeled by the one-dimensional mass balance equation d ( siCF Di) d j FtDi rDi (21) The mass flux is given by JFtDi ~ Up(J <9CFtDi £l)CptDi f 1DLtDi ' (22) w here/is the ratio of diffusivity in the biofilm versus diffusivity in the bulk liquid. The boundary conditions are J FtDi\y=0 = 0 C p tDi IiV=Ly? ~~ C JptDi ~ J LtDi (23) F i >D, (24) (25) 14 with the interfacial mass flux of dissolved component i at the biofilm side of the biofilmbulk liquid interface given as F jDi J p jDi — UF (l s I ^ F jDi (26) L jDi y=LF Biological Reactions The bacteria utilize an electron donor and an electron acceptor to produce biomass. Biomass is considered as cellular mass and extra polymeric substance (eps). The rate of production of biomass is modeled by either double Monod kinetics or Haldane kinetics which includes inhibition of the overall rate due to electron donor concentration: Cr Cj (27) rX Cj -X Cl K j +C j where is the rate of production JUmax (28) is the maxim specific growth rate ( t !), Cd and Ca are the concentrations (ML'3) of the electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively, K d and Ka and the half-saturation constants (ML'3) for the electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively, X is the concentration (ML'3) of biomass, and Ki is the inhibition constant (ML'3) with respect to the electron donor. The utilization rates of the electron donor and electron acceptor are given by 15 ~ rx (29) ^XlD and ~ rx (30) ^XlA where rx is the production (growth) of biomass (MZ/V1), r# and are the utilization rates (MU3Tx) of the electron donor and the electron acceptor, Yx/d and Yx/a are the observed yield coefficients for biomass with respect to the electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively. Biological Process Stoichiometry Matrices Since biological reactions can be more involved than the growth of one species utilizing an electron acceptor and electron donor, a more concise method of describing processes is by a process matrix. The biological process stoichiometry matrix can describe the generation (+) or consumption (-) for all species. The rate of generation or consumption for a given species by a specific processes is determined by multiplying the coefficient for that species/process combination inside the matrix by the rate expression Table I . Biological process stoichiometry matrix for general growth processes.________ ____________________________ ___ PROCESSES Haldane Kinetics Double Monod Growth SPECIES + 1 X + 1 D -I/Yx/d -1 /Y x /d A -1 /Y x /A -1 /Y x /a R a te e x p re ssio n A "" Co c, JC0 + C d K a + C 1 . C* , ^ % 16 for that process given at the bottom of the matrix. Table I shows the biological process stoichiometry matrix representing equations (27)-(30). 17 EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS Experimental data from four separate cases, two one-fluid-phase and two two-fluidphase, were used to evaluate the previously described porous media biofilm model. The experimental systems for Case I and Case 2 were designed in order to determine attachment and detachment rate functionalities in one-fluid-phase porous media reactors. The experimental systems of Case 3 and Case 4 were designed to determine the peformance of toluene degradation in a vapor phase bioreactor (a two-fluid-phase reactor). Following are synopses of the experiments. One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Experiments Case I - Microbial transport experiment Case I was a porous media microbial transport study done at Washington State University by David Jennings. [5] Experiments were performed to determine the detachment and attachment rate of an unspecified denitrifying bacteria isolated from Hanford. The experimental reactor was a 50 cm by 2.1 cm column packed with sand particles having an average diameter of 190 pm. Data were obtained for three growth rate levels, denoted as low, middle, and high, of the acetate and nitrate substrates. Only the middle growth rate level was analyzed. Measured quantities include pressure drop, and influent and effluent concentration of substrates and biomass. An attempt was made to determine the spatial distribution of biomass within the column at the end of the experiment. 18 Case 2 - Biofilm detachment experiment Case 2 was a porous media biofilm detachment experiment performed at Montana State University by Al Cunningham, Paul Stoodley, and Shanon Bakich. The goal of this experiment was to determine the detachment rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a small sand-packed rectangular column (1.0 cm by 1.2 cm by 4.5 cm). The substrates were glucose and oxygen. The average particle diameter was 190 pm. An assumption was made that attachment could be neglected because of the short length of the column. Data were obtained for two glucose concentration levels, 6.7 and 13.5 mg glucose/L, denoted as Run I and Run 2. Measured quantities include influent and effluent glucose, biomass, TOC, and flow rate. Confocal microscopy was used to noninvasively image biofilm accumulation in the porous media. This experiment is explained in greater detail in Appendix A. Two-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Experiments Case 3 - Flat plate VPBR experiment The experimental system for Case 3 was a flat plate vapor phase bioreactor (VPBR). The goal of the experiment was to predict vapor phase toluene concentration and toluene degradation rate. A flat plate reactor allows for the system to be modeled with a known geometry: a surface area of 50 cm x 4 cm or 200 cm2, and a volume of 50 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm or 800 cm3. The unique aspect of this experiment was the utilization of phenotypic transformation rates of P. putida 54G. There are three phenotypes present: wild type, reversibly injured, and irreversibly injured. The wild type cells degrade toluene. The irreversibly injured cells are injured by toluene and can no longer grow on any substrate. The 19 reversibly injured cells can no longer utilize toluene, but have the capability to utilize intermediates from the partial degradation of toluene and from lysis products generated via death and endogenous decay. The characterization of phenotypes and phenotypic transformation rates was done by Mirpuri [6]. Figure 3 is a schematic of the experimental system. Sampling ports are numbered from I at the gas influent to 9 at the gas effluent. Measured parameters include vapor phase toluene concentration at the influent and effluent as well as at ports 2, 5 and 8. Two experimental runs with influent toluene concentrations of 150 and 770 ppm were performed, denoted as Run I and Run 2, respectively. Experimental methods and data are in Mirpuri, 1995 [6] Flow controller G as In M icrosensor Sample Ports G as Out n n n n n n n n n Humidifier 0.2 pm filter Flow controller -3 Effluent sam pling well G lass plate to enable viewing with Toluene Figure 3. Diagram of experimental setup for the flate plate VPBR. [6] Liquid 20 Case 4 - Bench-scale VPBR experiment Case 4 is identical to Case 3 except the biofilm was grown in a packed column with 0.25 in. ceramic ring packing material. Vapor phase toluene concentration profiles were obtained for two experimental runs with influent toluene concentrations of 150 and 750 ppm, denoted as Run I and Run 2. Figure 3 shows a diagram of the experimental system. Experimental methods and data are in Mirpuri, 1995 [6] Effluent G as Sam pling Port H ouse Air Effluent -----I r hI G as to n ^ Flow Meter fi) Liquid Media Influent O a s Z Sam pling Ports x Control Valve Toluene » M -1/4" Ceram ic R asch ig R ings , Control Valve Influent G as Sam pling Port 0 H Humidifier ®—^ Liquid Sam pling Port G as Mixer Figure 4. Diagram of experimental setup for the bench scale VPBR. [6] Liquid Effluent to W aste 21 SIMULATION Aquasim Simulations were performed with Aquasim, a software package for the simulation of aquatic systems [9,10,11] which contains an implementation of the extended mixedculture biofilm (MCB) model. Aquasim is capable of simulating a wide variety of aquatic systems. The basis for modeling reactors and reactor systems in Aquasim are mixed fluid compartments and mixed biofilm compartments. A reactor or reactor system can be defined by a combination of any number of either type of compartment connected via advective or diffusive links. With respect to the porous media biofilm reactor conceptual model, mixed fluid compartments represent the bulk gas phase and mixed biofilm reactors represent the bulk liquid and biofilm phases. Biological processes are user defined dynamic processes and affect the concentrations of dissolved and particulate species. The Aquasim data files for each case are in Appendix C. One-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Simulations - Case I and Case 2 For Case I, the porous media column was defined by a configuration of ten equally sized mixed biofilm compartments. In Case 2, the porous media column was modeled as a series of I mixed biofilm reactors: the first 5 sections were 0.5 cm in length and the remaining 2 sections, were 1.0 cm in length. Each case had one bacterial species present and an electron acceptor and electron donor. Case I consisted of an unspecified 22 denitrifyer, acetate, and nitrate, respectively. Likewise, for Case 2, the combination was Pseudomonas aeruginosa, glucose and oxygen. For the purposes of simulation, the surface area available for biofilm growth was estimated from the following relationship, Aw ,0.152£>J where/f w is the specific surface area per unit volume (m2 m"3) and Dp is the porous media particle diameter (m). The appropriate biological process stoichiometry matrix for these experiments is shown in Table 2. X, D and A represent biomass, electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively. Likewise, Ksd, Ksa,Yx/d and Yx/a are the Monod half­ saturation constants and yield coefficients for both the electron donor and electron acceptor, respectively. Tables 3 and 4 give the parameters values for each case. All parameters are from the experimental data or literature unless otherwise noted. Table 2. Process matrix for cases I and 2. PROCESS Growth SPECIES X D A Rate expression +1 f zw I -1 /Y x/d -1 /Y xza D Y tty ^ Ir 23 Table 3. Summary of parameters for Case I . Physical Parameters Description Value Units 7.61E -05 0.00288 5.9965 5E-06 1.071E-04 1.469E-04 1.0E-4 0.8 4.068 0.2558 3.54E + 05 m3 m 3d 1 m2 m m2 d 1 m2 d 1 m2d 1 gC m3 gN m 3 KCm3 Description Value Units M axim um specific grow th rate (Pmax) [7] A verage density o f biom ass (p x) M ass yield o f biom ass per unit nitrate (electron acceptor) (Y xw) 1.8 4 0,000 0.353 d' gC m g C -biom ass / g N -nitrate g C -acetate / g N -nitrate d '1 R eactor bulk fluid volum e (V c) Flow rate (Q ) T otal biofilm surface area (A uf) L iquid boundary layer thickness (X) D iffusivity o f acetate in w ater (D a) D iffusivity o f nitrate in w ater (D n) D iffusivity o f biom ass in w ater (D x) D iffiisivity o f biofilm / diffiisivity in w ater (f) H alf-saturation constant for acetate (electron donor) (K sa ) [7] H alf-saturation constant for nitrate (electron acceptor) (K sn) [7] D ensity o f biom ass Kinetic Parameters [7] Stoichiom etric utilization o f nitrate to acetate (electron donor) 1.585 (Y xza) [7] A ttachm ent coefficient (K a) 80 Table 4. Summary of parameters for Case 2. Physical Parameters Description R eactor bulk fluid volum e (Vc) Flow rate (Q) Biofilm surface area (A l f ) M ass transfer resistance coefficient (X) G lucose diffiisivity (D g|u) D issolved oxygen diffiisivity (D qz) B iom ass diffiisivity in w ater (D x) D iffiisivity in biofilm / diffiisivity in pure w ater V olum e fraction o f biom ass (es ) B iom ass density (p x) (f) Value Units 5.4E-06 Figs. 1 2 ,1 8 0.189 5E-06 5.18E-05 1.56E-04 0.0001 0.1 2.5E+04 m3 m3d"1 m2 m m2 d '1 m2 d 1 m2d 1 gC m "3 Value Units 9.0 0.80 0.20 0.66 1.1 d '1 gCm 3 g 0 2m 3 g C x / g Cgiu K C 02 / g C c|„ 0.8 Kinetic Parameters Description M axim um specific grow th rate (p max) G lucose half-saturation constant (K s) O xygen half-saturation constant (K 0) B iom ass yield on glucose (Y xzo) S toichiom etric factor for oxygen yield (k) Detachment is considered to be only growth related; therefore, the detachment velocity is modeled as a fraction of the growth velocity. The parameter Ctje represents the fraction of the growth velocity of the biofilm that is detached. The product of biofilm growth velocity and gives the detachment velocity, «<&,. This allows modeling of biomass detachment without having to know the explicit functionality of detachment on other parameters, such as pressure drop, growth rate, and biofilm thickness. When Cije is 1.0 , all biofilm growth is detached and a steady state biofilm thickness is forced only if there is not attachment. The approach to evaluating the model was to fit the measured time series of effluent electron acceptor, electron donor, and biomass concentrations and a profile for biofilm thickness at the end of the experiment by only changing the time-series values of CldeTwo-fluid-phase Flow Porous Media Reactor Simulations - Case 3 and Case 4 The flate plate vapor phase bioreactor (VPBR) was modeled as a series of 9 equally-sized mixed biofilm reactors representing the biofilm and bulk liquid phases diffusively linked to 9 equally-sized mixed reactors representing the bulk gas phase. The bench-scale VPBR was modeled as a series of 4 equally sized mixed biofilm reactors diffusively linked to 4 equally-sized mixed reactors. The bulk liquid and bulk gas phases flow countercurrently. The specific surface area of the packing for Case 4 was estimated at 500 m2 m'3. The three bacterial phenotypes (wild type, reversibly injured and irreversibly injured) o f Pseudomonas putida 54G and three substrates (toluene, oxygen, and intermediate products) were considered. Table 5 shows the biological process matrix used for the biofilter systems. The three phenotypes are represented by X h", Xf', and X", respectively. Table 6 contains the model parameter values for Case 3 and Case 4. All model parameters except those in bold were determined or estimated independently. An arbitrary detachment rate equal to 10% of the growth velocity was introduced to promote calculation of steady state biofilm thicknesses. The approach to evaluating these cases was to apply the experimental influents (flow rates and concentrations) to the model and compare the predicted and experimental toluene vapor phase concentration profiles. A qualitative analysis of the bacterial phenotypic profiles was also made. Table 5. Biological process stoichometry matrix for Cases 3 and 4. PROCESSES SPECIES Growth of X h" Injury Variant Formation +X ^ -X ~ -X ^ Growth of X Endogenous Decay Death -X++ -X++ -X+ +X -X -X -X/Yo -XArI -(X+++X)/Yob +^u,(X+++X) +fcells(X+++ +X ^ X+- +X ^ X" T O I -X hTYt -X++/Yo +L,(X^/YT) X+'+X) Rate expression f T Y O ' ^ K K s j +T +T2I k X ksO+0J Kinj Kgl , f Mman^ i Y o ) z + / J i 1Ks0 + Oj 6 f ^ I x \K s0 + o) dx 27 Table 6. Summary of parameters for Case 3 and Case 4. Physical parameters vary for the experimental setup. Kinetic parameters vary for influent toluene concentration. Parameters in bold represent coefficients adjusted to obtain the best fit to total toluene degradation. Physical parameters Units Case 4 Case 3 Description Total gas volum e (V 0) L iquid flow rate (Q l ) G as flow rate (Q g) Total liquid volum e (V u) Total reactor volum e (V) Total surface area (A ) T otal gas-liquid interfacial area (A g l) T otal gas-liquid interface thickness (Xg ) Liquid-biofilm interface thickness (Xl ) L iquid phase diffusivity o f toluene L iquid phase diffusivity o f oxygen G as phase diffusivity o f toluene G as phase diffusivity o f oxygen H enry’s law constant for toluene (H t ) H enry’s law constant for oxygen (H 0) D iffusivity in biofilm / diffusivity in w ater (f) V olum e fraction o f biom ass (e) 7.20E-04 0.00144 0.072 8.00E-05 8.00E-04 0.02 0.02 Kinetic parameters 150 ppm M axim um specific grow th rate (P max) T oluene half-saturation constant (K st ) O xygen half-saturation constant (K s0) Inhibition constant (K,) Y ield o f biom ass on toluene (Y t ) Y ield o f biom ass on oxygen (Y 0) E ndogenous yield on oxygen (Y ob) Injury rate (K inj) Irreversible injury rate (Kg l ) M axim um specific grow th rate for X" cells 750 ppm Units 10.08 3.98 0.025 42.78 day"1 gm3 g m "3 gm3 0.86 g /g g /g g /g day 1 day 1 day 1 0.55 0.55 0.06783 0 .00655 0.42696 0.06551 5.0 (P 1max) Interm ediates half-saturation constant (K s1) Y ield o f biom ass on interm ediates (Y 1) Fraction o f toluene incom pletely degraded (flol) Fraction o f biom ass converted to interm ediates via deathZdecay (fccll!i) Endogenous decay rate (bx) Death raWdy) m3 m3 d"1 m 3 d"1 m3 m3 m2 m2 m m m2 d 1 m2 d 1 m2 d 1 m2 d 1 g m 3Zg m 3 g m 3Zg m 3 gm3 1.00E-05 2.50E-05 6.89E-05 2.16E -04 0.72 1.54 0.19 43.0 0.8 0.08 5.00E+04 Density of biomass(px) Description 1.90E-03 0.00288 1.44 1.04E-03 5.00E-03 2.6 2.6 gm 3 2.0 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.65 0.10 g /g 1.5 0.5 day 1 28 RESULTS Case I Simulation results were obtained for the middle substrate loading case. Several iterations were required to obtain meaningful results. Only the results from the final iteration are given. Figures 5 ,6 ,7 and 8 show the predicted versus experimental values for the three time series and one spatial series of interest. The experimental and calculated effluent substrate profiles were in good .agreement. The calculated effluent biomass profile is relatively close to the experimental values, considering the low value of measured effluent biomass. However, the calculated biofilm thickness profile in the column at the end of the experiment does not agree with the experimental values. Figures 9,10,11 and 12 show additional model output used to evaluate the detachment rate of the biomass. Figure 9 shows the detachment velocity of the biofilm in each compartment with time. The detachment velocity is directly proportional to the amount of biomass detaching from the biofilm. Note how the detachment velocity increases and then decreases over the length of the simulation. At the end of the simulation, the only compartment detaching biomass is the first compartment of the column. Figure 10 is a plot of the attachment velocity of biomass in each compartment. The attachment velocity is directly proportional to the amount of biomass being attached. Note how the attachment rate decreased down the length of the column. Figure 11 shows the calculated biofilm thickness of 29 each biofilm compartment with time. Note how it seems that none of the biofilm thickness profiles has reached a steady-state Table 7. Time series Oge values for Case I. time fd 3de 0.3 4 1.0 10 1.0 21 value by the end of the simulation. Table 7 shows the time series values used for aje, the fraction of the growth velocity that is detached. Note that the value of Bde is 1.0 past day ten, meaning that all new growth is detached from the biofilm. Case 2 Figures 12-17 show the experimental and calculated time series of glucose, TOC, effluent biomass and biofilm thickness for Run I . Figures 18-23 show that same information for Run 2. Figures 12 and 18 show the recorded flow rate for each experiment. Figures 13 and 19 show the experimental influent and the experimental and calculated effluent glucose concentrations. Linearly interpolated values were used for both flow rate and influent glucose concentration as input to the simulation. Figures 14 and 20 show the experimental effluent biomass compared to the calculated effluent biomass. The experimental biomass concentration was obtained by subtracting the experimental effluent glucose from the experimental TOC. Figures 15 and 21 show the experimental and calculated concentration of TOC. The calculated TOC is the sum of the carbon from both glucose and biomass. Figures 16 and 22 show the calculated biofilm thickness profile in the columns. Figures 17 and 23 show the resulting detachment velocity profile along the column. Table 7 shows the time series values of Ude used for each run to obtain simultaneous fits to the experimental data. 30 Table 8. Time series a^e values for Case 2. Run I time [d time [d a<ie 1.0 0.3 0.0 4.3 1.0 1.0 10 1.0 18 Run 2 <*de 0.4 1.0 1.0 Case 3 Table 9 shows a comparison of toluene degradation profiles experimentally determined in the fiat plate VPBR and calculated results for both 150 ppm and 770 ppm influent toluene concentrations. The simulation results match the experimental values of toluene concentration at different points along the length of the reactor as well as total toluene degradation rate. Figures 24 and 25 show the substrate and phenotype profiles in the biofilm at ports 2, 5 and 8 for low influent toluene concentration. Figures 26 and 27 show the same information for high influent toluene concentration. For both low and high influent toluene cases, the volume fraction of X++, the toluene degraders, is highest near the biofilm surface and decreases toward the substratum. The volume fraction X+' and X cells increase towards the substratum. Case 4 Figures 28 and 32 show a comparison between experimentally obtained vapor phase toluene concentrations and predicted profiles for low and high influent toluene concentrations, respectively. The predicted toluene concentration profiles compare favorably to the experimental measurements. Figures 29 and 33 show the resulting degradation profiles with time. The deviation from the experimentally calculated profile is less than 10% for low influent toluene concentration and less than 20% for high influent toluene concentration. 31 Figures 30 and 34 show the spatial concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen, and intermediates in the biofilm at day 50 for both low and high influent toluene concentration. Figures 31 and 35 show the spatial profiles of the volume fraction of the various phenotypes in the biofilm. Table 9. Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration results for Case 3. Units Toluene concentration Experiment Run I (150 ppm) Influent Port 2 Port 5 Port 8 Effluent Toluene degradation rate Run 2 (770 ppm) Influent Port 2 Port 5 Port 8 Effluent Toluene degradation rate Experimental Predicted 152.00 ±5.6 123.00 ±5.2 94.00 ± 4.7 74.00 ± 3.9 59.00 ± 4.2 0.0212 152.0 127.3 96.8 72.6 60.8 0.0208 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm g day"1 767.00 ± 32.2 642.00 ± 39.3 475.00 ± 29.5 425.00 ±38.2 363.00 ± 29.2 0.0920 767.0 681.1 561.2 449.7 381.8 0.0876 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm g day'1 32 “ 15 -- time [d] ----- Predicted effluent p Experimental effluent x Experimental influent Figure 5. Case I - Predicted and experimental acetate concentration profiles. _ i o -- time [d] ----- Predicted effluent x Experimental influent â– Experimental effluent Figure 6. Case I - Predicted and experimental nitrate concentration profiles. 33 1.4 -- 1.2 - - 1.0 - - 0.8 - - 0.6 0.4 -- 0.2 - - time [d] ------Predicted effluent â– Experimental effluent Figure 7. Case I - Predicted and experimental biomass concentration profiles. 1.0E-06 9.0E-07 -â–¡ Predicted 8.0E-07 -- â– Experimental 7.0E-07 -6.0E-07 - 5.0E-07 -4.0E-07 -3.0E-07 -2.0E-07 -1.0E-07 to 5 to 10 to 15 to 20 to 25 to 30 to 35 to 40 to 45 to 50 Position in Column [cm] Figure 8. Case I - Predicted and experimental biofilm thickness profiles. 'g Detachment velocity [m <T ] 34 re 9. Case I - Predicted detachment velocity profiles along the length of the column. Attachment velocity [m d ] 8E-08 7E-08 -- 10 cm 6E-08 -- 15 cm 5E-08 -- 20 cm 25 cm 4E-08 -- 30 cm 3E-08 -2E-08 -- 50 cm 0E+00 time [d] Figure 10. Case I - Predicted attachment velocity profiles along the length of the column. 35 1.0E-06 film thickness [m] 9.0E-07 -- 20 cm 7.0E-07 -- 15 cm 6.0E-07 â– â– 5.0E-07 -4.0E-07 -- 30 cm 10 cm 40 cm 50 cm 1.0E-07 -0.0E+00 time [d] Figure 11. Case I - Predicted temporal biofilm thickness profiles along the length of the column. Flow rate [mL min 36 cS time [d] re 12. Case 2, Run I - Experimental flow rate. Iucose [g C m '3] 2.5 2.0 1.5 0.5 tim e [d] â– Experimental effluent -----Predicted effluent x Experimental influent Figure 13. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental glucose concentration profiles. 37 5.0 -- 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 time [d] Figure 14. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental effluent biomass concentration profiles. 5.0 4.0 - 3.0 -- 1.0 time [d] Figure 15. Case 2, Run I - Predicted and experimental effluent TOC profiles. 38 7.0E-06 6.0E-06 £, 5.0E-06 M S 5 O !E »5 E 5 .2 CD 4.0E-06 3.0E-06 2.0E-06 1.0E-06 O.OE+OO Position in colum n [cm] Figure 16. Case 2, Run I - Predicted biofilm thickness at steady state. 2.5E-06 0.5 cm 2.0E-06 -1.0 cm 1.5E-06 -1.5 cm 1.0E-06 -2.0 cm 5.0E-07 2.5 cm 3.5 cm 4.5 cm 8 10 time [d] Figure 17. Case 2, Run I - Predicted detachment velocity profiles along the length of the column. 39 ^ 5.0 -J 4.0 u- 2.0 time [d] Figure 18. Case 2, Run 2 - Experimental flow rate. 6.0 -â– 5.0 O 4.0 O 3.0 2.0 - - 1.0 -- time [d] Figure 19. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent glucose concentration profiles. 40 3.5 3.0 E 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 - 0.5 time [d] Figure 20. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent biomass concentration profiles. 6.0 5.0 -- O 3.0 2.0 - 1.0 -- time [d] Figure 21. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental effluent TOC profiles. 41 8.0E-06 7.0E-06 O.OE+OO Position in colum n [cm] Figure 22. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted biofilm thickness at steady state. 3.0E-06 2.5E-06 -- 0.5 cm 2.0E-06 -- 1.5E-06 -- 1.0E-06 -- 5.0E-07 -- 1.0 cm 1.5 cm time [d] Figure 23. Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted detachment velocity profiles along the length of the column. Concen 42 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tratu m — T o lu e n e ------- O x y g e n .............Interm ediates Concentration [g m"3] P o rt 5 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m T o lu e n e ------- O x y g e n ............ Interm ediates P o rt 8 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m T o lu e n e ------- O x y g e n .............Inte rm e diates Figure 24. Case 3, Run I - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen and intermediates in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8. 43 Port 2 0.08 c .2 Volume fr: i 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m -------- X + + -------- X + - ............X- P o rt 5 Volume fraction 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.2 0 .4 0.6 0.8 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tr a tu m -------- x + + -------- x + - ............ X- Volume fraction P o rt 8 0.0 7 - - 0.06 0.05 - - 0.04 - - 0.0 3 - - 0.02 - - 0.01 - - \ \ N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m -------- x + + -------- X + - ............X- Figure 25. Case 3, Run I - Predicted volume fraction profiles OfX4+, X+" and X phenotypes in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8. 1 44 P ort 2 18 16 14 - - 12 - - 1 0 - - - - N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m — T o lu e n e --------O x y g e n ............ Interm e diates P o rt 5 10 - - N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tr a tu m T o lu e n e ------- O x y g e n .............Interm ed iates P o rt 8 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tr a tu m ------Toluene — j - O x y g e n ........... Interm ed iates Figure 26. Case 3, Run 2 - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen, and intermediates in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8. 45 P o rt 2 I N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m ^ _ _ x + + E - - x + - - — X-J Volume fraction P o rt 5 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m -------- X + + -------- X + - ............X- Volume fraction P o rt 8 0.07 -0.06 0.05 0.04 -0.03 -0.02 - - N orm alized d is ta n c e from s u b s tra tu m -------- X + + -------- X+- * ..........X- Figure 27. Case 3, Run 2 - Predicted volume fraction profiles o f X4"1", X+' and X phenotypes in the biofilm over ports 2, 5 and 8. 1 46 c O C 0) O C O O 0) C 0) 3 £ x Predicted effluent Experimental middle Experimental influent ----- Predicted effluent Predicted middle Figure 28. Case 4, Run I - Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles. r e 2 0.6 - - 0.5 -- > 0.4 -a? 0.3 -c 0.2 -0.1 - - 30 time [d] • Experimental ----- Predicted Figure 29. Case 4, Run I - Predicted and experimental toluene degradation rate. Section 3 Section 1 0.35 -â– Toluene I Ii [g m"3] 0 0.6 - - 0.30 Oxygen 0.8 0.40 1 j p 0.25 0.5 - â– 0.4 -- o E 0.20 ® 2 O 0.2 - â– 0.1 - r 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 Normalized distance from substratum 0.8 1 Section 4 0.40 0.40 â– â– 0 0.35 I 6 0.30 5 1 j p 0.25 4 o E 0.20 3 -- 0.15 - § 2 0.15 0.10 O 0.10 2 0.05 I -- 0.05 • â– Oxygen Toluene I Inter. [g m 3] 0.6 Normalized distance from substratum Section 2 0.20 0.4 1------ Toluene..........Intermediates-------Oxygen ---- Toluene.......... Intermediates-------Oxygen | 0.30 -0.25 -- 0.2 0.00 0 Normalized distance from substratum Toluene......... Intermediates-------Oxygen 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I Normalized distance from substratum -------Toluene..........Intennediates-------Oxygen | Figure 30. Case 4, Run I - Predicted concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen, and intermediates in the biofilm at day 50. Section 3 Section 2 Section 4 Volume fraction Volume fraction Section 1 0.07 -- 0.07 -- 0.06 - - 0.06 - ' 0.05 • - 0.05 - - 0.04 - - 0.04 -- 0.03 -- 0.03 -- 0.02 0.02 -- .p OO -- 0.01 - i _ . Normalized distance from substratum X ++------ X + -..........X- Normalized distance from substratum -----x++-----x+......... x- Figure 31. Case 4, Run I - Predicted volume fraction profiles of X h", X+*and X' phenotypes in the biofilm at day 50. 49 O O) 400 0 10 x 20 30 time [d] Experimental influent m 40 50 60 Experimental effluent --------Predicted effluent .........Predicted middle Figure 32. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles. 2.5 -2.0 - - 1.5 -- 0.5 - 30 time [d] • Experimental----- Predicted Figure 33. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted and experimental toluene degradation rate. Toluene / Oxygen [g m"3] Section 1 Section 3 14 « 10 "O •. 3 " Z-ZTIT" 0.2 Normalized distance from substratum Toluene / Oxygen [g m"3] T 18 ' 16 14 12 " 10 8 I 2 6 4 2 k I 4o 0.6 0.8 Normalized distance from substratum -T oluene------ Oxygen •Intermediates 0.8 • Intermediates -T oluene------ Oxygen Section 2 0.4 0.6 Normalized distance from substratum ------ Toluene------- Oxygen........... Intermediates 0.2 0.4 1 c O Section 4 7 -c 6 -- Ln O 1 - 4 i l = ' Ii- 21 .." 0 -0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized distance from substratum -Toluene------ Oxygen • Intermediates Figure 34. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted concentration profiles of toluene, oxygen, and intermediates in the biofilm at day 50 . Volume fraction Section 1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 Section 3 0.08 0.07 -t____________________________________________________ o 0.06-- --•- 2 0.05-- 0 0 04" 1 0.03-O 0.02 -- --- > Normalized distance from substratum 0.01 - ............ .....L . „ „ . . . . . . . 0 - t-------------- 1----------------1--------------------------------1----------— 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized distance from substratum -X++ — —X + -........ X- ' l l — x + + ------ x+.............X-! Volume fraction Section 2 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 ----> -- Section 4 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 ----- 0.03 -0.02 - 0.01 - - --- Normalized distance from substratum X++------ X+-..........X- Normalized distance from substratum X++------ X+-......... X- Figure 35. Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted volume fraction profiles of Xh", X+' and X' phenotypes in the biofilm at day 50. 52 DISCUSSION Case I The initial goal of this experiment was to determine the net bacterial detachment rate from the provided experimental data, assuming that the only significant processes occurring were bacterial growth and detachment. However, it was discovered that the data could not be simultaneously fit using only growth and detachment processes. Bacterial attachment in the 50 cm sand columns had to be considered as well. An attachment rate of 288 day'1was supplied. [7] This attachment rate led to complete reattachment of detached bacteria in the column, which was not seen experimentally. Eventually, a new estimated attachment rate of 80 day'1was used. This gave a reasonable simultaneous fit of the experimental data. It was also discovered that the provided experimental core protein profile data was not reliable. The experimental method for measuring attached biomass via cellular protein was in error, and the resulting protein measurements were too small by an order of magnitude or greater, except possibly the measurements taken near the inlet of the column. Unfortunately, this made the resulting experimental biofilm thickness estimations completely unreliable. Figures 5 through 8 represent the best possible fit to the experimental data. The effluent substrate and biomass profiles, Figures 4 through 6, were simultaneously fit. A judgment can not be made on the quality of the calculated biofilm thickness profiles, figure 8, because the experimental data is invalid. What is left is a problem of uniqueness. Only three time series remain to measure the validity of the model to experimental data: effluent biomass, effluent acetate, and effluent 53 nitrate. However, the most important data series, the biomass spatial profile, is not available. There does not exists a unique solution to attachment and detachments rates without the experimental biomass spatial profiles. In other words, several combinations of attachment and detachment rates could be found that would all satisfactorily fit the three time series of data available. There is evidence to show that growth-based detachment may not be sufficient to explain all expermental data. A remedy is to include a background detachment rate. Determination of background and growth based detachment is possible with this porous media model, but additional biomass spatial profiles are required. Ideally, spatial biomass profiles including biomass distribution with time over a given section of porous media would yield the best results. Case 2 Simulations for both experiments Run I and Run 2 underpredicted effluent biomass and TOC in Figures 14, 15, 20, and 21. However, the trends in the predicted versus experimental time series look similar. The consistent underprediction of effluent biomass might signify an insufficient description of the biological processes, or it might be the sign of incorrect biological parameter values. The results for Run I seem to overpredict glucose utilization, Figure 13, but it should be noted that the sensitivity of the experimental glucose analysis is approximately 0.5 g C m"3. Run 2 results closely predicted glucose utilization. The glucose utilization rates are sensitive to the influent dissolved oxygen concentration in the simulation results for Run 2 because oxygen is predicted to be limiting. Experimental biofilm thicknesses could not be accurately obtained with confocal microscopy. However, the predicted biofilm thicknesses are reasonable but not necessarily correct. 54 The initial Ctje value in both cases is arbitrary. The detachment velocity is forced equal to the growth velocity when it appears in each case that the effluent glucose and effluent biomass profiles reach steady values, thus signifying a steady state. Therefore, aje is set to 1.0 near day I in Run I because both glucose and biomass profiles reach steady values rather quickly. Conversely, in Run 2, Qje is set to 1.0 at day 4. The Cide profile in each case results in a corresponding detachment velocity profiles for that simulation (Figures 17 and 23). The detachment velocity profile can then be analyzed to determine specific functionalities with respect to pore size, pore velocity, biofilm thickness, or pressure drop. Unfortunately, due to a lack of adequate biofilm accumulation experimental data, the predicted detachment velocity profiles are not unique, and specific analysis for particular functionalities can not be made. Case 3 The primary goal of this experiment was to predict vapor phase toluene concentration profiles and toluene degradation rates. The experimental data was assumed to be taken at steady state. The prediction of vapor phase toluene concentration and toluene degradation rate is very good for low influent toluene concentration as seen in Table 9. Prediction of the _same for high influent toluene concentration is close but not entirely within the error of experimental measurements. The model is capable of predicting reasonable spatial phenotypic profiles, Figures 25 and 27, for both low and high influent toluene concentrations. Generally, the toluene degraders (Xh") tend to stratify near the top of the biofilm while the irreversibly injured cells (X+') and reversibly injured cells (X") tend to form near the base of the biofilm. 55 The values of dx, and bx are all arbitrary to some degree. While the toluene degradation profiles are not locally sensitive to these parameter values, the values were chosen within a range in which reasonable biofilm thicknesses and degradation performance could be obtained. The values of bx and dx are larger for the high influent toluene concentration case because of evidence to show that death and decay increase as toluene concentration increases. [6] Case 4 Contrary to Case 3, the experimental data for Case 4 is transient, not steady state. The predicted effluent toluene vapor phase concentration and toluene degradation rate profiles, Figures 28 and 32, compare very well to the experimental for both low and high influent toluene concentrations. The results for the low influent toluene case, Figure 28, also accurately predict the vapor phase toluene concentration at the middle of the column. However, as indicated in the high influent toluene concentration case, while the steady state concentration levels are correctly simulated, the transient state predicted responses are severely dampened compared to the experimental data. Again, other biofilm/biological processes may need to be considered. The spatial phenotypic profile results are reasonable for this system. More phenotypic stratification occurs at the vapor influent side of the column because a high toluene concentration drives the stratification by generating more X+" and X" cells from X h"cells. 56 Overall The simulations show that the capability exists to model detachment, complex biological reactions, multispecies biofilms, and bacterial phenotypic transformations. The comparison between available experimental data sets and predictions is good. This gives confidence in the capability of this model to adequately simulate biofilm/biological processes in these porous media systems. However, unique solutions in all cases could not be obtained because of a lack of key experimental data, usually information such as biofilm thickness profiles, biofilm densities, effluent biomass concentrations or an incomplete description of the pertinent biofilm processes: The model can potentially predict the temporal and spatial series for which experimental data is lacking; but, an evaluation of the predictive capabilities of the model concerning these experimental data can not be assessed. Therefore, the level of biofilm/biological processes complexity that can be accurately simulated can not be evaluated with the current set of experimental data. Simulation-Experimentation Integration Often the limiting factor to evaluating complex biofilm simulations is obtaining adequate and appropriate experimental data. The flexibility of this model, with respect to biofilm/biological processes, allows more complex biofilm/biological process combinations to be simulated than can be evaluated experimentally. A simulation-experimentation framework will allow simulation results to suggest further experimental requirements. This interaction between simulation and experimentation should lead to better utilization of this model. Figure 36 shows an outline of a simulation-experimentation framework that could 57 facilitate better simulation results. The arrows do not represent a procedural outline in as much as they represent informational flow. Computational Analysis Loop Experimental Loop Conceptual Model -<â– - Design experiment >â–ºMathematical Model P a r a m e te r C la s s ific a tio n >â–ºSimulation Do experiment Evaluate simulation Evaluate exp. design Figure 36. Simulation-experimentation framework outline. The process usually begins with an experimental design generated to arrive at some goal, usually to obtain data to create a predictive biofilm model. A conceptual model of the reactor defines the number of fluid phases, and the number of axial biofilm compartment sections required to represent the reactor system. A mathematical model elucidates the kinetic and physical parameters required for the description of the experimental system. The computational and experimental loops are integrated predominately through parameter classification, which requires knowledge about both the model and the 58 experimental setup. Parameter classification is a step that systematically classifies all of the model parameters into three groups: known, measurable, and unknown/unmeasurable. The groups are also distinguished by the relative uncertainty of the parameter values: known parameters have the lowest uncertainty while unknown/unmeasurable parameters have the highest uncertainty. Parameter classification also serves two other purposes: (I) to make the researcher aware of the mathematical representation of the experimental system, and (2) it forces the researcher to think about the validity of the experimental setup before actually performing an experiment. If the experimental setup is deemed satisfactory, then the experiment is performed and simulations can begin. All influent parameters and experimental conditions (concentrations, flow rates, temperatures, etc.) and kinetic and physical parameter values are input into the simulation. Simulation evaluation is the second important step. If the agreement between experimental and predicted data sets is not satisfactory, then the simulations are iterated through the aid of sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation. Sensitivity analyses will give insight into the important parameters in the model and aid in the determination of which parameters and estimation should be performed. Parameter estimation allows some unknown or unmeasurable parameters to be estimated against known experimental data sets. If satisfactory results can not be obtained through simulation iteration, then an evaluation of the experimental design is necessary to address issues of adequate and sufficient experimental data. 59 CONCLUSIONS Case I The experimental data are not adequate for unique determination of the detachment rate of biomass. Moreover, the experimental setup is not sufficient to obtain required information. The presented porous media biofilm model is capable of simulating detachment and attachment processes, but sufficient and reliable experimental data is required to obtain a unique solution to model. Accurate biomass distribution profiles along the length of the porous media are necessary for modeling biomass attachment and detachment. Also, knowing biomass distribution profiles at several time points, not just a final time, point, would add certainty to the identifiability of detachment and attachment rates. Case 2 The calculated time-series were reasonably simultaneously fit to the experimental time-series of effluent glucose, effluent biomass, and effluent TOC. However, the consistent underprediction of effluent biomass in both cases might signify an insufficient description of the biological processes. The resulting biofilm thickness profiles look reasonable, but experimental data are not sufficient for an evaluation. 60 Case 3 The predicted steady state vapor phase toluene concentration profiles compare closely to the experimental data. The model can simulate multispecies, multisubstrate biofilms. The predicted phenotypic profiles in the biofilm are reasonable for the given biological processes. Case 4 The predicted temporal effluent toluene concentration profiles, and the middle concentration profiles for the low influent tolune concentration case, compared very favorably to the experimental data. The qualitative shapes of the predicted phenotypic profiles in the biofilm are reasonable for the given biological processes. Overall The combination of reactor, biofilm, and biological process models incorporated into Aquasim give it the capability to model and simulate both one-fluid-phase and twofluid-phase porous media reactor systems as well as the complexity of biological processes that can occur in the biofilm. For the cases for which a comparison could be made for experimental and predicted results, the comparison was very good. There is a lack of the correct type of experimental data to make evaluations of many predicted results. This does not mean that the results are incorrect, just that an evaluation of the correctness can not be made. 61 Simulation-Experimentation Integration Integration of experimentation and simulation could lead to better simulation results. The presented outline is a basis for eventual formalization of simulationexperimentation integration. 62 RECOMMENDATIONS 1) Explore additional capabilities of this model and the extended MCB model presented by Wanner and Reichert [15]. Of particular note are pore geometry considerations, such as the relationship between biofilm thickness and biofilm surface area, and how that relationship is affected by different packing materials. 2) Formalize the use of sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for simulation iteration in order to obtain better, simulation results. Determine how the information obtained through parameter classification can aid in the effective use of sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation. 3) Formalize methods to actively integrate simulation results with further experimentation. Determine the best way to utilize biofilm processes simulation models as tools for experimental design. This will immensely increase the utility of biofilm process simulation models in that it provides another source of information about the validity and direction of the experimental design. 63 REFERENCES CITED 1) Baltzis,B..,Shareefdeen,Z. 1993. “Modeling and preliminary design criteria for packed-bed biofilters.” Proceedings of the 86th meeting of the Air & Waste Management Association, June 1993. Paper 93-TP-52A.03. 2) Baveye5P., Valocchi5A. 1989. “An Evaluation of Mathematical Models of the Transport of Biologically Reacting Solutes in Saturated Soils and Aquafers.” Wat. Res. 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B., Lundman, R. 1995. “Modeling Biofilm Accumulation and Mass Transport in a Porous Medium Under High Substrate Loading.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 47: 703-712. 15) Wanner, O., Reichert, P. 1995. “Mathematical Modeling of Mixed-Culture Biofilms.” Biotechnol. Bioeng. 49: 172-184. \ 65 APPENDICES 66 Appendix A Materials and methods for Case 2 - MSU biofilm detachment experiment 67 MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials The experimental system consisted of a closed conduit reactor with external dimensions of 4 cm x 2 cm x 31 cm and an internal channel with dimensions of 1.0 cm x 1.2 cm x 4.5 cm.. The channel was packed with sand particles having an average size of 212 pm x 164 jam. A glass viewport of 3.0 cm was centered along the porous media channel. The downstream side of the channel was covered with a mesh screen to hold the sand particles. All tubing used was Masterflex silicone (oxygen-permeable) tubing. The pump used was a Masterflex peristaltic pump. The nutrient media was gravity fed into the reactor. The media was pumped up to a storage reservoir of approximately 100 mL via a peristaltic pump. The liquid level in the holding vessel was kept constant by an overflow tube. The media was fed upflow into the vertical column. A flow break was placed between the reservoir and column to prevent back growth. The head was measured from the liquid level in the storage reservoir to the top of the porous media column. The biofilm was developed using a Pseudomonas aeruginosa inoculum. Two distinct influent glucose concentrations were used: 6.7 mg glucose/L and 13.5 mg glucose/L. The nutrient solution was a modified Scheusner’s mineral salt medium. System Operation 68 The reactor was inoculated with I mL of frozen stock (approx. IO8 cells/mL) because the cells counts in the batch culture were not high enough (approx. IO4 cells/mL). The start-up procedure for Run I was to allow the inoculum to flow into the porous media column and remain there for 24 hours with no flow. For Run 2, the reactor was inoculated and flow was recycled throughout the reactor system for 24 hours. Feed carboys containing the mineral salts media were autoclaved for several hours. The glucose and fluorescene dye were autoclaved separately for 25 minutes and then added to the feed carboys aseptically. Variables measured during the experiment included total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), glucose concentrations, suspended direct cell counts, and pressure drop across the reactor. Images were taken at various points along the porous media reactor using a confocal microscope in order to estimate biofilm thickness. Analytical Methods Total organic carbon measurements were made on a Dorhman DC 80 carbon analyzer. Carbon in the sample is oxidized to carbon dioxide by a potassium persulfate solution in the presence of UV light. The amount of carbon dioxide evolved by this reaction is monitored by an infared gas detector. A computer integrates the reading from the infared gas detector to give the organic carbon concentration. Samples were first acidified to a pH of 2 to remove any inorganic carbon. Subsequent oxygen purging then removed any carbon dioxide dissolved in the liquid. These preliminary steps are crucial to measurement accuracy as the analyzer can not distinguish the source of the carbon 69 dioxide. The liquid injection was manual into the DC 80. Each samples was injected in duplicate. Glucose concentrations were determined calimetrically using Sigma Diagnostics Enzymatic Glucose Determination (procedure no. 51GA). This procedure employs two separate enzymatic reactions. In the first reaction, glucose oxidase converts any glucose present into gluconic acid. The second reaction then reacts peroxidase with the gluconic acid to produce ozt/zo-dianisidine. The o/Y/zodianisidine in brown in color and this can be detected using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 450 run. Over a wide range of glucose concentrations the absorbance of ozt/zo-dianisidine is linear with concentration. Each of these samples was tested in duplicate. The standard error of estimate was approximately 10% for glucose and TOC measurements. Biofilm thickness measurements were made by analyzing confocal microscope images. The fluorescene-dyed biofilm was easily distinguishable from the particles and the bulk liquid. Both non-destructive and destructive porous media image were taken. Non-destructive images only show a field within 150 pm from the glass surface. Destructive images were taken by pulling a sample from 3 different depths in the porous media channel. Effluent DOC and effluent cell counts were also taken but not used in the simulations because of a lack of confidence in the accuracy of the measurements. 70 APPENDIX B Tables of Results 71 Appendix B. I Case I - Microbial transport experiment 72 Case I - Predicted and experimental acetate concentration (Figure 5). Predicted Experimental l im e in f lu e n t fd a y l I [g C /m 3 ] 2 4 43 I 7 21 31 2 Jd ay l s e c tio n 8 e fflu e n t e fflu e n t tim e se c tio n 5 s e c tio n 6 [g C /m 3 ] J g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] J RCAn 3] Jg C /m 3 ] J g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [R C /m 31 Jg O m S ] JgO m S ] 2 5 .6 9 M av l 4 .0 21.01 2 1 .01 2 1 .01 2 1 .01 2 1 .01 21 01 2 1 .0 1 2 1 .0 1 2 1 .01 2 1 .0 1 2 5 .2 9 4 .5 2 2 .5 3 2 2 .4 4 2 2 .3 5 2 2 .2 6 2 2 .1 7 2 2 .0 7 2 1 .9 8 2 1 .8 8 2 1 .7 9 2 1 .6 9 2 0 .6 2 s e c tio n 3 Jg O m S l 9 2 0 .0 8 3 1 7 .42 5 .0 22.21 2 2 .0 6 2 1 .9 0 2 1 .7 3 2 1 .5 5 21 3 8 2 1 .1 9 2 1 .0 1 2 0 .8 2 Il 2061 4 2 1 .01 5 .5 2 1 .8 6 2 1 .61 2 1 .3 3 2 1 .0 3 2 0 .71 2 0 .3 8 2 0 .0 3 1 9 .6 8 19.31 18 9 5 13 21 81 5 1 9 .1 2 6 .0 2 1 .4 8 2 1 .0 6 2 0 .5 9 2 0 .0 7 19.51 1 8 .9 2 1 8 .3 0 1 7 .6 5 1 6 .99 16.31 16 2 0 .3 0 6 1395 6 .5 2 1 .0 5 2 0 .41 1 9 .6 6 1 8 .8 2 1 7 .90 16.91 1 5 .8 6 14 7 8 13 6 6 1 2 .5 4 18 2 1 .1 3 7 3 .0 9 7 .0 2 0 .5 8 19.63 1 8 .4 9 1 7 .1 9 1 5 .7 4 1 4 .1 8 1 2 .5 5 1 0 .9 0 9 .2 7 1 6 .75 1 4 .7 0 1 2 .4 6 1 0 .1 4 7 .8 9 5 .9 5 4.71 4 .3 2 1 4 .4 9 11.51 8 .4 7 5 .8 6 4 .5 4 4 .2 9 4 .2 6 4 .2 5 8 3 .5 5 7 .5 1 9 .94 18.51 9 2 .6 6 8 .0 19.21 17.11 7 .7 3 10 3 .2 7 8 5 18 58 1 5.92 1 2 .58 8 .9 6 5 .8 4 4 .4 9 4 .2 9 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 11 2 .9 5 9 .0 1 7 .9 7 14.75 1 0 .73 6 .7 9 4 .6 5 4 .3 2 4 .2 9 4 .2 9 4 .2 9 4 .2 9 12 4 48 9 .5 1 7 .6 9 1 3.74 896 5 .1 7 4 .2 4 4 .1 6 4 .1 6 4 .1 6 4 .1 6 4 .1 6 13 2 .7 0 1 0 .0 17.45 1 2 .7 7 7 .4 0 4 .4 1 4 .0 4 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 14 3 .5 7 10.5 17.21 I l 79 4 .0 5 3 .8 9 3 .8 8 3 88 3 .8 8 3 .8 8 3 .8 8 15 3 .6 4 1 1 .0 16.93 1074 5 .0 5 3 .8 2 3 .7 5 3 .7 4 3 .7 5 3 .7 5 3 .7 5 3 .7 5 9 .6 6 4 .5 9 4 .0 2 4 .0 0 3 .9 9 3 .9 9 3 .9 9 3 .9 9 3 .9 9 16 3 .1 6 11.5 1 6 .7 0 6 .0 9 17 3.41 12 0 16.41 8 56 4 .5 3 4 .2 7 4 .2 6 4 .2 5 4 .2 5 4 .2 5 4 .2 5 4 .2 5 18 3 .5 4 12.5 1 6 .14 7 .6 7 4 .6 6 4 .5 2 4 .5 2 4 .5 2 4 .5 1 4 .5 1 4.51 4 .5 1 19 3 .2 3 1 3 .0 1581 6 .9 4 4 86 4 .7 8 478 4 .7 8 4 .7 8 4 .7 8 4 .7 7 4 .7 7 20 3 .2 7 1 3 .5 1493 6 .0 8 4 .7 0 4 .6 6 466 4 .6 6 4 .6 6 466 4 .6 6 4 .6 6 21 266 1 4 .0 1 4 .0 2 5 .4 7 4 .5 6 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 4 4 .5 4 1 4 .5 12 8 6 4 .9 7 442 4 40 4 .4 0 4 .4 0 4 .4 1 4.41 441 4.41 4 .2 8 4 .2 8 4 .2 8 4 28 1 5 .0 I l 65 4 .6 3 4 28 4 .2 7 4 .2 8 4 .2 8 15 5 1 0 .7 2 441 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 4 .1 5 1 6 .0 9 .8 3 4 .2 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 4 .0 2 16.5 9 .3 2 443 4 .2 8 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 7 4 .2 6 1 7 .0 8 84 465 4 .5 4 4 .5 4 4 .5 4 4 53 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 4 .5 3 1 7 .5 8 .2 4 4 88 4 .8 0 4 .8 0 4 .8 0 4 .8 0 4 .8 0 4 .8 0 4 .7 9 4 .7 9 180 7 .7 2 5 .1 2 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 6 5 .0 6 5 .0 6 5 .0 6 5 .0 6 5 .0 6 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 18.5 7 .2 9 5.11 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 1 9 .0 6 .9 3 5 .1 0 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 19.5 6 .5 9 5 .1 0 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 2 0 .0 6 32 5 ,0 9 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 2 0 .5 6 .1 2 509 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 2 1 .0 5 .9 6 5 .0 8 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 5 .0 7 73 Case I - Predicted and experimental nitrate concentration (Figure 6). Predicted Experimental [d a y ] in flu e n t t im e se c tio n 5 se c tio n 6 s e c tio n 7 s e c tio n 8 se c tio n 9 s e c tio n IO g N /m 3 [d a y ] g N /m 3 [d a y ] [R N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 1 [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] [g N /m 3 ] 4 .0 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 10 56 1 0 .56 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 1 0 .5 6 s e c tio n 2 tim e I 1 0 .8 4 I 10.81 7 1 0 .7 8 2 10 78 4 .5 1 0.75 1 0 .7 0 1 0 .6 4 1 0 .5 8 1 0 .5 2 1 0 .4 6 1 0 .4 0 1 0 .3 4 1 0 .28 1 0 .2 2 9 996 3 1 2 .5 9 5 .0 10.71 10 61 10.51 1 0 .4 0 1 0 .29 1 0 .18 1 0 .0 6 9 .9 4 9 .8 2 9 .7 0 11 1 0 .6 4 4 1 0 .56 5 .5 1 0 .6 5 1 0 .4 9 10.31 1 0 .1 2 9 .9 2 9.71 9 .4 9 9 .2 7 9 .0 4 8 .8 0 13 1 0 .7 4 5 1 0 08 6 .0 1 0 .5 7 1 0 .3 0 10.01 9 .6 8 9 .3 3 8 .9 5 8 .5 6 8 .1 5 7 .7 3 7 .3 0 16 1 0 .2 7 6 660 6 .5 1 0 .4 6 1 0.05 9 .5 8 9 .0 5 8 .4 7 7 .8 4 7 .1 8 6 .4 9 5 .7 9 18 1 0 .1 3 7 007 7 .0 9 .0 0 8 .1 8 7 .2 6 6 .2 8 5 .2 5 4 .2 1 3 .1 8 2 .2 1 0 08 1 0 .3 2 991 9 .7 2 7 .5 9.01 7 .8 9 6 .6 0 5 .1 9 3 .7 2 2 .3 1 1 .0 8 0 .3 0 0 .0 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8 9 000 80 9 .4 3 8.11 6 .4 6 4 .5 8 2 .6 6 I Ol 0 .1 8 0 .0 2 10 0 .0 4 8 5 9 .0 3 7 .3 5 5 .2 4 2 .9 6 0 .9 9 0 .1 4 0 .0 1 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Il 0 .0 4 9 .0 8 .6 3 6 .6 0 4 .0 6 1 .5 8 0 .2 3 0 .0 2 12 0 04 9 .5 8 54 6 .0 5 3 .0 3 0 .6 4 0 .0 5 16 0 .0 0 11.5 8.01 3 .5 7 0 .3 7 0 .0 2 17 0 .0 0 1 2 .0 7 .6 6 2.71 0 .1 7 0 .0 1 0 .0 0 18 0 .0 0 12.5 7 .3 3 I 99 0 .0 9 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 19 0 .0 0 1 3 .0 6 .9 6 I 36 0 .0 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 0 .0 0 13.5 648 0 .9 0 0 .0 3 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 o.oo 21 0 .0 0 1 4 .0 5 .9 9 0 .5 9 0 .0 2 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 1 13 0 .0 5 1 0 .0 848 5 .5 2 2 .1 3 0 .2 4 0 .0 2 14 0 .0 5 10.5 8.41 4 .9 9 I 40 0 .1 0 0 .0 1 15 0 .0 4 MO 8 .3 2 4.41 0 .8 3 0 .0 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 00 0 .0 0 14.5 5 .3 4 0 .3 6 1 5 .0 466 0 .2 3 0.01 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 15.5 4 .1 5 0 .1 7 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 16 0 3 .6 7 0 .1 3 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 o.oo 16.5 3 .1 8 0 .0 9 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 1 7 .0 2.71 0 .0 7 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 17.5 2 .1 6 0 .0 5 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 18 0 1 .6 7 0 .0 3 0 .0 0 18.5 1 .4 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 1 9 .0 I 17 0 .0 2 0 .0 0 19.5 0 .9 6 0.01 0 .0 0 200 0 .7 9 0.01 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 2 0 .5 0 .6 6 0.01 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 21 0 0 .5 6 0.01 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 .0 8 o.oo 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 74 Case I - Predicted and experimental biomass concentration (Figure 7). Predicted Experimental tim e effluent tim e sectio n I sectio n 2 sectio n 3 sectio n 4 sectio n 5 sectio n 6 sectio n 7 se c tio n 8 sectio n 9 sectio n 10 [day] [gC /m 3] [day] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] [g C /m 3 ] 3 0 .0 3 8 4.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5 0 .0 8 7 4.5 0 .0 0 6 0 .0 1 0 0.015 0 .0 1 8 0.021 0 .0 2 4 0 .0 2 6 0 .0 2 8 0 .0 3 0 0.031 7 0 .3 4 3 5.0 0.011 0.021 0 .0 3 0 0 .0 3 7 0 .0 4 4 0 .0 5 0 0 .0 5 6 0.061 0.065 0 .0 6 8 9 1.164 5.5 0 .0 2 0 0 .0 3 9 0 .0 5 7 0 .0 7 3 0 .0 8 8 0 .1 0 2 0 .1 1 4 0 .1 2 5 0 .1 3 5 0 .1 4 4 11 1.102 6.0 0 .0 3 5 0 .0 6 9 0 .1 0 3 0 .1 3 6 0 .1 6 7 0 .1 9 5 0 .2 2 2 0 .2 4 6 0 .2 6 8 0 .2 8 8 13 1.429 6.5 0 .0 5 7 0 .1 1 6 0 .1 7 7 0 .2 3 8 0 .2 9 7 0 .3 5 3 0 .4 0 5 0 .4 5 3 0 .4 9 6 0 .5 3 2 15 0 .996 7.0 0 .0 8 8 0 .1 8 6 0 .2 9 0 0 .3 9 6 0.501 0.601 0 .6 9 2 0.771 0 .8 3 3 0 .8 7 4 17 0 .604 7.5 0 .1 3 7 0 .2 9 8 0 .4 7 2 0.651 0 .8 2 4 0 .9 7 6 1.091 1.145 1.100 0 .9 5 3 19 0 .4 0 9 8.0 0 .2 0 6 0 .4 5 7 0 .7 3 4 1.008 1.240 1.368 1.293 1.085 0 .8 8 4 0 .7 1 8 21 0.241 8.5 0 .2 7 3 0 .6 2 2 1.596 1.511 1.267 1.041 0 .8 0 8 1.733 1.780 1.526 1.266 1.047 0 .8 5 2 0.865 0 .6 9 8 0 .3 4 4 1.012 1.320 1.375 9 .0 9.5 0 .4 3 6 1.045 1.693 2 .0 5 6 1.862 1.554 1.286 1.063 0 .8 7 8 0 .7 2 6 10.0 0 .5 3 2 1.301 2.064 2 .2 5 9 1.935 1.605 1.328 1.098 0 .9 0 8 0 .7 5 0 10.5 0.601 1.494 2 .2 8 6 2 .2 6 9 1.907 1.580 1.307 1.081 0 .8 9 4 0 .7 3 9 11.0 0 .6 7 7 1.700 2.454 2 .2 6 0 1.885 1.561 1.292 1.069 0.884 0.731 11.5 1.931 2 .1 6 5 2 .5 2 8 2 .5 2 5 2 .1 9 5 1.819 1.503 0 .8 4 7 0 .6 9 9 2 .1 3 2 1.761 1.452 1.242 1.197 1.026 12.0 0 .7 7 2 0 .8 7 9 0 .9 8 7 0 .8 1 3 0 .6 7 0 12.5 0 .9 8 5 2 .3 6 8 2 .5 1 0 2 .1 0 0 1.736 1.434 1.183 0 .9 7 6 0 .8 0 5 0 .6 6 4 13.0 1.102 2 .5 4 3 2 .4 8 7 2 .0 7 3 1.715 1.419 1.173 0 .9 6 9 0 .8 0 0 0 .6 6 0 0 .6 5 3 0 .7 1 5 13.5 1.219 2 641 2 .4 4 3 2 .0 3 3 1.685 1.395 1.155 0 .9 5 5 0 .7 9 0 14.0 1.342 2.691 2.403 2 .0 0 0 1.659 1.376 1.140 0 .9 4 5 0 .7 8 2 0 .6 4 7 14.5 1.502 2 .6 9 3 2 .3 2 9 1.929 1.594 1.317 1.087 0 .8 9 7 0 .7 3 9 0 .6 0 9 15.0 1.671 2.661 2 .2 5 6 1.859 1.530 1.259 1.034 0 .8 5 0 0 .6 9 7 0 .5 7 2 15.5 1.800 2 .6 4 3 2.231 1.843 1.521 1.254 1.033 0 .8 5 0 0 .7 0 0 0 .5 7 5 16.0 1.922 1.829 1.513 1.251 1.033 0 .8 5 2 0 .7 0 3 0 .5 7 9 2 .0 5 9 2 .6 2 3 2.611 2 .2 0 9 16.5 2 .1 9 5 1.822 1.511 1.252 1.036 0 .8 5 7 0 .7 0 8 0 .5 8 5 17.0 2 .1 9 0 2 .5 9 8 2 .1 8 2 1.816 1.509 1.253 1.040 0 .8 6 2 0 .7 1 4 0.591 17.5 2 .3 3 6 2.561 2.141 1.779 1.476 1.223 1.013 0 .8 3 8 0 .6 9 3 0 .5 7 3 18.0 2 .4 6 6 2 .5 2 4 2.102 1.743 1.444 1.194 0 .9 8 7 0 .8 1 5 0 .6 7 3 0 .5 5 5 18.5 2 .5 5 2 2 .5 2 4 2 .1 0 6 1.750 1.453 1.205 0 .9 9 8 0 .8 2 6 0 .6 8 3 0 .5 6 5 0 .5 7 5 19.0 2 .6 2 5 2 .5 2 6 2 .1 1 2 1.759 1.464 1.217 1.010 0 .8 3 8 0.695 19.5 2 .6 8 9 2 .5 1 9 2 .1 0 5 1.755 1.460 1.214 1.008 0 .8 3 7 0.694 0 .5 7 5 20 .0 2 .7 4 0 2.514 2.101 1.752 1.458 1.213 1.007 0 .8 3 6 0 .6 9 3 0 .5 7 4 20.5 2 .7 7 9 2.511 2 .0 9 8 1.750 1.457 1.212 1.007 0 .8 3 6 0 .6 9 3 0 .5 7 5 2 1 .0 2 .8 1 0 2 .5 0 9 2 .0 9 7 1.749 1.457 1.212 1.008 0 .8 3 6 0 .6 9 4 0575 75 Case I - Predicted and experimental biofilm thickness profiles (Figures 8 and 11). Predicted Experimental sectio n I m tim e [day] 21 4 .1 6 E -0 7 tim e sectio n I sectio n 2 section 3 sectio n 4 sectio n 5 sectio n 6 sectio n 7 sectio n 8 sectio n 9 sectio n 10 [day] 4 .0 [m ] [m ] fm ] [m l I.0 E -0 9 1.0E -09 [m] 1.0E -09 fm ] 1.0E -09 [m ] 1 .0E -09 [m ] I.0 E -0 9 1 .0E -09 [m ] 1 .0 E O 9 1 .0 E -0 9 2 .0 E -0 9 I.0 E -0 9 [m ] 4.5 1 .7E -09 1 .8E -09 1.8E -09 1 .9E -09 1 .9E -09 1.9E -09 2 .0 E -0 9 2 .0 E -0 9 2 .0 E -0 9 5.0 2 .9 E -0 9 3. IE -0 9 3 .3 E -0 9 3 .4 E -0 9 3 .6 E -0 9 3 .7 E -0 9 3 .8 E -0 9 3 .9 E -0 9 3 .9 E 0 9 4 .0 E O 9 5.5 4 .6 E -0 9 5 .2 E -0 9 5 .7 E -0 9 6 .1 E -0 9 6 .5 E -0 9 6 .8 E -0 9 7. IE -0 9 7 .3 E -0 9 7 .6 E -0 9 7 .7 E -0 9 6 .0 7. IE -0 9 8 .3 E -0 9 9 .5 E -0 9 1.0E -08 1.3E-08 1 .4E -08 1.4E -08 1 .5E -08 I . IE -0 8 1.3E -08 I.5 E -0 8 I.7 E -0 8 I.1 E -0 8 I.9 E -0 8 1.2E -08 6.5 2. IE -0 8 2 .3 E -0 8 2 .4 E -0 8 2 5608 2 6608 4 .4 E -0 8 7.0 1.5E -08 2 .0 E -0 8 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .8 E -0 8 3 .2 E -0 8 3 5608 3 .8 E -0 8 4 .0 E -0 8 4 2608 7.5 8.0 2 .1 E -0 8 2 .8 E -0 8 2 .9 E -0 8 3 .6 E -0 8 4 .3 E -0 8 5 .0 E -0 8 5 .5 E -0 8 6 .3 E -0 8 6 .5 E -0 8 6 .4 E -0 8 4 .0 E -0 8 5 .2 E -0 8 6 .4 E -0 8 7 .4 E -0 8 8 .2 E -0 8 6 .0 E -0 8 8 .5 E -0 8 8 .4 E -0 8 8 .0 E -0 8 7 .6 E -0 8 8.5 3 .6 E -0 8 5 .5 E -0 8 7 .3 E -0 8 9 .0 E -0 8 1 .0E -07 I . IE -0 7 I. IE -0 7 9 .9 E -0 8 9 .3 E 0 8 8 .6 E -0 8 9 .0 4 .5 E -0 8 7 .1 E -0 8 9 .8 E -0 8 1.2E -07 1.3E -07 1.3E -07 1 .2E -07 I. IE -0 7 I.0 E O 7 96608 9.5 5 .3 E -0 8 8 .9 E -0 8 1.2E -07 1.5E -07 1.6E -07 1.5E -07 1.4E -07 13607 1 .2 E 0 7 1 .1 E 0 7 10.0 6. IE -0 8 1.1E -07 1.5E -07 1.9E -07 1.9E -07 1.8E -07 16607 1 .4 E -0 7 13607 12607 10.5 6 .9 E -0 8 1 .3E -07 1.8E -07 2 .2 E -0 7 2 .2 E -0 7 2 .0 E -0 7 1 .8E -07 1 .6E -07 14607 1.3E -07 11.0 7 .9 E -0 8 1 .5E -07 2 .2 E -0 7 2 .5 E -0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 2 .2 E -0 7 2 .0 6 0 7 1 .8 E -0 7 1 .6E -07 14607 11.5 8 .9 E -0 8 1.8E -07 2 .5 E -0 7 2 .8 E -0 7 2 .7 E -0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 2 .2 6 0 7 I.9 E -0 7 12.0 I.0 E -0 7 2 .0 E -0 7 2 .9 E -0 7 3. IE -0 7 2 .9 E -0 7 2 .6 E -0 7 2 .3 6 0 7 2 .0 E -0 7 1 .7 E 0 7 1.8E -07 1.6E -07 1 .7E -07 1.5E -07 12.5 I IE -0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 3 .2 E -0 7 3 .4 E -0 7 3 .2 E -0 7 2 .8 E -0 7 2 .5 6 0 7 2 .2 E -0 7 1 .9 E 0 7 13.0 1.3E -07 2 .7 E -0 7 3 .6 E -0 7 3 .7 E -0 7 3 .4 E -0 7 3 .0 E -0 7 2 .7 E -0 7 2 .3 E -0 7 2 .0 E O 7 18607 13.5 1.5E-07 3 .1 E -0 7 3 .9 E -0 7 4 .0 E -0 7 3 7647 3 .2 E -0 7 2 .8 E -0 7 2 .5 E 0 7 2 .1 E 0 7 1 .9E -07 14.0 1 .6E -07 3 .5 E -0 7 4 .3 E -0 7 4 .3 E -0 7 3 .9 E -0 7 3 4607 3 .0 E -0 7 2 .6 E -0 7 2 .2 E 0 7 1 .9E -07 14.5 1.8E-07 3 .8 E -0 7 4 .6 E -0 7 4 .5 E -0 7 4. IE -0 7 3 6607 3. IE -0 7 2 .7 E 0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 2 0607 15.0 2 .1 E -0 7 4 .2 E -0 7 4 .9 E -0 7 4 .8 E -0 7 4 .3 E -0 7 3 .8 E -0 7 3 3607 2 .8 E -0 7 2 5607 2. IE -0 7 15.5 16.0 2 .3 E -0 7 2 .6 E -0 7 4 .6 E -0 7 5 .2 E -0 7 5. IE -0 7 4 .5 E -0 7 4 .0 E -0 7 3 .4 E -0 7 3 .0 E -0 7 2 .6 E -0 7 4 .9 E -0 7 5 .5 E -0 7 5 .3 E -0 7 4 .8 E -0 7 4 IE -0 7 3 .6 E -0 7 3 .1 E -0 7 2 .7 E 0 7 2 .2 E -0 7 2 .3 E -0 7 16.5 2 .8 E -0 7 5 .3 E -0 7 5 .8 E -0 7 5 .6 E -0 7 5 .0 E -0 7 4 .3 E -0 7 3 7607 3 .2 E -0 7 2 .7 E 0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 17.0 3 .1 E -0 7 5 .6 E -0 7 6. IE -0 7 5 .8 E -0 7 5 .2 E -0 7 4 .5 E -0 7 3 9607 3 .3 E 0 7 2 .8 6 0 7 2 .4 E -0 7 17.5 3 .5 E -0 7 6 .0 E -0 7 6 .4 E -0 7 6 .0 E -0 7 5 .4 E -0 7 4 .7 E -0 7 4 .0 E -0 7 3 .4 E -0 7 2 .9 E 0 7 2 .5 E -0 7 18.0 3 .8 E -0 7 6 .4 E -0 7 6 .7 E -0 7 6 .3 E -0 7 5 .6 E -0 7 4 .8 E -0 7 4 .1 6 0 7 3 .6 E -0 7 3 0607 2 .6 E -0 7 18.5 4. IE -0 7 6 .7 E -0 7 7 .0 E -0 7 5 .8 E -0 7 5 .0 E -0 7 4 .3 E -0 7 2 .7 E -0 7 4 .5 E -0 7 7 .0 E -0 7 7 .3 E -0 7 6 .0 E -0 7 5 .2 E -0 7 4 .4 E -0 7 3 .7 E 0 7 3 .8 E -0 7 3 1607 19.0 6 .5 E -0 7 6 .8 E -0 7 32607 2 .8 E -0 7 19.5 4 .9 E -0 7 7 .4 E -0 7 7 .6 E -0 7 7 .0 E -0 7 6 .2 E -0 7 5 .3 E -0 7 46607 3 .9 E 0 7 3 3607 2 8607 2 0 .0 5 .2 E -0 7 7 .7 E -0 7 7 .9 E -0 7 7 .2 E -0 7 6 .4 E -0 7 5 5607 4 .7 E -0 7 4 .0 E -0 7 34607 2 .9 6 -0 7 2 0 .5 5 .6 E -0 7 8. IE -0 7 8. IE -0 7 7 .5 E -0 7 6 .6 E -0 7 5 7607 4 .8 E -0 7 4 .1 E 0 7 3 .5 E -0 7 3 .0 E O 7 2 1 .0 6 .0 E -0 7 8 .4 E -0 7 8 .4 E -0 7 7 .7 E -0 7 6 .8 E -0 7 5 .8 E -0 7 5 0607 4 .2 E -0 7 3 6607 3 .1 6 -0 7 76 Case I - Predicted detachment velocity (Figure 9). Predicted time [day] 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 section I [m/dl 2.8E-11 5.8E-11 1.1E-10 2.0E-10 3.5E-10 5.SE-10 9.0E-10 1.4E-09 1.9E-09 2.7E-09 3.5E-09 4.5E-09 5.5E-09 6.2E-09 6.9E-09 7.8E-09 8.8E-09 9.9E-09 1.1E-08 1.2E-08 1.4E-08 1.5E-08 1.6E-08 1.8E-08 1.9E-08 2.1E-08 2.2E-08 2.4E-08 2.5E-08 2.6E-08 2.7E-08 2.7E-08 2.8E-08 2.8E-08 2.9E-08 section 2 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.0E-11 1.2E-10 2.3E-10 4.1E-10 7.1E-10 1.2E-09 1.8E-09 2.7E-09 3.9E-09 5.4E-09 7.0E-09 8.8E-09 I .OE 08 1.2E-08 1.3E-08 1.4E-08 1.6E-08 1.6E-08 1.7E-08 1.6E-08 1.4E-08 1.3E-08 1.1E-08 1.0E-08 9.1E-09 7.9E-09 6.2E-09 4.8E-09 4.0E-09 3.4E-09 2.8E-09 2.3E-09 1.9E-09 1.6E-09 section 3 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.IE -II 1.3E-10 2.5E-10 4.6E-10 8.3E-10 I.4E-09 2.2E-09 3.4E-09 4.9E-09 6.7E-09 8.5E-09 1.0E-08 1.1E-08 1.1E-08 9.4E-09 7.4E-09 5.6E-09 3.9E-09 2.6E-09 1.7E-09 1.0E-09 6.3E-10 4.8E-I0 3.7E-10 2.7E-10 2.0E-10 1.3E-10 8.9E-11 7.1E -II 5.7E-11 4.4E-11 3.4E-11 2.7E-11 2.2E-11 section 4 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.3E-11 1.3E-10 2.7E-10 5.1E-10 9.3E-10 1.6E-09 2.6E-09 3.9E-09 5.4E-09 6.6E-09 6.7E-09 5.6E-09 3.8E-09 2.3E-09 1.1E-09 4.8E-10 2.6E-10 1.4E-10 8.0E-11 4.8E-11 2.5E-11 1.4E-11 1.0E-11 7.9E-12 5.4E-12 3.7E-12 2.3E-12 I.4E-12 1.1E-12 8.4E-13 6.2E-13 4.7E-13 3.6E-13 2.8E-13 section 5 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.4E-11 1.4E-10 2.8E-10 5.5E-10 1.0E-09 1.8E-09 2.9E-09 4.0E-09 4.6E-09 3.6E-09 1.7E-09 6.8E-10 2.9E-10 1.3E-10 4.6E-11 1.8E-11 8.3E-12 4.0E-12 2.2E-12 1.3E-12 6.2E-13 3.2E-13 2.3E-13 1.7E-13 1.1E-13 7.2E-14 4.1E-14 2.3E-14 1.7E-14 1.3E-14 9.5E-15 6.9E-15 5.2E-15 3.9E-15 section 6 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.5E-11 1.4E-10 3.0E-10 5.9E-10 I .IE 09 1.9E-09 3.0E-09 3.4E-09 2.0E-09 5.5E-10 1.4E-10 4.4E-11 1.6E-11 6.6E-12 2.0E-12 6.6E-13 2.8E-13 1.2E-13 6.5E-14 3.6E-14 I.6E-14 8.1E-15 5.7E-15 4.2E-15 2.5E-15 1.6E-15 8.2E-16 4.3E-16 3.2E-16 2.4E-16 1.7E-16 1.2E-16 8.4E-17 6.2E-17 section 7 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.5E-11 1.5E-10 3.1E-10 6.2E-10 1.2E-09 2.0E-09 2.9E-09 1.7E-09 2.9E-10 4.SE-11 I 0E-11 2.8E-12 9.4E-13 3.5E-13 9.2E-14 2.7E-14 1.1E-14 4.3E-15 2.2E-15 I .IE-15 4.9E-16 2.3E-16 1.6E-16 1.1E-16 6.6E-17 3.9E-17 1.9E-17 9.3E-18 6.7E-18 4.9E-18 3.3E-18 2.3E-18 1.6E-18 1.1E-18 section 8 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.6E-11 1.5E-10 3.2E-10 6.4E-10 1.2E-09 2.0E-09 2.5E-09 3.3E-10 2.9E-11 4.2E-12 7.7E-13 1.9E-13 6.0E-14 2.1E-14 4.8E-15 1.3E-15 4.6E-16 1.7E-16 8.2E-17 4.2E-17 1.7E-17 7.6E-18 5.2E-18 3.7E-18 2.0E-18 1.1E-18 5.0E-19 2.3E-19 1.6E-19 1.2E-19 7.7E-20 5.1E-20 3.5E-20 2.4E-20 section 9 [m/d] 2.8E-11 6.7E-11 I.SE-10 3.3E-10 6.6E-10 1.2E-09 2.0E-09 1.6E-09 4.0E-11 2.9E-12 3.8E-13 6.4E-14 I.SE-14 4.2E-15 1.4E-15 2.8E-16 6.7E-17 2.2E-17 7.7E-18 3.6E-18 1.8E-18 6.8E-19 2.9E-19 1.9E-19 1.3E-19 6.9E-20 3.7E-20 1.6E-20 6.7E-21 4.6E-21 3.3E-21 2.1E-21 1.3E-21 8.9E-22 6.1E-22 77 Case I - Predicted attachment velocity (Figure 10). P re d ic te d tim e section I section 2 section 3 section 4 section 5 section 6 section 7 se ctio n 8 section 9 fdayl [m /dl fm /d l fm /d] [m/d] fm /dl fm /dl fm /dl fm /d] fm /dl effluent fm /d] 4 .0 4.5E -21 1.1E-21 1.1E-21 I . I E -2 1 1.1E-21 1.1E-21 I . IE-21 1.1E-21 1.1E-21 -4.3E -22 4.5 1.6E -10 3 OE-IO 4 .2 E -1 0 5.2 E -1 0 6 .1 E -1 0 6. S E -10 7 .5E -10 8.O E -10 8 .5E -10 8.9E -10 5.0 3 .1 E -1 0 6 .0 E -1 0 8 .5E -10 1.1E-09 1.3E-09 1.4E -09 1.6E -09 1.7E -09 1.9E -09 2 .0 E -0 9 5.5 5 .7 E -1 0 1.1E-09 1.6E-09 2.1 E -0 9 2 .5 E -0 9 2 .9 E -0 9 3 .3E -09 3 .6 E -0 9 3 .9E -09 4 .1E -09 6 .0 1.0E -09 2 .0 E -0 9 3 .0E -09 4 .8 E -0 9 5 .6 E -0 9 6 .4 E -0 9 7 .1 E -0 9 7 .7 E -0 9 8 .3E -09 6.5 1.6E -09 3.3 E -0 9 5 .1 E -0 9 3.9 E -0 9 6.8 E -0 9 8.5E -09 1.0E-08 1.2E-08 1.3E -08 1.4E-08 1.5E-08 7.0 7.5 2 .5 E -0 9 3 .9 E -0 9 5.3 E -0 9 8.5 E -0 9 8 .3E -09 1.4E-08 I.1 E -0 8 1.4E-08 2 .2 E -0 8 3 .3 E -0 8 2 .5E -08 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0 E -0 8 3 IE -08 2 .4E -08 1.9E-08 I.7 E -0 8 2 .8 E -0 8 3.1E -08 2 .7E -08 8.0 5 .9 E -0 9 1.3E-08 2 .1E -08 2.9E -08 3 .5E -08 3 .9E -08 3 .7E -08 3 .1 E -0 8 2 .5E -08 2 .0 E -0 8 8.5 9.0 7 .8 E -0 9 1.8E-08 2 .9 E -0 8 3.9 E -0 8 4 .5E -08 4 .3E -08 3 .6E -08 3 .0 E -0 8 2 .4E -08 2 .0E -08 9 .8 E -0 9 2 .3 E -0 8 3.8E -08 4.9E -08 S.1E-08 4 .3 E -0 8 3.6E -08 3 .0 E -0 8 2 .5E -08 2 .0E -08 2. IE -0 8 9.5 1.2E -08 3 .0 E -0 8 4 .8 E -0 8 5.8E -08 5.3E -08 4 .4 E -0 8 3.7E -08 3 .0 E -0 8 2 .5E -08 10.0 1.5E -08 3.7 E -0 8 5.9E -08 6.4E -08 5.5E -08 4 .5 E -0 8 3.8E -08 3 .1 E -0 8 2 .6 E -0 8 2. IE -0 8 10.5 1.7E-08 4 .2 E -0 8 6 .5 E -0 8 6.4E -08 5.4E -08 4 .5E -08 3 .7E -08 3. IE -0 8 2 .5E -08 2 .1 E -0 8 11.0 I.9 E -0 8 4 .8 E -0 8 6 .9 E -0 8 6.4 E -0 8 5.3E -08 4 .4E -08 3.7E -08 3 .0 E -0 8 2 .5 E -0 8 2 .1E -08 11.5 2 .2 E -0 8 5.5 E -0 8 7. IE -0 8 6.2 E -0 8 5. IE -0 8 4 .2E -08 3 .5E -08 2 .9 E -0 8 2 .4E -08 2.0E -08 12.0 6. IE -0 8 4 .9 E -0 8 4 .1E -08 3.4E -08 2 .8 E -0 8 2 .3E -08 1.9E-08 6.7 E -0 8 7 .1E -08 7 .0 E -0 8 6.0 E -0 8 12.5 2 .5 E -0 8 2 .8 E -0 8 5.9E -08 4 .9E -08 4 .0E -08 3.3E -08 2 .8 E -0 8 2 .3E -08 1.9E-08 13.0 3 .1E -08 7.1 E -0 8 6 .9E -08 5.8E -08 4 .8 E -0 8 4 .0 E -0 8 3.3E -08 2 .7 E -0 8 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 13.5 14.0 3 .5E -08 7 .4E -08 6 .8E -08 5.7E -08 4 .7E -08 3.2E -08 1.8E-08 7 .5E -08 6 .7E -08 5.5E -08 4 .6 E -0 8 2 .7 E -0 8 2 .7 E -0 8 2 .2 E -0 8 3 .8 E -0 8 3 .9E -08 3 .8E -08 2 .2E -08 1.8E-08 3.2E -08 14.5 4 .3 E -0 8 7 .5E -08 6 .4E -08 5.3E -08 4 .4E -08 3 .7E -08 3.0E -08 2 .5 E -0 8 2 .1 E -0 8 1.7E-08 15.0 4 .7 E -0 8 7 .4E -08 6 .2 E -0 8 5.1E -08 4 .2E -08 3 .5E -08 2 .9E -08 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0E -08 1.6E-08 15.5 5 .1 E -0 8 7 .3 E -0 8 6 .1 E -0 8 5 .1E -08 4 .2 E -0 8 3 .5E -08 2 .9E -08 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0E -08 1.6E-08 16.0 5 .4E -08 7 .2E -08 6. IE -0 8 5.0E -08 4 .2 E -0 8 3 .5E -08 2 .9 E -0 8 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0E -08 1.6E-08 16.5 5 .8 E -0 8 7 .2E -08 6 .0 E -0 8 5.0E -08 4 .2 E -0 8 3.5E -08 2 .9 E -0 8 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0E -08 1.6E-08 17.0 6. IE -0 8 7 .1E -08 6.0 E -0 8 5.0E -08 4 .2E -08 3 .5E -08 2 .9 E -0 8 2 .4 E -0 8 2 .0 E -0 8 1.7E-08 17.5 6 .5 E -0 8 7.0E -08 5.8 E -0 8 4 .9E -08 4 .1E -08 3 .4E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 18.0 6 .9 E -0 8 6 .9 E -0 8 5.7E -08 4 .8E -08 4 .0E -08 3 .3E -08 2 .7E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 I.9E -08 1.6E-08 18.5 7 .1 E -0 8 6 .9 E -0 8 5.7 E -0 8 4.8E -08 4 .0E -08 3.3E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 19.0 19.5 7 .3 E -0 8 6 .9 E -0 8 5.7 E -0 8 4.8E -08 4 .0E -08 3.4E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 7 .4 E -0 8 6 .8 E -0 8 5.7 E -0 8 4 .8E -08 4 .0 E -0 8 3.3E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E -08 1.6E -08 2 0 .0 7 .5 E -0 8 7 .6 E -0 8 6 .8E -08 5.7 E -0 8 4 .7E -08 4 .0 E -0 8 3.3E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 20.5 6 .8E -08 5.6 E -0 8 4 .7E -08 4 .0E -08 3 .3E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 2 1 .0 7 .7 E -0 8 6 .7 E -0 8 5.6E -08 4 .7E -08 4 .0E -08 3 .3E -08 2 .8E -08 2 .3 E -0 8 1.9E-08 1.6E-08 78 Appendix B.2 Case 2 - Biofilm detachment experiment 79 Case 2, Run I - Experimental flow rate (Figure 12). Time [day] 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.01 5.00 5.01 6.00 6.01 7.00 7.01 8.00 8.01 10.00 10.01 11.00 11.01 12.00 13.00 14.00 14.01 15.00 15.01 16.00 16.01 Q [mL/min] 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 1.8 2.0 1.8 2.2 1.6 2.0 1.3 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.0 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.1 1.6 2.0 1.6 2.0 1.6 2.0 17.00 2.0 18.00 1.6 80 Case 2, Run I - Experimental and predicted glucose, biomass, and TOC concentration (Figures 13, 14, and 15) Experimental data__________________ Time [day] 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 influent glucose [gC/m3] 2.148 2.316 2.524 2.772 2.368 2.708 2.356 2.852 2.512 2.752 2.424 1.888 2.688 2.652 2.708 2.764 2.556 2.916 glucose [gC/m3] 0.74 0.28 0.52 0.212 0.564 0.136 0.496 0.224 0.532 0.452 0.224 0.332 0.76 0.368 0.584 0.368 0.408 0.444 effluent biomass [gC/m3] 0.32126 3.84975 3.01077 0.54162 0.64251 1.17351 0.9558 0.78057 1.89567 1.17351 1.39653 1.18413 1.75761 1.52928 1.65141 1.81071 2.94705 4.03029 TOC [gC/m3] 16.38 3.09 2.13 2.49 3.05 1.62 3.2 2.56 3.13 1.88 2.44 5.51 2.59 2.81 3.04 2.29 2.29 Predicted effluent concentrations Time Biomass Glucose TOC fd] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 fflC/m3] 0.0000 0.9820 1.4883 1.5541 1.6190 1.7031 1.7876 1.6803 1.5611 1.6657 1.7792 1.6632 1.5599 1.7172 1.8859 1.7608 1.6580 1.7690 1.8962 1.8543 1.8100 1.7018 1.6012 1.4259 1.2517 1.5028 1.7556 1.7544 1.7488 1.7603 1.7877 1.7954 1.8201 1.7367 1.6738 1.7983 1.9228 [gC/m3] 2.1500 0.1212 0.0758 0.0782 0.0803 0.0785 0.0761 0.0388 0.0185 0.0295 0.0284 0.0295 0.0103 0.0164 0.0068 0.0275 0.0124 0.0387 0.0421 0.0312 0.0228 0.0213 0.0080 0.0074 0.0050 0.0035 0.0021 0.0062 0.0148 0.0275 0.0160 0.0295 0.0172 0.0434 0.0383 0.0296 0.0218 [gC/m3] 2.1500 1.1032 1.5641 1.6322 1.6993 1.7816 1.8637 1.7191 1.5796 1.6952 1.8076 1.6927 1.5701 1.7336 1.8927 1.7882 1.6703 1.8077 1.9382 1.8854 1.8328 1.7231 1.6092 1.4334 1.2567 1.5063 1.7576 1.7606 1.7635 1.7877 1.8037 1.8249 1.8373 1.7802 1.7121 1.8279 1.9446 81 Case 2, Run I - Predicted biofilm thickness profiles (Figure 16). Biofilm thickness [m] section 1 1.00E-06 3.93E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.OGE-OG 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06 E-OG 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 6.06E-06 section 2 1.00E-06 3.62E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24 E-OG 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 5.24E-06 section 3 1.00E-06 3.29E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46 E-OG 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46 E-OG 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 4.46E-06 section 4 1.00E-06 2.97E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 3.76E-06 section 5 1.00E-06 2.67E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 3.18E-06 section 6 1.00E-06 2.19E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 2.43E-06 section 7 1.00E-06 1.83E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95 E-OG 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 1.95E-06 82 Case 2, Run I - Predicted detachment velocity profiles (Figure 17). Detachment velocity [m/day] section 1 section 2 1.59E-07 1.59E-07 1.01 E-OG 8.22E-07 2.16E-06 1.56 E-06 2.20E-06 1.59E-06 2.23E-06 1.62E-06 2.26E-06 1.65E-06 2.28E-06 1.66E-06 2.18E-06 1.50E-06 2.05E-06 1.31 E-06 2.15E-06 1.45E-06 2.19E-06 1.47E-06 2.15E-06 1.45E-06 1.99E-06 1.19E-06 2.11E-06 1.34E-06 2.08E-06 1.19E-06 2.18E-06 1 46E-06 2.06E-06 1.26E-06 2.21 E-06 1.53 E-06 2.26E-06 1.58 E-06 2.22E-06 1.51 E-06 2.18E-06 1.44E-06 2.13E-06 1.39E-06 1.98E-06 1.15E-06 1.88E-06 1.07E-06 1.73E-06 9.08E-07 1.84E-06 9.43E-07 1.89E-06 9.07E-07 2.02E-06 1.14E-06 2.11 E-06 1.33E-06 2.18E-06 1.46E-06 2.14E-06 1.36 E-06 2.20E-06 1.49E-06 2.15E-06 1.38E-06 2.21E-06 1.54E-06 2.18E-06 1.50E-06 2.20E-06 1.49E-06 2.21 E-06 1.45E-06 section 3 1.59E-07 6.38E-07 1.05E-06 1.07 E-06 1.10E-06 1.11 E-06 1.12E-06 9.31 E-07 7.27E-07 8.61 E-07 8.71 E-07 8.60E-07 5.96E-07 7.29E-07 5.45E-07 8.60E-07 6.54E-07 9.46E-07 9.81 E-07 9.02 E-07 8.20E-07 7.88E-07 5.52E-07 5.04E-07 3.98E-07 3.87E-07 3.33E-07 5.21 E-07 7.09E-07 8.60E-07 7.33E-07 8.82E-07 7.52E-07 9.69E-07 9.26E-07 8.83E-07 8.14E-07 section 4 1.59E-07 4.71 E-07 6.67E-07 6.84E-07 7.00E-07 7.04 E-07 7.02E-07 5.29E-07 3.66E-07 4.68E-07 4.67 E-07 4.67E-07 2.70E-07 3.56E-07 2.22E-07 4.59E-07 3.05E-07 5.35E-07 5.56E-07 4.88E-07 4.22E-07 4.03E-07 2.38E-07 2.17E-07 1.63E-07 1.46E-07 1.12E-07 2.12E-07 3.39E-07 4.59E-07 3.54E-07 4.76E-07 3.67E-07 5.60E-07 5.26E-07 4.76E-07 4.09E-07 section 5 1.59E-07 3.33E-07 4.12E-07 4.23E-07 4.33E-07 4.31 E-07 4.25E-07 2.90E-07 1.79E-07 2.45E-07 2.40E-07 2.45E-07 1.21 E-07 1.69E-07 9.02E-08 2.35E-07 1.39E-07 2.91 E-07 3.02E-07 2.53E-07 2.09E-07 2.00E-07 1.02 E-07 9.37E-08 6.76E-08 5.59E-08 3.88E-08 8.60E-08 1.57E-07 2.35E-07 1.66E-07 2.46E-07 1.73E-07 3.11 E-07 2.87E-07 2.46E-07 1.98E-07 section 6 1.59E-07 1.72E-07 1.83E-07 1.88E-07 1.92E-07 1.88E-07 1.82E-07 1.09E-07 5.97E-08 8.78E-08 8.42E-08 8.78E-08 3.63E-08 5.38E-08 2.44E-08 8.22E-08 4.25E-08 1.08E-07 1.12E-07 8.94E-08 6.99E-08 6.69E-08 2.93E-08 2.73E-08 1.91E-08 1.44E-08 8.93E-09 2.33E-08 4.90E-08 8.21 E-08 5.23E-08 8.67E-08 5.50E-08 1.19E-07 1.08E-07 8.68E-08 6.48E-08 section 7 1.59E-07 8.74E-08 8.66E-08 8.84E-08 8.99E-08 8.67E-08 8.27E-08 4.50E-08 2.24E-08 3.47E-08 3.27E-08 3.48E-08 1.26E-08 1.94E-08 7.75E-09 3.18E-08 1.49E-08 4.42 E-08 4.58E-08 3.49E-08 2.62E-08 2.51 E-08 9.75E-09 9.25E-09 6.34E-09 4.36E-09 2.46E-09 7.35E-09 1.74E-08 3.18E-08 1.87E-08 3.38E-08 1.98E-08 4.96E-08 4.45E-08 3.38E-08 2.40E-08 83 Case 2, Run 2 - Experimental flow rate (Figure 18). Time [day] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q fmL/min] 6.10 6.10 3.40 2.63 2.13 2.60 2.47 2.40 1.93 2.00 2.00 84 Case 2, Run 2 - Experimental and predicted glucose, biomass, and TOC concentration (Figures 19, 20, 21) Experimental data influent glucose Time [gC/m3] [day] 0 6.42 6.42 1 2 5.34 5.17 3 4 5.09 5 5.20 6 4.68 7 4.76 5.12 8 4.84 9 4.47 10 effluent glucose biomass TOC fgC/m3] [gC/m3] [gC/m3] 6.67 0.127 13.81 6.67 6.20 0.353 4.18 0.314 6.11 3.80 1.06 0.765 1.896 3.80 1.23 3.84 1.20 2.336 2.347 3.98 1.01 2.92 1.540 1.28 4.00 1.11 1.678 3.78 1.938 4.08 1.18 1.949 Predicted effluent concentrations Biomass Glucose Time fgC/mS] [gC/m3] fdl 0.0000 6.4200 1.0 0.0504 5.6503 1.5 0.4430 3.6566 2.0 1.4029 1.1818 2.5 1.3087 1.3533 3.0 1.2687 1.5223 3.5 1.2287 1.6913 4.0 1.2836 4.5 1.6915 1.3386 1.6915 5.0 1.0789 1.6915 5.5 0.8188 1.6915 6.0 0.8585 1.6915 6.5 0.8985 1.6915 7.0 1.0783 1.6915 7.5 1.2584 1.6915 8.0 1.1188 1.6915 8.5 0.9788 1.6915 9.0 0.7938 1.6915 9.5 0.6087 1.6915 10.0 TOC [gC/m3] 6.4200 5.7007 4.0996 2.5847 2.6620 2.7910 2.9200 2.9751 3.0301 2.7704 2.5103 2.5500 2.5900 2.7698 2.9498 2.8103 2.6703 2.4853 2.3002 85 Case 2, Run 2 - Predicted biofilm thickness and detachment velocity profiles. Biofilm thickness [m] section 1 1.00E-08 8.48E-08 4.76E-07 1.77E-06 4.33E-06 6.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 7.95E-06 section 2 1.00E-08 8.47E-08 4.74E-07 1.72E-06 3.82E-06 4.93E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 5.11 E-06 section 3 1.00E-08 8.47E-08 4.71 E-07 1.67E-06 3.08E-06 3.25E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 3.26E-06 section 4 1.00E-08 8.47E-08 4.69E-07 1.60E-06 2.35E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 2.37 E-06 2.37E-06 2.37E-06 section 5 section 6 section 7 1.00E-08 1.00E-08 1.00E-08 8.46E-08 8.45E-08 8.44E-08 4.66E-07 4.61 E-07 4.55E-07 1.52E-06 1.33E-06 1.09E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87 E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87 E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87 E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 1.87 E-06 1.40E-06 1.10E-06 Detachment velocity [m/day] section 1 1.95E-09 2.05E-08 1.35E-07 5.73E-07 1.47E-06 2.21 E-06 2.42E-06 2.60E-06 2.76E-06 2.67E-06 2.56E-06 2.55E-06 2.54E-06 2.42E-06 2.26E-06 2.27E-06 2.28E-06 2.24E-06 2.20E-06 section 2 1.95E-09 2.04E-08 1.34E-07 5.35E-07 9.53E-07 5.08E-07 2.97E-07 4.12E-07 5.48E-07 5.52E-07 5.62E-07 5.33E-07 5.03E-07 3.38E-07 2.09E-07 2.40E-07 2.76E-07 3.09E-07 3.47E-07 section 3 1.95E-09 2.04E-08 1.32E-07 4.88E-07 2.69E-07 3.41 E-08 1.46E-08 2.36E-08 3.68E-08 4.02E-08 4.69E-08 4.16E-08 3.69E-08 1.83E-08 8.86E-09 1.10E-08 1.39E-08 1.76E-08 2.37E-08 section 4 1.95E-09 2.04 E-08 1.30E-07 4.30E-07 2.86E-08 2.35E-09 9.01E-10 1.58E-09 2.68E-09 3.10E-09 3.98E-09 3.39E-09 2.90E-09 1.20E-09 4.91E-10 6.47E-10 8.77E-10 1.22E-09 1.86E-09 section 5 section 6 section 7 1.95E-09 1.95E-09 1.95E-09 2.04E-08 2.03E-08 2.03E-08 1.29E-07 1.25E-07 1.21 E-07 3.53E-07 1.49E-07 2.38E-08 2.83E-09 1.75E-10 1.40E-11 2.06E-10 1.17E-11 8.60E-13 7.21 E-11 3.73E-12 2.51 EE-13 1.37E-10 7.71 IE-12 5.63E-13 2.50E-10 1.51 IE-11 1.18E-12 3.04E-10 1.94E-11 1.60E-12 4.25E-10 2.96E-11 2.67E-12 3.51 EE-10 2.37E-11 2.07E-12 2.91 EE-10 1.90E-11 1.61E-12 1.02E-10 5.63E-12 4.03E-13 3.56E-11 1.67E-12 1.02E-13 4.97E-11 2.47E-12 1.60E-13 7.21 EE-11 3.84E-12 2.66E-13 1.09E-10 6.35E-12 4.81E-13 1.89E-10 1.25E-11 1.07E-12 86 Appendix B.3 Case 3 - Flat plate VPBR experiment 87 Case 3, Run I - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen, and intermediates (Figure 24) and X % X+", and X" cells (Figure 25). Port 2 z' 0 0.062512 0.187512 0.312439 0.437561 0.562439 0.687561 0.812439 0.937561 1 Toluene X+' X X++ 0.035 0.02584 0 0.005948 0.03905 2.58E-05 0.01749 0.02939 0.03312 0.02584 7.75E-05 0.04059 0.01007 0.02935 0.02929 0.000129 0.05616 0.00562 0.01822 0.04181 0.000181 0.06629 0.00388 0.009834 0.07218 0.1387 0.000232 0.07217 0.002957 0.004876 0.002405 0.2796 0.000284 0.07518 0.002414 0.5718 0.000336 0.07664 0.002099 0.001262 1.159 0.000387 0.07732 0.001948 0.000737 1.718 0.000413 0.07765 0.001874 0.000475 Z Oxygen Intermediates 2.859 0.2165 2.859 0.2165 0.2778 2.935 3.112 0.4016 0.5713 3.393 0.7604 3.784 0.9396 4.298 1.079 4.97 1.141 5.869 6.491 1.108 Port 5 Toluene Oxygen Intermediates X X++ X+" Z 0.2691 4.27 0 0 0.001983 0.03214 0.04587 0.05787 0.2691 4.27 0.04 0.05787 0.062508 2.00E-05 0.01477 0.02523 0.328 4.326 0.187492 6.00E-05 0.04036 0.01139 0.02825 0.06176 0.4299 4.446 0.312477 9.99E-05 0.05981 0.006496 0.01369 0.07697 0.5477 4.631 0.113 0.437461 0.00014 0.06973 0.004278 0.005995 0.6608 0.1844 4.884 0.003154 0.002793 0.562539 0.00018 0.07405 0.7549 5.215 0.3161 0.687617 0.00022 0.07601 0.002539 0.001454 0.8169 0.5504 5.646 0.812383 0.00026 0.07696 0.00219 0.000848 0.8307 0.9564 6.209 0.0003 0.07745 0.002003 0.000552 0.937461 0.8028 1.297 6.583 1 0.00032 0.07769 0.00191 0.000403 Z1 Port 8 Z' 0 0.062511 0.187532 0.312554 0.437446 0.562554 0.687661 0.812768 0.937875 1 Z 0 1.46E-05 4.38E-05 7.30E-05 0.000102 0.000131 0.000161 0.00019 0.000219 0.000233 X++ -0.00274 0.01479 0.04984 0.06845 0.07372 0.07573 0.07671 0.07725 0.07757 0.07773 X" Toluene Oxygen Intermediates X+ 0.3252 0.1095 5.378 0.02446 0.05828 0.3252 5.378 0.1095 0.02118 0.04404 0.3675 5.414 0.1134 0.0146 0.01556 0.4187 5.482 0.1308 0.00749 0.00406 0.4624 0.1696 5.586 0.004653 0.001624 0.4934 5.729 0.2378 0.003404 0.00087 0.508 5.918 0.3479 0.002744 0.00055 0.5021 6.161 0.5184 0.00236 0.00039 0.4701 6.472 0.0003 0.776 0.002132 0.4373 6.671 0.9666 0.002018 0.000255 88 Case 3, Run 2 - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen, and intermediates (Figure 26) and X % X+', and X cells (Figure 27). Port 2 Z Z' 0 0.062476 0.187404 0.312425 0.437361 0.562296 0.687232 0.812168 0.937446 0 7.29E-05 0.000219 0.000365 0.00051 0.000656 0.000802 0.000948 0.001094 1 0.001167 X++ 0.04819 0.0517 0.05872 0.0627 0.06554 0.06777 0.06961 0.07118 0.07285 0.07381 X+0.02502 0.02182 0.01542 0.01179 0.009199 0.007171 0.005492 0.004066 0.003527 0.003295 Toluene X" 0.006787 1.826 1.826 0.006478 1.826 0.00586 0.005509 1.826 0.005259 1.826 0.005063 1.826 1.827 0.004901 1.851 0.004751 4.314 0.00362 0.002898 9.914 Oxygen Intermediates 18.7 1.27E-15 18.7 1.27E-15 18.53 1.73E-13 18.2 2.62E-11 17.71 4.17E-09 6.88E-07 17.05 0.000117 16.22 0.02004 15.23 13.77 1.986 5.931 12.19 X++ 0.05694 0.05902 0.06317 0.0654 0.06693 0.06811 0.06907 0.07038 0.07418 0.07605 X+0.01511 0.01322 0.009429 0.007402 0.006003 0.004929 0.004056 0.003395 0.003402 0.003422 Toluene X 0.007947 0.9465 0.007764 0.9465 0.9465 0.007398 0.007203 0.9465 0.007067 0.9466 0.006964 0.9466 0.00687 0.9499 1.207 0.00623 3.882 0.002421 8.042 0.000532 Oxygen Intermediates 11.46 6.98E-13 11.46 6.98E-13 5.61E-11 11.35 11.13 4.79E-09 10.81 4.19E-07 10.37 3.72E-05 9.826 0.003337 9.177 0.268 8.294 2.772 7.219 5.929 X++ 0.06293 0.06378 0.06547 0.06633 0.06694 0.06774 0.07192 0.07499 0.07553 0.07578 X+' 0.008579 0.007809 0.006268 0.005477 0.004941 0.004509 0.003896 0.003382 0.003443 0.003486 Toluene X 0.008491 0.3564 0.3564 0.008416 0.3564 0.008267 0.3564 0.00819 0.008123 0.3569 0.007748 0.3713 0.004186 0.6038 1.494 0.001631 0.001024 3.853 6.334 0.000731 Oxygen Intermediates 5.362 3.30E-08 5.362 3.30E-08 9.56E-07 5.313 5.214 2.90E-05 5.066 0.000886 4.873 0.02633 0.4236 4.69 4.366 1.592 3.632 3.925 2.934 5.955 Port 5 Z1 Z 0 0.062496 0.18752 0.312533 0.437546 0.562454 0.687467 0.81248 0.937493 1 0 5.93E-05 0.000178 0.000297 0.000415 0.000534 0.000652 0.000771 0.000889 0.000949 Port 8 Z' 0 0.062496 0.187441 0.312402 0.43752 0.56248 0.687441 0.812402 0.937363 1 Z 0 3.99E-05 0.00012 0.0002 0.000279 0.000359 0.000439 0.000519 0.000599 0.000639 89 Appendix B.4 Case 4 - Bench-scale VPBR experiment 90 Case 4, Run I - Experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles and degradation rate. (Figures 28 and 29). Time [d] 1 10 17 36 38 51 52 Influent toluene [ppm] 150 150 147 149 144 151 152 Middle toluene [ppm] Effluent toluene [ppm] Degradation [g/day] 38.5 41.2 31.5 29.5 32.4 29 24.6 20.7 17.2 18.7 17.3 0.602 0.583 0.589 0.568 0.597 0.601 91 Case 4, Run I - Predicted vapor phase toluene concentration profiles and degradation rate (Figures 28 and 29). Time [day] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 G asl [ppm] 150.0 72.25 64.35 62.55 61.96 61.73 61.62 61.57 61.54 61.53 61.35 61.17 60.99 60.82 60.64 60.47 60.31 60.35 60.39 60.44 60.48 60.53 60.57 60.61 60.65 60.70 60.74 60.78 60.82 60.87 60.91 60.95 60.99 61.04 61.08 61.12 60.08 59.06 59.31 59.54 59.76 59.98 60.20 60.42 60.63 60.85 61.07 61.29 61.50 61.72 61.94 62.34 62.34 Toluene concentration in vapor phase Gas2 Gas3 [ppm] [ppm] 150.0 150.0 40.08 24.98 32.92 20.58 30.98 19.82 19.79 30.20 29.82 19.95 29.62 20.15 29.50 20.34 29.43 20.51 20.64 29.38 29.27 20.70 29.18 20.75 29.11 20.80 29.04 20.83 28.97 20.86 20.87 28.91 20.89 28.85 20.96 28.89 28.92 21.01 28.94 21.05 21.07 28.95 28.97 21.09 21.10 28.98 28.99 21.11 21.12 29.00 29.02 21.13 21.14 29.03 29.04 21.14 21.14 29.05 29.06 21.15 29.08 21.15 29.09 21.15 29.10 21.16 21.16 29.11 21.16 29.13 29.14 21.16 20.84 28.67 20.61 28.27 20.83 28.48 20.97 28.63 28.74 21.06 21.12 28.83 21.17 28.91 21.20 28.98 29.05 21.23 29.12 21.25 21.27 29.19 29.25 21.29 29.32 21.31 21.33 29.38 21.34 29.45 21.41 29.60 21.34 29.55 Gas4 [ppm] 150.0 16.86 14.63 14.84 15.45 16.07 16.62 17.09 17.48 17.80 18.02 18.20 18.36 18.50 18.61 18.71 18.79 18.92 19.02 19.10 19.16 19.21 19.26 19.30 19.34 19.37 19.40 19.42 19.45 19.47 19.49 19.51 19.52 19.54 19.55 19.57 19.28 19.10 19.32 19.47 19.57 19.63 19.68 19.72 19.75 19.77 19.79 19.81 19.83 19.84 19.85 19.91 19.85 Degradation rate [g tol/day] 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.552 0.552 0.553 0.554 0.555 0.556 0.557 0.558 0.560 0.561 0.563 0.564 0.565 0.567 0.568 0.570 0.571 0.573 0.574 0.575 0.577 0.578 0.580 0.581 0.582 0.584 0.580 0.577 0.579 0.581 0.583 0.585 0.587 0.589 0.591 0.592 0.594 0.596 0.598 0.600 0.602 0.613 0.613 92 Case 4, Run I - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen, and intermediates (Figure 30) and X % X+', and X cells (Figure 31) at day 50. Section 1 X++ 0.03809 0.04839 0.06899 0.07370 0.07553 0.07647 0.07703 0.07738 0.07761 0.07772 Volume fraction of cells X+0.04185 0.03154 0.01091 0.00619 0.00436 0.00341 0.00285 0.00250 0.00227 0.00216 X0.00006 0.00007 0.00010 0.00011 0.00011 0.00012 0.00012 0.00012 0.00012 0.00012 Toluene [q/m3] 0.151 0.151 0.160 0.184 0.226 0.289 0.381 0.509 0.684 0.802 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.011 6.011 6.024 6.056 6.110 6.188 6.294 6.431 6.605 6.714 X++ 0.06326 0.06510 0.06877 0.07096 0.07246 0.07357 0.07440 0.07505 0.07557 0.07579 Volume fraction of cells X+0.01664 0.01481 0.01113 0.00894 0.00743 0.00633 0.00549 0.00484 0.00432 0.00409 X0.00009 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 Toluene [g/m3] 0.291 0.291 0.294 0.301 0.311 0.325 0.342 0.365 0.391 0.407 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.729 6.729 6.732 6.738 6.748 6.761 6.778 6.799 6.824 6.838 X++ 0.07105 0.07109 0.07116 0.07129 0.07146 0.07165 0.07186 0.07208 0.07230 0.07229 Volume fraction of cells X+0.00884 0.00881 0.00873 0.00860 0.00844 0.00824 0.00803 0.00781 0.00759 0.00760 X0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 0.00011 Toluene [g/m3] 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.328 0.329 0.330 0.332 0.333 0.334 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.886 6.886 6.886 6.887 6.888 6.888 6.890 6.891 6.892 6.893 X++ 0.06839 0.06840 0.06842 0.06846 0.06852 0.06860 0.06869 0.06879 0.06890 0.06896 Volume fraction of cells X+0.01151 0.01150 0.01148 0.01144 0.01138 0.01130 0.01121 0.01111 0.01100 0.01094 X0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 Toluene [g/m3] 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 0.327 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 6.909 Z [m] 0 1.21E-05 3.63E-05 6.06E-05 8.48E-05 1.09E-04 1.33E-04 1.58E-04 1.82E-04 1.94E-04 Section 2 Z [m] 0 4.41 E-06 1.32E-05 2.20E-05 3.09E-05 3.97E-05 4.85E-05 5.73E-05 6.61 E-05 7.05E-05 Section 3 Z [m] 0 1.10E-06 3.31 E-06 5.51 E-06 7.72E-06 9.92E-06 1.21E-05 1.43E-05 1.65E-05 1.76E-05 Section 4 - Effluent Z [m] 0 1.84E-07 5.52E-07 9.21 E-07 1.29E-06 1.66E-06 2.03E-06 2.39E-06 2.76E-06 2.95E-06 93 Case 4, Run 2 - Experimental vapor phase toluene concentration profiles and degradation rate. (Figures 32 and 33). Time [d] 0 4 8 10 18 20 37 39 43 45 49 53 Influent toluene fP P m ] 434.5 597.0 758.8 802.0 800.7 869.6 811.6 785.4 779.3 691.8 739.2 774.0 Effluent toluene [ppm] 230 215 319 282 229 274 227 228 242 199 220 219 Degradation [fl/day] 1.783 2.432 2.640 2.645 2.912 2.691 2.583 2.542 2.199 2.341 2.499 94 Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted vapor phase toluene concentration profiles and degradation rate (Figures 32 and 33). Time [day] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Gasl [ppm] 434.5 342.8 323.4 322.1 331.4 344.5 359.2 374.8 391.2 398.6 407.7 406.1 405.9 405.8 405.7 405.7 405.6 405.5 405.4 423.0 438.7 434.9 433.2 431.6 430.0 428.5 426.9 425.4 423.8 422.3 420.8 419.2 417.7 416.2 414.6 413.1 411.6 410.1 403.6 397.8 397.9 397.3 396.7 395.9 374.1 355.5 365.0 370.3 375.2 380.1 383.5 387.1 390.8 394.5 Toluene concentration in vapor phase Gas3 Gas2 [ppm] [ppm] 434.5 434.5 260.0 209.5 201.0 239.2 239.3 208.3 218.2 246.1 252.9 225.6 258.3 230.5 233.6 262.7 235.7 266.6 232.7 264.8 232.8 266.1 228.4 261.9 227.6 261.0 227.5 260.7 227.6 260.6 227.6 260.6 227.7 260.6 227.8 260.5 227.8 260.5 236.0 270.5 238.7 275.8 231.6 269.6 229.8 268.1 267.5 229.1 228.7 267.0 228.4 266.5 228.2 266.0 228.1 265.6 228.0 265.1 264.7 227.8 227.7 264.3 227.6 263.8 263.4 227.5 227.5 263.0 227.4 262.5 227.3 262.1 227.2 261.7 227.1 261.2 224.9 258.1 224.1 256.2 226.2 257.8 226.6 258.0 226.8 257.9 226.8 257.6 217.1 245.6 213.8 239.2 225.2 250.1 228.1 253.2 229.4 255.0 230.2 256.5 229.9 256.8 230.0 257.6 230.2 258.5 230.4 259.4 Gas4 [ppm] 434.5 176.8 180.2 192.9 205.1 213.6 219.0 222.2 224.3 221.4 221.7 217.8 217.4 217.7 218.1 218.5 218.8 219.1 219.3 227.3 229.7 222.6 221.0 220.4 220.2 220.1 220.1 220.1 220.1 220.1 220.1 220.2 220.2 220.2 220.3 220.3 220.3 220.3 218.3 217.7 219.9 220.4 220.6 220.7 211.4 208.5 219.9 222.9 224.1 224.8 224.5 224.6 224.7 224.9 Degradation rate [g tol/day] 0.931 1.133 1.334 1.536 1.738 1.804 1.870 1.935 2.001 2.184 2.366 2.395 2.425 2.454 2.484 2.513 2.542 2.572 2.601 2.656 2.710 2.707 2.704 2.701 2.698 2.695 2.693 2.690 2.687 2.684 2.681 2.678 2.675 2.672 2.669 2.666 2.663 2.660 2.598 2.536 2.514 2.491 2.468 2.445 2.344 2.242 2.272 2.302 2.333 2.363 2.403 2.444 2.485 2.525 95 Case 4, Run 2 - Predicted concentration profiles o f toluene, oxygen, and intermediates (Figure 34) and X % X+", and X cells (Figure 35) at day 50. Section 1 X++ 0.07471 0.07472 0.07473 0.07473 0.07470 0.07464 0.07453 0.07438 0.07419 0.07410 Volume fraction of cells X+0.00505 0.00504 0.00502 0.00501 0.00502 0.00506 0.00514 0.00526 0.00543 0.00550 X0.00024 0.00024 0.00025 0.00026 0.00028 0.00030 0.00033 0.00036 0.00039 0.00040 Toluene [g/m3] 3.045 3.045 3.116 3.260 3.477 3.771 4.144 4.599 5.141 5.456 Oxygen [g/m3] 4.292 4.292 4.349 4.463 4.634 4.865 5.157 5.510 5.928 6.169 X++ 0.07472 0.07472 0.07472 0.07471 0.07471 0.07470 0.07469 0.07468 0.07466 0.07466 Volume fraction of cells X+0.00499 0.00499 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00501 0.00501 0.00502 0.00503 0.00504 X0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00030 0.00030 0.00031 0.00031 Toluene [g/m3] 3.648 3.648 3.657 3.676 3.704 3.742 3.789 3.846 3.912 3.950 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.375 6.375 6.382 6.397 6.419 6.448 6.484 6.527 6.578 6.607 X++ 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 0.07470 Volume fraction of cells X+0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00501 X0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 Toluene [g/m3] 3.741 3.741 3.742 3.742 3.744 3.745 3.748 3.750 3.753 3.755 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.786 6.786 6.786 6.787 6.788 6.789 6.791 6.793 6.795 6.796 X++ 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 0.07471 Volume fraction of cells X+0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 0.00500 X0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 0.00029 Toluene [g/m3] 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.725 3.726 3.726 Oxygen [g/m3] 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 6.842 Z [m] 0 7.86E-06 2.36E-05 3.93E-05 5.50E-05 7.08E-05 8.65E-05 1.02E-04 1.18E-04 1.26E-04 Section 2 Z [m] 0 2.73E-06 8.18E-06 1.36E-05 1.91 E-05 2.45E-05 3.00E-05 3.54E-05 4.09E-05 4.36E-05 Section 3 Z [m] 0 5.80E-07 1.74E-06 2.90E-06 4.06E-06 5.22E-06 6.38E-06 7.54E-06 8.70E-06 9.28E-06 Section 4 Z [m] 0 6.58E-08 1.97E-07 3.29E-07 4.61 E-07 5.92E-07 7.24E-07 8.55E-07 9.87E-07 1.05E-06 96 APPENDIX C Aquasim data files APPENDIX C .I - AQUASIM data file for Case I Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: ***************************************************************** AQUASIM Version 1.0b - Listing of System Definition ***************************************************************** CASE I - Washington State University porous media column biofilm detachment experiments Date and time of listing: 07/07/1995 08:51:52 A in: ***************************************************************** Variables ***************************************************************** A: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Concentration of acetate Dyn. Volume State Va r . gC/m3 le-006 le-006 ade: Description: Detachment velocity coefficient Real List Variable Type: Unit: t Argument: Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 Ab s . Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (3 pairs): 4 0. 3 10 I 21 I AF l : Description: Biofilm surface area - for length = 5.0 cm Type: Constant Variable Unit: m2 Value: 0.59965 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: active Parameter Estimation: inactive AF_end: Description: Biofilm surface area section end A out: Constant Variable m2 2.998 I 0 10 inactive inactive Description: Influent concentration of acetate Type: Real List Variable Unit: gC/m3 Argument: t Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.,: 0 Ab s . Stand. Deviat.,: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (7 pairs): I 24.432 7 21.311 9 20.084 11 20.611 13 21.814 16 20.302 18 21.134 Description: Effluent concentration of acetate Type: Real List Variable Unit: gC/m3 Argument: t Standard Deviations: global Re l . Stand. Deviat. .: 0 A bs. Stand. Deviat..: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (21I pairs): I 25.69 2 25.285 3 17.415 4 21.011 5 19.124 VO 17 18 19 20 21 D A: D_ N: D X: eps: 3.4092 3.5422 3.2335 3.2717 2.6644 Diffusivity of acetate in water Constant Variable Type: m2/d Unit: 0.000107136 Value: Standard Deviation: I 0 Minimum: Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive eps_X_ini: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Description: Diffusivity of nitrate in water (guess) Constant Variable Type: m2/d Unit: 0.00014688 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive f: Diffusivity of cells Constant Variable m2/d 0.0001 I 0 10 inactive inactive Initial porosity of porous media Type: Constant Variable Unit: 0.44 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Description: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Description: kl : Description: Initial volume fraction of cells in biofilm Constant Variable 0.1 I 0 I inactive inactive Ratio of diffusivity in biofilm and in the bulk fluid Constant Variable 0.8 I 0 10 inactive inactive Type: Unit: Expression: Stoichiometric factor g acetate/g nitrate Formula Variable g C-acetate/g N-nitrate 0.88*0.40678/0.2258 Ka: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Attachment coefficient Formula Variable 1/d 80*VB/AF1 K A : Description: half-saturation constant for acetate Formula Variable gC/m3 10*0.40678 Type: Unit: Expression: Description: K_N: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: lambda: Description: Type: half-saturation constant for nitrate Formula Variable gN/m3 1*0.2258 Liquid boundary layer mass transfer resistance coefficient Constant Variable Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: m 5e-006 I 0 10 inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Biofilm thickness Program Variable m Biofilm Thickness LFO: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Initial biofilm thickness Constant Variable m le-009 I 0 le-005 inactive inactive LFexpl: Description: Experimental biofilm thickness Real List Variable LF: Type: ITl Unit: t Argument: global Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 A b s . Stand. Deviat.: I 0 Minimum: Maximum: le-005 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (I pairs): 21 4. 157e-007 Lun: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Axial length of unit Formula Variable m 0.05 muemax: Description: Maximum specific growth rate of cells Constant Variable 1/d Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: 1 .8 I 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: active N: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: N_in: Description: Influent concentration of nitrate Type: Real List Variable Unit: gN/m3 Argument: t Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat. .: 0 Ab s . Stand. Deviat. .: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (7 pairs): I 10.836 7 10.783 9 9.9635 11 10.642 13 10.741 16 10.274 18 10.132 N_out: Description: Concentration of nitrate Dyn. Volume State Var. gN/m3 le-006 le-006 Effluent concentration of nitrate Type: Real List Variable Unit: gN/m3 t Argument: Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat .: 0 Ab s . Stand. Deviat .: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (21 pairs): 1 10.806 2 10.781 3 12.594 4 10.562 5 10.079 Q in: 17 18 19 20 O O O 0 21 0 Volumetric flow rate Description: Real List Variable Type: m3/d Unit: t Argument: global Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat.: A bs. Stand. Deviat.: Minimum: le+009 Maximum: Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (16 pairs): 0.002808 I 0.00288 3 4 0.00288 0.002808 6 7 0.00288 0 I 0 0.002736 0.00288 0.002808 0.00288 0.00288 Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Average density of biomass Constant Variable gC/m3 354000 I 0 500000 inactive inactive t: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Time Program Variable days Time uat: Description: Type: Unit: attachment velocity Program Variable m/d rho X: Attachment Velocity of Biofilm uB: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Mean bulk fluid velocity Formula Variable m/d Qin*Lun/VB ude: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Detachment velocity Program Variable m/d Detachment Velocity of Biofilm udefct: Description: Function for detachment velocity calculcation Formula Variable m/d if uF<0 then 0 else ade*uF endif Type: Unit: Expression: uF: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: uL: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: VB: Description: Velocity of biofilm solid matrix Program Variable m/d Growth Velocity of Biofilm Velocity of the biofilm bulk fluid interface Program Variable m/d Interface Velocity of Biofilm Type: Unit: Reference to: Volume of bulk fluid (including liquid boundary layer) Program Variable m3 Bulk Volume X: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Concentration of biomass Dyn. Volume State Var. gC/m3 le-006 le-006 X_in: Description: Influent concentration of biomass Constant Variable Type: 100 15 17 18 19 20 Reference to: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: X out: Effluent concentration of biomass Real List Variable Type: gC/m3 Unit: t Argument: Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 A b s . Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 le+009 Maximum: Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (10 pairs): 3 0. 0378 5 0. 08673 7 0. 342938 9 I. 163775 11 I. 101825 13 I. 429275 15 0. 995625 17 0. 604013 19 0. 409313 21 0. 241163 Description: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: ***************************************************************** Compartments ***************************************************************** sectionl: Mass yield of biomass per unit mass of nitrate Formula Variable g C- biomass/g N-nitrate 0.15*0.531/0.2258 O O O Distance from substratum Description: Program Variable Type: m Unit: Space Coordinate Z Reference to: ***************************************************************** z: ***************************************************************** Processes ***************************************************************** Production of biomass Description: biomass: Dynamic Process Type: Description: 0.0 cm to 5.0 cm Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Active Variables: A, X, N Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: Qin Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux A : Qin*A_in N : Qin*N_in X : Qin*X_in Particulate Variables: rho X X:Density: Ka Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_A A:Layer Resist.: f *D_A Diffusivity: lambda/D_N N :Layer Resist.: f *D_N Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 7.6199e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: AFl Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) sectionlO: Description: 45.0 cm to 50.0 cm 101 Y N: Rate: muemax*A/(K_A+A)*N/(K_N+N)*X Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient X : I (-1/Y N)*kl gC/m3 0 I 0 10 inactive inactive Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: N :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: section!: O O section2: Description: 5.0 cm to 10.0 cm Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: Active Variables: A, X, N Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N o u t Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: O O O lambda/D_A f *D_A lambda/D_N f*D_N confined 7.6199e-006 rigid udefct AFl O 10 (low resolution) Description: 10.0 cm to 15.0 cm Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Active Variables: A, X, N Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: lambda/D_A Diffusivity: f*D_A N :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_N Diffusivity: f*D_N Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 7.6199e-006 Biofilm Matrix: rigid Detach. Velocity: udefct Film Surface: AFl Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) O O O O section^: Description: Type: 15.0 cm to 20.0 cm Biofilm Reactor Compartment 102 Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: A, X, N Active Variables: biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N o u t X(Biofilm) : eps X ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: rho X X :Density: Ka Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_A A:Layer Resist.: f*D_A Diffusivity: lambda/D_N N :Layer Resist.: f*D_N Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 7.6199e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: AFl Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nurn. of Grid Pts: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: N :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nu m . of Grid Pts: 20.0 cm to 25.0 cm Description: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: A, X, N Active Variables: biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A (Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N o u t Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O lambda/D_A f*D_A lambda/D_N f*D_N confined 7.6199e-006 rigid udefct AFl O 10 (low resolution) sections: Description: 25.0 cm to 30.0 cm Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment A, X, N Active Variables: Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A (Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_ out N (Bulk Volume) : N_ out Inflow: '0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X:Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: 0 Layer Resist.: 0 Diffusivity: 0 Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: lambda/D A Diffusivity: f*D_A N :Layer Resist.: lambda/D N Diffusivity: f*D_N Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 7.6199e-006 Biofilm Matrix: rigid Detach. Velocity: udefct Film Surface: AFl Rate of epsFl: 0 Nurn. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resc section?: Description: Type: Active Variables: O sections: O 30.0 cm to 35.0 cm Biofilm Reactor Compartment A, X, N 103 Active Variables: A, X, N Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_A A:Layer Resist.: f*D_A Diffusivity: lambda/D_N N :Layer Resist.: f*D_N Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 7.6199e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: udefct Film Surface: AFl Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nu m . of Grid Pts: Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: N :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: N u m . of Grid Pts: O O O O O sections: Description: 35.0 cm to 40.0 cm Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: A, X, N Active Variables: Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : e p s X _ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A out N (Bulk Volume) : N_ out "0 Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X:Density: rho X Ka Attach. Coeff.: 0 Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: 0 Diffusivity: 0 lambda/D_A f*D_A lambda/D_N f*D_N confined 7.6199e-006 rigid udefct AFl O 10 (low resolution) Description: 40.0 cm to 45.0 cm Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Active Variables: A, X, N Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A (Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: A:Layer Resist.: lambda/D_A Diffusivity: f*D_A N :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_N f*D_N Diffusivity: Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 7.6199e-006 Biofilm Matrix: rigid Detach. Velocity: udefct Film Surface: AFl Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) ***************************************************************** sections: O O O O 104 biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO A(Biofilm) : A_out N(Biofilm) : N_out X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X A(Bulk Volume) : A_out N (Bulk Volume) : N_out Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: rho X X:Density: Ka Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_A A:Layer Resist.: f*D_A Diffusivity: lambda/D_N N :Layer Resist.: f*D_N Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 7.6199e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: AFl Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Mum. of Grid Pts: IinkStoT: section? Links ***************************************************************** Link from sectionl to Description: linklto2: section2 Advective Link Type: sectionl Compartment In: Outflow Connection In: sections Compartment Out: Inflow Connection Out: Bifurcations: link2to3: sections link4to5: sections IinkStoS: sections Link from section! to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link sections Outflow section! Inflow Description: Link from section! to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link section! Outflow section4 Inflow Description: Link from section4 to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link section4 Outflow sections Inflow Description: Link from sections to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link sections Outflow sections Inflow IinkStoS: sections IinkStolO: sectionlO Link from sections to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link sections Outflow section? Inflow Description: Link from section? to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link section? Outflow sections Inflow Description: Link from sections to Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link sections Outflow sections Inflow Description: Link from sections to Type: Advective Link Compartment In: sections Connection In: Outflow Compartment Out: sectionlO Connection Out: Inflow Bifurcations: ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Definitions of Parameter Estimation Calculations ***************************************************************** Description: fitl: Calculation for parameter estimatio Calculation Number: 0 4 Initial Time: Initial State: given, made consistent active Status: Fit Targets: Data : Variable (Compartment, Zone,Time/Space) 105 link3to4: section4 Description: IinkTtoS: sections Description: Value Value Value Value Value Value Value X out : X (sectionlO,Bulk Volume,I) Plot Definitions Acetate: Description: Influent, effluent concentration of acetate Time Acetate concentration Time (days) Concentration (ppm) ade: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: ade Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: ade Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : ade [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Biomass: Description: Abscissa: Title: [0, sections, Bulk [0,section4,Bulk [0,sections,Bulk [0,sections,Bulk [0,sectionl,Bulk [0,sections,Bulk [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Volume,0] Volume,0] Volume,0] Volume,0] Volume,0] Volume,0] LFAll: Description: Biofilm thickness Abscissa: Time Title: Biofilm thickness Abscissa Label: Time (days) Thickness (m) Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value LFexpl [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] LF [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value Value LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value LF [0,section4,Biofilm,0] LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value Value LF [0,sectionlO,Biofilm,0] LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value Value LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] LF [0,section?,Biofilm,0] Value Value LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value Nitrate: Description: Influent and effluent concentration of nitrate Time Nitrate concentration Time (days) Concentration (ppm) Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] N [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value N_in [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value Value N_out [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value N [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sectionlO,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,section4,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,section?,Bulk Volume,0] Value N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] N [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value Concentration of biomass Time Effluent concentration of biomass Time (days) Concentration (ppm-C) Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : X [0,sectionlO,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X_out [0,sectionlO,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,sectionZ,Bulk Volume,0] X X X X X X X uat: Description: 106 Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] A [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value A_out [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value A_in [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume, 1] Value A [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sectionlO,Bulk Volume,0] Value A (0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,section4,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,section?,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value A [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : : : : : : : Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Ordinate Curves: Type : Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Value Label: Label: Time Uat t [d] m/d Variable [CalcNumfComp.,Zone,Time/Space] uat [0, sectionlO,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sectionl,Biofilm,0] uat [0, section2,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sections,Biofilm,0] uat [0, section4,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sections,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sections,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sections,Biofilm,0] uat [0, section?,Biofilm,0] uat [0, sections,Biofilm,0] ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Calculation Parameters ***************************************************************** Numerical Parameters: Maximum Time Step: I Maximum Integration Order: 5 Number of Codiagonals: 1000 Maximum Number of Steps: 1000 Grid Time Constant: 0 Options: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: 0 4 given, made Step Size: Number of Steps: Fit Method: Max. Number Iterat.: 0.5 34 secant SOO consistent udefct: Time Udefct t [d] m/d [CalcNumlComp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,section4,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,section?,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,section?,Biofilm,0] Description: Abscissa: Time Title: uF Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: m/d Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : uF [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,section4,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0, sections. Biofilm, 0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0, section?,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0, sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0, sections, Biofilm,0] ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Calculated States Calc. Num. 0 Num. States 35 Comments Range of Times: 4 - SI ***************************************************************** 107 uF: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable udefct Value udefct Value udefct Value udefct Value Value udefct udefct Value Value udefct udefct Value udefct Value Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive APPENDIX C .2 - AQUASIM data file for Case 2 01/29/1996 D X: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Diffusivity of cells Constant Variable m2/d 0.0001 I 0 10 inactive inactive eps: Description: Initial porosity of porous media Constant Variable 10:29:47 Variables ade: Detachment velocity coefficient Real List Variable Description: Type: Unit: t Argument: Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: Ab s . Stand. Deviat.: Minimum: 2 Maximum: Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (3 pairs): 0.4 0 1 0 0 I 18 AF: D_G: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: I I Description: Biofilm surface area - for length = 0.5 cm Type: Constant Variable Unit: m2 Value: 0.021 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: active Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Diffusivity of glucose in water Constant Variable m2/d 5.18e-005 I 0 10 eps X ini: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: f: Description: Type: - 0.44 I 0 10 inactive inactive Initial volume fraction of cells in biofilm Constant Variable 0.1 I 0 I inactive inactive Ratio of diffusivity in biofilm and in the bulk fluid Constant Variable 108 Diffusivity of oxygen in water Type: Constant Variable Unit: m2/d Value: 0.000156 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive CASE 2 - Montana State University porous media column biofilm detachment experiments Date and time of listing: Description: D 0: G: G in: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: 0.8 I 0 10 inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Concentration of glucose Dyn. Volume State V ar. gC/m3 le-006 le-006 14 15 16 17 18 Description: kl: Type: Unit: Expression: Stoichiometric factor g acetate/g nitrate Formula Variable g 02/g C-glu 1.1/0.531 Ra: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Attachment coefficient Formula Variable 1/d 0 K G: Description: half-saturation constant for glucose Formula Variable g C-glu/m3 2*0.4 Type: Unit: Expression: K 0: 14 15 16 17 18 2. 65 2. 71 2. 76 2. 56 2. 92 Description: Type: Unit: Argument: Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat.: A b s . Stand. Deviat.: Minimum: Maximum: Effluent concentration of acetate Real List Variable g glucose/m3 t global 0 I 0 le+009 Description: Type: Unit: Expression: lambda: G out: Description: 0.37 0.58 0.37 0.41 0.44 Description: half-saturation constant for oxygen Formula Variable g oxygen/m3 0.2 Liquid boundary layer mass transfer resistance coefficient Type: Constant Variable m Unit: Value: 5e-006 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 109 Influent concentration of glucose Real List Variable Type: g C-glu/m3 Unit: t Argument: global Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 A b s . Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (19 pairs): 0 2. 15 I 2. 32 2 2. 52 3 2. 77 4 2. 37 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (18 pairs): 0.75 0 I 0.28 2 0.52 3 0.21 0.56 4 LF: LFO: LFexpl: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Biofilm thickness Program Variable m Biofilm Thickness Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Initial biofilm thickness Constant Variable m le-006 I 0 le-005 inactive inactive Axial length of unit Formula Variable m 0.05 Description: Type: Unit: Expression: muemax: Maximum specific growth rate of cells Constant Variable Type: 1/d Unit: 9 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: active O: O in: Influent concentration of oxygen Type: Constant Variable Unit: g oxygen/m3 7 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 0 out: Description: Effluent concentration of oxygen Type: Constant Variable Unit: gO/m3 Value: I Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Qin: Description: Volumetric flow rate Type: Real List Variable Unit: m3/d Argument: t Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 Abs. Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (28 pairs): 0 0. 00288 I 0. 003618 2 0. 003456 3 0. 003168 4 0. 002592 Description: Lun: Description: Description: Type: Unit: Concentration of oxygen Dyn. Volume State Var. gN/m3 le-006 le-006 Description: 15.01 16 16.01 17 18 0. 00288 0. 002304 0. 00288 0. 00288 0. 002304 no Experimental biofilm thickness Real List Variable Type: m Unit: t Argument: Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 A b s . Stand. Deviat.: I 0 Minimum: le-005 Maximum: Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (I pairs): 21 4. 157e-007 Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Average density of biomass Constant Variable gC/m3 25000 I 0 500000 inactive inactive t: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Time Program Variable days Time uat: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: attachment velocity Program Variable m/d Attachment Velocity of Biofilm uB: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Mean bulk fluid velocity Formula Variable m/d Qin*Lun/VB ude: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Detachment velocity Program Variable m/d Detachment Velocity of Biofilm Description: Function for detachment velocity calculcation Formula Variable m/d if uF<0 then 0 else ade*uF udefct: Type: Unit: Expression: endif uF: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: uL: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Velocity of biofilm solid matrix Program Variable m/d Growth Velocity of Biofilm Velocity of the biofilm bulk fluid interface Program Variable m/d Interface Velocity of Biofilm VB: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Volume of bulk fluid (including liquid boundary layer) Program Variable m3 Bulk Volume X: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Concentration of biomass Dyn. Volume State V ar. gC/m3 le-006 le-006 X in: Description: Influent concentration of biomass Type: Constant Variable Unit: g biomass/m3 Value: 0 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive X out: Description: Effluent concentration of biomass Real List Variable g biomass/m3 t global Type: Unit: Argument: Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat.: A b s . Stand. Deviat.: Minimum: Maximum: le+009 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (18 pairs): 0.321 3.85 2 3.011 0.542 3 4 0.643 0 I 0 0 1 14 15 16 17 1.529 1.651 1.811 2.947 111 Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: rho X: 18 Y_G: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Y_0: z: Mass yield of biomass per unit mass of glucose Formula Variable g C-biomass / g C-glu 0.5*0.531/0.4 Type: Unit: Expression: Mass yield of biomass per unit mass of oxygen Formula Variable g C-biomass / g C-glu 0.5*0.531 Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Distance from substratum Program Variable m Space Coordinate Z Description: Inflow: Qin Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux G : Qin*G_in 0 : Qin*0_in X : Qin*X_in Particulate Variables: rho X X:Density: Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_G G :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: f*D_G 0:Layer Resist.: lambda/D_0 f*D_0 Diffusivity: Reactor Type: confined 6e-007 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: AF Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nu m . of Grid Pts: 4.03 0 0 0 ***************************************************************** 0 Processes ***************************************************************** Production of biomass Description: Dynamic Process Type: muemax*G/(K G+G)*0/(K 0+0)*X Rate: Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient X : I G : -1/Y_G O : -kl/Y G Compartments ***************************************************************** 0.0 cm to 0.5 cm Description: sectionl: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: G, X, 0 Active Variables: biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(BiOfilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X G (Bulk Volume) : G_in 0(Bulk Volume) : 0_in section2: Description: 0.5 cm to 1.0 cm Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Active Variables: G, X, 0 Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X G (Bulk Volume) : G i n 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_G G :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: f*D_G lambda/D_0 0:Layer Resist.: f*D 0 Diffusivity: 0 0 0 112 biomass: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: section!: O 10 (low resolution) O 1.5 cm to 2.0 cm Description: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: Active Variables: G, X, 0 Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0 in 0 0 0 O sections: 2.0 cm to 2.5 cm Description: Type: Biofilm Reactor Compartment G, X, 0 Active Variables: Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X G (Bulk Volume) : G_in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_G G :Layer Resist.: f*D_G Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 0:Layer Resist.: f*D_0 Diffusivity: Reactor Type: confined O O O 113 1.0 cm to 1.5 cm Description: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: G, X, 0 Active Variables: biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(BiOfilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X G (Bulk Volume) : G_in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: rho X X:Density: Attach. Coeff.: Ra Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_G G:Layer Resist.: f*D_G Diffusivity: O :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_0 f*D_0 Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 6e-007 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: udefct AF Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nurn. of Grid Pts: O O O section4: X(Biofilm) : eps_X_inr*rho_X G (Bulk Volume) : G_in 0(Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: rho X X:Density: Ka Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: G :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_G f*D_G Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 0:Layer Resist.: f*D_0 Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 6e-007 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: AF Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) confined 6e-007 rigid udefct AF Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nurn. of Grid Pts: sections: O O 10 (low resolution) 3.5 cm to 4.5 cm Description: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: G, X, O Active Variables: Active Processes: biomass Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X O O O O 114 2.5 cm to 3.5 cm Description: Biofilm Reactor Compartment Type: G, X, 0 Active Variables: biomass Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LFO G(Biofilm) : G_in O(Biofilm) : 0_in X(Biofilm) : eps_X_ini*rho_X G(Bulk Volume) : G_in O (Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X :Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_G G :Layer Resist.: f*D_G Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 O '.Layer Resist. : f*D_0 Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 1.2 e-0 0 6 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: udefct 2* AF Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nurn. of Grid Pts: O section?: G (Bulk Volume) : G_in O (Bulk Volume) : 0_in Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables X:Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: Ka Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: G :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_G Diffusivity: f*D_G O :Layer Resist.: lambda/D_0 Diffusivity: f*D_0 Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 1 .2e-006 Biofilm Matrix: rigid Detach. Velocity: udefct 2*AF Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Hum. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) 6e-007 rigid udefct AF Links linklto2: Description: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: link2to3: Description: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: link3to4: Description: Type: Compartment In: Link from sectionl to section2 Advective Link sectionl Outflow section2 Inflow Link from sections to sections Advective Link sections Outflow sections Inflow Link from sections to section^ Advective Link section^ link4to5: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Outflow section4 Inflow Description: Link from section4 to sections Advective Link section4 Outflow sections Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: IinkStoS: Description: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: IinkStoT: Description: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: ade Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: ade Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : ade [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Biomass: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] X [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value Value : X [0,sectionZ,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,section!,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,section4,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X [0,section?,Bulk Volume,0] Value : X out [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Link from sections to sections Advective Link sections Outflow sections Inflow Link from sections to section? Advective Link sections Outflow section? Inflow Glucose: Description: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: Status: Fit Targets: Calculation for parameter estimation 0 4 given, made consistent inactive LFAll: Plot Definitions Description: Influent, effluent concentration of glucose Time Glucose concentration Time (days) Concentration (ppm) Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : G_out [0,section4,Bulk Volume,1] Value : G_in [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,1] Value : G [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,section!,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,section!,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,section!,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,section4,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : G [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Definitions of Parameter Estimation Calculations fitl: Concentration of biomass Time Effluent concentration of biomass Time (days) Concentration (ppm-C) Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Biofilm thickness Time Biofilm thickness Time (days) Thickness (m) 115 Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: ade: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : udefct Value : udefct Value : udefct Value : udefct Value : udefct Value : udefct Value : udefct Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : LF [0,sectionl,Biofilm, 0] Value : LF [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,section4,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,section?,Biofilm,0] Oxygen: Description: Influent and effluent concentration of oxygen Time Oxygen concentration Time (days) Concentration (ppm) Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] O [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Value O [0, sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value Value : O [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : O [0, section4,Bulk Volume,0] Value : O [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : O [0,sections,Bulk Volume,0] Value : O [0,section?,Bulk Volume,0] uat: udefct: Flow rate Description: Time Abscissa: Flow rate Title: Abscissa Label: Time [d] Flow rate [m3/day] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : Qin [0,sectionl,Bulk Volume,0] Description: Abscissa: Time Title: Uat Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: m/d Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : uat [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,section4,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uat [0,section?,Biofilm,0] Description: [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,section4,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,sections,Biofilm,0] [0,section?,Biofilm,0] uF: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: uF Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: m/d Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : uF [0,sectionl,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,section4,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections, Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,sections,Biofilm,0] Value : uF [0,section?,Biofilm,0] ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Calculation Parameters ***************************************************************** Numerical Parameters: Maximum Int. Step Size: I Maximum Integrat. Order: 5 Number of Codiagonals: 1000 Maximum Number of Steps: 1000 Grid Time Constant: 0 Options: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: 0 0 given, made consistent Step Size: 0.5 Number of Steps: 36 Fit Method: secant Max. Number of Iterat.: S00 ***************************************************************** 116 Q: Time Udefct t [d] m/d Calculated States Calc. Nu m . 0 Num. States 37 Comments Range of Times: 0 117 Parameter Estimation: inactive APPENDIX C.3 - AQUASIM data file for Case 3 AQUASIM Version I.O e - Listing of System Definition convtol: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: CASE 3 - Flat plate vapor phase bioreactor experiment Date and time of listing: 03/12/1996 14:09:52 Variables A: ade: b X: Biofilm surface area Constant Variable m2 0.002222222 0.000111 0.002 0.003 inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Detachment coefficient Constant Variable Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Gas-liquid interface area Constant Variable m2 0.002222222 0.000111 0.002 0.003 inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Endogenous rate coefficient Constant Variable 1/d 0.65 0.2 0 3 inactive 0.1 I 0 10 inactive inactive Conversion factor: ppm toluene in air -> to g toluene/m3 air Constant Variable 0.00316 I 0 10 inactive inactive D I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: diffusivity of intermediates Constant Variable m2/d 7e-005 I 0 10 inactive inactive DO: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusivity of oxygen in water Formula Variable m"2/d 0.000216 D Oa: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusion of oxygen in air Formula Variable mA2/d 1.5379 D_T: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusivity of toluene in water Formula Variable m A2/d 6.89e-005 D Ta: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusion of toluene in air Formula Variable m A2/d 0.72 D X : Description: Diffusivity of biomass in water Formula Variable m A2/d Type: Unit: 118 Agl: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Description: Expression: d_X: eps X n : eps Xn ini: Death rate coefficient for cells Constant Variable Type: 1/d Unit: 0.1 Value: Standard Deviation: 0.1 0 Minimum: I Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable Description: Initial volume fraction of Xn cells Formula Variable 0.025 Type: Unit: Expression: eps Xpn ini: Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable Description: Initial volume fraction of Xpn cells Formula Variable 0.025 eps X pp: eps_Xpp_ini: Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable Description: Initial volume fraction of Xpp cells Formula Variable 0.03 Type: Unit: Expression: f: Description: Type: Unit: fraction of death and decay converted to intermediates Constant Variable 0.2 I 0 10 inactive inactive Description: fraction of toluene not completely metabolized (-> intermediates) Type: Constant Variable Unit: Value: 0.2 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive H_0: Description: Henry's law coeff. for oxygen Type: Constant Variable Unit: (g02/mA3 air)/ (g02/mA3 water) 43 Value: Standard Deviation: 3 10 Minimum: Maximum: 100 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive H_T: Description: Xpp/rho_X biofilm diffusivity / bulk liquid diffusivity Constant Variable - Description: f_toluene: Xpn/rho_X Description: Type: Unit: Expression: 0.8 I 0 10 inactive inactive Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Xn/rho_X Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Type: Unit: Expression: f_cells: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Henry's law coeff. for toluene Constant Variable (g toluene/mA3 air)/ (g toluene/mA3) water) 0.19 0.03 119 eps X p n : 0.0001 Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: 0.1 0.7 active inactive I: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Intermediates Dyn. Volume State Va r . g/m3 le-006 le-006 KS I: half sat. const, for intermediates Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 2 Value: Standard Deviation: I 0 Minimum: 10 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive KS_0: K CL: K_I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Inhibition constant Constant Variable g/m3 42.78 5 0 100 inactive inactive K INJ: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Rate of injury Constant Variable 1/day 0.03391615 0.01 0 0.2 inactive inactive lambda: Description: Boundary layer thickness (liquid-biofilm boundary) Type: Constant Variable m Unit: Value: 2.5e-005 Standard Deviation: 5e-006 Minimum: 5e-006 Maximum: 0.0001 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive lambda_gl: Description: Description: half-sat. constant for oxygen Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 0.025 Value: Standard Deviation: 0.005 0 Minimum: I Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: half-sat. constant for toluene Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 3.98 Value: Standard Deviation: I 0 Minimum: 10 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Rate of genetic loss Constant Variable I/day 0.00327709 0.001 0 Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: LF: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Boundary layer thickness (gas-liquid boundary) Constant Variable Itl le-005 5e-006 le-006 5e-005 inactive inactive Biofilm thickness Program Variable m Biofilm Thickness 120 KS T : Maximum: 0.1 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 0_gas_in: LF_ini: LF max: mu m a x : mu_max_I: 0: Initial biofilm thickness Formula Variable m 5e-005 Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Maximum biofilm thickness Formula Variable m 0.001 Maximum specific growth rate of cells Constant Variable Type: 1/d Unit: 10.08 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 5 20 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Type: Unit: Expression: 0_use: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Concentration of oxygen in influent gas Formula Variable g 02/m3 air 298.4 Calculated Utilization of Oxygen Formula Variable g/day Q_gas_in*(0_gas_in-0) Description: max specific growth rate on intermediates Constant Variable Type: 1/d Unit: 5 Value: Standard Deviation: I 0 Minimum: 10 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 0_wat_in: Type: Unit: Expression: qex_0: qex_T: Oxygen concentration Dyn. Volume State Var. g/m3 0.0001 0.0001 Description: Concentration of oxygen in influent water Formula Variable g 02/m3 water 7 Exchange coeff. for O (gas to liquid) Formula Variable m A3/d Agl*D_Oa/lambda gl Type: Unit: Expression: Exchange coeff. of T (gas to liquid) Formula Variable m A3/d Agl*D_Ta/lambda gl Q gas in: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Flow rate of gas Formula Variable m3/d 0.072 Q wat in: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Flow rate of water Formula Variable m3/d 0.00144 rho X: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Biomass density Constant Variable g/mA3 50000 5000 25000 100000 active inactive Description: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Description: Growth-decay rate for Xn cells Constant Variable Type: I/day Unit: 0.02550408 Value: Standard Deviation: 0.01 0 Minimum: 0.1 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: 121 mu net: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: T: Description: Type: Onit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Toluene concentration Dyn. Volume State Var. g/m.3 0.0001 0.0001 Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Time Program Variable d Time Description: Toluene gas concentration in bottom Formula Variable g toluene/m3 air T_gas_in_exp*conv_tol Type: Unit: Expression: T use: t: T qas in: Type: Unit: Expression: T qas ini: T qas in exp: Concentration of toluene in gas (bottom of column) Constant Variable Type: ppm Unit: 152 Value: Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 1000 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Type: Unit: Expression: T qas out exp: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: T_ppm: Description: Toluene concentration in the top of the column Formula Variable g toluene/m3 air T gas out exp*conv tol Constant Variable ppm 20 I 0 1000 inactive inactive Calculated ppm toluene in Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Formula Variable mg toluene/kg water T_gas_in/H_T udefct: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: uF: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Program Variable m/d Growth Velocity of Biofilm Xn: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Xn cells Dyn. Volume State Var. g/m3 le-006 le-006 Xpn: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Xpn cells Dyn. Volume State Var. g/m3 le-006 le-006 Xpp: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Xpp cells Dyn. Volume State Var. g cellZm^3 0.0001 0.01 Y_I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Yield of Xn on intermediates Constant Variable Formula Variable mg toluene/kg air T_gas_in Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Calculated utilization of toluene Formula Variable g/day Q_gas_in*(T_gas_in-T) Detachment velocity function Formula Variable m/d if uF>0 then ade*uF else 0 endif g/g 0.5 I 122 T qas out: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: T wat_ini: Description: vapor Formula Variable ppm T/conv_tol 0 10 inactive inactive Y 0: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Yield of biomass on oxygen Constant Variable g biomass / g oxygen 0.55 0.2 0 2 inactive inactive Y Ob: Yield of biomass on oxygen for endogenous decay Constant Variable Type: g biomass/g oxygen Unit: 0.55 Value: 0.2 Standard Deviation: 0 Minimum: Maximum: 2 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Y T: z: Description: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Yield of biomass on toluene Constant Variable g biomass/g toluene 0.86 0.2 0 2 inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Program Variable m Space Coordinate Z Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpn : -Xpn Xn : -Xn I : f cells EdecayAll: Description: Endogenous decay Type: Dynamic Process Rate: b_X*0/(KS_0+0) Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient 0 : - (Xpp+Xn)/Y_Ob Xpp : -Xpp Xn : -Xn 1 : f_cells*(Xpp+Xn) GenLoss: Description: Type: Rate: Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : -I Xn : I Growth: Description: Growth/utilization process Type: Dynamic Process Rate: mu_max*T/(KS_T+T+T*T/K_I)*0/(KS_0+0)‘Xpp Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : I T : -1/Y_T 0 : -1/Y_0 1 : f_toluene/Y_T Injury: Description: Rate of injury (Xpp to Xpn) Type: Dynamic Process Rate: K_lNJ*T*Xpp Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : -I Xpn : I Xn_growth: intermediates Description: ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Processes ***************************************************************** Death: Description: Type: Rate: Stoichiometry: Death of Xpn cells Dynamic Process d X Rate of genetic loss (Xpp to Xn ) Dynamic Process K_GL*T*Xpp Growth of Xn cells on Type: Dynamic Process Rate: mu_max_I*I*(KS_I+I)*0/(KS_0+0)*Xn Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xn : I 0 : -1/Y 0 123 Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T_gas_in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0_gas_in 0 Inflow: Input Fluxes: Volume: 8e-005 I : -1/Y I Compartments ***************************************************************** gasl: gas2: gas4: gas5: Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment T, 0 Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T_gas_in O (Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Be-OOS Volume: gas6: Bottom gas volume Description: Mixed Reactor Compartment Type: T, 0 Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in 0(Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Volume: 8e-005 Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment T, O Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Volume: Se-OOS gas7: Description: Bottom gas volume Mixed Reactor Compartment Type: T, O Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: 8e-005 Volume: Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment Active Variables: T, O Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in OtBulk Volume) : O gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Volume: Se-OOS gas8: Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment Active Variables: T, O Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom gas volume Mixed Reactor Compartment T, O 124 gas3: Bottom gas volume Description: Mixed Reactor Compartment Type: T, 0 Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in 0(Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Q_gas_in Inflow: Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux T : Q_gas_in*T_gas_in 0 : Q gas in*0 gas in 8e-005 Volume: T (Bulk Volume) O (Bulk Volume) Inflow: Input Fluxes: Volume: gas9: watl: : T_gas_in : 0_gas_in 0 8e-005 Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment Active Variables: T, O Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T_gas_in O (Bulk Volume) : 0_gas_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Volume: 8e-005 Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn , I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death O Description: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xngrowth, Death Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_I f*D_I confined 8.888889e-006 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini OlBulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : O wat in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: X pp: Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xp n : 125 Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xp p : Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xpn: Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O wat2: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: O :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: I:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Hum. of Grid Pts: rho_X O O O O Description: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_T f*D_I confined 8.888889e-006 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xpp: Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: O wat4: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xpn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: 0:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Hum. of Grid Pts: O O O Description: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T , 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_I f*D_I confined 8.888889e-006 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: 126 wat3: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist. : Diffusivity: 0:Layer Resist. : Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Hum. of Grid Pts: wat5: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_I f*D_I confined 8.888889e-006 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn , I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xp p : Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xpn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: O :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nu m . of Grid Pts: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: O rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_I f*D_I confined 8.888889e-006 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T , 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X 127 Particulate Variables: Xpp: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xp n : Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: 0:Layer Resist. : Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: N u m . of Grid Pts: wat7: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn , I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition wat8: Description: Type: Active Variables: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I 128 LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T wat ini O (Bulk Volume) : O wat in O(Biofilm) : O wat in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xp p : Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xp n : Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xn: Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: lambda/D T Diffusivity: f*D T O :Layer Resist.: lambda/D O Diffusivity: f*D O I :Layer Resist.: lambda/D I Diffusivity: f*D I Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 8.888889e-006 Biofilm Matrix: rigid Detach. Velocity: udefct Film Surface: A Rate of epsFl: O Hum. of Grid Pts: 10 (low resolution) T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xpp: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xp n : rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xn: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_T T :Layer Resist.: f*D_T Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 0:Layer Resist.: f*D_0 Diffusivity: lambda/D_I I :Layer Resist.: f*D_I Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 8.888889e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: A Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Hum. of Grid Pts: Active Processes: EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I EdecayAll, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini OIBulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: Q_wat_in Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux O : Q_wat_in*0_wat_in Particulate Variables: Xp p : Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xpn: Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Xn: Density: rho X Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: lambda/D T f*D_T Diffusivity: 0:Layer Resist.: lambda/D O Diffusivity: f*D_0 lambda/D I I:Layer Resist. : Diffusivity: f*D_I Reactor Type: confined Reactor Volume: 8.888889e-006 129 Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini OfBulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O O Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xpp: rho X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xpn: rho X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: O O Diffusivity: Xn: rho X Density: Attach. Coeff.: O O Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D T T :Layer Resist.: f*D T Diffusivity: lambda/D O O :Layer Resist.: f*D O Diffusivity: lambda/D I I :Layer Resist.: f*D I Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 8.888889e-006 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: udefct A Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resoli Num. of Grid Pts: wat9: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: N u m . of Grid Pts: rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) diffS: Diffusive Link Type: Compartment I : gas5 Bulk Volume Connection I: wat5 Compartment 2: Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff. Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T Links Diffusive Link Type: gasl Compartment I: Bulk Volume Connection I: watl Compartment 2: Bulk Volume Connection 2: Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diffS: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I : gas6 Connection I : Bulk Volume Compartment 2: wat6 Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diff2: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I: gas2 Connection I: Bulk Volume Compartment 2: wat2 Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, I / H O T : qex_T, I/H T diff7: Diffusive Link Type: gasV Compartment I : Bulk Volume Connection I: wat7 Compartment 2: Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diffl: Diffusive Link Type: gasl Compartment I : Bulk Volume Connection I: watl Compartment 2: Bulk Volume Connection 2: Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diffS: Diffusive Link Type: gas8 Compartment I : Bulk Volume Connection I: wat8 Compartment 2: Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diff4: Diffusive Link Type: gas4 Compartment I : Bulk Volume Connection I : wat4 Compartment 2: Bulk Volume Connection 2: Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex 0, 1/H_0 diffS: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I: gasS Connection I: Bulk Volume Compartment 2: watS Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T 130 diffl: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gasl Outflow gas2 Inflow gas2: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas2 Outflow gas3 Inflow gas3: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas3 Outflow gas4 Inflow gas4: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Ou t : Connection Ou t : Bifurcations: Advective Link gas4 Outflow gas5 Inflow gas5: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Ou t : Bifurcations: Advective Link gas5 Outflow gas 6 Inflow gas 6: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Ou t : Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas6 Outflow gas? Inflow gas7: Type: Compartment In : Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas7 Outflow gas8 Inflow gas8: Type: Compartment In : Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas8 Outflow gas9 Inflow wat2: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat2 Outflow watl Inflow wat3: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat3 Outflow wat2 Inflow wat4: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat4 Outflow wat3 Inflow wat5: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat5 Outflow wat4 Inflow wat6: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat6 Outflow wat5 Inflow wat7: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat7 Outflow wat6 Inflow wat8: Type: Advective Link 131 gasl: wat9: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: wat8 Outflow wat7 Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment O u t : Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat9 Outflow wat8 Inflow Value : eps_Xpn [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : e p s X n [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] epsWatS 50: epsWatS 50: Definitions of Sensitivity Analysis Calculations sensl: 0 0 given, made consistent I 50 active Ifilm 50: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn Description: Abscissa: Title: Space eps WatS @ day 50 z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp. ,Zone,Time/Space] [0,wat5,Biofilm,50] [0,wat5,Biofilm,50] [0,wat5,Biofilm, 50] Space eps WatS @ day 50 z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp. ,Zone,Time/Space] [0,wat8,Biofilm,50] [0,wat8,Biofilm,50] [0,wat8,Biofilm,50] Space Intermediate cone, in biofilm @ day 50 Abscissa Label: z [m] Ordinate Label: O [g/m3] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp. ,Zone,Time/Space] Value : I [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : I [0, wat5,Biofilm,50] Value : I [0,wat8,Biofilm,50] Plot Definitions epsWatl_50: epsWat2_50: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps_Xpp Value : eps_Xpn Value : e p s X n Space eps Watl @ day 50 (S.S) z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,watl, Biofilm, 50] [0,watl, Biofilm, 50] [O.watl,Biofilm,50] Description: Space Abscissa: eps Wat2 @ day 50 Title: z [m] Abscissa Label: eps Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : eps_Xpp [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] LF: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: Thickness Abscissa Label: t [d] Lf [m] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : LF [0,watl,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,wat9,Biofilm,0] Value : i LF [0,wat5,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,wat2,Biofilm, 50] 132 Description: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: Step Size: Nurn. Steps: Status: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn Ofilm 50: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : O [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : O [0,wat5,Biofilm,50] Value : O [0,wat8,Biofilm,50] Ovapor: Tfilm 50: Description: Time Abscissa: Oxygen in vapor phase Title: t [days] Abscissa Label: Toluene [ppm] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : O [0,gas2,Bulk Volume,30] Value : O [0,gas5,Bulk Volume,30] Value : O gas in [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,30] Value : O [0,gas8,Bulk Volume,30] Value : O [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,30] Description: Time Abscissa: Sensitivity plot Title: t [d] Abscissa Label: d T_use Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] SensRelRel : T_use(H_T) [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,0] SensRelRel : T_use(rho_X) [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,0] SensAbsRel : T_use(H_T) [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,0] SensAbsRel : T_use(rho_X) [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,0] Description: Abscissa: Title: Space Toluene cone, in biofilm 6 day 50 z [m] T [g/m3] Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value :: T [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : T [0,wat5,Biofilm,50] Value : T [0,wat8,Biofilm, 50] Tuse: Description: Tvapor: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: Toluene in vapor phase Abscissa Label: t [days] Ordinate Label: Toluene [ppm] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T_ppm [0,gas2,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T_ppm [0,gas5,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T_gas_in_exp [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T_ppm [0,gas8,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T_ppm [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,30] Description: Space Abscissa: Title: Toluene cone, in water Abscissa Label: z [m] Ordinate Label: T [g/m3] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value [0,wat2,Bulk Volume,30] Value [0,wat9,Bulk Volume,30] Value [0,wat5,Bulk Volume,30] Value [0,wat8,Bulk Volume,30] ***************************************************************** Twater: ***************************************************************** Calculation Parameters Numerical Parameters: Maximum Int. Step Size: I Maximum Integrat. Order: 5 Number of Codiagonals: 1000 Maximum Number of Steps: 1000 Grid Time Constant: 0 Options: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: Step Size: Number of Steps: 0 0 given, made consistent I 50 133 sensitivity: Abscissa: Time Title: Degradation of toluene Abscissa Label: t [day] Ordinate Label: g tol/day Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T_use [0,gas9,Bulk Volume,0] Space Oxygen cone, in biofilm @ day 50 z [m] O [g/m3] Fit Method: Ma x . Number of Iterat.: simplex 200 ***************************************************************** Calculated States ***************************************************************** Calc. Nurn. 0 Nurn. States 51 Comments Range of Times: 0 - 5 0 ***************************************************************** 134 Parameter Estimation: inactive APPENDIX C .4 - AQUASIM data file for Case 4 AQUASIM Version I.Oe - Listing of System Definition conv_tol: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: CASE 4 - Bench scale vapor phase bioreactor experiment Date and time of listing: 04/27/1996 16:09:06 Variables A: ade: b X: Biofilm surface area Constant Variable m2 0.65 Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Detachment coefficient Constant Variable Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Gas-liquid interface area Constant Variable m2 0.65 0.1 0.4 I inactive inactive Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Endogenous rate coefficient Constant Variable 1/d 0.65 0.2 0 3 inactive - 0.00316 I 0 10 inactive inactive D I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: diffusivity of intermediates Constant Variable m2/d 7e-005 I 0 10 inactive inactive D 0: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusivity of oxygen in water Formula Variable m A2/d 0.000216 D Oa: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusion of oxygen in air Formula Variable m A2/d 1.5379 D T: water Description: Diffusivity of toluene in Type: Unit: Expression: Formula Variable m A2/d 6.89e-005 D Ta: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Diffusion of toluene in air Formula Variable m A2/d 0.72 D_X: Description: Diffusivity of biomass in water Formula Variable m A2/d 0.1 0.4 I inactive inactive 0.2 I 0 10 inactive inactive Conversion factor: ppm toluene in air g toluene/m3 air Constant Variable Type: Unit: 135 Ag l : Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Description: Expression: d_X: eps_Xn: eps_Xn_ini: Death rate coefficient for cells Constant Variable Type: 1/d Unit: 0.1 Value: 0.1 Standard Deviation: 0 Minimum: 5 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable Description: Initial volume fraction of Xn cells Formula Variable Type: Unit: Expression: eps_Xpn_ini: eps_Xpp: eps_Xpp_ini: f: Description: Initial volume fraction of Xpn cell Type: Unit: Expression: Formula Variable Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable Description: Initial volume fraction of Xpp cell s Formula Variable Description: Type: f_toluene: Xpn/rho_X H_0: oxygen Description: Description: - 0.2 I 0 10 inactive inactive fraction of toluene not completely metabolived (-> intermediates) Constant Variable - 0.2 I 0 10 inactive inactive Henry's law coeff. for Constant Variable <g02/mA3 air)/(g02/mA3 water) Value: 43 Standard Deviation: 3 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 100 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Xpp/rho_X biofilm diffusivity / bulk liquid diffusivity Constant Variable fraction of death and decay converted to intermediates Constant Variable Type: Unit: 0.01 0.06 Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: 0.01 Volume fraction of biomass Formula Variable 0.8 I 0 10 inactive inactive Type: Unit: value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Xn/rho_X Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Type: Unit: Expression: f_cells: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: H_T: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Henry's law coeff. for toluene Constant Variable (g toluene/mA3 air) / (g toluene/mA3 water) 0.19 136 eps_Xpn: 0.0001 Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: 0.03 0.1 0.7 active inactive I: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Intermediates Dyn. Volume State Va r . g/m3 le-006 le-006 KSJt: half sat. const, for intermediates Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 2 Value: Standard Deviation: I 0 Minimum: 10 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive KS_0: K CL: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Genetic loss coeff. I Constant Variable 1/d 0.003275 I 0 10 inactive inactive K_GL2: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Genetic loss coeff. 2 Constant Variable 1/d 0.00637 I 0 10 inactive inactive K_I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Inhibition constant Constant Variable g/m3 42.78 5 0 100 inactive inactive K_IN J : Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Rate of injury Formula Variable 1/day if T>2 then K INJ2*(T0.2474) else K_INJ1*T endif K_IN Jl : Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Injury coeff. I Constant Variable 1/d 0.0339 I 0 10 inactive inactive K_INJ2: Description: Type: Unit: Injury coeff. 2 Constant Variable 1/d Description: half-sat. constant for oxygen Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 0.025 Value: 0.005 Standard Deviation: 0 Minimum: I Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: half-sat. constant for toluene Constant Variable Type: g/m3 Unit: 3.98 Value: I Standard Deviation: 0 Minimum: 10 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Description: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Rate of genetic loss Formula Variable 1/day if T>2 then K GL2 * (T0.9674) else K GL1*T endif 137 KS T : K_GL1: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: lambda: lambda_gl: 0.0388 I 0 10 inactive inactive Boundary layer thickness (liquid-biofilm boundary) Constant Variable Type: m Unit: 2.5e-005 Value: 5e-006 Standard Deviation: 5e-006 Minimum: 0.0001 Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: max specific growth rate on intermediates Type: Constant Variable Unit: 1/d Value: 5 Standard Deviation: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 0: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Oxygen concentration Dyn. Volume State Va r . g/m3 0.0001 0.0001 0_gas_in: Description: Concentration of oxygen in influent gas Formula Variable g 02/m3 air 298.4 Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Ouse: LF: LF ini: LF max: mu max: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Biofilm thickness Program Variable m Biofilm Thickness Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Initial biofilm thickness Formula Variable m Se-OOS Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Maximum biofilm thickness Formula Variable m 0.001 Description: Maximum specific growth rate of cells Constant Variable 1/d 10.08 I Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Description: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: 0_wat_in: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: qex_0: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: qex_T: Description: Type: Unit: Calculated Utilization of Oxygen Formula Variable g/day Q_gas_in*(0_gas_in-0) Concentration of oxygen in influent water Formula Variable g 02/m3 water 7 Exchange coeff. for 0 (gas to liquid) Formula Variable m A3/d Agl*D_Oa/lambda gl Exchange coeff. of T (gas to liquid) Formula Variable m A3/d 138 mu_max_I: Description: Boundary layer thickness (gas-liquid boundary) Constant Variable Type: m Unit: le-005 Value: 5e-006 Standard Deviation: le-006 Minimum: Se-OOS Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive 5 20 inactive inactive Agl*D_Ta/lambda_gl Q_gas_i n : Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Flow rate of gas Formula Variable m3/d 1.44 Q_wat_in: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Flow rate of water Formula Variable m3/d 0.00288 rho_X: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Biomass density Constant Variable g/nr3 50000 5000 25000 100000 active inactive T: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Toluene concentration Dyn. Volume State Va r . g/m3 0.0001 0.0001 t: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Time Program Variable d Time T_ 9as_in: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Toluene gas concentration in bottom Formula Variable g toluene/m3 air T gas in_exp*conv_tol Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Formula Variable mg toluene/kg air T_gas_in T_gas_ini: T_gas_in_exp : Description: Type: Unit: Argument: Standard Deviations: Concentration of toluene in gas (bottom of column) Real List Variable ppm t global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: O Abs. Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10000 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (7 pairs): I 150 10 150 147 17 36 149 38 144 51 151 52 152 T gas_mid_exp: Description: Type: Real List Variable Unit: ppm Argument: t Standard Deviations: global Rel. Stand. Deviat.: 0 Ab s . Stand. Deviat.: I Minimum: 0 Maximum: 10000 Interpolation Method: linear interpolation Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Real Data Pairs (5 pairs): 10 38.5 17 41.2 36 31.5 51 29.5 52 32.4 T_gas_°ut : Description: Type: Unit: Expression: T_gas_out_exp: Description: Type: Unit: Argument: Standard Deviations: Rel. Stand. Deviat, .: Ab s . Stand. Deviat, .: Minimum: Maximum: Interpolation Method: Sensitivity Analysis: Toluene concentration in the top of the column Formula Variable g toluene/m3 air T_9as_ out_exP*conv_tol Real List Variable ppm t global 0 I 0 10000 linear interpolation inactive 139 Expression: Real Data Pairs 10 17 36 38 51 52 T_ppm: T use: toluene T_u se_exp: (6 pairs): 29 24.6 20.7 17.2 18.7 17.3 Description: Calculated utilization of Type: Unit: Expression: Formula Variable g/day Q_gas_in*(T_gas_in-T) Description: Calculated utilization of toluene Formula Variable g/day Q_gas_in*(T_gas_inT_gas_out) Type: Unit: Expression: T wat ini: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: Dyn. Volume State Var. g/m3 le-006 le-006 Xpp: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Xpp cells Dyn. Volume State Var. g cell/mA3 0.0001 0.01 Y I: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Yield of Xn on intermediates Constant Variable Y 0: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Estimation: Yield of biomass on oxygen Constant Variable g biomass / g oxygen 0.55 0.2 0 2 inactive inactive Y_0b: Description: Yield of biomass on oxygen for endogenous decay Type: Constant Variable Unit: g biomass/g oxygen Value: 0.55 Standard Deviation: 0.2 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 2 Sensitivity Analysis: inactive Parameter Estimation: inactive Y T: Description: Type: Unit: Value: Standard Deviation: Minimum: Maximum: Sensitivity Analysis: Formula Variable mg toluene/kg water T_gas_in/H_T Detachment velocity function Formula Variable m/d if uF>0 then ade*uF else 0 endif udefct: Description: Type: Unit: Expression: uF: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Program Variable m/d Growth Velocity of Biofilm Xn: Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: Xn cells Dyn. Volume State Va r . g/m3 le-006 le-006 Xpn: Description: Xpn cells g/g 0.5 I 0 10 inactive inactive Yield of biomass on toluene Constant Variable g biomass/g toluene 0.86 0.2 0 2 inactive 140 Type: Unit: Expression: Calculated ppm toluene in vapor Formula Variable ppm T/conv_tol Description: Type: Unit: Relative Accuracy: Absolute Accuracy: I : f_toluene/Y_T Parameter Estimation: inactive z: Description: Type: Unit: Reference to: Injury: Description: Rate of injury (Xpp to Xpn) Type: Dynamic Process Rate: K_lNJ*Xpp Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : -I Xpn : I Xn_growth: Description: Program Variable m Space Coordinate Z ***************************************************************** Processes Death of Xpn cells Description: Dynamic Process Type: d_ X Rate: Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpn : -Xpn Xn : -Xn I : f_cells*(Xpp+Xpn+Xn) Xpp : -Xpp Edecay: Description: Endogenous decay Type: Dynamic Process Rate: b_X*0/(KS_0+0) Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient 0 : -(Xpp+Xn)/Y_Ob Xpp : -Xpp Xn : -Xn 1 : f_cells*(Xpp+Xn) GenLoss: Description: Rate of genetic loss (Xpp to Xn ) Dynamic Process K_GL*Xpp Type: Rate: Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : -I Xn : I Type: Rate: Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xn : I 0 : -1/Y_0 1 : -1/Y I Compartments ***************************************************************** gasl: Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment Active Variables: T, O Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T_gas_in OtBulk Volume) : 0_gas_in Inflow: Q_gas_in Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux T : Q_gas_in*T_gas_in O : Q_gas_in*0_gas_in Volume: 0.000475 gas2: Growth: Description: Type: Rate: Growth/utilization process Dynamic Process mu_max*T/(KS_T+T+T*T/K_I)*0 / (KS_0+0 >*Xpp Stoichiometry: Variable : Stoichiometric Coefficient Xpp : I T : -1/Y_T O : -V Y O Description: Bottom gas volume Type: Mixed Reactor Compartment Active Variables: T, 0 Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T_gas_in 0 (Bulk Volume) : 0_gas_in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: 141 Death: Growth of Xn cells on intermediates Dynamic Process mu_max_I*I/(KS_I+I)*0/(KS_0+0)*Xn Volume: gas 3: gas 4: Bottom gas volume Description: Mixed Reactor Compartment Type: T, O Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in O (Bulk Volume) : O gas in Inflow: O Input Fluxes: 0.000475 Volume: Bottom gas volume Description: Mixed Reactor Compartment Type: T, 0 Active Variables: Active Processes: Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition T (Bulk Volume) : T gas in O (Bulk Volume) : 0 gas in Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: 0.00475 Volume: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T , 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I Edecay, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn growth. Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : 0 I (Biofilm) : 0 Inflow: 0 Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xpp: Density: rho_X Attach. Coeff.: 0 Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xpn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: 0:Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Mum. of Grid Pts: O O O Description: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T , 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I Edecay, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f *D_0 lambda/D_I f *D_I confined 0.00026 rigid udefct A 0 10 (high resolution) Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: O Input Fluxes: 142 watl: 0.000475 wat3: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn , I Edecay, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_ini T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in wat4: Description: Type: Active Variables: Active Processes: O rho_X O O O O rho_X O O O O rhoX O O O O lambda/D_T f*D_T lambda/D_0 f*D_0 lambda/D_I f*D_I confined 0.00026 rigid udefct A O 10 (low resolution) Bottom water volume (surface water film and biofilm) Biofilm Reactor Compartment T, 0, Xpp, Xpn, Xn, I Edecay, GenLoss, Growth, Injury, Xn_growth, Death Initial Conditions: Variable(Zone) : Initial Condition LF(Biofilm) : LF_ini Xn(Biofilm) : eps_Xn_ini*rho_X Xpn(Biofilm) : eps_Xpn_ini*rho_X Xpp(Biofilm) : eps_Xpp_ini*rho_X 143 I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: Input Fluxes: Particulate Variables: Xp p : Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xp n : Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Xn: Density: Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Dissolved Variables: T :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: O :Layer Resist. : Diffusivity: I :Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: Reactor Type: Reactor Volume: Biofilm Matrix: Detach. Velocity: Film Surface: Rate of epsFl: Nu m . of Grid Pts : Particulate Variables: Xpp: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xp n : rhoX Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xn: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: O Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_T T :Layer Resist.: f*D_T Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 0:Layer Resist.: f*D__0 Diffusivity: lambda/D_I I:Layer Resist.: f*D_I Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 0.00026 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: A Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nu m . of Grid Pts: Links ***************************************************************** diffl: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I: gasl Connection I: Bulk Volume Compartment 2: watl Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diff2: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I : gas2 Connection I: Bulk Volume Compartment 2: wat2 Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T diff3: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I: gas3 Connection I: Bulk Volume Compartment 2: wat3 Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/H_T dif f4: Type: Diffusive Link Compartment I: gas4 Connection I : Bulk Volume Compartment 2: wat4 Connection 2: Bulk Volume Exchange Coefficients: Variable : Exch. Coeff., Conv. Fact. I O : qex_0, 1/H_0 T : qex_T, 1/HJT gasl: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gasl Outflow gas2 Inflow gas2: Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Advective Link gas2 Outflow gas3 144 T (Bulk Volume) : T_wat_im T(Biofilm) : T_wat_ini O (Bulk Volume) : 0_wat_in O(Biofilm) : 0_wat_in I (Bulk Volume) : O I (Biofilm) : O Inflow: Q_wat_in Input Fluxes: Variable : Input Flux O : Q_wat_in*0_wat_in Particulate Variables: Xpp: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff. : O Layer Resist.: O Diffusivity: Xpn: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: O Detach. Coeff.: Layer Resist.: O O Diffusivity: Xn: rho_X Density: O Attach. Coeff.: Detach. Coeff.: O O Layer Resist.: Diffusivity: O Dissolved Variables: lambda/D_T T :Layer Resist.: f*D_T Diffusivity: lambda/D_0 O :Layer Resist.: f*D_0 Diffusivity: lambda/D_I I:Layer Resist.: f *D_I Diffusivity: confined Reactor Type: 0.00026 Reactor Volume: rigid Biofilm Matrix: udefct Detach. Velocity: A Film Surface: O Rate of epsFl: 10 (low resolution) Nu m . of Grid Pts: gas3: wat 2 : wat 3 : Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link gas3 Outflow gas4 Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Out: Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat2 Outflow watl Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Ou t : Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat3 Outflow wat2 Inflow Type: Compartment In: Connection In: Compartment Ou t : Connection Out: Bifurcations: Advective Link wat4 Outflow wat3 Inflow Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn epsWatl 50: epsWat2 50: epsWat3 50: Definitions of Sensitivity Analysis Calculations sensl: Description: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: Step Size: Num. Steps: Status: 0 0 given, made consistent I 50 active epsWat4_50: Plot Definitions epsWatl: Description: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable Value : eps Xpp Value : eps Xpn Value : eps_Xn Space eps Watl z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,watl,Biofilm,40] [0,watl, Biofilm,40] [0,watl,Biofilm,40] Space eps Watl 0 day 50 z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,watl,Biofilm,50] [0,watl,Biofilm,50] [0,watl,Biofilm,50] Space eps Wat2 0 day 50 z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] [0,wat2, Biofilm,50] Space eps Wat3 0 day 50 z [m] eps [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] Description: Abscissa: Space Title: eps Wat4 0 day 50 Abscissa Label: z [m] Ordinate Label: eps Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] 145 wat4: Connection Ou t : Bifurcations: Value : eps Xpp [0, wat4, Biofilm,50] Value : eps Xpn [0,wat4,Biofilm,50] Value : eps_Xn [0,wat4,Biofilm,50] !film: Description: Abscissa: Title: Ofilm 50: Description: Abscissa: Title: LR: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: Oxygen in vapor phase Abscissa Label: t [days] Ordinate Label: Toluene [ppm] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : O [0,gas2,Bulk Volume,30] Value : 0_gas_in [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,30] Value : O [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,30] sensitivity: Description: Abscissa: Time Title: Sensitivity plot Abscissa Label: t [d] Ordinate Label: d T use Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone, Time/Space] SensRelRel : T_use(H_T) [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] SensRelRel : T_use(rho_X) [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] SensAbsRel : T_use(H_T) [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] SensAbsRel : T_use(rho_X) [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] Description: Space Abscissa: Injury and GL coefficients Title: t [d] Abscissa Label: coeff. Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : K GL [0,watl,Biofilm,4] Value : K_INJ [O.watl,Biofilm,4] Description: Time Abscissa: Thickness Title: Abscissa Label: t [d] Lf [m] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : LF [0, watI, Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,wat4,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,wat3,Biofilm,0] Value : LF [0,wat2,Biofilm,0] Tfilm: Abscissa: Space Title: Toluene cone. in biofilm Abscissa Label: z [m] Ordinate Label: T [g/m3] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T [0,wat2,Biofilm,4] Tfilm 50: Description: Abscissa: Title: Space Toluene cone, in biofilm @ day 50 146 KGLINJ: Ovapor: Space Intermediates cone, in biofilm @ S . z [m] Abscissa Label: T [g/m3] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : I [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : I [O.watl, Biofilm,50] Value : I [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] Value : I [0,wat4,Biofilm,50] Space Oxygen cone, in biofilm @ day 50 z [m] O [g/m3] Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp., Zone,Time/Space] Value : O [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : O [0,watI,Biofilm,50] Value : O [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] Value : O [0,wat4,Biofilm,50] Space Intermediates cone, in biofilm z [m] T [g/m3] Abscissa Label: Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : I [0,watl,Biofilm,40] Value : I [0,wat4,Biofilm,40] !film 50: Description: Abscissa: Title: Abscissa Label: z [m] Ordinate Label: T [g/m3] Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T [0,wat2,Biofilm,50] Value : T [0,watl,Biofilm,50] Value : T [0,wat3,Biofilm,50] Value : T [0,wat4,Biofilm, 50] Tuse: Tvapor: Description: Time Abscissa: Degradation of toluene Title: t [day] Abscissa Label: g tol/day Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T_use [0,,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] Value : T_use_ex[3 [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,0] Tvaporl: Description: Time Abscissa: Toluene in vapor phase Title: t [days] Abscissa Label: Toluene [ppm] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone, Time/Space] Value :: T_ppm [0 ,gas2,Bulk Volume,14] Value :: T_ppm [0 ,gasl,Bulk Volume,14] Twater: Description: Space Abscissa: Toluene cone, in water Title: z [m] Abscissa Label: T [g/m3] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T [0,wat2,Bulk Volume,4] ***************************************************************** Calculation Parameters ***************************************************************** Numerical Parameters: Maximum Int. Step Size: I Maximum Integrat. Order: 4 Number of Codiagonals: 1000 Maximum Number of Steps: 1000 Grid Time Constant: 0 Options: Calculation Number: Initial Time: Initial State: 0 0 given, made consistent Step Size: I Number of Steps: 54 Fit Method: simplex Max. Number of Iterat.: 200 ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Calculated States ***************************************************************** Calc. N u m . Nurn. States Comments 0 59 Range of Times: 0 - 56.982301 ***************************************************************** 147 Description: Time Abscissa: Toluene in vapor phase Title: t [days] Abscissa Label: Toluene [ppm] Ordinate Label: Curves: Type : Variable [CalcNum,Comp.,Zone,Time/Space] Value : T ppm [0,,gas2,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T gas in exp [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T ppm [0,rgas4,Bulk Volume,30] Value : T gas out exp [0,gas4,Bulk Volume,0] Value : T gas mid exp [0,gasl,Bulk Volume,0] Value : T [0,wat4,Bulk Volume,4] ***************************************************************** MONTANA STATE UNIVERSiTY LIBRARIES 3 1762 10 2 3 8 2 4 3 Z